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Here’s What Happens When You Massage This Point On Your Forehead

Here’s What Happens When You Massage This Point On Your Forehead

A simple acupressure self-massage at this point on your forehead can have amazing results.

We all have a tendency to rub our heads near the temples or our necks when we have a tension headache. The same is true for when you feel sinus pressure. Rubbing gently or applying pressure is something we do instinctively to try to help with the pain.

Here’s What Happens When You Massage This Point On Your Forehead

Empowering yourself to treat your own ailments is powerful. When we can heal ourselves, we release the need to be controlled by modern medicine. That’s great news because care today seems to more and more use the pattern of intake, medication, and bill.

Acupressure, acupuncture, and reflexology are all non-invasive, non-Western medicinal ways to help us feel better. We can learn from the techniques of Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. When we apply these techniques, we help us heal ourselves.

massage forehead

How Scientists Can Prove That Massaging Pressure Points Works

How do we know that massaging a point on the forehead will have any effect on our level of pain, health, or the workings of our inner body? Scientists can use an MRI scan to look for activity in other parts of the body while one area is stimulated with pressure or massage.

MRI technology enables researchers to apply the techniques of reflexology or acupressure to certain points on the body. Then they measured the effects in another part of the body. Researchers in Japan used functional magnetic resonance imaging to detect whether reflexology on the foot for the areas that are supposed to affect the eye, shoulder and small intestine found that pressure on these points on the foot ‘induced a somatosensory process corresponding to the stimulated reflex area and that a neuroimaging approach can be used to examine the basis of reflexology effects.’

In other words, pressing a reflexology point works to stimulate another area of your body. Based on this research on the pressure points on the foot, we can say that the same is true for pressure points on the face, hands, and body.

The Energy Meridians of The Body

We have discussed the energy meridians of the body in other articles. You can find more acupressure points and self-massage information for weight loss, anxiety, and more.

The governing meridian runs down the center of the face and the forehead. So that is the area we are focusing on. When you touch the surface of the skin on the forehead, you activate the energy center under the skin. Apply gentle pressure–about what you would use to press an elevator button. This action can activate the flow of previously blocked energy to restore balance.

Energy gets blocked due to physical and emotional trauma that we have experienced. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the energy flow is necessary for good circulation and all of our bodily functions. Massaging and applying pressure to energy meridians in the forehead can improve your circulation, reduce muscle tension and stimulate your brain function.

Yang energy is what we are working with when you massage this point on your forehead. The energy begins in the head and flows downward to the rest of the body.

The Third Eye Point

The point on your forehead that you will be working with is called the Third Eye Point. In Traditional Chinese Medicine this point is called GV 24 and the GV stands for Governor Vessel. It is located between the eyebrows, slightly above the upper bridge of the nose meets the forehead.

Applying pressure to this point on the forehead helps improve concentration, and relieves headaches. Besides that, it can also help with eye strain if you are at a computer for many hours a day. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, massaging this point can also help to strengthen your sense of intuition.

Apply pressure to the point between your eyebrows for 45 seconds – 1 minute to experience the benefits of this point on the forehead.

You can also use gentle pressure to stroke or massage the place from between your eyebrows to three inches above that point in a vertical line.

emotional eating

Other Benefits Of Massaging This Point On The Forehead

Researchers studying noninvasive beauty procedures found that the rejuvenating effects of reflexology to points on the forehead and face helped prevent wrinkles.

The researchers said:

“This procedure activates one of the brain centers, amygdala nucleus, which affects the human lymphatic system causing the elimination of nervous tension and helping removal of the negative metabolism products. Moreover, this procedure efficiently counteracts the creation of new wrinkles, facilitates blood and lymph flow (prevents swelling), makes the skin excellently firm, corrects the eye and mouth corners, and activates regeneration processes (e.g. after surgery).”

