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7 Things That Can Cause A Spiritual Awakening

7 Things That Can Cause A Spiritual Awakening

Experiencing a spiritual awakening through the guidance and love that positive people enjoy is fantastic to enhance your well-being. Believe it or not, a spiritual connection can help extend your life and improve its quality.

Whether you feel a general sense of something greater than yourself or follow an organized religious practice, connecting spiritually brings clarity of purpose, peace of spirit, and the strength to carry on to millions of people worldwide.

7 Things That Can Cause A Spiritual Awakening

spiritual benefits

1. Choosing to believe in a positive, guiding divinity

A study of religious struggle and mortality in sick, elderly patients found that positive spirituality made a difference for people living longer. They identified these positive religious behaviors that people can engage in that help them to live longer:

  • Seeking spiritual support or connection
  • Collaboration with God in problem-solving
  • Religious forgiveness
  • Benevolent religious appraisals of their illness

Researchers found that not only do positive spiritual practices increase longevity, but that negative religious coping or struggling with spirituality was associated with a higher risk of mortality.

The ‘negative’ religious coping thoughts that the researchers studied included:

  • Belief in a punishing God
  • Fighting with friends and family about religious beliefs
  • Fear of demons, evil spirits, or curses
  • Spiritual discontent
  • Questioning God’s powers

2. Forgiving easily

Let go of past wrongs that have been done to you. Cheated out of money? Left at the altar? Deadbeat second parent? Whoever or whatever caused you a setback in the past gave you a fantastic life lesson.

Everything that made you who you are is part of your past, and it was all-important to get you to this moment where you are now. Love everything about your history, even the pain.

3. Allowing yourself to grieve when you need to

The pain of loss and hurt you have experienced is an emotional way to strengthen your spiritual connection. Allowing yourself to feel sadness means accepting the wrong thing that happened to you and pouring the pain out in tears.

When we grieve and suffer from depression, we focus on the past. Releasing the sadness is a process that lets you connect with what happened in the past, grieve, and move forward to live in the present moment once again.

The pain of loss is a way to connect to the spiritual because this is also a part of the life that we live as spiritual beings. The risk is that dwelling on pain leads to a negative spiral of suffering and depression challenging to climb out of. Grieve with a community to help avoid stagnating in grief.

4. Reaffirming your core beliefs and values

Focus on what feels right, sound, and proper to you in your gut. Those are the essential things to you. Take action to support honesty, justice, respect, and loving care toward your fellow man and woman. Find a spiritual bond in your community by serving others or by embracing those around you who have similar spiritual beliefs.

Creating a community of spirit, forming spiritual bonds, or the concept of ‘soul’ as the Black community uses the word, is a way of engaging with others through music, laughter, food, language, and even commerce to meet the needs of the group as well as those of the individual. This spiritual culture is a way of supporting each other through shared faith and shared values.

A study in the Journal of Community Psychology defined this spiritual connection this way; “a sense of community is a feeling that members have of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and to the group, and a shared faith that members’ needs will be met through a commitment to be together.”

5. Being generous with giving

Most faiths worldwide share the common belief that being generous to others is a spiritual gift that you can give, which also helps strengthen your spiritual connection.

Connecting to others, learning about their needs, and helping them where we can is a way of supporting the community around us. A positive emotional connection to others is a way to strengthen your spiritual side.

6. Receiving generously says ‘Your faith is a gift of grace, and you get to choose if you want to receive it or not. But once you learn to surrender, and allow yourself to open up, then faith will only multiple and manifest itself in your life more, not less.’ Accept, rather than turn away from a gift of grace.

7. Being fully present in each moment

The present is a gift, and it is the easiest and most challenging way to strengthen your spiritual connection. Being present is difficult because of the tendency to be focused on what is next. What is now is so much more enlightening spiritually.

spiritual beings

How to Care For Yourself During a Spiritual Awakening

It’s important to practice self-care and introspection when going through a spiritual awakening. Growing spiritually requires immense inner work and solitude to eliminate the distractions of the busy, chaotic world. So, if you feel a calling to rediscover your higher self, follow these tips below.

1.     Reconnect with Nature

Earth’s wild places offer some of the best sanctuaries in the modern world. When you reconnect with our beautiful planet, it awakens something within you. You feel more alive and in tune with yourself after spending time in the forest or mountains.

