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Psychology Explains How to Build a Culture of Kindness

Psychology Explains How to Build a Culture of Kindness

Kindness is something you can spread from one person to another. Creating a culture of kindness allows for fewer instances of anger and evil. It can promote a more welcoming environment as positivity becomes the driving force.

Building a culture of kindness can start with one person. It involves being kind to those around you; in turn, those people return the behavior to those around them. This experience leads to more kind people, reaching further than you could ever expect.

Creating a culture of kindness can help people think about their choices more often. People will want to consider if they’re kind in daily experiences, at home with their family, and in their workplace during tense times.

What is a Culture of Kindness?

A culture of kindness means being kind to everyone around you, even strangers. Your kind acts ripple through those around you, spreading it to people you didn’t encounter personally. It can help increase the number of positive people in your community, helping everyone they interact with.

Establishing a culture of kindness can help strangers become friends. It encourages you to interact with people you wouldn’t otherwise and forms a bond with those you encounter. This situation starts with a kind act, promoting positivity and joy all around you.

A culture of kindness can change how people interact with one another. It improves how people work together and handle tragedy or crisis. Evidence shows that it can stimulate serotonin, reducing anxiety and making you feel good. A culture of being kind also helps people feel loved by those around them. It energizes and inspires people and empowers them to live up to their full potential.


How to Build a Culture of Kindness and Positivity

You have many options for building this culture. Utilizing multiple methods can spread positivity further. Plus, there are enough options that you don’t have to make yourself uncomfortable to spread joy to those around you.

1 – Resist Your Anxiety

You might be afraid to do a random act of kindness if you’ve never done it. The first step is to resist your anxiety and do something that makes a difference in someone’s day.

You don’t have to do anything crazy, and there are many options if you aren’t ready to step out of your comfort zone. Once you get past the first act, you’ll see how much of a difference it makes. You’ll want to do it more often once you see how happy it makes others.

2 – Recognize Kindness

Many think getting attention for being intelligent or skilled is the best option. However, learning that recognition for being kind is better can make all the difference. You’ll want to spread it all around when you realize that being kind is better than anything else.

Don’t stop by only recognizing acts of kindness. Go a step further and talk about it to publicize the importance of being kind. It’ll make those around you want to participate and help build a culture of being kind when you talk about it.

3 – Treat Others as Equals

Treating everyone like equals can cultivate a culture of kindness. It lets people know that you value them and recognize their significance. Every short interaction is an opportunity to show people you respect who they are and what they do.

4 – Call Attention to Events That Can Promote Kindness

You can use any event as an opportunity to promote kindness. There are days like World Kindness Day and Random Acts of Kindness Day. However, there are also other days when you can encourage it.

Choose any day or observation to encourage positivity and kindness. Use Valentine’s Day as a chance to send letters or cards to people. Or you can use Martin Luther King Day as a chance to do service activities for those around you.

You don’t even have to wait for a specific day to encourage acts of kindness. Choose a random day and tell everyone in your life that you want them to do something nice for someone that day. Before you know it, everyone will be doing kind things for one another, spreading to those you don’t know.

5 – Learn People’s Favorites

Getting to know the people in your life can help you cultivate a culture of kindness. Learn their favorite coffee, snacks, and other things they love. It can help you do kind things for them by surprising them with little gifts when they least expect it.

6 – Write Cards to Express Your Gratitude

Writing cards to people will make their day. It’s a simple gesture that doesn’t take much time, but it’ll show your appreciation for those around you. Showing your gratitude encourages others to do the same.

7 – Start at Home

Encourage the people you live with to be kind to others. It’ll spread kindness to their workplace, school, or anywhere else they go. You can create a chart and have a challenge where everyone marks on the chart when they did an act of kindness.

Another idea is to brainstorm ways you and your family members can be kind to those you encounter. It’ll teach your children how easy it is to make others feel good and foster a culture of kindness from home.

8 – Model It

No matter where you are, you can model positivity. Modeling will encourage those around you to be kind to others, allowing the benefits to spread from one person to another.

Making people feel wanted, valued, and respected can make a difference. People will want to follow your example, and kindness is the best way to do so.

9 – Greet People in a Friendly Way

You can greet everyone in a friendly way, even if you don’t know them well. Smile at them when you see them, offer encouraging words, or show that you’re excited to see them.

10 – Listen to Others

Showing people that you care about what they say is one of the best ways to build a culture of kindness. Let them know that their words matter and take the time to listen without distraction.

