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Nothing Is Solid & Everything Is Energy, According to New Research

Nothing Is Solid & Everything Is Energy, According to New Research

‘If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.’ – Niels Bohr

The ground under your feet and that coffee cup in your hand may seem solid, but physicists have proven that they are really just energies with movement. The implications of this non-solid reality are mind-blowing.

We continue to seek to understand our universe and our place in it. The more we learn, the more curious we become to understand deeply. The meaning of life may come from scientists who seek knowledge of these concepts through the study of quantum physics.

How Scientists Prove That Nothing is Solid

We have known for some time that every object is made of tiny molecules and that molecules are made up of even tinier atoms. Atoms are made of tiny sub-atomic particles called neutrons, protons and electrons. This invisible world that makes up the solid objects of our environment is the world of quantum physics.

Molecules and atoms vibrate slower in a solid state and faster in a liquid or gas state. Think about the examples of ice, water and steam. All of these are water in its various forms. The only difference between ice and steam is how much cold or heat we apply to the molecules that make up water.

Maybe you remember from chemistry class that water is made up of one Hydrogen and two Oxygen atoms, which is why we represent water as H2O. The atoms are made up of sub-atomic particles that are the nucleus, consisting of protons and neutrons and the outer part, which is where the electrons are found.

Electrons are energy. Electrons are where we get electricity. Electrons have a negative charge and protons have a positive charge, whereas neutrons are neutrally charged. When electrons move from one atom to another, there is a current of electricity created.

Physicists Prove That Nothing Is Solid

There are spaces between the atoms that make up the molecules that make up the water. In fact, if you had one molecule of water and were able to look for the part that defines the ‘stuff’ that makes water a tangible, physical, wet thing, you wouldn’t be able to find it.

This is because there is no structure to the atoms that make up the molecule. All that is really there is some spinning energy and empty space. That’s it. And that spinning energy and empty space is all that everything solid is made up of.

Recent Implications of This and Other Scientific Discoveries

Our understanding of our world and how we interact with it are constantly evolving with new scientific discoveries. You may recall the recent news of the discovery of the God particle (The Higgs boson particle) through the giant Hadron particle collider.

The God particle is the stuff that makes up the empty space between atomic particles. Scientists believe that the God particle gives things their mass because it creates resistance as other particles push against it.

Empty space isn’t empty; it’s full of stuff that we just don’t know much about yet. Your molecules and the molecules of the air around you are all just spinning tiny energy particles dancing with each other.

So what makes your molecules decide to be you-shaped and the air molecules decide to be air-shaped? Is it free-will? Is it God? Is it magic?

Related article: 8 Studies That Show How Consciousness Affects Reality

How your perspective will change now that you know that noting is solid

Armed with the knowledge that all matter, including our physical bodies, are just bits of spinning energy, your mind becomes open to possibilities. Open-minded, positive, universal unity becomes an emotional focus and goal for you.

We are all the same. All human beings are the same spinning energy. So are trees, stones, water and air. All of this spinning energy is moving and creating and being and we are a part of it.

The esoteric, spiritual, global implications for your world-view are pretty amazing. You may be feeling very new-agey right about now and that’s a part of a spiritual evolution that much of the planet is going through at this time. puts this mind-bending process like this:

‘Acknowledge and know that you are just a human being, experience the oneness of a diverse organism called the universe. What we must understand is that all there is, all we ever know or we think we know or believe is our imagination; now imagination is everything. Your sense organs are part of the imagination. They are a way to transmit and receive reality. Reality isn’t real you create it with your imagination. You cannot be sure of anything and tying down to any belief system is constructing barriers for the imagination. The Imagination is limitless, it has no boundaries; only the ones we set for ourselves. The true reality is infinity. We are part of that infinite paradox of evolution.’

Related article: Evidence That The Human Body is a Projection of Consciousness

6 Health Reasons To Eat Spicy Foods More Often

Many people from different cultures and backgrounds worldwide have a special place in their hearts for spicy foods, and it turns out that these foods don’t only taste great, but provide wonderful health benefits as well.

