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8 Ways to Flip the Script on Negative Thoughts

8 Ways to Flip the Script on Negative Thoughts

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could control the negative thoughts that rush into your head each day? While managing what pops into your mind is impossible, you can stop letting them dominate your life. Did you know that some people are more prone to negativity than others?

Assume you’re driving down the road, and everything is going well. The sun’s shining brightly, and it’s been a great day. Suddenly, the thought pops into your mind that you might have an accident on the way home.

Your body tenses with fear as you play the game and start imagining the worst-case scenario in the chaotic traffic. What’s ironic is that this thought came out of nowhere, and now you’re sweating with anxiety. You entertained the negativity, and this pessimistic thought caused you to have an uncomfortable ride home.

How would things have been different if you had dismissed the thought and put the negativity in its place? It’s time to flip the script on intrusive thoughts and chronic pessimism ruling your life. You can do it when you use a mind-over-matter strategy.

Eight Easy Ways to Stop the Negative Thoughts

negative thoughts

Remember the classic movie The Wizard of Oz? Dorothy was desperate to return to her home in Kansas, but she was stuck in Oz. She tried every way she knew possible, but she remained in a land where she was terrified.

She tried the yellow brick road, but it didn’t bring her anything but one traumatic event after another. She understood her potential when Glenda the Good Witch finally stepped on the scene. Glenda reminded her that she had the power to get home all along, but she just needed to realize it.

Using this powerful inspiration can help you to flip the script on the negativity in your life. You’ve always had the power, but you need a little direction. Here are some ways to kick pessimism out of your life and focus on more positive things.

1. Cry It Out

Why do people see crying as weak? Crying can be very refreshing, and it can help you to release pent-up anxiety and stress. According to Harvard Health, crying is beneficial because it removes toxins to relieve stress.

When you cry, it has a soothing effect. The negativity can be from situations beyond your control. You’ve had a bad day at work, you forgot to pay the electric bill, and there needs to be more money to cover your expenses. Rather than succumbing to pessimism, why not cry out and flush your tension and stress?

Crying will enhance your mood, help you sleep, and put you in a better mind. This is why you feel so refreshed after a good crying session.

2. Use Positive Affirmations to Overcome Negativity

You’re your own worst critic. So, if you didn’t get the promotion you wanted at work, it doesn’t mean you’re a failure. Yet, you have a challenging time because you feel less than others. You may tell yourself things like you’re not smart enough, you don’t have enough personality, or you’re a loser.

You will say these everyday things when you feel down and out. However, you must change the view. Remember, you have had the power all along, but this wasn’t the position for you. You don’t know what nightmares might have unfolded down the road with this role, so be thankful.

Start telling yourself things that enhance your esteem and not destroy it. Here are some confidence-boosting phrases that can affirm you and push the negative away:

  • I am a talented person.
  • I am worthy of a high position.
  • I’m accomplished.
  • I won’t let anything stop me.
  • I am a wonderful person, and there’s a company that will realize my potential.

See how your pessimistic views will change when you start feeding positivity into your soul.

3. Stay Away from Negative People

Consider a bowl of fruit on the counter. It looks beautiful and smells fragrant. What happens if an apple gets a bad spot on it from inner decay? It won’t be long until the whole bowl rots because the toxins from the decaying fruit will move to good pieces.

Now, if you remove that bad piece of fruit from the bunch, the other fruit will last longer than if it stayed in the bowl. You can’t reach your full potential with toxic people hanging around you. Start by changing your inner circle to flip the script on your negativity.

People aren’t responsible for your negative thoughts, but they can put you in a place of negativity. The right folks will positively boost you, and it is life-changing to have such a glowing influence on you.

4. Avoid Past Negativity and Focus on the Future

What’s behind you is never as good as what’s in front of you. You’re older, wiser, and going in a different direction. There’s not a person alive who didn’t make mistakes when they were younger, so stop beating yourself up over these matters.

You must focus on the future and stop turning back to see all the mistakes you’ve made. It’s easy to develop a pessimistic view when you are stuck looking in the rear-view mirror.


5. Label Your Negative Thoughts

Have you ever filed anything at work? Most files go alphabetically, as it’s a neat way to categorize everything. When you have negative thoughts that creep in, you need to label them and put them in file thirteen.

You don’t want to alter your pessimistic thoughts in this exercise, but you want to acknowledge them and move on. If the thought is from past traumas as a child, then say to yourself, “Okay, this one is another childhood memory, and I realize I am no longer in this situation.” “I am safe; I have moved on.”

By using this “filing system,” you’re saying it was horrible, you were hurt, but you’re not in this place anymore. It’s processing the thought and putting it away.

6. Stay Away from Social Media

Social media is dominating many people’s lives. Did you know that the average person spends two hours and 24 minutes daily on these outlets? A shocking study from Broadband Search proves how much of an issue it’s become.

