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3 Yoga Poses That Melt Anxiety and Stress

3 Yoga Poses That Melt Anxiety and Stress

Most of us would prefer never to have any stress, but unfortunately, it’s a certainty. Humans have struggled to survive since the dawn of existence, and modern times are no exception. However, practices such as yoga can help you adapt to stress more efficiently. It provides mental and body stability, allowing you to see clearly and flow with life more effortlessly.

If you struggle with your mental health, know you’re far from alone. Experts estimate that around 20% of Americans have an anxiety disorder, and undiagnosed cases could make this figure much higher. All over the world, anxiety and stress have become epidemics, forcing us to go within and deal with our turbulent emotions.

Yoga has existed for thousands of years, believed to have originated in ancient India. Seers and saints from this time constructed a system of enlightenment to overcome mental and physical constraints. They figured out that they could reconnect with the soul by tuning out the world around them.

The main goal of yoga involves uniting the limited consciousness with Universal consciousness. However, people worldwide practice yoga for other reasons, such as to destress or gain flexibility.

How Yoga Helps With Anxiety

  • Increases focus
  • Enhances mental equilibrium
  • Slows down breathing
  • Reduces pulse and blood pressure
  • Encourages grounding through the breath
  • Lowers cortisol levels
  • Reduces depressive symptoms, which can make anxiety worse
  • Improves physical health by releasing pent-up energy
  • Encourages overall wellbeing

One study found that hatha yoga, which involves physical poses and breathing techniques, reduced anxiety in participants over four weeks. So, if you want to improve your mental, physical, and spiritual health, read on for yoga poses that combat stress.

stress yoga poses

3 Yoga Poses to Reduce Anxiety and Stress

When daily life leaves you anxious or negative feelings, these postures can help melt them away. If you are new to these movements, you may want to invest in yoga blocks to assist you with support.

1. Breath of Fire

When you feel anxious or tense about something, it helps to slow down your breathing. A breathing method known as the breath of fire can help you establish balance in the mind and body. The posture teaches you how to inhale, hold your breath, and exhale for mental and physical equilibrium.

The pose represents a facet of Kundalini yoga, involving breathing techniques, mantras, and chanting. The pose helps you achieve mastery over the breath by reducing stress levels and sympathetic nervous system activity.

Breath of Fire involves several steps, each of which should be practiced for at least one minute. However, more advanced practitioners can hold the poses longer if they wish. For beginners, it’s recommended to lie down for ultimate relaxation and concentration.

  • Begin in a cross-legged position if you’d like to sit up during this exercise. If not, lie back on the floor or yoga mat.
  • Place your hands on your knees and place your palms upward. If you’d like, place one hand on your belly to feel your breath as you inhale.
  • Now, inhale through the nose, filling your body with as much oxygen as possible. Feel your stomach expand as you draw in your breath deeply.
  • Without holding your breath, exhale forcefully through your nose while clenching the stomach muscles. Make sure you inhale and exhale for the same amount of time.
  • Repeat several times to practice, and speed up the pace as you progress. Do this exercise for at least one minute.

2. Child’s Pose

When you experience stress, you naturally tense your whole body as your cortisol levels increase. Over time, chronic stress gets stored in the muscles and tissues of the body, which can cause numerous issues. Most physical and mental disorders arise from long-term tension and psychological disharmony. Sometimes the only way to find solace in life involves surrendering, which the following pose teaches.

Child’s pose helps you remember the importance of slowing down and tuning back into yourself. To do this pose, you only need to breathe and remain in the present moment. Leave everything else aside for the time being, and focus on merely existing.

  • Start this pose on your hands and knees.
  • Now, move your hips backward slowly until they’re in line with your heels.
  • Move your body forward while shifting your hips toward the back of the room.
  • If you’d like to make this more comfortable, you can place a pillow on the floor to rest your head.
  • Next, shift your arms slowly, moving them beside your legs with the palms facing upward.
  • Hold for at least five seconds, inhale deeply, then exhale slowly through the nose.
  • Repeat as often as you’d like.

3. Bridge Pose

This yoga pose can help you release trauma and tension from the €œmuscle of the soul,€ or the psoas muscle. This muscle originates in the mid-and lower-back, running through each side of the pelvis to the inner thigh bones. It’s the only muscle in the body to connect the legs and torso, and many people hold undue stress in this area. Trauma gets stored here because of our ancient primitive instincts, which trigger the fight-or-flight response.

So, if you experience anxiety, this part of the body may feel tense or rigid. You may also experience general back and shoulder pain as the nervous system struggles to handle excess cortisol. Thankfully, the bridge pose can unblock energy from this area and calm the nervous system.

  • Begin by lying with your back flat on the ground or yoga mat.
  • Place your feet flat on the floor with your knees slightly bent and elbows at 90 degrees.
  • Press downwards and squeeze the glutes, then lift your hips slightly.
  • Next, bring your heels toward your bottom as close as you can. Hold this position with breathing for ten seconds, and repeat at least three times.

Final Thoughts on Yoga Poses That Will Melt Away Your Stress

Stress and anxiety have become pervasive in the modern world as people struggle to adapt to rapid changes. While it might seem hopeless, yoga and meditation can help us manage these changes from the cellular level. We can become our highest selves and overcome challenges by healing ourselves from the inside out. Yoga connects us to the deepest parts of ourselves and helps us unlock our true potential.