After all, we came from nature, so it makes sense that we would have a spiritual connection to Mother Earth. That doesn’t mean you can’t find inspiring places to explore your inner self within cities. However, many people feel more like themselves in nature since they can leave behind the stresses of everyday life. Nature also isn’t as distracting and chaotic as cities or urban areas.

So, to care for yourself properly during a spiritual awakening, escape into the great outdoors as often as possible. There’s no WiFi, but you’ll experience a more significant connection nonetheless.

2. Eat a Healthy Diet

Speaking of nature, eating foods straight from the source will positively impact your spirituality. Light, fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables improve digestion and eliminate toxins from the body. Making your physical body lighter makes it easier to connect with your astral and causal bodies. After all, most people’s primary goal of a spiritual awakening is to experience higher consciousness.

Therefore, eating the simplest foods possible will eliminate restlessness in the body and allow you to explore higher realms. A healthy diet will get you closer to your spiritual goals, whether you do this through meditation, yoga, prayer, or deep breathing.

3. Get Plenty of Rest

Having a spiritual awakening causes your whole outlook on life to shift overnight. Old belief systems and limited ways of thinking fly out the window, leaving you with a fresh perspective. You may not resonate with your life anymore and long for something more profound. This process will inevitably take a toll on you as you discover a grander truth to life.

During a spiritual awakening, it’s crucial to rest as much as you need to assimilate these new realizations. Prioritize sleep, have a self-care routine, and go easy on yourself. You may find that your nine to five routine doesn’t resonate with you anymore and decide to become self-employed. Many spiritual people don’t find fulfillment in routine jobs, so don’t judge yourself for wanting something different.

Above all else, do what feels right for you, and don’t overexert yourself chasing money or material things. The spiritual world offers far greater rewards, anyway.

4. Maintain a Daily Practice

Maybe you can’t ignore your responsibilities or leave a full-time job at the moment. Thankfully, living in a monastery or a secluded cave isn’t necessary to have a spiritual awakening. You can still incorporate your meditation or other spiritual practices into daily life. Set aside time to devote to your spiritual growth each morning and evening. Whether you have 15 minutes or an hour, use this time to concentrate on your higher self fully.

Staying persistent and disciplining yourself will help you grow whether you live a worldly life or decide to become a monk. Either way, you’ll have to hold yourself accountable and remain consistent to see the results of your practice.

5. Show Yourself Compassion

Many people who go through a spiritual awakening have no idea what’s happening to them. Suddenly, the world isn’t what it seemed anymore, and it takes time to process. When you see through the veneer of material life, the activities and events on Earth don’t seem to matter as much. You may scold yourself for feeling lax in other areas of your life as you embark on a spiritual journey.

While we need to attend to our duties, it’s okay to pull back for a while. Concentrate on your spiritual awakening if that’s what you feel drawn to, and have compassion for yourself. The spiritual path requires a life-long commitment, and progress will happen slowly.

Many people think that growth happens in a linear fashion, but it looks more like a rollercoaster. You’ll have plenty of ups and downs, and you may have periods where you don’t feel as spiritual. No matter what, love yourself where you’re and don’t force anything. Enjoy the journey and go with the flow, wherever your soul may take you.

6. Reevaluate Your Friend Circle

When you have a spiritual awakening, you’ll want to spend a lot alone. You may not resonate with your old group of friends anymore due to your shift in interests. Even so, you can politely decline their invitations to hang out or explain your feelings upfront. Sometimes, we have to love people from a distance if we’re on different paths in life.

As you move further along the spiritual path, you may want to surround yourself with teachers and mentors. It’s essential to find a guru or leader who can guide you down the spiritual path and support your journey.

spiritual awakening

Final Thoughts on Having a Spiritual Awakening

A spiritual awakening is one of the essential aspects of existence in this earthly realm. While we’re in physical bodies, our primary goal is to grow spiritually and work out karma. This process takes many lifetimes, but yoga and meditation can help speed things up. During a spiritual awakening, many people feel drawn to practices such as these to discover their true selves beneath all the layers. Remember to give yourself grace during a spiritual journey and listen to your intuition. It will guide you down the right path if you quiet your mind and trust your heart.

9 Things You Need To Do If You Love A Cancer

If your partner was born between June 22 and July 22, then we have a list of 9 things you need to do for your love, Cancer. Watch out for those pinchers and prepare to get salty wet. The crab will grab you for the long-term if you can do these things for your Cancerian love.

