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10 Ways Mentally Strong People Handle Stress

Handling stress poorly can negatively affect your well-being, but the good news is that you can learn the 10 ways that mentally strong people deal with stress and start using these techniques today.

Stress that is unmanaged can lead to physical health problems like high blood pressure, but can chronic stress can also develop into depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Rather than continue to handle stress poorly, let’s look at the 10 ways that mentally strong people handle stress effectively. And, yes, you are capable of this, too!

10 Ways Mentally Strong People Handle Stress

mentally strong people

1. Accept that stressful events will happen

We all know that things are bound to upset even the most planned day, but mentally strong people acknowledge this upfront. There is going to be something unplanned for that to happen to you, but you can begin planning for it now.

Tell yourself now that although you know something stressful may happen today, you are prepared to handle it.

2. Use multiple stress management tools

Researchers in the Journal of Occupational Medicine studied workplace stress management programs and found that one that included goal setting, problem-solving, identifying and questioning negative thoughts, relaxation, and time management were helpful for people to handle stress effectively.

This strategy of using multiple techniques to handle stress is one that mentally strong people always employ.

3. Take control

Mentally strong people look at what is causing the stress and look for ways to prevent it from happening again. By changing their environment, they can avoid or reduce the causes of stress.

4. Affirmations

Use positive self-talk to remind yourself of how capable you are when stressful situations arise. For example, say ‘I’ve handled situations like this before and I know I can handle this just fine too.’

5. Time management

Much of our perceived stress comes from not having enough time to get done what we want to get done.

By planning ahead for lost time, we can make sure that we have enough time in the day for everything, without being stressed when something does inevitably delays us.

Related article: 7 Things You Don’t Need To Stress About, Even If You Think You Do

For example, if you have a full schedule and worry about being late to your next appointment, next time book your day with 20-30 minute gaps of time in between appointments.

That way if there is too much traffic, the delay won’t seem as stressful to you due to the extra time that you planned into your day.

stress panic anxiety meme

6. Social support

Researchers studying how people handle stress found that a strong social support network was linked to mental well-being. Some people find it challenging to ask for help because they like to be self-reliant. We all need help at some point, so being able to recognize when you have reached a significant stress level and ask for help to get yourself back to a calm state is an excellent skill that mentally strong people use to handle stress.

7. They do not avoid stress

The same study that showed that social support helped mentally strong people to handle stress found that if they used the technique of avoiding things that they thought of as stressful, their mental well-being decreased significantly.

Avoiding is just a way of delaying handling stress. Running away from a problem never solved anything so choosing to face your worries and acknowledge the uncomfortable feelings while using another coping strategy is better for your mental strength.

8. See thoughts about stress as temporary

Thoughts come and go and some are terribly negative. Our awareness of our negative thoughts about stress is an excellent skill to have. This mindfulness can then be taken to the next level. Rather than avoid or repress negative thoughts about stress, see them as temporary mental events that will be gone fairly soon.

This is a strategy called ‘decentering’ by psychologists, where we challenge negative thoughts. We can choose to accept our negative thoughts as fact, or we can acknowledge that we were making a bigger deal than we needed to about the stressful event, and allow that thought to pass away from our minds like a cloud.

9. Look at the big picture

This one stressful event is not going to change the course of your life all by itself. You are still a fantastically talented, creative, and intelligent person who just had a negative experience. Mentally strong people know that although the surface of the ocean is turbulent, deep down it is calm.

mentally strong people

10. They find ways to add joy

Adding a few moments of laughter to a stressful day can be all it takes to handles stress well. Even in the midst of a crisis, being able to laugh at yourself for how you overreact or misjudge something. It is a way to shift from a negative mindset to a positive one. For example, you might say, ‘Well that was silly of me to forget my wallet. But hey, at least I noticed it before I was at the cash register with a full shopping cart.’

If You Have Dreams About Being Chased, This Is What It Means

A dream of trying to get away from someone when you are being chased is a fairly common one, and what it means is not as frightening as the reality that you might be running from.

Dream interpretation as a psychological field is attributed to Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. Freud saw the field of dream interpretation as a way to understand the inner thoughts of the mind. Freud saw dreams an the key to healing people from mental illness.

Unfortunately for the mentally ill, dream analysis is not yet a science that can cure the sick. More likely, we dream as a way to process memories, thoughts, emotions and sensory information while we sleep.

The images of dreams are often just symbols for things that are going on in our lives. In a dream of being chased by a man, for example, the man is not necessarily a literal male person who you know that you are running from. Instead, the person chasing you represents your problem.

