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5 Signs You Have Toxins Trapped In Your Body

We accumulate toxins in our bodies simply by being alive; did you know that? Well, it’s true. Of course, some people’s “extracurricular activities” cause toxins to build up much quicker in their bodies than others; consumption of alcohol, nicotine, and heavily-processed foods are the source of the many toxins we build up in our bodies.

Toxins effectively inhibit our body’s normal functionality. This is because toxins are stressors; they can even cause disease. More commonly, though, toxins result in us feeling sluggish and dull.

We’re going to discuss five signs of a heavy concentration of toxins in the body. In addition, we’ll provide a couple of effective methods in eradicating these harmful chemicals. Ready to be toxin-free? Then read on!

5 Signs You Might Have Toxins Trapped in Your Body

When I say “toxins,” I’m not just referring to pesticides or hazardous waste. A toxin is anything that damages the body. Toxins can be from food (wheat, legumes, etc.), the air, water, mold, clothing, or for some even your cell phone.Dave Asprey, founder of Bulletproof Coffee

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1. Digestive problems

When toxins build up in our system, it’s very difficult for the digestive system to function normally. The digestive tract is less efficient, which results in the ineffective removal of waste. It’s worth mentioning that digestive problems have a systemic effect, leading to fatigue and impairment of the immune system.

2. Skin issues

Acne, rashes, and skin inflammation can outward indicate toxic overload. This is particularly true with acne, a dermatologic condition that often reflects a heavy concentration of toxins. Other skin conditions that may indicate the presence of toxins: swollen eyes, psoriasis, and eczema.

3. Bad breath

While brushing and flossing are essential for eliminating bad breath, reducing toxin buildup is just as important. Interestingly, digestive problems (see #1) can cause bad breath, as can abnormal functioning of the liver – specifically, the liver’s inability to rid toxins from the body. As such, bad breath can indicate a problem in other body areas.

4. Unanticipated weight gain

It is possible to gain unexpected weight when there is a heavy presence of toxins. A hormonal imbalance may be the culprit if you’re exercising regularly and eating healthy but still struggling with inexplicable weight gain (or weight fluctuation). As it turns out, proper functioning of the hormonal system can be adversely impacted by buildup of toxins, especially in foods and personal care products. A diet that stimulates the body to cleanse toxic buildup may be in order (see below).

5. Lethargic episodes

If you’re getting seven-plus hours of sleep and still finding it difficult to get through the day, toxins are a potential source. For example, ever worked a full day after an unanticipated evening of drinking? Hey, most of us have been there. How energetic were you the following day? Exactly. This is because the body is in overdrive, attempting to rid the toxins from the night before. The same thing applies here on a lesser scale. Our toxin levels must remain low for us to maintain energy equilibrium.


How to Cleanse Toxins From Your Body

Now that we’ve discussed five different indicators of toxin buildup let’s discuss ways to detox them.

  • #1 Ensure proper digestion: A healthy digestive system is paramount to a healthy body. Digestive problems make the elimination of harmful toxins extremely difficult, even impossible. To help ensure the proper functioning of this vital system, supplement your diet with ghee. Many cultures use this type of healthy butter in their cuisines, medical treatments, and even religious ceremonies. Several ghee products are available for purchase online or in natural health stores. Ghee is also a terrific product for optimizing metabolic function, cleansing the digestive tract, and strengthening the immune system.
  • #2 Cleanse the liver: Of all organs, the liver is arguably the most important in eliminating toxins from the body; this includes alcohol and other chemicals. The liver is also essential for properly metabolizing over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription drugs. Additionally, a healthy liver helps prevent blood clots and other adverse internal reactions. There are several foods that one can incorporate to cleanse this organ. Here are ten foods: apples, avocados, beets, carrots, grapefruit, green tea, leafy green vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, olive oil, and walnuts.
  • #3 Get (and remain) active: This one may not be as obvious, but it is important for us to stay active. This can be accomplished in several ways, including through weight training, speed walking, yoga, jogging, mountain biking, etc. Find an enjoyable activity and stick with it! Physical activity is important for properly functioning the lymphatic system, an essential mechanism in eliminating toxins.
  • #4 Drink water: It is also important to hydrate appropriately. Adequate hydration helps to ensure a healthy digestive and urinary tract while helping the liver to function normally.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Tell If A Cheater Has Changed

The betrayal of a partner who is a cheater can devastate a relationship. However, it is possible for a person to change their cheating behavior. These six signs can tell you if they have changed.