11 – Limit Screen Time

When you’re always in front of a screen, it causes you to lose connection with the world around you. This situation is the same for everyone, including kids. Experts indicate that cultivating a culture of kindness requires being present and looking for opportunities.

You’ll find opportunities to be kind to others if you aren’t staring at your phone or tablet. It also models better behavior for children as they see you put down the devices and interact with others.


12 – Expose your Children to Diversity

Cultivating a culture of kindness requires exposing your children to different people and situations. They shouldn’t only be kind to other people like them.

Instead, expose your kids to diversity and show them that everyone deserves respect, humility, and empathy. You can engage with people of other cultures, organize dinners around other cultural backgrounds, or discuss differing life experiences and beliefs.

13 – Speak up for Others

One of the best ways to foster a culture of kindness is to speak up for people. Speaking up will make the other person feel good and teach people that they shouldn’t treat people that way.

14 – Volunteer in the Community

Getting out and volunteering to help others is one of the best ways to cultivate a culture of kindness. It teaches those closest to you that helping others is beneficial. Volunteering in your community also encourages others to do kind things for one another, even if they aren’t official volunteers.

Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness

  • treat others with respect and courtesy
  • find common ground with others
  • avoid stereotyping
  • think before you speak
  • civilly stand your ground on moral issues
  • offer compliments to others
  • express affection
  • celebrate the achievements of others
  • express your love and show that you mean it
  • smile at everyone you see
  • use your manners
  • leave notes of encouragement
  • write affirmations and place them where others will see them
  • visit with the elderly or disabled
  • bake cookies or cake for someone
  • pass out care packages to the homeless
  • help someone you know is overwhelmed
  • read to children at a shelter
  • volunteer at your child’s school
  • donate your old books or games to someone who could use them
  • challenge yourself to use only kind or encouraging words
  • help someone load groceries into their car
  • tell someone everything you love about them, or write them a list
  • volunteer at a care facility
  • start a friendly conversation with a stranger
  • help your neighbor with something in their yard
  • prepare a welcome package for a new neighbor
  • smile at everyone you see
  • write an encouraging phrase on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk


Final Thoughts on Psychology Explains How to Build a Culture of Kindness and Positivity

Building a culture of kindness starts with one person and spreads throughout many others. It can create an environment full of love and positivity rather than anger and evil. Everyone can be kind. Sometimes, it only takes seeing others be nice. Smiling at a stranger or doing random acts of kindness can make a difference and change the world.

10 Reasons Why Optimistic Men Live Longer

Everywhere you look, you see something about the power of positive thinking. Sure, some men (and women, for that matter) may find this term cliche. But others have embraced this attitude and know it works wonders! No matter what your circumstances, you have the power to join the ranks of those optimistic men. While everyone has the strength within, some have learned how to put it into their daily practice. It’s about changing your mindset and tweaking your vocabulary and outlook.

NOTE: We acknowledge that women also benefit greatly from the power of positivity, which we address in a separate, science-based article.

Ten Reasons Why Optimistic Men Live Longer

Have you ever wondered why some people live to be over a hundred years old and others have their life cut short at an early age? While many factors can be involved in a person’s lifespan, one primary consideration is mindset.

According to the National Academy of Sciences, positive thinking can add up to fifteen percent more time to your life. Those guys who are negative tend to live shorter lives, and those who stay on the sunny side might be able to extend their years far beyond expectations. Here are some reasons why optimistic men live longer.

optimistic men

1. Optimistic Men Experience Improved Resiliency

A study posted on Hindawi Journals shows that those with an optimistic attitude and positive thinking can increase the will to live longer. The key is being more proactive about your health when you desire to live. Guys who want to live will be eager to eat foods to fuel their bodies and to work out more.

2. Positive Guys Resist Comparisons and Feel More Satisfied

The grass always looks greener on the other side, and many people can’t help but peek and become jealous. Jealousy and envy are very harmful emotions, making your low self-esteem shine. It’s easy to look at the lives of others and envy what seems to be an extraordinary life.

However, men with optimistic outlooks know things are not always as they seem. It’s easy to become jealous of stars like Oprah when considering her immense wealth and popularity. The truth is that no one knows what runs through her mind when she lays her head on her pillow at night.

Oprah had a disturbing childhood and was abused by close family members numerous times. According to her confession on The Oprah Winfrey Show, she gave birth to a child who died two weeks later. Like many people, she turned to food to cope, which led to a lifetime battle with weight.