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Things Introverts Need To Know About Relationships

According to a 1998 National Representative Sample by the Myers-Briggs organization, 50% of the population identifies as an introvert. This means that you have likely encountered your fair share of introverts in your life, and might even identify as one yourself. Unfortunately, introverts have been widely misunderstood for some time now, and can easily feel overwhelmed in just a fast-paced, chaotic world.

When it comes to relationships, introverts make wonderful, caring, attentive partners. Introverts gain their energy from within, which means they’ve spent plenty of time cultivating a healthy relationship with themselves (or at least trying to). Because of their absolute need for solitude and contemplation, they have the opportunity to get to know themselves on an intimate level, which can deepen the bond between them and their lover.

However, introverts can also become drained in relationships if they don’t remember the following tips. So, fellow introverts, pay attention to this advice, as it can help greatly in your personal life.

Here are 7 things introverts need to know about relationships:

Related article: 5 Reasons Introverts Make the Best Relationship Partners

1. Remember to take time for you.

Introverts can easily become overwhelmed and feel trapped in relationships. Remember to always schedule some “me” time throughout the week to recharge and cultivate a loving, healthy relationship with yourself. After all, you have to spend all your life with yourself, so you need to remember to always put yourself at the top of your priorities. You can’t possibly keep up a positive relationship with your partner if you don’t keep your cup full, so no matter how long you have each week to dedicate to yourself, make the most of it.

Go to yoga classes, meditate, walk in nature, go sit in the sunshine, or whatever makes you feel like the most whole version of yourself.

2. Be honest with your partner about your feelings.

Don’t hesitate to tell your partner exactly how you feel. You can’t have a healthy, open relationship with your lover if you hold back, so even if it feels uncomfortable at first, remember to always remain honest. We live in a world very much isolated from one another, and a lot of us have forgotten how to truly open up and let someone inside the depths of our soul. However, in order to have a deep, intimate bond with someone, this is a necessary aspect of a relationship.

3. Don’t freak yourself out about awkward silences.

This applies more to the beginning of your relationship when you still haven’t worked out all the kinks and gotten to know each other on a deeper level. So, remember to embrace those silences and not even bother labeling them as “awkward.” After all, no one can talk non-stop; lulls in conversation just happen naturally, so don’t freak yourself out. Not every silence needs to be filled – if you can feel comfortable in silence with your partner, this shows that you have a great connection even without needing to use words, anyway.

4. Remember to stop being so hard on yourself.

Introverts tend to look within more and criticize themselves more harshly than their extroverted counterparts. Therefore, they can often speculate so much that they start to make up stories in their heads and believe every negative thought that enters their mind. They live inside themselves much of the time, which invites a lot of self-analyzing and time to critique themselves. Introverts, don’t do this to yourself. You have amazing qualities, and should embrace your true nature rather than fighting it.

Related article: 15 Things Introverts Do Best

5. Respect your partner’s boundaries as well.

Some introverts, particularly those who identify as highly sensitive, can easily become clingy and overly needy in relationships. Remember to honor your partner’s boundaries and wishes as much as your own. After all, every healthy relationship must include some time apart to work. You can’t spend every waking moment together, because then you would have no time to devote to yourself. Your partner needs their own alone time, so allow them to have it.

6. Don’t feel like you have to do things outside your comfort zone.

Introverts can easily get stuck in their ways, and not want to step outside their comfort zone. However, you also shouldn’t commit to going on dates or participating in activities that you know you wouldn’t enjoy. For example, if your partner suggests going out dancing at a club on Friday night, and you’d rather go to a movie or enjoy a candlelit dinner, let them know your feelings. You don’t have to always agree with your partner, so don’t hesitate to suggest something else that you feel you could both enjoy.

7. Open your heart and let your partner in.

Introverts, we know that opening up isn’t easy. You spend so much time with your own thoughts that sharing them with others seems downright scary and exhausting. However, the only way to get close to others is to let them into the darkest parts of your soul. You don’t have to share everything at once, but connecting on a deep level will ensure a healthy, beautiful bond between you and your partner in the long run.

