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Are You A Narcissist Magnet? Here’s How To Find Out…

Are You A Narcissist Magnet? Here’s How To Find Out…

The chances are that you know a narcissist, or at least someone with narcissistic tendencies. If you have, the odds are that the relationship wasn’t a very fruitful one.

It’s important to understand what narcissism is and isn’t, specifically, the difference between someone with a narcissistic disorder (i.e., NPD) and someone who displays narcissistic characteristics.

NPD is an actual psychological disorder and is recognized as such by the mental health community. Narcissism is a less extreme version of the diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Narcissism involves cockiness, manipulativeness, selfishness, power motives and vanity – a love of mirrors.”


Those with narcissistic tendencies may be: quick to anger, aggressive, impulsive, and unpredictable. These individuals tend to have high levels of self-esteem, sometimes on a grandiose scale. To make matters worse, we (Americans) live in a highly individualistic, materialistic, and externally-driven society. Thus, we inadvertently encourage certain traits of narcissism.

3 Traits of Narcissists

To simplify things, here are three concise words to describe narcissists:

  • Selfish.
  • Entitled.
  • Manipulative.

Going forward, it is important to understand that some individuals, particularly those with a disorder, are not aware of their problems with narcissism. As with many psychological disorders, narcissism (and related disorders) can be due to some type of trauma – often experienced during childhood.

Unfortunately, when someone brings manipulative, selfish, or hurtful behavior to the narcissist’s attention, the narcissistic personality is so engrained as to make any type of correction/treatment nearly impossible. It’s very difficult for someone to change their personality, particularly of a narcissist.

Are You A Narcissist Magnet? Here’s How To Find Out…

Now that you’ve gotten a good grip on what constitutes narcissism, maybe you’re thinking about people in your current (hopefully, past) circle that fit the description. Good. Now let’s discuss what these folks are attracted to.


Narcissists attach themselves to sensitive people for a variety of reasons. First, narcissists require constant reassurance that they are beautiful, intelligent, wonderful, ‘(fill in your own description here)’. Second, sensitive people are truly empathetic and quick to comfort and embrace the person hurting. Narcissists will often play off of this, as they see an easy method of getting what they want by playing the victim. Lastly, sensitive people are prone to deep introspection to the point of over-analysis. Simply put, they’re more likely to rationalize the narcissist’s behavior and pin the blame on themselves.


This is a relatively broad term, so let’s review this a bit. Narcissistic behavior is often molded in childhood, and commonly, narcissists lack the ability to self-reflect. This lack of self-reflection can lead to an underdeveloped (i.e., “immature”) personality; hence, narcissists are often (subconsciously) looking for a “parental figure” to look up to.


Again, a relatively broad term. Most narcissists are innately materialistic, so it’s common for them to seek financial security. As such, it is common for attractive women (men, on a lesser scale) to remain on the lookout for someone who is visibly wealthy (it’s even better if they’re sensitive and mature!).


Being a nice person is absolutely nothing wrong (and nearly everything right). The world needs more people like this, as is evident by the unprecedented levels of corruption, violence, and general instability of society. But here’s a sad fact: many overly-congenial people are subject to being manipulated and controlled.


Final Thoughts About Narcissists

Some people (especially narcissists) will often mistake your kindness for weakness. However, this doesn’t need to be a bad thing. It’s only bad when you allow them to manipulate you. Instead, protect and cherish your strong sense of individualism. Refuse to allow others to abuse you, and strongly correct those that display such behavior. They probably won’t be back, and you’ll likely be better off.

As long as we’re fortunate enough to have air in our lungs, we’re strong enough to carve out our own path. Some of us need to reclaim this strength and disavow those that attempt to take this sense of self.

At times, our world appears broken. When good people stand up to do something about it, others might tell them to sit back down. Narcissists are part of the problem because they don’t care about the world around them.

When we recognize, correct, and discourage such behavior, any real, meaningful change occurs. We must have the strength and capabilities to do so.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

6 Signs The World Is Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening RIGHT NOW

Are we witnessing a spiritual awakening?

On the surface, it seems the world operates in a constant state of disarray and confusion, with mass shootings, terror attacks, arguments and wars over race and religion, riots, and civil unrest happening all too often. If you look at what the news portrays to the public, you might think of the world as a scary, uncivilized, threatening place to live. However, they only tell you what they want you to hear. Much of what happens in the world goes undocumented and unreported by major news outlets, and much of these occurrences happen to be positive.