It’s easy to look at others and point out all the beautiful things you desire, but a cheerful man knows that all those things come with a price. Positive people know that sometimes things are not always as they seem.

3. Counting Blessings Gives Optimistic Men a Good Perspective

Did you eat today? Did you get into a car you own and drive to a job paying your bills? Do you have a house and a comfortable bed to lay your head down at night? These are all blessings.

Today’s society is engrained that you need more. Folks feel that having material possessions is a sign of status in life. Have you met someone who had it all but was still miserable?

There are homeless folks that might treat you better than someone with millions. It’s all about attitude and perception. The homeless person might be so thankful for a sandwich, while the person with so much would think that a simple sandwich wasn’t good enough.

Men who embrace optimism know they must be thankful for what they have because tomorrow, it could all be gone. If you wake up with a heart of gratitude, it will change your outlook on your day and extend your life.

4. Positive Males Have More Emotional Intelligence Than Their Peers

Men generally aren’t as emotional as women, but it doesn’t mean that a guy doesn’t experience some emotional pain. The key is that they’ve learned how to manage these emotions like stress. For instance, how often have you heard someone say that you make mountains out of molehills because you overreact to things?

What if you flipped the script and made molehills out of mountains instead? You don’t look at the obstacles in your way as such significant issues. These positive thinkers have learned that life is full of trials and tests, but they use their stress-relieving tips to manage them. They don’t fall to pieces because the day looks dark and stormy, as they know the sun will shine again.

5. Optimistic Men Have Healthy Role Models to Guide Them

Society tends to have things backward, as they view youth as precious and beautiful and frown upon aging. When a man considers aging in a negative light, he might lose some of his will to thrive. However, most people don’t go to young folks for advice, as they would rather trust the sage guidance of their father or grandpa.

Men who have lived and experienced much are usually more in touch with their spirituality. They understand the depth of living and try to follow a more simplistic life.

optimistic men

6. Positivity Can Mean Lower Stress Levels

It’s easy to become stressed in the fast-paced world. However, chronic stress can significantly impact the body and mind. An article published by Carnegie Mellon University shows that chronic stress messes with the body’s inflammatory responses, making a man more susceptible to sickness. Stress can stimulate the development and growth of diseases.

Some folks handle stress better than others, as they’ve learned techniques like journaling, meditation, and other ways to relieve these pressures. It doesn’t mean that they won’t have times of duress in their lives, but they’ve discovered a way to manage it. There are many proven studies about the effects of stress, so the optimistic man tries his best to control his angst.

7. Optimistic Men May Have Healthier Brains

Keeping your mind busy is a great way to stay optimistic, as you don’t have time to fret about trivial things. Frequent activities like word searches, learning a new language, engaging in a hobby, or doing a puzzle, can all help strengthen your mental capacity. Plus, when you’re busy engaging in something pleasurable, it doesn’t give you much downtime to sit and lament your problems.

Thankfully, there’s medical research to back this up. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, those people who keep their minds busy with cognitive activity will live longer, as they will reduce the chances of developing Alzheimer’s or dementia by up to 47%.

8. Positive Guys Don’t Dread the Aging Process

Some men get torn up about a few gray hairs or wrinkles. However, a guy with an optimistic outlook embraces aging. It’s not really about the outside, but when you dread growing older, it reduces your chances of living life to the fullest.

It’s imperative to adjust your opinion of yourself as you age. Instead of dwelling on negative aspects, these people focus on empty nests, traveling, retiring, and the wisdom gained. A study posted by Frontiers in Psychology shows that men who have a positive outlook have proven to have a significant effect on their life expectancy.

9. Vocabulary Changes Are Imperative to a Satisfying and Successful Life

You can always tell a lot about a person when you talk to them for a few minutes. Miserable people tend to radiate despair and let you know all about it. Optimistic men have learned that there are some words they must omit from their vocabulary to keep their spirits high.

It’s not that they can’t use these words, but they prefer to use other words with a more positive meaning. For instance, instead of saying they’re exhausted and need to rest, they will say they need to lie down and rejuvenate themselves. Sure, it means the same thing, but the delivery is vastly different.

Words they avoid include the following:

  • Can’t
  • Won’t
  • Afraid
  • Scared
  • Hate
  • Bad
  • Incompetent
  • Impossible
  • Useless
  • Ugly

While these are just a few examples, you will strike many words when you want to be positive. Guys who make these changes to their vocabulary are extending their life by being more encouraging.