If You See Owls Often, This Is What It Means

If you see owls frequently in your daily life, this means you’ve tapped into deeper knowledge and your intuitive wisdom. Owls help us to uncover the secrets and hidden aspects of ourselves that we otherwise couldn’t tap into – if you have an owl as your spirit animal, you will have a better ability to see beyond the illusions in the world. The owl symbolizes ancient wisdom, maturity, and strength of character, and can guide us into exploring the unknowns about life.

Owls bring about change and tell us that something in our life needs some attention and adjusting. This spirit animal also urges you to look deep within for answers and to not just take everything for what you see in front of your eyes. If you see owls often, they want you to receive the following important spiritual messages.


  • Owls have great wisdom and insight and can see beyond the illusions in life. They encourage you to look at all situations with a keen eye, and not to take everything as it appears. They invite you to really delve into someone’s motives or simply question a situation before making a conclusion about it. Owls see in the dark, and therefore, use their intuition in order to guide them through life. They rely on their higher knowledge in order to make quick decisions, so having them as a spirit animal allows you to see a situation for what it truly is.
  • Furthermore, owls love to explore unknown territory and have a knack for all new things. They have a curious nature, and love to discover new things. Owls tend to uncover the mysteries of life, and have a way of going beyond what most people see. Using this animal as your spirit guide can help you to enjoy life in all its wonder, and not miss out on any experience. The owl encourages you to see beyond the surface and use your curiosity to guide you in life.
  • The owl spirit animal usually symbolizes death, but it can also mean a great change will come into your life. Owls represent transition, in other words, and will guide you during difficult times in your life. Maybe you will leave one relationship and enter into a better, healthier one, maybe you’ll get that job you’ve been wanting, or maybe you’ll leave your current city and move to somewhere that better suits you. No matter what this applies to in your life, look out for anything that might need some renovating and rejuvenating.
  • When owls appear in your dreams, this signifies either a warning of an impending danger, a message about a major transition about to happen in your life, or maybe a calling to look more into your intuitive side for answers. Owls carry powerful energy with them, so if you see them in a dream, make sure to pay attention and see what area of your life the owl has invited you to inspect more closely.
  • Many different cultures associate birds, especially owls, with a bad omen or departed souls. This means that seeing owls often might signify the upcoming death of someone close to you, or even the death of an important public figure.
  • Use the owl spirit guide during times of reflection in your life, or to uncover hidden aspects of a certain person or situation. The owl can help you through a variety of life situations, but just keep an open heart and mind to receive its messages. Owls carry great wisdom with them, so seeing these creatures often means that you have been called upon to receive otherwise hidden knowledge and important messages.


As with any other animal totem, owls will show up the moment you need a sign from beyond, and will guide you to continue down the right path in life. The owl represents a variety of symbols and meanings in life, but seeing them often definitely signifies an upcoming transition, a calling to look deeper within for answers, or an invitation to use your creativity more in life.

8 Ways To Be Intimate With Your Partner (without having sex)

If you and your partner plan to be together for a long time to come, you’ll surely want to find ways to stay close far into your future, and it doesn’t always mean getting physical with each other. If you can keep the spark alive, it can be rekindled into a flame of passion that can keep a long-term romance from becoming just a companionship.

Relationships are complex and dynamic, and while they bring happiness and joy, they can also become dull over time. Many couples struggle to keep the spark alive and feel stuck in a routine. However, it is essential to recognize the things that make a relationship dull and work on overcoming them to preserve the bond. Beint intimate with your partner can help fan that flame.

Why Does Intimacy With Your Partner Begin to Lose Its Luster?

Here are some reasons it takes hard work to keep you and your partner interested in romance.


