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7 Reasons To Eat Mint Every Day

7 Reasons To Eat Mint Every Day

While most people would think of gum and toothpaste when you mention mint, it actually serves another purpose besides just flavoring our oral hygiene products and our favorite candies. In addition to being used in desserts and other foods, you can use mint in a holistic way in order to heal from a variety of ailments. Mint contains many antioxidants that help to fight free radicals in the body, and it can aid in healing anything from nausea to depression.

You can find mint in almost any grocery store, which means you can easily gain access to this incredible herb and benefit from its healing properties. You might not think of mint as an essential item in your shopping cart, but once you learn about all the ways that it can help your mind and body, you will want to pick some up at every grocery trip!

1. Mint eases nausea.

If you’ve felt nauseous before, you might’ve heard your parents mention drinking peppermint tea to help curb the nausea. While ingesting the mint directly will ease the queasiness, some studies have found that even breathing in the scent of peppermint can help with postoperative nausea.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the calming and numbing effect of peppermint relaxes your stomach muscles to allow the bile to break down fats, and therefore, food can move through your intestines more quickly.

You can either make peppermint tea and breathe in the aroma, or buy peppermint oil and rub it on your stomach to alleviate the nausea.

2. It alleviates congestion.

Any time you have a cold or allergy, you probably go to the store and buy a medicine that contains menthol, which comes from mint. So, by inhaling the aroma of mint, or ingesting it directly, you can clear your sinuses naturally, allowing you to breathe fully and easily. Mint contains an anti-inflammatory agent known as rosmarinic acid as well, which aids in clearing up the sinuses.

3. Mint prevents acne.

According to Read and Digest, mint contains Vitamin A, which can help to lessen the body’s production of oils that cause acne. Also, mint contains many antioxidants which help to keep the skin clear and glowing.

You can apply the mint to your skin in the form of a paste, or you can mix it with other skin-clearing substances such as lemon.

4. Mint contains antioxidants.

According to Medical News Today, mint contains more antioxidants than many other foods, including vitamin A, vitamin K, beta carotene, vitamin-C and vitamin E, as well as many important B-complex vitamins like folates, riboflavin and pyridoxine (vitamin B-6).

Antioxidants help to keep the body’s immune system functioning properly. Furthermore, they keep free radicals which can cause cancer at bay.

5. It helps with digestion.

Consuming or breathing in mint activates the salivary glands in our mouth, which aids in healthy digestion. You can eat the mint before or after a meal to speed up the digestive process.

6. Mint helps you lose weight.

Because mint helps with digestion, you can also count on it to aid in the weight loss process if you’ve been trying to shed a few pounds. It can also speed up your metabolism, further helping with weight loss and weight maintenance.

Not to mention, if you work out regularly, you’ll definitely want to add mint to your daily nutritional plan. A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition in 2013 gave healthy men 0.05 millimeters of peppermint oil every day for 10 days, and perform an exercise test on a treadmill before and after consumption of the oil. The scientists found that the peppermint oil relaxed the respiratory muscles and may have allowed for greater lung capacity, air ventilation and a higher brain oxygen concentration with less lactate buildup. This allowed for greater performance during exercise overall.

7. It fights depression and fatigue.

Related article: 9 Reasons To Eat Flaxseed

Menthol allows the body to relax, which can also help your brain to recharge and calm down after a stressful event. The best way to utilize mint in this way is to make peppermint tea and just allow yourself to remain in the moment and enjoy the calming effect of the tea on your body and mind.

In South Korea, Doing Nothing Is Now A Competitive Sport

In this world, we’ve all gotten accustomed to using our smartphones almost 24/7, being on call for our bosses at all hours, and burning ourselves out for the sake of making money. Many people in the world suffer from mental burnout, and long for some sort of escape. Where do we find solace and peace in a world that never stops moving?

In South Korea, they seem to be onto something, and they just might have the answer that the world desperately needs. 70 people came together at Ichon Hangang Park in Seoul, South Korea a couple months ago for the purpose of doing nothing for as long as possible. They put away their phones, forgot about responsibilities and schedules, and simply enjoyed stillness and the act of being.

In South Korea, Doing Nothing Is Now A Competitive Sport

South Korea holds an annual event called Space Out Competition, a contest to see who can “space out” for the longest without losing their focus. The crowd gathered to participate in this event. The visual artist who created the event in 2014, WoopsYang, said that the competition aims to show how overworked and stressed out people have become, and how sitting in silence for a while can greatly benefit the modern working man or woman.