First, we must overcome our base survival responses of fear and anxiety. By surrendering to the universe through yoga, we can move through life without boundaries, free from any limitations.

7 Things Women Do When They’re Truly in Love

When a woman is truly in love, she will act differently, and you can tell that something in her life has changed, even if she doesn’t tell you. Let’s face it; everyone wants to find their true love. And it’s not quite surprising that being in love makes people act differently. But there are some specific things women do when in a loving relationship that men wouldn’t do.

So, picking up on these behaviors is how you can tell if her feelings are truly genuine. Even if you’ve never been in love, you know it can make you do the craziest things and act in the weirdest ways. Even if you’ve never loved someone in a romantic sense, you still know that people act differently around the people they care about.

You wouldn’t make as many sacrifices for a random person as you would for your family and friends. And this feeling is exacerbated when it concerns a romantic relationship. For a woman, who has probably been raised with stories about true love and finding the knight in shining armor, love is something she doesn’t take lightly. If she’s in love, she’ll be all in, and everyone around them will know how they feel about their partner.

NOTE: We acknowledge that men also do crazy things for true love. However, we address them separately, as their behaviors may differ.

7 Things Women Do When They’re Truly in Love


1.      A Woman Will Learn About Their Partner’s Interests

Women are naturally empathetic and always try to know things about their friends and family. But they won’t go out of their way to learn everything about someone’s interests just out of the kindness of their own heart. Sure, they’ll listen to their friends gushing about the things they love.

But she will only go out of her way to ask questions and try to get involved if she is truly in love with someone. When a woman is in a relationship, she will make her partner’s interests her interests. Even if she doesn’t like sports, cars, or whatever else he might like, she will still get involved. If he likes football, she’ll go with him to games or learn his favorite team and the players’ names.

This is because women like to feel close to their partners, which is one way to deepen their connection. If a woman ever goes out of her way to become involved in your interests, that’s how you know she is truly in love.

2.      A Woman in a Solid Relationship Introduces Him to Her Friends and Family

Women are very protective of their friends and family. The people she keeps close are the ones she trusts most. They are her confidants and the ones she would protect at all costs. So, she wouldn’t want just about anyone to meet them unless things were serious. For a woman, introducing her to her family and friends is almost like allowing you to take a peek into her soul.

Plus, she’ll allow you to see her in her most carefree state. In public, women often wear masks. But they are most vulnerable when they’re around the people they love. So if a woman offers to take you to meet her parents, just know that she’s confessing her love. It means she truly wants you to be part of her life. And, if things go well, you’ll be invited to all family functions from now on.

She’ll ask you to go out with her and her friends and make you part of her group. It won’t be the type of relationship in which your lives are separated. She’ll want your lives to be intertwined, which means it will be important to her to have overlapping social circles.

3.     A Woman in Love Never Gets Tired of Hanging Out with Him

Women value their independence even more than people might think. This is why they try to keep some parts of their lives separated from the relationship whenever they are in a relationship. Take the example of meeting the family that was discussed before. If she thinks that the relationship is a casual fling, she will want to keep her family life to herself.

The same goes for many areas of her life, such as her work or passions. If she isn’t in love, she’ll keep her private life to herself, which means she’ll want to have time for herself. That can even mean that she’ll turn down an invitation to hang out and just stay at home to watch a movie.

But, when a woman loves you, she will never get tired of hanging out with you. This means that she’ll accommodate her life to fit you, even if that means turning a girls’ night into a hangout with you and her friends. And she’ll make all these sacrifices not out of duty but out of a desire to spend as much time with you as possible. So, expect loads of date nights, but also be prepared to hang out with her, even if you’re just going grocery shopping.

4.      A Woman Will Bump the Romance in the Relationship Up a Notch

Sure, women usually tend to be more romantic than men. But if she’s not in love, don’t expect her to go out of her way to plan a romantic date night. If a woman is unsure how she feels about someone, she’ll keep things casual. That’s because she doesn’t want to lead anyone or put effort into something that will fizzle out in a few weeks.

So, when a woman goes out of her way to surprise you with a romantic gesture, you know she’s truly head over heels. When women make romantic gestures, they don’t go for the whole grand gesture. Instead, they tend to settle for thoughtful gestures. For her, a handmade gift is much more romantic than a trip to Paris.

She’ll show you her love by making you dinner or buying tickets to that concert you’ve wanted to go to. Some men might take such gestures for granted. But just know they are not meaningless actions. They are signs of just how much she loves you.


5.     She Will Shower Him With Gifts

Every girl has a different love language. Maybe it’s physical touch, or perhaps it’s words of appreciation. But most girls, even those who don’t have gift-giving as a love language, will still want to shower their partner with gifts. Even if she doesn’t like giving gifts, she’ll still want to give them to you.

She likes knowing she can make her partner’s day a little bit better. But that doesn’t mean she’ll throw the most expensive things at you. As mentioned before, a woman will never give you something that’s not meaningful. She won’t buy you the most costly watch possible just because it’s expensive.

When she buys you gifts, she’ll give you things you need or things that mean something to you. She’d much rather make you something than buy something you might not like. This is her way of telling you how much you mean to her without saying anything.