Cancer, the sign of the crab, is a water sign ruled by the Moon. That means that they are all about emotions. But if you love a Cancer man or woman, you may already know that by now you need to keep the tissues handy.

Your Cancer love is going to be a fiercely loyal, loving, active, enthusiastic partner. But he or she also falls apart over the tiniest thing. We want you to be prepared for how to handle the Cancer partner with care. So let’s look at the 9 things that are in the care manual if you are the lover of a Cancer partner.

9 Things You Need To Do If You Love A Cancer

keep your partner

1. You need to love that your Cancer partner is clingy

Isn’t it nice to be so needed and wanted all the dang time? Not likely, unless you have the patience of a deity. Cancer wants to be around you all the time when they love you, which is pretty obvious because you can’t go 5 feet without finding their arm around your waist again.

2. Know that you are a major contributor to Cancer’s success

In a review of Vedic Astrology published by the National Council on Geocosmic Research, chart readings for Cancer reveal that ‘Cancerians are devoted to their families, and quite often, their relatives and loved ones are instrumental in helping them achieve their goals.’ If you love a Cancer, you need to ask them what you can do to help them fulfill their dreams because they are relying on you so much.

3. Be aware of the turmoil deep under the Crab’s outer shell

The National Council on Geocosmic Research also says ‘Cancer is a cardinal, water sign that represents home, family, emotions, and often turmoil that lies beneath the surface.’ The likely hidden emotions that you will encounter if you love a Cancer are anger, resentment, betrayal, and fear. Cancer is pretty forthcoming with their emotions. But they are passive aggressive, meaning they won’t say exactly why they are so upset.

4. Channel the personality of a Taurus

Taurus is Cancer’s ideal mate for compatibility purposes anyway. So acting bullish if you weren’t born a Taurus may be a good way to win, and keep your crabby partner’s heart.

Cancer’s most compatible partner matches are Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Cancer. If you love a Cancer but aren’t one of these signs, pick up a few habits of the ones that are most compatible to your Cancer love.

5. If you love a Cancer, you need to put up with nagging

A recent astrological review by Geoffrey Dean cites research by Gunter Sachs who concluded that astrological signs are of particular importance when it comes to choosing a partner that you will be compatible with, but they play a less important role in predicting divorce than they do for marriage.

So no matter the sign, conflict that is severe enough to make you want a separation from a Cancer is possible because of all of their nagging. If you can put up with the constant critique and not take it personally, you will be able to love your Cancer in a long-term relationship. Otherwise, you might quickly get over this crab.

6. Do not cross a crab

The National Council on Geocosmic Research says:

‘Cancerians are very sensitive, and since their feelings often stay beneath the surface, they are accustomed to relationships that fall in and out of favor. As close and loyal as they are to those they love, they are equally unforgiving to those they feel have betrayed them.’

Trust in you is what keeps the partner loyal, and once you break that, usually it will mean the end of the relationship.

7. Sex happens when they feel love

Give your Cancer partner a long hug. As long as they’ve already had an emotional dump of their worries and frustrations, sex is on. Close emotional connection is important to intimacy with the Cancer partner. So keep your eyes open and look longingly into your partner’s eyes.

8. You need to know that for a Cancer, emotional dump mode is always on

Your crabby mate wears their heart on their sleeve and all of the emotional torment from today’s decisions that they made, from what to eat for breakfast to what to say in the meeting, are going to come pouring out of their mouths when they see you again.


9. For a Cancer, home is where the fun is

Cancer is terribly happy at home with family in a comfortable chair. They also love people who can cater to their needs for their favorite comfort items, like their security blanket, favorite mug, favorite sweater – you get the point. Cancer is not a party animal, but they are occasionally prone to a surprise attack of spontaneous fun.

7 Ways To Get The Respect You Deserve

Respect is a basic human need, and every single human deserves respect, although we don’t always know how to get it. In this article, we will look at some ways to ask for and get the respect that you deserve.

Abraham Maslow wrote about self-respect and respect for others in his 1943 paper “A Theory of Human Motivation” that lists a hierarchy of needs, starting with our most basic, functional needs and progressing to higher levels of emotional fulfillment needs. Maslow said that ‘Satisfaction of the self-esteem need leads to feelings of self-confidence, worth, strength, capability and adequacy of being useful and necessary in the world.’

