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5 Reasons People Fall In Love

Love is intoxicating. It makes the world go round. It’s euphoric, magical, and addictive. In all its glory, it takes over and consumes us. Love forces us to see life differently and we react in a manner that’s joyous. Even when we are heartbroken, hurt beyond words, have endured betrayal and loss, we still crave to fall in love. Poets, writers, artists, musicians, and other creative forces thrive on the subject of falling in love. In the mystical ancient words of Rumi: “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” So what drives us to fall in love? What allows us to give it another try even when the falling has hurt us deeply?

Here are five reasons people fall in love:

fall in love

1. Love makes us whole.

The Greek philosopher, Plato, shared in The Symposium that, “According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.” So it is possible that we are spending our lifetime searching for our other half. When we fall in love, it feels as if we are reuniting with a part of ourselves. We begin to see incredible things because somehow we had been missing them.

2. Love calls us to be the very best version of ourselves.

In an article on PsychologyToday, Mari Buti, describes the phenomenon of romantic love. “I think that love ushers us to frequencies of human life that we might find difficult to access otherwise. It opens to something more transcendent than the ordinary flow of life, summoning us, precisely, to a different (and potentially more interesting) edition of ourselves.” In other words, love lifts us to extreme compassion. We are better because of it. The intensity of feeling love and giving love shapes our personalities to be better humans, elevating us from the mundane to the extraordinary. Nothing is impossible when we are embraced by love’s light.

3. Love diminishes the fear of the world.

When we are in love when feeling like we can conquer anything. We are no longer alone holding on through difficult matters. Having a partner makes things easier. Where there is love there cannot be fear. They cannot live simultaneously. Love is a high vibration frequency. Fear is a lower one. When we fall in love, we let go of anxiety. True love has no limits. In a physiological matter, fear is driven by cortisol which increases depression while love is driven by oxytocin (the love hormone) which reduces stress and fear. Love simply transcends us into another state of spiritual being. The emotions of lust, forgiving, giving, compassion, kindness, empathy, and others, it catapults us to follow our passions.

Related article: 10 Ways To Increase The Oxytocin In Your Body

4. Love infuses our lives with meaning.

We are genetically created to share love. Through love we procreate. We fall in love with our children, our pets, our spouses, our parents, and life. Love gives us meaning. Romantic love energizes us with possibilities, dreams, and the ever knowing that we can conquer anything. Love clears all obstacles while we submit to its mysticism. A life without love is no life worth living. It cures a broken heart. It forces us to give of ourselves when we are lacking strength. It’s more than an emotion. It turns us upside down, right side up, and in circles and all while feeling the power of trust and faith. Love is there for us to give. The only thing it asks of us is to continue exploring it.

5. Love is a drug.

According to psychologist Dr. Rachel Needle, also an associate professor of Clinical Experiences at South University in West Palm Beach, the chemical substance such as oxytocin, dopamine and other hormones have been found as key roles in human emotions, experiences, and behaviors associated with love. “Falling in love is associated with increased energy, narrowing of mental focus, sometimes sweaty palms, light-headedness, racing heart, and a lot of positive feelings.” There is a physical component that is addictive to the high that comes from falling in love. We are physically wired to want more of it. We crave it and once we’ve experience it we cannot live without it. At its lowest point, it causes depression, anxiety, and other withdrawal symptoms similar to hard-core drugs.

Throughout the history of time we have pondered on love and why we fall into its enticement. There have been millions of speculations, research, theories, religious and spiritual searches. No one really knows the reason for this absolutely desirable emotion. The only thing we know is that we are created to experience it. It makes our world complete. And, no matter how many times we fall out of love, we still hold on to the possibility of falling in its arms again and again.

“Love does not appear with any warning signs. You fall into it as if pushed from a high diving board. No time to think about what’s happening. It’s inevitable. An event you can’t control. A crazy, heart-stopping, roller-coaster ride that just has to take its course.” ~ Jackie Collins

5 Signs of Emotional Suffering

Life has a way of changing us with each passing event. We are made stronger because of the struggles. We become resilient because of the lessons. However, there are folks out there who suffer from mental illness and disorders. These people are often discarded. Then there are others who are undergoing tremendous emotional suffering and it’s masked as something else. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, nearly one in every five people (or 42.5 million American adults) suffers from a diagnosable mental health condition. Often close friends or family members do not recognize the changes in behavior until it is too late. Check out the 5 signs that can help determine if your loved one needs help.

