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5 Signs Social Media Is Turning You Into An Introvert

Communicating with people far away through the internet magic of social media may give you the illusion of having an active social life. Still, there are 5 signs that it could be turning you into an introvert. This article will look at how your online habits contribute to your becoming an introvert instead of having quality real-life social connections.

What Is An Introvert?

An introvert is a personality type, generally a quiet, reserved, and thoughtful individual. They don’t seek special attention or social engagements, as these events can leave introverts exhausted and drained.

Introverts are the opposite of extroverts. Extroverts are often described as the life of the party. They seek out interaction and conversations. They aren’t one to miss a social gathering, and they thrive in the frenzy of a busy environment.

social media7 Signs Reveal That You Might Be an introvert

There are a couple of ways that you can tell if you’re an introvert. Here are seven of the most apparent behavioral signs of introversion.

1 – You enjoy having time to yourself

The best hours of your day are spent indoors, playing video games and reading a good book. There’s nothing wrong with loving your space, and most people own up. Not everyone is super comfortable within social gatherings, even though it isn’t a bad idea to let your hair down every once in a while.

2 – Your best thinking occurs when you’re by yourself.

Group works are cute but have you ever wondered why you seem to work best when left alone? There has to be a reason you’re so good at researching when you’re in your safe space. Plus, there’s nothing wrong with being a soloist, as some of the world’s best brains share such a trait. As such, “having the opportunity to reflect quietly on a problem allows you to make the maximum use of your ability to engage in original thought and to produce results about which you can feel proud.”

3 – You’re content to sit back and let others take center stage.

Your lecturer just asked a question in class, a question that you know the answer to. However, you leave your hand unraised as other people answer and take the shine. There’s nothing wrong with that, nothing weird about that, and it’s pretty standard if you ask me. That’s just you being an introvert and letting more outgoing people have a bite at the cherry. “Extraverts tend to be ready and eager to stand out in any academic or social situation.” On the other hand, you are a more hands-off participator, leaving your grades to do the talking.

4 – You often wear headphones when you’re in a public situation.

What would introverts do without the incredible inventions that are earphones? These tools are necessary for a typical introvert’s dressing, as they hold the keys to avoiding awkwardness. “Whether it’s making your way through a crowded bus station or just navigating a crowded street, if you’re an introvert, you most likely don’t seek a great deal of contact with others.” Gone are when you had to look down and walk briskly across. Now, you must bump your favorite artiste as you navigate a crowded and potentially awkward situation.

5 – You receive more calls, texts, and emails than you make.

Introverts rather text, and if that doesn’t work, they might resort to anonymous letters and messages in a bottle. Just kidding, but it’s a very introverted thing to be getting more calls and texts than you make. Furthermore, it’s pretty likely that if you’re a true introvert, you will avoid jobs in which you have to engage in such outreach, such as becoming a telemarketing representative. However, introverts might take that job to break even, as they are known to be pretty driven individuals. “All other things being equal, people high in introversion don’t reach out voluntarily to their social circles. If they have a few minutes to spare, they won’t initiate a call to pass the time by socializing.”

6 – You don’t initiate small talk with salespeople or others with whom you have casual contact.

Extroverts are a master of flirting, small talk, and keeping people in their immediate environment occupied. On the other hand, the introvert can’t do much to save his life. That’s because conversations aren’t easy to bring up, as they take careful preparation and a lot of deep breaths.

7 – You prefer not to engage with angry or upset people.

A true introvert reads the room, and he or she is unlikely to engage a potentially angry person. Introverts instead keep to themselves, so anything that can keep them from a potential conflict would be readily chosen. Introverts are the opposite of intruders; the last thing on their minds is getting involved with a potentially problematic individual.

Being an introvert does not necessarily make you socially awkward; it just means that you rather stay on your own and make calculated decisions. Introverts are just as productive as extroverts, if not more so. There’s a lot to achieve in minding your own business and taking a step at a time. And that’s the hallmark of a true introvert.



