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5 Ways To Stop Overtalking

5 Ways To Stop Overtalking

Does someone you know excitedly interrupt others to tell them about things often? Interrupting people is just one prime example of overtalking others.

Conversations have to involve both listening and speaking or people cannot communicate their needs. There are 5 ways to stop doing this to the people who you want to actually hear you.

5 Ways to Stop Overtalking

We have to use communication to get what we need to not only survive, but to be happy, fulfilled people. Talking too much can make other people avoid you, which will definitely not help you get what you need. Overtalking is a bad habit that might take some effort on your part to break.

Here are a few reasons to stop the habit of overtalking:

  • Interrupting others is rude
  • You can’t actually listen when you are overtalking
  • You’ll appear closed off to others’ opinions
  • You can seem uncaring
  • You can’t read minds so you don’t know what they are going to say
  • It seems selfish because overtalking implies that your words are more important than the other person’s

people who gossip

As far as who talks more when it comes to gender, women get a bad reputation for overtalking, gossip and talking more than men do. But researchers find that although this is a cultural stereotype, it does not appear to be true. says ‘Two Canadian researchers, Deborah James and Janice Drakich, reviewed sixty-three studies which examined the amount of talk used by American women and men in different contexts. Women talked more than men in only two studies.’

The amount that we talk versus listen is different in different cultures. For example, American professors often think that Asian students are not taking an active role in learning because they speak up less often than students who were raised in a Western culture.

Here are some ways to reduce the amount of talking that you do in a conversation, improve your relationships, and be a better listener in service to others.

1. Ask for help

Other people are probably better at catching you overtalking them than you are, so enlist their help. Say ‘I am working on listening better and I would appreciate it if you point out if I interrupt you so I can learn not to overtalk.’

You might think that you can just be aware of yourself speaking and stop, but it is harder than it sounds to stop overtalking. Use your phone to try videotaping your next conversation and then review it to see how you did. This is a great tool for self-evaluation and to help stop overtalking.

2. Remember your point

There was a reason that you opened your mouth in the first place, so stick to the concise, shortened version of that as much as possible. If you get lost and catch yourself overtalking, stop and summarize your main point and then be silent.

3. Relieve tension first

It can feel good to ‘get something off your chest’ but to unload on someone else just to make yourself feel good is a bad habit of overtalking, and it needs to stop. Researchers call talking about problems with a friend ‘co-ruminating,’ and although it helps to talk things though, talking repeatedly about negative things has also been linked to feelings of anxiety and depression.

Related article: 7 Things That Make You Less Attractive (And How To Reverse Them)

Find a healthy way, like talking a walk, to relieve the stress that you are feeling when you are just bursting with something to say. Once the emotional stress is worked out of your body, you can calmly talk to someone about your feelings and stop overtalking.

4. Ask a question

When you notice that you are overtalking, ask your partner in conversation a question. By doing this, you put the ball back in their court to speak. Now stay quiet while they respond.

5. Time yourself

A perfect conversation is a mix of give and take in an equal ratio of you and the other person taking turns. This rarely happens second for second, but you may get a sense for how much of the conversation time you take up versus your partner in conversation.

On your smart phone, set a timer to vibrate after three minutes. If, after three minutes, you haven’t stopped talking for the other person to contribute, do it when the timer goes off. Now set it again for three more minutes and during this time, ask questions or be silent and listen.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Signs Your Partner Has Hidden Anxiety

When you live with someone, you learn everything about them. Everything from their favorite toothpaste to how they like their morning coffee becomes first-hand knowledge. You also know about their struggles. Sometimes your partner may not be as forthcoming about everything that’s going on inside their heart and mind. Perhaps you’re noticing things that make you wonder if they’re struggling with hidden anxiety.

Here are five signs your partner has hidden anxiety if this is the case. Being aware of these signs can equip you to help them better.

Today, anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental health conditions. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America estimates that approximately 18.1% of the adult population struggle with anxiety disorders every year. An anxiety disorder is characterized by intense feelings of worry or fear. These feelings can be so strong they affect the individual’s daily life. Sometimes people don’t realize they’re struggling with an anxiety disorder because, mostly, they’re high functioning. This type of hidden anxiety may be difficult to see.

