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5 Signs “The One” Is Still Out There

5 Signs “The One” Is Still Out There

We have been taught to believe in two things: (1) You will one day meet that great “one” who will bring fulfillment into your life; and (2) “the one” is a myth and you need to stop searching for it. Eventually we fall into one of those two categories.

We either believe in a soul mate and profound love, or we give up and settle for whatever comes our way mostly out of the fear of being alone. What are the chances that you will meet the mate of your dreams with all the qualities you have dreamed up since adolescence? Well you can definitely hold on to the belief that there is someone you can love and will forever love you back.

Here are 5 signs that “the one” is still out there:

the one soulmate

1. Synchronicity appears often.

There are times that meeting someone is just a step up to then meeting the next person. Don’t allow a sign to go unnoticed. Imagine this: You meet a man on a plane from Australia on the way home from a business trip. He goes back home while you stay in the United States. You keep in touch. You meet another woman from Australia. She introduces you to another person who is in the same type of business as you.

Before you know it, you are guided to visit the Land Down Under. You get there and you meet the one. Had you not entertained all those signs to get to Australia you might had never met this person. Signs come in many forms. The One might just be down the road from you and until you follow the signs to meet you will continue to travel apart. Let your heart guide you.

2. You aren’t pairing up with anyone.

Some of us go through an array of disastrous dates before the one shows up and it’s usually not on a planned event. It could be as simple as the grocery store. You may have spent countless hours, and years, with online dating and one day the right woman shows up at the deli counter. You might have even given up and fallen into the second part of our belief system that a soul mate is a myth.

But, it is exactly then that your “one” shows up to love you. Love has no expiration date. You might have to endure all those others just to get to this one person. This is the place most people feel exhausted and just settle for Mr./Mrs. Right Now rather than wait for Mr./Mrs. Right Forever.

3. Each new relationship teaches and heals you from the past.

You can’t appreciate kindness and true love unless you’ve had some deep heartaches from past relationships. How can you know what you want until you pass those lessons? There is a reason you experience all those relationships. They catapult you into figuring out exactly what you want out of a loving union. You cannot cherish light until you have been in darkness. It’s duality.

4. You feel as if something is missing in your life.

You might not be looking for the one. But there is a feeling of loss that is not clear. You’ve tried to fulfill your life with work, hobbies, travel, and other relationships. You might have been married and now divorced with children. Despite that, you still feel this ache as if something has gone missing. That is “the one” searching for you. The moment you allow for this awareness the universe starts to align with your desires. Let go of old programmings and begin to envision your future partner.

5. You have learned to put yourself first.

The moment you start to love yourself unconditionally, as you would another, the universe conspires to bring you the one who will love you the same way. You cannot possibly love another if you don’t know how to nurture and cherish yourself. Being alone is important. If you are going from one relationship to another without being alone, there is no way you would appreciate that one special someone to enter your life.

Social psychologist, Zick Rubin researched romantic love. He devised questionnaires to assess attitudes towards different types of love. He concluded that love is made up of three elements: attachment, caring and intimacy. Since the beginning of time, we have been searching for love and how to attract the one to us. The reality is that there is no simple formula.

True love does consist of attachment, caring and intimacy, but it also contains a magic that joins two hearts. Personalities, passion, compassion, interests, culture and a million other elements create love. It’s a matter of allowing yourself to believe with the awareness that you have someone out there who is looking for someone exactly like you. Until then, do not settle. Allow yourself joy and experience all that comes your way.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Why You Need To Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Every Morning, According to Science

Many people quickly classify apple cider vinegar’s medicinal benefits as an “ancient folk remedy.” However, much medical research has been published that demonstrates the effectiveness of ACV in alleviating many health conditions – including obesity, high blood pressure, and others.

Apple cider vinegar is the most popular type of vinegar. As the name implies, cider vinegar is a type of vinegar made from the cider of apples.

More specifically, it is made by crushing apples and squeezing the liquid. Common uses include food preservatives, marinades, vinaigrettes, and chutneys (an Indian side dish).

To manufacture this vinegar, yeast, and bacteria are added to the liquid squeezed from a batch of apples. This initiates the fermentation process, turning the sugars into alcohol. The product then converts into vinegar via healthy acid-forming bacteria. This process gives vinegar its sour taste.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of cider vinegar let’s discuss its benefits.

Editors note: Always mix apple cider vinegar with water, drink water afterward, or take in the form of gummies. Apple cider vinegar taken directly over the course of time may cause irritation.