Although everyone prefers a different level of spice in their foods, it doesn’t actually matter how much your food burns your tongue, but what type of spice you use in your cooking. Spices can serve as wonderful alternatives to medicines and other conventional healing modalities and have been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of ailments, including aches and pains. Many spices have antimicrobial properties, which explains why they make wonderful alternative remedies.

“Studies show that many different herbs and spices offer health benefits,” says David Heber, MD, PhD, professor of medicine, and director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition. Much of the existing evidence supports use of cinnamon, chili peppers, turmeric, garlic, oregano, basil, thyme, and rosemary, Heber tells WebMD.

According to Heber, a compound in chili peppers called dihydrocapsiate increased fat-burning capacity in a study where people ate the spice three times a day. Furthermore, a study in Cell Metabolism showed decreased blood pressure in lab animals that consume capsaicin, the component in chili peppers that makes them spicy.

If you don’t know which spices to add to your food, start out with the simple ones we’ve listed above. Thousands of spices exist in the world, but if you don’t use spices often, it’s best to begin with “safer” spices that you might be more familiar with. You can easily replace salt, sugar, or other additives with spices, which have no added calories or salt.

If you need more convincing to add spices to your food, read on for more of the benefits you can expect to receive.

6 Health Reasons To Eat Spicy Foods More Often

joint inflammation
Learn about six foods that can help relieve joint inflammation.

1. Spices can help you lose weight.

Many spices have properties that increase body heat, which will help to boost your metabolism, and therefore lose weight. Others, such as cinnamon, help to balance your blood sugar so that you stay full longer.

Furthermore, as we mentioned above, spices can serve as a substitute for other additives such as sugar, which contains calories but no nutrients. More commonly, people use spice to replace salt, which can pack on the water weight due to bloating.

Spices will help to make your food more satisfying, which means you won’t need as much to feel full.

2. Spices can increase your metabolism.

According to Better Nutrition, the capsaicin in chili peppers increases your body heat, which therefore amps up your metabolism. This goes along with our first point, but it’s still worth mentioning. Eating spices can serve as an easy way to increase your energy and metabolism, plus make your food taste better. Sounds like a win-win, right?

3. Spices can prevent heart disease.

Garlic, ginger, and cinnamon specifically have been proven to help prevent heart disease. According to Dr. Sinatra, an integrative cardiologist, “Garlic, one of the most healthy herbs and spices in the world, is both a powerful antioxidant and blood thinner. It is commonly recommended as a cholesterol-lowering agent, and has been shown to help lower triglycerides – blood fats that are closely linked to heart disease. Garlic can even lower blood pressure as effectively as some drugs (as shown in studies where subjects supplemented with daily dosages ranging from 600 – 900 mg over a period of 3-6 months.”

He also lists cinnamon as one of the best healing herbs and spices for increasing antioxidant levels in the blood, and ginger as a natural blood thinner.

4. Spices can also alleviate sinus trouble.

This one seems pretty self-explanatory, as we’ve all had spicy food at one time or another, and had to run for the tissues in the middle of our meal. Because of the incredible heat present in spices, they cause the sinuses to become unclogged, which explains the runny noses and watery eyes.

If you ever have sinus issues, just reach for your favorite spice to add to your cooking, and you’ll see some relief in no time.

5. Eating spices could help you live longer.

According to a study done by Time, people who ate spicy foods one or two times per week had a ten percent reduced risk of death, compared to those who ate spicy food once or fewer times a week.

You can see why spices might make you live longer, as they decrease your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and other life-threatening issues.

joint inflammation

6. Spices can serve as a natural remedy for anxiety and stress.

According to Dr. Cynthia, a holistic doctor, passionflower, kava kava, turmeric, and lavender have the potential to decrease anxiety and stress in a healthy, nonaddictive way. L-theanine, an amino acid found mostly in green and black tea, can reduce anxiety as well.