5 Signs Your Partner Has Hidden Anxiety

Watch for these telltale signs of hidden anxiety.

1. Recurring Sickness stems from hidden anxiety

If your partner gets sick a lot, it could signify they’re struggling with hidden anxiety. They’re often ill because their body is responding to stress. This leads to high cortisol levels, which causes them to be susceptible to a weakened immune system. Other physical signs of hidden anxiety include

  • Dizziness
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Lots of sweating
  • Shortness of breath

2 – Restlessness

Another typically hidden anxiety symptom is restlessness. If your partner is anxious, they may be unable to sit for extended periods. They might sit for a while, then suddenly jump up and walk around. It’s easy to assume they’re just high-energy people, but if you observe them, you may notice a pattern. Their restlessness is a stress reaction. When people who struggle with anxiety get in stressful situations, stress hormones get released, which causes a “fight or flight” response. This response should be reserved for life and death situations, but some people feel this regularly, which makes them restless. Along with restlessness, they may also have nervous habits like

  • Constantly tapping their foot
  • Wiggling
  • Curling their arms around themselves
  • Pacing
  • Fidgeting with their hands or fingers

3 – Hidden anxiety causes poor sleep habits

If you notice your partner has poor sleep habits, it could signify hidden anxiety. Lack of sleep affects your ability to function at work, at home, and with your family. It’s often a sign of mental health problems. Individuals who have hidden anxiety may have

  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Difficulty staying asleep
  • Nightmares
  • Feeling tired all the time

4 – Lifestyle Signs

If your partner is drinking a lot of alcohol or eating poorly, it could signify they’re struggling with anxiety. Sadly, anxiety and alcoholism go hand in hand. It’s widespread for someone who struggles with anxiety to turn to alcohol to cope.

To help your partner, you should know the signs of alcoholism. The physical symptoms include the following behaviors:

  • Sleep problems
  • Moodiness
  • Irritability
  • Headaches
  • Falling
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

5 – Someone with hidden anxiety will worry about everything

It’s normal to worry once in a while, but if your partner has excessive worries, it could signify they have hidden anxiety. You may notice their fear includes these:

  • Worrying about daily life and activities
  • They can’t control their nervousness
  • Realize they worry too much but can’t overcome it
  • Something easily startles them
  • Trouble sleeping
  • May twitch or tremble
  • Edgy
  • Frequent bathroom visits

Observe and keep track when you notice these habits. Knowing your partner’s anxiety symptoms will help you when you talk to them about your concerns. Having these observations will show them that their anxiety isn’t as hidden as they may have thought.

Other symptoms of hidden anxiety

Hidden anxiety looks different for different people. That’s why it’s difficult to notice these symptoms in your partner. Some other hidden anxiety symptoms to watch for include:

  • Getting easily frustrated
  • Irritability
  • Perfectionism
  • Overachiever
  • Fear of judgment
  • Need to be busy all the time
  • Overthinking

How to help someone who struggles with hidden anxiety?

One of the best ways to help your partner who struggles with hidden anxiety is to learn everything you can about anxiety. Understanding anxiety helps you better understand what anxiety looks like and what triggers it. Hidden anxiety is difficult to diagnose. There are several types of this disorder. The most common types of anxiousness include

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): This disorder occurs daily for at least six months. Individuals with GAD worry a lot about daily things, such as school and work.
  • Panic disorder: Panic attacks are intense anxiety and fear episodes. People who suffer from panic attacks have them repeatedly.
  • Social anxiety disorder: Social anxieties cause individuals to worry about being judged or rejected by those in their social circles.

Someone with anxiety can have one or a combination of these disorders. Knowing about these disorders will help you spot symptoms.

Listen to your partner

Once you understand anxiety and notice the symptoms listed above, you can talk to your partner. Ask questions and show compassion when you speak to them about your concerns. If they feel judged by you, they won’t feel comfortable opening up about what’s going on. You may need to have several conversations before they feel comfortable sharing their struggles. The main thing you can do is to let them know you love them and are concerned about their welfare. Let them know you’re there for them.