In this article, we will look at some of the common interpretations for dreams about being chased, so that you can better understand the meaning of these visions in the night.

If You Have Dreams About Being Chased, This Is What It Means

What you are being chased by can be different in a dream about being chased. Sometimes, you may not even know what, or who, is chasing you, only that you are running away from it in fear. Fear, in a psychological sense, means that you need to confront something, but you lack the faith in your own abilities to do it.

Look at your dreams as a message that is being sent to you from the Universe via your brain to help you with whatever you are dealing with right now. Let’s look at some of the things that you might need to confront and what a dream about being chased might mean to you.

Related article: If You Have Dreams About Your Partner Leaving, This Is What It Means

Needing to solve a difficult problem

Dream interpretation can be complex, and you should remember that nothing like this dream about being chased really happened to you in your past memories; not even in your partially forgotten childhood memories.

Memories can be a part of a dream, but a dream is more likely just a series of symbols for what your brain is currently processing while you sleep. Memories get made at night while your brain makes the connections between the person you saw for the second time at the store today and the previous time that you saw that person, what they were wearing, the scent of the frozen foods section, etc.

While the brain puts away all of this information, it is also making the connections that you need to solve problems in your life. For example, the brain might remember that Cynthia, who you saw at the store, can do taxes for you and you just got that letter from the IRS, so no wonder you had a dream about being chased.

Needing to leave behind old patterns

Trying to break away from old habits and old patterns of behavior can be what your dreams about being chased mean. Let go of your old, worn out ways and move on to being happy, accountable and focused on your best future.

Holding on to old ways of acting, like envy, jealousy, frustration, and patterns of anxiety are holding you back from becoming a better person. When you can acknowledge that you need to change and you decide to try, you will stop having dreams about being chased.

Researchers in the journal Dreaming who studied divorce recovery programs found that a dream-interpretation group therapy session helped the women to increase feelings of self-worth at a time when they needed it.

Needing to act, urgently

Sometimes your dreams about being chased means that you need to be far away from where you are now and heading in a future direction. That could mean a physical move, or it could just mean making progress toward your goals, whatever they are.

Something is literally driving you to go, but you are fearful of making the change. This dream could be a way of seeing the Universe as pushing you to say ‘Yes’ to whatever it is that you were resisting.

Remember, people are suggestible when it comes to dream interpretation, or at least their memory is. Researchers studying the ‘malleability of memory’ found that when subjects were given ‘a highly personalized suggestion about what probably happened in their childhood’.(e.g. being harassed by a bully) before the age of 3′ that they were ‘more likely to increase their belief that they had the critical experience, and approximately half of these also produced concrete memory reports.’

That’s right, HALF of the people believed what they were told, even though the researchers planted the idea about being bullied.

6 Signs It’s Time To Take Your Life To The Next Level

You’re the only person holding yourself back from achieving your dreams and if you notice these signs, it’s time to take your life to the next level. Your destiny is out there if you have the courage to take hold of it.

Bravery will be required of you on this journey to self-fulfillment, and when you succeed, you’ll know what you are truly capable of.

6 Signs It’s Time to Take Your Life To The Next Level


1. You haven’t been inspired by your current surroundings

Continuous learning is part of our life as a human on this planet and it is a fact that gives us joy and motivates us to keep learning. If you haven’t been inspired by some new wisdom lately, go find it.

Read a new book, take a class, try a new place to buy your groceries, talk to someone you would usually avoid. If you haven’t branched out lately, this is a good time to challenge yourself to a new experience.

Learn about yourself by doing some personal exploration. Challenge your own thinking anytime you say to yourself ‘I can’t because ____.’ Are you really not capable, or are you limiting yourself in some way? Is fear the only thing holding you back from doing what you want?

2. You feel like you deserve more

Your sheer volume of talent could fulfill the staffing requirements of a small entrepreneurial business and then some. The knowledge that you have to share with the world is tremendous. You feel like you should have been a shaman instead.

When you feel a disconnect between what you have now and what you feel like you are capable of giving to the world, it’s a sign that you need to challenge yourself more. We are not talking about material possessions, we are talking about lacking the opportunity to maximize your full potential.

This is a great time to ask yourself:

What would I do if money and time were no object?

Now, ask yourself why you haven’t been working toward this goal yet and decide to take one step toward achieving your dream by challenging yourself.

3. You feel the need to grow through experience

When people you know talk about travelling, you have more places that you want to go than places that you’ve been. When people talk about the cultures and languages that they’ve experienced, you only know the one you were born into.

You need to diversify your portfolio of life experiences by challenging yourself more. Think of your life as an investment; invest your time, money, and energy into the activities that give you the biggest return. If it doesn’t feed your soul in some way, or help you grow into who you were meant to be, find what does.