6.      In a Loving Relationship, She Accepts all His Quirks and Faults

This will not be a shocker to anyone, but people can easily get annoyed by others’ weird quirks and faults. If your friend always leaves their clothes lying around, you’ll probably get annoyed after a while. And it’s not like women don’t get annoyed when a partner does that. But, in the first case, things will likely escalate, and you and your friend will fight. A woman in love will get annoyed by these flaws, but she will accept them and won’t start a fight because of those dirty clothes. Not only that, but she will fall in love with all her partner’s little quirks.

When a woman is not in love, she will notice all the little quirks of the people around her. And, likely, she won’t be thrilled by them. But, when she is in love, those little things and habits will make her fall in love with someone. If her partner is obsessed with plants, she’ll find his obsession endearing. Even if he drags her to every botanical garden in a fifty-mile radius, she’ll love every second of it.

7.      She’ll Miss You

Women don’t like to be hung up on people. And she won’t miss people she doesn’t care about. She will miss her friends and family if she doesn’t see them for a while. But she won’t miss a random guy with whom she had a casual fling. Even if that guy ghosted her or she hasn’t talked to him in a while, she still wouldn’t feel sad that he’s not there.

If she thinks about a guy every day and she’s sad when she hasn’t seen him in a while, that means she gave her heart to that guy. She’ll always want to be near him and feel incomplete when he’s not around. She might not show how much she misses him because most women in love get shy and don’t share that with their partner. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t feel sad when he’s not with her.


Final Thoughts on Some Things Women Do When They Are Truly in Love

People in love will always act a little differently than they would if they were single. Not only will they treat their partner with more love and care than they would other people. But they will also see the world through a more positive lens.

When women are in love, they will do anything for the one they love. She’ll want to introduce him to all her friends and spend as much time with him as possible. She will give him gifts and surprise him as often as possible. She’ll accept him exactly as he is and falls in love with all his quirks. Plus, she’ll always think about him and feel his absence whenever he’s gone.

3 Exercises to Heal Your Inner Child

Being an adult is hard regardless of your connection with your inner child. You have a lot of responsibilities, and you have to juggle them daily. You have to juggle work with having a social life and keeping in touch with your family. But, most of the time, no one takes care of you or ensures your mental health needs are taken care of. Not to mention that most adults can’t afford to act like kids and have some innocent fun. This means that there’s a lot of pressure on adults and little time to heal one’s inner child.

Not to mention that many people don’t even know what an inner child is. So, when this term is thrown around, it can be easy to assume that it doesn’t hold any psychological meaning. But it refers to the part of you that’s still a kid and needs to be treated accordingly. You might find it hard to believe that some part of you is still a little kid. But all the things you’ve learned as a child, coupled with your dreams and childhood memories, create this part of you.

There’s still a debate about whether your inner child is part of the subconscious or the conscious mind. Whatever the case might be, one thing’s certain. Your inner child is just as important to care for as any other part of your mind. And most people already deal with a wounded inner child. If you add extra neglect, you’re only going to struggle. So, the best thing you can do is learn what exercises you can do to heal your inner child.

What is an Inner Child?

inner child

An inner child is the part of yourself that keeps dreaming, just like a little kid. It’s how adults hold on to the kid version of themselves, even if they don’t realize it or do it intentionally. This part represents everything childlike about you, all wrapped up and kept safe in the corner of your brain. Some psychologists argue that it’s not part of the subconscious. Instead, they believe it’s a semi-independent sub-personality still subordinate to the conscious mind.

The term inner child is most often used by therapists so that they can refer to certain types of traumas and help heal them. Unfortunately, most people’s inner child isn’t all that stable. Most people have been through a lot of pain and suffering as a kid. As a result, they have a wounded inner child. That can mean they struggle with self-esteem and how they see themselves. Plus, they might not even feel they have any reason to dream or believe they can achieve everything they desire.

A wounded inner child will create scared adults with low self-respect who are much too pragmatic for their good. But why do people develop a wounded inner child? The main thing that leads to that is being mistreated or living in an unsafe environment as a child. Sometimes, this unsafe environment is caused by externalities. But, most often than not, it’s the fault of the parents or guardians. These people are supposed to keep kids safe at all costs.

Unfortunately, they are often the ones who abuse or otherwise mistreat them. This abuse can come in many forms, as everyone experiences and processes things their way. That being said, some things will always be categorized as trauma that can impact mental health. Amongst these are all the types of physical and psychological abuse and other issues, such as poverty.

Your Inner Child and Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is one of the awful things that a child can live through. But, unfortunately, it also happens more often than anyone would like to admit. Any victim of physical abuse knows just how frightening and demeaning it can be. Victims of physical abuse will find it hard to trust people and flinch at any sudden movement. So, when a child goes through such trauma, it can destroy them. And they will carry that trauma with them even as adults, which means they are likely to have a wounded child.

Emotional and Psychological Abuse

Emotional and psychological abuse can be just as damaging. And these types of abuse happen on a much larger scale. They are not as looked down upon as physical abuse is. Some people even believe that yelling at your kids is necessary. And others might not even realize when they are being abusive. Some parents never make enough time to listen to their kids or be there to see their plays or games. And that neglect can be just as damaging, even if the parents aren’t being intentionally toxic.