1. A lack of communication

One of the primary reasons that relationships become dull is a lack of communication. Communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship; without it, couples can feel distant and disconnected. It is essential to have open and honest conversations about your feelings, thoughts, and desires to keep the relationship exciting and fulfilling. By sharing your thoughts and feelings, you allow your partner to understand you better, which can strengthen your bond and bring you closer together.

2. You slip into a familiar routine–and get stuck!

Another reason that relationships can become dull is routine. Doing the same things day in and day out can make life feel monotonous, and it can be challenging to break free from this cycle. Couples who fall into this trap may feel bored and unfulfilled in their relationship. However, it is essential to remember that routine is not inherently wrong and can bring comfort and stability to your relationship. Finding ways to break up the monotony and try new things together is essential. Whether trying a new restaurant or taking a weekend trip to a nearby town, stepping outside your comfort zone can bring excitement back into your relationship.

3. You have few common interests

A lack of shared interests or hobbies can also make a relationship dull. It is essential to have things in common and enjoy doing activities together. Couples who do not share interests may find it challenging to spend quality time together and feel like they are drifting apart. However, this does not mean that you need to have identical interests. Instead, try to find activities you enjoy and schedule them regularly. Whether cooking, hiking, or playing board games, finding shared interests can strengthen your bond and bring you closer together.

4. You and your partner are not spontaneous by nature

Another thing that can make a relationship dull is a lack of spontaneity. When couples fall into a routine, they may lose the element of surprise and excitement that comes with spontaneity. It is important to be spontaneous and surprise your partner with unexpected gestures to keep the relationship fresh and exciting. Whether planning a surprise date night or leaving a love note stuck to the mirror, small acts of spontaneity can go a long way in keeping your relationship exciting.

5. You and your partner don’t appreciate each other

Lastly, taking your partner for granted can make a relationship dull–you no longer appreciate each other. Becoming complacent in a relationship is easy, especially after years of being together. However, it is essential to remember to show appreciation and gratitude for your partner regularly. Whether it is thanking them for cooking dinner or telling them how much you appreciate their support, showing gratitude can strengthen your bond and make your partner feel valued.

8 Ways To Be Intimate With Your Partner (without having sex)

Now that you know some of the reasons the luster begins to fade from your partnership, let’s look at the tips for restoring the shine.

declare your love

1. Communication is intimacy

Researchers studying closeness in long-term relationships found that ‘disclosure about needs, wants, and desires may be an important way to promote sexual communal strength in ongoing relationships.’ Simply talking through what you like is a way to create a close, intimate bond with your partner and keep the spark alive in your relationship.

Ask open-ended questions about what your partner needs and wants to feel fulfilled in the relationship.

You don’t want to find out after a two-year relationship that your partner needed something that you weren’t giving them so they decided to leave.

2. Get good at guessing your partner’s emotions

Can you tell what your partner is feeling right now? By looking at his or her body language, facial expressions and tone of voice, as well as his or her words you should be able to tell. If your partner is not looking ‘joyful,’ consider it your job to make sure that you do your best to help change their expression to a positive one.

Empathy is something that emotionally sensitive people can give to their partner. Supporting your partner’s emotions, no matter what they are, and giving them a supportive place to express them is one of the best gifts you can give your partner.

3. Use all of your senses

If you can’t describe your partner’s scent, focus on your sense of smell the next time you spend close time together. Do the same thing for your sense of touch. Be present in the moment of your partner’s body existing next to yours in warm, intimate closeness.

4. Open up

Emotional openness is one way to keep the spark alive in your relationship. Honest communication builds trust between partners. When you trust your partner, you are more willing to open yourself to be vulnerable, which we are during intimacy.

Open up about what you are afraid your partner won’t like about you. Showing vulnerability can be very attractive.

Exploring the emotion of vulnerability is one way to keep the spark alive in your relationship.

5. Focus on the future together

Commitment means that you continue to have a shared goal of being happy together in the future, and knowing that your relationship is secure is very attractive. Security and trust is important in order for you to feel trusting enough to work to keep the spark alive in your relationship.