Not only is social media a time waster, but there’s stuff on there that can change your mindset. First, if you’re already feeling down on yourself, you don’t want to see someone who appears to have the perfect life bragging about a promotion, a new home, or what they had for dinner. Second, you’re feeding yourself with lies.

The majority of what you see on these sites is skewed. Most people will only share positive things and want to keep the negativity to themselves. However, scrolling for many hours can put you in the wrong mind.

Instead of counting your blessings, you’ll start realizing all that you lack. You’ll wonder what’s wrong with your relationship, life, and children. While there is a lot of good on these sites, there’s a lot of negative that you don’t need. At the very least, you need to limit yourself.

7. Pause a Moment

Being pessimistic is effortless when you live in such a hostile world. However, there are many times when you need to pause for a moment. If the negative thoughts are rushing in like a raging river, the only way to stop them at times is to pause.

During this pause, you can meditate, pray, and be present. How do you keep a pot from boiling over on the stove? You turn off the heat. Sometimes you must turn off the heat and what’s fueling these negative thoughts and be still.

8. Write Down and Destroy Negative Thoughts

Journaling is a great way to get all that pessimistic stuff out of your being. However, some folks want to keep an account of only some of the garbage in their life. Another tactic is to write and destroy it.

Burning letters is a great way to have self-therapy. You can write it all down and then set it on fire. When you watch the smoke ascend into heaven, remind yourself that your pessimistic thoughts and tormenting mind struggles are going with it.

There’s something powerful about watching your troubles go up in flames, as it signifies you’re putting an end to their hold on you. This exercise is often done for people who didn’t get to say goodbye after losing a loved one. It’s a way to release their inner guilt and destructive thoughts healthily.


Final Thoughts on Controlling Negative Thoughts

Christina Perri wrote a powerful song on her “Head or Heart” album, Human. The song reminds you that you’re only human and when you fall, you will break. However, the good news is that you can put yourself back together.

If you find yourself more pessimistic, and the negative thoughts rush into your mind quickly, you can fight them by flipping the switch. Using some of the ways listed above, you can put this negativity in its place and learn to be more positive.

Learn to Embrace Possibilities and Let Go of the Negativity

Opening yourself up to the endless possibilities in life means you will attract abundance from the universe. When you place limitations on yourself and doubt your abilities, it leaves you paralyzed with fears. To embrace everything the world offers, you must let go of this negativity and believe in yourself.

Sadly, many learn from parents and peers to live according to a prescribed plan and never stray from normalcy. But it would help if you remembered that no one can define you except yourself. No person on earth can make you feel inferior without your consent. You get to make up the rules on how you will live and what opportunities you’ll explore.

Your thoughts and actions make up who you are, so practicing positive thinking is essential. If you let go of self-perceived limitations and believe in the power of the universe, you can achieve anything. Learn more about the importance of letting go of negativity below.

Why You Should Shift Your Thinking From Negative to Positive


Even in the darkest times, there’s always room for encouragement and hope that things will turn out well. When you live in a constant state of fear and anxiety, it keeps blessings from reaching you. Have you ever heard the saying, “You can never live a positive life with a negative mind?” Truer words have never been spoken because your thoughts create your reality.

Focusing so much on everything going wrong in life only attracts more of those experiences to you. However, if you learn to believe in possibilities and see the world through childlike eyes, you’ll start noticing the clouds in your mind dissipating. People view the world differently because of their upbringing, habits, and thinking patterns. While we can’t change our past, we can alter our routines and mindsets to release negativity and become more positive.

For instance, practicing positive affirmations and loving kindness meditation have increased well-being for many. People who utilize these techniques open up their energy fields to the possibility of love and bliss. When you close yourself off from life, you can’t experience anything beyond doubt, fear, and barriers between yourself and others.

The only way to let go of this negativity involves looking deep within yourself and removing the obstacles keeping you from love. We all have these barriers, to some extent, due to societal programming and childhood trauma. But we’re not meant to live in such a restrictive, depressing manner. Our brains are wired to experience blissful union with the divine, so we need only peel back the layers shrouding our souls.

Trust the Universe to Open You to New Possibilities and Let Go Of Limiting Beliefs

negativity detox

On a smaller scale, embracing joy and love will make your daily life flow effortlessly. For instance, most people experience blockages in their energy field that cause frustration and confusion. But when you live in the present moment and surrender to the universe, beautiful things happen, and more possibilities become available.

You start seeing yourself as a light being, capable of anything and free from self-defeating thoughts. Instead of seeing the world as a problem to solve, you can live from moment to moment without feeling the need to change things. You’ll stop worrying about the whole world and only focus on becoming the best version of yourself.

We’ve come here to learn lessons and spread love to each other by living harmoniously with the universe. The only reason we can’t experience that feeling comes from past karma and the illusion that we’re separate from each other. But this illusion dissipates when you get in touch with your soul, beyond the body and mind.