Being in a toxic environment can also mean that the parents fulfill their kids’ material needs. And this doesn’t just happen in low-income families. At least, a low-income family has no choice but to tighten the belt and spend as little as possible. In that case, not being able to provide for your kids isn’t abuse. But some affluent families use money or things to control kids. For example, punishing kids by threatening to punish them by not giving them dinner is abuse. And so is not giving your kids money for college or supporting them financially in any way that you can.

Your inner child can be wounded by many more things than just the ones listed above. No matter what caused that harm, it’s probably some unresolved trauma. But all you can do now is make sure that you try to heal it. And the best way to do that is through some exercises.

3 Exercises to Heal Your Inner Child

inner child

1.      Write a Letter to Your Inner Child

Journaling has been used for a while as a therapeutic exercise. But it can be especially helpful to heal your inner child. It’s a mental exercise that can help you release negativity and arrange your thoughts. If you have a wounded inner child, you probably feel like no one supports or understands you. So, you can write a letter in which you offer all the help you didn’t get from your parents.

You can write whatever you want in this letter. Write about your feelings, your struggles, mental health, or your achievements. Vent about all the things you wished you would have as a kid that you didn’t have. But one thing always helpful to have in such a letter is words of encouragement. Write the words you wish you would have heard as a child. Then, when you read those words out loud, they will help you heal and let go of some of the guilt you were holding on to.

2.      Make Time to Play

Adults never make time to play. This is mainly because they are told by society that play is beneath an adult and that it would be silly to do such childlike things. But it can also happen because adults simply don’t have enough time to play. Also, many people have the wrong idea about what play is.

Playing doesn’t just mean going to the park and running around. Although, that sounds like a lot of fun. But play is more about being free and letting your creativity flow. Playing aims to feel inspired again and let go of all the things that cause you stress and decreased mental health. You can color, sing, play an instrument, or even run barefoot through the grass.

You can do whatever you want if you have fun and listen to your inner child. That part of you has needs and will tell you what it needs. If you introspect, you will understand what you can do to fulfill your inner child. And if you take a couple of hours per week to be creative and have fun, your whole mood will improve. And it’s a great way to heal some of that trauma you’ve been holding on to.

3.      Practice Self-Compassion to Restore Mental Health

This isn’t so much an exercise; it is a healthy habit you can incorporate into your life. Self-compassion is something that everyone would benefit from, but not many people know a lot about it. It’s rooted in the idea that people are allowed to make mistakes and that you should always be nice to yourself. So even if you’ve messed something up, you still should be kind to yourself and try to be constructive.

But most people are taught that they should be ashamed of themselves when they make a mistake. And this is usually an idea instilled in them ever since they were children. That’s why your inner child can be hurt deeply when you are rough on yourself. To change that, try to practice self-compassion. But first, you must understand that you are human and shouldn’t strive to be perfect.

Perfection doesn’t exist. Mistakes are the things that people can learn the most from, so you shouldn’t be afraid of making them. Remind yourself this every time you feel the urge to beat yourself up. Next, you need to try to reframe your thoughts and try to be more positive. Whenever a bad thought pops into your head, write it down. Rewrite it so that it has a positive meaning.

You can read those positive thoughts whenever you feel down, making you feel more confident. Your inner child will thank you for all this extra kindness. This kind behavior is something you probably craved as a child. So, if you give it to yourself as an adult, you will heal many old wounds to your mental health.

mental health

Final Thoughts on Exercises to Heal Your Inner Child and Reset Your Mental Health

Few people know what an inner child is, much less how to take care of it. An inner child is precisely what it sounds like. It’s the part of you that still hold on to childlike innocence and childhood hopes and dreams.

If your inner child is wounded, you must take time to heal it. One efficient exercise is to start journaling. Write a letter in which you wrote everything you wanted to be told as a child. Then, whenever you feel down, you can read that. You also need to make time to play and be creative. Lastly, you need to learn to practice self-compassion and be kinder to yourself.

Don’t Feel Good Enough? Here’s Why Mirror Work Might Be the Answer

Mirror work is a healing tool that can help you develop a sense of self-worth. If you ever feel like you’re not good enough, you can use this positive method to overcome negative feelings. You can develop self-respect and self-love, helping you learn to love your life again.

You might feel weird doing mirror work at first, but you’ll become more comfortable as you continue practicing. One of the best things about this process is that it allows you to delve into self-care without spending money. You only need a mirror and some positive affirmations to make it happen.

Mirror work can help you learn to love yourself and the world around you. It can help you stop feeling like you aren’t good enough because it promotes positive self-talk. Reciting positive affirmations in the mirror triggers your subconscious to think positively more often.

This practice promotes healing and helps you find peace and inner joy. Mirror work can change your life if you feel you’re not good enough.

Why You Might Need to Increase Your Self-Respect

People commonly feel like they’re not good enough for many reasons. Understanding why you feel that way can help you address the negativity and overcome it for good. Some of the reasons you might feel like you’re not good enough include the following:

mirror work

  • low self-esteem
  • lack of self-worth
  • not accepting who you are
  • striving for perfection
  • trauma or abuse
  • the environment you grew up in
  • imposter syndrome or feeling inadequate
  • overwhelming or chronic stress
  • mental health conditions
  • self-criticism and self-doubt

What is Mirror Work, and How Does It Increase Self-respect?