6. Come together

Create a communal bond with your partner by working toward something as a partnership. For example, you might work toward early retirement and a future travel goal with your lover. The shared destiny will keep you a united front moving forward together.

7. Share memories of your childhood

You might think you know your partner completely, but there are sure that you don’t know about each other’s past before you met or even way before that. Our early memories with our family are often the building blocks for how we see relationships.

These beliefs about closeness, love, trust, etc. are formed in our youth, and sharing these memories with your partner can be a bonding experience. How old were you when you first learned what sex was? What do you wish your parents did differently in their relationship?

Express gratitude for your partner’s past experiences that brought them into the right moment of your life. The same researchers who studied closeness in long-term relationships also say ‘expressing gratitude to a relationship partner promotes communal strength.’

8. Make new memories

Having more fun with your partner is the most fun way to keep the spark alive in your relationship. Think about what you both love doing and spend lots of time doing it.

In a study of traits that men and women found desirable, someone who was ‘personable’ aroused more passion in both men and women. Being ‘personable’ meant that participants rated the person they felt passion for as being ‘fun, responsive, trustworthy, and nice.’

You could try being all these things to your partner, but committing to having fun with your partner is one way to keep the spark alive in your relationship.

When was the last time you laughed together? No, I mean, REALLY laughed?

Positive people know there should be lots more laughing between lovers and that it’s the best contagious thing you can catch. Laughing is one perfectly acceptable display of affection.


Final Thoughts: Restoring Intimacy Can Mean You and Your Partner Both Renew the Relationship

Relationships can become dull for many reasons, but it is essential to recognize these issues and work to overcome them. By working through these tips, you can restore true emotional intimacy and strengthen the bonds of love.

9 Ways To Love Mondays Again

We’ve all been there…dreading Sunday nights because we knew what day came next, looking at the clock on a Monday afternoon wishing it would end, and counting down the hours until the weekend arrived to save us once again.

Do you see what an unhealthy cycle this can become? If we always wait for something to come along to distract us or better our lives, we can’t ever fully appreciate the present.

With this in mind, stick with us as we list a few ways to make your Mondays (and life in general) something you can look forward to.

Try these things to start loving Mondays again:

1. Reduce your technology use on weekends.

Have you ever noticed your days fly by more quickly the more you use your cell phone? It’s easy to give hours away to social media, emails, texts, and calls, because we get to wrapped up in the virtual world that it becomes hard to pull away. Not to mention, numerous studies have found a strong correlation between higher technology use and poorer health. So, try to set aside specific times to check your phone on the weekend, so you really feel rejuvenated when it’s time to head back to the office on Monday.

2. Go outside more.

On weekends, instead of spending your time on social media, spend your time socializing in nature. Take your buddies, your family, your dogs, whoever, and just relish in the simple pleasures that the wilderness provides. You won’t find a connection to the Internet here, but you’ll find a better connection with your soul, and that’s what really counts, isn’t it?

3. Use your weekend time to connect with loved ones.

As we hinted at in point 2, try to utilize your weekend as much as possible to spend time with the ones you love. During the week, you probably have your hands full between working, school, kids, errands, and other personal responsibilities, so why not set aside some time on the weekends to spend with those who really matter? Our lives have enough disconnection already, so the least we could do is to show those we love how much they mean to us while we can.

4. Pamper yourself.

When was the last time you got a massage, pedicure, facial, acupuncture, or something else that made you feel like a million bucks? Use the weekends to catch up on self-care and treating yourself how you truly deserve. Out of all the people in your life, the relationship with yourself will always be the most important one, so don’t allow yourself to fall into a state of self-neglect. Weekends should be used to unwind and destress from the work week, and a little pampering will do just that.