Know what is helpful

Sometimes just talking about their anxiety can help them feel less anxious. It can be the beginning to help them worry less. Please encourage them to have better self-care, which will help their mind and body so they can better handle their anxiety. Their self-care will help them overcome the stress. Suggestions for self-care to manage their nervousness could be:

  • Regular exercise
  • Mindfulness exercises
  • Getting adequate sleep
  • Less alcohol and caffeinated drinks
  • Healthy eating
  • B complex vitamins
  • Vitamin C supplements
  • Fighting worrisome thoughts

Join your partner to exercise or practice mindfulness, so they don’t feel like they’re alone. Doing this will strengthen your relationship and provide opportunities for you to ask your partner how they’re doing with anxiety.

Help them get counseling

If your partner continues to struggle with anxiety, it may be good to suggest they seek counseling. Professional counselors will help them get to the root of their stress and suggest strategies to deal with the anxiety.

What shouldn’t you do?

Of course, certain things won’t be helpful when your partner is struggling with hidden anxiety. Avoid things such as

Arranging your environment or life to change your behavior-This may seem helpful, but you’re enabling the person. As you help them avoid scary situations or difficulties, they don’t overcome their fears by themselves. They become too dependent upon you.

Don’t confront someone with anxiety harshly

Forcing them or pushing them into scary situations will be overwhelming. Assuming they’ll be okay if they do things isn’t a way to encourage healing or wholeness. If you push someone who isn’t ready to do something, it can harm them more.

Be careful what you say to them

What you say to your partner will make a difference in being able to help them. Here are some things not to say to them and what you should say to better help them.

What are you worried about?

This question is an unhelpful one because your partner may not be able to identify the source of their anxiety. Don’t tell them what you think is the cause of their stress. The best thing you can do is not to ask these questions. Tell your partner that you’re there for them, and that’s enough.

Try to calm down

When you tell your partner to calm down, it doesn’t help. It puts pressure on them. It sounds patronizing and controlling. Instead, be calm and say, “I’m here with you” or ” I’m here to listen.”

I know how you feel

If you’ve struggled with anxiety, you can say this. Otherwise, it’s best not to assume you know how your partner feels. Trying to tell them what your fear is like while they’re struggling with a panic attack won’t be helpful. It may feel like you’re trying to compete with them. Say something like, “I’m here for you.”

Final thoughts on Detecting Hidden Anxiety in Your Partner

You may feel you know everything about your partner but notice certain things that make you wonder if they’re struggling with hidden anxiety. Anxiety is a common problem for adults in the United States. Your concerns could be ligament. If your partner isn’t forthcoming about what’s happening inside their heart or mind, arrange a time to talk to them to bring up your concerns. Find ways to support them, but avoid doing or saying certain things that won’t help but could hurt them.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

14 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Acne Fast According to Dermatologists

With many skin care products to choose from in stores, figuring out which ones will truly help your skin can be confusing. Surprisingly, the best products for acne relief are the ones that contain all-natural ingredients. When learning how to get rid of acne, finding a method that suits your skin type is essential.

Acne affects nearly 17 million people in the United States, making it a leading focus for dermatologists. While approximately 85% of those cases occurred in people between ages 12 and 24, anyone can experience the skin condition. Figuring out how to get rid of acne can help you feel more confident, and it offers relief from the discomfort.

The traditional acne products that you find in the store are typically full of chemicals and can be expensive. Plus, harsh chemicals can cause other problems for your skin, such as dryness, redness, and irritation. Switching to natural acne remedies backed by a dermatologist can save you money and improve the look and feel of your skin.

Once you learn how to get rid of acne quickly, you won’t turn back to other methods. Since dermatologists back these methods, there’s no reason you shouldn’t try them to improve your skin. Alternative acne treatments at home can be the best option, and with so many to choose from, you can find the one that works best for you.

What Causes Acne?

how to get rid of acneAcne affects the hair follicles on the face, chest, and back, and most people experience it throughout their lifetime. It affects almost all teenagers as they go through puberty, but it can affect adults, too. Women are prone to acne through their late-20’s.

Acne is characterized by blackheads, inflammatory papules, and pimples. They appear as tender red bumps, pustules, and cysts or boils.

Acne begins when your pores get clogged with oil and dead skin cells. Since pores connect to a sebaceous gland, an oily substance called sebum gets inside. Once sebum enters the pore, it starts the growth of a bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes.