Inspirational teacher and self-love expert Louise Hay developed the practice of mirror work to connect with the inner self. It helps you find a fulfilling relationship with yourself involving self-love and self-care. When you feel better about yourself, you can also have more meaningful relationships with others.

Mirror work involves looking at your reflection daily for a specific time and speaking gently to yourself while repeating positive affirmations. It can help you recognize your self-worth and move forward with a positive mindset.

When something good happens, you can look in the mirror and thank yourself for making it happen. Likewise, if something bad happens, you can tell yourself that it’ll pass and that you still love who you are.

Hay isn’t alone in believing that this method works, as research reaffirms the effectiveness of mirror work. Experts indicate that it promotes self-compassion and soothing, helping you feel better.

Why Mirror Work Might Make You Feel Better About Yourself

Mirror work can shift your mindset back to a place of self-respect when you feel like you aren’t good enough. Some of the reasons it might work for you include these:

Mirror work Helps You Feel Connected to Yourself

Research shows that positive affirmations can improve how you view yourself, allowing you to live a more meaningful life.

Mirror work helps you see how you feel about yourself and which areas you resist positivity. It encourages you to determine which areas of your mind you should shift to start feeling good enough.

You can see past your insecurities and fears and acknowledge your feelings when you have these thoughts. It allows you to connect deeply with yourself and love who you are.

Improves Self-Esteem and Minimizes Insecurities

Low self-esteem can make you feel uncomfortable in front of the mirror. The more you practice mirror work, the better you’ll feel about what you see.

Positive affirmations while looking at yourself can help your mind believe the good things you say. You’ll notice an improvement in your self-talk and become less bothered by your insecurities.

Promotes Healing

If you feel like you’re not good enough because of trauma or abuse you experienced, mirror work can promote healing. It can help you address and let go of the negative feelings you’ve harbored. This practice can help you become more self-compassionate and forgiving, ignoring the thoughts that tell you your experience was your fault.

Encourages Self-assurance and Self-respect

Reciting positive affirmations while looking in the mirror can help you increase your confidence and self-assuredness. It teaches you to look within for the support, praise, and love you need, rather than seeking it from external sources. Mirror work teaches you that you can give yourself everything you need.

Promotes Self-Awareness

Doing mirror work will help you understand what you say and do. You’ll start taking better care of yourself as you recognize your needs. It’ll also help you practice gratitude and acceptance.

How to do Mirror Work and Increase Self-respect

There are different ways to do mirror work, so there isn’t a right or wrong method. While some people swear by specific techniques, the best thing you can do is tailor them to fit your needs.

However, some tips can help you target all the necessary areas. Consider the following tips:


  • Use affirmations that apply to your life: When choosing your positive affirmation, use one that resonates within you. You can even write your own if you’re comfortable or edit the one you found online to apply to your situation.
  • Commit to daily practice: Consider setting aside at least two minutes daily, extending the timeframe as you get comfortable.
  • Consider which time of day works best: You might be more open to affirmations in the morning as you get ready for the day or at night before bed. Sometimes using them throughout the day can help you overcome any negative feelings that have occurred so far.
  • Do it when you’re alone: Practicing when no one else is around can help you avoid disruptions. It also allows you to be open without worrying about other people’s thoughts.
  • Let your emotions flow: When you use positive affirmations while looking in the mirror, you will likely have some intense feelings. If this happens, let yourself feel them because it’s all part of connecting with yourself.
  • Write about each experience in a journal: After practicing, write about it in a journal. It can help you identify which affirmations work best for you and which areas of your life need work.
  • Speak genuinely and with feeling: As you repeat the affirmations, speak with meaning and feeling. The goal is to convince your subconscious that the statements are true, helping you feel better.

Positive Affirmations to Increase Self-respect

Using the best affirmations for you and your life can make a difference during your mirror work. They should relate to your thoughts and resonate within you. Some ideas to start with include:

1 – I’m good enough and worthy of all good things.

2 – I deserve happiness and peace in my life.

3 – I love who I am and know that I am enough.

4 – I’m who I am supposed to be.

5 – I am healing from the trauma of my past.

6 – I am letting go of anything holding me back.

Why Mirror Work Might Be Uncomfortable at First

Staring at yourself in the mirror can be uncomfortable, especially when repeating affirmations. Holding eye contact with yourself might make you feel awkward, embarrassed, unsettled, or even emotional. Negative self-talk might arise, as well.

When you first begin practicing mirror work, these feelings are normal because they make you face how you feel about yourself. It makes you acknowledge the areas of your life that need work, and it’s not always easy to admit.

You can’t hide from yourself by suppressing your emotions during mirror work. It’s an intimate experience that can become painful as you glimpse the parts of yourself you like to ignore. The experience can bring your critical thoughts to the surface without a chance to shift your mindset.

When you first start mirror work, you might not have the self-compassion to accept these thoughts. It can be uncomfortable because, without self-compassion, you might believe negative thoughts. As you practice more often, you’ll learn to accept the parts of yourself that used to make you uncomfortable.

Mirrorwork can also make you uncomfortable because it makes you feel vulnerable. The vulnerability stems from having to address the neglected parts of yourself, including your inner child.

Your Inner Child

Staring at yourself in the mirror and repeating positive affirmations forces you to address the parts of yourself that you’ve suppressed. While your inner child might not be the only part of yourself that you’ve abandoned, it is the most likely.

