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8 Ways To Be Intimate With Your Partner (without having sex)

If you and your partner plan to be together for a long time to come, you’ll surely want to find ways to stay close far into your future, and it doesn’t always mean getting physical with each other. If you can keep the spark alive, it can be rekindled into a flame of passion that can keep a long-term romance from becoming just a companionship.

Relationships are complex and dynamic, and while they bring happiness and joy, they can also become dull over time. Many couples struggle to keep the spark alive and feel stuck in a routine. However, it is essential to recognize the things that make a relationship dull and work on overcoming them to preserve the bond. Beint intimate with your partner can help fan that flame.

Why Does Intimacy With Your Partner Begin to Lose Its Luster?

Here are some reasons it takes hard work to keep you and your partner interested in romance.


1. A lack of communication

One of the primary reasons that relationships become dull is a lack of communication. Communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship; without it, couples can feel distant and disconnected. It is essential to have open and honest conversations about your feelings, thoughts, and desires to keep the relationship exciting and fulfilling. By sharing your thoughts and feelings, you allow your partner to understand you better, which can strengthen your bond and bring you closer together.

2. You slip into a familiar routine–and get stuck!

Another reason that relationships can become dull is routine. Doing the same things day in and day out can make life feel monotonous, and it can be challenging to break free from this cycle. Couples who fall into this trap may feel bored and unfulfilled in their relationship. However, it is essential to remember that routine is not inherently wrong and can bring comfort and stability to your relationship. Finding ways to break up the monotony and try new things together is essential. Whether trying a new restaurant or taking a weekend trip to a nearby town, stepping outside your comfort zone can bring excitement back into your relationship.

3. You have few common interests

A lack of shared interests or hobbies can also make a relationship dull. It is essential to have things in common and enjoy doing activities together. Couples who do not share interests may find it challenging to spend quality time together and feel like they are drifting apart. However, this does not mean that you need to have identical interests. Instead, try to find activities you enjoy and schedule them regularly. Whether cooking, hiking, or playing board games, finding shared interests can strengthen your bond and bring you closer together.

4. You and your partner are not spontaneous by nature

Another thing that can make a relationship dull is a lack of spontaneity. When couples fall into a routine, they may lose the element of surprise and excitement that comes with spontaneity. It is important to be spontaneous and surprise your partner with unexpected gestures to keep the relationship fresh and exciting. Whether planning a surprise date night or leaving a love note stuck to the mirror, small acts of spontaneity can go a long way in keeping your relationship exciting.

5. You and your partner don’t appreciate each other

Lastly, taking your partner for granted can make a relationship dull–you no longer appreciate each other. Becoming complacent in a relationship is easy, especially after years of being together. However, it is essential to remember to show appreciation and gratitude for your partner regularly. Whether it is thanking them for cooking dinner or telling them how much you appreciate their support, showing gratitude can strengthen your bond and make your partner feel valued.

8 Ways To Be Intimate With Your Partner (without having sex)

Now that you know some of the reasons the luster begins to fade from your partnership, let’s look at the tips for restoring the shine.

declare your love

1. Communication is intimacy

Researchers studying closeness in long-term relationships found that ‘disclosure about needs, wants, and desires may be an important way to promote sexual communal strength in ongoing relationships.’ Simply talking through what you like is a way to create a close, intimate bond with your partner and keep the spark alive in your relationship.

Ask open-ended questions about what your partner needs and wants to feel fulfilled in the relationship.

You don’t want to find out after a two-year relationship that your partner needed something that you weren’t giving them so they decided to leave.

2. Get good at guessing your partner’s emotions

Can you tell what your partner is feeling right now? By looking at his or her body language, facial expressions and tone of voice, as well as his or her words you should be able to tell. If your partner is not looking ‘joyful,’ consider it your job to make sure that you do your best to help change their expression to a positive one.

Empathy is something that emotionally sensitive people can give to their partner. Supporting your partner’s emotions, no matter what they are, and giving them a supportive place to express them is one of the best gifts you can give your partner.

3. Use all of your senses

If you can’t describe your partner’s scent, focus on your sense of smell the next time you spend close time together. Do the same thing for your sense of touch. Be present in the moment of your partner’s body existing next to yours in warm, intimate closeness.