You can’t just look at the world from one viewpoint and expect that this will collectively represent all of what the planet goes through. You have to see things from multiple vantage points, and while many awful atrocities happen daily, the world also is going through a massive shift in consciousness and awareness simultaneously.

If you feel alone, scared, exasperated and frustrated by the world today, we have some good news for you that will hopefully give you faith and comfort in these trying times. Remember where evil exists, good does too. You can’t have one without the other. Darkness cannot exist without light, and we want you to know that many lightworkers, givers, spiritual warriors, and true Earth angels exist on this planet who want the best for everyone here.

You might feel like you are one of these people, shedding light where it is needed most and continuing to spread goodness where you can. We know it can seem frustrating, like your efforts don’t make much difference, but truthfully, we all need to stand strong and work together if we want this planet to change, so please don’t give up.

6 Signs That Prove The World Is Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

The shift is happening, and people all over the world have awakened to humanity’s ultimate truth. Peace and love will always prevail, but we have to keep them alive. Many people all over have begun to speak out against the corruption and greed that exist in the current system, and no longer will stand for such injustice and inhumane behavior. It’s easy to become discouraged and frustrated by the current paradigm as we all try to escape the matrix that only seeks to drain us, but the following events point to better times ahead.

spiritual awakening

1. Organic food sales are rising, while non-organic and GMO foods are being rejected.

Organic food sales rose by 11% in 2014 in the U.S., with 90% of homes on the West Coast and New England buying at least some organic foods and cleaning products. Veganism and vegetarianism also continue to rise, as people have finally realized what truly fuels the body, and what poisons it. We haven’t seen such a global interest in health as we have in recent times, as the slow food movement and interest in natural living continues to increase. People want real food and nutrients straight from the Earth.

They’ve grown tired of “food-like substances” that do nothing except poison our bodies and minds, while lining the pockets of pharmaceutical companies and hospitals. People want to take health back into their own hands instead of giving away that power to others who claim to care about the well-being of people, all while continuing to serve them toxins.

McDonald’s was forced to close hundreds of stores globally as food sales plummeted, and Monsanto, an agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology giant, suffered a 34% drop in earnings following many March Against Monsanto protests worldwide.

People have demanded a food revolution, and many have started their own gardens right in their backyard. We all want food that nourishes us while keeping the planet in harmony, and the wholesome food movement truly points to a shift in consciousness. What we eat directly affects how we feel and think; many have experienced a spiritual awakening to this truth.

2. Meditation and mindfulness practices have skyrocketed in Western nations.

In the past few years, many people have adopted meditation practices for various reasons, including to decrease anxiety, help them relax, relieve chronic pain, etc. What was once just a pseudoscientific notion that many quickly dismissed has now turned into a global movement that a host of people and institutions have joined in on, from hospitals to students to businessmen.

People worldwide have begun to understand that meditation offers much more than a chance to relax and unwind from work; it also directly connects them to Source energy and gets them back in touch with their true selves. Mindfulness exercises have been introduced to businesspeople, college students, hospital patients, and everyone in between.

This expansion of consciousness globally lends even more credibility to the belief that our world is experiencing healing and rebirth on a massive scale.

3. Off-grid living and minimalism are the new trends, leaving rampant consumerism and overconsumption in the dust.

The “tiny house movement” is also growing, and now there’s even a show called “Tiny House Nation!” Do a simple search on YouTube or Netflix. Hundreds of people finally called it quits on their old lifestyle of paying high energy bills and living in clutter and adopted a more minimalist approach to living instead.

Aside from those going off the grid completely, self-sufficiency in at least some aspects of living is quickly gaining popularity. According to Becoming Minimalist, vegetable seed sales are up 30% from 2008. More people want to live simply without dependency on industry; also, many have realized that big monetary savings come with the choice to live more sustainably.

People have begun to discard old items in droves, as they want to live a life free of material items that do nothing but clutter their space and drain their energy, not to mention their bank account. Rampant consumerism continues to fall in favor of a life filled with true meaning, and not meaningless stuff.

4. People have grown exhausted with the slavery of employment, and seek a better life after a spiritual awakening.

As part of this shift in consciousness and betterment of the planet, more people have awakened to the idea that they incarnated here to do more than sit in an office 40+ hours per week filing papers. They have realized that sacrificing 50+ years of their life to sit in a cubicle doesn’t make sense and doesn’t bring anyone happiness except the people at the top. They want more, seek more, and realize they deserve more than throwing their life away so someone else can get richer.