10. Positive Guys Practice Mindfulness and Get Better Sleep

Mindful living is something that’s often talked about in modern psychology. Some people run through their days on autopilot and miss so much of the splendor around them. It’s easy to be negative when your plate is overloaded and your time is sparse.

However, those who are positive embrace such things as mindful living. They take time to stop and snap a picture of a gorgeous rainbow or to admire the raindrops on a rose. According to an article published by the National Library of Medicine, these actions pay off with longevity, as these guys will have better sleep and lower rates of depression and anxiety.


Final Thoughts on Optimistic Men Living Longer

You don’t think about living longer and retirement when you’re young. However, you blink your eye and find gray hairs, wrinkles, and a body stiff from arthritis.

Optimistic men have learned a few tricks to help them with longevity and to have an overall happy life. They know that you don’t compare yourself with others, you must have good coping skills for stress, and a good diet and exercise program is not optional. Even if your mindset hasn’t been the best, you can easily change it. Start today by increasing positivity in your life, and you’ll see how much better you feel.

8 Things to Know About Dating a Gemini Woman

Dating a Gemini woman can often feel like a rollercoaster full of countless surprises. As an air sign, Geminis let the wind guide their journey and don’t like feeling tied down. They flit from one thing to another, allowing their hearts to lead the way. The twins represent this sign with two different personalities depending on their mood.

They will seem chatty, amiable, and even flirtatious if you get them on a good day. However, Geminis also have a fierce independent streak, so you might sometimes notice them retreat into their shells. As ambiverts, they require periods of socializing with friends and also solitude to reflect on their thoughts.

A Gemini woman will keep you on your toes and add great excitement to your life. They may seem like a handful sometimes, but they make up for it with their charm and quick wit.

If dating a Gemini, make sure you know these essential facts about them before settling down.

8 Things You Should Know About Gemini Women

gemini woman

1. They will make you feel so alive.

Gemini women will keep you guessing at every turn because they crave adventure and exploration. They get bored quickly and need a change of pace to keep life fresh and exciting. As such, they need a partner who can keep up with them and accept their flighty nature. They’re unpredictable and spontaneous and do their best with a partner who can complement them. For instance, an earth sign can help ground them, and fire signs can give them direction and purpose.

2. Gemini women have a dual nature.

As we said earlier, Geminis are sometimes challenging to read. Some days, they will be social butterflies who want to start conversations with everyone around them. Other times, they will seem more serious and reserved, retreating into a quiet space for introspection. Geminis get a bad rap because of this yin and yang aspect of their personality. However, those who know them understand and love their multifaceted, layered nature.

They have an irresistible charm and wit about them that draws people in like a magnet. However, their more serious side allows for intelligent, deep conversations with like-minded people. You get the best of both worlds with this zodiac sign, making them very attractive in relationships.

3. They crave intimacy but fear it at the same time.

At their core, Gemini women are hopeless romantics who believe in the power of true love. However, when they get too close to people, they also start to feel smothered and tied down. That aspect of themselves makes it difficult to get close to people. Their free-spirited nature takes over in relationships, so they may sometimes start distancing themselves. But if they meet the right person who complements them in every way, they may have a change of heart.

4. They’re genuine, down-to-earth people.

People who know Gemini women can attest to their authenticity and candid personality. With them, what you see is what you get. They have no problem speaking their mind, but they do it in a kind, polite manner. They’re some of the sweetest, most personable people you will ever meet. They may seem a bit shy when you first meet them, but they quickly open up once they feel comfortable.

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5. This astrological sign requires intense intellectual stimulation.

As social butterflies, Geminis can easily make an evening out of small talk and playful banter. However, they need much deeper conversations to keep them satisfied when it comes to intimate relationships. A Gemini woman does best with someone who can open their mind to new ideas and ways of thinking. For instance, they enjoy philosophy, spirituality, religion, and life’s more profound questions.

As highly creative people, they also love talking about art, music, movies, and other artistic expressions. If you want to date this zodiac sign, prepare for conversations that last well into the night.

6. They need to feel wanted.

Gemini women require tons of affection and attention in relationships. As hopeless romantics, they need someone who doesn’t hold back when it comes to loving gestures. Of course, they will return the favor, but they usually don’t make the first move. However, they will love you with every fiber once you sweep them off their feet.

