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9 Things You Need To Do If You Love A Leo

The fiery sign of Leo is one that you are lucky to have for a partner, and your lion lover will appreciate you even more if you do these 9 important things for them.

9 Important Things To Do If Your Partner Is A Leo

This sign is ruled by the Sun, and the fiery heat of that ruling planet as well as being born during the hot summer months July 23rd through August 22nd make Leo a hot commodity for romantic relationships.

1. Let Leo be selfish at times

Researchers say that knowledge of their sun sign in ‘astrology may have a profound influence on people’s self-concept, due to psychological processes like self-attribution and selective self-observation.’ In other words, the personality traits that we want to ascribe to ourselves, we read in our sun sign’s description and we choose to believe those things about ourselves.

Your Leo partner may or may not know what they typical description of their sign is, but they do know that they are awesome and that the world revolves around them. You may take this to be selfishness at times. But even you have to admit that your partner is pretty amazing most of the time and that they deserve anything that they want.

2. Respect your Leo partner’s extroversion

Researchers studying astrology sun sign personality traits found that for most signs, knowing the traits that your sign is ‘supposed to have’ means that you are more likely to identify with those personality traits. This was true for all signs except for those born in the summer who actually tested higher for extroversion, which is of course a trait typical of Leos.

3. Tell Leo how wonderful they are

Leo is a bit of an egomaniac and they love hearing how wonderful they are from anyone, but especially from you, whose opinion they trust and respect. Give your Leo partner plenty of praise to inflate their sense of pride and they will purr with gratitude.

4. Give them only the best

Gift-giving occasions are a bit stressful when your partner is a Leo, because they love the good stuff. Save your money to buy the best quality of whatever item your Leo has their heart set on.

5. Don’t take your Leo partner’s honesty personally

Leos love to give their opinion and they have an opinion for everything, including that outfit that you have on. Leo will tell it like it is though and you should definitely respect their honest opinion. If that outfit doesn’t make you look your best, you’d want to your partner to tell you, right?

6. Romance the lion

Leo likes to be the center of attention as we have already mentioned, and they love to be showered with romantic gestures. Make your Leo partner feel special by giving plenty of loving touch in the form of a great massage. Leos like things to be beautiful in their environment so make things pleasing to all of the senses and set the tone for a passionate and romantic evening.

7. Let Leo be protective of his pride

Your Leo partner is fiercely loyal to the select few people who are in their inner circle of close friends, and that includes you. Leo is unlikely to stray, although they do love to have their ego stroked by the compliments of anyone who will give them.

The tendency of your Leo to love praise does not mean that Leo will be likely to hook up with anyone who gives them a kind word; their self-esteem is way too huge for that kind of activity. Leo is a picky partner. If they chose you, you can be secure in your relationship.

8. Resist the urge to be jealous of your Leo partner’s many admirers

Leo is loyal, as we have already said, and with you as their mate, Leo is not likely to stray. However, your Leo partner’s ego loves to be admired and they are naturally charismatic, which means that there is a huge population of people who wish your Leo was single.

Related article: How Good Are You At Relationships?

Allow your Lion to have these people who will flirt with them or bask in the glow of their radiance. Your partner will be grateful, even if they don’t recognize that it’s something you are consciously doing for them.

9. Keep it interesting

As the king of the jungle, your Leo partner does like to pursue prey. This doesn’t mean that you should play hard to get because Leo respects and expects loyalty, however, be slightly less available to your lion mate.

For example, if you have dance class on Tuesday nights and your book club every Thursday night, your Leo will start to feel needy for you. Not to worry. You are now a more elusive prey. So you are more interesting and desirable to your Leo.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re A Leo

Leo is born during the hottest summer months July 23rd through August 22nd, and being born with the heated passion that comes from this season is only one of these 10 things you’ll only understand if you’re a Leo.

10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re A Leo

Leo is a fire sign, ruled by the sun and is one of the most recognizable signs in astrology as represented by the lion. Leo shares many personality traits in common with the king of the jungle, but it’s not all that defines this fiery sign. Here are 10 things that only a Leo could understand.

1. You don’t need other people, but you like having them around

Leo is fiercely independent and perfectly capable of doing almost anything without help. But that doesn’t mean that you dislike the companionship of your loyal friends.