Many have pondered how exactly they could escape their monotonous, unfulfilling jobs to really experience this life for all it’s worth, and it seems that more and more people have opted to take the path less traveled. For example, you can find hundreds of inspiring stories like this one about those who have given up their corporate jobs instead of traveling or following other passions.


You might think this carefree attitude shows a lack of accountability about the economy, but it actually represents responsibility to something much more ever-lasting and important: true happiness that can only be found by following one’s heart, no matter what society might say about it.

People all over the world continue to experience burnout and constant stress from bills, unfulfilling jobs and other responsibilities that only seem to serve the few while denying the many happiness. We all have to continue to stand up to this monotonous system in favor of one that serves all: us, the animals and the planet.

5. We have an ever-growing need to protect this planet and connect.

Awareness and a sense of personal responsibility to help our planet continue to rise as we realize we all are one, we’re all connected on a deep cosmic level, and we need to protect and help one another. That’s yet an additional sign of this spiritual awakening. We have to care about each other if we want to survive here; we can no longer continue this selfish paradigm.

Big corporations, small businesses, and just people, in general, have realized that we all share the same planet, so we have a responsibility to keep it clean and make it a beautiful place for all life to thrive. People all over have awakened to their true purpose, and realize that it includes truly helping others and making their lives better. They want more than just sitting in an office to pay their bills and work for the man. They’ll feel connected to others and work in such a way that includes everyone. They want more collective living, not individualistic.

Just look at the rise of transformational festivals and similar events focusing on raising consciousness and spreading peace. This alone shows that we all have an innate need to feel connected to others in a meaningful, deep way. It’s written in our DNA, and we can no longer ignore it.

6. We have grown absolutely sick of hatred, violence, oppression, and war.

If you look at people’s reactions after a terror attack or other act of violence or hate, everyone just wants it to stop. A recent post on Tumblr in reaction to the recent attack in Nice, France said “I’m tired of people killing other people.” This proves that people want peace and love desperately, and with each new attack grow more and more tired of unneeded bloodshed and the loss of innocent, precious lives.

We have an intrinsic need to protect our fellow humans, but somewhere along the way, we lost that. In this spiritual awakening, however, we have regained our connection to what truly matters and just want to see a world where we can all thrive.

Final Thoughts on the Signs of a Spiritual Awakening

We hope that these signs of change will bring you peace in turbulent, uncertain times. On the surface, it seems we live in chaos and fear, but please don’t let this illusion stop you from living your truth and spreading peace and love. The world needs it now more than ever, and we must count on each other to bring about essential change.

This Ancient Tea Helps With Anxiety and Weight Loss

Drinking tea goes back to ancient cultural tradition, as it contains many healing attributes which make it the nighttime drink of choice for many people. Many varieties of tea exist, but lately, a particular type called matcha tea has grown quickly in popularity as people realize the many benefits they can get from it, including, but not limited to weight loss and anxiety.

Here’s how this ancient tea helps with weight loss and anxiety

Matcha is a powdered green tea originating in Japan. The tea leaves are brought into the shade for the last few weeks of their growth, which increases the chlorophyll content, giving rise to the vibrant green color you see in the powdered form of the tea. The tea is rich in antioxidants, but many people use it in recipes as well. You only need 1/2 a tsp to brew a cup of Matcha, unlike other teas with less potency. The producers of Matcha tea actually don’t strain the leaves before final production, which makes the tea much more powerful upon consumption.

If you are an herbal tea connoisseur or just want to try something that will boost your health, here are a few reasons to add matcha tea to your diet:

Calm Energy

Because matcha tea is harvested longer than other types of tea leaves, it contains more L-theanine, an amino acid that helps to promote clarity and tranquility. This also helps to balance out the caffeine present in the tea, while also keeping you alert and focused.


Matcha tea contains 137 times the polyphenols than regular green tea, according to this study. Furthermore, matcha tea contains more than 60 times the antioxidants of spinach and 7 times the antioxidants of high grade dark chocolate.

This high concentration of antioxidants can protect against many diseases, including cancer.

Smaller Waistline

EGCG, a type of antioxidant found abundantly in Matcha, can increase the fat-burning process and has been proven to decrease the formation of new fat cells. Other studies have shown that the catechins in Matcha can boost the body’s metabolism and contribute to additional fat burning during a workout.