As you have probably noticed, many people today have forgotten what’s possible with a positive mindset. News programs and social media accounts have become inundated with negative, destructive language and information. We must learn to move past fears and primal instincts if we want to explore the vast possibilities in the universe. Our human nature wants us to preserve ourselves, but our spiritual self longs to break free of these limitations.

We’re much more than the mind and body, but we can only know this by surrendering to infinite possibilities. The universe doesn’t want us to live in turmoil and anxiety for eons and neglect our divine nature. When you doubt yourself and your place here, remember that you’re already perfect and don’t need to prove anything. You only need to remove the layers between you and the infinite to realize the possibilities within you.

Ways to Practice Letting Go of Negativity

In addition to positive affirmations and meditation, you can explore other methods to clear your mind. Here are a few examples:

  • Let go of the need for control. We’ve lost touch with our intuition and become too logical in the modern world. This reliance on reasoning has made us overly controlling and rigid in our actions. By surrendering to a higher power, you can remove this burden from your soul and feel freer.
  • Live in the present moment. More than ever, we need mindfulness and patience in our lives. Studies show mindfulness can improve mental health, increase focus, and lower cortisol levels. After all, where else can you be but the here and now? Reminding yourself of this simple fact makes it much easier to remain rooted in the present.
  • Put yourself first. Don’t feel guilty about practicing self-care and making time for healing. You can’t explore the endless possibilities that come from self-development if you don’t do the work. Putting yourself first isn’t selfish; it’s the greatest act of love you can offer yourself.


Final Thoughts on Learning to Embrace Possibilities and Release Negativity

Have you ever wanted to experience more possibilities in life but didn’t know where to start? The human journey can sometimes seem confusing and overwhelming, and throwing in the towel is easy. But when you subscribe to negative thinking, it prevents the flow of love and bliss from reaching your soul. Only by remembering your divine nature through meditation and surrendering to the universe can you experience these possibilities.

Women Reveal 20 Habits That Keep The Love Alive

One of the most precious parts of life is finding a love that withstands the tests of time. However, creating a fulfilling, loving and exciting relationship comes with its challenges. Nevertheless, with the right amount of effort, affection, and care, any couple can keep the fire of love burning bright even when the weight of life takes away from the fairy tale of a happily ever after.

The good news is there is always room to grow and strengthen love in a long-term relationship. Despite this, sometimes it is hard to figure out why things aren’t perfect all the time. Women have a unique role in romantic relationships. Aiming to create a balanced and harmonious relationship with the special lady in your life is essential. Read more to learn about what habits women say keep the love alive and thriving.

NOTE: We realize that it takes two partners to maintain a healthy connection with your partner. If you want to learn the ways a male can add to the relationship, a separate post addresses their specific habits.

1. Make Time To Go On Dates Just The Two Of You

If you have been in a relationship for a long time, it can be easy to forget to go out and enjoy dates! One common misconception is that going on dates ends after the dating phase of a relationship is over. In reality, dating should continue for the whole relationship. Whether it is a fancy dinner date and a movie, going on a walk in nature, or staying in and cooking a fancy meal, setting aside this quality time is a great habit to develop in any romantic relationship. In addition, setting aside time to go on outings just the two of you without children, family members, or friends tagging along is also key.


2. Doing Little Things To Help Around The House To Show Love

Chores are not a very fun part of daily life. Because of this, helping each other with chores can brighten up someone’s day. If you notice your significant other is tired and there are piles of dishes or laundry throughout the house, completing these small tasks can make a big difference. This may seem like a basic habit to build, but research shows that sharing housework and emotional work creates balance and harmony in couples and increases satisfaction in the relationship.

3. Checking In With How They’re Doing

This might seem simple, but building the habit of asking your lover how they are feeling can make them feel like their emotions are a priority to you. Whether it is a question as simple as how they’re feeling on a particular day or how their workday went, it can allow them to express their feelings. Checking in can help mitigate miscommunications.

4. Thinking Of How You Could Make Their Life Easier

This is similar to doing little things around the house but a bit broader. For example, let’s say your significant other has to leave early for work. Making them a cup of coffee in the morning only takes two minutes, but it lets them know that you want their day to be as smooth as possible. Likewise, picking up some takeout is a classy touch if you are driving home from work and know there is nothing in the fridge for dinner.

5. Engaging In Physical Affection Displays Love

Many couples struggle with feeling physically close to each other during the fast pace of life. Making a point of kissing your lover’s cheek before you leave the house or giving them a hug when they are feeling down can make them feel loved and wanted.

6. Planning Trips Together

A change of scenery is always refreshing. Similar to planning dates, planning trips can give both of you a chance to decompress and enjoy an exciting, romantic getaway. Are you not the biggest fan of traveling? Planning a staycation can have the same effect, allowing you to take a break from everyday life and focus on your love.