“I was suffering from burnout syndrome at the time, but would feel extremely anxious if I was sitting around doing nothing, not being productive in one way or another,” she told a reporter for VICE. She realized that other people likely felt the same way. “I thought to myself, We would all feel better about doing nothing if we did nothing together as a group.”


Ever since the first competition two years ago, the Space Out Competition now includes a panel of judges and a set of strict rules—no phones, no talking, no checking the time, and no sleeping. The competition seems to grow every year – WoopsYang said more than 2,000 people signed up to participate in the competition this year. As only 70 slots exist, she had to hold qualifying rounds to select the best candidates.

The event lasts 90 minutes, and in that timeframe, contestants can’t do anything except focus on doing nothing. However, the panel of judges does make an exception the rules – if a participant needs water or to use the bathroom, they can hold up a card to let the judges know. Falling asleep, laughing, or checking your phone counts as grounds for disqualification. Every 15 minutes, contestants’ heartrates are checked to see if they are relaxed enough, and the participant with the most stable heartrate wins. A commentator narrates the event to the crowd of curious onlookers.

Shin Hyo-Seob, a local rapper who goes by the name of Crush, took the gold this year. He lasted until the end with a few other participants, and had the most stable heartrate among them. “I was really determined to win,” he told VICE. “I practiced at home.”

“We would all feel better about doing nothing if we did nothing together as a group.” — WoopsYang

The competition helps to shed light on a very pressing issue that affects almost anyone in the working world from time to time. Research proves that the brain needs rest in order to process information, but more importantly, to alleviate the stress and burnout that we feel from being overworked and overstressed. South Korea unfortunately knows this feeling all too well, being ranked as one of the most stressed-out populations in the world.

Also, stress and anxiety don’t just affect those in South Korea, so WoopsYang wants to eventually have competitions worldwide in order to bring awareness to this growing problem. It seems that other places have begun to catch on, however, as there was an International Space Out Competition held in Beijing last year, where 80 participants showed up to chill out.

WoopsYang considers the competition as a form of performance art as well. They hold the competition during a busy part of the day (this year, it was on a Monday morning) in a crowded portion of the city (they held the first one in Seoul’s city hall, in a big city park this year) to show the stark contrast between the people focused on doing nothing and the chaotic city life surrounding them. “The best way to view this competition is from one of the surrounding tall buildings, looking down,” said WoopsYang. “You’ll be able to see a small patch of stillness amidst all the hectic movement.”

One of the coolest parts of the competition is that contestants are encouraged to wear outfits that they’d wear to work —suits, uniforms, etc—so that the group represents “a miniature version of the entire city,” she said. Furthermore, the competition seeks to highlight how any person in any career can get burnt out, but people from all walks of life can benefit from doing nothing. “I also try my best to choose the most diverse pool of people possible during the final stages of the qualifying rounds, in the hopes that it’ll allow every group in the city to be represented,” she said.

Related article: This Simple Mind-Body Exercise Reduces Negative Thoughts And Improves Health

WoopsYang knows not everyone will see it as art, but she doesn’t mind. “I’m content with it being a form of entertainment,” she said. “I think I’ve provided an entertainment option that doesn’t involve technology or money”—or, really, doing anything at all.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

9 Things To Say To Stop A Manipulator

Manipulative people are everywhere these days, from social media to the workplace. To benefit them, they want you to give up something, whether that is time, money, or influence. A manipulator will play on your emotions or play the martyr to make you feel sorry for them.

Children will cry and give you the “sad face,” while adults will tell you some sob story to manipulate you into getting what they want.

Manipulative people will manufacture drama or emotionally charged situations to elicit strong emotions from you and inhibit your ability to think clearly. Once you are in a vulnerable state, you are easier to manipulate.

The best thing you can do to deal with manipulative people is ignore them or cut them out of your life. But if you must deal with them because of work or they are a family member, then here are nine comebacks that will put them in their place.

Here Are 9 Comebacks for Dealing with a Manipulator:

Try telling this negative person one of these phrases.

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1. “No.”

You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. A manipulative person will try to use guilt or sympathy to pressure you to do what they want. Just say no. You control your own time and resources, so don’t let others guilt you into changing your plans to suit them or giving them something when you don’t really have it to give.