Romantic relationships are built mainly on trust. So cheating and going outside of the relationship bond violates the faith that the two partners had for each other. Rebuilding trust is difficult. But it takes time, effort, and forgiveness of the betrayed partner.

For those not currently in a relationship, deciding whether or not to date a cheater who has a reputation can be tricky. Can a cheater change their roaming ways and become your one-and-only? Or by dating a cheater, are you likely to find out how it feels to be cheated on?

6 Signs A Cheater Has Changed


1. The flirtations are gone

Instead of trying to catch the eye of every available person who might notice them, you see them stop vying for others’ attention. Conversely, they seek your approval. You might notice something as simple as fewer selfies without you and more shots of the two of you. This behavior is one of the slightest nuances that can create the most significant differences.

If a cheating partner has changed, the behavior difference should be clear. You no longer feel threatened by their behavior toward other potential romantic partners.

2. They make you feel secure

You’ve noticed them actively seek physical touch in public. For example, they like holding your hand to show everyone that you (and they) are off the market. If a cheater has changed, they take responsibility for you as their soul mate. Additionally, they show their care by physically, financially, and emotionally taking care of your needs.

3. You are open about the cheating behavior and what triggered it

Talking about the betrayal may be hurtful, but getting out all of the details might be best, especially if you uncover triggers that may cause your cheating partner to be likely to feel the need for attention from another person again.

When one partner feels unappreciated, unheard, or mistreated, they may seek another person who can give them the tenderness they crave. Ask your cheater how they felt before they cheated so you can identify the emotional triggers for cheating.

For example, if your partner says they felt neglected, tell them several specific things you will do to ensure they don’t feel neglected. Also, ask your partner to commit to telling you if they feel that way again or if they have thought about cheating.

4. They make plans for you as a couple

Plans don’t have to mean marriage. But even planning a trip for the both of you for six months from now gives you some sense of hopefulness for your future as a couple who conquered cheating.

When your partner focuses on creating a happy future, you feel more secure in your relationship, knowing that you are being planned for. When you have a close, committed relationship, you and your partner have future-focused items like a living will, life insurance, and other legal and financial aids that protect your domestic partner and yourself.

5. They have asked for forgiveness

The act of asking for forgiveness opens the door to healing in a relationship after cheating. Whether it was an emotional attachment or a sexual one, when the partner who did the affair asks for your forgiveness, they admit that they know their behavior was wrong.

North American Journal of Psychology researchers who studied forgiveness and cheating say, ‘People are more likely to forgive their partners when they are committed to and satisfied with their relationships.’ They also say ‘forgiveness was most likely when cheating was an isolated incident and when the partner offered an apology.’ If you haven’t gotten an apology, ask your partner for one.

6. There is a new level of emotional openness

A cheating partner who can now be vulnerable around you is a cheater who has changed. Emotional cheating happens when a partner leaves the relationship to burden another person they feel will listen. Feel secure about your partner if they have opened themselves up to you and told you intimate things that they couldn’t tell anyone else.

Ask your partner about their opinion of infidelity in a relationship and whether monogamy is something they feel comfortable with now. The reason for the question is that your partner’s attitude toward cheating can predict how likely they are to cheat again. Researchers studying why cheating happens in a Marquette University study say ‘individuals who hold more permissive attitudes toward adultery and uncommitted sexual relationships are more likely to engage in adulterous acts.’

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Things You Don’t Need To Stress About (Even If You Think You Do)

In life, it already seems like we have enough to stress about, so why add to it? Unfortunately, many people simply care about things that don’t matter as much, and turn their cheek toward things they actually SHOULD focus on. We tend to overthink things so much that it becomes an obsession, such as worrying about what others think of us, how our hair looks, or how much money we have in the bank. Then, life becomes a constant wave of stress instead of the fun-filled playground that it could be. So, at what point to we decide to stop stressing about things that don’t matter, and start caring about the things that do? When will we let go of worry and fear, and embrace love and happiness?

Our hope here is that this will help clear things up and encourage you to rid your mind of a few of these potential stressors. In turn, you will make life easier for yourself.

7 Things You Don’t Need To Stress About (Even If You Think You Do)

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1. What others think of you.

We often live in a prison of what others think of us. The next time you worry about someone else’s opinion of you, remember that only yours truly matters. No one can take away self-confidence, self-love, and self-care, so make sure to work on these things continually. Love happens within, and once you have cultivated this, then you won’t feel so hurt or disappointed when someone else doesn’t like you. You have to live with you for the rest of your life, so wouldn’t it make sense that you should only care about your opinion of yourself?

If others don’t like you, then they can exit your life whenever they please, but you can’t. Stop stressing about what other people think, and start caring about what YOU think of yourself.

