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5 Ways to Live The Good Life You Deserve

The life you’re destined for is the reason you were born and if you aren’t living that purpose right now, we have 5 ways to make you take charge of your destiny.

Are you living the life of your dreams? Do you feel fulfilled and whole-hearted? Or are there parts of your life that you wish you could change? If you are still wanting more from your life, here are 5 ways to live the life that you are truly destined for, starting right now.

5 Ways to Live The Good Life You Deserve

What makes up a life that you’re destined for? The deepest happiness you can imagine, a wonderful sense of purpose, and a peacefulness of spirit are all part of fulfilling your destiny. What will your life look like once you’ve made up your mind to live the life you’re destined for? Join the positive people who are taking control of finding their destiny.

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1. Follow the joy

When something makes you smile or laugh, that is a huge clue that you are on the right track to live the life you dream of. Joy is something that we all want more of in our life so follow what makes you smile.

Bringing more of what you love to more people is one way the life of your destiny. However,  it isn’t the only way. You may find that you get joy from hundreds of different things, and choosing one is not possible. Not knowing which joyful pursuit to follow is just fine; just keep smiling and attracting positive energy.

2. Don’t follow the fear

Too much fear can limit you and keep you from fulfilling your destiny. Fear is another emotional response that you need to pay attention to in the body, and not be overwhelmed by.

Rather than thinking of something as ‘to be feared’ think of it as something ‘to be explored once you’re ready.’ Ask yourself why you fear what you fear. Who taught you to be afraid of that? Facing fears when we’re ready leads us to challenge our outdated ways of thinking and opens us up to more possibilities.

3. Think bigger

Researchers in the journal Psychology studied people’s career choices and how they decided to follow their career paths. Some believed that they chose their career as a calling from Destiny and others said it was the best opportunity available to them. The scientists found that actual job happiness did not matter whether the people believed that the work was the achievement of their destiny or not.

Maybe your destiny was to have a family and a career but then what? More likely, you are destined to have a major positive impact on many people’s lives, no just those of your immediate family members. Ask yourself, what is the biggest positive impact that you can make during your life and consider pursuing that as a way to live the life that you’re destined for.

4. Act now

If you aren’t sure where to start or what your destiny is, just do something anyway, no matter how small. Acting is like dropping a pebble in a pond. What you do creates ripples that are sent out in waves of energy, and those waves put other things into motion for your destiny to be fulfilled. Start by doing something that makes you happy and the rest will follow.

When it comes to your destiny and your relationship, however, put things in perspective. Researchers studying the belief in destiny and your relationship partner say that ‘A belief in relationship destiny has been associated with people more quickly ending a relationship when problems arise, having shorter relationships when initial satisfaction is low, and longer relationships when initial satisfaction is high.’ If you’re in your relationship for the long-term, remember that relationships change over time and that you can still fulfill your destiny while being in a not-quite-perfect relationship.

5. Listen intently

The message that Destiny is trying to send you is being drowned out by all the rest of the noise that you encounter in your day. Sitting quietly with only natural noises is a great way to tune in to receive the message of what you are destined for.

Listen to the lyrics of music, meditate, play outside, and hear the voices of those around you. Sometimes the message from Destiny is a literal one from a person sent as a messenger to you. Sometimes your Destiny finds you with a chance meeting of a person who also shares your interests. Either way, you need to be out interacting with the world and the people in it in order to live the good life you deserve.

9 Signs Your Soul Has Been Here Before

The concept of an old soul or a soul that has been here before comes from the idea of reincarnation or re-living a life cycle on Earth either as yourself or as another living being. The prior knowledge form your past lives may be stored somewhere in your memory, or maybe it is all forgotten.

Rebirth and reincarnation can happen even without death. For each major transitional phase of our lives, we transform into new selves. You may have suffered a particularly traumatic event, but survived to tell your story to others. In the process, you became a different person from who you were before.