Here are ten reasons why you need to drink apple cider vinegar every morning:

take care of yourself quote

1. Apple Cider Vinegar Lowers blood sugar levels

The most potent use of apple cider vinegar is lowering blood sugar levels. In fact, consuming this type of vinegar may help patients with type 2 diabetes.

In one particular study, consumption lowered blood sugar glucose by 19 to 34 percent when eating a high-carbohydrate meal.

2. Helps you feel full

Research has shown that consuming vinegar can increase feelings of satiety, or fullness. Of course, this makes it possible to consume less food – and less calories.

In turn, prolonged consumption of apple cider vinegar can lead to weight loss. In one study, individuals that consumed ACV ate 200 to 275 less calories over a 24-hour period.

3. Reduces the risk of heart disease

Cardiovascular diseases – e.g. heart disease and stroke – are the leading causes of death globally. ACV might reduce LDL cholesterol, a type of “bad” cholesterol that causes plaque buildup in the arteries.

Chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant in vinegar, prevents the oxidation of cholesterol particles, which explains how the product can reduce the risk of heart disease.

4. Kills unhealthy bacteria

Vinegar’s anti-bacterial properties are the reason why food manufacturers use it as a food preservative. Further, vinegar has also been used for cleaning and disinfecting a variety of ailments – including ear infections, lice, warts, and nail fungus.

Rumor has it that Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician, used vinegar for cleaning wounds over 2,000 years ago. Simply put, ACV is an anti-bacterial agent in a number of different ways.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar Heals a sore throat

Sore throats are a nuisance, but research has shown that ACV may help eradicate the germs that cause it. As a potent germ-killing liquid, vinegar can eliminate the infection that causes a sore throat early in the process.

Simply gargle ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar with ¼ cup of warm water when the throat feels itchy and sore.

6. ACV can prevent indigestion

Warding off indigestion is easy by sipping a simple concoction of cider vinegar before eating. To implement this remedy, simply mix one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of warm water. Drink this mixture a half hour before eating.

7. Can clear nasal congestion

Speaking of nuisances, it doesn’t get much worse than nasal congestion. The next time you experience a stuffed-up nose, reach for a bottle of ACV. It turns out that because of apple cider vinegar’s high potassium content, vinegar can thin the mucus that accumulates within the nasal passageways. Simply mix a teaspoon of cider vinegar into a glass of cold water and drink.

8. Can eliminate dandruff

Dr. Oz actually recommends ACV as a dandruff treatment, as the product alters pH levels of the scalp. This chemical interaction makes it more difficult for yeast to grow. As a result, it can eliminate dandruff production. Mix ¼ cup of apple cider with ¼ cup water and spray it onto the scalp. Wrap your head in a towel for 15 minutes to an hour, and then wash. The process should be repeated twice a week for optimal results.

late-night snacks

9. Apple Cider Vinegar Can clear up acne

As mentioned, ACV is a potent anti-bacterial. Thus, you can apply it directly to the skin for disinfection. Specific acids, such as malic and lactic acids, aid in exfoliation and softening of the skin, reducing acne’s redness effect while balancing the pH levels of the skin.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Things You Need To Do To Keep Your Partner

So, you’ve found a new lover, and they make your heart soar. In this world, finding someone who complements you and gets you isn’t easy, but keeping your partner around can be even more of a challenge.

Relationships do take effort, and communicating with one another to figure out what you both need to remain happy in the partnership is essential. You might have found someone who takes your breath away, but if you want them to stick around for a while, make these things an integral part of your relationship.

Doing certain things to keep your lover around is essential, but you also want to decide if the relationship is worth working on. In many cases, it’s worth it, but sometimes it isn’t. Once you know what to do to keep the person and if it’s worth it, you’ll know what to do next.

Five Things You Need to Do to Keep Your Partner

These behaviors can help ensure a long-lasting love. Don’t lose who you are in the process, but make your relationship a priority if you want to keep it.

right person meme

1. Make Sure You Work on Yourself Just as Much as Your Romantic Relationship

To have a successful relationship, you must honor and develop your relationship with yourself. All of the love we experience in life starts from within and flows outward toward others in our lives. The more passion you have cultivated within yourself, the more you can experience and share with others.

Working on yourself might seem like a daunting task, but the rewards you’ll experience make it worth it. Nothing feels as satisfying as growing beyond what you thought possible, and your significant other will appreciate and love you that much more for becoming a better version of yourself.