2. You don’t always have to be in control, but people usually let you

Leo’s natural charisma and tendency to dominate make them a natural leader. People can sense this and they usually get out of your way and let you take the role that you were born to take. As leader of the pride, you delegate well, work gracefully under pressure, assume the responsibility when no one else will, and complete tasks with efficiency.

3. People can’t help being attracted to you

Researchers asked students to read a true description of their astrological sign’s personality and a fake description and found that people who knew that their sign’s typical personality were able to correctly choose the right personality profile.

Only a Leo personality understands that charisma just comes naturally to you. Sure, people may be jealous of the confidence that you exude but Leo won’t let that stop them from being fabulous. Your self-confidence is often mistaken for sexuality, and as a Leo, you don’t mind them making that minor mistake.

4. You tend to be a little too blunt

Well as a shortcoming, we can hardly fault Leo for being a little too honest, but that’s the one complaint that people have about you. Leo, you are so forthcoming with the honest truth that you sometimes tell people what they don’t want to hear. It’s not your fault for how they respond to your honesty. Still, perhaps you offended a few people in the past.

5. Image is important to Leo

Leo loves the finer things in life, make that the finest things in life and will not be happy to settle for less. Your public image is one that you take pride in. You enjoy being respected in the community, so you rarely look less than your best when heading out in public.

6. Leo is not always the dominant one, it just seems that way to other people

Researchers looked at a personality inventory for several traits and compared them to known astrological signs of participants. They found that on a scale of feminine and masculine traits, sun signs showed a definite correlation with their typical traits. For example, Leo is well known for being a commanding leader, a trait that is typically associated with traditional masculine roles.

7. You give until it almost hurts

Leo can understand boundless generosity, and they give to their few loyal associates as much as they can. A Leo hates to see a true friend suffering and they will be one of the first to jump in and offer assistance. Leo understands that giving is also a gift to the giver, and you love the way that making your friends smile makes you feel.

8. You are surprisingly sensitive

Leo is not an overly emotional astrological sign, but they tend to be tender-hearted. Only a Leo will understand that you do feel emotional pain, but it usually is hidden deep down so that you portray an outer image of strength. Only your closest friends have ever seen you hurt, frustrated or saddened by something.

Related article: What Does The Day Of The Week You Were Born On Reveal About Your Personality?

9. You’ve never said that you were better than anyone else, but it’s kind of obvious

As a Leo, only you can understand that people tend to think of you as an egomaniac, but it’s not really true. You are intelligent, attractive, kind, hard-working, and motivated, but that doesn’t make you think that you’re superior to others, it’s just that sometimes you are the one with the skills, abilities, and energy to get things done right. Haters gonna hate, what can you say?

10. Your level of activity is exhausting to most people you know

It’s hard to find someone to keep pace with you when you are as hard-driven as you are, Leo. If your friends, family, and colleagues are smart, they will let you take the lead and catch up to you later. You are usually athletic, rarely exhausted at work, and have plenty of energy to keep going after work as well.

11 Things Psychopaths Will Do To Try To Manipulate You

If psychopaths have ever manipulated you, you probably felt grateful for the opportunity to tell the cautionary tale to others. A psychopath not only hates other people, but they also take action to cause harm to others for their selfish pleasure. These are the serial killers, repeat offenders, violent criminals, and the people who refuse to play by society’s polite rules.

Let’s look at how a psychopath will try to manipulate you and what you can do to escape being victimized.

11 Ways Psychopaths Will Try To Manipulate You

How many psychopaths do you think you have encountered in your life? Experts estimate that roughly 1 in every 100 people is a psychopath. This means that you have probably experienced several in your life so far, and you may, unfortunately, meet more of them.

psychopathic personality

1.      The predatory stare.

The unblinking, dead gaze of psychopaths is one of the more disturbing ways these antisocial people will try to manipulate you. People often cave into the psychopath when they use this unsettling stare but try to remain unfazed. Relax and return the gaze with a smile, and watch as they become noticeably annoyed by your clever tactics.

Researchers studying the brains of aggressive psychopaths found that they lack brain matter in the areas that help us to ‘anticipate consequences of actions and use feedback from behavior to modify maladaptive response patterns.’ In other words, psychopaths have a hard time understanding that manipulating people harms both themselves and the other person.