Being reincarnated as a soul does not come with an instruction booklet. So with these signs, we also explain how to handle things differently once you know that you are an older soul.

9 Signs Your Soul Has Been Here Before

A British study on reincarnation beliefs in the journal Sociology says that ‘Belief in reincarnation ‘ coming back time and again in different bodies ‘ characterizes Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, and many tribal religions. However, many who follow Judaeo-Christian traditions disregard the belief. Numerous surveys, however, find that around 20 percent of the population of Western countries answer ‘Yes’ to the question ‘Do you believe in reincarnation?’

law of attraction

1. You tolerate suffering better than other people

With reincarnation, ‘the ultimate aim is to get off the wheel of suffering altogether: to be an embodied self,’ say the British researchers. When you handle pain and unhappiness better than those you know, it is a sign that your soul has been here before.

2. You can remember your past lives

A hypnotherapist can help you with uncovering repressed memories, but few therapists will identify that the experiences you remember are evidence of a past life. More often a therapist is helpful in ‘assisting the client to become happier with their present self than making philosophical claims about past selves’ say British reincarnation researchers.

Tina Turner recalled being an Egyptian queen and artist k.d. lang has said that she is the reincarnation of singer Patsy Cline. Past life memories are often related to a powerful emotion, such as fear. If you have a strong fear response, question why you feel that way and if that feeling may have been a sign that your soul has been here before.

3. You no longer feel that time is important

If it’s true that time heals all wounds, you have done plenty of healing when your soul has been here before. British researchers say ‘North Americans who embrace the Hindu concept of reincarnation usually fail to grasp the Hindu horror of time and have difficulty distinguishing the Atman, the divine essence of consciousness, from their everyday, time-bound sense of self.’ You are very patient because you have plenty of time to get things right, in this lifetime or the next one.

4. You feel out of place but you can handle it

Unexplained feelings, phobias, or not feeling like yourself in your own body are uncomfortable feelings that might be a sign that your soul has been here before. Researchers in the journal Medical Hypotheses looked at children with gender identity disorder, unusual play behavior, and other unusual childhood activities and they concluded that looking at the possibility of previous lives might help explain some unusual behavior patterns for these children.

You may have noticed your unusual attraction to cultures, places, or people that you had never experienced before, and these interests may have begun early in life. As an adult, your choices and preferences may mean that you are influenced by the fact that your soul has been here before.

5. You use the Law of Attraction to get what you want

As a soul who has been here before, you know that using the law of attraction gets things done for you and you use this knowledge to your advantage, often surprising people with how easy it is for you.

6. You are self-aware

You can hear your every thought before your mind says it. Your senses are wide open and receiving all of the incoming information around you. You can feel the breath within your body, your pulse, and the impact of your foot against the ground. You know your emotions and take control by responding, rather than reacting to things.

7. You have excellent intuition

You’re in tune with your gut reaction because you’ve had more practice with it as an old soul. You pick up on the smallest details, body language and facial expressions. As a result, you know what’s going on inside people’s minds. You can make better decisions than others because your soul has been here before.

8. You are more empathetic

Your soul knows what it is like to suffer, to grieve, and to worry, and so you feel an easy connection to others who are suffering. You are available to friends and family members who are going through difficult times. You stretch yourself to be available to support community members who are struggling emotionally as well.

9. You act with a larger perspective in mind

People may say you are environmentally minded but you can’t help it because your soul has been here before. You care for the planet more than others because you know that you might come back to it again in your next lifetime.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

6 Things You Should Always Expect From Your Partner

There are times it’s hard to know what you should be expecting from your partner. No one wants to be seen as pushy, nagging, and full of assumptions. Expectations can damper unity because relationships need space to grow in trust and support. But, there are some things that are uncompromising in loving relationships. There are things that should not be excused when you are building a life with your partner.