Because we live in a society where we rely on others to provide things that we do not make ourselves, this need for respect is almost as necessary as the need for food, water, and shelter. Failing to feel respected can lead to depressed mood and feelings of low self-worth.

7 Ways To Get The Respect You Deserve

When you think about the people you most respect and admire, they are selflessly confident in how they carry themselves and in how they act. This self-confidence comes from asking for, and getting the respect that they deserve. You can learn to do this too and have people respect you as a role model for exceptional behavior.


1. Ask for it

Some people, especially jealous or stingy people, are unlikely to give you respect unless you tell them to do so. By not asking for it, you imply that you don’t need it or expect it. Direct people are able to state their needs without fearing what will happen if they do.

2. Use your very best posture

Standing erect states to others that you refuse to be disrespected because you are not a spineless person. The expressions that we use come from the postures that we use to communicate to others with our bodies and the term ‘spineless’ comes from this.

3. Use effective eye contact

Looking down, looking to the side, looking up; looking everywhere except at the person who is speaking to you means that you are not going to get the respect you deserve. Meet the gaze of anyone you are dealing with, confidently, and competently by using these tools.

Related article: 5 Ways To Spot Someone With Hidden Motives

Staring is rude and is seen as aggressive, but making solid eye contact is assertive. Try looking at one eye of the person you are facing until you notice you have been looking at the eye for a long time, move your gaze to the eyebrow above the eye for a brief second, then to the other eye. After a length of eye contact with that eye, again move your gaze to the eyebrow and then back to the first eye.

Looking at the eyebrow or the area above the eye is a way of asserting dominance over the person you are speaking with. Looking lower than the eye level is a sign of being passive. These subtle eye contact clues are the ways that people use to judge whether or not you think you deserve respect for yourself.

4. Keep track of your success and be ready to tell others about it

You do more than you think you do, whether it is for your family, your boss or your friends. In fact, you may have forgotten some of your best achievements, just because you didn’t take enough time to congratulate yourself on that achievement.

Being able to tell others about your past success helps them to see what a capable person you are, while at the same time affirming that to yourself as you say the words aloud to someone else. Researchers studying respect and cooperation found that people who feel respected are more likely to contribute more to a group work environment.

Tell yourself ‘I did an amazing job today on ___ and I’m so proud of myself.’ What you would say to your boss, for example, sounds more like this ‘I approved the payroll and I finished the presentation for tomorrow and it’s only 11:00. Do you have other responsibilities that you could delegate to me?’ This says that you are capable by giving specific examples of your work efficiencies and lets your boss know that you can handle more as well.

5. Get used to other people being unhappy with you

When you set appropriate boundaries, you are more likely to get the respect you deserve. However, you are also more likely to make other people unhappy. Let yourself be okay with not having to please others. You are more important, and if you are asking for something you need, do not back down because the other person is unhappy about it.

6. Avoid rising inflection

Do not make your statements into questions. A rising tone to your voice at the end of a statement sounds like a question. Asking, instead of stating what you need is the difference between getting what you want and letting other people choose for you.

lack of respect

Related article: 7 Things Introverts Need to Know About Relationships

7. Command it

Insist upon getting respect when you feel disrespected. Tell people exactly what behavior they did or words that they used to disrespect you, and tell them what you need them to say to you or do for you instead. Do not accept less than what you deserve.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

The 28 Day Plank Challenge: Melt Stomach Fat in 2-4 Minutes

Nowadays, it seems complicated to fit exercise into our daily routines, but keeping up our physical health can prevent disease and overall fatigue. Many men and women find that their belly gives them the most trouble and want to find an exercise that genuinely works but doesn’t take much time out of their day. You’ll be happy to know that doing this ONE two- to four-minute plank exercise can help you blast through the belly fat while not spending too much time on the activity itself.

You might wonder how this can work so well since you don’t need much time, but this exercise can transform your waistline in just 28 days! They call it the “28 Day Plank Challenge.” You obtain results from this exercise by slowly building your strength and endurance for a month because you exercise in increments to increase stamina.

Doing This ONE Two to Four Minute Exercise Every Day Melts Belly Fat

Because you must work your body a bit harder each day, it works to build strength and create lasting changes. Plus, you will likely feel the burn in other body parts that you use during this exercise, such as your legs and arms. The plank challenge begins in Week One with just 30 to 45 second holds, but it builds over time onto the final week, where you will maintain the planks for three or four minutes at a time.