7. They don’t do flings or shallow relationships.

A Gemini woman may have difficulty settling down but secretly craves a meaningful relationship. She doesn’t want to get her heart broken, so she may initially seem aloof or uninterested. However, once you’ve won her over, she will remain committed as long as you’ll have her. Geminis aren’t shallow or superficial, so they need someone who wants a serious relationship.

8. They find daily life tedious and monotonous.

As you might expect, people born with this horoscope don’t do well with schedules. This mutable air sign craves excitement and change to break up the routine of daily life. Of course, they’re responsible people who don’t run from their duties, but they sometimes get frustrated with the daily grind. Geminis do well in creative jobs where they can control their schedule and work at their own pace.

So, if you date a Gemini woman, keep the spark alive by surprising her every so often. Take her on adventures, surprise her with an unexpected road trip, or take her to a new restaurant. This dynamic sign must run wild and free sometimes and leave the shackles of modern life behind. If you can handle her sometimes chaotic energy, she will make an excellent partner, lover, and friend to have by your side.

gemini woman

Final Thoughts on Dating a Gemini Woman

Geminis are known for being multifaceted, well-rounded people who can get along with almost anyone. They put you at ease instantly and make you feel comfortable sharing your life story with them. They’re nonjudgemental, open people who do their best to nurture and love everyone. If you date this zodiac sign, ensure you can handle their spontaneous, insatiable energy. They’re a perfect dichotomy of serious and childlike, so you’ll certainly never feel bored with them around.

6 Causes of Love Handles (and How to Fix Them)

Most people don’t want to have love handles despite the endearing name. They create an unsightly bulge when wearing jeans or tight clothing and generate a lot of discomfort in general. Even though we’ve become a more accepting society, many people still fear being fat-shamed or ridiculed about their appearance. Therefore, having love handles or excess fat in other areas can lead to low self-esteem and guilt.

Of course, appearances don’t matter at all compared to what’s inside your heart. But, storing extra fat around the hips and stomach can lead to health complications. So, it’s in your best interest to lose weight if necessary to maintain your health. Below, we’ll discuss a few common causes of love handles and how to eliminate them.

6 Things That Cause Love Handles (And Ways to Fix Them)

love handles

1. Eating too many calories.

When you consume more calories than you burn, it will inevitably cause weight gain and fat accumulation. You may not notice it at first, but the consequences of overeating will catch up to you eventually. It can seem challenging to break the habit of mindless eating or consuming large portions at mealtimes. However, to eliminate love handles, you must count your calories and eat a balanced diet.

Calorie trackers can help you keep tabs on what you eat and give you a better understanding of portion sizes. They also reveal how easy it can be to overeat in our modern world. Everywhere you look, the food industry tries to reel you in with advertisements catered to your primal instincts. We naturally crave high-calorie, dense foods to refuel our bodies after mental or physical exertion.

But if you want to feel your best, you should monitor your portions and try to eat more meals at home. It may seem daunting at first, but your hard work will pay off once you notice your love handles melting away.

2. Having high cortisol.

Chronic stress makes the body and mind work harder, increasing energy demands. While short-term stress often suppresses one’s appetite, persistent stress can have the opposite effect. You may notice this firsthand after a grueling day at work or school. Devoid of energy after all that exertion, you probably want something convenient and easy to eat. If that sounds familiar, you’re hardly alone in craving high-calorie foods to counteract stress.

Studies show that chronic stress can cause people to choose comforting foods over healthy ones. That makes sense because consuming sugary and fatty foods releases massive amounts of serotonin and dopamine. Unfortunately, the same foods that make us feel better temporarily cause long-term health problems. Responding to high cortisol levels by overeating creates a vicious cycle, and fat cells accumulate in the belly area. Cortisol also increases the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite signals.

Practice self-care to help manage stress by meditating, yoga, or even taking a warm bath. Paying attention to your triggers before they overwhelm you can promote a healthy weight and eliminate love handles.

3. A sedentary lifestyle can cause love handles.

Not surprisingly, excessive sitting or leisure time can cause fat accumulation and love handles to form. Sadly, many sit most of the day between driving, working, and watching TV. Our comfortable lifestyles have afforded us many pleasures, but they’ve come at the expense of our overall health.

If you want to get rid of love handles, you must tackle the root cause of the problem. Storing too many calories (energy) without burning them off will inevitably lead to weight gain. So, exercise a few days per week to maintain fitness levels. Engaging in weight training and cardio for a balanced workout routine is a good idea.