When your body recognized the bacteria, your white blood cells attack them. This attack is what leads to skin inflammation and acne-prone skin. Some of the factors that might contribute to the development of acne include the following:

  • genetics
  • an unhealthy diet
  • infections
  • hormone changes
  • stress
  • medication
  • cosmetics
  • an object frequently touching your skin

How to Get Rid of Acne

When you want to see a significant reduction in acne–and fast–try these treatments.

1. Apply Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains organic acids, such as citric, lactic, and succinic acid, that can help kill bacteria that cause acne. It can also help prevent and reduce the appearance of acne scars.

Additionally, succinic acid helps stop inflammation, reducing the appearance of acne and preventing scarring. Lactic acid helps improve the appearance of acne scars that you already have.

When you use apple cider vinegar on your skin, mix one part vinegar with three parts of water. Wash your skin before applying the vinegar mixture with a cotton ball. Leave it on your skin for up to 20 seconds, and then rinse with water and pat dry.

2. Take Zinc Supplements

Zinc plays a major role in wound healing and can help with inflammation. Research shows that increasing your zinc intake can help get rid of acne and prevent scarring. In one study, 38 of 48 people that took zinc supplements experienced an 80-100% reduction.

Applying zinc directly to your skin doesn’t work, however, so stick to oral supplements. Keep in mind that too much zinc can cause stomach pain and gut irritation. Don’t consume more than the recommended 40 mg to avoid the adverse effects of this treatment.

3. Use Honey and Cinnamon Mask

Honey and cinnamon both contain antioxidants, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. These components help fight bacteria such as Propionibacterium acnes and reduce inflammation, preventing acne breakouts. You should not overlook the anti-acne properties of these two household items.

Making a honey and cinnamon mask is easy, and you only need the two ingredients. Mix two tablespoons of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon, forming a paste. Wash your face and then apply the mask, leaving it on for 10-15 minutes.

4. Apply Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties, making it beneficial for treating acne. When bacteria accumulate in your pores, the tea tree oil can quickly clear it out, reducing the risk of an outbreak. This oil also reduces skin inflammation, providing comfort as you cure acne.

Studies show that using tea tree oil for acne is four to six times more effective than a placebo. Researchers have also found that tea tree oil is equally effective at getting rid of pimples as a lotion containing benzoyl peroxide.

Dilute a few drops of tea tree oil with aloe vera gel and apply the mixture to the affected area. Leave it on your skin for 20 minutes, and then wash it off with warm water. The aloe vera gel acts as a soothing agent, preventing irritation and redness from the oil.

5. Apply Green Tea

The health benefits of green tea don’t always require that you drink it. When you apply green tea directly to your skin, it can help fight inflammation and pimple-causing bacteria. The flavonoids and tannins found in this tea make it helpful for getting rid of acne fast.

Green tea also contains high levels of the antioxidant epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). This antioxidant fights inflammation, reduces sebum production, and hinders the growth of Propionibacterium acnes.

While some skincare products contain green tea, you can easily make your own at home. To make it, steep green tea in boiling water for four minutes and then allow it to cool. Then, apply it to your face with a spray bottle or a cotton ball.

Leave the green tea on your skin for at least 10 minutes, but you can leave it on overnight. Rinse your face with water, and then reapply as needed.

6. Apply Witch Hazel

Witch hazel contains tannins that fight bacteria and reduce inflammation when applied directly to your skin. It can help prevent pimples, breakouts, and skin irritation from acne. Studies show that it improves acne more effectively than other methods.

While you can find witch hazel at the store, it doesn’t always contain acne-fighting tannins. Read the label carefully, or use witch hazel bark to make your own.

Mix one tablespoon of witch hazel bark with one cup of water in a saucepan. Soak the witch hazel bark for 30 minutes before bringing the mixture to a boil. Then, reduce the heat and cover the pan, allowing it to simmer for 10 minutes.

Once the mixture finishes simmering, please remove it from the heat and let it sit in the pan for another 10 minutes. Then, strain the liquid and store it in a sealed container. You can use a cotton ball to apply the witch hazel to your skin twice a day or as needed.