4. You don’t understand anxious people

When you challenge yourself, you force yourself out of your comfort zone. This creates some anxiety about the new situation. If you aren’t sure you understand the emotion of anxiety, it’s time to challenge yourself more.

Fear of failure when we undertake a new challenge is normal. What is not normal is avoiding any new challenges out of fear of failure.

5. You like the fact that your life is easy

Unfortunately, when your life is easy, it’s a sign that you’ve fallen into a routine and that you need to challenge yourself more. Sure easy is hard to argue with, but it’s not what sucking the marrow of life is about.

Related article: 8 Things A Strong Woman Should Never Apologize For

Life and living it include both joys and pains, difficulties and times of ease and relaxation. If you are living it easy, you can be sure that a challenge will present itself to you soon, because nobody has it easy all of the time.

Rather than life happening to you when you aren’t prepared, get ready for it. Get physically and mentally fit. Be ready to take on the challenges that life is about to throw at you. Prepare for a mental assault and resolve to stay strong in your faith in your capabilities.

Challenge yourself to be physically strong enough to survive a significant illness. Even if you are healthy now, push yourself to be the strongest you can be so that if your body suffers a setback, you can handle it easily.

6. You can sleepwalk through your job

Obviously your career is not challenging you if you feel like either a trained monkey could do it or like you could fall asleep and everything would turn out fine.

Researchers in the Journal of Small Business Management studying reasons that women leave the workforce found that ‘women’s most important entrepreneurial motivations were the desire for challenge and self- determination and the desire to balance family and work responsibilities.’ Women want to be able to control their career path, have flexibility for family, and they want challenging work that helps them build a resume of skills.

How To Make an Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Foot Soak To Flush Toxins and Heal Your Body

A good foot soak can be a relaxing way to end the day. And if you soak your feet in apple cider vinegar, the results will amaze you! Foot washing and soaking is a soothing act of self-care that you can indulge in. In fact, it will benefit you especially if you feel the effects of some health conditions that the vinegar will help you with.

Soak Your Feet In Apple Cider Vinegar. The Results Will Amaze You!

Ah! Relax those tired toes in a warm or cool bath of apple cider vinegar at the end of a day to clean, exfoliate, and heal your feet. Vinegar is a mild acid that can help slough off dead skin and refresh your feet, and apple cider vinegar is one of the kinds of vinegar with the most pleasing scent.

Teresa J. Kelechi, Certified Nursing Specialist, and Sally Stroud, Nurse Practitioner explains how apple cider vinegar is made; ‘Vinegar, or acetic acid, is produced by the fermentation of natural sugars to alcohol and then secondary fermentation to acetic acid. Apple cider vinegar is a weak acid and usually contains 4 percent to 8 percent acetic acid. For centuries, healers used apple cider vinegar as a cleanser and sanitizer. Hippocrates expounded on its medicinal properties, and the Bible contains references to its soothing and healing qualities.’

apple cider vinegar

How To Make an Apple Cider Vinegar Foot Soak

When you shop for apple cider vinegar, there are different varieties. But make sure to purchase one that has some of the ‘mother’ floating around at the bottom of the bottle. This stuff that looks like it should have been filtered out is actually a highly beneficial part of the vinegar.

Use a tub that your feet fit comfortably in and fill it about two-thirds full with warm water from the tap; warm enough that you feel comfortable, but not too hot for your skin. If it is a hot day and you need to cool down, you can use cool water as well for the foot soak. Use only a half-cup to 1 cup of apple cider vinegar to the amount of water in a typical footbath tub.

Soak your feet for up to 30 minutes. Apple cider vinegar has a faint scent that fades after you take your feet out of the foot soak, you can rinse them with cool, clean water or you can let them dry naturally.

Health Problems That May Improve By Soaking Feet In Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Soothe a bee sting
  • Sore feet muscles
  • Relieve pain from minor sunburn
  • Heal dry skin
  • Callus treatment
  • Toenail fungus
  • Remove corns and warts
  • Prevent or treat foot odor
  • Fade age or liver spots
  • Treat athlete’s foot
  • Cracked skin on heelsapple cider vinegar

Teresa J. Kelechi, CNS, and Sally Stroud, NP, also say ‘Research shows that 2 percent to 3 percent acetic acid in vitro inhibits the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis, and Streptococcus pyogenes.’ Killing bacteria that we may carry into our homes from our feet is also a great reason to try a foot soak in an apple cider vinegar solution.