7. Giving Them Space When Needed

This suggestion may seem counter-intuitive. But the truth is no couple should be together 24/7. Everyone needs a chance to decompress and have alone time. Studies suggest that spending some time apart gives your lover time to connect with themselves as an individual and develop a longing to see you. It is essential to strive for a healthy balance when spending time with each other.

8. Complimenting Their Appearance Is Loving And Kind

Although looks certainly aren’t everything, it is important for your partner to feel like they are attractive in your eyes. Two kinds of compliments in this category can strengthen confidence, love, and security in a relationship. The first kinds of compliments are on the things about their appearance that they can’t change. This includes complimenting their eyes, smile, body, or their height. The second kinds are compliments about the things they do to their appearance. That includes their outfits, hair, makeup, and stuff like that.

9. Bringing Them Tokens Of Appreciation

Gift-giving is a love language. For people whose love language is gift-giving, this does not mean they are greedy or desire expensive presents frequently. In fact, for most people, it means they want to know that you saw something they would like and you thought of them. Whether a simple gift like a book or a more dazzling gift like jewelry, you give them a token of your love and a reminder of you.

10. Celebrating Their Accomplishments

Sometimes we are so busy dealing with our work and obligations that we disengage from what is happening in the lives of our loved ones. Praising your lover in areas of their life can remind them that you are proud of them and they are valued in the relationship. This is especially the case if you are married or living together as their work life directly affects your home life.

loving partner

11. Sharing Your Hobbies

Does your significant other have different hobbies than you? Often this can happen in a relationship where one person spends time painting while another spends time watching TV or reading a book. Make it a habit to engage in their hobby once or twice a week to share what you love with one another.

12. Running Errands Together

Everyone has to run errands. Often this task is delegated to one of the people in the relationship. Making it a habit to run errands together occasionally makes the chore more fun and gives you time to connect. Research shows that older couples who run errands together become more competent in collaboration which can extend to other aspects of the relationship.

13. Making Compromises Shows Love And Respect

Compromising is an essential aspect of any loving relationship. However, many couples do not think about the unique ways they can make compromising a habit in their day-to-day lives. When we think of compromising, our minds tend to drift to big, high-stakes decisions. However, compromising can be as simple as watching a romantic comedy for movie night one week and then an action thriller the following week.

14. Planning Surprises

Surprising your significant other is a great way to liven up the relationship. Although it might seem like surprises should be reserved for special occasions, incorporating surprises is an easy way to catch your lover’s attention and make them feel appreciated. Some examples of this could be, making dinner one night when they weren’t expecting you to, taking them on a surprise date, or purchasing them a new outfit.

15. Reminiscing On Your Lives Together

Sometimes the monotony of life can make you lose sight of the initial spark that brought you to your person. Making it a habit to share your favorite loving memories, hang photographs of good times around the house, and observe how you have grown together can revive the spark that started it all.

16. Be Open, Honest, And Empathetic When Disagreements Happen

Nobody is perfect, and every couple struggles with disagreements now and then. Unfortunately, it can be easy to let these disagreements drive an edge between you, and resentment could build. One way to mitigate this is to take a deep breath and consider your partner’s point of view. This helps keep things in perspective and reminds you that even though you might not see eye-to-eye all the time, you still love each other.

17. Instead Of Only Saying “I Love You,” Tell Them The Reasons Why You Love Them

When you have spent a long time with someone, sometimes you take it for granted that they feel secure and loved in the relationship. Saying “I love you” can sometimes feel like an obligation, not a declaration of your true feelings. Instead, try saying things like “I love your laugh,” “I love the way you always know what to say,” or “I love your perseverance and strength,” this can reach your partner’s heart and help them hear your love.

18. Spend Time Learning Your Lover’s Love Language

Experts suggest that love languages can make or break a relationship. Five love languages speak to individual love. These are words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. Experts such as psychologist Dr. Gary Chapman, who first wrote on the five love languages, claim that learning your partner’s love language and practicing things that appeal to them can strengthen love and longevity in relationships.

19. Be Open To Trying New Things Together

One thing that can spice up your relationship is to make it a habit to try new things together. Whether trying a new activity, going to a new place, or spending time with new people, being open to trying new things together can build confidence and closeness in any relationship.

20. Create Healthy Habits Together

Creating and maintaining healthy habits can be a struggle for all of us. One great way to keep the love alive is to work on healthy habits together. Whether it be getting more sleep at night, eating more healthy foods, or getting back into a regular exercise regime, building these habits makes an overall difference in how we feel. When we work on these habits with our romantic partners, it can increase support, affection, and love as well.


Final Thoughts on Some Habits That Keep Love Alive

It is easy to feel lost when it comes to keeping love alive in a long-term relationship. So often, we feel like when the spark fades, our relationships are doomed. However, that is not the case. Try implementing some of these habits in your daily lives; it won’t be long before you start seeing the positive effects in your relationships!