4. Open up

Emotional openness is one way to keep the spark alive in your relationship. Honest communication builds trust between partners. When you trust your partner, you are more willing to open yourself to be vulnerable, which we are during intimacy.

Open up about what you are afraid your partner won’t like about you. Showing vulnerability can be very attractive.

Exploring the emotion of vulnerability is one way to keep the spark alive in your relationship.

5. Focus on the future together

Commitment means that you continue to have a shared goal of being happy together in the future, and knowing that your relationship is secure is very attractive. Security and trust is important in order for you to feel trusting enough to work to keep the spark alive in your relationship.

6. Come together

Create a communal bond with your partner by working toward something as a partnership. For example, you might work toward early retirement and a future travel goal with your lover. The shared destiny will keep you a united front moving forward together.

7. Share memories of your childhood

You might think you know your partner completely, but there are sure that you don’t know about each other’s past before you met or even way before that. Our early memories with our family are often the building blocks for how we see relationships.

These beliefs about closeness, love, trust, etc. are formed in our youth, and sharing these memories with your partner can be a bonding experience. How old were you when you first learned what sex was? What do you wish your parents did differently in their relationship?

Express gratitude for your partner’s past experiences that brought them into the right moment of your life. The same researchers who studied closeness in long-term relationships also say ‘expressing gratitude to a relationship partner promotes communal strength.’

8. Make new memories

Having more fun with your partner is the most fun way to keep the spark alive in your relationship. Think about what you both love doing and spend lots of time doing it.

In a study of traits that men and women found desirable, someone who was ‘personable’ aroused more passion in both men and women. Being ‘personable’ meant that participants rated the person they felt passion for as being ‘fun, responsive, trustworthy, and nice.’

You could try being all these things to your partner, but committing to having fun with your partner is one way to keep the spark alive in your relationship.

When was the last time you laughed together? No, I mean, REALLY laughed?

Positive people know there should be lots more laughing between lovers and that it’s the best contagious thing you can catch. Laughing is one perfectly acceptable display of affection.


Final Thoughts: Restoring Intimacy Can Mean You and Your Partner Both Renew the Relationship

Relationships can become dull for many reasons, but it is essential to recognize these issues and work to overcome them. By working through these tips, you can restore true emotional intimacy and strengthen the bonds of love.

9 Ways To Love Mondays Again

We’ve all been there…dreading Sunday nights because we knew what day came next, looking at the clock on a Monday afternoon wishing it would end, and counting down the hours until the weekend arrived to save us once again.

Do you see what an unhealthy cycle this can become? If we always wait for something to come along to distract us or better our lives, we can’t ever fully appreciate the present.

With this in mind, stick with us as we list a few ways to make your Mondays (and life in general) something you can look forward to.

Try these things to start loving Mondays again:

1. Reduce your technology use on weekends.

Have you ever noticed your days fly by more quickly the more you use your cell phone? It’s easy to give hours away to social media, emails, texts, and calls, because we get to wrapped up in the virtual world that it becomes hard to pull away. Not to mention, numerous studies have found a strong correlation between higher technology use and poorer health. So, try to set aside specific times to check your phone on the weekend, so you really feel rejuvenated when it’s time to head back to the office on Monday.

2. Go outside more.

On weekends, instead of spending your time on social media, spend your time socializing in nature. Take your buddies, your family, your dogs, whoever, and just relish in the simple pleasures that the wilderness provides. You won’t find a connection to the Internet here, but you’ll find a better connection with your soul, and that’s what really counts, isn’t it?

3. Use your weekend time to connect with loved ones.

As we hinted at in point 2, try to utilize your weekend as much as possible to spend time with the ones you love. During the week, you probably have your hands full between working, school, kids, errands, and other personal responsibilities, so why not set aside some time on the weekends to spend with those who really matter? Our lives have enough disconnection already, so the least we could do is to show those we love how much they mean to us while we can.

4. Pamper yourself.

When was the last time you got a massage, pedicure, facial, acupuncture, or something else that made you feel like a million bucks? Use the weekends to catch up on self-care and treating yourself how you truly deserve. Out of all the people in your life, the relationship with yourself will always be the most important one, so don’t allow yourself to fall into a state of self-neglect. Weekends should be used to unwind and destress from the work week, and a little pampering will do just that.