Here are 6 things you should always expect from your partner:

1. Time.

It goes without saying, that time is important to build a relationship. It’s not so much quantity as it is quality. You can still have separate interests, friends, and hobbies. You are not asking for every waking moment, but you do have the right to desire precious time together. In our busy fulfilled lives, time seems to be a expensive commodity. When you love someone, time is not an issue. You want to spend time with that person who brings you joy. You make the time to have fun, communicate, laugh, and include them in activities that bring you both closer together. It’s in those precious moments that we thrive because we feel good by the another person’s presence. If you have to pursue your partner for time, you must ask yourself what you are getting out of the relationship.

2. Respect.

In order to be respected, you must show respect. Boundaries are part of respect. By respecting each other you are showing your worth. When you do something wrong, apologize and show your mistake. Integrity and dignity are important in loving relationships. You are two individuals joining with all your past traumas and experiences. You are bringing with you habits, stories, and baggage. It’s important to set limits to what you will tolerate. Respect brings awareness, choices and a healthy balance. In an article for Psychology Today, Dr. Peter Gray shares his thoughts about respect and love:

“Love brings bliss to both types of relationships, but only if tempered by respect. Love adds joy and provides the emotional bonds that help carry the relationship through hard times. The attachment aspect of love is even more valuable in our relationship with our spouse than in that with our children, because marriage, at least in principle, is forever.”

3. Intimacy.

Intimacy is deeper than sexuality. Intimacy requires emotional closeness and trust. It’s about sharing and accepting your partner’s feelings to the innermost degree. Intimacy allows for vulnerability to be present without judgment, criticism, and abuse. Without intimacy, there is not much of a meaningful relationship. Even the word sounds as if saying “into me you see.” Cognizance and affection are required to truly know one another. It’s not just in the touching, exploration of bodies, but the wholehearted release of emotions. This is when your mate knows you and still loves you. Just like making time for date night, or talks on the phone, there has to be moments of pure intimacy that help enrich and grow your relationship.

4. Compassion.

We have highs and lows in relationships, but there should always be a balance of understanding in order to connect with each other. Being compassionate and empathetic to what is important to you and your partner is important. It’s a give and take. Being compassionate also means forgiving any wrongdoings that have been misinterpreted. Healthy relationships are built on trust.

In an article called Empathy and Compassion – Essential for Loving Relationships, Dr. Margaret Paul expresses that “When both partners tend to shut down their compassion in conflict, then their conflicts rarely reach satisfying resolution. Difficulties also come up in relationships when one person maintains more empathy and compassion than the other, especially during conflict. If one person is able to maintain his or her compassion for the partner even when angry or upset, but the other person shuts down his or her empathy and compassion when angry, this creates an imbalance in the relationship. The more compassionate person may end up feeling abused by the interaction, and may also be the one who usually opens and takes responsibility for patching things up.”

5. Loyalty.

It goes without saying that without loyalty there isn’t much of a relationship. Trust, honesty and loyalty are foundations for a healthy-supportive relationship. If you can’t trust the person who is supposed to have your back, who can you trust? There is nothing more meaningful than two consenting adults knowing that they can be faithful to each other. If you are experiencing distrust, jealousy, insecurities, and other negative aspects in your love life, you need to ask why? Distrust causes detrimental effects in self-esteem and worth matters. You should expect your partner to be completely honest with you about his intentions in the relationship. If this doesn’t match with your ideals, then you must be honest with your feelings and what you are willing to tolerate.

6. Love.

How do you define love? What do you feel when you say the word? A relationship without love is no relationship at all. There is no commitment. Love defies every one of the other five suggestions. You demand love because that’s what transforms us in a relationship. There are a million ways of loving, and it’s not just in saying, “I Love You!” Everyone has their own definition of love, but you must find the partner who comes closest to your definition. You should expect nothing less than the openness, support, respect, time, trust and connection.

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” ~ C.G. Jung

Related article: 10 Signs You’ve Found Someone Truly Special

5 Behaviors That Cause Drama (And How to Avoid Them)

When you think about some behaviors that you have seen from overly dramatic people, you may picture someone making a scene in a public place. Their behavior is so inappropriate that it is both embarrassing and funny, especially to others who are watching the scene. When you are the person involved in the drama, the humor is less obvious.