Kelechi and Stroud also say that ‘Vinegar solution is mentioned descriptively in medical and nursing literature as a treatment for toenail fungus, athlete’s foot, and for use as an exfoliant for dry, flaky skin. The most often recommended mixture is one part vinegar to two parts warm water. Instruct patients to soak their feet for 15 to 20 minutes daily, rinse well and pat dry. Long-term use is contraindicated due to the potential for skin irritation.’

Because apple cider vinegar is a mild acid, you need to be careful of how your skin will react to being in contact with it. Remove your feet from the bath and rinse them with water if you begin to have a skin reaction that feels like it is burning or itching.

Other Possible Health Benefits of an Apple Cider Vinegar Foot Soak

Can we absorb apple cider vinegar through our skin and get health benefits from it? We do absorb many things through our skin, including oils, cosmetics, toxic substances, and vitamins. The beneficial minerals and enzymes of apple cider vinegar may also absorb the skin of our feet.

Talking about the health benefits of apple cider vinegar, researchers in Life Science Journal say ‘Apple cider vinegar has been traditionally used since many years ago to treat a certain number of diseases including hyperlipidemia which is known as a risk factor for atherosclerosis. Early prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis can prevent complications of cardiovascular diseases.’

Whether or not absorbing apple cider vinegar through a foot soak will help reduce your risk of heart or artery disease is unlikely. But you can also read this related article for more on the health benefits of drinking it instead.

What Does The Shape of Your Face Reveal About Your Personality?

You will be amazed to learn that facial pattern reading can reveal things about your personality, future, and your health. Facial pattern reading is an ancient Chinese technique, but it is as easy to learn as reading below to see what your facial features tell others about your personality.

Researchers examining people’s beliefs about the attractiveness of certain facial features say that ‘Chinese face reading is based on a philosophy held by Chinese people all over the world that expresses itself in contemporary daily life and practices by coloring people’s choices, likes, and dislikes.’

What Does Your Facial Pattern Reveal About Your Personality?

Traditional Chinese Medicine uses the ancient technique of face reading to map one’s true nature, health, and inherited potential. It is a technique of reading the past, present and future by the facial patterns that can be seen at first glance.

Facial reading can be used for matchmaking, choosing successful business partners, and detecting a person who is more likely to conceal or deceive you. Knowing what to look for is key to interpreting facial pattern personality.

Being able to study this art can help you learn quickly about the tendencies that others are born with at first glance rather than having to get to know them. Are they trustworthy? Will they be a hard worker? Will they be a good partner or parent to your children?

Facial Pattern Reading Is an Ancient Practice

A practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine uses a facial map and looks at the elements of earth, metal, wood, water, and fire as they are represented in the face.

Physiognomy is the practice of reading facial features to understand the true nature of the self and the destiny that you are meant to have. The color of the skin, shape and placement of facial features all have a role in the facial pattern reading and what it reveals about your personality.

In the book Reading in Chinese Medicine that she learned face reading from her grandmother and that these ancient Chinese facial pattern readings can predict illnesses long before tests show the health problems.

Bridges says that facial pattern reading can reveal details about your past and future. She tells a story of her Grandfather being able to know that someone he had just met had almost died as a young adult by what he saw on his forehead. The man was astonished that this detail of his past was evident to someone who knew about facial pattern reading.


1. Eyes – Your perspective on the world

A narrow-lidded person is more likely to be less emotional and businesslike. A person with a deep-set eye and a large upper eyelid is more open emotionally.

The lower eyelid curve either represents honesty if it is a deeper curve or defensiveness if it is straight across.

Wide apart eyes mean that the person is a visionary. Eyes that are close together mean that the personality is very detail oriented.

2. Eyebrows – Quality and quantity of thoughts

Thicker eyebrows = more ideas

Thicker at beginning of eyebrow = good at starting things

Height of eyebrows above the eyes

Higher = more patient

Lower = impatient

3. Ear size – Listening ability, learning and conformity

Larger ears = better listening to others

Smaller ears = better at listening to self

Ears higher up on head = faster learning

Ears that stick out far = rebelliousness

4. Nose – Drive

Larger nose tip = better at planning

Smaller nose tip = not interested in money

Turned up = impulsive

Larger nostrils = less careful with money

Opening of nostrils is larger toward tip of nose = more likely to spend money on others than self

Nose thickness = thicker noses are more socially inclined

Long nose = leadership

Short nose = hard worker

5. Cheek bones – Your Personality Reveals You as a Leader

Chubby cheeks = more likely to draw people to you

Larger cheeks = leadership

Prominent cheek bones = boldness

Wider cheeks = more confidence

Small jaw = health issues, sensitive stomach

6. Jaw and chin – Desire and Stamina

Wide jaw = good negotiator

Jaw size = stamina

Chin size = larger is more aggressive

Narrow chin = physically weaker

Rounder chin = more people and emotion oriented

Angular chin = more controlling and introverted

7. Mouth and teeth – Expressiveness Is in Your Personality

Larger mouth = a talker who is outgoing

Licker lips = more persuasive and sensual

Thinner lips = may conceal secrets, withholds information

Crooked teeth = conflicted thoughts

Smaller teeth = more generosity

Overbite = more introverted

What Do Your Dominant Facial Features Reveal About Your Personality?