15 Positive Attitude Quotes to Make You Feel Happy

Maintaining a positive mindset is life-changing as it helps you get through difficult times. Positivity can help you focus on your goals and believe in yourself, even when unexpected situations occur. These attitude quotes will help you remember to stay positive so you can feel happier all day.

With a good attitude and positive thinking, you’ll notice improvements in all areas of your life. Your relationships will thrive, your work life will improve, and you’ll achieve a better work-life balance. It’s not always easy to stay positive, though, which is where these attitude quotes come in handy.

Positive Attitude Quotes That Make You Feel Happier

By remembering these positive attitude quotes, you’ll have an easier time maintaining a happy mindset. Whenever negativity begins to creep in, recalling your favorite attitude quotes will help push it away.

positive attitude quotes1. “Virtually nothing on earth can stop a person with a positive attitude who has his goal clearly in sight.” – Denis Waitley

If you maintain a positive mindset, you’re likely to keep your sights on the goal. Things don’t always go as planned, and your reaction to the situation determines the outcome. If you stay positive and look for solutions, nothing will stop you as you keep pushing forward.

When you focus on the goal rather than the obstacle, you’ll experience happiness even during hardships. Remember this quote the next time negativity threatens to take over, and you’re sure to feel happier.

2. “A positive attitude may not solve all our problems, but that is the only option we have if we want to get out of problems.” – Subodh Gupta

While a positive mindset doesn’t make your problems magically disappear, it does help you get through. The only other option is to focus on the negative aspects of the situation and give up. As Gupta explains, positive thinking is the only way to overcome the issue.

3. “What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity? Our attitude toward it. Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has an opportunity.” – J. Sidlow Baxter

When you think of obstacles and opportunities separately, they seem different. However, in this quote, Baxter explains that the only difference between the two is your attitude. If you think of each difficulty in your life as an opportunity for change, you’ll be happier as you work through them.

 4. “Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks.” – Dr. Roopleen

Mental blocks cause negative thoughts, making you feel trapped in disappointing situations. If you can switch your mindset and focus on your life’s positive aspects, you’ll set yourself free. Pushing through mental blocks can be scary, but push through and seek each opportunity.

5. “Everything happens for a reason, we just don’t get the reason with the thing” – Linda Carvelli

Unexpected things always happen, and we don’t always know why. If you can’t understand why something happened right away, it’s easy to be unhappy about it. This attitude quote reminds you that you will eventually know why something happened the way it did.

If you remember that you’ll eventually understand the situation, you’ll feel a little better now. Plus, it’ll help you move on from the upsetting situation as you look forward to the future.

6. “You cannot tailor-make your situation in life, but you can tailor-make your attitudes to fit those situations.” – Zig Ziglar

Even seemingly perfect plans go awry sometimes because you can’t control everything. When something happens in your life that you didn’t plan for, learn to accept it with a positive mindset. The only thing you can control in life is your attitude, so make sure you choose one that helps.

7. “It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.” – Germany Kent

This is one of the best positive attitude quotes because it reminds you to look at what you already have. As Kent explains, acknowledge the things you’re grateful for, and you’ll be happier overall. The items you don’t have won’t take up as much space in your mind, and you can enjoy life again.

attitude quotes8. “Now is the time to realize your potential and look beyond disappointment and focus on blessings. They are all around you, if you only take the time to welcome them into your life.” – Carlos Wallace

Right now is the perfect time to acknowledge what you’re capable of. You can do anything you want, despite any setbacks or obstacles.

Don’t focus your thoughts on disappointments in your life. Focus on the good things you have right now, including your loved ones and friends. If you make a conscious effort to focus on your blessings, you’ll feel happier all day.

9. “Cultivate an optimistic mind, use your imagination, always consider alternatives, and dare to believe that you can make possible what others think is impossible.” – Rodolfo Costa

When you remember this quote, you will experience a positive mindset and happiness. You’ll be more creative, optimistic, and logical with positive thoughts. You’ll be able to do things no one else can.

10. “Life becomes easier and more beautiful when we can see the good in other people.” – Roy T. Bennett

If you always see other people’s negative qualities, it’ll make you unhappy. However, if you can focus on the good in others, you’ll experience happiness. You control your mindset in all situations, so choose to see the good instead of the bad.

11. “If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.” – Frances Hodgson Burnett

There is beauty in the world no matter where you go. Hodgson explains that you can fixate on the negative things in life, or you can look the right way. If you look away from the bad aspects, you’ll see all the beauty surrounding you.

12. “Affirm the positive, visualize the positive, and expect the positive, and your life will change accordingly.” – Remez Sasson

With a positive mindset, you’ll see more possibilities in your life. You’ll see the good in all situations, and you’ll begin to experience a more positive outlook. Once you spend time affirming and visualizing the positive, the rest falls into place.