Healthy Heart Goes Along with the Weight Loss

A 2011 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed a decrease in LDL cholesterol when participants drank green tea. Lower blood pressure and a decreased risk of stroke also occurred, and researchers believe the catechins in the tea helped to lower these markers for disease.

Mental Focus

The L-Theanine in green tea can help boost focus and concentration due to an increase in alpha brain waves.

Clear Skin

The abundant antioxidants in green tea can keep skin healthy by reducing free radicals and inflammation that help contribute to early aging.

However, even though Matcha tea contains many benefits, you do need to watch out for lead present in this type of tea. All green teas contain small amounts of lead, but since Matcha tea is produced using the whole leaf, more lead is present. While lead levels are still in the safe range, pregnant women or those with health problems should take caution when dealing with Matcha tea.

Juices for weight loss

How to Make Weight Loss Tea

So, how can you brew this amazing tea yourself?

Purchasing it in stores can get expensive, so a cheaper alternative would be to brew it at home yourself. You can make it two different ways: usucha or koicha. Usucha will give you a thin tea, while koicha is a thicker tea.

Needed Equipment:

  • A blender or whisk and spoon
  • A strainer or sifter
  • A bowl for whisking
  • Cups for drinking tea


  • 1 teaspoon Matcha Powder
  • 1 cup of hot water
  1. Sift the powder into your glass bowl with the strainer or sifter.
  2. Slowly add the hot water.
  3. Whisk it until it’s frothy and thick.
  4. Drink and enjoy!

7 Signs You’re In A Relationship With A Sociopath

You believe that you are in a relationship with a sociopath, which can be scary to deal with even if you know the signs. That’s because ultimately it’s about you getting out safely or getting help. With a sociopath in your life, you feel like you did something wrong, but in reality, you’re not the one with the problem.

When you met the person that you are now in a relationship with, they had irresistible charm and allure. You felt drawn in by them. Indeed, that charm is one of the ways that a sociopath finds a willing victim to manipulate.

7 Signs You’re In A Relationship With A Sociopath

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is the handbook that psychologists use to classify the behaviors of a sociopath. Sociopathic behavior falls under the category of Antisocial Personality Disorder. This can be confusing because when we use the word ‘antisocial,’ we usually mean that someone is introverted and shy. But in the case of a sociopath, they are called antisocial because they behave in ways that are against society.


In an excerpt from her book Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight, successful ivy league female lawyer and sociopath M. E. Thomas writes of her early life experiences:

“Aggression, risk-taking, and a lack of concern for one’s own health, or that of others, are hallmarks of sociopathy. When I was 8, I almost drowned in the ocean. My mother said that when the lifeguard fished me out of the water and breathed life into me, my first utterances were gasps of laughter. I learned that death could come at any moment, but I never developed a fear of it.”

1. You’ve asked them to change, but they just don’t seem to want to try

When you first notice that your partner has hurt your feelings, you might have let it slide a few times out of your love for them, but if you tried to ask for a small change in their behavior and your partner got upset, that is a sign that you are in a relationship with a sociopath.

2. Your feelings get hurt often

M. E. Thomas writes that she manipulated the love feelings of coworkers and others who she knew had crushes on her to get what she wanted. In one case, she pushed a boyfriend away and encouraged him to pursue another woman. Later, she told him how much she really wanted him. Another time she manipulated a manager to get more vacation time off.

Lack of empathy is a sign that you are in a relationship with a sociopath. When you feel like your feelings are ignored, or worse, intentionally hurt, you may question your decision to stay in the relationship. If you feel like the object of your desire is rejecting you, then showering you with affection, only to push you away again, you might be in a relationship with a sociopath.

3. You’ve caught them in a few lies

A sociopath uses an overconfident stare when they are caught in a lie, and the sustained, uncomfortable eye contact can make you be the first one to drop it. In a study of pathological gamblers and antisocial personality disorder, researchers found that over 73% engaged in lying to hide their gambling behavior. Other negative behavior was also found by the researchers including sexual promiscuity and substance abuse problems, which the sociopath was also likely to lie about.

4. They have been in trouble with the law

A history of law-breaking behavior is a sign of a sociopath because they tend to not care about the rules or the consequences of breaking them. Repressed emotions of fear, anger, and sadness can lead to violent behavior in a sociopath because they blame others for their pain.