Your inner child is a pattern of energy that everyone has. It involves wonder, spontaneity, creativity, and joy. However, your inner child also involves your core wounds that you haven’t healed from yet. Mirror work forces you to address this part of yourself, leading to uncomfortable feelings.

However, addressing your inner child helps you heal from the wounds of your childhood. It encourages you to find a connection between your inner child and current adult mindset. Sometimes it can make you sad, but addressing those feelings helps you experience excitement and joy.

mirror work

Final Thoughts on Don’t Feel Good Enough? Here’s Why Mirror Work Might Be the Answer

It’s not always easy to love yourself, and you might feel like you aren’t good enough. However, mirror work can help you overcome those feelings and embrace who you are.

Mirror work is a powerful tool for healing and increasing self-worth and self-respect. Using this information to practice can change your life and help you find happiness. It’ll also remind you of your self-worth, easing your feelings that you’re not good enough.

Psychology Explains 4 Signs Anxiety Is Part of Your Personality

Anxiety is something many people struggle with. Anxiety is a natural feeling, but that’s only true if you feel it sometimes or in small doses. But some people have to deal with an odd number of anxious thoughts. For some, it’s a genuine mental health struggle. Anxiety disorders are more common than people might think. This is mainly because mental health still doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

Thus, many people dismiss the symptoms, labeling them as tantrums. Because of the terrible reputation that mental health issues get, many people sweep their problems under the rug. That’s in an attempt to fit in and avoid being ostracized. Unfortunately, all this societal pressure makes it so that most people who have anxious personalities don’t even realize it’s an issue. Maybe they know there’s something wrong, but they hesitate to get the help they need.

Why Anxiety Is Difficult to Pinpoint


Most people don’t even acknowledge that they might be struggling with something. That’s also because society deflects their issues to the point where they find an explanation for everything. If they are overly stressed, they’ll say it’s because of their job. If they overthink, they’ll write it off as a fluke. But, most importantly, people aren’t aware of what makes up a symptom of anxiety and what doesn’t.

Because most people aren’t educated on the subject, they don’t realize when they need help. Because of that, many people risk having their anxiety spiral out of control. Anxiety disorders are illnesses, and they should be treated as such. If you have a broken leg, you would never dismiss the problem and wait for it to fix itself. Instead, you would go to the hospital and get the needed treatment.

Now, that’s not to say that all people who struggle with anxiety need medication or therapy. But, again, therapy helps everybody, not just those dealing with mental health issues. But you must take your issues with anxiety seriously. And the first step towards that is understanding how anxiety manifests and the signs of an anxious personality.

Causes of Anxiety

Before getting into how to tell if you might be struggling with anxiety, it’s essential to understand why anxiety can become a mental health concern. As mentioned previously, anxiety is a normal feeling. It’s an emotion vital for humans thousands of years ago, as it shelters us from danger. Anxiety is best described as a feeling of unease.

This feeling can be mild or severe, depending on your worrying. Severe anxiety is like fear, though it’s a somewhat less intense and more sustained response to threatening situations. But you don’t have to be in a threatening situation to feel anxious. Sometimes, this feeling emerges for no apparent reason.

Until recently, the amygdala was believed to be the only part of the brain responsible for fear and anxiety. Nowadays, anxiety is becoming clear from different reactions in many brain parts. Sure, the amygdala plays a significant role, but a whole fear network determines feelings of anxiety. The easiest way to explain this process is by dividing the brain into an emotional and a cognitive part.

How the Brain Processes Anxiety

The main driver of the emotional brain is the amygdala, where the raw feelings of anxiety are formed. But the process doesn’t stop there, as it was previously thought. Instead, these signals are sent to the frontal lobe, which drives the cognitive brain. If the frontal lobe can rationalize the situation, then the feelings of anxiety subside. For example, if you are worried about taking an exam, the cognitive brain can step in and remind you that you are prepared for it.

In that case, you’ll be able to keep your anxiety under control. But that process doesn’t always occur, and that’s when the real issues appear. If the frontal lobe isn’t stimulated, your anxiety can spiral out of control. While there is a connection between these brain areas, scientists are still unsure about how they form. So, that leaves many questions unanswered, like why people feel anxious for no apparent reason.

But this is a purely biological aspect. When it comes to anxiety, looking at the psychological causes is essential. As with most mental health issues, genetics play a significant role. Some people whose families have a history of mental health struggles will always have a higher risk of being born with or developing such an issue. Besides that, one’s environment is another significant cause.

Past trauma, such as experiencing abuse during childhood, will also put you at risk. In addition, stress build-up, medical issues such as cancer, or your personality type are also risk factors. However, the causes aren’t yet fully understood, so it is essential to comprehend anxiety symptoms.

4 Signs Anxiety Is Part of Your Personality


1.      You Always Overthink

Overthinking doesn’t always mean that you have an anxious personality. After all, everyone gets lost in thought once in a while. But, if you always overthink and can seem to find ways to stop, that indicates a deeper issue.

Contrary to popular opinion, overthinking doesn’t mean problem-solving. Just because you obsess over certain things doesn’t mean you come up with a solution. On the contrary, someone who overthinks will excessively worry and convince themselves there is no solution to their problems.