The Plank Challenge

Although this challenge only takes one month to do, you should continue incorporating exercises into your daily routine once you complete the challenge. This will give you a kickstart to a more healthy habit and lifestyle, but you must work to keep it up once the 28 days pass to maintain your strength and endurance. Here’s the plan for the 28-day challenge:

Day by day planks

  • Day 1 – 20 seconds
  • 2 – 20 seconds
  • 3 – 30 seconds
  • 4 – 30 seconds
  • 5 – 40 seconds
  • 6 – rest
  • 7 – 45 seconds
  • 8 – 45 seconds
  • 9 – 60 seconds
  • 10 – 60 seconds
  • 11 – 60 seconds
  • 12 – 90 seconds
  • 13 – rest
  • 14 – 90 seconds
  • 15 – 90 seconds
  • 16 – 120 seconds
  • 17 – 120 seconds
  • 18 – 150 seconds
  • 19 – rest
  • 20 – 150 seconds
  • 21 – 150 seconds
  • 22 – 180 seconds
  • 23 – 180 seconds
  • 24 – 210 seconds
  • 25 – rest
  • 26 – 210 seconds
  • 27 – 240 seconds.
  • 28 – As long as you can

Plank Safety

To do the plank safely and effectively, keep your ab muscles tight, your shoulders aligned directly over your elbows, your neck and spine neutral, shoulders down and back, and only your toes, forearms, and hands touching the floor. You don’t want to slouch, arch your back, lift your head, or move your neck and spine out of alignment.

Also, you might wonder how the plank works so well at engaging and strengthening the abs. Well, according to fitness instructors and researchers, the plank trains the abs to do precisely what they need to. Dr. Glenn Wright, an associate professor of exercise science at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, said this:

“A lot of strength trainers realized that the main function of the abs is to stop, not start, motion, and the plank came out of what the abs are asked to do—resist the spine from moving, such as when fighting off an opponent, and strengthening the lower back.”

Traditional ab exercises, such as the crunch or sit-up, require the lower back to become strained and flattened against the floor, resulting in lower back pain.

“When you teach sit-ups, you tell the person to flatten his back to the floor, which alone could cause pain in the lower back—the same condition strengthening your abs is supposed to prevent. Conversely, planks prevent lower-back pain,” Wright said.

Not to mention, the plank works more than just the abs, unlike sit-ups and crunches. It engages the shoulders, legs, arms, and buttocks and can even help with balance if you take the planks one step further and lift an arm or leg. Plank exercises also don’t come with many hazards, making them safe and easy for anyone to do.

In the fitness industry, planks have been underrated for a while now. Still, many people have realized their actual benefits and effectiveness in becoming more robust and decreasing belly fat.

15 Additional Ways to Melt Belly Fat (Besides Doing Plank Exercises)

Doing a plank challenge isn’t the only way to lose weight in your mid-region. Here are some other scientifically backed methods to melt that stubborn belly fat.

exercise recovery

1. Consume More Protein

Protein is your friend when it comes to weight management. When you fill-up on protein, it makes you feel fuller, which decreases your appetite. It’s all caused by the fullness hormone called PYY. People who consume more protein than fat have lower abdominal weight. You can eat things like:

  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Meat
  • Dairy
  • Beans and legumes

2. Avoid Trans Fats

Trans fats are notorious for causing blubber in the midsection. This fat is made by chemically altering unsaturated fats and putting hydrogen into them. This toxic substance is in margarine, soybean oil, and packaged foods will find this harmful substance.

These fats directly linked to insulin resistance, belly fat, inflammation, and heart disease. According to the National Library of Medicine, a study was conducted over six years to evaluate monkeys who consumed trans fats verse ones who didn’t eat them. They found that the monkeys who consumed this type had thirty percent more abdominal fat than those who ate more monounsaturated varieties.

It’s essential to check your labels as trans-fat comes in many chips, snack cakes, and other processed foods. Additionally, always use real butter over margarine.

3. Avoid Sugary Sweets

Consuming sugar in abundance is known to cause numerous chronic diseases, like diabetes and fatty liver. Refined sugars, like the ones you find in snack cakes, cereals, and ice cream, cause weight gain, which will impact your midsection. Try alternative sweeteners like honey and blackstrap molasses sparingly.