5. Lounge around the house without feeling guilty.

Contrary to what society likes to push on us, we don’t ALWAYS have to be productive. We don’t always have to be working, giving a corporation more profit and more success, and slaving away for someone else. We don’t even have to always be slaving away for ourselves, if we own our own business. Use your downtime to truly relax, and forget about outside demands for a while.

Related Article: 20 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone

The world will still be there when you get back from your much-deserved time away, so learn to veg out a bit without feeling guilty, or like you owe someone something.

6. Don’t work on the weekends.

Don’t feel tempted to check emails and answer phone calls on the weekends, unless you absolutely have to for work. We all need some time away from our obligations, and Mondays will seem a lot more enjoyable if you’ve had a whole two days away from the daily grind. We have so much to do already in life that we don’t need to add on anything else to our list of responsibilities. Allow yourself ‘you’ time, because you deserve it.

Related Article: 5 Things Successful People Do On The Weekends

7. Try something new.

Use your weekends to experience a new activity, whether that’s taking a yoga class, going skydiving, or something else that you’ve always wanted to do. Then, you’ll have some interesting stories to share with your coworkers when you head back to work on Monday, plus, you’ll have some amazing memories from the weekend.

8. Wake up to watch the sun rise.

We all usually look forward to the weekends for sleeping in, but when was the last time you woke up to watch the sun rise? Waking up before the world gets too noisy and just giving into the moment as the sun appears over the horizon will help you to keep a perspective on what’s truly important in life. We get so lost in the maze of life trying to be something and accomplish something, that we don’t give enough time to just be what and who we are now, and enjoy life for what it is.

9. Don’t schedule too many things on the weekend.

Also, try to keep your weekends free of too much responsibility. Just go with the flow, and save the errands for the workweek. Relaxation should be the only thing on your to-do list for the weekend!

20 Simple (Yet Effective) Ways To Get Healthy

Every day people make (yet another) resolution to get and stay healthy, only to fall back into bad habits. Call it bad timing, too much stress, or just plain ole’ lack of discipline, but most people aren’t able to get healthy after so much initial gusto. Those that eventually DO get healthy can’t stay healthy. Why? Because it’s hard!

Now, a question: is the actual act of getting healthy hard, or is it setting our priorities? We’ve never – in the history of the world – had more distractions and temptations than we do now. Adding a second barrel to that shotgun, work has never been more competitive and stressful than it is right now. Many of us end up taking this double-barreled shotgun and shooting ourselves right in the foot.

Some of us take the completely wrong approach; we eat what we want and try to work all of that food off. Some of us do the exact opposite and simply eat less and not workout at all. But all of us make staying healthy way too difficult. Believe it or not, there are many simple things that can be done to get and stay healthy.

In fact, here are 20 S-I-M-P-L-E things we can start doing right now:

1. Trash the junk food

That’s right…trash it. Forget about how much money you paid, or how a little bit isn’t doing anyone any harm. My friend, having junk food in the house makes it much, much more difficult to abstain from indulging – especially when a quick bite is needed to take care of those hunger pangs.

2. Stock up on healthy snack foods

Yes, there are good-tasting healthy snack foods. Nuts, berries, grapes, apples, oranges, bananas…the list goes on. This should be pretty easy to do after you’ve completed #1 and are in need of some quick eats ‘round the house.

3. Get a simple recipe cookbook and buy the ingredients

For those of us that are not good cooks (hangs head in shame), this is an absolute must. The truth is those snacks are not going to hold us over for too long. We need to cook something up on occasion.

4. Bulk up the cooking

It’s much easier to stick to a healthy diet when food is already stocked. Cook up some chili or make a healthy stir fry and store those extras away! How much easier is it to zap something in the microwave than it is to prepare a whole meal?

5. Stay out of bars and restaurants

Nothing will derail healthy eating like the local bars and restaurants. Beer, liquor, appetizers, and other “no-no’s” are much easier to succumb to when you’re sitting down and ready to indulge. If you must go out, stick to the healthy side of the menu and lay off the booze.