5. Lounge around the house without feeling guilty.

Contrary to what society likes to push on us, we don’t ALWAYS have to be productive. We don’t always have to be working, giving a corporation more profit and more success, and slaving away for someone else. We don’t even have to always be slaving away for ourselves, if we own our own business. Use your downtime to truly relax, and forget about outside demands for a while.

Related Article: 20 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone

The world will still be there when you get back from your much-deserved time away, so learn to veg out a bit without feeling guilty, or like you owe someone something.

6. Don’t work on the weekends.

Don’t feel tempted to check emails and answer phone calls on the weekends, unless you absolutely have to for work. We all need some time away from our obligations, and Mondays will seem a lot more enjoyable if you’ve had a whole two days away from the daily grind. We have so much to do already in life that we don’t need to add on anything else to our list of responsibilities. Allow yourself ‘you’ time, because you deserve it.

Related Article: 5 Things Successful People Do On The Weekends

7. Try something new.

Use your weekends to experience a new activity, whether that’s taking a yoga class, going skydiving, or something else that you’ve always wanted to do. Then, you’ll have some interesting stories to share with your coworkers when you head back to work on Monday, plus, you’ll have some amazing memories from the weekend.

8. Wake up to watch the sun rise.

We all usually look forward to the weekends for sleeping in, but when was the last time you woke up to watch the sun rise? Waking up before the world gets too noisy and just giving into the moment as the sun appears over the horizon will help you to keep a perspective on what’s truly important in life. We get so lost in the maze of life trying to be something and accomplish something, that we don’t give enough time to just be what and who we are now, and enjoy life for what it is.

9. Don’t schedule too many things on the weekend.

Also, try to keep your weekends free of too much responsibility. Just go with the flow, and save the errands for the workweek. Relaxation should be the only thing on your to-do list for the weekend!

20 Simple (Yet Effective) Ways To Get Healthy

Every day people make (yet another) resolution to get and stay healthy, only to fall back into bad habits. Call it bad timing, too much stress, or just plain ole’ lack of discipline, but most people aren’t able to get healthy after so much initial gusto. Those that eventually DO get healthy can’t stay healthy. Why? Because it’s hard!

Now, a question: is the actual act of getting healthy hard, or is it setting our priorities? We’ve never – in the history of the world – had more distractions and temptations than we do now. Adding a second barrel to that shotgun, work has never been more competitive and stressful than it is right now. Many of us end up taking this double-barreled shotgun and shooting ourselves right in the foot.

Some of us take the completely wrong approach; we eat what we want and try to work all of that food off. Some of us do the exact opposite and simply eat less and not workout at all. But all of us make staying healthy way too difficult. Believe it or not, there are many simple things that can be done to get and stay healthy.

In fact, here are 20 S-I-M-P-L-E things we can start doing right now:

1. Trash the junk food

That’s right…trash it. Forget about how much money you paid, or how a little bit isn’t doing anyone any harm. My friend, having junk food in the house makes it much, much more difficult to abstain from indulging – especially when a quick bite is needed to take care of those hunger pangs.

2. Stock up on healthy snack foods

Yes, there are good-tasting healthy snack foods. Nuts, berries, grapes, apples, oranges, bananas…the list goes on. This should be pretty easy to do after you’ve completed #1 and are in need of some quick eats ‘round the house.

3. Get a simple recipe cookbook and buy the ingredients

For those of us that are not good cooks (hangs head in shame), this is an absolute must. The truth is those snacks are not going to hold us over for too long. We need to cook something up on occasion.

4. Bulk up the cooking

It’s much easier to stick to a healthy diet when food is already stocked. Cook up some chili or make a healthy stir fry and store those extras away! How much easier is it to zap something in the microwave than it is to prepare a whole meal?

5. Stay out of bars and restaurants

Nothing will derail healthy eating like the local bars and restaurants. Beer, liquor, appetizers, and other “no-no’s” are much easier to succumb to when you’re sitting down and ready to indulge. If you must go out, stick to the healthy side of the menu and lay off the booze.

6. Find fun ways to exercise

The truth is that most of us – even those that do it often – hate working out. Working out simply is not very fun, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be. Sports like basketball and tennis are very fun and also very healthy. Biking and hiking are awesome, too!

7. Get a workout buddy

While many of us may not like working out, it’s much more fun (or at least tolerable) if we have a friend there with us. Friends and workout buddies add some extra incentive not to slack off as well.