Plus, you will jump from one topic to another if you overthink. You won’t have a precise and controlled stream of thoughts. Instead, all your thoughts will swirl through your mind to the point where you’ll find it difficult to sort them out. If this sounds like something you’ve been struggling with for a while, it’s a sign that you might be dealing with anxiety.

2.      You’re Pessimistic

Negative thoughts are something everyone will have to deal with in their lives. Your life can’t be all easy and fun. Sometimes, you’ll go through rough patches, and your mind will inevitably develop negative thoughts. But that doesn’t mean you are a pessimist. A pessimistic person always expects the worst to happen, even if they don’t have a reason to believe so.

Some pessimists use this negative mentality somewhat constructively as a way to prepare for the worst. But most believe everything will go south no matter what they do. In either case, being unable to have hope is a sign you might be dealing with anxiety.

Not only that, but negativity worsens your anxiety. It’s a vicious circle. You feel anxious because of how pessimistic you are, and that pessimism makes you even more anxious, and so on. This type of mentality can only create issues that don’t exist. You should always try to counteract this mentality by being positive, even if it feels impossible, and looking for the silver lining.

3.      You Are Always Stressed Out

Most people have been told it’s a good thing to feel about stress. And they aren’t entirely wrong. Stress is something that can motivate you. Small doses make you more aware of the work you need to do. And that extra adrenaline helps you complete a task correctly. But that doesn’t mean living a life filled with stress is good.

Sure, it’s nice to have a high-paying job. But that doesn’t mean it’s worth developing a mental health disorder to earn more money. And stress isn’t limited to your career. If you find that most activities you do stress you out, it’s probably because you are anxious. Anxious people worry about every little detail, creating unhealthy stress.

But the real problem is when you don’t realize you have an anxious personality and maintain the same lifestyle. What you should do to dampen your anxiety is find ways to relax. Take on a lighter workload. Make more time for yourself; for example, practice self-care for a few hours weekly. You can even consider cutting out toxic people from your life.

4.      You Have Physical Symptoms

Anxiety is not something that only affects your mood and emotions. Because of the hormones that are released when you feel anxious, your physical health is also affected. These hormones are cortisol and adrenaline, also known as stress hormones. Their role is to prepare you to face threats. Because of that, they increase your heart rate and blood pressure.

You will also experience heavy, rapid breathing and the tightening of the muscles. In addition, some functions, such as some digestive functions, are temporarily shut down. All these changes are supposed to alert you and make you ready to combat whatever danger you are in. This is known as the fight-or-flight response. Nowadays, it’s much less likely to encounter imminent danger than it was thousands of years ago. Most of the time, anxiety is caused by psychological factors.

But these hormones still kick in, and they provoke the same changes. If you constantly sweat and pant when stressed, that’s a sign of anxiety. And the long-term repercussions are severe. If you don’t keep your anxiety levels under control, your risk of developing cardiac or digestive issues increases.


Final Thoughts on Signs Anxiety Is Part of Your Personality

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues today. Unfortunately, life gets increasingly stressful, and people are not taught how to deal with it properly. Often, they are told to brush all their problems under the rug and move on. But that only leads to bigger issues. At some point, all those problems will resurface and cause you trouble.

So, identifying signs of anxiety as soon as possible will allow you to begin solving your issues before they become unmanageable. Anxious people tend to overthink and are often unable to sort through their thoughts. They usually have a pessimistic outlook on life, believing that nothing they do can have a positive outcome. They are often way more stressed than they should be, and that’s often because of their environment. But the signs aren’t only psychological.

Anxiety manifests through physical symptoms, such as sweating, labored breathing, and an increased heart rate. If you struggle with one or more of these symptoms, it’s time to consult a professional and start learning to take care of your mental health.

New Data Reveals Steep Increase In Freelance Workers

Freelance workers have become increasingly common in today’s economy. For decades, most people worked full-time jobs and remained loyal to one company throughout their careers. However, the optimistic notions of job stability and security are long gone.

Many employers don’t offer pensions or other retirement plans anymore. Not to mention, fierce competition makes it more difficult to get promoted within a company. Without a solid future in a company, many employees don’t see much incentive to stick around.

What Does Freelancing Look Like Today?

Instead of full-time jobs, some workers have opted for freelance or temporary employment. According to McKinsey’s American Opportunity Survey (AOS), around 36% of respondents identified as independent workers. That equates to 58 million Americans when taking estimates from the representative sample.

More Americans perform freelance work today compared to 2016 when just 27% of employed people did independent work. Freelance employees work various jobs, including food delivery, creative writing, computer programming, content creation, and more. They’re self-employed and offer their services to companies as independent contractors. Rather than collecting a paycheck, they usually perform jobs per task.

As more individuals turn to freelance or temporary employment, many are finding that joining an umbrella company can provide significant advantages. These companies allow freelancers to manage their business affairs more efficiently, offering services such as payroll processing and tax management.

This arrangement enables independent workers to focus on their craft while reducing the administrative burden that often comes with self-employment. If you’re interested in exploring how an umbrella company can benefit your freelance career, click here to learn more about the opportunities available. By leveraging these resources, freelancers can streamline their operations and maximize their potential in today’s gig economy.

In the survey, researchers counted all contract, freelance, temporary, or gig workers as independent workers. Some respondents held full-time jobs but also performed gig or freelance tasks on the side.