5 Signs of Emotional Suffering

1. They have sudden personality changes.

This may come about gradually, but it isn’t until the changes are major that you begin to take notice. Someone who has always been outgoing and positive starts to withdraw in public. This person doesn’t go out much, or interact with others the way they used to. Sudden changes can be triggered by emotional pain. It’s not that they do this purposely. It’s a fight or flight response and they choose to stay away from others. The feeling of dread affects their outlook and they simply cannot connect with other people.

2. They seem angry, agitated, and have emotional mood swings.

This person might have become obsessed with problems and react with agitation. They become anxious around others. They have bursts of mood swings from high to low and will become explosive and irrational. Hurt appears in many forms and anger is just the fuel to get the emotions out. Sleep patterns also change. They either sleep too much, or suffer from insomnia. When there is no relief from the pain, they will reach out to numb it through alcohol, drugs, food, sex or other destructive behaviors. Keep an eye for destructive patterns which can only be hidden for so long. These feelings, like explosive anger, are loud cries for help. Also be sure to notice changes in the body: are they hurting themselves, are they breaking out in hives, is their health deteriorating?

3. They isolate themselves.

Someone who loves to be around others now barricades themselves in their home. They don’t visit anyone and will not go out to gatherings. They might even stop going to work or school. Depression hits with exhaustion and talking becomes too much. Notice if this person starts to dwell and obsess over things. Do they blame themselves for everything? Do they keep talking about past events? Their minds become their biggest and deadliest enemy. They begin to circle out of control. It’s important to redirect their attention with some entertainment.

4. They have poor self-care.

They stop taking care of themselves. This person might also engage in activities of poor judgment. An extreme change in personality can create many levels of self-care. They will stop taking showers, or become radically obsessive about cleanliness. Someone who loves exercise and suddenly stops is also a sign of poor self-care. Exercising becomes a chore. It takes everything in their power to clean house or take showers. They have food all over the place. They either eat too much, or forget to eat at all.

5. They are over-whelmed by circumstances.

This person may seem overcome by helplessness and sadness. They could be suffering from a trauma that is resurfacing or extreme grief. Or they might be experiencing self-worth issues, shame and guilt. They begin to talk about suicide in small passing comments, as they start to believe that life is better without them. Do not take these comments lightly!

Related article: 5 Warning Signs of Depression

These are not attention-seeking gestures. Depression, sadness, grief, loss, and mental disorders are to be taken seriously. Your job is not to fix the problem or try to make the person see things your way. You job is to get them help. It’s important to seek counseling or medical expertise. In an article in PsychCentral, therapist Margarita Tartakovsky shares how to deal with someone who is suffering from depression. These points are also helpful when dealing with any kind of emotional suffering, traumas, loss, or changes:

– Be there for the person even if it’s just sitting in silence with them.

– Try doing small gestures to help them, whether it’s sending a card, cooking or leaving them a sweet message.

– Do not judge or criticize their situation.

– Don’t minimize or disregard their pain.

– Do not try to fix the problem or compare your experiences with theirs.

– Be patient with your loved one. Patience is underrated. It’s important to give someone space to grieve accordingly.

Emotional suffering affects us in many different ways and levels. Be an inspiration to them. Give them time and compassion. Connect, reach out, and allow them to let you help them in the road to recovery. Remember that the best gift sometimes is in knowing you are not alone through these debilitating moments.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Things You Need To Know About Being Friends With A Cancer

You probably know your friends pretty well, but if you know that your friend’s astrological sign is Cancer, it may reveal more about them than you think.

People read astrology for fun, for insight about themselves and their personalities, or for guidance in making decisions to improve their lives. Although astrology’s ability to predict future events has not been established by modern science, positive people use the information in horoscopes as a type of map to see how the path lies in front of them.

Researchers studied whether reading astrology charts affects people’s relationship happiness. They gave people a false horoscope to read that had positive love relationship advice as compared to no relationship advice and later found only a small, but not significant difference in the two groups actual relationship happiness.

A small bump in relationship happiness is good, but this study fails to acknowledge that a false horoscope is not an accurate horoscope based on planetary positioning. We all know that the moon affects a pull on our Earth’s oceans, and our own bodies are made of mostly water. The movements of the planets can affect your friend the Cancer very strongly.

Cancer is ruled by the moon, the nearest celestial object to us, and the one with the greatest influence over our behavior.