5 Signs Social Media Is Turning You Into An Introvert

Just because you prefer to be at home clicking, posting, commenting, and sharing doesn’t mean you’re an introvert. There are different levels of social introversion, ranging from socially shy to socially avoidant.

Some people use the word ‘antisocial’ to describe social withdrawal, but psychologists use this word to mean that a person acts against society or harms others. In psychology, someone with an antisocial personality disorder is someone with psychological problems like narcissism, sociopathy, or psychopathy.

The amount of social networking site usage varies from person to person. Some people stay connected on and off, checking several social media sites for daily updates. Some people only use one or two social media sites and spend an hour or less daily online.

According to the Pew Research Center, 72% of Americans use Facebook, and 70% of those are on the website daily. Other daily website usages for Americans include 59% for Instagram, 38% for Twitter, 27% on Pinterest, and 22% use LinkedIn daily. says that a 2014 survey of people ages 16-64 showed that we are online through a desktop or laptop computer an average of 4.9 hours per day and 2.5 hours per day on a mobile device.

But how much online social media usage is too much? Will you start to turn you into an introvert, and is that a bad thing?

1. You find it difficult to choose going out over staying in and engaging in social media

It’s not necessarily a bad thing t0 be an introvert, but it could be bad for your health. In our recent article, we talked about how lacking a social support system as an introvert can negatively affect your immune system’s ability to fight off illness.

Excessive use of social media can lead to other negative consequences as well. According to British researchers being online too much can cause ‘a neglect of real-life social connections including the compromising of personal relationships, and a detrimental impact on academic and/or work performance.’

Researchers say that avoiding one opportunity to go out so that you can stay home and enjoy the quiet of your online activities makes you more likely to avoid the next opportunity for hanging out with friends also. This social isolation is particularly concerning for young adults and teens who are just learning about how to have productive social interactions with others.

2. You find more enjoyment from your online activity than you do going out

Researchers in the Journal Developmental Psychology looked at problematic media like violent video games, gambling sites, or the use of pornography online. They say that they could predict that a person who used these types of online activities would become even more socially withdrawn over the course of a year than they were at the beginning of the year.

3. Your social media friends understand you more

If you feel like your online friends are a better support system than your real friends, social media may be turning you into an introvert. This is common, especially for those who have found a specific niche community online that they feel a significant part of.

For example, you could be involved in an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder support group online but are too shy to try to go to an in-person support group. The connections you get online are meaningful to you, which is great, but it’s also keeping you shut in.

4. You feel anxious when you know that you will have to go out in public

In the past, have you typically been anxious when you go out in public, or is this something about yourself that has changed? Social anxiety is common for introverts, so feeling this way is a sign you become an introvert.

You can improve your level of social interaction by practicing relaxation techniques before you go out and while you are around others. For example, deep breathing and controlling fidgeting movements when you feel anxious can help you enjoy talking with people more.

5. You look forward to going on social media

Eventually, you begin to get a sense of pleasure from being an introvert and focusing on social media. Whether you enjoy seeing your friends’ comments, likes, and shares, or you enjoy the online sense of community, the pleasure and reward center of your brain has been activated, and now you’re hooked.

feel betterFinal Thoughts on Knowing the Signs That Social Media Might Be Turning You Into an Introvert

Of course, there is nothing inherently wrong with introversion as a personality type. Introverts are reliable, thoughtful people who foster healthy relationships. But if you are bordering on becoming anti-social, perhaps you can find ways to break away from your inner thoughts. Step away from social media and get out with real-life friends more often.

12 Things To Never Say “I’m Sorry” For

Today’s world appears to have more people criticizing others than ever, with some people actually spending the majority of their time critiquing how others live. However, you don’t have to give away your power to others by saying you’re sorry. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your lifestyle, your choices, or who you choose to spend time with.

At the end of the day, if you feel happy and love the life you live, that’s all that truly matters. If you live according to your truth, you don’t have to feel ashamed or apologize to anyone. Other people don’t get to dictate how you live your life, so don’t ever say “I’m sorry” for the following things.