7. Apply Aloe Vera

Research shows that aloe vera can help fight bacteria, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. With that being the case, it can help get rid of and prevent acne breakouts. Aloe vera contains bacteria-inhibiting properties such as lupeol, salicylic acid, urea nitrogen, cinnamic acid, phenols, and sulfur.

Studies indicate that using aloe vera with acne medication increased the effectiveness of the treatment.  This research explains that aloe vera gel added to clove-basil oil is effective for getting rid of acne quickly. The higher the concentration of aloe vera gel you use, the more it will clear up pimples and acne.

how to get rid of acne8. Take Fish Oil Supplements

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help manage oil production, prevent pimples, and keep your skin hydrated. These fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA), help decrease factors that cause inflammation, preventing breakouts.

Studies show that taking fish oil supplements containing EPA and DHA significantly reduced pimples. You can also increase your omega-3 fatty acid intake by eating walnuts, chia seeds, ground flaxseeds, salmon, sardines, and anchovies. Keep in mind that not all of those foods contain high levels of EPA and DHA, so supplements may still be necessary.

9. Follow Anti-inflammatory Diets

Topical treatments won’t work if the underlying cause is hormone- or diet-related, so eat anti-inflammatory foods. Food that raises your blood sugar quickly will cause your body to release excess insulin. When this happens, your oil glands produce more oil, increasing your risk of acne breakouts.

Foods that cause a spike in insulin levels are high-glycemic carbohydrates, meaning they contain simple sugars. Some of the foods to avoid are:

  • white rice
  • white bread
  • sugar
  • pasta

10. Reduce Dairy

Studies show that people who consume more milk or dairy products tend to experience more pimples. Dairy products contain hormones that are associated with acne, including the IGF-1 hormone. For people between the ages of 10 and 24, these extra hormones are linked to moderate or severe acne.

Don’t eliminate dairy products, but limit it to the daily recommended amount. More research is needed to determine if it is the dairy itself or the excess hormones causing acne. Either way, reducing your intake is a sure way to get rid of acne.

11. Stress Management

Stress not only causes acne, but it can worsen symptoms that you already have. Reducing your stress levels and learning to manage them can help you get rid of acne.

Extra hormones are released when you are stressed, which contributes to an increase in sebum production. It also increases inflammation, which is why the symptoms get worse. Stress can slow wound healing, as well, slowing the repair of acne breakouts.

Learning more about relaxation and healthy stress management can help alleviate this issue. Some of the ways you can reduce stress include:

  • getting more sleep
  • doing yoga
  • physical activity
  • meditation
  • practicing mindfulness
  • using deep breathing techniques

12. Exercise Regularly

Exercise promotes blood flow through your body, which helps nourish your skin cells. With healthy cells, your body will prevent and heal acne quickly. Exercise also helps with hormone regulation, decreasing your risk of developing acne breakouts.

Additionally, exercise can help decrease stress levels. Since stress causes acne, exercising can help you in reducing acne in a few different ways.

According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, adults should get at least two and a half hours of aerobic exercise each week. They also recommend engaging in strength training at least twice a week.

If you don’t enjoy exercise, you can get more physical activities in other ways instead. Find something active that you enjoy, including things like these:

  • hiking
  • running or jogging
  • walking at a brisk pace
  • playing high-energy sports
  • swimming

13. Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliating your skin removes the top layer, which is made up of dead skin cells. If the dead skin cells aren’t removed, they can cause bacteria and other foreign particles to get inside your pores. You can find skincare exfoliating products, or you can exfoliate using a scrub brush.

Once you have exfoliated, you can use other treatment methods for acne. With the dead skin cells gone, other treatments can penetrate deeper, offering better results. Exfoliating can also help prevent and reduce the appearance of acne scars.

14. Wash Your Face Regularly

When you’re wondering how to get rid of acne, washing your face regularly is the best way. Wash your face twice each day, and if you’ve been sweating, wash it after that, too. Dermatologists recommend washing your face when you wake up and before you go to bed at night.

