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15 Ways to Be More “Selfish” (And Why You Should)

15 Ways to Be More “Selfish” (And Why You Should)

Being “self-ish” is not selfish at all. The art of self love is one that is important at every stage of your life, so it’s worth finding the ways that we can show ourselves the loving care we need for our true happiness and well-being.

15 Ways to Be “Selfish”

Too much self-love and an over-inflated opinion of yourself as compared to others is a psychological problem known as narcissism. This is when you take care of yourself at the emotional, psychological, or financial expense of others.

Researchers studying healthy self-esteem say that some self-love is normal and is related to good psychological health. Healthy self-love has been linked to lower daily sadness and feelings of depression, loneliness, and helps improve feelings of well-being, including feelings of relationship well-being. Healthy self-esteem is also connected to fewer feelings of anxiety and neurotic behavior.

Having too little self-love can also be bad for our mental health. In another study, researchers linked low self-esteem to higher levels of aggression and anti-social behavior.

In this article we will talk about the healthy type of self-love that fills your positive emotional bank, which then allows you to give more love to others.

1. Picture yourself on a deserted island

Knowing yourself well is one of the ways you can give yourself love, and an easy way to do this is to know the basic things that you need to be happy. When you can picture yourself all alone, what are the 5 major things that are most important to you to have with you that give you joy? One example of your 5 top things that make you happy might be music, a good book, ice water with cucumber slices, your favorite recliner, and an ice cream sundae with hot fudge.

2. Do more of what you want to do

Play sports, read, meditate, garden, swim; whatever your favorite activities or hobbies are, make time for them a priority.

3. Do less of what you don’t want to do

Avoid activities that lead to negative moods. Anything that is frustrating to you should be avoided, if possible. Try asking someone else to do the dirty work for you or find a way to do away with the need for the non-fun things.

4. Forgive others

Holding onto emotional hurt only hurts you, not the person who caused you the pain. Forgiveness is releasing negative emotions that hurt your mental health.

5. Accept your flaws

We are all imperfect, but knowing our negative tendencies is helpful to self-acceptance and working to be better at unconditional self-love. Lori Deschene at Tiny Buddha says ‘keeping ourselves in check regarding patterns such as lying, manipulating, co-depending, withholding, and pretending’ are a part of good self-care.

6. Tune in to your gut instinct

In your gut, you know what is good and not good for you. When you connect to your sense of intuition, it will lead you to master self-love.

7. Dream of more

Are you done with the reason you were put on Earth? Your destiny may not be fulfilled yet so think of big ways that you can make a positive impact before you are done with your time here. Working toward something that is greater than yourself is great way to feel the importance of your contribution and give yourself love.

8. Spend time wisely

We have a limited time, so decide how you want to spend yours and commit to giving yourself the gift of choices in what you do.

9. Give yourself excellent physical care

Sleep, exercise, healthy whole foods, good hygiene, maintaining your weight, getting massages, and getting regular exams; caring for your body is part of mastering healthy self-love.

10. Connect to your spirituality

Whether you believe in a faith or not is not important, but spend time with the beliefs that are meaningful to you.

11. Work on fixing just one thing about yourself that you dislike

Taking action toward self-improvement is an excellent way to master self-love.

Related article: 5 Things To Remember When You Doubt Yourself

12. Protect yourself from negativity

Mentally protect yourself or physically avoid spending time with negative people.

13. Ask for help

Asking for help is difficult for independent people, but it can be psychologically freeing to know that in our society, others are willing and able to assist you, whenever you need it. Ask someone for a small favor and you may be pleasantly surprised about how good you feel when they give it to you.

14. Express yourself

Creatively express who you are through your clothing, art, writing or music. Many people are surprised to find that they have talents far beyond the ones they are using currently. Discover your new creative passion.

15. Remember your power

You are unique and unlike any other person. This is a powerful thing to know about yourself. Remember a time when you felt confident, loved, and courageous enough to take on the world and then realize that this ability to feel self-love has been with you all along.

Scientists Explain 4 Things That Cause Leg Cramps (And How to Fix It)

If you’ve ever experienced a charley horse before, then you know nothing can compare to the sensation. These leg cramps occur primarily during sleep, and scientists believe this happens due to lying in one position for an extended period, which can result in muscle cramps and contractions. During the day, you move around a lot, which keeps the blood flowing and the muscles engaged.

This uncomfortable sensation awakens many people at night, but luckily, a charley horse doesn’t tend to last more than ten minutes. However, it can leave you feeling sore the next day.

Many people walk off the pain, but it can become a recurring problem if you don’t go to the source to fix it. Today, we will go over the reasons for these muscle spasms and solutions for getting rid of them.