2. Psychopaths engage in brainwashing.

Hypnotists and psychopaths use techniques to manipulate your thoughts and actions, such as brainwashing. If you notice that your conversations become strangely repetitive, where the person says the same thing repeatedly, they’re probably trying to implant an idea in your mind.

3. Acting like a martyr.

‘I’m the one who has to put up with your accusations.’
‘Did you ever think how I feel when you say things like this to me?’
‘You make me feel worthless when you question me like this.’

Psychopaths will frequently say these types of ‘poor me’ statements to manipulate you when you divulge your feelings about their behavior. They will attempt to paint you as the bad guy, but don’t fall for this switch tactic. You’re the bad guy, but don’t fall for this switch tactic.

4. Psychopaths use gaslighting as a weapon.

Psychopaths use a subtle, deceptive method called gaslighting, where they make you feel crazy by continuously second-guessing your judgment. The term comes from an old movie where the husband keeps dimming the gas lamps in the house but denies it, making his wife think she is going mad. If you believe something happened one way, trust your gut, not the words of the psychopath.

5. Silent treatment.

The silent treatment often accompanies the predator stare as the psychopath tries to get you to cave into their manipulative games. Practice being comfortable with silence and the psychopath’s stare. Breathe deeply and control your emotions as you wait out the silent treatment.

6. Reducing your self-esteem.

If a psychopath can make you feel weaker than them, they will do it to maintain their control. Recognize when you feel bad about yourself and turn the negative into positive self-talk.

7. Talk behind your back.

One of the mildest forms of manipulation that a psychopath uses is turning your friends against you. They will tell people anything about you to get them to believe their words, not yours. Tell your friends about your suspicions before the psychopath makes up a lie about you being the psychopath.

8. Preventing you from doing things that you want.

Seeing your friends, going out, wearing that outfit you love – whatever you enjoy doing, a psychopath will try to transform into a negative. Alternatively, they will fabricate why you can’t do the thing you love. Never allow a psychopath to take away your joy.

Not caring about others and what they want is a trademark of the psychopath. Research on psychopaths who commit sex crimes found that ‘In a nonpsychopath, concern for the victim, and lack of general propensities to use people for one’s own ends would help a man with deviant preferences to restrain his sexual behavior. But a psychopath with deviant preferences would act on them.’ Because they cannot control harmful impulses, psychopaths comprise a large part of the criminal population.


9. Psychopaths control people via verbal abuse.

Name-calling, belittling, or even a loud, angry tone are all psychological manipulation tools used by the psychopath. They want you in a low, fearful state so that you feel powerless against them. Don’t fall for their mind games, though; ignore or walk away from their abuse.

10. Baiting you.

They know your hot button issues and will deliberately bring up something that makes you angry, sad, or scared because they thrive on your drama. Listen for the bait, and walk away rather than engaging in a topic that will make you emotional.

11. Sabotage.

A psychopath may try to manipulate you by doing the opposite of what you want them to do. For example, if you say you are on a diet, they will bring you exactly the food you crave most.

What Causes Someone to Become a Psychopath?

Scientists believe that genetics, environmental risk factors in childhood, and brain chemistry contribute to psychopathy.

•   Genetics

Research suggests that certain genetic predispositions make people more likely to become psychopaths. For instance, a study published in Molecular Psychiatry found that “abnormal glucose metabolism and opioidergic neurotransmission contribute to violent offending and psychopathy.”

Experts also believe that certain immune-related gene sets could contribute to antisocial behavior. The heritability of severe antisocial behavior is about 50%; however, this doesn’t mean all children with these genes will become psychopaths.

•   Environmental Risk Factors

Like most mental disorders, adverse childhood experiences and upbringing can make a child more susceptible to psychopathy. However, some children raised in challenging environments will not grow up to become psychopaths. Research on psychopathic personality traits and environmental contexts found that parental abuse or neglect and peer rejection contributed to psychopathy in vulnerable children.

Also, perinatal factors such as smoking during pregnancy, birth complications, or high stress levels while pregnant can contribute to psychopathy. However, these risk factors likely play a small role in developing psychopathy. Also, it’s important to remember that correlation doesn’t necessarily imply causation; for example, children with warm and responsive parents can still become psychopaths.