So, there you have it, six science backed reasons to eat more spicy foods; remember, incorporate spices into your foods slowly, so that you don’t overwhelm your taste buds. Then, once you feel comfortable, you can experiment with bolder spices that also make your food taste great!

8 Ways Sociopaths Try to Manipulate

You may feel like you are going crazy if you have ever been the victim of a manipulative sociopath. But the reality is, you are in danger of being manipulated again. In this article, we will talk about some of the ways that a sociopath will try to manipulate you. We will also discuss what you can do about it when you realize what is happening to you.

The many ways that you interact with others, cooperatively, through connections built over time, sharing and trusting each other in different levels of intimacy, are how most normal people act socially. A sociopath sees all the people and things in their life as pieces in a game that they have to win at all costs.

As a result of this game playing, you and anyone who comes into contact with a sociopath is a potential part of their game. You will not likely win in a game against a sociopath because the sociopath has been manipulating people since their early childhood.

Author Martha Stout writes in her book The Sociopath Next Door: The Ruthless Versus The Rest Of Us,

‘This is exactly what happens to the human mind when emotional attachment and conscience are missing. Life is reduced to a contest, and other human beings seem to be nothing more than game pieces, to be moved about, used as shields, or ejected.’

8 Ways Sociopaths Will Try To Manipulate You


Sociopaths and serial killers share the same lack of remorse for their actions, but neither of these antisocial personalities is created over night. Psychologists say ‘People develop sociopathy as a result of genetic predispositions for neurological differences and antisocial behavior combined with, traumatic childhood experiences. The serial killer is the sociopath that takes the next step and makes a conscious decision to kill. That element of choice is what distinguishes the sociopath from the sociopathic serial killer. ‘

One of the only ways to get out of a sociopath’s game of manipulation may simply be to ask them what they ultimately want and help them to get it. The other option to dealing with a sociopath is to document and report their behavior as well as to avoid becoming a pawn in their game.

1. Flattery

Making you feel good about yourself is a way that a sociopath will try to manipulate you. That’s true especially if you tend to have low self-esteem. The sociopath can sense your need for approval and they will give it to you if it gets them what they want.

2. Sex

A sociopath enjoys sex as one of the only pleasurable parts of living other than dominating the entire game of life. As a result, they tend to have active sexual lives that they involve others in as a manipulation. Do not be fooled; the sociopath is not capable of love so this is just about sexual gratification for them.

3. Staring

The predator stare, the dead eye, the reptilian stare, the shark gaze, the annihilatory stare; this look of emotionless eyes is one that is effectively used by a sociopath to manipulate you. The first one to blink loses, and you just lost to a sociopath who has been practicing this much longer than you have.

4. Silence

The first to speak also loses in the manipulative game of a sociopath, and a lengthy, uncomfortable silence is another tool that they use. By the time you’re feeling the discomfort of this awkwardly long quiet moment, the sociopath has you right where they want you.

5. Pretending

Playing a role or wearing a disguise is what a toxic people do. The most frightening thing about a sociopath is that they look so normal to everyone, but their behavior is only always self-serving.

6. Blaming

A sociopath will call you, hang up on you, and make you feel like it was your fault. A sociopath knows how to use just the right amount of guilt to make you want to make it up to them. Again, this is one of the game playing tactics that a sociopath uses to get what they want.

Related article: 9 Things To Say To Stop A Manipulator

7. Shaming

You feel badly for even thinking these negative thoughts about someone who looks like such an upstanding citizen, and the sociopath may even imply that if you tell anyone about their behavior they will only think you are crazy.

8. Intimidation

Scaring you into doing what they want you to do is one way that a toxic person will try to manipulate you. Usually this is not by threats, however, the sociopath is subtle. For example, they may tell you that they used to torture animals as a child and then later use that information as a psychological weapon to manipulate your fear of what they are capable of.


What Does Your Handwriting Reveal About Your Personality?