2. “I’m swamped; maybe we can talk some other time.”

Manipulators need to be able to speak with you for them to work their tricks. If you deny them the opportunity to talk with you, they cannot affect you. If you blow them off enough, they will search for easier prey.

3. “I need you to take a step back.”

Manipulators will sometimes try to use intimidation to get what they want. Establish boundaries with them and show that you will not be intimidated by standing up to them. Also, be aware of your surroundings and avoid where a manipulator can corner you alone.

4. “My heart bleeds for you.”

Manipulative people will give you a sob story to elicit a sympathetic response that they can abuse to get whatever it is that they want. Feeling sorry for them lowers your guard and makes it easier for them to manipulate your emotional state. Don’t let them.

5. “I will talk to you when you calm down.”

Manipulators will use high emotional states to distract or confuse you by getting you to react emotionally instead of rationally. When you are highly emotional, you are vulnerable to manipulation, and they know it.

6. “My feelings are just as valid as yours.”

Manipulators will try to invalidate your feelings or treat them as inconsequential. You have just as much right to your feelings as they have to theirs. Don’t let them dictate how or what you should feel about a situation.

7. “That is not acceptable.”

If a manipulator violates your boundaries with their words or actions, you should let them know that you will not be bullied or pressured to give them what they want. Set firm boundaries and stick to them. Manipulators want easy prey –  if you set and enforce boundaries, they will look elsewhere for a victim.

8. “I have value and worth as a person.”

Manipulators will try to make you feel worthless or stupid. They feed on people who have low self-esteem. If they can make you feel useless or worthless without them, they make you dependent on them and easier to manipulate. If you value yourself, no one can tell you that you are worthless because you know better.

9. “Don’t talk to me.”

The best way to deal with a manipulator is not to engage them in conversation. If they can’t talk to you, they can’t manipulate you. By shutting them down, you let them know that you will not play their games. It sets a boundary and discourages them before they get started.

Remain firm when dealing with a manipulator. Once you stop the behavior with positive reinforcement, they recognize that they have lost their power over you. Setting boundaries is important. These people need recognition and will use negativity to get what they want.

Seven Key Signs of a Manipulator

Unfortunately, manipulators have become even more sneaky these days, making it easier to deceive people. If you have your guard down, you may unknowingly let one of these cold-hearted individuals into your life. Look out for these red flags so they can’t take advantage of you.


1.     A manipulator believes they can never do wrong.

Manipulators always know how to twist their stories and blame others when things go wrong. They will never take responsibility for their actions and instead act like victims. In their minds, they make the right decisions 100% of the time, no matter the pain and suffering they inflict on others.

If you try to confront them about their behavior, they will act defensively or gaslight you in an attempt to cloud your vision. They may change the story’s details or make excuses to justify their actions. No matter what you say, they will never admit wrongdoing because that would threaten their image.

2. They act overly charming.

Studies consistently show that manipulators will ramp up the charm to reel people in. Once they have you in their grasp, you become a tool they can use to extract money, favors, or whatever else they want. They don’t actually value others aside from what they can get out of them.

However, the unsuspecting victims only see a nice, thoughtful person who’s giving them compliments or offering to help them somehow. They don’t show their true colors until after they’ve won the victim over, and by then, it’s often too late. Narcissists and manipulators prey on those they view as empathetic, openhearted, or vulnerable, as these people make the best targets.

3. A manipulator will lie to get what they want.

Manipulators hide behind masks and never tell the whole story if they’ve done something wrong. Admitting what they did would make them vulnerable or weak, and they can’t have others see them in that light. So, a manipulative person will lie or exaggerate to protect their ego.

They may tell white lies to leave out important information that might expose their true intentions. After all, they must keep up this image of perfection so that others will continue to trust them.

However, this desire to appear flawless is usually due to intense past trauma that they haven’t dealt with. As a child, their parents may have pushed them too hard in school or abused them somehow, making them feel they had to be perfect. They’ve learned to manipulate others as a defense mechanism for their fragile ego, but they don’t want people to know that.

4. They will make you feel guilty.

A manipulator loves nothing more than guilt-tripping others to bolster their self-esteem. A manipulative person will use this tactic to gaslight you and destroy your sense of reality. This way, they make you seem like the crazy person when they’ve been the source of the problem. However, they have such a distorted view of themselves that they can’t see the damage they’re causing.