Make sure you use skincare products that won’t damage your skin or make the acne worse. Look for products that are:

  • non-comedogenic
  • non-acnegenic
  • oil-free

If the skin cleanser you choose doesn’t work for you, don’t give up on washing your face. Instead, try different products until you find one that treats your acne without causing other issues. What works for one person might not work for you, so keep trying.

how to get rid of acneFinal Thoughts on How to Get Rid of Acne Fast According to Dermatologists

Acne is a common problem that many people experience. You can figure out how to get rid of acne fast, though, by following the advice given by dermatologists. Try one method at a time until you find the ones that work best for you. You will heal acne over time and with a little bit of patience.

Getting rid of acne will boost your confidence and help you feel better about yourself. Plus, you won’t experience the pain or discomfort that can accompany breakouts.

11 Things You Need to Do If You Love A Highly Sensitive Person

The highly sensitive person needs certain things in friendships and relationships, and today, we’ll tell you a few things you need to do if you love one of these special souls.

Before the 1990s, no one had really heard of heightened sensitivity in humans, but a psychologist named Dr. Elaine Aron began to study this trait tirelessly. Surprisingly, she discovered that 15-20% of the population carries the trait that classifies them as highly sensitive, which means they respond to external stimuli more noticeably than non-HSP’s. In highly sensitive people, the part of their brain that regulates emotions performs differently than their less sensitive counterparts.

Before you start a relationship with a highly sensitive person, here are some pointers to keep in mind about what highly sensitive people need from you.

Here are 11 things you need to do if you love a highly sensitive person:

quotes of acceptance

1. Always tell the truth and don’t hold back your emotions.

Empaths, or highly sensitive people, read energies and body language extremely well. If you want to continue a happy relationship with an HSP, you need to come clean about your emotions, because they will pick up on them regardless. However, they don’t like it when people hide things from them, so just remain honest and open in the relationship. Empaths can sense things going on deep beneath the surface, but they don’t like to play games. They need transparency and trust in a relationship to make it work.

2. Respect their heightened sensitivity and emotions.

They have a deep sense of the emotional world. They can feel other people’s pain and will try to fix it. In return they find themselves with a broken heart. They wear their heart on their sleeve. They have a deep, complex personality and just long for someone to accept and love them regardless of the emotional rollercoaster they tend to put people on. Just love them as they come, and they will love you right back.

3. Give a highly sensitive person ample alone time.

Empaths desperately need to decompress from the world around them, and may disappear for hours at a time in their room. Know that they simply need time to process their environment and recharge after going out in society, and that they don’t want to hurt you. They are not retreating or avoiding you, but rather, protecting their precious energy stores. They get their energy from spending time alone, so make sure to give this gift to your highly sensitive lover.

4. Expect both passion and apathy, depending on the subject.

Empaths, or highly sensitive people, tend to resonate with only a few passions in life, and follow them intensely. They have a creative streak, and probably make this their line of work, if they can. However, they also have what some people would call an “extreme” nature; either they love something, or they can’t stand it. For instance, you might get them to talk for hours about the state of the world and how we can fix it, but they will totally go silent when you bring up sports or shopping. If you love an HSP, you need to respect their interests and allow them to follow their passions.

5. Stimulate their mind.

Even beyond that, HSP’s need stimulation of the soul; they cannot engage in shallow relationships and meaningless conversations. Bring up topics such as how we got here, aliens, space, physics, animals, nature, or anything remotely deep that involves emotions and thinking on a higher level. Otherwise, they might just pretend to act interested in order to not hurt your feelings.

6. Help them fall asleep at night.

Because their minds run a mile a minute, they sometimes have a hard time falling asleep at night. Talk to them gently, caress their back and arms, cuddle with them, or even read to them to get their mind to calm down. Empaths tend to worry about things quite a bit, so creating a peaceful environment at night can do wonders for their insomnia.

7. Go on adventures with them.

Empaths also tend to love nature and spontaneity, so if you love an HSP, take them on an unexpected trip. Surprise them; this makes them feel alive, and takes them away from the mundane nature of daily life that stifles their spirit.

8. Show plenty of affection to a highly sensitive person.

HSP’s also need tons of love, so don’t hold back. Physical touch helps to reduce anxiety and depression, and in empaths, they feel these emotions on a much deeper level. Your affection helps them to feel loved and wanted, and will easily win them over.