8. Use social media for extra motivation

The truth is that most of us are on social media. So, use Facebook or another platform to notify your circle on your intentions. We’re much less likely to slack if we include others in our plans for healthy living, as it adds another dimension of accountability.

9. Plan nights out in advance

We all need nights out of the house to maintain our sanity. Not only is this okay, it’s absolutely necessary in our opinion. However, with so many different apps and sites that make it easy to plan a night out, we should be making the most of them. Plan your night out and stick to that plan, even if others don’t want to follow along.

10. Lay off sugary drinks

Soda and energy drinks are so commonplace, yet so bad for us. Sugar is perhaps the biggest culprit in an unhealthy lifestyle. If you need your soda or energy drink fix, choose the diet variety.

11. Schedule your breaks

Many of us are in a work environment that requires sitting at a computer or in a cubicle. To that end, schedule your 15 minute-or-so breaks effectively – get outside, take a brisk walk around the office, or find something else to do besides sitting in the break room.

12. Get your spouse/significant other onboard

This one is tough on those that have someone living with them. While you may wholeheartedly embrace a healthy lifestyle, your main squeeze may not. So, share your thought process and ask for their support. They may not be willing to embrace your lifestyle, but they should be willing to be an advocate.

13. Make small changes

A lifestyle change is a difficult transition, no doubt about that. Instead of making all of these changes in one go, take minor steps. Don’t fret about having to do everything at once by making small, incremental changes to your habits. If you can implement all of these in one go, that’s terrific…but you shouldn’t feel obligated to.

14. Make healthy choices a lifestyle

With all this talk about “lifestyle changes,” it’s appropriate to intercede here. Don’t think about these nutritional or diet changes as a “phase”. Incorporate your method of healthy living into a day-to-day routine – something that doesn’t have any kind of end date.

15. Celebrate your successes

It’s probably best not to go out to McDonald’s to celebrate your newfound lifestyle. That said, it’s okay to get out and enjoy the strides that you’ve made in this difficult endeavor. Go watch a movie you’ve wanted to see or buy yourself something to savor the moment. You’ve earned it.

16. Try new, healthy foods

There are plenty of good-tasting, healthy foods that you’ve probably not heard about or tried before. Look into picking up some raw fruits and veggies, avocado, flaxseed, or tofu. Some of them are an acquired taste (avocado or tofu), but can be truly delicious if made using the right recipe or use them as a compliment to your meal.

healthy food

17. Make subtle diet adjustments

Many of the foods that we enjoy can still be enjoyable if we make some slight modifications. For example, if you like chicken, buy chicken that is not fried or peel the skin. If you like salad, add some more veggies and scale back on the ranch dressing, and so on.

18. Explore ethic diets

There are some great Mediterranean and Asian foods out there that are very healthy and taste quite food. Visit a local Indian or Thai spot, and you’ll find some healthy and tasty meals that serve your new lifestyle well.

19. Don’t smoke

Goes without saying, but you should lay off the cigarettes. It’s a difficult thing to do, but there is plenty of support out there to assist you with trying to kick the habit. Not to mention how much better your body and mind will feel having this monkey off your back.

20. Remember…diet before exercise

This is true: diet is more important than exercise…and it’s not even a close contest. You can lose weight and get healthy quicker by changing up your diet than you can by working out five times a week. This is because no matter how much you exercise, if you still eat like it’s your first time at a buffet, it won’t matter too much.

20 Quotes To Remember From Dr. Seuss

The famous children’s author of Green Eggs and Ham and Cat in the Hat, Dr. Seuss, left behind some important life lessons through his work.

Many children grew up reading books and learned valuable information about life through the literary genius of Dr. Seuss. Even though the stories catered towards children, adults can also draw inspiration and motivation from the powerful lessons. You might remember the late Dr. Seuss as a children’s book author, but he left behind a legacy much greater than that.

Here are 20 quotes to remember from Dr. Seuss:

These memorable Dr. Seuss quotes also apply to adulthood.

dr. seuss

1. “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”

No two people on this Earth have the same qualities, so why try to imitate someone else? Why not simply embrace yourself as the beautiful, unique being that you are and go out and show the world your truth?