In their eyes, everyone else is out to get them, so they make others feel guilty for their behavior. They will constantly play the victim card and expect you to save them from themselves. When you don’t do as they wish, they will dish out insults and make you feel like the bad guy. They feed off people with low self-esteem because it makes them feel more powerful.

5. A manipulator tends to change the subject when they feel uncomfortable.

Manipulators don’t like to lose and can’t stand when people see past their masks. The second they feel threatened, or that you’ve caught onto their scheme, they will redirect the conversation. You may feel that you can’t come to them with any problem because they skirt around issues or blow up in your face. At their core, they’re still a child who can’t take responsibility for their own behaviors.

They may also change the subject if you start talking about yourself. They’re incapable of caring about other people’s needs, so they don’t want to hear about your day or any problems in your life. The second you bring up something important to you, they will act indifferent or shift the conversation back to them.

6. They only have negative things to say about others.

Manipulators have a rude, abrasive demeanor and frequently put others down to lift themselves. These people see others negatively and will never compliment anyone, except in the “love bombing” phase. However, if they don’t want anything from you, they won’t hesitate to dish out the insults.

They take great joy in taking jabs at others and making them feel small. Manipulators love to gossip about people or spread rumors because it bolsters their self-esteem. They’re energy vampires who thrive on draining people of happiness and seeing them in misery.

7. The manipulator acts like a brainiac, but not in a good way.

There’s nothing wrong with being a know-it-all, as long as you humbly discuss your wisdom. We all have something to learn from and teach others, but unfortunately, manipulators have underlying intentions when they display their intellect.

They will talk confidently on almost any subject as if they know what they’re talking about. They may not understand much about the topic, but acting like an expert is part of their master plan. If they can build trust and confidence, others will see them in a positive light, making it easier to manipulate them.


Final Thoughts on Using These Phrases to Stop a Manipulator

Manipulators will use every trick in the book to deceive people and get what they want from them. They have no regard for others’ well-being and only view them as a means to an end. These people need therapy to heal from past traumas most of the time, as they’ve learned to manipulate as a survival tactic. However, their behaviors cause real harm to others who may feel sorry for the manipulator and want to help them.

Remember to set boundaries and stand up for yourself when dealing with a manipulator. Watch out for the warning signs above so you don’t become their next victim.

3 Ways To Deal With Unfair People

The world is full of judgment and criticism. A lot of times it is driven by ego, but in the midst of all the arrogance and ignorance, there is fairness. There is hope and grace. Sometimes, changing your perspective is a way of dealing with all the unfairness out there. Other times it’s just accepting that there is a duality in our lives of good and bad; positive and negative; understanding and frustration.

Psychologist Marcia Reynolds says that, The moment your brain determines someone is not playing by the rules, your abilities to deliberate, weigh all sides of an issue and make thoughtful decisions are impaired.”

But, how do you deal with the injustice and unfairness?

Here are 3 ways to deal with unfair people:

1. Stand up for what you believe in.

Author Suzy Kassem, wrote in her book, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem, that “You are not for the left or right team, but for what is right against the wrong. Stand up for Truth even if it means standing alone.”

Regardless of what another thinks, if it’s going against your integrity, principles, and belief, you must stand up for the things that matter to you. Unfair people don’t see rational logic. They believe what they believe and it’s usually based on what they’ve been told to believe. They don’t think outside of the box. They stay within the ideas of bigotry and ignorance, usually dictated by the past. These people don’t care how things affect others as long as they get their way. When you stand for what you believe, you become a lighthouse leading others to follow.


Imagine Martin Luther King, Jr. not standing alone and trailblazing his way into battling discrimination. He fought unfairness, radical bigotry at the time, and changed our lives with simple words of Truth, “I have a dream….” These words were not easy to express, not in a time that was violent and full of rage among the masses.

Standing up for what you believe disarms the person who can’t see past their judgment. You are not giving in to what they know. Standing up is allowing vulnerability to play a role, and that’s always difficult. It’s exposing yourself against oppression, inequality, abuse and outrage. But, sticking to your beliefs and principles is what forces us to transcend and evolve in this world.