•   Differences in Brain Chemistry

The combination of genetics and environmental factors can cause changes in brain structure that contribute to psychopathy.  A study by University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers revealed that psychopaths have reduced connectivity between the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and the amygdala. This explains why psychopaths display callous and unsocial behaviors since the vmPFC regulates emotions such as empathy and guilt, and the amygdala mediates fear and anxiety.

The study took place in a medium-security prison in Wisconsin, comparing the brains of 20 prisoners diagnosed with psychopathy with the brains of 20 other prisoners without the disorder. Both groups of prisoners had committed similar crimes.

“This is the first study to show both structural and functional differences in the brains of people diagnosed with psychopathy,” says Michael Koenigs, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. “Those two structures in the brain, which are believed to regulate emotion and social behavior, seem to not be communicating as they should.”

The study builds on previous work by the lead researchers that reveals how psychopaths’ decision-making mimics patients with damaged ventromedial prefrontal cortexes (vmPFC). This provides evidence that problems in this area of the brain could contribute to psychopathy.

“The decision-making study showed indirectly what this study shows directly – that there is a specific brain abnormality associated with criminal psychopathy,” Koenigs adds.

The researchers hope that their findings will lead to better treatments for those with psychopathy soon.


Final Thoughts on Understanding How Psychopaths Try to Manipulate Others

Psychopaths display shallow emotions and lack empathy for others, both hallmarks of the disorder. They also take pleasure in causing harm to others and try to manipulate people to achieve their goals. A psychopath uses several tactics to deceive or intimidate others, including brainwashing, gaslighting, and various forms of verbal abuse. They prey on empathetic and compassionate people who may not see the warning signs until too late.

If you find yourself in a dangerous situation or feel threatened by a psychopath, never hesitate to seek help. While psychopaths deserve treatment for their disorder, they can inflict severe harm on unsuspecting victims. The best course of action when dealing with a psychopath is to avoid them altogether, as they can’t have healthy relationships before seeking treatment.

However, if you must interact with a psychopath for whatever reason, try to ignore their mind games as much as possible. They will start to lose interest if they get no reaction from you.


Teacher Uses Apples To Explain How Words Can Hurt

Words can either build someone up or break them down. Furthermore, we have the power to choose our words carefully. Something that seems harmless to us might hurt someone else. So before we say something, we should always consider how it will affect the other person. Words carry energy, some positive and some negative. Words can change lives. They can also destroy them. We carry this power in our hands and hearts, so we must use it wisely.

We can teach children how to use their words to inspire, help, heal, and bring happiness to others. Adults would do well to remember what their parents and teachers taught them. That’s because we can easily forget lessons we learned years ago. With this in mind, a teacher came up with a brilliant idea. She would show children the impact words can have on others. She hoped the experiment would stick with each of the children long after.


Here’s How A Teacher Uses Apples To Show How Words Can Hurt

Rosie Dutton is a coach at Relax Kids Tamworth. She used her experience working with children for 15 years and her knowledge of teaching children to deal with their emotions healthily to carry out this amazing experiment.

One day in one of her classes, she showed the children two different apples.

“…(the children didn’t know this, but before the class I had repeatedly dropped one of the apples on the floor, you couldn’t tell, both apples looked perfect). We talked about the apples and the children described how both apples looked the same; both were red, were of similar size and looked juicy enough to eat,” she wrote on a Facebook post.

She then picked up the apple she dropped on the floor and told the children how she disliked the apple. She told them that she thought it looked disgusting, had a horrible color. And she pointed out how the stem was too short. She had a reason for this: she wanted them to dislike the apple too, calling it similar names.

“Some children looked at me like I was insane, but we passed the apple around the circle calling it names, ‘you’re a smelly apple’, ‘I don’t even know why you exist’, ‘you’ve probably got worms inside you’ etc.”

As she and the class continued their verbal attacks on the apple, the teacher and some students started to feel sympathy for it.

Then, they passed around another apple and started saying kind things to it, such as ‘You’re a lovely apple’, ‘Your skin is beautiful’, and ‘What a beautiful colour you are.’

The teacher held both apples up to the class. Then, she talked to the children about the similarities and differences between the apples. They all agreed that both apples looked the same – the only difference was how they had talked to them, as far as the children could see.