You might not have realized it before, but the way you write can reveal a lot about your personality. Whether you write with a left or right slant, little or great pressure, large or small spacing, and big or little letters, your handwriting speaks volumes about you as a person. Science actually backs up this theory with an area of study known as Graphology, involving how handwriting relates to personality.

Graphology came into the public’s eye in 1622, when the first book was published about the subject. Jean Michon of France came up with a word for the study, however, later on in the 1870s. The field of graphology gained traction in the 19th century when psychology became a profession.

Graphology focuses on four main areas: size, slant, pressure and spacing. By analyzing these four aspects of one’s handwriting, much about their personality can be uncovered. Kathy McKnight, expert Graphologist, says that the practice of analyzing one’s handwriting can reveal 5,000 different personality traits alone.

If you want to find out what your handwriting says about your personality, write out a short sentence, such as “I am thankful for my life” and then read on for more information.

What Does Your Handwriting Reveal About Your Personality?


Large letters

Writing with large letters may indicate that you have an extroverted personality. You enjoy being around other people more than you enjoy being alone. You express yourself fully and comfortably, and don’t hold back in life.

Small letters

On the other hand, this points to an introverted personality. You have the ability to focus intently on the task at hand, and block out anything else that might distract you. You have great concentration skills and willpower, but you might struggle with social skills and getting out of your shell.


Right Slant

You allow your emotions to steer your ship in life. You make decisions based on appeal to emotions rather than logic. You also have a spontaneous and impulsive nature. You might get in the car with no destination in mind, just to see where your intuition leads you. You cherish your personal relationships, and are there for your friends and family at the drop of a hat when something goes wrong.

No Slant

You approach life very logically and practically. You don’t let your emotions get in the way of your decisions. You don’t have a spontaneous nature, and like to plan out the details of something before doing it. You think before you act, so to speak.

Left Slant

You have a reserved personality, but you aren’t shy. You simply enjoy your alone time more than most people, and would rather work with objects or a creative process than people.


Heavy Pressure

You have a strong spirit, and wear your heart on your sleeve. You are also opinionated, and have strong reactions to issues you hold close to your heart. Your emotions run deep, but you don’t always say what’s on your mind.

You care for others deeply, even strangers, and would gladly step in to help them in a dangerous situation without even thinking of your own life first.

Light Pressure

You don’t let the small stresses of life weigh you down. You go with the flow, not being burdened by the trivialities in life. You feel your emotions, but don’t let them rule you. You accept and embrace every experience without resisting it. You accept life for what it hands you, and don’t question what happens.

You have a low-stress approach to life, not getting too invested into things mentally or emotionally.

Related article: What Does Your Facial Pattern Reveal About Your Personality?

Line Spacing

Little Spacing

You have a lot on your plate, and not enough time to handle it all it seems. You don’t manage your time well, often scheduling so much in one day that you get burnt out. You might arrive late for things, and don’t take a lot of time for yourself.

Even Spacing

You have great time management skills, on the contrary. You arrive before an event takes place, prepared and organized. You only schedule what you can comfortably manage for one day, and ask before showing up somewhere.

7 Signs Your Partner Is A Narcissist

Relationships require both partners to give and take. They are built on mutual respect, love, trust, and compassion. When you are in a relationship with a narcissist, those components often cease to exist after a short period of time. Narcissistic people are not empathetic. They aren’t willing to hold another up the ladder of success. They need complete attention and expect their partner to put them up on a pedestal.

In a case study by Susan Heitler, PhD called Narcissism: A Redefinition and Case Study of Treatment, she points out the conflict-focus in couples therapy and how narcissistic personality disorder affects relationships. In her findings she lists,

“The histories of many narcissists involve having been treated as extra-special. A parent may have conveyed that they were “mommy’s little prince” or “daddy’s special girl. The narcissistic individual also may literally have been taller than others (common in male narcissists), prettier (women narcissists), more popular, athletic, smart, wealthy, politically powerful, or more in any dimension, leading to a generalized feeling of specialness. Parents who hyper-focus on children’s specialness, however, sometimes alternate this adulation with devaluation via harsh criticism or cold ignoring, creating a substratum of insecurity beneath the over-evaluation.”