2. “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”

Only you control what happens in your life, based on your reactions to external events. You steer the vessel, call the shots, and decide what path to take. If you don’t like your life, then make better choices so that you can live to your highest potential.

3. “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

In this world, we all must care about something. Apathy might seem like the easier route, but it won’t bring you near as much fulfillment. Turning your cheek towards important issues in life will not make anything better, so we must care about ourselves and the planet to enact any change.

4. “Think and wonder. Wonder and think.”

Don’t allow others to dictate your thoughts or opinions. Use your own brain, creativity, and intuition instead of relying on technology or other people to think for you.

5. “You are you. Now isn’t that pleasant?”

Instead of bashing everything you see as flawed, try to focus on everything positive about you. You don’t get another body, mind or soul in this life, so you may as well learn to love yourself while you can.

6. “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

Our society doesn’t place nearly enough value on learning and education these days. We spend so much time lost in technology and status updates and taking pictures that we have lost much of our desire and drive to learn truly. Pick up a book, question things you’ve heard, and always committed to making life your teacher.

7. “You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut.”

The world might look ugly sometimes, but you can find beauty anywhere. Don’t close your eyes for a second because life will pass you by before you know it.

8. “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” 

We tend to overthink life a lot of times instead of just enjoying it and embracing the simplicity of it all. Try not to let your mind overcomplicate life, and just stay in the present moment.

9. “If things start happening, don’t worry, don’t stew, just go right along and you’ll start happening too.”

Life can seem stagnant sometimes, but don’t worry – oftentimes, the greatest things happen to us when we least expect them to.

10. “Just tell yourself, duckie, you’re really quite lucky.”

Don’t forget to show gratitude for all your life’s blessings. Sometimes we tend to focus on all the negatives happening to us, and forget to see the positives through the dark clouds.

dr. seuss

11. “It’s better to know how to learn than to know.”

This basically means that knowing doesn’t mean as much as knowing how to obtain new knowledge. The person who claims to know it all really doesn’t know much of anything, because realizing you know nothing is true wisdom.

12. “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.”

Embrace each and every precious memory of your life, because those moments will forever hold a place in your heart.

13. “Only you can control your future.”

Dr. Seuss hit the nail on the head with this one. No one can decide your future for you – only you have the power to make the necessary changes in your life moving forward.

14. “So, open your mouth, lad! For every voice counts.”

Sometimes, we can feel so small, but remember your voice matters. Speak up against corruption and hatred, and you just might make a change where it counts.

15. “Step with great care and tact, and remember that life’s a great balancing act.”

Sometimes we can get too caught up in moving forward, and forget to watch out for others along our path. Remember to take care of yourself and your life, but to also not neglect or hurt others along the way.

16. “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive, who is youer than you.”

No one else can ever take your place, so remember that the next time you feel insignificant or don’t matter. Everyone came here with a purpose, and everyone adds value to this life.

17. “Today I will behave as if this is the day I will be remembered.”

What would you change today if you realized you didn’t have tomorrow? Would you feel happy with how people would remember you? Ask yourselves these questions and pay attention to the answers you receive.

18. “You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!”

You will never be more ready for anything than you are today, so don’t wait. Start now because now is as good a time as any.

19. “A person’s a person, no matter how small.”

Don’t ever discount someone or put them down – everyone deserves to have a voice and play a part. We all came here as equals. Only labels and classifications have divided us.

dr. seuss

20. “I know it is wet and the sun is not sunny, but we can have lots of good fun that is funny.”

Learn how to play in the rain instead of hiding from it. We can’t always have sunny days, but we can embrace the rainy ones.

6 Habits of Happily Married Couples

Marriage consists of give and take. It takes compromises, patience, understanding, and love. We are so accustomed to give up, and give in, when things don’t run smoothly. Marriage is never easy, but there are people out there who make it work.

In an article by NY Daily News, a study on lasting marriages found that, “…happier marriages tended to inspire healthier habits and better coping mechanisms, such as encouraging each other to seek medical attention when needed, sleeping better, drinking less, and supporting each other after a stressful day.”

Here are 6 habits of happily married couples:

1. They have their own interests and hobbies.

You are married, but not attached at the hips. Happy couples have their own way of creating enjoyment through separate interests, hobbies and entertainment. They can make models, go fishing, paint, write, go hiking, and other forms of events without their partners. They each have time to be alone and cherish what fulfills and brings them joy. Whenever they share together, they don’t feel as if they lost a part of themselves because they are committed to keeping their individualism intact.