7 Things You Need To Know About Being Friends With a Cancer

We won’t make any comments about getting your Cancer friend to come out of their shell here, but Cancer can tend to be a homebody. They love to be at home and are probably more comfortable with family that being out on the town.

1. A Cancer friend will come up with something fun to do, if you can’t.

Be ready to follow your friend’s most recent spontaneous idea, which is part of the excitement of being friends with a Cancer.

2. Being friends with a Cancer means they have your back

Cancer is loyal, and your friend-relationship means a lot to them. They will love you like family and keep you close to their heart.

3. You may want to tell your Cancer friend to quit being crabby, but they won’t like hearing it

Cancer, why do you have to be so predictably crabby? Sadly, this is one of the most irritating traits for a friend of the Cancer sign to deal with. Your friend nitpicks, nags, micromanages, checks to see if you did what you said you were going to do, nags you about something else you needed to do, and so on.

If you’ve managed to stay friends so far, remember that this is the worst part. After they get this out of their system, things are all fun and love.

4. Being friends with a Cancer means having the best listener in the zodiac

Related article: 10 Things You Need To Know About Loving A Cancer

When it comes down to the most basic parts of friendship, communication is so important. Your friend is an excellent listener and they love to let you pour out your heart over your most recent breakup, work problems or family trouble. Keep the tissues handy, because crabby will be asking all the tough questions that make you cry too.

5. Be ready for some full moon madness when your friend is a Cancer

Ruled by the Moon, as we mentioned earlier, Cancer is a serious lunatic when the full moon is out. This is when the fun happens, the nights to remember, that one time you did that thing and had to delete the photos, etc.

6. Your Cancer friends can be touchy

We mean that in the nicest way though, because actually, Cancer is literally a fan of touch. You will have lots of hugs when you are friends with a Cancer.

Are all of the cuddles, long hugs, arms around your shoulder, and your Cancer friend leaning their head on yours getting to you yet? No, we didn’t think so either. And the reason is that Cancer is perfect at sensing you level of comfort with their emotional sharing and touch.

Cancer loves physical pleasures too, so if you are interested, touch is a way to take things to the next level with Cancer. Cancer loves great food, physical movement like exercising with you, and hands on activities and adventures.

7. Being friends with a Cancer means being comfortable with the emotional stuff

Cancer can get deeply emotional and attached to you. You’ll feel like you’re in a buddy movie scene where the guys break down sobbing over how awesome their friendship is when you’re friends with this zodiac crab. Get comfortable with and enjoy all of the touchy-feely stuff and the hugs that this occasionally pinching friend will heap on you.

Here’s What Happens When You Massage This Point On Your Forehead

A simple acupressure self-massage at this point on your forehead can have amazing results.

We all have a tendency to rub our heads near the temples or our necks when we have a tension headache. The same is true for when you feel sinus pressure. Rubbing gently or applying pressure is something we do instinctively to try to help with the pain.

Here’s What Happens When You Massage This Point On Your Forehead

Empowering yourself to treat your own ailments is powerful. When we can heal ourselves, we release the need to be controlled by modern medicine. That’s great news because care today seems to more and more use the pattern of intake, medication, and bill.

Acupressure, acupuncture, and reflexology are all non-invasive, non-Western medicinal ways to help us feel better. We can learn from the techniques of Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. When we apply these techniques, we help us heal ourselves.

massage forehead

How Scientists Can Prove That Massaging Pressure Points Works

How do we know that massaging a point on the forehead will have any effect on our level of pain, health, or the workings of our inner body? Scientists can use an MRI scan to look for activity in other parts of the body while one area is stimulated with pressure or massage.

MRI technology enables researchers to apply the techniques of reflexology or acupressure to certain points on the body. Then they measured the effects in another part of the body. Researchers in Japan used functional magnetic resonance imaging to detect whether reflexology on the foot for the areas that are supposed to affect the eye, shoulder and small intestine found that pressure on these points on the foot ‘induced a somatosensory process corresponding to the stimulated reflex area and that a neuroimaging approach can be used to examine the basis of reflexology effects.’

In other words, pressing a reflexology point works to stimulate another area of your body. Based on this research on the pressure points on the foot, we can say that the same is true for pressure points on the face, hands, and body.

The Energy Meridians of The Body

We have discussed the energy meridians of the body in other articles. You can find more acupressure points and self-massage information for weight loss, anxiety, and more.