If you experience leg cramps that often wake you in the middle of the night, then read on to find out the causes and solutions so that you can get restful sleep, pain-free.

If You Get Leg Cramps Often, This May Be Why…

how to stop leg cramps

A “charley horse,” or leg cramp, is a painful muscle spasm that can occur in your calf, thigh, or foot.

If you’ve ever wondered why people call it a “charley horse,” try to think of how you’d feel if a horse kicked you in the calf or thigh. It would probably hurt badly, which explains why people refer to the muscle spasm as a charley horse.

Somewhere between going to sleep and waking up, many people experience these muscle spasms but don’t know why. We’ve listed the most common reasons for muscle spasms below.

Four Primary Causes of Leg Cramps

Here are four everyday things that cause a charlie horse or muscle contraction of the legs.

1. Dehydration

When you sweat a lot or don’t drink adequate water, your body will lose electrolytes, which help maintain your muscles’ proper function. Consequently, not hydrating your body will likely result in frequent muscle spasms.

Electrolytes help to control your muscle contractions, so when your body doesn’t have enough electrolytes, it could cause painful muscle tension in the late night hours.

2. You’re cold

Although many people sleep better in a cold room, a cooler temperature can cause muscles to spasm. If you insist on keeping the room cold, cover up with enough blankets and don’t forget to cover your legs.

Exposure to cold temperatures can cause the muscles to stiffen and become inflexible, which could cause painful muscle contractions.

3. Being in the same position for long periods

Whether you work all day sitting down or standing up, simply being in the same position for that long could trigger muscle spasms later on, significantly if you don’t stretch. Women who wear heels are especially vulnerable to muscle cramps, which strain the feet, spine, and legs enormously.

4. Exercising without stretching

One of the biggest mistakes people make all too often is exercising without stretching before and after. While exercise will increase your physical fitness and strength, not stretching the muscles can cause painful repercussions later. Your muscles need time to recover after an intense workout, so stretch them out to avoid injury and muscle spasms.

How To Prevent Leg Cramps

Once you understand the causes, you’ll better see how these prevention tips can help.

how to stop leg cramps

1. Take A Warm Shower

Before a workout, you warm up to prepare your muscles for exercise and prevent injury, right? Well, the same concept applies to prevent a charley horse. If your muscles feel sore or stiff, hop in the shower to ease your pain and relax your muscles.

The warmth of the water will help to soothe your body and can go a long way in preventing muscle spasms during the night.

2. Drink Pickle Juice

You might’ve heard of this age-old remedy before; many people have tried it successfully. Studies have shown the effectiveness of using pickle juice to ward off sore muscles, and one study proved that pickle juice works better than even water at alleviating muscle cramps.

Pickle juice contains a lot of salt, which we need to maintain proper control of our muscles. This explains why this remedy works so well, and best of all, you probably already have a jar of pickles in your house.

3. Eat A Banana

Muscle spasms can also occur due to low levels of potassium. Bananas contain one of the highest potassium concentrations among any food in nature, so the next time you have a charley horse, try eating a banana to replenish your potassium levels and alleviate muscle cramps.

leg cramps

Final Thoughts on Dealing With Leg Cramps

Leg cramps can range from mild discomfort to excruciating pain that awakens you during sleep. Understanding the four primary causes can help you avoid these muscle contractions. However, you can try the home remedies we mentioned to alleviate them naturally if you still get them.  So try heat, pickle juice, or potassium-rich foods to get the relief you need when they occur.

Here’s How Eating Added Sugar Hurts Your Brain

It is recommended that humans consume no more than 9.5 teaspoons of sugar per day. Currently, the average American adult consumes 22 teaspoons daily. The average American child consumes 32 teaspoons of sugar each day. – The American Heart Association

As you can see, we clearly have a sugar epidemic on our hands, and it only grows worse as more people become even more addicted to the added sugars in all the foods we have at our disposal. While sugar tastes great in most foods, many people don’t even think twice about what effect this dangerous additive has on the brain or body. Sugar in itself doesn’t necessarily promote ill health, but the source of the sugar makes all the difference. 100 calories of sugar from an apple get processed very differently in the body than 100 calories of granulated sugar, for instance.

Studies continue to pour in about what sugar can do to our bodies, such as induce diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and more, but if this doesn’t make you want to quit sugar for good, maybe learning what it does to your brain will do the trick.

These Things Happen To Your Brain When You Eat Added Sugars

A new study found that consuming high levels of fructose (from added sugars) can do damage to a staggering 940 brain genes. This is a nutrigenomic study, in which researchers specifically study how food can alter the expression of genes. This type of study can help us to understand how the food we eat gets processed in our bodies, and can allow us to make healthier choices when we consume foods.