4. Sleep deprivation.

Did you know the CDC recognizes insufficient sleep as a public health epidemic? For several reasons, people sleep fewer hours than they did decades ago. Chronic stress, overuse of technology, artificial lights, and myriad distractions have created a recipe for disaster. Simply put, we no longer prioritize sleep as a critical aspect of our health.

People try to sleep as little as possible to get ahead in our “hustle culture.” But the gains made from sleeping less only backfire when health problems arise. Sleep deprivation creates hormone imbalances and makes you crave fattier, sugary foods. In turn, your body stores the excess calories which can cause love handles to form.

Make sure to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night to avoid cravings and hormonal disruptions.

5. Having an underactive thyroid.

A thyroid disorder can also cause love handles because it interferes with your metabolic functions. Specifically, those with hypothyroidism have an underactive thyroid, making it challenging to burn extra calories. Make sure to manage any thyroid conditions and adopt healthy lifestyle habits. You can increase your metabolism naturally by exercising regularly and fueling your body with nutritious foods.

6. Consuming too many sugary or high-calorie foods.

Eating high-calorie foods often will hinder weight loss and other health goals you might have. Even if you exercise frequently and practice the other pillars of health, consuming nutrient-poor foods will undermine your efforts. Eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains, and avoid ultra-processed and boxed items. You’ll feel more energetic and keep the love handles at bay, both positive outcomes from following a healthy lifestyle.

love handles

Final Thoughts on How to Eliminate Love Handles

Some people believe having a bit of extra fat around the hips won’t harm them. After all, we require some body fat to survive, especially during winter. However, storing too much fat around the waist and hips can signal an underlying health problem. Being overweight or obese can increase your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and other serious health issues.

If you want to get rid of love handles and feel more vibrant, consider making a few lifestyle changes. Counting calories, exercising, eating a balanced diet, managing stress, and prioritizing sleep will get you on the right track.

Doctors Explain How to Detox Your Liver 

(Editor’s Note 8/13/2023: Removed ‘Essential’ to detox your liver to stay healthy, as it is not considered ‘essential’, but rather ‘helpful’ instead. Also clarified language around how to help detox your liver by supporting your liver health)

It is very helpful to help detox your liver to keep it healthy. With all the environmental toxins in today’s world, our livers often have to work overtime to do their jobs. However, helping your liver detox and living a healthy lifestyle can help protect us from the daily threats our bodies face.

The liver eliminates toxins from the body and works harder than almost any organ. It also detoxifies the blood, generates bile so we can digest fats, and helps process nutrients in the body. When the liver functions normally, all of these processes occur seamlessly. However, the organ struggles to keep up when the body becomes overly toxic and disease sets in.

That’s why proper liver detoxification is so important, so your body doesn’t become overburdened with harmful substances.

Fifteen Signs of a Damaged Liver

If you have an unhealthy liver, you will likely notice certain symptoms in the mind and body. Researchers have identified several common symptoms people experience when their livers aren’t functioning correctly.

detox your liver

  1. Constipation
  2. Heartburn
  3. Bloating and gas
  4. Yellow skin or eyes (jaundice)
  5. Difficulty losing weight
  6. Hypertension
  7. Mood swings, anxiety, or depression
  8. Abdominal pain
  9. Swelling in the legs and ankles
  10. Dark colored urine
  11. Persistent fatigue
  12. Tendency to bruise easily
  13. Itchy or red skin
  14. Loss of appetite
  15. Nausea or vomiting

If you experience these symptoms often, you might feel worried about having an underlying condition. Luckily, you can take charge of your health and detox your liver by following the tips below.

Doctors Reveal Three Ways to Help Detox Your Liver

Here are a few lifestyle changes to support better health.

1. Avoid processed or prepackaged foods in your diet.

Most foods today cause diseases of the mind and body because they’re far removed from nature. Processed foods contain numerous additives such as hydrogenated oils, sugar, salt, and other chemicals that cause dysfunction in the body. Eating these foods often can make it difficult for your body to function optimally and can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and other ailments. Therefore, eating as many whole foods as possible is important. Also, please avoid boxed or ready-made items.