4. Use a Food Journal

Many people have no idea what they consume daily, and it can be scary when you keep track. Keeping a food journal is an excellent way to know what’s going into your system. When accountable for each bite it’s easier to manage your intake and avoid weight gain in the midsection and other areas.

5. Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has become increasingly popular as folks cycle from periods of eating to fasting. Some people observe a 24 hour fast twice each week, while others prefer to eat everything within eight hours. A study cited by the National Library of Medicine showed that those who used intermittent fasting had an average of seven percent less belly fat than those who used traditional dieting methods.

6. Eat Your Calories, Don’t Drink Them

Like alcoholic beverages, consuming fruit juice and soda can add weight to your midsection. Drinking a few sodas per day seems harmless, but it can pack on the pounds. Try switching to sugar-free drinks to combat weight gain, and the more water you drink, the better.

7. Avoid Alcohol

Any benefits you derive from alcohol can be achieved by consuming small amounts. If you drink alcoholic beverages in abundance, it can cause you to gain abdominal fat. You’ve heard people talk about a “beer belly.” Well, there’s some truth behind those puns.

Folks who have a heavy alcohol consumption are more likely to put on fat in the belly region. A study using 2,000 participants was conducted to verify these claims. Researchers found that those who consumed more than one drink per day had more significant belly fat than those who had one or fewer drinks each day. The key when it comes to alcohol is in moderation.

8. Add More Fish to Your Diet

Fish doesn’t get near the nutritional clout it deserves. Eating fatty fish like herring, salmon, and mackerel is very healthy for you, as it contains omega-3 fats and quality proteins.

These healthy fats will help reduce visceral fat, which adds to abdominal weight gain. Those folks with a larger midsection have an increased chance of developing fatty liver disease, so incorporating more fish into your diet can help.

9. Kick Stress Out of Your Life

While there’s no way to illuminate stress completely, you can find better ways to manage it. When your body is under pressure, it produces stress hormones that cause you to gain abdominal fat.

Those with a larger waist tend to have a more significant production of cortisol in their bodies, and the increased presence of this hormone causes further weight gain in the midsection. It’s imperative to minimize stress for your mental and physical health.

10. Incorporate Soluble Fiber into Your Diet

Unlike other fiber types, the soluble variety turns to a gel as it absorbs liquids in your stomach. The benefit of this gel-like substance is that it can slow the food from passing through your digestive system. Did you know that fiber can promote weight loss?

It makes you feel fuller so that you eat less. When you decrease the number of calories you intake, you will effortlessly lose weight. Try foods like flax seeds, avocados, blackberries, and Brussel sprouts to load up on soluble fiber.

11. Get Six to Eight Hours of Sleep

Are you getting enough sleep each night? Folks who get 6-8 hours fare much better than those who have a poor sleep schedule. Studies reported by the National Library of Medicine prove that sleep can impact your health and weight, specifically your abdominal area.

Over 16 years, researchers observed 68,000 women. Those who slept for five hours or less had more abdominal fat than those who got seven or more hours each night.

Additionally, those with the medical condition known as sleep apnea had more visceral fat than others. Getting quality sleep is imperative for your overall wellbeing.

12. Add Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Day

ACV has some awe-inspiring health benefits that we cannot deny. First, it can help lower your glucose levels, and second, research posted by the National Library of Medicine shows that it reduces abdominal fat storage causing a slimmer midsection. The study was conducted on men over twelve weeks.

Each guy took one tablespoon of ACV, and each lost a half-inch or more from their waist. By taking just one to two tablespoons each day, you can reduce overall abdominal fat.

13. Consume Probiotic Foods

In many foods and supplements available, there are gut-enhancing probiotics. These bacteria are full of health benefits, and they will enhance your immune system’s function. Bacteria play a significant role in your weight regulation, and having the right balance of these good bacteria can help you lose midsection fat.

When buying a supplement, make sure you get one with beneficial bacteria strains, as they’re not all created equal.

14. Reduce Carb Intake

Everyone is on a low-carb kick these days, but this might be the way to lose belly fat. Simple carbs are those that fill sugary snacks, soda, and pasta. However, studies have shown that eating under fifty carbs per day can help you lose excess stomach fat.