Research continues to show just how badly sugar affects our health, but now scientists can prove how sugars negatively act on our brains as well. In the study, the scientists discovered that added sugars altered 734 hypothalamic genes as well as 206 hippocampal genes. What does this mean for us exactly? Well, these particular genes are responsible for vital functions within the brain, such as cell metabolism, cell communication, inflammation, and overall brain function.

According to The Health and Sciences Academy, “…certain alterations can lead to leptin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and brain diseases such as Parkinson’s, depression, and bipolar disorder.”

However, even if you’ve been consuming added sugars for years, the same study found that Omega-3 oil DHA “has the potential to normalize the genomic impact of fructose.” In other words, by including an adequate amount of DHA in your diet, you can reverse the effects of added sugars on your brain. You can find Omega-3 in the following plant-based foods:

  • Flaxseeds
  • Hemp seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Seaweed
  • Algae
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Spinach
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Cabbage

Related article: 5 Signs You Have High Blood Sugar

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t avoid ALL sugars – we actually need some sugar in order to function properly. The key is to consume sugar in its whole, unaltered state, however. This means that we need to consume sugar from whole, uncooked fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds. Extracting sugars from plants and then adding them back into foods strips the sugar of any nutrients whatsoever while keeping the calories and insulin-spiking properties, which is why processed sugar is so toxic to our health. Added sugar simply does not have any nutritional value whatsoever, so the body recognizes the calories, but does not know how to convert the energy into a usable form. This is partially why disease is so rampant in today’s world, so avoiding added sugars will go a long way in keeping you healthy and disease-free.

What’s more, studies have found sugar to be eight times more addictive than cocaine, so if you haven’t chosen to give up sugar yet, maybe this startling fact will do the trick.

Also, if you do buy processed foods at the store, keep your eyes peeled for the following ingredients disguised as sugar: glucose/fructose, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, sucrose, maltose, dextrose, beet sugar, glucose solids, cane sugar, dehydrated cane juice, dextrin, and maltodextrin, among others.

As with anything, you don’t have to avoid sugar altogether – just consume it in moderation if you must have it. We all like the occasional ice cream, soda, or candy bar, and having these every so often won’t do much damage to our health. However, the daily consumption of these foods is what really sends our system into a state of shock.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Showering Every Day? Here’s Why You May Want To Stop…

Since birth, we’ve been programmed to shower or bathe daily, but should we really be cleaning ourselves that often? Beauty and health industries spend billions per year trying to sell us products we think we need to stay hygienic and clean, and unfortunately, a lot of their marketing techniques have been successful thus far. We’ve been fooled into thinking that washing ourselves daily will make us cleaner, healthier, and more desirable and appealing to others, but showering or bathing each day can harm our skin and overall health.

While showers can help you relax after a long day or feel fresh and clean after an intense gym session, you don’t need more than one or two showers per week, with maybe a quick sink-wash daily to freshen up. Shocked? Read on to find out exactly why taking daily showers isn’t the best idea, according to science.

Here’s Why You Need To Stop Showering Every Day

According to dermatologist Dr. Ranella Hirsch in an Essence article, showering daily does NOT do a body good. Not only do showers use an enormous amount of clean water, they also strip the skin of healthy bacteria, dry out the skin, nails, and hair, and weaken your immune system.

“We over-bathe in this country,” says Hirsch. “That’s really important to realize. A lot of the reasons we do it is because of societal norms.”


1. You’re Not As Dirty As You Think

If you don’t work out every day or have a physically demanding job where you sweat for hours, you don’t need a daily bath or shower. According to Dr. Casey Carlos, assistant professor of medicine in the division of dermatology at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, in an article on, many soaps dry out the skin because they strip valuable oils from it. Plus, most people use soap where they don’t need it. Carlos says that the skin does a great job at cleaning itself, which means we don’t need to wash up as much as we thought.

If you think about it, back when we lived in nature, we just washed off in a river or creek without using any soaps or harsh cleaners. So, why do we think our bodies need these products today?

2. It Washes Away Good Bacteria

In an interview with BuzzFeed, two dermatologists revealed that washing your skin daily washes away good bacteria essential to our health. Plus, frequent showers can create small cracks in the skin, opening up your body to infection (especially with lower amounts of that good bacteria we all need).