She cut open the apple they had just passed around after the discussion to show the class how beautiful and fresh it looked on the inside. Afterward, she cut open the other apple she had thrown on the floor.

“The apple we’d said unkind words to was bruised and all mushy inside.

She saw the children make the connection that the bruised, mushy apple had undergone a beating, even though you couldn’t tell on the outside. They also realized how they talked to it represented what happens inside them when people mistreat them.

“When people are bullied, especially children, they feel horrible inside and sometimes don’t show or tell others how they are feeling. If we hadn’t have cut that apple open, we would never have known how much pain we had caused it…”

The teacher then shared a personal experience. She explained how she felt when someone said unkind words to her the previous week. She explained that you couldn’t tell from the outside how she felt because she still smiled. But inside, she felt bruised and broken.

She says, “Unlike an apple, we have the ability to stop this from happening. We can teach children that it’s not ok to say unkind things to each other and discuss how it makes others feel. We can teach our children to stand up for each other and to stop any form of bullying, just as one little girl did today when she refused to say unkind words to the apple.”

unfair people

Every time a child gets bullied that only creates more unkind and hurt people in the world. As a result, they sometimes act out or hurt others because of their pain. We can teach children kindness and compassion from a young age. Therefore, we must all mind our words to create a more gentle world.

“The tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break a heart. So be careful with your words.”

Are You A Narcissist Magnet? Here’s How To Find Out…

The chances are that you know a narcissist, or at least someone with narcissistic tendencies. If you have, the odds are that the relationship wasn’t a very fruitful one.

It’s important to understand what narcissism is and isn’t, specifically, the difference between someone with a narcissistic disorder (i.e., NPD) and someone who displays narcissistic characteristics.

NPD is an actual psychological disorder and is recognized as such by the mental health community. Narcissism is a less extreme version of the diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Narcissism involves cockiness, manipulativeness, selfishness, power motives and vanity – a love of mirrors.”


Those with narcissistic tendencies may be: quick to anger, aggressive, impulsive, and unpredictable. These individuals tend to have high levels of self-esteem, sometimes on a grandiose scale. To make matters worse, we (Americans) live in a highly individualistic, materialistic, and externally-driven society. Thus, we inadvertently encourage certain traits of narcissism.

3 Traits of Narcissists

To simplify things, here are three concise words to describe narcissists:

  • Selfish.
  • Entitled.
  • Manipulative.

Going forward, it is important to understand that some individuals, particularly those with a disorder, are not aware of their problems with narcissism. As with many psychological disorders, narcissism (and related disorders) can be due to some type of trauma – often experienced during childhood.

Unfortunately, when someone brings manipulative, selfish, or hurtful behavior to the narcissist’s attention, the narcissistic personality is so engrained as to make any type of correction/treatment nearly impossible. It’s very difficult for someone to change their personality, particularly of a narcissist.

Are You A Narcissist Magnet? Here’s How To Find Out…

Now that you’ve gotten a good grip on what constitutes narcissism, maybe you’re thinking about people in your current (hopefully, past) circle that fit the description. Good. Now let’s discuss what these folks are attracted to.


Narcissists attach themselves to sensitive people for a variety of reasons. First, narcissists require constant reassurance that they are beautiful, intelligent, wonderful, ‘(fill in your own description here)’. Second, sensitive people are truly empathetic and quick to comfort and embrace the person hurting. Narcissists will often play off of this, as they see an easy method of getting what they want by playing the victim. Lastly, sensitive people are prone to deep introspection to the point of over-analysis. Simply put, they’re more likely to rationalize the narcissist’s behavior and pin the blame on themselves.


This is a relatively broad term, so let’s review this a bit. Narcissistic behavior is often molded in childhood, and commonly, narcissists lack the ability to self-reflect. This lack of self-reflection can lead to an underdeveloped (i.e., “immature”) personality; hence, narcissists are often (subconsciously) looking for a “parental figure” to look up to.


Again, a relatively broad term. Most narcissists are innately materialistic, so it’s common for them to seek financial security. As such, it is common for attractive women (men, on a lesser scale) to remain on the lookout for someone who is visibly wealthy (it’s even better if they’re sensitive and mature!).