13. “Your attitude can either be your best friend who has your best interest at heart or your worst enemy who wants to see you fail, destroy your life, and be miserably unhappy. It’s imperative that you check your attitude. Make sure that your attitude is working for you, not against you. There’s limitless value in having a positive, empowered, and optimistic attitude! Choose wisely which attitude you give life to.” – Stephanie Lahart

You decide on your attitude, whether it’s negative or positive. As Lahart explains, your attitude can focus on doing what’s best for you or make you unhappy. Make sure you check your attitude often so you can switch your mindset whenever you need to.

If you can consciously recognize negative thoughts, you’ll easily switch your mindset. When you have a positive outlook, it’ll help you get far in life, and you’ll feel empowered.

14. “When you are joyful when you say yes to life and have fun and project positivity all around you, you become a sun in the center of every constellation, and people want to be near you.” – Shannon L. Alder

With a positive mindset, you’ll be joyful and have fun. These qualities will attract others to you, and you’ll soon find yourself surrounded by positive people. Make sure you radiate positive energy to be happier and positively influence those around you.

15. “Never say anything about someone which, if called to testify, you are unable to repeat to the person’s hearing or the hearing of the person’s close friend. This will save you a lot of trouble in life.” – Chikamso Efobi

Negative people often say bad things about others that they wouldn’t repeat later. This behavior causes the negative person to become unhappy, as it’s a source of tension and toxicity.

One way to ensure you don’t do this is by not saying things you wouldn’t say around certain people. If you never have to worry about what you say, you’ll feel happier all day.

attitude quotesFinal Thoughts on Positivity Quotes That Make You Feel Happier All Day

Maintaining a positive mindset has many benefits, and you’ll feel happier all day. These attitude quotes can help keep your mind in a joyful place. Plus, they’ll help whenever negativity threatens to take over your mind.

Whether you’re a naturally optimistic person or need a little help, these attitude quotes are for you. Unexpected situations occur, and your attitude can affect how things play out.

10 Things Every Woman Loves to Hear

Guys try so hard when they’re trying to attract the attention of a female. You will bring out all the cheesy one-liners and try to woo her your way. However, these efforts often fail because you say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Whether you want to get the girl or you’ve already got her, you’ll learn that there are certain words of love a woman longs to hear.

Most women will appreciate any accolade from their man, and they seem to work like a charm. You must remember that compliments are only effective when genuine and from the heart. A woman can easily spot someone using insincere flattery to get her attention, and she also knows when someone isn’t being truthful.

You can’t just tell her she’s beautiful, but you must have confidence and mean what you say. Part of this is made more believable when you have the right tone. Your lady wants you to reciprocate her love, and while she may know how you feel in her heart, she longs for you to say it.

If you want brownie points, you should pay close attention to the details, like a new hairstyle, perfume, or an outfit that looks fantastic. She needs you to be her cheerleader and to appreciate all the success she’s had in her professional life. When you applaud her efforts, she will carve out a special place for you in her heart.

NOTE: We acknowledge that men also crave kind words from a partner. However, their desires differ slightly from women’s, so we address gentlemen in a separate article.

Ten Things Your Woman Wants You to Say

It’s easy to put your foot in your mouth and say all the wrong things. You long to tell her she’s the most amazing person you’ve ever met, but it never comes out the way you intend. There are certain words or phrases that a woman needs for her esteem and to solidify the relationship.

You will learn to say what makes her feel special if you want a strong bond. Here are some phrases you should become familiar with to make sure your lady knows how much she means to you.


1. “I’m Sorry.”

The male ego is often bruised easily, and nothing will hurt more than admitting you’re wrong. However, a lady needs to know that you have humility and aren’t too arrogant to admit when you’ve done or said something inappropriate.

If you resort to measures like beating around the bush and telling lies, you will only push her further away from you. Thankfully, telling the truth, admitting fault, and being vulnerable, will bring you closer together.

2. “I Want You to Meet My…”

When you ask your woman to meet your family or friends, you tell her a lot without even knowing. While this gesture seems simple, it’s significant to her. You’re telling her you’re proud of her and want the world to know you’re together.

Additionally, taking her home to meet the parents means that the relationship is going to the next level, and you might be close to making a long-term commitment. You’re saying she’s an essential part of your life, which should bring you closer.

It also means that you have no secrets to hide as you’re allowing her to meet people that could expose the good, bad, and ugly about your past and present. When you take a girl to meet your family, she will hear stories from your childhood and all the rotten things you’ve ever done. However, it’s another step in getting to know one another on a different level.

3. “I Need You.”

If you want to see her eye sparkle, try telling her that you need her. She looks at you as a strong man who has it all together, and when you humble yourself enough to say this to her, she’ll melt. When you tell a woman that you need them by your side to make it in life, it lets her know how important she is to you.