2. How much money you have.

Contrary to what many people think, more money will not equate to more happiness. Studies have shown that money makes a difference when it means living in a home versus having to live on the streets, but beyond our basic needs, having more money won’t make us happier. So, stop stressing about how much money you have in your bank account, and start caring more about living for today, and feeling grateful for what you already have.

3. Your mistakes.

At some point, we have to just forgive ourselves for the past and move on. Dwelling on past experiences will not alter them or make you feel any better about the situations you put yourself in. You have to remember that every mistake allowed you to grow and learn, so look at your mistakes as blessings in disguise. Stop beating yourself up for your mistakes, and start embracing them as vital life experiences that helped you get to where you are now.

4. Fitting in.

Keeping up with the Joneses,’ meeting the status quo, and finding our place in this world have been drilled into us for so long now, we’ve almost started to believe in the importance of fitting in. However, going along with the crowd almost never results in true happiness. Following your heart, your true bliss, and what you came here to do, however, will surely lead you down a better road.

Fitting in means nothing if you don’t feel happy doing so, so remember to not get caught up in trying to look a certain way to society, or belong to a group. All that matters is that you feel fulfilled by whatever path you choose in life.

5. Looking “perfect.”

The perfect body doesn’t exist, so stop trying to mold yours into what society tells you it must look like. We all have unique physical appearances, and while you can always try to improve your physical fitness, this should have more to do with your health rather than your looks. Give up the mass media image of what it means to have a perfect body, and start embracing yourself as you are now.

Related Article: 18 Pictures That Show How Beauty Is Viewed In Different Countries

6. Pleasing others.

People-pleasing might make you some friends, but it won’t make you any good ones. When you bend over backwards to please others, you will inevitably attract the wrong kinds of people who just want to take advantage of you. Learn how to love yourself and listen to your own needs, and keep friends who don’t try to walk all over you.

7. Letting go of those who hurt you.

Finally, you shouldn’t stress about letting those go who no longer fit into picture of you becoming your best self. Maybe you both have taken different paths in life, and just need a break from one another. People come and go from our lives all the time, but never feel sorry for letting someone go who no longer helped you grow.

What Does Your “Birth Day” Reveal About Your Personality?

The day of the week that you were born on can tell you a lot more about your personality style than you knew before. With seven days of the week, there are seven unique different personality types out there in the world. What does the day that you were born on say about you?

According to scholars, the origin for the common names for the days of the week and their association with planets is around the first century B.C.E. The days of the week are named for ancient Norse and Roman gods, who are associated with planets and certain personality traits as well.

According to the director of the observatory at Hartwick college in New York, starting with Sunday, the days of the week are named after planets as follows: ‘Sun’s day, Moon’s day, Mercury’s day, Mars’s day, Jupiter’s day, Venus’s day and Saturn’s day.’ Sunday, Monday and Saturday all seem easy to understand the naming scheme. The other days of the week are less obvious, but the observatory says that the Norse gods they are named after are ‘Tuesday or Tiw’s day, Wednesday or Woden’s day, Thursday or Thor’s day, Friday or Frie’s day.’

These Norse gods that the weekdays are named for also relate to Roman gods ‘Tiw is the Norse god which corresponds to the Roman god Mars, Woden is the Norse god of war corresponding to the Roman Mercury, and Frie is the Norse god of love, similar to the Roman god Venus.’

Not sure what day of the week you were born on? All you need is your birth date and this link to calculate what day of the week you were born on. Use this link to an easy day of the week calculator.

What Does The Day Of The Week You Were Born On Reveal About Your Personality?

Your Day of Birth is Monday


Those who were born on this day of the week have the following personality traits:

  • You are creative, but can tend to keep your ideas to yourself
  • You tend to be more empathetic
  • Family and a few close friends are your priorities
  • You are an excellent negotiator and make sure everyone gets what they want
  • You are likely to be successful in a leadership role in business

Your Day of Birth is Tuesday


Those who were born on this day of the week have the following personality traits:

  • You have a lot of energy and drive
  • People are drawn to you and like to help you
  • You’ll  have career success
  • You sometimes stress over things that you cannot control
  • You like the good things in life and saving money is a challenge for you
  • You’ll always have integrity and you do what you think is right
  • You speak honestly, which can sometimes turn off others who want things sugar coated
  • You are sensitive to criticism

Your Day of Birth is Wednesday


Those who were born on this day of the week have the following personality traits:

  • You are quick to learn new things and are good at your job
  • You struggle with staying organized
  • You’re low-maintenance and easy going. People like how relaxed you seem.
  • You love learning from other people and talking to them is a great pleasure for you.
  • You get along well with many different types of people.
  • You’ll always enjoy your work and the people you work with

Your Day of Birth is Thursday


Those who were born on this day of the week have the following personality traits:

  • You are optimistic
  • You get and give a great deal of respect
  • You’re independent in your work
  • You’ll display leadership skills and you work heard to get to the top
  • You dislike people who criticize you and you can become resentful of them
  • Variety interests you and you are easily bored
  • You attract attention due to your natural charisma

Related article: What Does Your Birth Generation Reveal About Your Personality?