The dramatic people in your life can be the ones you most want to avoid due to their embarrassing behavior. But sometimes you have to interact with them. Let’s look at five common behaviors of overly dramatic people and also how you can look for these in yourself and avoid having them.

5 Behaviors of Dramatic People (And How to Avoid Having Them)

Dramatic people seem to like being emotional, but the truth is, their emotions are shallow and superficial. They want people to notice how upset, frustrated, sad, or anxious they are and to come to their rescue. Don’t fall for the trap too easily. Make sure you recognize the five behaviors of dramatic people and how to avoid behaving that way yourself.

dramatic people

1. Dramatic people might display aggressiveness or depression

Self-aggression, picking at skin, pinching, hitting or punching walls, hitting the floor like a child are all aggressive actions that involve physically aggressive and inappropriate behavior.

Aggressive behavior tendencies can be dangerous for those who are around the dramatic person. Avoiding the dramatic person, especially if they have displayed this behavior before is probably best when they are having an outburst.

Severely overly dramatic people can suffer from a mental illness that may require hospitalization to prevent them from harming themselves for attention. In one study, overly dramatic people who had been admitted to a psychiatric hospital were diagnosed with Hysterical Personality Disorder when they exhibited behavior that is described as aggressive, uncooperative, or attention-seeking.

In the same study of dramatic psychiatric patients, 60% of the psychiatric patients who had Hysterical Personality Disorder had symptoms of depression as well. Again, this emotion is likely a display for the benefit of keeping your sympathy focused on them.

2. Embarrassing behavior

Attention-seeking dramatic people will act out in ways that attract the most attention to themselves. By being loud or obnoxious, they turn heads, which they seem to love doing. When we think of the behavior of a dramatic person, we sometimes say they are being a ‘Drama Queen’ due to our typical biased tendency to stereotype women more often than men as acting this way.

More often, women are likely to suffer from behaving like a dramatic person, at least as far as the number of clinical diagnoses for mental health issues are concerned. But a recent report found that there was a definite sex bias when these disorders were diagnosed. ‘Mental health professionals tend to label men as antisocial personalities and women as hysterical personalities, even when these patients have identical clinical features.’

3. Childishness goes along with dealing with dramatic people

Throwing a temper tantrum is what this looks like when you see a dramatic person behaving inappropriately. Dramatic people behave that way because, well, they always have for their whole lives. Childish behavior never stopped for these people and they never became fully formed adult people.

If you think you may have thrown a tantrum or acted childish in other ways, think about your family members who may have taught you that behaving this way was how to get what you wanted. Seek counseling to deal with any residual issues from your childhood that are still showing up in your personal life.

4. Acting like everything is the end of the world

Catastrophizing is one behavior of a dramatic person. If every day has something ‘horrible,’ ‘terrible,’ ‘awful,’ or ‘tragic’ in it, then you may be a person who is prone to being overly dramatic.

Dramatic people can also be overly dramatic on the positive side where things are ‘Fabulous’ all of the time too. They tend to run to extremes and you can usually recognize this behavior by what they post on social media.

When people say, ‘Oh it’s not that bad’ to you, take it as a sign that you may be behaving like a dramatic person. Limit the extremes that you talk about, both aloud to others and in your own head.

5. Dramatic people exhaust you

After speaking to a dramatic person, you feel drained of your energy. There is no energy vampire quite like a dramatic person and they know how to suck a lot of energy. A dramatic person thrives on the energy of others and if you don’t give it to them, they will take it.

hidden motives

Final Thoughts on Dealing with Dramatic People

A dramatic person pulls you into their drama saying how they can’t handle the current situation. They convince you that you ‘have to’ do this or that for them. Use one of your power words and just say ‘No.’ Don’t let them trigger an emotional response or bring anxiety to your life.