Often, antisocial personalities like sociopaths have patterns of broken relationships, financial problems, arrest records, and poor employment histories. Tendencies to act impulsively lead them to act before they think about the consequences of their behavior.

5. You feel manipulated and taken advantage of

Controlling, manipulative, dominating, checking up on you constantly; sound familiar? A sociopath likes to gather information to use whenever they need it for their own benefit. Even small things like you talking to the cashier at the grocery store can be used against you when it’s a sociopath who knows how to twist things to their advantage in a relationship.

6. They have made you feel uncomfortable

A sociopath will make you feel like you definitely should do something immoral, illegal. In fact, you feel downright uncomfortable with these things.  Did your partner encourage you to do something you dislike doing? Did they further pressure you to do it anyway? Then you saw a clear sign you are in a relationship with a sociopath.

Related article: 5 Ways To Spot A Psychopath

7. You don’t feel like your needs are being met

Your physical safety, your emotional and mental well-being, not to mention your spiritual health; all of these are on the backburner due to all the drama that your sociopathic partner has pulled you into. If you are afraid for your safety or unable to leave, call the National Domestic Violence hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or go to for more information about protecting yourself from physical or emotional abuse.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

6 Signs of An Oversized Ego

We all know at least one person who acts like they are the best since sliced bread. Like they are perfect, flawless, and never wrong. And that doesn’t mean they are confident or self-assured. It usually means that they’re a rude and self-absorbed individual. Being sure and having faith in your abilities is a great trait. But having a big ego is something entirely different. It means you refuse to see what you could improve to become a better person.

Or you don’t have the incentive to improve because you already think you’re the most extraordinary person alive. The problem with egotistical people is that they never think about others. They don’t care who they have to step over as long as they come out on top. They would forsake their friends and family to reach advantages in life. That advantage is often monetary, or even fame and image. This is a person you don’t want to have in your life. They are unreliable, and frankly, they aren’t an asset for you.

They aren’t good friends or partners, and they will probably get on your nerves. If you are the one that has an inflated ego, that’s also an issue. That’s not to say that a healthy dose of confidence can’t help. Of course, it helps, as it doesn’t allow others to trample you. But being overly egotistical is not desirable, as it doesn’t benefit anyone, not even you. So, if you want to spot an oversized ego, what are some signs you need to look out for?

The Difference Between Confidence and Ego


At first glance, these two concepts might seem interchangeable. After all, being confident means having a big ego, right? Well, that’s not the case. There is a big difference between the two concepts. More specifically, these traits don’t stem from the same mindsets.

Confidence is utterly separate from self-interest. You can be the most selfless person alive and still be confident. That’s because confidence means having faith in yourself and your abilities. Confidence is all about how you see yourself. When you learn to accept who you are, with all your imperfections, that’s when you become confident. But confidence also means being aware of what you can do to improve yourself.

A confident person is not afraid to admit that they still have a lot to learn. They even take pride in the fact that they are constantly bettering themselves. But only good people are ever truly confident. And that’s because they know who they are, and they know they are kind and selfless. And that’s the type of person you can truly have faith in.

You might think that’s incorrect. You might even think you know bad people who are confident. Well, those people aren’t really confident. The term that would best describe them is egotistical. Having a big ego can look very similar to confidence. But the main difference is that egotistical people act out of self-interest. They want to look good and to seem like they are in the right. They don’t actually care if they are doing the right thing, as long as that’s how it seems.

This behavior is also linked with the need to seek validation and approval. That’s the main reason why your actions won’t be genuine. They will just be for show and because you want others to know just how “amazing” you are.

6 Signs of an Oversized Ego

Do you see these behaviors in yourself or someone you love?

1.    They Always Think They Are Right

People who suffer from an inflated ego always need to be correct. They aren’t interested in learning new things or even having a discussion. They are usually just interested in showing off. Furthermore, they have the desire always to be listened to. They think being wrong is a weakness and will make them seem less than they are.

Because they are so afraid of being viewed negatively, they will always act like they know everything. They need to be listened to and to be admired. That’s not because they want to teach others. In fact, if no one learns a thing from them, they won’t care at all. Teaching others is something that selfless people do.

But that’s not what an egotistical person wants. They desire to be seen as role models without actually putting in the work to be a role model. These people aren’t interested in discussing good faith. They want to show others that they know everything and are better than them. Ultimately, they want to be right because that’s how they get the validation they seek.