9. Encourage them to get out and do things they love.

Empaths can sometimes get in the habit of staying home too often and becoming a total hermit, so try to get them out of the house to challenge them and get them involved in things they love. Your HSP lover might show resistance at first, but they’ll thank you in the long run.

10. Don’t try to change the highly sensitive person.

Most of all, accept them as the highly sensitive, emotional, complex person that they are. They can’t help how they feel and how they respond to the world, so simply embrace their true nature and enjoy the light that shines from their beautiful souls.

11. Do creative things with them.

Empaths also love it when their partners take on creative projects with them – it makes for a great bonding experience, and plus, you might discover some previously hidden talents of your own!

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Ways to Spot A Psychopath

In the early 1800s, doctors who worked with mental patients began to notice that some of their patients who appeared outwardly normal had what they termed a “moral depravity” or “moral insanity” in that they seemed to possess no sense of ethics or of the rights of other people. The term psychopath was first applied to these people around 1900. The term was changed to “sociopath” in the 1930s to emphasize the damage they do to society. –  Psychology Today

Psychopathy has quite an interesting history, as this passage above demonstrates. The truth is that psychopathy, or sociopathy, is a real condition encompassing real people. Furthermore, sociopaths that act upon their disturbing impulses are a real threat to society.

We need to look no further than the horrific incident that occurred in Orlando. What would motivate someone to commit such wide-scale carnage? While all the details may not yet be clear, there is one inference: the shooter was almost assuredly a psychopath. Where others saw a place of dancing, laughter, and love, the shooter saw a place where he could (1) demonstrate his allegiance to a terrorist organization and (2) cold-bloodedly murder good people who happened to live differently.

Are all people with sociopathic tendencies violent? Of course not. Just as not all alcoholics consume alcohol. The propensity – the chance upon which one will act a certain way – makes sociopaths potentially dangerous.

Are there signs that someone may be a psychopath? Most definitely.

Here are 5 signs you’re dealing with a psychopath:


1. A condescending, disingenuous attitude

This is kind of interesting: a psychopath usually won’t yell or scream when they’re in an argument or upset. Instead, they’ll attempt to summon your anger through their facial expressions and arrogant tone. But this is for certain: they want to see an emotional outburst from you. Why? Because they get a twisted satisfaction from it; a sense of conquest and superiority…even if they may physically or verbally indicate the opposite.

2. They seek undeserved pity and sympathy

Psychopaths love playing on other people’s emotions. As mentioned, they get strange enjoyment out of it. In the world of a psychopath, playing on someone’s emotions is an effective way to manipulate them for personal gain (e.g., money, attention). They’ll often tell, at best, severely distorted tales that tug on our heartstrings. Maybe they’ll drone on about an abusive ex, stories of impoverishment, etc. It goes without saying that these attempts continue until they get what they want. They also have a voracious need for attention.

And although psychopaths innately dislike people, they have a voracious need for attention. Of course, once they’ve received the attention they yearned for, they’ll put their manipulative and self-serving plan into action. While those who love to start drama do so for the emotional high, a psychopath does it for (surprise, surprise) personal gain.

3. A history of lying and excuse-making

A psychopath is almost always a liar with a tendency to make excuses. If you criticize how they’re acting, they’ll come up with some reason – generally criticism of your purported behavior. They’ll always rationalize their self-serving, manipulative behavior while never working to improve it. Why improve something that is already perfect?

4. They will purposely ignore you

This is especially true for those who are in a relationship with a psychopath. Again, they are experts at manipulating behavior – and it only makes sense that they’ll actively find ways to damage your self-esteem. One way they do this is by ignoring the very people who care for them, particularly their significant others. This gives psychopaths a sense of superiority and, of course, garners unmerited attention…which leads us to number 5…


5. You are (or feel like) a different person emotionally and mentally

Interacting with a psychopath over a duration of time can lead to feelings of confusion and discombobulation of your own mental and emotional state. Just ask someone that’s been in a relationship with one. In all seriousness, psychopaths only care about one person, and we all know who it is. They don’t care about the cumulative damage that they leave in their wake…as long as they satisfy their own morbid impulses.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Signs You Have Toxins Trapped In Your Body

We accumulate toxins in our bodies simply by being alive; did you know that? Well, it’s true. Of course, some people’s “extracurricular activities” cause toxins to build up much quicker in their bodies than others; consumption of alcohol, nicotine, and heavily-processed foods are the source of the many toxins we build up in our bodies.