2. Keep the Lines of Communication With Your Partner Open at all Times

Relationships can’t thrive in an environment where open, honest communication doesn’t exist. A successful relationship requires both people to share their deepest thoughts and feelings.

Don’t feel like you have to hold back to keep one another comfortable. If you have a problem with your significant other, share it with them before it becomes a more substantial issue. The longer you hold something in, the more it will eat away at you.

Your lover should be the one person in your life that you feel you can talk to about anything. So, if you want to keep your significant other, make sure to open up your heart and get comfortable with vulnerability.

3. Explore Ways to Become More Emotionally Intimate

Of course, physical intimacy matters in a relationship, but make sure you nurture the emotional side of your relationship, too. Ask your lover how they feel, text them throughout the day to let them know you’re thinking of them, and have deep conversations often. Pick their brain, and make them feel as though you care to see every thought and emotion running through their veins.

Relationships require a deep bond to last, so make sure you get to know your significant other inside and out and remember to fall in love with their soul as much as their mind and body. According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the most successful adult relationships consist of a feeling of closeness and the ability to depend on others for emotional support.

4. Listen to Your Partner, Always

Perhaps one of the best ways to keep your partner around is to commit to listening to whatever they have to say at all times. Once you can learn to quiet your mind and pay attention to what someone else says, you can connect with them intimately.

Listening requires you to drop your ego and remain fully present in the moment. It requires patience and care, unconditional love, and understanding.

In our society, where everyone wants to make their voice heard, the art of listening has fallen to the wayside. If you want a successful partnership, never forget the power of truly listening to your loved one.

5. Accept Your Partner Unconditionally and Wholeheartedly

Also, don’t ever try to change your significant other. You fell in love with them in the first place, so you admire certain qualities about them.

Down the road, you might notice little things that annoy you about them, but loving them requires you to accept them, flaws and all. Embrace both the dark and light parts of your partner, and you’ll have them by your side for a long time to come.

13 Signs You and Your Partner Should Work on Your Relationship

Relationships are complicated, and it’s sometimes tricky to decide whether it’s worth saving. If you and your significant other have problems, you must determine if you should work on your relationship. The alternate option is to walk away, so don’t make your decision lightly.

There will be signs that your relationship is worth saving, making your decision easier. If you recognize these signs in your relationship, you and your significant other should start working on it immediately.

1. You Respect Each Other

If you both respect one another, it might be worth working on your relationship. Mutual respect involves being okay with the differences in how the other thinks and feels.

You don’t always have to have the same thoughts and feelings, but you do have to respect your significant other. A couple should care about each other’s feelings and thoughts, even if they disagree. A healthy relationship requires respecting each other’s minds, bodies, and spirits.

2. Your Problems Are Normal for All Relationships

Every relationship has problems, but it’s sometimes hard to remember that. When things aren’t going as well as they used to, you might think you’d be better off leaving. However, if your problems aren’t specific to your current relationship, it likely won’t do any good to end things.

You’ll leave your relationship only to find that the same problems occur in your next romance. Many of the issues couples face are common in all relationships, despite who the significant other is. Don’t give up on a relationship that only has problems that arise between all couples.

3. Your Partner Doesn’t Give Up, and You’re Willing to Put in the Work

When things get hard, pay attention to how your significant other behaves. If they are always there, even when you push them away, it shows that you have something to fight for. Having a lover committed to making things work shows that the relationship is essential to them.

Your lover not wanting to give up isn’t the only thing that matters. You also must be willing to work on making your relationship better, too. It requires a strong desire to fix things, being open to new ideas and being ready to change behaviors.

However, make sure that your significant other’s intentions are good. If you have someone who doesn’t let go but continually causes harm to you, it’s not a good way for them to hold on. They might pretend that they have changed if they know you’re thinking of walking away, but you must think long-term.

If they’ve made emotional or physical abuse a habit, they’ll likely continue it once they think they’ve convinced you to stay. Of course, if your lover has never harmed you, their persistence and unwillingness to give up could be a good sign.

4. You Can Grow Together

If you and your partner want the same things in life, you can find a way to grow together. You both must acknowledge that you have a future with one another and be willing to do what it takes. Have a conversation about growth and see if you’re both committed.

You and your lover must be committed to growing as individuals, too. You will have things to work on personally, and you cannot ignore those issues.

partner dislikes your friends

5. Breaking Up Is Only Suggested When Someone is Angry

Although it isn’t ideal, everyone says things out of anger. If someone mentions a breakup during a heated moment, give everyone a chance to cool off before addressing it. Once everyone is calmer, have an open conversation about the root of the anger.