The governing meridian runs down the center of the face and the forehead. So that is the area we are focusing on. When you touch the surface of the skin on the forehead, you activate the energy center under the skin. Apply gentle pressure–about what you would use to press an elevator button. This action can activate the flow of previously blocked energy to restore balance.

Energy gets blocked due to physical and emotional trauma that we have experienced. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the energy flow is necessary for good circulation and all of our bodily functions. Massaging and applying pressure to energy meridians in the forehead can improve your circulation, reduce muscle tension and stimulate your brain function.

Yang energy is what we are working with when you massage this point on your forehead. The energy begins in the head and flows downward to the rest of the body.

The Third Eye Point

The point on your forehead that you will be working with is called the Third Eye Point. In Traditional Chinese Medicine this point is called GV 24 and the GV stands for Governor Vessel. It is located between the eyebrows, slightly above the upper bridge of the nose meets the forehead.

Applying pressure to this point on the forehead helps improve concentration, and relieves headaches. Besides that, it can also help with eye strain if you are at a computer for many hours a day. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, massaging this point can also help to strengthen your sense of intuition.

Apply pressure to the point between your eyebrows for 45 seconds – 1 minute to experience the benefits of this point on the forehead.

You can also use gentle pressure to stroke or massage the place from between your eyebrows to three inches above that point in a vertical line.

emotional eating

Other Benefits Of Massaging This Point On The Forehead

Researchers studying noninvasive beauty procedures found that the rejuvenating effects of reflexology to points on the forehead and face helped prevent wrinkles.

The researchers said:

“This procedure activates one of the brain centers, amygdala nucleus, which affects the human lymphatic system causing the elimination of nervous tension and helping removal of the negative metabolism products. Moreover, this procedure efficiently counteracts the creation of new wrinkles, facilitates blood and lymph flow (prevents swelling), makes the skin excellently firm, corrects the eye and mouth corners, and activates regeneration processes (e.g. after surgery).”

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Things Introverts Need To Know About Relationships

According to a 1998 National Representative Sample by the Myers-Briggs organization, 50% of the population identifies as an introvert. This means that you have likely encountered your fair share of introverts in your life, and might even identify as one yourself. Unfortunately, introverts have been widely misunderstood for some time now, and can easily feel overwhelmed in just a fast-paced, chaotic world.

When it comes to relationships, introverts make wonderful, caring, attentive partners. Introverts gain their energy from within, which means they’ve spent plenty of time cultivating a healthy relationship with themselves (or at least trying to). Because of their absolute need for solitude and contemplation, they have the opportunity to get to know themselves on an intimate level, which can deepen the bond between them and their lover.

However, introverts can also become drained in relationships if they don’t remember the following tips. So, fellow introverts, pay attention to this advice, as it can help greatly in your personal life.

Here are 7 things introverts need to know about relationships:

Related article: 5 Reasons Introverts Make the Best Relationship Partners

1. Remember to take time for you.

Introverts can easily become overwhelmed and feel trapped in relationships. Remember to always schedule some “me” time throughout the week to recharge and cultivate a loving, healthy relationship with yourself. After all, you have to spend all your life with yourself, so you need to remember to always put yourself at the top of your priorities. You can’t possibly keep up a positive relationship with your partner if you don’t keep your cup full, so no matter how long you have each week to dedicate to yourself, make the most of it.

Go to yoga classes, meditate, walk in nature, go sit in the sunshine, or whatever makes you feel like the most whole version of yourself.

2. Be honest with your partner about your feelings.

Don’t hesitate to tell your partner exactly how you feel. You can’t have a healthy, open relationship with your lover if you hold back, so even if it feels uncomfortable at first, remember to always remain honest. We live in a world very much isolated from one another, and a lot of us have forgotten how to truly open up and let someone inside the depths of our soul. However, in order to have a deep, intimate bond with someone, this is a necessary aspect of a relationship.

3. Don’t freak yourself out about awkward silences.

This applies more to the beginning of your relationship when you still haven’t worked out all the kinks and gotten to know each other on a deeper level. So, remember to embrace those silences and not even bother labeling them as “awkward.” After all, no one can talk non-stop; lulls in conversation just happen naturally, so don’t freak yourself out. Not every silence needs to be filled – if you can feel comfortable in silence with your partner, this shows that you have a great connection even without needing to use words, anyway.