Toxins effectively inhibit our body’s normal functionality. This is because toxins are stressors; they can even cause disease. More commonly, though, toxins result in us feeling sluggish and dull.

We’re going to discuss five signs of a heavy concentration of toxins in the body. In addition, we’ll provide a couple of effective methods in eradicating these harmful chemicals. Ready to be toxin-free? Then read on!

5 Signs You Might Have Toxins Trapped in Your Body

When I say “toxins,” I’m not just referring to pesticides or hazardous waste. A toxin is anything that damages the body. Toxins can be from food (wheat, legumes, etc.), the air, water, mold, clothing, or for some even your cell phone.Dave Asprey, founder of Bulletproof Coffee

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1. Digestive problems

When toxins build up in our system, it’s very difficult for the digestive system to function normally. The digestive tract is less efficient, which results in the ineffective removal of waste. It’s worth mentioning that digestive problems have a systemic effect, leading to fatigue and impairment of the immune system.

2. Skin issues

Acne, rashes, and skin inflammation can outward indicate toxic overload. This is particularly true with acne, a dermatologic condition that often reflects a heavy concentration of toxins. Other skin conditions that may indicate the presence of toxins: swollen eyes, psoriasis, and eczema.

3. Bad breath

While brushing and flossing are essential for eliminating bad breath, reducing toxin buildup is just as important. Interestingly, digestive problems (see #1) can cause bad breath, as can abnormal functioning of the liver – specifically, the liver’s inability to rid toxins from the body. As such, bad breath can indicate a problem in other body areas.

4. Unanticipated weight gain

It is possible to gain unexpected weight when there is a heavy presence of toxins. A hormonal imbalance may be the culprit if you’re exercising regularly and eating healthy but still struggling with inexplicable weight gain (or weight fluctuation). As it turns out, proper functioning of the hormonal system can be adversely impacted by buildup of toxins, especially in foods and personal care products. A diet that stimulates the body to cleanse toxic buildup may be in order (see below).

5. Lethargic episodes

If you’re getting seven-plus hours of sleep and still finding it difficult to get through the day, toxins are a potential source. For example, ever worked a full day after an unanticipated evening of drinking? Hey, most of us have been there. How energetic were you the following day? Exactly. This is because the body is in overdrive, attempting to rid the toxins from the night before. The same thing applies here on a lesser scale. Our toxin levels must remain low for us to maintain energy equilibrium.


How to Cleanse Toxins From Your Body

Now that we’ve discussed five different indicators of toxin buildup let’s discuss ways to detox them.

  • #1 Ensure proper digestion: A healthy digestive system is paramount to a healthy body. Digestive problems make the elimination of harmful toxins extremely difficult, even impossible. To help ensure the proper functioning of this vital system, supplement your diet with ghee. Many cultures use this type of healthy butter in their cuisines, medical treatments, and even religious ceremonies. Several ghee products are available for purchase online or in natural health stores. Ghee is also a terrific product for optimizing metabolic function, cleansing the digestive tract, and strengthening the immune system.
  • #2 Cleanse the liver: Of all organs, the liver is arguably the most important in eliminating toxins from the body; this includes alcohol and other chemicals. The liver is also essential for properly metabolizing over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drugs. Additionally, a healthy liver helps prevent blood clots and other adverse internal reactions. There are several foods that one can incorporate to cleanse this organ. Here are ten foods: apples, avocados, beets, carrots, grapefruit, green tea, leafy green vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, olive oil, and walnuts.
  • #3 Get (and remain) active: This one may not be as obvious, but it is important for us to stay active. This can be accomplished in several ways, including through weight training, speed walking, yoga, jogging, mountain biking, etc. Find an enjoyable activity and stick with it! Physical activity is important for properly functioning the lymphatic system, an essential mechanism in eliminating toxins.
  • #4 Drink water: It is also important to hydrate appropriately. Adequate hydration helps to ensure a healthy digestive and urinary tract while helping the liver to function normally.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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