4. “You’re My Best Friend.”

When you tell a woman she is your best friend, it is a significant compliment. Above all your guy friends and the other people you trust, you put her at the top. You’re showing her that your trust level is immense, and you know that you can share your innermost secrets with her and feel safe.

You’re telling her how much she’s valued and appreciated as a friend and lover. What woman doesn’t want their man to say these things to her?

5. “You’re Gorgeous.”

There’s power in your words. According to the Daily Mail, the GEMS Wellington Academy studied how plants would respond to being praised or bullied. The classroom in Dubai had two plants. Both plants received the same food, water, and light, so there were no differences in the growing conditions.

The only thing different was the way the students spoke to them. The plant was bullied and told how small and unattractive it was, and it nearly died after 30 days. However, the plant that was praised thrived.

If words could destroy a plant in a month, how much more could your words hurt a human? Telling your woman that she’s gorgeous is something she needs to hear from you. She needs these positive reinforcements for her esteem and her overall value in your eyes.


6. “I Love You.”

Telling a lady that you love her are three words she longs to hear. Sometimes, ladies are the first to say they love you, and it might be a shock to hear her say it. However, she needs you to tell her you feel the same way.

When you say something like “Thanks” or “That’s nice to hear,” she will feel rejected after she says she loves you. If you love her, tell her how you feel. When you’ve been in a relationship for any length, many guys assume she knows that you love her as you’re there with her.

However, that’s not good enough for a lady, especially those whose love language is words of affirmation. She needs you to say, “I love you” frequently.

7. “I Miss You.”

A lady likes to hear that you’re on her mind when you’re not together. Telling her that you miss her allows you to show your vulnerability, as most men aren’t always good at articulating their feelings. You’re letting her glimpse into your heart and mind for a moment.

Vocalizing how you feel when you’re apart showing that you’re developing a deeper connection. She will love that you throw out the age-old concept of a manly man and show your more sensitive side.

8. “I am So Proud of You.”

There are a couple of ways that you can spin telling her how proud you are of her. First, you can tell her you’re pleased you’re her man. Second, you can tell her how proud you are of her accomplishments.

Maybe she’s a great single mom, and you want to encourage her. Another thing is you can admire her accomplishments professionally. If she does a lot of charity work and has a heart for giving, you should tell her how that makes you feel so proud.

Anytime you compliment her about how special she is, it will make her feel like a million bucks.

9. “I Can’t Imagine Being with Anyone Else.”

When you tell her that there’s no one else for you, you’re saying she’s your future. You may be ready to pop the big question and want to ensure she’s ready. Some ladies feel insecure in relationships, especially if they’ve been hurt.

However, telling her there’s no one else for you will do something to her esteem. She knows that other girls could always turn your head with their beauty or money, but you’re validating that no one in this universe compares to her.

10. “We’re In This Together.”

Life is hard, and there are times when you’re surrounded by people and still feel alone. A woman tends to be an emotional creature by nature, so she needs your support when her world is chaotic. Tell her you’ll be a shoulder to cry on and never leave her side. She needs to know these things when everything is crumbling around her.


Final Thoughts on Things a Woman Loves to Hear From You

Proverbs 25:11 states that a word spoken in love is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. So, this reminds you that saying the right words to someone is essential. When you tell your lady how much she means to you, how wonderful she looks, and how much you love her, you’re doing more for her than you can imagine.

Saying these things to someone that means so much to you solidifies their place in your heart and life. It might send chills down her spine when you tell her all the sweet things she longs to hear. It’s also telling her not to give up on you or the relationship, as every couple goes through rough patches.

You’re vulnerable when you tell her things like “I was wrong” or “I’m sorry.” She needs to see your vulnerability, which will encourage her to open up to you. Remember that your words can’t just be something you say because you’re trying to get on her good side, as she will know if you’re putting your heart and soul behind them.

As you’ve often heard, your actions speak much louder than your words, so make sure the words you speak come from the heart. If you want a good relationship that will last the test of time, tell your woman things that boost her esteem.

6 Exercises That Improve Posture

If you want to improve your posture, specific stretches and exercises can help. Many people today complain about having back pain and poor posture from sitting at a desk all day. Even ergonomic chairs are only sometimes enough to combat hours remaining in the same position. But getting physical activity outside of work, even if it’s just thirty minutes per day, can counteract the adverse effects of being sedentary.

You might think focusing on proper posture seems superficial or vain. However, knowing the right way to stand or sit doesn’t just affect your appearance. It also increases strength, flexibility, and energy in the body while reducing muscle pain. Standing tall and avoiding slouching is essential, as an awkward posture can strain muscles and joints immensely.

If you’d like to improve your posture, we’ll offer a few exercises to help you reach your goal.