You don’t need to be on the Atkins or Keto diet to benefit. Just replace refined sugars and starchy items with better options. According to the National Library of Medicine, eating whole grains can reduce your belly fat by up to 17 percent, so making a few changes can have a significant impact.

15. Drink Green Tea Each Day

When you need to quench your thirst and water won’t do, reach for green tea. The caffeine in this tea helps boost metabolism, and it can help get rid of that midsection bulge. The consumption of this tea has been linked to weight loss, specifically when combined with exercise.

modified burpees

Final Thoughts on Performing Plank Exercises to Shrink Belly Fat

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a magic solution to losing the unsightly belly fat? While exercise is a great place to start, you also need to incorporate healthy eating and other habits into your day.

By adopting a few of the strategies listed above, you can help lose that fat that seems to settle around your midsection. Plus, when you’re eating and living healthy, you will lose fat in other places.

What Does Your Headache Reveal About Your Health?

Headaches and migraines are among the most frustrating and prevalent pains that we can experience. Even a minor pain in our head area can make us less willing and able to tackle everyday tasks.

The most common types of headaches are migraines, tension headaches, and sinus headaches. Generally, headaches will begin will a type of dull pain that tends to increase in severity as the ailment progresses. Depending upon the type of headache, the pain tends to target different areas of the head. One common denominator for most headaches is that the pain gradually resides over a period of time.

Contrary to popular belief, headaches can surface for a number of different reasons. These reasons include diet, level of hydration, work and/or home environments, and our overall health. Additionally, headaches can also point out potential health problem areas.

Most times, headaches are relatively harmless. However, in rare instances, a headache may be a sign of a severe condition such as aneurism, stroke, brain tumor or bleeding of the brain. Obviously, if a headache is prolific or lasts an inordinate length of time, you should see a doctor. This includes what is termed a “thunderclap headache,” or one that comes on suddenly and invokes severe pain.

What does your headache reveal about your health?



1. Tension headache: Stress and anxiety

Topping our list is the tension headache, by far the most common type of headache people suffer from. Tension headache pain is constant, concentrating around the temples or near the back of the head and neck. Additionally, someone can feel the intense pain above and below the eyes.

Medical professionals believe that this type of headache is caused by the contracting of neck and scalp muscles, which is a common reaction to stress and/or anxiety. It is common for severe tension headaches to be mistaken for migraines. However, migraines produce more side effects than tension headaches such as dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

Ginger tea is terrific for reducing inflammation, which may help reduce or eliminate pain. Adding peppermint oil to the hairline can relax the muscles around the head and neck, which further alleviates the pain. Combining these two ingredients may just prove to be the exact cure we need!

2. Migraine: Unhealthy Diet and Lifestyle

Migraines affect nearly 40 million people in the United States and can be debilitating in nature. Pain experienced during a migraine is severe and recurring, with the pain often throbbing on one side of the head. In approximately 30 percent of migraine episodes, the pain effects both sides of the head. It is common for migraine pain to radiate from the head’s top and move downward.

Of all headache conditions, migraines have the most prolific neurological side effects. The laundry list of symptoms includes: dizziness, sensitivity to sound and light, visual disturbances, tingling and numbness of the face, along with nausea and/or vomiting.

Genetics and environmental factors may play a role in one’s susceptibility to migraine headaches. A diet lacking in nutrition may also have an effect, in particular eating a disproportionate amount of processed and salty foods. Unhealthy sleep patterns, and overconsumption of medication may also trigger a migraine episode.

B12 vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids can help alleviate migraine pain. So getting adequate aerobic exercise may help deter migraine headache episodes. Some people have reported the benefits of aerobic exercise in treating migraines actually negated the need to continue on medication!

3. Sinus headache: Dehydration or overusing medication

Sinus headaches are another common type that may reveal certain unhealthy lifestyle habits. As the name indicates, sinus headaches are a direct result of problems within the sinus area – behind the nose’s bridge and inside the forehead or cheekbones. When these oxygen-filled areas become inflamed – often due to allergic reaction or infection (the most common reasons) – the paths to drain mucus from the sinus become blocked. This blockage can result in sinus pain that feels very much like a headache.

You might feel the continuous and often severe pain resulting from a sinus headache inside of the cheekbones, forehead, or bridge of the nose. It is common for those suffering from a sinus headache to experience increasing pain as the head is moved around. In addition to pain, sinus headaches generally include other symptoms such as a runny nose, fever, or swelling of the face.