There are deeper facets to narcissistic behavior than just selfishness, huge egos, and a lack of compassion.

Here are 7 signs your partner might just be a narcissist:


1. Narcissists are controlling.

The narcissistic persona is overpowering. They want to control everything from finances to decisions in the home. They cannot accept that their partner could take credit for anything. Their nature goes above and beyond obsessive compulsive behavior. Sometimes the control can become abusive. When this happens, it’s time to set huge boundaries for your safety.

“Hate is the complement of fear and narcissists like being feared. It imbues them with an intoxicating sensation of omnipotence.”~ Sam Vaknin, Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited

2. They are jealous.

Narcissistic people are envious of everyone who may overshadow them. In a relationship, they require to be the center of attention. If your partner can’t support your success, or puts you down to make you doubt your goals, this might be a sign of narcissism. They need to be the ones who take the power. They might seem like amazing gift givers, but it comes with a price. If it’s not recognized, jealousy is destructive.

“For the most part people are not curious except about themselves.”~ John Steinbeck, The Winter of Our Discontent

3. They can’t commit.

Narcissistic people suffer from lack of emotional commitment. They must be the star of the show at all times. As relationships go, they need to be praised often or they will find the attention elsewhere. They have a difficult time providing stability when the newness wears off. The narcissist is always in fear that his insecurities will be exposed.

“That which he projects ahead of him as his ideal, is merely his substitute for the lost narcissism of his childhood – the time when he was his own ideal.”~ Sigmund Freud

4. They are overly charming and charismatic.

These should be positive attributions in a person, however, when dealing with narcissism, it becomes their form of manipulation. Narcissistic people are great at selling themselves to anyone. They suffer from grandiose perception. These folks are charming to a fault. They can say things that sound truthful and honest, but it’s a toxic pattern.

“I don’t care what you think unless it is about me.” ~Kurt Cobain

5. Narcissists don’t respect boundaries.

The narcissist utilizes others for the extension of their needs. They’ll prey on the weakness of their partner to get what they want. They have little respect and awareness of privacy. They feel entitled to everything in the home, in a business, and in every aspect of a relationship. That old saying, “What’s mine is mine. What yours is mine.” They are judgmental and highly critical of what they want in their partner and from their home. Because of their charm, a narcissistic person doesn’t show these issues until a person is already living with them.

“Relationships with narcissists are held in place by hope of a “someday better,” with little evidence to support it will ever arrive.” ~ Ramani Durvasula, Should I Stay or Should I Go?: Surviving a Relationship with a Narcissist

6. They are the only hero in their lives.

It goes without saying that a narcissistic person is not only in love with who they are, but they create dramatic stories to come out as heroes. They may also have relationships with people who need them financially just to feel the desire of control. Because rules don’t apply to them, the narcissist will participate in dangerous matters and see destructive behavior as a positive trait. In the end, there is no one like them.

“Heroic ambition seemed to have been the cause of much of the world’s pain then – quite like it is now. No villain ever saw himself a villain: he only saw himself a hero; and this goes just as no hero ever saw himself a hero: he simply did what he had to do. No true hero initially sets out with intentions of being deemed a hero.” ~ Criss Jami

toxic partner

7. Narcissists are master schemers.

Narcissistic personalities require constant change. They have to be plotting and scheming to keep the attention going. Often times, they fall into the victim role to get what they want. They will use the love of their partner to feel sorry for them. They will cheat, lie and regret nothing. These partners blame and project their own insecurities onto their mates.

“From where I’m sitting, I AM the centre of the Universe!” ~ Sebastyne Young

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Signs It’s Time To De-Clutter Your Life

In the world we currently live in, you can find clutter almost anywhere you look, as our system seems to promote the idea of excessive consumption and greed. However, just because advertisements and companies want you to believe that material goods will buy happiness, does not mean that you should buy into this idea. Time and time again, we’ve seen the successful CEO or entrepreneur crippled by depression, as they have a lot of material wealth but still feel empty.