Looking in the mirror, some of our feature appear larger and out of proportion to others, unless we are as symmetrical in our facial features as a supermodel.

A dominant forehead indicates a big thinker.

A dominant mouth means a sensual person.

Dominant noses means a large ambition.

Prominent ears tend to be introverted listeners.

Larger eyes and eyebrows are charismatic and naturally attract people.

What You Need to Know If Your Partner Has Anxiety (And How To Help)

Unfortunately, many people in the U.S. and worldwide suffer from some sort of anxiety disorder.

In the U.S. alone, approximately 18.1% of people age 18 and older have anxiety, which equals 40 million people. If you have never had anxiety, you may not understand what people who do suffer from it go through on a daily basis.

Anxiety can affect every aspect of someone’s life, and treatment doesn’t totally eliminate the symptoms, in some cases.

People with anxiety can often feel very alienated and misunderstood, as the percentage of the population without anxiety often make incorrect assumptions about them. If your partner suffers from anxiety, you’ll want to know the following facts so you can do your best to support them in the relationship.



1. They suffer physically, mentally, and emotionally from anxiety.

Anxiety doesn’t just affect one’s brain and how they process information; it can actually affect them on an emotional and physical level, too. Anxiety occurs due to a combination of genetics, personality, environment, diet, and chemical imbalances in the brain.

All of these factors can make anxiety feel like a burden on the physical body and can induce headaches, cold sweats, flushing of the face, insomnia, stiff muscles, and more.

Mentally, anxiety can cause so much strain and stress due to constant racing thoughts and an overwhelming feeling of fear. Make sure you tune in to how your partner feels frequently so that you can try to understand their perspective and offer support.

2. They might also suffer from depression.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, about one-half of people with an anxiety disorder also suffer from depression. Having both of these disorders feels like being pulled in two different directions, to explain it simply. Anxiety tells your partner to get up and go, while depression says to stand still.

Managing both of these disorders can overwhelm your partner at times, and according to the Mayo Clinic, anxiety often occurs as a symptom of depression.

3. Your partner will need a lot of alone time.

Anxiety can make it difficult to stay social and keep up with others, and it drains one’s energy even further. Your partner might not want to go out on the weekends with you all the time, so respect their needs. Anxiety drains them of their energy, and socializing can easily overwhelm them when they already feel depleted and exhausted.

Your partner loves your company, of course, but even that can seem tiring if they don’t get a break. Just give them their alone time in order to recharge so that they can continue to be a good partner to you and a good caretaker of their own needs.

4. Anxiety doesn’t make your partner weak or incapable of loving you.

Many people think that those with a mental illness don’t have the capability to love others or sustain a relationship, but this stigma surrounding mental disorders needs to end. People with mental disorders have simply been too strong for too long, and anxiety and depression can occur as a result.

The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with a partner with anxiety is to always keep an open ear and heart, and try your best to support them and help them grow.

Anxiety might make your partner seem distant and preoccupied some of the time, but just know that they fight a battle in their mind every single day. This takes up a lot of time and energy, but that doesn’t mean they don’t love you or care about you.


5. Your partner doesn’t just want attention.

Many people, unfortunately, believe that those who claim to have a mental illness just want attention; however, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

If your partner suffers from anxiety, just know that all they crave is love and compassion, not attention. They don’t want you to throw them a pity party or bow at their feet; they just want you to listen and understand.

Remember that they didn’t ask for anxiety, and although it can be managed, sometimes figuring out what works best for you takes time. Some people respond better to meditation, others yoga, others to a cleaner diet, and still others may find a different path.

Just help your partner figure out what makes them feel better, and don’t try to condemn them for having the disorder. Compassion and a shoulder to cry on can go a long way in helping your partner with their anxiety.

Oftentimes, people with anxiety have a higher sensitivity to energies than others, and therefore, have a harder time processing our increasingly chaotic and stressed out world. They don’t want the disorder but have to learn how to live with it and overcome it anyway. And this makes them some of the strongest people you will ever come across.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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