1. Making yourself a priority in your life.

Somehow, making your heart happy twisted into a selfish, egotistical, entitled idea. In reality, no one else can ever offer the happiness you can give yourself, so it only makes sense to prioritize your fulfillment.

If you have taken your life into your own hands instead of waiting on others to teach you how to live it, then you have already mastered an important aspect of self-development. We all have 100% responsibility for how we live our lives, and only by putting our needs first can we ever attempt to help others in need then, too. After all, how can we help others if we don’t first address how to help ourselves?

2. Following your dreams.

Wanting more in life does not make you ungrateful or spoiled. In fact, it makes you ambitious. It means you have goals and dreams and want to fulfill them while you still can. It means you don’t settle for less than you know you’re capable of. Others might view you as an unrealistic dreamer who will never truly find happiness, but it doesn’t matter what others think.

You can express gratitude about what you’ve been blessed with while still aspiring for more in life, so don’t ever feel bad about having big dreams. Go after them with all your heart; the universe will surprise you in ways you never imagined.

3. Making time for you.

In this fast-paced world, we spend so much time caring for others and attending to their needs that we forget about our own. However, if we don’t fill up our own cup, how can we ever expect to have any left for others?

Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s necessary for our health. Don’t ever apologize for turning down an invitation or saying no to someone in order to look after yourself. Whether you book a 5-star vacation or an afternoon at the spa, you should always come first in your life and should never feel bad for taking some “me-time.”

4. Who you choose to date.

Again, no one else can decide for you who to date. No one can determine if you like girls, guys, or both but you, so don’t let anyone else make you feel ashamed for who you engage in romantic relationships with. As long as you truly love and care for the person, then feel free to date whoever you’d like. We all are one, after all, and love lives within all of us. If someone expresses concern with who you date or doesn’t agree, then they don’t deserve a spot in your life. Period.

5. Expressing emotions.

Unfortunately, emotion shaming is now a real thing. We perform like robots in much of society, expected to obey and not express how we feel. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you can’t express yourself. Of course, you probably shouldn’t get angry with your boss right before he gives you a promotion, for instance, but overall, we live in a very stifled society where people don’t feel comfortable expressing themselves. There’s a time and place for every emotion, but don’t ever feel ashamed for how you feel in any given moment.

6. How you earn money.

If you feel emotionally and mentally satisfied with your job, then don’t ever say you’re sorry for it. Whether you make billions or hundreds a year, the dollar amount doesn’t matter if you don’t feel happy with your vocation. Anything that makes you feel fulfilled while helping you keep food on the table is enough, so don’t let anyone let you feel like it isn’t.


7. Being optimistic.

In a world where people constantly tell us to “expect the best but prepare for the worst,” keeping our heads up can seem quite challenging. However, many scientists and researchers around the globe have recognized the many benefits of positive thinking, including decreased stress, a longer life span, greater creativity, and more.

Staying positive in hard times can make us more resilient and better deal with challenges. So, to all the Debby downers who love to rain on your parade, don’t let them!

8. Your past.

Some people love to bring up all the mistakes you made in the past, but if they do, remember this. While they sat there criticizing you and your life, you had experiences and learned from them. At the end of our lives, we will only have our experiences and memories to go on, so don’t let anyone make you feel sorry for your past. We live and learn, and our past does not have to define us.

9. Your diet.

People love to tell others how to eat and what will make them feel best, but at the end, it’s your body. Just as you shouldn’t tell others how to eat, don’t let them dictate your eating habits. Everyone thinks they know the optimal diet for humans, from vegans to meat-eaters, but in reality, only you can decide what feels right to you, not anyone else.

10. Striving for more in life.

Wanting more in life does not make you ungrateful or spoiled. Instead, it makes you ambitious. It means you have goals and dreams and want to fulfill them while you still can. This drive means you don’t settle for less than you know you’re capable of. Others might view you as an unrealistic dreamer who will never indeed find happiness, but it doesn’t matter what others think.

You can express gratitude about what you’ve been blessed with while still aspiring for more, so don’t ever feel bad about having big dreams. Go after them with all your heart; the universe will surprise you in ways you never imagined.