These Things Happen To Your Body When You Don’t Get Enough Sun

Many people seem to avoid the sun due to a fear of skin cancer, but not getting enough sun could possibly do even more damage than sunbathing for hours at a time.

When we lived closer to nature, we would spend hours a day in the sun doing activities such as gardening, harvesting fruits and vegetables, hunting for food, working on shelters, etc. Nowadays, we barely spend any time outdoors since most of us work office jobs and can’t get away to spend adequate time in the sun. Most people don’t realize the toll that this takes on their health, as the sun provides vital nutrients and helps to keep our bodies functioning properly.

These Things Happen To Your Body When You Don’t Get Enough Sun

Recent research from Stanford shows a strong correlation between the growth of breast tumors in mice and a lack of Vitamin D.

“Although much more research needs to be done, research from our lab and others suggests that people at risk for breast cancer should know their vitamin D levels and take steps to correct any deficiencies,” said Brian Feldman, MD, PhD, assistant professor of pediatrics.

While their study mainly focused on mice and mouse cells, the researchers discovered that in a small study of 34 breast cancer patients, their levels of Vitamin D inversely correlated with the levels of ID1 protein in their tumors. They also found that a Vitamin D metabolite directly controls the expression of the ID1 gene in the breast cancer cells.

In one of their studies, the researchers found that mice given a diet deficient in vitamin D developed sizable tumors an average of seven days earlier than the other mice, and after six weeks, the tumors grew to a significantly larger size in comparison to the mice who had sufficient Vitamin D levels.

“Our study shows that a deficiency in vitamin D levels, or an inability of tumor cells to respond appropriately to the presence of vitamin D, is sufficient to trigger non-metastatic cancer cells to become metastatic,” said Feldman. “It’s enough to significantly accelerate tumor progression in our mouse model. Further studies are warranted, but this direct association between vitamin D levels and ID1 expression is very interesting to us.”

In another study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine that included 29,518 Swedish women, researchers found that over the course of 20 years, the women who had more sun exposure had a longer life expectancy, as well as decreased risk of developing heart disease and cancer. 

While more research needs to be done on this subject, this study suggests that Vitamin D could stave off dangerous diseases and even prolong life. Of course, laying out in the sun for hours at a time can damage your health considerably, but this research implies that avoiding the sun might do even more harm than being exposed to UV radiation for extended periods of time.

In another study published in the same journal, researchers found that women who avoid sun exposure have twice the likelihood of dying compared to women who get adequate sun exposure. says, “Humans make 90 percent of our vitamin D naturally from sunlight exposure to our skin–specifically, from ultraviolet B exposure to the skin, which naturally initiates the conversion of cholesterol in the skin to vitamin D3.”

While you can obtain Vitamin D in some foods, such as mushrooms, it will never replace the large amount you can absorb directly from the sun. We have an ever-growing number of mental and physical diseases in this world today, and we get less sunlight than ever before. So, maybe we all just need a little more sun in our lives in order to heal.

Related article: 7 Signs of a Vitamin D Deficiency

You don’t need much sunlight per day in order to get an adequate amount of Vitamin D – just going for a walk for 30 to 45 minutes can do wonders for your mental and physical well-being! Unfortunately, many people suffer from a Vitamin D deficiency today due to inadequate sunlight, as we spend more time indoors than ever before.

For more information (and inspiration to get more sunlight), check out this video below to find out what would happen if you stopped going outside!

Related article: 5 Things Our Planet Is Trying To Tell You

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

9 Signs You Love Your Partner “Too Much”

When you fall in love, your partner becomes the center of your universe. You think of that special someone all day long, sending texts, messages, and showering them with affection. Sometimes the giving becomes overwhelming for that person. Contrary to all the chick flicks, romance novels, and stories out there, loving someone “too much” can hurt a relationship.