Your Day of Birth is Friday


Those who were born on this day of the week have the following personality traits:

  • You appreciate beauty and harmony and seek to create it
  • You’re more creative than your other friends
  • You tend to be emotionally sensitive when it comes to relationships
  • You do not handle setbacks well and may obsess over a past disappointment
  • You’ve a well-developed sense of intuition
  • You are a spiritual person
  • You are wise about the world and have an old soul

Your Day of Birth is Saturday


Those who were born on this day of the week have the following personality traits:

  • You are trustworthy and have a lot of responsibilities
  • You tend to live in the past or the future, not in the present moment
  • You’re smart and you tend to be a perfectionist
  • You take pride in your appearance and enjoy taking the time to look good
  • You can be negative when asked for your opinion
  • You’ve a natural confidence that can come off as snobbishness to others

Your Day of Birth is Sunday


Those who were born on this day of the week have the following personality traits:

  • You’ve a positive outlook
  • You enjoy giving to others
  • You take a long time to warm up to people due to your suspicious mind
  • You’re emotionally sensitive and you dwell on people?s comments
  • You get frustrated easily and may leave projects unfinished
  • You appreciate alone time

5 Ways to Live The Good Life You Deserve

The life you’re destined for is the reason you were born and if you aren’t living that purpose right now, we have 5 ways to make you take charge of your destiny.

Are you living the life of your dreams? Do you feel fulfilled and whole-hearted? Or are there parts of your life that you wish you could change? If you are still wanting more from your life, here are 5 ways to live the life that you are truly destined for, starting right now.

5 Ways to Live The Good Life You Deserve

What makes up a life that you’re destined for? The deepest happiness you can imagine, a wonderful sense of purpose, and a peacefulness of spirit are all part of fulfilling your destiny. What will your life look like once you’ve made up your mind to live the life you’re destined for? Join the positive people who are taking control of finding their destiny.

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1. Follow the joy

When something makes you smile or laugh, that is a huge clue that you are on the right track to live the life you dream of. Joy is something that we all want more of in our life so follow what makes you smile.

Bringing more of what you love to more people is one way the life of your destiny. However,  it isn’t the only way. You may find that you get joy from hundreds of different things, and choosing one is not possible. Not knowing which joyful pursuit to follow is just fine; just keep smiling and attracting positive energy.

2. Don’t follow the fear

Too much fear can limit you and keep you from fulfilling your destiny. Fear is another emotional response that you need to pay attention to in the body, and not be overwhelmed by.

Rather than thinking of something as ‘to be feared’ think of it as something ‘to be explored once you’re ready.’ Ask yourself why you fear what you fear. Who taught you to be afraid of that? Facing fears when we’re ready leads us to challenge our outdated ways of thinking and opens us up to more possibilities.

3. Think bigger

Researchers in the journal Psychology studied people’s career choices and how they decided to follow their career paths. Some believed that they chose their career as a calling from Destiny and others said it was the best opportunity available to them. The scientists found that actual job happiness did not matter whether the people believed that the work was the achievement of their destiny or not.

Maybe your destiny was to have a family and a career but then what? More likely, you are destined to have a major positive impact on many people’s lives, no just those of your immediate family members. Ask yourself, what is the biggest positive impact that you can make during your life and consider pursuing that as a way to live the life that you’re destined for.

4. Act now

If you aren’t sure where to start or what your destiny is, just do something anyway, no matter how small. Acting is like dropping a pebble in a pond. What you do creates ripples that are sent out in waves of energy, and those waves put other things into motion for your destiny to be fulfilled. Start by doing something that makes you happy and the rest will follow.

When it comes to your destiny and your relationship, however, put things in perspective. Researchers studying the belief in destiny and your relationship partner say that ‘A belief in relationship destiny has been associated with people more quickly ending a relationship when problems arise, having shorter relationships when initial satisfaction is low, and longer relationships when initial satisfaction is high.’ If you’re in your relationship for the long-term, remember that relationships change over time and that you can still fulfill your destiny while being in a not-quite-perfect relationship.