3. You’re Drying Out Your Hair

Just like the skin, washing your hair daily will strip it of naturally occurring oils, giving it a dry, damaged, frizzy look. According to Andrea L. Hayden, Director of the International Association of Trichologists, you shouldn’t wash your hair more than once or twice weekly (including just getting it wet). Even if you don’t wash it every day, you can still condition your hair on the days you don’t wash to lock in moisture.

4. You’re Drying Out Your Skin

Taking too frequent hot showers can dry out the skin, leading it to peel or flake. If you haven’t caught on yet, washing our bodies so often, no matter what part, leeches moisture and oils from the skin dries it out. Many doctors recommend taking no longer than 10-minute showers if you do shower each day and putting the water on cold so you don’t dry your skin out.

5. You Will Ruin Your Nails

Hot water makes your nails expand, making them chip and crack. Once again, the nails will lose moisture and oils, which means dry, flaky nails galore.

Read about fifteen ways to stop wasting water.

6. You Waste Water

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the average family of four uses about 400 gallons of water daily! If everyone in the family showers daily, much of that water usage goes toward showers since a ten-minute shower uses a whopping 60 liters of water. According to Stanford University, you might think bathing will conserve more water since you don’t have it constantly running, but baths use almost three times more water than showers.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

6 Behaviors That Create Spoiled People (And How to Avoid Having Them)

A spoiled child normally grows to become a spoiled adult. This will affect them in maintaining a steady job, keeping friendships, having a spouse, and experiencing a healthy life. Spoiled people are selfish and self-centered. But, how do you know if they are spoiled? How can you help them see how destructive their behaviors are to others?

Here are 6 behaviors that create spoiled people (and how to avoid them):

“Spoiling doesn’t prepare your children for anything but heartache later in life.” – Laying Down the Law

1. Giving into everything.

Spoiled people have never known boundaries. Parents and friends cater to their every whim. These are the children who, with every tantrum, get exactly what they want. As adults, they have louder and more volatile tempers that implement the same behavior. “I want what I want when I want it.” Because they are used to getting what they want, they will torment anyone who doesn’t give into their demands. They border on mental illness because they can’t see reality from the delusional state of desires.

You can’t return to their childhood. You can, however, establish boundaries of what you will tolerate. The word “No” can anger these individuals. But, being consistent in your pursuit to help them recognize their behavior is important (and vital for their mental health). They might not stick around. If they do, know you have accomplished a beautiful task!


2. Reinforcing negative behavior.

Spoiled people trampled on anyone who gets in their way. They take what they want. They have zero concept that the world doesn’t revolve around them. They’ll make their way into an office and step on anything that prevents them from moving up the ladder of success. They will also use people and relationships quickly and then dump them without a single ounce of regret.

In order to disarm their behavior, you must use positive forces. For every negative action, you will need to establish several positive ones. So if you have witnessed the selfish behavior of someone who has been nasty to another to get what they want, you may want to let them know that the behavior can (and will be) returned in the same manner. Nothing upsets the spoiled person more than believing they will get punished. They don’t know what it is like to set limitations.

3. Picking fights.

A spoiled person will create drama to get attention. They will pick fights to deviate from what they want and then stab you from behind. It’s manipulation at its finest. They’ll devalue your opinion and turn around and utilize it for themselves. They truly don’t care how they get what they are after. They are determined to get it to all cost.

Pick your fights wisely. Not every argument needs to become a battle of wits to feed the ego. You stand your ground. Keep your boundaries. The spoiled person will soon forget what you were trying to accomplish. They are off on their next tantrum.

4. Destroying your image through manipulation.

People who are spoiled are narcissistic. They will manipulate through abuse, degrading, and control. They’ll make you feel horrible for not participating in the things that they want. They feed off your weaknesses or insecurities to get you to do things for them. These people don’t care how they hurt you as long as they get what they are after.

A spoiled person doesn’t accept that they have any weaknesses. It’s not about pinpointing those insecurities to them, but about turning the tables so they can see that things hurt when you are vicious. They have their weaknesses. Stay humble and use humility as your armor when dealing with these master manipulators. Stand your ground. Show them forgiveness but also discipline. Do not let them abuse you with their anger.

5. Rewarding poor actions.

Spoiled people brag about how they got that new job or the new girlfriend. They will create these stories with Oscar-winning talent. They want the attention even though it’s toxic. Rewarding poor actions and behavior encourages the self-centered and spoiled person to continue doing these things. It’s permitting them to get what they want regardless of the consequences.

Create incentives for good behavior. As a parent does with a child, you must reward positive actions. Become a positive role model in this person’s life. You don’t need to brag about your actions, but allow them to witness compassion, goodwill, and empathy through your examples. Let them know that receiving is just as beautiful as giving.