The survey included 25,062 Americans, of which 5,280 identified as independent workers. Researchers made an interesting observation about this group of employees. They found that freelance workers were more optimistic about the future and economy than traditional-employment workers.

Over a third of independent contractors said they anticipate having more economic opportunities in one year. However, just a fifth of all respondents had a similar opinion. In addition, over 40% of freelance workers said that they believe endless economic growth will be a reality in five years. Only one-third of all respondents said the same.

freelance workers

How Freelance Workers Contribute to Society

In light of freelance workers’ challenges, their resilience is surprising and inspiring. Many have difficulties acquiring basic needs like affordable housing, healthcare, and nutritious food. 54% felt worried about job security in the future, compared to 35% of full-time workers. Nonetheless, more people seem optimistic about taking their chances with freelance work than ever. Luckily, this type of employment offers plenty of benefits to society overall.

The 2022 AOS survey data suggests that Americans’ attitudes toward work have shifted dramatically in the past few years. Many no longer wanted to feel trapped in traditional employment, as evidenced by the rise in independent employees since 2016. The total percentage of freelance workers includes permanently employed people with a side hustle. However, 72% of respondents reported having only one contract or independent job.

The rise in freelance workers allows companies to hire additional employees on an as-needed basis. For instance, when peak demand increases during the holiday season, many retailers employ temporary or seasonal help. Then, they keep a smaller core team around when market conditions return to normal. Freelance workers benefit smaller companies or startups that may not have the resources to hire them full-time. Research shows that freelance labor significantly lowers costs and removes obstacles to starting a business.

In today’s digital landscape, the flexibility of freelance work extends to digital marketing, where companies can hire specialists for specific needs, such as international SEO, without the long-term commitment of a full-time employee. This adaptability is particularly advantageous for startups and smaller companies looking to optimize their global reach.

By engaging freelance experts in SEO, businesses can implement effective strategies tailored to diverse markets, improving their search engine rankings across different regions. An essential component of this strategy is collaborating with a linkbuilding agency space’m online, which specializes in building high-quality backlinks to enhance a website’s authority and visibility on an international scale. Leveraging freelance SEO specialists also allows companies to stay current with the latest trends and algorithm updates without the overhead of maintaining a permanent team.

Incorporating these freelance experts into your SEO strategy not only provides access to specialized knowledge but also offers flexibility in adapting to market demands. By working with a linkbuilding agency, businesses can ensure that their strategies are tailored to the nuances of different regions, addressing local search behaviors and preferences. This partnership enables a more focused approach to building authority through high-quality backlinks, enhancing the effectiveness of SEO efforts on an international scale.

In addition to engaging freelance experts for tailored SEO strategies, businesses can further amplify their marketing efforts by utilizing advanced tools such as an SEO Calculator. This tool helps companies analyze and optimize their SEO performance by providing critical insights into keyword effectiveness, website traffic, and competition levels. By incorporating these data-driven insights, businesses can refine their content strategies and target their marketing campaigns more effectively.

Several factors may have contributed to the increase in contract workers recently. The advent of digital platforms such as Uber, Favor, and Upwork provided more flexible employment opportunities for workers. The digital revolution helped remove the rigidity of traditional careers and allowed people more independence. Instead of being tied to one employer, people can now choose from thousands of freelance jobs.

Also, some people had to take any job they could find due to pandemic layoffs. If they couldn’t find permanent employment at another company, temporary or contract work may have been their only option. Or, perhaps, they had a full-time job but needed additional funds because of inflation.

Why People Choose Independent Work

Survey respondents listed a variety of reasons for choosing freelance work:

  • Just over 25% of respondents said they worked independently out of necessity to support their families. That represents a dramatic increase from 14% of respondents taking on independent work for the same reason in 2016.
  • About 20% of workers said they looked for gigs or freelance work to add discretionary income to their budgets. Around 40% of workers in 2016 cited this reason for engaging in contract work.
  • Meanwhile, 25% of independently employed people said they pursued this type of work for enjoyment. Most high earners, or those making above $150,000 annually, responded.
  • Finally, about 25% of workers looked for a gig or temporary work because of its flexibility. This response included full-time workers who can work remotely one or more days per week.

The survey also revealed that freelance workers score the highest on the McKinsey Economic Opportunity Index. This scale measures Americans’ opinions on past, present, and future economic opportunities. On a scale from 0 to 200, independently employed people scored 114 compared to 103 for all employed respondents.

Optimism scores were highest for employees engaged in freelance work because of enjoyment or autonomy. Those who performed the work for extra discretionary income reported being the least optimistic.

Many companies have responded positively to workers’ desire for flexible employment. A recent workforce trends survey revealed that about 58% of employees could work remotely at least once weekly. During the pandemic, many businesses had to close their doors to keep the virus from spreading among employees. So, working from home became a necessity rather than a choice, but it seems that trend will continue post-pandemic.


Final Thoughts on Americans Embracing the Gig Economy

Around 36% of workers currently engage in the gig economy, making it a sizable portion of today’s workforce. Workers cited several reasons for choosing this type of work, whether out of necessity or to earn extra income. Some also enjoyed doing freelance work, and others wanted more flexibility in their schedules. Since more people value autonomy in their jobs, companies should consider hiring these optimistic freelance employees in the future.

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