4. Remember to stop being so hard on yourself.

Introverts tend to look within more and criticize themselves more harshly than their extroverted counterparts. Therefore, they can often speculate so much that they start to make up stories in their heads and believe every negative thought that enters their mind. They live inside themselves much of the time, which invites a lot of self-analyzing and time to critique themselves. Introverts, don’t do this to yourself. You have amazing qualities, and should embrace your true nature rather than fighting it.

Related article: 15 Things Introverts Do Best

5. Respect your partner’s boundaries as well.

Some introverts, particularly those who identify as highly sensitive, can easily become clingy and overly needy in relationships. Remember to honor your partner’s boundaries and wishes as much as your own. After all, every healthy relationship must include some time apart to work. You can’t spend every waking moment together, because then you would have no time to devote to yourself. Your partner needs their own alone time, so allow them to have it.

6. Don’t feel like you have to do things outside your comfort zone.

Introverts can easily get stuck in their ways, and not want to step outside their comfort zone. However, you also shouldn’t commit to going on dates or participating in activities that you know you wouldn’t enjoy. For example, if your partner suggests going out dancing at a club on Friday night, and you’d rather go to a movie or enjoy a candlelit dinner, let them know your feelings. You don’t have to always agree with your partner, so don’t hesitate to suggest something else that you feel you could both enjoy.

7. Open your heart and let your partner in.

Introverts, we know that opening up isn’t easy. You spend so much time with your own thoughts that sharing them with others seems downright scary and exhausting. However, the only way to get close to others is to let them into the darkest parts of your soul. You don’t have to share everything at once, but connecting on a deep level will ensure a healthy, beautiful bond between you and your partner in the long run.

If You See Owls Often, This Is What It Means

If you see owls frequently in your daily life, this means you’ve tapped into deeper knowledge and your intuitive wisdom. Owls help us to uncover the secrets and hidden aspects of ourselves that we otherwise couldn’t tap into – if you have an owl as your spirit animal, you will have a better ability to see beyond the illusions in the world. The owl symbolizes ancient wisdom, maturity, and strength of character, and can guide us into exploring the unknowns about life.

Owls bring about change and tell us that something in our life needs some attention and adjusting. This spirit animal also urges you to look deep within for answers and to not just take everything for what you see in front of your eyes. If you see owls often, they want you to receive the following important spiritual messages.


  • Owls have great wisdom and insight and can see beyond the illusions in life. They encourage you to look at all situations with a keen eye, and not to take everything as it appears. They invite you to really delve into someone’s motives or simply question a situation before making a conclusion about it. Owls see in the dark, and therefore, use their intuition in order to guide them through life. They rely on their higher knowledge in order to make quick decisions, so having them as a spirit animal allows you to see a situation for what it truly is.
  • Furthermore, owls love to explore unknown territory and have a knack for all new things. They have a curious nature, and love to discover new things. Owls tend to uncover the mysteries of life, and have a way of going beyond what most people see. Using this animal as your spirit guide can help you to enjoy life in all its wonder, and not miss out on any experience. The owl encourages you to see beyond the surface and use your curiosity to guide you in life.
  • The owl spirit animal usually symbolizes death, but it can also mean a great change will come into your life. Owls represent transition, in other words, and will guide you during difficult times in your life. Maybe you will leave one relationship and enter into a better, healthier one, maybe you’ll get that job you’ve been wanting, or maybe you’ll leave your current city and move to somewhere that better suits you. No matter what this applies to in your life, look out for anything that might need some renovating and rejuvenating.
  • When owls appear in your dreams, this signifies either a warning of an impending danger, a message about a major transition about to happen in your life, or maybe a calling to look more into your intuitive side for answers. Owls carry powerful energy with them, so if you see them in a dream, make sure to pay attention and see what area of your life the owl has invited you to inspect more closely.
  • Many different cultures associate birds, especially owls, with a bad omen or departed souls. This means that seeing owls often might signify the upcoming death of someone close to you, or even the death of an important public figure.
  • Use the owl spirit guide during times of reflection in your life, or to uncover hidden aspects of a certain person or situation. The owl can help you through a variety of life situations, but just keep an open heart and mind to receive its messages. Owls carry great wisdom with them, so seeing these creatures often means that you have been called upon to receive otherwise hidden knowledge and important messages.


As with any other animal totem, owls will show up the moment you need a sign from beyond, and will guide you to continue down the right path in life. The owl represents a variety of symbols and meanings in life, but seeing them often definitely signifies an upcoming transition, a calling to look deeper within for answers, or an invitation to use your creativity more in life.

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