6 Easy Exercises to Improve Posture and Reduce Neck and Back Pain

improve posture back pain

1. Child’s Pose for Less Back Pain

This simple yoga pose offers plenty of health benefits, including lengthening the spine, hamstrings, and glutes. It also relieves tension in the lower back and stretches the ankles, shoulders, and thighs. Since more people than ever suffer from lower back pain, this pose should become a staple in everyone’s workout routine.

How to do it:

  1. Begin on your knees and sit back on your heels while keeping your big toes touching. Separate your knees so that you can lay your torso in between them.
  2. Next, lean forward at your hips and walk your hands out as far as possible. You can either lean your forehead on the ground or use a pillow for extra comfort.
  3. Then, release your tailbone toward your heels and sink your hips back toward your feet. If you’re having trouble with the pose, you can place a pillow under your thighs for added support.
  4. Stay in this pose as long as you’d like, gently inhaling and exhaling throughout your practice. Breathe deeply and allow yourself to surrender into the posture.
  5. Remember to keep your arms extended in front of you or rest them alongside your legs with palms facing upwards.

2. Forward Fold to Improve Posture

A forward fold yoga pose can work wonders to improve posture. The standing stretch relieves tense muscles and joints in the spine, hamstring, and glutes while stretching the legs. It’s a great way to get the blood flowing to your brain as well!

How to do it:

  1. Stand with your feet together and heels slightly apart.
  2. Now, gently bring your hands down to your hips and lean forward to the floor.
  3. Rest your hands on the floor, ankles, or a yoga block. Please do whatever feels most comfortable for you.
  4. If you need to, bend your knees slightly to hold the position longer. Also, lengthen the spine as much as possible.
  5. Tuck your chin into your chest and allow your head to drop near your knees.
  6. Hold this pose for one or two minutes.

3. Cat-Cow

This stretch promotes spinal elasticity and can help improve your posture. You will surely love this pose if you suffer from chronic back pain. It opens up the back and relieves tension in the shoulders and neck. In addition, the cat-cow posture enhances blood circulation, bringing more oxygen into the body.

How to do it:

  1. Come onto all fours with your hands placed beneath the shoulders and knees directly below the hips.
  2. Now, inhale and look forward, engaging your abdomen as you extend your back.
  3. On the exhale, pull your chin toward your chest and lower your head. Pull your abdomen into your spinal column toward the ceiling.
  4. Continue alternating between cat and cow pose for at least five rounds.

4. Back Extension to Improve Posture

This exercise helps improve posture, strengthen the back muscles, and prevent spinal injuries. Most people are familiar with back extension machines at the gym, but you can also do this at home. You only need a mat and a foam roller to get started. Office workers and other employees who sit all day will appreciate this stretch.

How to do it:

  1. Begin by lying on a mat with your back facing the floor. Place the foam roller just beneath your shoulders for the back extension.
  2. Next, place your arms across your chest as if you’re hugging yourself.
  3. Bring your legs together and bend them at the knees.
  4. Now, exhale as you lift your chest, head, and shoulders off the floor. Lean your head backward and arch your spine as you stretch your lower back.
  5. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply and hold for at least ten seconds. Do at least ten reps of this exercise to improve posture.

5. Plank Pose Can Reduce Back Pain

The plank pose helps you develop abdominal strength and enhances balance. It also improves your posture and stamina while teaching you patience. Since you have to hold your body weight in this position, it’s an excellent overall workout.

How to do it:

  1. Come onto your hands and knees, and straighten your legs behind you. Bend your elbows slightly so that your weight rests on your forearms.
  2. Make sure to hold your body straight and avoid dropping the abdomen since this can cause back injuries. Hold your core muscles tightly while lengthening your neck and spine.
  3. Look down toward the floor and keep your chest open. Ensure that your shoulder muscles stay back and don’t become hunched around your neck.
  4. Hold this position for at least one minute or as long as possible.

6. Cobra Stretch to Improve Posture

This yoga pose offers one of the best ways to improve posture. The cobra stretch also up the lungs and chest to enhance breathing capacity. Finally, it lengthens the spine and even stretches the glutes and hamstrings.

How to do it:

  1. Begin by laying on the floor with your belly facing down. Place your palms beneath your shoulders, and lift your chest from the mat on an inhale.
  2. Straighten your arms in this same motion and hold your abdominal muscles tight.
  3. Next, ensure your head faces forward and keep your shoulder muscles engaged.
  4. If you’re doing the pose correctly, you should look like a cobra ready to attack. Hold this position for about 30 seconds or as long as possible. Release your breath as you lower yourself back onto the mat.

Final Thoughts on Trying These Six Yoga Poses to Improve Posture and Relieve Back Pain

Many exercises exist to improve posture, enhance strength, and increase flexibility. Most people think of the gym when it comes to workouts, but you can do these postures in the comfort of your home. All you need to get started is a mat, foam roller, and a quiet place to relax. Thankfully, these poses are relatively easy for beginners and can restore balance in the body.

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