11. Challenging the mainstream.

Others like to nitpick every aspect of people’s lives in today’s world, so much so that people actually feel guilty about how they choose to live. Just live in your truth and don’t mind what others say; remember, if anyone feels threatened by how you live your life, they might actually be jealous of you. Sometimes, people feel so uncomfortable and dissatisfied with their lives that they must bash others to make themselves feel better.

If you want to homeschool your children, live off-the-grid, eat only from your garden, let food be your medicine, and teach your children peace and love instead of what’s on television, don’t ever be sorry for that. Everyone deserves to live the life they want without feeling remorseful for simply following their hearts.

12. Your opinions.


You can still respect someone without agreeing with them. You can remain civil and respectful without agreeing, also. If you have an opinion, don’t hesitate to express it, even if it doesn’t seem like the “popular” choice. The world will never change if we keep our opinions to ourselves, because oftentimes, the best ideas come from opinions and viewpoints.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

What Do The Shape of Your Eyes Reveal About Your Personality?

Traditional Chinese Medicine uses ancient techniques in order to gather information about one’s personality, health, and even relationships using the shape of one’s eye. The shape of your eyes can reveal more about your personality than you might think, and cultures all over the world seem to believe in this type of science.

While to some people, eyes look like nothing more than colorful balls that allow them to see the world, but to others, eyes truly reflect one’s soul. Below, we will go over what the size, shape, color, slant, and even distance between the eyes reveals about your personality.

What Do The Shape of Your Eyes Reveal About Your Personality?


If you have relatively large eyes, this means you have passion, receptiveness, openness, and creativity in your personality. You feel emotions very deeply, and go through life riding on the waves of your passion rather than looking at things through a more logical manner. You can sometimes trust people too easily, so make sure you size them up accordingly before giving your whole heart (and maybe life story) away.

If you have small eyes, you look at the world through a more logical, analytical lens. You believe in focus, precision, accuracy, and logic. You have high intelligence, and people come to you for answers about complicated things all the time. You pay attention to details rather than the bigger picture. Although many people might regard you as cold, they don’t realize that you do have emotions; you just don’t let yourself become carried away by them.


If you have almond-shaped eyes, then you have a certain mystique and exotic flair. You have great compassion for others, and have the ability to remain calm in almost any situation. However, you can also let your wary nature keep you from doing fun things in life, so remember to sometimes take chances and not think about the details so much. You also are very observant, and have a balanced outlook on life. You have a warmth about you that just makes people want to get to know you.

Round eyes mark great creativity and imagination, and you often escape reality by going inside your mind. You tend to let your emotions run the show, and make decisions based upon them. You’re an idealist through and through, which makes others see you as impractical and moody. You also have a certain charm about you which attracts others to you, even if you can seem a bit blunt and tactless at times.


People with close-set eyes often follow traditions, and have a keen interest in history and cultures. Their values and upbringing mean a lot to them, and they have a hard time living in a world that often forgets about culture. They don’t do well with change, obviously, which can lead to chronic stress and anxiety. They like structure, discipline, and detail, and have incredible focus. They have a resistant nature as well, which makes it hard for them to go with the flow.

Wide-set eyes mean basically the opposite – you love to explore all that life has to offer, and let nothing hold you back. You know your past, but don’t let it define you. You have eyes that see a little too far, that take you to uncharted territory and allow you to see more of the world than most people. You hate routines and inflexibility, and often wander aimlessly just to have an adventure. You are spontaneous, innovative, and fearless.

If your eyes fall somewhere in the middle of these two categories, then you have a balanced approach to life.

Prominent or Deep-Set

Prominent eyes look as though they bulge out, and protrude from the eye socket. On the other hand, deep-set eyes have a more sunken appearance.

People with prominent eyes have great sensitivity and a friendly nature, but they tend to worry a lot. They like to stick with a close group of friends and family, as their warm-hearted nature makes it easy for them to maintain close relationships. They tend to lean toward pessimism, although most people find them highly approachable and relatable.