5. Listen intently

The message that Destiny is trying to send you is being drowned out by all the rest of the noise that you encounter in your day. Sitting quietly with only natural noises is a great way to tune in to receive the message of what you are destined for.

Listen to the lyrics of music, meditate, play outside, and hear the voices of those around you. Sometimes the message from Destiny is a literal one from a person sent as a messenger to you. Sometimes your Destiny finds you with a chance meeting of a person who also shares your interests. Either way, you need to be out interacting with the world and the people in it in order to live the good life you deserve.

9 Signs Your Soul Has Been Here Before

The concept of an old soul or a soul that has been here before comes from the idea of reincarnation or re-living a life cycle on Earth either as yourself or as another living being. The prior knowledge form your past lives may be stored somewhere in your memory, or maybe it is all forgotten.

Rebirth and reincarnation can happen even without death. For each major transitional phase of our lives, we transform into new selves. You may have suffered a particularly traumatic event, but survived to tell your story to others. In the process, you became a different person from who you were before.

Being reincarnated as a soul does not come with an instruction booklet. So with these signs, we also explain how to handle things differently once you know that you are an older soul.

9 Signs Your Soul Has Been Here Before

A British study on reincarnation beliefs in the journal Sociology says that ‘Belief in reincarnation ‘ coming back time and again in different bodies ‘ characterizes Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, and many tribal religions. However, many who follow Judaeo-Christian traditions disregard the belief. Numerous surveys, however, find that around 20 percent of the population of Western countries answer ‘Yes’ to the question ‘Do you believe in reincarnation?’

law of attraction

1. You tolerate suffering better than other people

With reincarnation, ‘the ultimate aim is to get off the wheel of suffering altogether: to be an embodied self,’ say the British researchers. When you handle pain and unhappiness better than those you know, it is a sign that your soul has been here before.

2. You can remember your past lives

A hypnotherapist can help you with uncovering repressed memories, but few therapists will identify that the experiences you remember are evidence of a past life. More often a therapist is helpful in ‘assisting the client to become happier with their present self than making philosophical claims about past selves’ say British reincarnation researchers.

Tina Turner recalled being an Egyptian queen and artist k.d. lang has said that she is the reincarnation of singer Patsy Cline. Past life memories are often related to a powerful emotion, such as fear. If you have a strong fear response, question why you feel that way and if that feeling may have been a sign that your soul has been here before.

3. You no longer feel that time is important

If it’s true that time heals all wounds, you have done plenty of healing when your soul has been here before. British researchers say ‘North Americans who embrace the Hindu concept of reincarnation usually fail to grasp the Hindu horror of time and have difficulty distinguishing the Atman, the divine essence of consciousness, from their everyday, time-bound sense of self.’ You are very patient because you have plenty of time to get things right, in this lifetime or the next one.

4. You feel out of place but you can handle it

Unexplained feelings, phobias, or not feeling like yourself in your own body are uncomfortable feelings that might be a sign that your soul has been here before. Researchers in the journal Medical Hypotheses looked at children with gender identity disorder, unusual play behavior, and other unusual childhood activities and they concluded that looking at the possibility of previous lives might help explain some unusual behavior patterns for these children.

You may have noticed your unusual attraction to cultures, places, or people that you had never experienced before, and these interests may have begun early in life. As an adult, your choices and preferences may mean that you are influenced by the fact that your soul has been here before.

5. You use the Law of Attraction to get what you want

As a soul who has been here before, you know that using the law of attraction gets things done for you and you use this knowledge to your advantage, often surprising people with how easy it is for you.

6. You are self-aware

You can hear your every thought before your mind says it. Your senses are wide open and receiving all of the incoming information around you. You can feel the breath within your body, your pulse, and the impact of your foot against the ground. You know your emotions and take control by responding, rather than reacting to things.

7. You have excellent intuition

You’re in tune with your gut reaction because you’ve had more practice with it as an old soul. You pick up on the smallest details, body language and facial expressions. As a result, you know what’s going on inside people’s minds. You can make better decisions than others because your soul has been here before.

8. You are more empathetic

Your soul knows what it is like to suffer, to grieve, and to worry, and so you feel an easy connection to others who are suffering. You are available to friends and family members who are going through difficult times. You stretch yourself to be available to support community members who are struggling emotionally as well.

9. You act with a larger perspective in mind

People may say you are environmentally minded but you can’t help it because your soul has been here before. You care for the planet more than others because you know that you might come back to it again in your next lifetime.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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