Companies spend a lot of money convincing us we need certain things for happiness, when in reality, the key lies within ourselves.

Lately, though, the trend of minimalism seems to keep growing, as more people seek real, heartfelt experiences rather than material goods that only provide temporary happiness. If you’ve had enough of collecting possessions and would rather collect memories, then you probably need to de-clutter your life, so read on to find out how.


5 Signs It’s Time To De-Clutter Your Life

1. You have a lot of worries, financial and otherwise.

Owning a lot of stuff means the stuff owns us, in the end. Think about it: in order to buy most anything in life on a large scale, it requires us to go into debt. So, we have the additional burden over our heads of paying back the debt, plus the upkeep of whatever we purchased as well. Even if you don’t go into debt buying things, the items still won’t bring a sense of fulfillment, as things can’t connect to us like experiences and other people can.

If you have a lot of worries in your life, you might want to look at what you own to see where you can eliminate stress.

Many people report that finances cause them a lot of distress in their lives, so by getting rid of what you don’t need and trying to eliminate debts, you will feel a huge relief.

2. You only have possessions to impress others.

Many people buy things they don’t need to impress people they don’t even like…but why? At the end of the day, people do this because of lack of self-love. They seek validation and attention from others in order to feel fulfilled, but this way of seeking happiness will never work. Any time you seek acceptance outside of yourself, you will never become satisfied because you’ll always base your self-worth off of what others think of you.

If you care so much about what others think that you buy items you don’t even want just to feel worthy, then you definitely need to de-clutter your life.

It doesn’t matter if you have $5 to your name or $1 million, as long as you feel happy, whole, and healthy at the end of the day. Don’t buy something to impress someone else – only buy things that add genuine value to your life.

3. You don’t spend money on things that make you happy.

Studies have shown that people who spend money on experiences rather than things feel much happier than those who accumulate material items. Minimalists don’t skimp on experiences, they just pass up the latest iPhone or TV or sale on jeans. Why? Because they’ve realized that buying the latest and greatest gadgets or clothing will only bring fleeting happiness, and that an inanimate object can never provide what the soul really needs – love, compassion, connection, and understanding.

We all just want to feel alive, but can you feel that from a new toy, car, or gadget? Exactly. If you buy things that don’t make you feel more alive, more whole, or more human, then you need to reevaluate your purchases and de-clutter your life.

4. You can’t think clearly most of the time.

Our material purchases only add superficial value to a very outdated, selfish system. When you strip away what you don’t need, you can focus on the things you do need in life, and bring back mental clarity. While not thinking clearly could point to a variety of issues, de-cluttering your life can literally help you declutter your mind as well.

When you have more space in your home or apartment, you create more mental space as well. We all require some sense of organization, believe it or not, and organizing your immediate space can help you sort through your thoughts and get rid of that mental fog we’ve all felt at some point.

5. Your space literally feels cramped and cluttered.

If you don’t feel comfortable in your own living space, then you probably need to de-clutter your life. When you clean up your physical space, you also make room in your heart and soul for new ideas, inspirations, and opportunities. Minimalism goes far beyond simply decluttering your apartment or home; it means going deep within to eliminate thoughts or ideas that no longer serve you. It means questioning your thought process and figuring out what thoughts uplift you and which thoughts weigh you down. Minimalism provides a fresh slate to work with – a total cleanse of your life.

Related article: 5 Life-Changing Things That Happen When You Downsize

Getting rid of things you don’t need makes you feel free, because you’ve literally lightened your imprint on the world. You’ve taken away that which creates chaos and clutter to make room for that which brings clarity and space.

You can’t take your money or possessions with you when the time comes, so why accumulate them in the first place? Why add more stress and anxiety to a world already overrun with these emotions, when you can feel so much better by living simply and treading lightly?

The minimalist journey might not seem easy at first, but it will be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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