People with deep-set eyes tend to hide much of themselves underneath the surface. They have a mysterious, brooding nature, and can seem intense and private. They love to observe their environment and often live inside their heads. They have a romantic streak, however, and will get to know you on a very deep level.


Upward slanting, or cat eyes, mean that you have great ambition and drive. You don’t let anyone stop you from accomplishing a goal, and you are very open-minded and well-rounded. People find you interesting, fun, and witty. You look for opportunities wherever you go, and love to keep getting ahead in life. Others might call you selfish and self-centered, but you just see it as doing the best possible for yourself. You have great optimism that allows you to reach your goals fairly easily. You don’t give up without a fight.

A downward slant obviously points to quite the opposite. These types of eyes mean that you might have a dependent nature, and like to stay close to loved ones, as you rely on them for many things. You have a timid nature as well, and people tend to take advantage of you. You also are pessimistic, which makes it hard for people to have fun around you sometimes. However, you care deeply about people, and keep friends for quite a long time.

Related article: What Does Your Face Reveal About Your Personality?

16 Pieces of Life Advice That Will Brighten Your Day

Sometimes, life feels nothing short of overwhelming. We have so many responsibilities, errands, and other things to attend to, and plus, many of us have a hard time shutting off our brains from overthinking every little thing. Life moves quickly, and we’re expecting to keep pace with it. However, doing so 24/7 can easily wear you out if you don’t take time for yourself, to reflect, recharge, and just take it all in.

We all need a little inspiration from time to time to keep us going, so we hope the following pieces of life advice and quotes will help you to keep your head up in trying times.

16 Pieces of Life Advice That Will Brighten Your Day

1. “Treat yourself like you’d treat your best friend in the whole world.”

Don’t ever forget to take care of yourself, love yourself, and stay true to your heart. You can’t live life to your fullest if you constantly put yourself down and don’t believe in yourself. If you wouldn’t say it to your best friend, don’t say it to yourself, either.

2. “Focus your efforts on lifting people up, not putting them down.”

We’ve all been in a bad place at one point or another; we’ve all hit rock bottom. So, if you see someone struggling, don’t knock them down even further. Lift them up when they need it the most; if we all did this, imagine how different the world would be.

3. “No matter what you accomplish today, you’re still amazing.”

Even if you didn’t get out of bed today, don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t rock at life. Sometimes, we just need to recharge, and other times, we feel like flying. Part of being human is dealing with the ebbs and flows of life, so even if you spent all weekend laying around doing nothing, this doesn’t make you lazy or unaccomplished. It makes you human.

4. “Always stand up for what you believe in, even if no one stands beside you.”

You can’t live with integrity while ignoring your truth – it just doesn’t work like that. Always stay true to you; you’ll eventually attract the right people.

5. “Don’t take yourself so seriously; this is all just a game anyway.”

We have a tendency to take life pretty seriously sometimes, but at what cost? Remember to live each day to the fullest, and only worry about the things you can change.

6. “Give compliments, not insults.”

Humanity could use a little uplifting and encouragement these days. Spread kindness, not violence.

7. “When you feel anxious, focus on nothing but your breath.”

If you feel nervous, chances are that you’re breathing rapidly and unevenly. Remember to slow down and pay attention to your breath any time you feel out of control.

8. “Don’t spend so much time plotting the path that you forget to take the first step.”

We don’t have forever to spend here, so make the most of your time. Sometimes the greatest risk you take leads to the most amazing rewards later.

9. “Love people as they are, including yourself.”

Don’t expect others to change; just love them as they come. Also, love yourself as you are, because no one else will if you don’t first give that love to yourself.

10. “Have positive conversations with yourself.”

Be mindful of your self-talk; it might seem harmless, but how you think of yourself reflects how the rest of the world will respond to you.

11. “Overthinking will never get you anywhere.”

Overthinking pretty much gives our brains something to do, but that doesn’t mean it’s productive. Try to just go with the flow and see where life takes you rather than planning out every little detail of every single day.