Here are 9 signs you love your partner “too much:”

1. You have put them on a pedestal

It’s wonderful to fall in love and put your partner in the shining light. Another thing is to put them up on some pedestal at all times. While your partner will enjoy this in the beginning (who doesn’t like attention), it can turn on you later on. No one wants to be seen as perfect. It’s hard to live up to that. When you show too much attention, it can be exhausting. It’s a real turn-off. For one, your mate might feel as if he/she is being rushed into something that doesn’t feel right at the moment. In some cases, your constant adoration can just fuel an-already-big ego. Love takes time to grow.

2. You have put yourself last

When you put someone first, you are obviously forgetting about you. If you are constantly thinking about your “one” and not taking care of you first, you have jumped into obsession. You must take time to do those things you still enjoyed before this person entered your life. Make time for you to keep doing your sports, hobbies and other interests. Your mate will appreciate you giving him or her that time as well. Eventually you can both find interests to share together.

3. You have abandoned your friends

The worst thing you can do is abandon your support group of friends. You can incorporate your relationship with your friends and his/her friends as well. You don’t have to alienate from all those who have been there for you in the past just to make this person yours alone. If you are only contacting friends when your partner isn’t around, your friends will eventually lose interest in you.

4. You have put your goals on hold

When all that you’ve worked for comes to a halt for another, you have lost yourself. You can’t appreciate your partner’s goals unless you continue with yours. A healthy relationship requires the giving and sharing of plans, goals, and dreams. If it’s one-sided, there is an imbalance that can turn toxic quickly. You contribute as much as your counterpart. Don’t put his or her needs way ahead and forget all the things that have brought you to this point. You matter!

5. You smother them

Love is about respect and requires no insecurities. Smothering is a sign that you fear losing this person. You will go above and beyond to make sure this person knows how much you love him/her. Loving someone is allowing them to be who they were before you came along. They need to still partake in their other activities. When you smother, you are sucking the air out of the relationship. It’s great to get texts and sweet cards, but when it becomes a bombardment of those things, the person might lose interest. Keep it simple!

6. You entice them with sex all the time

You enjoy making love, but when you start using sex as an escape to entice your partner, you are not being honest. Sex is an amazing form of bonding, but to use it as a weapon is toxic. Addiction can lead to other destructive behaviors. Giving into sex can lead to feelings of being used. Also, using sex to fix an argument, or blindside your partner, is malicious. Making love is a natural act of relationships. Using it for everything can lead to feeling used later on.

7. You are jealous of everything.

True love is secure. There is no chances of cheating when there is respect and trust. But, if you are constantly checking your mate’s phone, emails, social media and pockets, you have a serious obsession. This is bordering on a personality disorder. You cannot expect your partner to be questioned all the time. Eventually he/she will leave. Nothing says disaster more than a jealous mate. Jealousy displays a sign of pure desperation.

8. You try to control everything

Micromanaging in a relationship is not showing trust. It’s a behavior that stunts growth. Relationships are made up of partnership, giving and taking, sharing, and deciding together. If you are the one making all the decisions, your partner will eventually get tired of this because he/she will feel that their opinion is being bulldozed. Psychologists at the University of Cumbria, led by Dr. Elizabeth Bates, questioned 1,104 young men and women to determine aggression and control in relationships. In conclusion, women have become the more aggressive and controlling subject in a relationship, whereas years ago, the women were submissive and victims to the abuse.

9. You are constantly showering with gifts

We all like to feel special, and receiving gifts is delightful. However, when you are the only one giving, it becomes too much. It’s not a sign of love. It’s a sign of insecurities. Over pampering becomes a smothering act. You can suffocate your mate with too much of anything. Giving of yourself is just as important as material things. You can slowly show your appreciation with small things.

Too much of anything is unhealthy. You begin to scare people off because most folks don’t handle the overwhelming response. Rushing into anything is a sign of past traumas and desperation. Take your time. Allow love to grow in a healthy manner.

Related article: 10 Signs You Have An Emotionally Unavailable Partner 

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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