6. Lack of consideration.

Spoiled people have no consideration for the feelings of others. They are aggressive in behavior. They will bulldoze over anything to get attention. Their actions are sneaky and premeditated. These folks plot and scheme to con anyone into doing anything. The famous Cuban poet Jose Marti said, “A selfish man is a thief.” He will steal your heart, your money and your livelihood if you let them.

We have been taught to satisfy our needs however we can. The spoiled person takes it on a completely different level. You do not have to satisfy their needs. You don’t have to participate in everything they want. Once again, boundaries are important. Show this person love. Most spoiled people are missing structure in their lives. They didn’t have set rules growing up. Everything was supplied to them. Now as adults, they don’t understand why the world has to be so structured.

Spoiled, selfish people are everywhere. You can deal with them in a healthy manner that won’t suck you into their drama. You don’t have to entertain them and give into everything. Instead, you can use your awareness and knowledge to teach them little by little what it is to be a functional adult with healthy behaviors.

11 Lemon Water Benefits You Didn’t Know About

How we begin our day usually sets the stage for how the rest of it will unfold. Many of us rush through our mornings and entire days, not giving a lot of thought to how we treat our bodies or what we put in them. Starting each day hydrated can make a huge difference in how your day goes, however, as eliminating toxins can allow your body to become rejuvenated and feel lighter. Better yet, adding lemon to your water will only increase the benefits you feel from nourishing and hydrating your body properly.

Lemon contains a lot of antioxidants and can repair the immune system naturally with vitamin C, bioflavonoids, citric acid, calcium, magnesium, pectin, and limonene.

Warm lemon water hydrates and oxygenates the body while also balancing our pH levels.

Adding lemon will also improve digestion, which will further help to eliminate toxins. Experts recommend drinking half your weight in ounces of water each day, but unfortunately, most people don’t drink near enough water for their age or weight.

Drinking lemon water may improve your relationship with water, since it will make each glass refreshing and add flavor to an otherwise tasteless beverage. Just make sure to add half of a freshly squeezed lemon to your water each morning, and continue this habit each time you have a new glass of water.

Adding lemon to your water will also provide nutrients like vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium, and fiber.

On another note, have you been trying to give up coffee? Warm lemon water might just serve as a suitable replacement, as many people who have tried to give up coffee have done so successfully by replacing it with lemon water. So, as if that isn’t enough to make you want to drink lemon water, we have some more benefits listed for you below!

11 Lemon Water Benefits You Didn’t Know About

lemon water benefits

1. Lemon water can lower your risk of having a stroke, according to the American Heart Association

2. It will give you clear skin and reduce signs of aging, including wrinkles

3. Detoxes and cleanses the system according to a study on lemon water’s ability to improve the liver’s functions

4. Lemon water can boost your mood due to the plentiful antioxidants and nutrients present

5. Brings your body’s pH levels back into alignment

6. Relieves pain in the joints

7. Alleviates hangovers

8. Keeps you satiated longer

9. Improves digestive health

10. Lemon water freshens the breath

11. Improves respiratory health

Here are a few more benefits, if you still need more convincing:

  • can prevent UTIs.
  • improves adrenal health
  • regulates metabolism
  • enhances brain power
  • strengthens immune system
  • cleans the sinus cavities
  • improves intestinal health
  • eliminates high fevers
  • prevents kidney stones
  • improves breathing
  • alleviates headaches and migraines
  • can help with weight loss

lemon water benefits

Here are a few more interesting facts about lemon:

  • Lemon is among nature’s top seven potassium sources. The mineral potassium promotes mental clarity and healthy blood pressure. If you pair lemon with something salty, it can help to regulate the body’s water balance.
  • You can use lemon as an insect repellent.
  • It can be used as a mouthwash; just add hot water.
  • A tablespoon of lemon juice only contains four calories

During this time period on Earth, many people have started waking up to nature’s amazing healing powers, and have substituted old habits for much healthier, wholesome ones that actually improve their vitality. Drinking lemon water is just one of many ways to improve your health, and you can use lemon in a variety of other ways as well, such as in a salad dressing, sprinkled on a fruit salad, or even frozen to make healthy popsicles!

Many people want to improve their health, and luckily, they don’t have to look much further than their own kitchen to do so. What you eat can either promote sickness or health, so why not do your mind, body, and soul some good and opt for health instead of the disease?

The smallest habits we form can inspire the greatest change, and adding a little lemon to your water in the mornings doesn’t take much time or effort. The hydration from the water plus the nutrients and antioxidants from the lemon makes this drink a powerhouse when it comes to improving your health. Let us know how you like it!

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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