12. “If you get up and try again tomorrow, you’re doing something right.”

It isn’t always about how many times we succeed; it’s about how many times we get back up and try again after others tell us we should quit.

Related article: 6 Things To Remember When Life Falls Apart

13. “Leave people a little less broken than you found them.”

Kiss their wounds, help heal their hearts. If we mend the broken, the whole world will start to heal. Ripples create waves; remember that.

14. “You know that crazy voice in your head telling you to follow your dreams? Yeah, you should listen to it.”

Our dreams seem crazy until we actually do them; then, we question why we didn’t follow our hearts sooner! Well, we might still feel a little insane, but what is life if we don’t feel alive?

15. “Embrace your quirks and flaws; you never know who is falling in love with them.”

Don’t change yourself so others will like you; be yourself, and the right people will love you.

16. “The first thing you should put on in the morning is a smile.”

Before you even hop out of bed to get dressed, just smile and see how amazing you feel. This will help you get your day started on the right foot!

6 Behaviors of People Who Aren’t Thankful (And How To Avoid Having Them)

We have all had ungrateful people in our lives. Those folks that seem to think we were put on this earth to serve them or fix the messes they get themselves into. They expect people to pick up after them or help them with things but never seem to get to the “thank you very much for your help.” portion of the interaction. They also never seem to be happy or content with the way their life is or the people who are in it.

So how do we avoid becoming the unhappy and ungrateful person we see in some people?

Identify their behaviors and do the opposite.

Here are 6 behaviors of people who aren’t thankful and how to avoid them:

1.  People who aren’t thankful are always in need

People who aren’t thankful are always in need of some kind of assistance. Whether it is help with bills, watching the kids or giving them a ride. They always need something from you. They are in a perpetual state of emergency and it is usually one they create themselves either through poor judgment or on purpose in order to create the drama they feed on.
Do you have a recurring emergency in a relationship or with finances? Identify what the issue is and work to change it. Instead of asking for someone to help with a temporary solution work on a permanent one. Instead of asking for help with a bill ask your friends and family to help you find a better job.
The important thing is that when someone does take time to help then tell them “thank you.” People will rescue you from hellish situations and all that is required on your part are two words that won’t cost you a dime.

2.  People who aren’t thankful don’t have time for you unless they need something

The thing is that unless they need something from you, then you never hear from them. They only turn to you for friendship when they are in a jam. You will never hear them say “Hey let me take you out to lunch” or “let me help you with that.” If everything is going fine then you don’t exist in their world anymore.
Don’t just call friends or family only when you need something. Reach out to people. Ask them if they need help with anything or just go out and get a coffee with them and talk. Relationships built on mutual assistance are strong and last a lifetime.

3.  People who aren’t thankful expect you to help them

They may feel entitled to your help either because you are family or they feel that you owe them something for being their friend. They aren’t grateful because they feel they have earned your help and you are just paying them back. They may have done a single nice thing for you only so that they could hold it over your head for as long as they can and squeeze every last ounce of guilt fueled work they could. Family, rather than friends, usually expect you to help them.
Don’t expect people to save you. You are a strong independent and resilient person who is more than capable of helping themselves get up after a tumble. It is great when people help or come to the rescue and be very thankful when they do because those people are rare indeed, but don’t sit in your tower and expect someone to save you. Save yourself.

4.  The world revolves around them and their schedule

Oh and you have to drop everything you are doing right now to come and help them. If it was an unexpected emergency that would be one thing but the ungrateful person’s emergencies are usually do to poor planning, poor time management or irresponsibility on their part. They screwed up (again) and they expect you to come running to save them right this second.
If someone is willing to volunteer their time to help you with something then the least you can do is to work your schedule around theirs if you can or come up with a time when you both are free. Being grateful for their assistance means understanding that their time is just as precious to them as yours is to you.