Being a nice person is absolutely nothing wrong (and nearly everything right). The world needs more people like this, as is evident by the unprecedented levels of corruption, violence, and general instability of society. But here’s a sad fact: many overly-congenial people are subject to being manipulated and controlled.


Final Thoughts About Narcissists

Some people (especially narcissists) will often mistake your kindness for weakness. However, this doesn’t need to be a bad thing. It’s only bad when you allow them to manipulate you. Instead, protect and cherish your strong sense of individualism. Refuse to allow others to abuse you, and strongly correct those that display such behavior. They probably won’t be back, and you’ll likely be better off.

As long as we’re fortunate enough to have air in our lungs, we’re strong enough to carve out our own path. Some of us need to reclaim this strength and disavow those that attempt to take this sense of self.

At times, our world appears broken. When good people stand up to do something about it, others might tell them to sit back down. Narcissists are part of the problem because they don’t care about the world around them.

When we recognize, correct, and discourage such behavior, any real, meaningful change occurs. We must have the strength and capabilities to do so.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

6 Signs The World Is Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening RIGHT NOW

Are we witnessing a spiritual awakening?

On the surface, it seems the world operates in a constant state of disarray and confusion, with mass shootings, terror attacks, arguments and wars over race and religion, riots, and civil unrest happening all too often. If you look at what the news portrays to the public, you might think of the world as a scary, uncivilized, threatening place to live. However, they only tell you what they want you to hear. Much of what happens in the world goes undocumented and unreported by major news outlets, and much of these occurrences happen to be positive.

You can’t just look at the world from one viewpoint and expect that this will collectively represent all of what the planet goes through. You have to see things from multiple vantage points, and while many awful atrocities happen daily, the world also is going through a massive shift in consciousness and awareness simultaneously.

If you feel alone, scared, exasperated and frustrated by the world today, we have some good news for you that will hopefully give you faith and comfort in these trying times. Remember where evil exists, good does too. You can’t have one without the other. Darkness cannot exist without light, and we want you to know that many lightworkers, givers, spiritual warriors, and true Earth angels exist on this planet who want the best for everyone here.

You might feel like you are one of these people, shedding light where it is needed most and continuing to spread goodness where you can. We know it can seem frustrating, like your efforts don’t make much difference, but truthfully, we all need to stand strong and work together if we want this planet to change, so please don’t give up.

6 Signs That Prove The World Is Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

The shift is happening, and people all over the world have awakened to humanity’s ultimate truth. Peace and love will always prevail, but we have to keep them alive. Many people all over have begun to speak out against the corruption and greed that exist in the current system, and no longer will stand for such injustice and inhumane behavior. It’s easy to become discouraged and frustrated by the current paradigm as we all try to escape the matrix that only seeks to drain us, but the following events point to better times ahead.

spiritual awakening

1. Organic food sales are rising, while non-organic and GMO foods are being rejected.

Organic food sales rose by 11% in 2014 in the U.S., with 90% of homes on the West Coast and New England buying at least some organic foods and cleaning products. Veganism and vegetarianism also continue to rise, as people have finally realized what truly fuels the body, and what poisons it. We haven’t seen such a global interest in health as we have in recent times, as the slow food movement and interest in natural living continues to increase. People want real food and nutrients straight from the Earth.

They’ve grown tired of “food-like substances” that do nothing except poison our bodies and minds, while lining the pockets of pharmaceutical companies and hospitals. People want to take health back into their own hands instead of giving away that power to others who claim to care about the well-being of people, all while continuing to serve them toxins.

McDonald’s was forced to close hundreds of stores globally as food sales plummeted, and Monsanto, an agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology giant, suffered a 34% drop in earnings following many March Against Monsanto protests worldwide.

People have demanded a food revolution, and many have started their own gardens right in their backyard. We all want food that nourishes us while keeping the planet in harmony, and the wholesome food movement truly points to a shift in consciousness. What we eat directly affects how we feel and think; many have experienced a spiritual awakening to this truth.

2. Meditation and mindfulness practices have skyrocketed in Western nations.

In the past few years, many people have adopted meditation practices for various reasons, including to decrease anxiety, help them relax, relieve chronic pain, etc. What was once just a pseudoscientific notion that many quickly dismissed has now turned into a global movement that a host of people and institutions have joined in on, from hospitals to students to businessmen.