2.    They Always Gossip

Usually, people with big egos are very fragile. Those big egos are easily hurt. Because of their vulnerability, they feel they can’t rely on their strengths alone to prove themselves. They also feel the need to tear others down to seem better by comparison. And the best way to do that is to gossip.

Everyone gossips to a certain extent. After all, people can have only so many philosophical discussions before getting bored. Talking about other people is something everyone does. You’ll start talking about acquaintances when you meet a friend for drinks. Gossiping from time to time isn’t that big of a deal.

But people with oversized egos don’t just gossip once in a while. They always talk about others, and they make an effort to criticize them. For example, they might constantly bring up their co-workers only to paint them in a negative light. Condemning and criticizing others feeds their egos. It also allows them to make themselves look better by comparison.

oversized ego

3.    They are Never Satisfied

Someone with an oversized ego will always feel like they need more. That’s because they think they deserve more. For example, they will always want another promotion because they believe they are the company’s best employee and deserve it. In most cases, they don’t even earn that promotion. But that doesn’t stop them from wanting more and more.

They always chase achievements because they want to prove they are the best. So they usually go for material achievements. They aren’t necessarily interested in finding love or taking care of others. They want a better job, a new car, a bigger house, or a newer TV. Also, they look to what the people around them achieved. For example, if their neighbor gets a new car, they will want a better, newer one. All of this is to prove they are always the best.

4.    They Hate Losing

Realistically speaking, no one likes to lose. No matter how selfless you might be, you’ll still be upset when you lose. But people with an oversized ego take it up a notch. Not only do they not like to lose. Indeed, they despise it with all their being. They are overly competitive and often hold grudges and will do anything to win. They are the kind of people who would cheat during a family game night without a second thought.

Losing makes them feel like they are inferior. Most of the time, that’s one of their deepest, darkest fears. They act how they act because they think they are not good enough. So, that fear is validated when they lose or when something doesn’t turn out the way they want to. Their ego takes a hit when they lose.

To avoid that, they will lie, cheat, and even gaslight others to make it seem like they didn’t lose. They will blame others for their missteps and throw tantrums if things don’t go their way.

5.    They Don’t Have Friends

Egotistical people have a hard time connecting with others. They don’t see the point in spending their time hanging out with others or potentially helping them. They aren’t prepared to make sacrifices to maintain a platonic or romantic relationship. Also, according to psychologist Robin Hornstein, Ph.D., they don’t even care to remember what others say. They are always so caught up in being the life of the party that they don’t take the time to listen to others.

Additionally, they see others as inferior and unworthy of their time. Because of that, they have many acquaintances but not many friends. Those acquaintances exist for when the time comes. For example, they might be on good terms with all their colleagues, just so that someone will cover for them when they want to take a day off. But they won’t try to reciprocate and do things for others. That’s why they could never create genuine bonds.

6.    They Take All the Credit for Successes

Throughout life, people will have many successes that are shared with others. That’s because an individual can’t do everything by themselves. Even in school, you had to work with other kids on projects. And if you got a good grade, that was a shared success. And the same goes for adult life. For example, most projects at work will be shared successes.

But egotistical people aren’t good at sharing success, according to Dr. Kruti Quazi. No matter what, they will try to take full credit for the work. They might refuse to acknowledge that the project was a group effort and spin it all as their creation. They will always tell the boss just how much they worked, without mentioning that others worked hard.

oversized ego

Final Thoughts on Signs of an Oversized Ego

Being confident is a great thing that everyone should strive towards. But be aware that having an oversized ego is not the same as being secure. And having an oversized ego is not a desirable trait.

Egotistical people tend to disregard anyone and everything as long as they can come out on top. They always want to be correct and hate it when told otherwise. Besides, they hate losing and will lie and cheat to avoid it. They are never satisfied and always want more. Because of how self-absorbed they are, it’s almost impossible for them to create genuine bonds with other people. If you know someone like this, you’d be better off without them in your life.

12 Things Only Highly Creative People Will Understand

Highly creative people often feel misplaced in our logical, linear world, as if they must live on the fringes of society just to keep their creative genius alive and well.

Creative people feel different for a reason. Research confirms that their brains have structural differences that cause them to think and act uniquely. They operate more intuitive and imaginatively than their counterparts, who seem to excel in logical, analytical endeavors.