2. They are each other’s support group.

Friedrich Nietzsche said, “It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” Marriages that are based on deep friendship stand the test of time. Finances, illnesses, and other challenges are tackled together rather than apart. Teacher and author, John Dufresne says, “You can always tell a happy marriage.

People in love begin to acquire each other’s traits, each other’s styles- they begin to look and act alike. They want to please. They admire each other and, naturally enough, want to become what they esteem and cherish.”

But, it’s not just the support that they give each other. Happily married couples truly enjoy reaching goals together. They plan things out and discuss without putting the other person down. They might not always agree, but happy couples truly find a way of reaching a middle ground for support and commitment.

3. They give each other pleasure.

Physical intimacy is not the only thing that brings pleasure to these couples. Happily married couples give their time to each other. They send daily texts, make special moments count for no reason at all, and let their partner know that they matter. They bring home sweet desserts or flowers or tickets to a concert. There is an admiration of sorts that increases with each passing year.

They do things for one another just because the person doesn’t enjoy doing it: pumping gas in the wife’s car, taking out the trash, doing his laundry, bathing the dog, etc. It’s in the smallest of details that they thrive and connect with a deep sense of appreciation.

4. They put each other first.

Even when having children, happily married couples put each other first. And, together they raise a family. At the end of the day, it is their union that makes it through all the challenges in their lives. Work and other forms of daily stress can take a toll on relationships, but these couples make time to cuddle, share, and release the stress. They are not afraid of showing up and being vulnerable with each other. It’s important to take time to acknowledge each other. Happy people make each other happy because they know not to sweat the small stuff.

5. They have a separate group of friends.

It’s healthy to keep your own friendships that aren’t involved in your marriage. Happy married couples have separate gatherings with friends, they travel separately, and go to events without the other. There is no jealousy or insecurities because they know that at the end of the day they come home to their best friend. It’s important to have your alone time as well as time with people who share similar interests.

The long lasting relationships are based on trust and mutual understanding that you are not alone in this life to just cater to one another. These couples go out and have fun with others and do not feel guilty about it. It’s very healthy to continue doing the things that enrich you with others because you get to come home and share with your loved one.

6. They don’t sacrifice their relationship.

Divorce is not an option they take lightly. This is for better and for worse. Happy married couples do not make decisions apart. They make them together. There is no one size fits all in a relationship. Marriage can be a roller coaster of a ride but when you know you have committed to your soul mate you make that a priority. The work these folks put in stops being “work” because it is a companionship. It’s a matter of trust, respect and ultimately love and acknowledgment that makes a happy long lasting marriage.

As author, Elizabeth Gilbert says, “To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow – this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.”

Related article: 21 Rules For A Happier Marriage

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Things To Never Stop Doing For Your Partner

Your partner makes you blissfully happy, and you couldn’t imagine life with anyone else.

Of course, any relationship requires effort and commitment to keep it going, and doing certain things can help your partner remember how much you love and care for them. The little things matter most in relationships, such as making dinner when your partner feels too tired, washing the dishes, buying him or her chocolates just because, etc. Relationships change over time, so communicating with your partner to figure out what makes both of you happy will go a long way in sustaining the partnership. Even if you’ve been with your partner for a while, make sure to never stop doing the following things for him or her.

10 Things To Never Stop Doing For Your Partner:

Related article: 5 Things Respectful Relationships Do Differently

1. Committing to working on yourself just as much as your relationship.

Any relationship in our life requires us first to develop a healthy relationship with ourselves. We attract the energy that we have cultivated within, so if we constantly think negative thoughts and give off unpleasant vibes, that energy will come back to us as well. Once you realize that love starts with you, you can have much more open, loving, and positive relationships. So, never stop working on yourself, because the work that you do on your own consciousness will determine what type of relationships you have in your life.

2. Communicating openly.

Any healthy relationship requires total transparency in order to work. The more you go within and remove any blockages in your energetic field, the more open you can become in your personal life, too. Communication doesn’t have to be complicated; it just means that both parties need to come forward with any thoughts or emotions they have, and not feel ashamed to share them. Never stop communicating with your partner – healthy, raw, uncensored communication will take any relationship to new levels.