5.  People who aren’t thankful often bite the hand that feeds them

Related article: 6 Behaviors That Create Spoiled People (And How to Avoid Having Them)

Despite all of your help ungrateful people will turn on you. They will talk behind your back. They will say that you never help them. That they do all of the work and you are the ungrateful sponge. Despite all you have done for them they will tell their friends or other family members what a horrible person you are in order to get more sympathy from people who can’t help them.
If someone helps you or does something nice for your with no expectation of recompense then sing their praises whenever you have a chance. Sometimes being recognized is reward enough.

6.  People who aren’t thankful will always remember the one time you didn’t help them

Ungrateful people will never let you forget that one time you weren’t able to help them. Whether it was because of time constraints or lack of funds it doesn’t matter. They will hold that guilt over you until the end of time.
If someone can’t help you either because of a lack of resources, knowledge or time then be understanding. Tell them you are thankful that they were willing to help even if they weren’t able.
Everybody needs help now and then and no one should be ashamed to ask for, or receive, help. When you are able to return the favor at a later date then that shows thankfulness. If you have truly special people in your life who give selflessly and ask for no reward then you should let them know how very grateful you are to have them in your life.

5 Signs You’re In An Immature Relationship

Relationships are hard and require some work or effort on our part. Mature relationships work as a team to solve problems and aren’t afraid to express their opinions, wants or desires to their significant other. If you can trust the person closest to you then you are probably unwilling or unable to form attachments with other people. Immature relationships are usually ones that feel difficult or forced. If you feel that you are working way to hard to make a relationship work then you are probably in an immature relationship.
Being together isn’t just about loving someone but about making that person feel loved, appreciated and safe to be who they are. Feeling insecure about your relationship might mean that the relationship is showing some or all of these five signs of immaturity.

Here are 5 signs that you’re in an immature relationship:

1.  You are not functioning as a team
A relationship is a team effort. You are in this together and it is you two against the world. You have to have each others back. If your partner is unwilling to help get things done or can’t be counted upon to do their part then you have an issue. People with successful relationships see themselves as part of a team that is working towards a common goal. Unequal relationships where one partner does all of the heavy lifting leads to resentment and bitterness. Find someone who will work with you, who will stand back to back with you against the universe.
2. You are not discussing significant issues when they come up
We all have our issues or baggage. Things come up that we aren’t comfortable with. If you have an issue then you should be able to bring it up and discuss it without it erupting into a huge knock down drag out fight. If you can’t express what you want or need in a relationship without it devolving into a fight or keeping inside for weeks on end until it becomes a larger problem then there is a serious breakdown in the relationship. People in mature relationships discuss their problems or issues as they come up not after they have been festering for weeks and have poisoned your feelings.
3.  Hiding who you are
You should never have to pretend you are anyone other than who you really are. If you think you need to hide a part of yourself because your partner will make fun of you or not find you attractive or interesting anymore then you are in the wrong relationship. We are all different people with different interests and those interests change over time. Even if your partner isn’t into the exact same things as you you shouldn’t have to hide them. You both should have the space to explore who you are without fear of rejection or insults.
Related article: 10 Signs You’re Maturing, Not Just Aging
4.  Trying to change your partner
Partners are not fixer upper projects you see on the Home and Garden Channel. It is not your job to change your partner into the perfect mate. We all have our own issues and baggage. We will will work through those issues or baggage over time and with the support of our partners hopefully grow as people. No one needs someone else to change them or fix them. This attitude is very immature and shows a lack of acceptance of others for who and what they are. If you don’t like your partner the way they are then maybe you should find someone you do like.
5.  You don’t see a future with your partner
Your partner maybe be super fun to hang with or has a lot of interesting stories but if you can’t see yourself with them in ten years then what are you doing in that relationship? If you are out to just have some fun that’s perfectly fine but it is not a very mature relationship. Mature relationships see themselves building a future with their partner, maybe raising a family or growing old together. Mature relationships are in it for the long haul. If you or your partner can’t see a future together then maybe there isn’t one to see.
“Infantile love follows the principle: “I love because I am loved.”
Mature love follows the principle: “I am loved because I love.”
Immature love says: “I love you because I need you.”
Mature love says: “I need you because I love you.”
Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving

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