As mentioned, most sinus headaches are the direct result of allergies or infection. However, sinus headaches may also occur due to overuse of decongestants or pain-relieving medications. These pain symptoms can be exacerbated by inadequate hydration.

It should come as no surprise, then, that drinking plenty of fluids is important for the alleviation of sinus headaches. Sinus inflammation may be reduced by drinking warm water or tea. Vitamin C is terrific for warding off potential infections, and fresh ginger contains anti-inflammatory and painkilling properties without the need for potent medication.

5 Ways To Help Someone Who Is Emotionally Suffering

Emotional suffering is part of our lives. We live in the duality of happiness and sad, dark and light, balance and imbalance. We cannot escape the disruption of events that happen throughout the journey. Without the pain, how could we find joy? There is an old Buddhist proverb that says, “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” Unfortunately, while you are in the turmoil of suffering emotionally, it’s very hard to see this. We are filled with dread and desperation. The sadness takes over and sometimes we just need a helping hand.

Here are 5 ways to help someone who is suffering emotionally:

1. Reach out in a loving manner.

While we are in a black hole of depression or anxiety, we do not see light. The last thing you want to do is tell another person who is in pain to not be in pain. The first step to helping someone is to eliminate judgment and criticism. Just because you see things differently, it doesn’t allow them to see it with your senses. Allow that person to know they are loved. They are cherished. Get them help through a therapist or just speaking about the issues.

Oftentimes, the one thing that they think is the cause of the pain is not the real issue. Emotions mask other events. A volcano of feelings begin to surface. They hide deep in the mind. Don’t push this person too quickly. Don’t pull them to “snap out of it.” Just be there as a lifeline and allow that person to reach that rope. Feeling secure is a beautiful token of appreciation. Do not take over. Do not try to control the situation.

2. Laugh.

Laughter is one of the greatest healers. Making light of the situation is helpful in distracting the pain. Provide that person with time to find joy. Ask them to join you in watching a funny film. Go watch kids play in a park. Tell stories of happy moments in the past. Reminding that person of better times helps to jolt the senses. This is not going to last forever.

An article from the Mayo Clinic states that laughter has amazing short and long term effects. “It simulates many organs; activates and relieves stress response; soothes tension; improve immune system; relieve pain; and increase personal satisfaction.”

3. Join them in a healthy cry.

Being vulnerable is one of the hardest things in our lives. It’s hard to show the rawness of who we are. Helping that person release those tears is an emotional discharge. To witness another fully exposed in their humanness helps them to feel they are not alone. Share experiences. Console them without stopping the emotions from overflowing. You are not there to solve the problem.

Research from the University of South Florida by psychologists Jonathan Rottenberg and Lauren M. Bylsma found that,”the majority of respondents (out of 3,000 people) reported improvements in their mood following a bout of crying.” Allowing someone to release is a way of providing support. This gives time for the grieving to take place. Every release allows for a new beginning.

4. Go outdoors.

Being outside in the sun helps the body generate vitamins. Taking a walk, a short hike, or just sitting on the grass helps us feel hopeful. Nature is the greatest medicine for depression. It forces you out of the doom of a house. Gentle activities help increase hormones to the brain. According to a study in the University of Michigan, nature walks enhance mental health and positivity. Being outdoors helps improve your outlook, focusing abilities, and help strengthen your immune system. This is called “Ecotherapy” and it is the most natural way of readjusting your attitude. In recent studies, ecotherapy has helped people with mental illnesses get off pharmaceutical drugs and heal from simply being outdoors.

5. Help them forgive.

Forgiveness is rarely for the person who caused us pain. Forgiving means letting go of the resentment, anger, and pain. It’s a gift we give to the self. Allowing this person to share and release is part of the process. Everything that happens to us serves as a lesson in our path. It’s not easy to forgive, but the alternative is an induced lifelong punishment that stumps our growth. Motivational speaker and author, Steve Maraboli says,“The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.”

It’s difficult to witness a loved one going through an emotional crisis. Remember to be kind, gentle and compassionate with those who are hurt. It’s important to remind them they are worthy. The greatest gift you can provide another is the feeling of being loved, acknowledged and heard.

Related article: How To Release Attachments To Emotional Wounds

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