According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the most successful adult relationships consist of a feeling of closeness as well as the ability to depend on others for emotional support. So, cultivating a close, loving relationship that includes frank, open communication will keep your love alive.

3. Checking in on them.

Even if both of you work 40+ hours a week, you can still send a loving text message or ask about their day after they get home from work. Truly, relationships simply require love and care in order to work, so don’t ever stop checking in on your partner. Make sure you let them know that they can come to you with anything, and that you have their back. Checking in with them might just mean giving them a warm embrace to show them you care, or giving them a massage before bed at night, or asking if they have anything they need to get off their chest. Be mindful of your partner’s needs, and don’t make them feel like a burden if they need to vent.

Related article: One Sentence Reminders Every Relationship Needs To Hear

4. Listening to your partner.

In today’s society, we have largely forgotten the power of listening to others. We rush around trying to get chores done, trying to keep our families afloat and keep everything together, but how often do we drop everything to truly listen to someone else? Probably not as often as we’d like. People like to feel heard and understood, so give this gift to your partner unconditionally. Listening allows you to connect with him or her on a deep level. Of course, it requires some patience and humility, but listening will make your partner feel important and worthy of your time, which any relationship needs to survive.

If you want a successful partnership, never forget the power of truly listening to your loved one.

5. Loving your partner, quirks and all.

This might seem like a no-brainer, but if you want to keep your partner, don’t ever stop remembering why you fell in love with him or her in the first place. While they might get on your nerves after a while, stopping to remember what you love about them and what caught your attention to begin with can help keep the relationship going. You won’t ever find a perfect person in life, but forget perfect. Just accept people as they come, and help them to transform their weaknesses into strengths. Your partner might have flaws, but never stop helping them improve themselves and seeing how much potential they truly have.

6. Making time for him or her.

In this hectic world today, we often forget about making others feel special in the midst of our responsibilities, chores and errands. However, making time for your relationship could make the difference between staying together for the long-haul or ending things before they even began. Never stop making time for your partner, even if you have deadlines and responsibilities at work, kids to attend to, or other things in your personal life. Everyone needs to feel important, and your significant other should be one of the major priorities in your life.

7. Surprising him or her.

Successful relationships also require an element of surprise sometimes to keep things exciting. Has your partner forgotten the last time they’ve been on a vacation? Surprise them with a weekend getaway or even two plane tickets to one of their favorite destinations if you feel like truly spoiling them. Has your lover had a tough week at work? Make him or her a special candlelit dinner at home and pop in one of their favorite movies afterwards. Keeping your partner on their toes will make the relationship seem fresh and exciting, no matter how long you’ve been together.

8. Encouraging your partner.

In a relationship, both parties need encouragement and support, so don’t ever stop offering these things to your partner. If he or she wants to reach certain goals but feels unsure of themselves, give them that extra push they need to see their dreams through to the end. Don’t ever put your partner down or make him or her feel that they aren’t good enough – inspire, motivate, and illuminate their path for them so that they can become the best version of themselves.

9. Challenging him or her.

Just as much as relationships require understanding and compassion, sometimes, your partner might need an extra push or motivation to try something new. If they have talked of competing in a marathon, for example, and have never taken the initiative to train or sign up for one, get them out there! Remind them how amazing, athletic, and capable they are, and challenge them to reach their potential. This is only one of many possible examples, but the point is, you should never allow your partner to simply settle. Everyone can always improve and reach new goals, so remind your partner of this if they seem unmotivated or stagnant.

10. Enjoying the little things in life together.

No matter how crazy, hectic, or stressful life gets, never stop relishing in the little things in life that make this existence truly worth it. Embrace the mornings together cuddling in bed before you have to get up for work, enjoy discussions over morning coffee, smile at the sunrise together, or just sit in the backyard and stare up at the clouds for a while. As fast as we move through this life, we can easily forget about what makes this life so beautiful and special.

The little things in life truly add up to the bigger things in the end, so anytime you feel you need a breather in life, remember what brings about the best connection between you and your partner. We all need to take a time out from responsibilities and the seriousness of life for a second, so get out in nature, talk about deep, important topics together, or just enjoy how it feels in each other’s arms.

In summary, as long as you keep an open, honest relationship and never stop loving or caring for your partner, you will likely enjoy a happy, healthy relationship for a long time to come.

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