Opt for fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts, and healthy fats to support overall better health health. Avoid artificial and regular sugar, canned foods with added salt, and other ultra-processed foods. These ready-to-eat foods aren’t just bad for your liver; they also produce inflammation throughout the body, creating the perfect environment for diseases.

detox your liver

2. Drink raw vegetable juice and eat plenty of greens.

Did you know cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli can help detox your liver? They contain high amounts of a compound called glucosinolate, which aids the liver in producing detoxifying enzymes. They also contain sulfur compounds and chlorophyll, which help remove toxins from the bloodstream.

Other options for green vegetables to support liver health include dark, leafy greens like mustard greens and kale. The USDA recommends eating at least 2-3 servings of vegetables daily as part of a balanced diet. However, most people fall drastically short of meeting these guidelines, with only 10% of Americans eating enough fruits or vegetables. Time and budget constraints likely play a role in the struggle to consume enough nutritious foods.

However, juicing vegetables can help save time because it doesn’t require any preparation. It also reduces the volume of food, making it easier to meet the recommended intake of vegetables. You can add some sweet fruits to the mixture to make it more flavorful.

The best veggies to help a liver cleanse are those we listed above, along with carrots, cucumbers, and beets. These vegetables help detoxify the body and keep the liver functioning properly. Studies show that fresh, raw carrots, in particular, can aid in detoxing the liver and may even prevent fatty liver disease.

Carrots contain large amounts of fiber, helping to clean toxins from the intestines and supporting digestive health. They also are rich in beta-carotene, which gets converted into vitamin A in the body. Carotenoids like beta carotene help stimulate bile production in the body, which removes waste and excess fat.

3. Consider liver friendly compounds.

Certain compounds can help your liver do it’s job and improve overall health. The following compounds have been shown to help the liver detox:

(Editor’s Note 8/13/2023: While components of milk thistle can aid in decreasing liver inflammation, dandelion root has been shown to help protect the liver and help it function, and curcumin has been shown to have antioxidant effects, plenty of animal, but not enough human studies have shown that regular use is beneficial.)

  • Milk thistle. Milk thistle is a flowering plant known for its ability to treat conditions like cirrhosis, diabetes, and gallbladder disorders. People have utilized the detoxifying herb for over 2,000 years in traditional herbal medicines to improve liver functioning. It eliminates heavy metals, environmental pollutants, and other toxins from the body. Research shows that the active ingredient silymarin can help reduce inflammation, promote cell repair, and prevent toxins from attaching to liver cells.
  • Dandelion root. Many herbalists in cultures worldwide have also used this powerful root for liver detoxification. In addition to increasing bile flow in the body, dandelion root also contains a carbohydrate called polysaccharides that benefits liver function. Dandelion tea and stems have high levels of vitamin C, which studies show can aid in mineral absorption. Minerals help detoxify, reduce inflammation, and inhibit disease formation in the body.
  • Finally, turmeric contains a potent compound called curcumin that may help treat nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Scientists believe turmeric can lower inflammation in the body, a significant symptom of disease. In addition, turmeric contains antioxidants that protect against free radicals and waste products.

detox your liver

Final Thoughts on Ways to Help Detox Your Liver

Maintaining health in the modern world can often seem like an uphill battle. We’re always fighting against environmental toxins and nature, in general, to keep our bodies and minds healthy. The liver plays a crucial role in eliminating toxins stored in the body, but it sometimes needs extra help to do its job. You can promote healthy liver function in several easy ways, including consuming more vegetables, and avoiding processed foods. If you feel your liver may not be functioning optimally, please consult with your wellness provider on a path forward to help!

3 Yoga Poses That Melt Anxiety and Stress

Most of us would prefer never to have any stress, but unfortunately, it’s a certainty. Humans have struggled to survive since the dawn of existence, and modern times are no exception. However, practices such as yoga can help you adapt to stress more efficiently. It provides mental and body stability, allowing you to see clearly and flow with life more effortlessly.

If you struggle with your mental health, know you’re far from alone. Experts estimate that around 20% of Americans have an anxiety disorder, and undiagnosed cases could make this figure much higher. All over the world, anxiety and stress have become epidemics, forcing us to go within and deal with our turbulent emotions.

Yoga has existed for thousands of years, believed to have originated in ancient India. Seers and saints from this time constructed a system of enlightenment to overcome mental and physical constraints. They figured out that they could reconnect with the soul by tuning out the world around them.

The main goal of yoga involves uniting the limited consciousness with Universal consciousness. However, people worldwide practice yoga for other reasons, such as to destress or gain flexibility.