Highly creative people thrive in the world they’ve created in their minds, which makes much more sense to them than the reality we live in. If you know a creative person, you probably have gotten frustrated with their unique quirks and tendencies, but to a creative person, these characteristics only add fuel to the fire. They run on these oddities that others perceive as strange and nonsensical because their personality and how they look at the world can help them to create beautiful masterpieces out of seemingly nothing.

Here are twelve things only highly creative people will understand:

If you are a creator, these traits probably sound familiar.

1. Creative people have a million ideas running through their mind constantly.

Creative people’s minds never stop. In fact, they always have fresh, new ideas to bring to the table. But they can rarely figure out which ones to follow through with. Creative people see inspiration and possibilities where others might see a dead-end, and they draw from their imagination to start projects and find passion in their work.

2. They see challenges as opportunities.

Creative people don’t let anything get in their way of success and art; others might say no, but they don’t let this stop them. They constantly break barriers and cross boundaries, if only to feel alive, feeling something from their work. They see reality as mundane and useless without art and use their creative streak to escape the world.


3. Creative people care very much about staying true to themselves.

They would never compromise their unique self for other people. They don’t care if they make a penny or a billion dollars off their work. The feeling they get from their work drives them to continue, not the possibility of becoming famous or wealthy. They only do what feels right and don’t let others sway their opinions or decisions.

4. They have a very short attention span.

People today see this as bad, and many children sadly take pills to stay on task in school. However, the creative person sees this as an advantage, a positive thing not to be tampered with, because they thrive during short bursts of concentrated effort. They see this as an opportunity to create something amazing while it grabs their attention, and then move on to the next task or project. They can juggle multiple projects simultaneously, but they may not always complete them. For the creative person, however, the fulfillment doesn’t come from finishing a project, but from the journey along the way.

5. Creative people only work when they feel like it.

Therefore, the standard 9-5 workday doesn’t really vibe with them. They create when it strikes their fancy and don’t appreciate a boss telling them when to do what, how to do this, why they need to work faster, etc. Creative people have a strong independent streak and thrive doing the freelance work.

“To create is to swim in a sea of wonder under starry skies and moonlit nights of possibility.”
~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator 

6. They enjoy long periods of solitude.

The world moves quickly, and this affects the creative person particularly. They need lots of time to recharge their batteries and draw inspiration for their creative mind. They need quiet time to process the millions of thoughts going through their heads, anyway.

7. They need a creative space to call their own.

No matter what type of creative work they do, whether it’s writing, drawing, acting, building, playing music, etc, all creative people need an inspirational nook to work in. They might find their flow in their room at home, a yoga studio, or perhaps the branches of their tree in the backyard. Whatever space they work in needs to feel conducive to creativity, and ultimately, inspire them to turn their thoughts into reality.

8. Creative people are highly sensitive.

Perhaps this trait makes them feel the most misunderstood. Creative people run differently than others, often fueled by emotions rather than logic. In fact, throughout most of the day, they make decisions based on how they feel in the moment, or what their intuition tells them. They get hurt easily and often draw inspiration from their pain.

9. Their emotions change constantly.

Creative people can go from joyful to melancholy in a matter of seconds. Because they feel so deeply, everything affects them to the core of their soul, and they live in a world run by emotions and feelings. Logic makes little sense to them, and they must endure the waves of emotions that run through them because they have been wired to do just that. Creative people let their emotions spill into their writing, belt out lyrics from the heart, and never hold anything back. They don’t bottle up their feelings, instead of allowing their work to provide them an outlet to express them.

10. Creative people draw inspiration from experience.

They get bored and quickly uninterested when they don’t experience all that life can offer. This explains why creative people don’t feel fulfilled working in “normal” jobs or listening to a lecture in a college classroom. They need unconventional ways of learning and growing, and to them, this means getting hands-on experience in unique ways, such as traveling the world. They learn much more from living than from reading about how others live or watching from the sidelines.

11. They invented procrastination.

Creative people are notorious for completing a project at the last possible moment. Indeed, they don’t try to do this, but it seems their best work comes to the surface under enormous pressure.

creative person

12. Creative people will never grow up.

Creative people see the world through a different, less serious lens. They don’t care about dollars and numbers and playing it safe; they care about adventure and living the hell out of this life, and they do this by giving in to their curiosity. While it might kill the cat, it also brings life to the spirit, and they live for the chance to feel alive, if only for a moment in time. They play, learn, laugh, love, and see the world through innocent, whimsical eyes. Their sense of wonder and awe never left them, and they still get excited about what the world can offer them.

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