2. You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it.

When we accept that we cannot alter the past, but make a difference in this moment, we allow for change to happen. Unfairness is a stagnant emotion that controls irrational perception. You can’t change how someone acts or reacts. But, you can alter the future by breaking the cycle of injustice.

There will be times that we must accept the unfairness and recognize that by doing nothing you are altering the future. We learn from past behavior. When we point out past events we can use the unfairness to our advantage. We begin to take the power away from being predictable to something that takes another by surprise.

You will not change unfairness. It will be here till the end of time. But, you can change how you view it and accept it. Unfairness becomes repressed anger that fuels the irrational person when their way is not received how they expect it. You begin to take their power by not giving into what you already expect from them.

3. Rationalize before acting.

We are more effective when we step back and analyze the situation before reacting. There are times that when we distant ourselves from the situation, it alters our perception. So, what we thought was unfair turns out not to be that big of a deal. We must diminish the immediate emotional response by not participating with the first thought. When you deal with an unfair person, you must recognize the source.

What is fueling their unfairness? What do they believe to be right? When you step away you begin to recognize that it’s important, and healthy, and allow their opinions to be what they are. You may never see eye-to-eye with them. You let go of the idea of controlling the situation before it controls you. We must learn to pick our battles wisely. There is a time and place for everything.

Related article: 9 Positive Comebacks For Dealing With Negative People

Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love. You have to start with the truth. The truth is the only way that we can get anywhere. Because any decision-making that is based upon lies or ignorance can’t lead to a good conclusion. “~ Julian Assange

8 Signs Of A Narcissist

As per the Mayo Clinic, the definition of a narcissist is “someone who has an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.”

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) causes many issues in all aspects of a person’s life. It affects work, school, relationships and other matters. It can worsen with depression and addiction. Someone who is a narcissist is usually unhappy and easily disappointed by others for not receiving the special treatment they believe to deserve.

Their relationships are usually empty and disconcerting. Their reality doesn’t measure up to their beliefs of what they see in themselves. It’s hard for the narcissist to accept that the world doesn’t revolve around them alone.

Here are 8 signs of a narcissist:

You can detect a narcissist pretty quickly when you begin to notice the red flags.

1. A narcissist will often exaggerate their achievements and talents.

If the narcissist is a male, for example, he may tell you that he was an all-star athlete in school when the reality is that he was rarely ever on the field. He will overplay any life event to look as if he was the star of the show. And, when he shares his achievements over and over, they actually become a reality to the person. They believe they have accomplished all the things that they share with others.

2. They are master manipulators.

The narcissist will utilize your weakness to ensure that they get what they want. They will degrade you, using your weaknesses to add more power to their personality. If they do you a favor, be sure you’ve sold your soul to the devil because it will come back to haunt you.

destroying others

3. They don’t recognize or accept your feelings.

The only thing that counts is how they feel. The narcissist will be sure to bulldoze your emotions to make themselves feel worthy. A person who suffers from NPD is only concerned with how they feel. Emotions are driven by their needs and desires.

4. Narcissists are arrogant.

The narcissist is never wrong. They believe they are entitled to everything. They will brag and step over anything or anyone along their path to get the things they want. This disorder doesn’t allow for the person to have a rational moral compass. They aren’t sensitive to anyone’s feelings.

5. They require constant admiration and adoration.

The narcissist needs to be the center of attention. When the attention is no longer available, they will move onto another person. They cannot keep relationships for long because no one can keep them on a golden pedestal. They have difficulties keeping jobs and focusing on school as well because they lose interest quickly.

6. They take advantage of others.

The narcissist will take advantage of anything and anyone to suit their needs. This means stepping over anything to reach their level of twisted goals. The narcissist appears to have self-confidence and high self-esteem, but it’s a facade. They are lacking self-worth but compensate it by using others to their best interest.

7. They are envious of others.

The narcissist cannot accept anyone better than themselves; therefore, when the attention is on someone else, they get angry. They suffer from severe depression, frustration, and even rage. Indeed, they are envious of anything that doesn’t come to them and their attention.

8. A narcissist believes they are superior.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental health issue. They aren’t making it up. They are mentally incapable of seeing the world like everyone else. Usually, they believe they are above anyone. Their grandiose attitude is overwhelming. They do no wrong. When something doesn’t go their way, it’s because of someone else who messed up. There is no way to rationalize their behavior.