How Yoga Helps With Anxiety

  • Increases focus
  • Enhances mental equilibrium
  • Slows down breathing
  • Reduces pulse and blood pressure
  • Encourages grounding through the breath
  • Lowers cortisol levels
  • Reduces depressive symptoms, which can make anxiety worse
  • Improves physical health by releasing pent-up energy
  • Encourages overall wellbeing

One study found that hatha yoga, which involves physical poses and breathing techniques, reduced anxiety in participants over four weeks. So, if you want to improve your mental, physical, and spiritual health, read on for yoga poses that combat stress.

stress yoga poses

3 Yoga Poses to Reduce Anxiety and Stress

When daily life leaves you anxious or negative feelings, these postures can help melt them away. If you are new to these movements, you may want to invest in yoga blocks to assist you with support.

1. Breath of Fire

When you feel anxious or tense about something, it helps to slow down your breathing. A breathing method known as the breath of fire can help you establish balance in the mind and body. The posture teaches you how to inhale, hold your breath, and exhale for mental and physical equilibrium.

The pose represents a facet of Kundalini yoga, involving breathing techniques, mantras, and chanting. The pose helps you achieve mastery over the breath by reducing stress levels and sympathetic nervous system activity.

Breath of Fire involves several steps, each of which should be practiced for at least one minute. However, more advanced practitioners can hold the poses longer if they wish. For beginners, it’s recommended to lie down for ultimate relaxation and concentration.

  • Begin in a cross-legged position if you’d like to sit up during this exercise. If not, lie back on the floor or yoga mat.
  • Place your hands on your knees and place your palms upward. If you’d like, place one hand on your belly to feel your breath as you inhale.
  • Now, inhale through the nose, filling your body with as much oxygen as possible. Feel your stomach expand as you draw in your breath deeply.
  • Without holding your breath, exhale forcefully through your nose while clenching the stomach muscles. Make sure you inhale and exhale for the same amount of time.
  • Repeat several times to practice, and speed up the pace as you progress. Do this exercise for at least one minute.

2. Child’s Pose

When you experience stress, you naturally tense your whole body as your cortisol levels increase. Over time, chronic stress gets stored in the muscles and tissues of the body, which can cause numerous issues. Most physical and mental disorders arise from long-term tension and psychological disharmony. Sometimes the only way to find solace in life involves surrendering, which the following pose teaches.

Child’s pose helps you remember the importance of slowing down and tuning back into yourself. To do this pose, you only need to breathe and remain in the present moment. Leave everything else aside for the time being, and focus on merely existing.

  • Start this pose on your hands and knees.
  • Now, move your hips backward slowly until they’re in line with your heels.
  • Move your body forward while shifting your hips toward the back of the room.
  • If you’d like to make this more comfortable, you can place a pillow on the floor to rest your head.
  • Next, shift your arms slowly, moving them beside your legs with the palms facing upward.
  • Hold for at least five seconds, inhale deeply, then exhale slowly through the nose.
  • Repeat as often as you’d like.

3. Bridge Pose

This yoga pose can help you release trauma and tension from the €œmuscle of the soul,€ or the psoas muscle. This muscle originates in the mid-and lower-back, running through each side of the pelvis to the inner thigh bones. It’s the only muscle in the body to connect the legs and torso, and many people hold undue stress in this area. Trauma gets stored here because of our ancient primitive instincts, which trigger the fight-or-flight response.

So, if you experience anxiety, this part of the body may feel tense or rigid. You may also experience general back and shoulder pain as the nervous system struggles to handle excess cortisol. Thankfully, the bridge pose can unblock energy from this area and calm the nervous system.

  • Begin by lying with your back flat on the ground or yoga mat.
  • Place your feet flat on the floor with your knees slightly bent and elbows at 90 degrees.
  • Press downwards and squeeze the glutes, then lift your hips slightly.
  • Next, bring your heels toward your bottom as close as you can. Hold this position with breathing for ten seconds, and repeat at least three times.

Final Thoughts on Yoga Poses That Will Melt Away Your Stress

Stress and anxiety have become pervasive in the modern world as people struggle to adapt to rapid changes. While it might seem hopeless, yoga and meditation can help us manage these changes from the cellular level. We can become our highest selves and overcome challenges by healing ourselves from the inside out. Yoga connects us to the deepest parts of ourselves and helps us unlock our true potential.

First, we must overcome our base survival responses of fear and anxiety. By surrendering to the universe through yoga, we can move through life without boundaries, free from any limitations.

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