6. Find fun ways to exercise

The truth is that most of us – even those that do it often – hate working out. Working out simply is not very fun, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be. Sports like basketball and tennis are very fun and also very healthy. Biking and hiking are awesome, too!

7. Get a workout buddy

While many of us may not like working out, it’s much more fun (or at least tolerable) if we have a friend there with us. Friends and workout buddies add some extra incentive not to slack off as well.

8. Use social media for extra motivation

The truth is that most of us are on social media. So, use Facebook or another platform to notify your circle on your intentions. We’re much less likely to slack if we include others in our plans for healthy living, as it adds another dimension of accountability.

9. Plan nights out in advance

We all need nights out of the house to maintain our sanity. Not only is this okay, it’s absolutely necessary in our opinion. However, with so many different apps and sites that make it easy to plan a night out, we should be making the most of them. Plan your night out and stick to that plan, even if others don’t want to follow along.

10. Lay off sugary drinks

Soda and energy drinks are so commonplace, yet so bad for us. Sugar is perhaps the biggest culprit in an unhealthy lifestyle. If you need your soda or energy drink fix, choose the diet variety.

11. Schedule your breaks

Many of us are in a work environment that requires sitting at a computer or in a cubicle. To that end, schedule your 15 minute-or-so breaks effectively – get outside, take a brisk walk around the office, or find something else to do besides sitting in the break room.

12. Get your spouse/significant other onboard

This one is tough on those that have someone living with them. While you may wholeheartedly embrace a healthy lifestyle, your main squeeze may not. So, share your thought process and ask for their support. They may not be willing to embrace your lifestyle, but they should be willing to be an advocate.

13. Make small changes

A lifestyle change is a difficult transition, no doubt about that. Instead of making all of these changes in one go, take minor steps. Don’t fret about having to do everything at once by making small, incremental changes to your habits. If you can implement all of these in one go, that’s terrific…but you shouldn’t feel obligated to.

14. Make healthy choices a lifestyle

With all this talk about “lifestyle changes,” it’s appropriate to intercede here. Don’t think about these nutritional or diet changes as a “phase”. Incorporate your method of healthy living into a day-to-day routine – something that doesn’t have any kind of end date.

15. Celebrate your successes

It’s probably best not to go out to McDonald’s to celebrate your newfound lifestyle. That said, it’s okay to get out and enjoy the strides that you’ve made in this difficult endeavor. Go watch a movie you’ve wanted to see or buy yourself something to savor the moment. You’ve earned it.

16. Try new, healthy foods

There are plenty of good-tasting, healthy foods that you’ve probably not heard about or tried before. Look into picking up some raw fruits and veggies, avocado, flaxseed, or tofu. Some of them are an acquired taste (avocado or tofu), but can be truly delicious if made using the right recipe or use them as a compliment to your meal.

healthy food

17. Make subtle diet adjustments

Many of the foods that we enjoy can still be enjoyable if we make some slight modifications. For example, if you like chicken, buy chicken that is not fried or peel the skin. If you like salad, add some more veggies and scale back on the ranch dressing, and so on.

18. Explore ethic diets

There are some great Mediterranean and Asian foods out there that are very healthy and taste quite food. Visit a local Indian or Thai spot, and you’ll find some healthy and tasty meals that serve your new lifestyle well.

19. Don’t smoke

Goes without saying, but you should lay off the cigarettes. It’s a difficult thing to do, but there is plenty of support out there to assist you with trying to kick the habit. Not to mention how much better your body and mind will feel having this monkey off your back.

20. Remember…diet before exercise

This is true: diet is more important than exercise…and it’s not even a close contest. You can lose weight and get healthy quicker by changing up your diet than you can by working out five times a week. This is because no matter how much you exercise, if you still eat like it’s your first time at a buffet, it won’t matter too much.

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