People worldwide have begun to understand that meditation offers much more than a chance to relax and unwind from work; it also directly connects them to Source energy and gets them back in touch with their true selves. Mindfulness exercises have been introduced to businesspeople, college students, hospital patients, and everyone in between.

This expansion of consciousness globally lends even more credibility to the belief that our world is experiencing healing and rebirth on a massive scale.

3. Off-grid living and minimalism are the new trends, leaving rampant consumerism and overconsumption in the dust.

The “tiny house movement” is also growing, and now there’s even a show called “Tiny House Nation!” Do a simple search on YouTube or Netflix. Hundreds of people finally called it quits on their old lifestyle of paying high energy bills and living in clutter and adopted a more minimalist approach to living instead.

Aside from those going off the grid completely, self-sufficiency in at least some aspects of living is quickly gaining popularity. According to Becoming Minimalist, vegetable seed sales are up 30% from 2008. More people want to live simply without dependency on industry; also, many have realized that big monetary savings come with the choice to live more sustainably.

People have begun to discard old items in droves, as they want to live a life free of material items that do nothing but clutter their space and drain their energy, not to mention their bank account. Rampant consumerism continues to fall in favor of a life filled with true meaning, and not meaningless stuff.

4. People have grown exhausted with the slavery of employment, and seek a better life after a spiritual awakening.

As part of this shift in consciousness and betterment of the planet, more people have awakened to the idea that they incarnated here to do more than sit in an office 40+ hours per week filing papers. They have realized that sacrificing 50+ years of their life to sit in a cubicle doesn’t make sense and doesn’t bring anyone happiness except the people at the top. They want more, seek more, and realize they deserve more than throwing their life away so someone else can get richer.

Many have pondered how exactly they could escape their monotonous, unfulfilling jobs to really experience this life for all it’s worth, and it seems that more and more people have opted to take the path less traveled. For example, you can find hundreds of inspiring stories like this one about those who have given up their corporate jobs instead of traveling or following other passions.


You might think this carefree attitude shows a lack of accountability about the economy, but it actually represents responsibility to something much more ever-lasting and important: true happiness that can only be found by following one’s heart, no matter what society might say about it.

People all over the world continue to experience burnout and constant stress from bills, unfulfilling jobs and other responsibilities that only seem to serve the few while denying the many happiness. We all have to continue to stand up to this monotonous system in favor of one that serves all: us, the animals and the planet.

5. We have an ever-growing need to protect this planet and connect.

Awareness and a sense of personal responsibility to help our planet continue to rise as we realize we all are one, we’re all connected on a deep cosmic level, and we need to protect and help one another. That’s yet an additional sign of this spiritual awakening. We have to care about each other if we want to survive here; we can no longer continue this selfish paradigm.

Big corporations, small businesses, and just people, in general, have realized that we all share the same planet, so we have a responsibility to keep it clean and make it a beautiful place for all life to thrive. People all over have awakened to their true purpose, and realize that it includes truly helping others and making their lives better. They want more than just sitting in an office to pay their bills and work for the man. They’ll feel connected to others and work in such a way that includes everyone. They want more collective living, not individualistic.

Just look at the rise of transformational festivals and similar events focusing on raising consciousness and spreading peace. This alone shows that we all have an innate need to feel connected to others in a meaningful, deep way. It’s written in our DNA, and we can no longer ignore it.

6. We have grown absolutely sick of hatred, violence, oppression, and war.

If you look at people’s reactions after a terror attack or other act of violence or hate, everyone just wants it to stop. A recent post on Tumblr in reaction to the recent attack in Nice, France said “I’m tired of people killing other people.” This proves that people want peace and love desperately, and with each new attack grow more and more tired of unneeded bloodshed and the loss of innocent, precious lives.

We have an intrinsic need to protect our fellow humans, but somewhere along the way, we lost that. In this spiritual awakening, however, we have regained our connection to what truly matters and just want to see a world where we can all thrive.

Final Thoughts on the Signs of a Spiritual Awakening

We hope that these signs of change will bring you peace in turbulent, uncertain times. On the surface, it seems we live in chaos and fear, but please don’t let this illusion stop you from living your truth and spreading peace and love. The world needs it now more than ever, and we must count on each other to bring about essential change.

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