It’s not fully understood how a person becomes a narcissist, but they do have some common background influences. This personality disorder can be diagnosed as early as puberty and preteen years. Usually, a parent gave excessive pampering or excessive criticism in childhood years. They might have come from a broken home, having abandonment issues that forced them to rely only on themselves.

These people have substituted the lack of love and support from a parent by over-emphasizing their own worth. Narcissistic Personality Disorder seems to affect more males than females. It’s important to recognize the boundaries between an unhealthy ego and that of a narcissistic personality disorder. Sometimes the lines seem to overlap. The above signs are some of many that differentiate a narcissist from a person who has self-assurance and confidence.

An expert warns:

The main condition for the achievement of love is the overcoming of one’s narcissism. The narcissistic orientation is one in which one experiences as real only that which exists within oneself, while the phenomena in the outside world have no reality in themselves, but are experienced only from the viewpoint of their being useful or dangerous to one. The opposite pole to narcissism is objectivity; it is the faculty to see other people and things as they are, objectively, and to be able to separate this objective picture from a picture which is formed by one’s desires and fears.” ~ Erich Fromm from The Art of Loving

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Science Says People Who Nap Are More Creative

Do you ever feel sleepy during the afternoon and wish you could just lay your head down for a quick cat nap? Many people around the world feel this way as their jobs become more demanding, but they must power through the work day with caffeinated beverages or even caffeine pills to get by.

Naps have incredible health benefits, including increased longevity, a younger appearance, a healthier heart, helping to keep hormones balanced, and repairing cells. Our brains can’t just run all day without taking a rest, so naps help give your brain a break temporarily while also improving memory and creativity.

Some scientists even believe that humans should separate their sleep into two sessions – one short one during the day, and a longer one at night. While not everyone agrees with this theory, a short nap every day can’t do anything but improve health, so you really have nothing to lose.

Here’s How Naps Can Make You More Creative

A study presented at the Neuroscience 2012 meeting in New Orleans found that power naps could increase right-brain activity. Researchers monitored the brain activity of 15 individuals while they took a nap, and found that their right-brain activity increased, and the left-brain activity remained relatively inactive. As you might already know, the right brain is associated with creativity and imagination.

The studies’ author, Andrei Medvedev, Ph.D., an assistant professor at Georgetown University’s Center for Functional and Molecular Imaging, says: “The right side of the brain was better integrated”.

Some scientists believe that the right side of the brain governs creative tasks and intuition, while the left brain helps with logic and analytical tasks.

Medvedev believes that the right brain is “cleaning up” and sifting through memories while one takes a nap.


Napping also helps the brain to retain more information by clearing out older memories and info, according to researchers in the U.S. Led by Dr. Matthew Walker, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of California, he and the research team gathering data about this study suggest that naps last around an hour for the best results.

Walker said: “Sleep not only rights the wrong of prolonged wakefulness but, at a neurocognitive level, it moves you beyond where you were before you took a nap.” 

For the study referenced above, 39 healthy adults were placed in two groups: a nap group and a no-nap group. Both groups had a task given to them that required them to remember a significant amount of information. They did the task during the afternoon. At 2 pm, the nap participants laid down for a 1.5 hour rest. Obviously, the no-nap group stayed awake. Both groups learned even more information after the task and the nap at around 6 pm.

The results

The nap group performed better in the 6pm exercise than the other group that had to remain awake the whole day. Furthermore, the nap group performed better during the task done later in the day than they had in the previous task before their nap.

Walker and his team concluded that naps help to clear old information so that the brain can store new, more relevant information.

What does this have to do with creativity? Well, if your brain gets bogged down with too much information, you won’t have the clarity and mental stamina to create anything. Creativity works best when you can move through your thoughts with ease, even if you have many of them. Naps can help you to clear out old thoughts so you can sift through them more efficiently.


How to have a great nap:

First of all, make sure you dim the lights. Also, try keeping the room at a cool temperature, usually around 68-72 degrees.

Secondly, get rid of all distractions, but keep your phone in the room with an alarm set to avoid oversleeping. Just keep it at a reasonable distance so you don’t feel compelled to check your phone before the alarm goes off.

Thirdly, grab a blanket and a pillow so you can drift into a deep sleep comfortably.

Finally, do a deep breathing exercise or short meditation before the nap so you can clear your mind to ensure a thorough rest.

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