If you discuss the issue and talk about a way to overcome it, you’ll see if the relationship is worth saving. Threatening a breakup is hurtful, but it doesn’t always mean the person wants to end things.

6. You Can Still Communicate

When a couple can still communicate, there’s a chance of saving the relationship. As long as you and your lover still talk openly, your relationship might be worth working on. Talking about your day, discussing goals and dreams, and asking about the other person’s day are good signs.

If you stop talking, it indicates the end is near. As soon as you stop sharing things, it can wreak havoc on your romance. Please don’t assume they already know everything or avoid talking because you feel that you don’t have time.

Be open with each other when you communicate. Don’t keep secrets or snoop through their conversations, or it signifies a lack of communication. If you can be honest and expect that they do the same, the relationship could be worth it.

7. You Still Have Feelings for Your Partner and Think the Spark Will Return

If you still care about your significant other, you should try to fix the relationship. Your lover might make you angry or irritate you, but you can likely work through the problems. Rekindling the spark can make all the difference, and if you think there’s a chance, give it a go.

With positive feelings and commitment, you can make anything work. Your partner might be one of your favorite people, and if that’s the case, don’t give up too quickly. Work your way through the arguments and flaws, reminding yourself that it’s possible to find the spark again.

When a relationship is truly over, you’ll know it. Things will feel different, and you won’t feel heartbroken at the thought of losing your significant other. If that occurs, it’s likely best to let things go.

8. You Share Values With Your Partner

When you share the same or similar values as your partner, it could be beneficial to work on your relationship. Your values influence your life priorities, and being similar in this regard shows alignment.

You don’t need to have everything in common with your significant other, but core values are essential. Compare how you feel about politics, finances, religion, education, and other vital topics. If there are similarities, the relationship could still work.

When you can live in alignment with your lover, it contributes to your happiness, confidence, and fulfillment. Your relationship may not be worth working on without similar values because you’ll likely never have the same visions.

9. You Can Be Yourself and Be Vulnerable

It’s not always easy to open up in a relationship and share who you are. Being completely honest and sharing your fears, flaws, and secrets is a big deal in a romance. If you can be yourself and be vulnerable in your relationship, it’s a sign that you should work on it.

You won’t find that comfort level with anyone, so don’t take it lightly. Being yourself and opening up your vulnerable side is meaningful. If you and your partner are comfortable enough to be vulnerable, don’t throw the romance away without trying.

Don’t act like someone else or pretend to like things you don’t to make someone happy. Your relationship won’t be worth working on if you can’t be yourself.

10. You’re Invested in Multiple Ways

While you shouldn’t stay in a relationship because you have kids, it is something to consider. Likewise, having pets or property together makes walking away from your relationship harder. If there’s a lot invested in your relationship, it’s worth it to try and work on it.

Take a bit to think about how you want things to go. If you don’t want things to end, it’s worth it to try and salvage your relationship. Don’t force things, but if you can make it work, it’ll be beneficial in the long run.

11. You’re Best Friends

Some romantic relationships start as friendships, and being friends doesn’t always go away. Don’t let go too easily if you still feel like your significant other is your best friend. Try to sit down, discuss the issues, and settle them respectfully so that you don’t lose a friend and a romantic partner.

You don’t have to be quick to get rid of one of your favorite people. Even if they irritate you and things aren’t perfect right now, you don’t have to give up. Take your time and see if you can make things work before walking away.

12. You Can Recognize Your Responsibility

You can’t blame your significant other for every issue in your relationship. Take responsibility for your flaws and shortcomings, too.

Even if you feel like your lover is the reason for your issues, you play a role, too. Always look at yourself to see what you could do differently. Don’t change who you are, but acknowledge your faults within the relationship.

13. You Both Can Forgive

We’re all human, and we all make mistakes, and that is important to recognize in a relationship. If you and your lover can forgive mistakes and shortcomings, you should work on your relationship. Being able to forgive shows maturity and understanding, and it shows that your love is capable of lasting.

When you can understand mistakes and let them go, it’s a sign you should work on things. It shows that you love or deeply care for the other person, and that’s not something to ignore.

Some things are unforgivable, but that’s up to you to decide. It’s likely not the relationship for you if one of you can’t forgive the other.


Final Thoughts on Things You Need to Do to Keep Your Partner

When you know you have deep feelings for your partner, you want to do whatever you can to keep them. If things are going well, it’ll be easy to keep them, but other times you have to work a little harder. Every relationship has problems, but you must decide whether it’s worth working on your relationship.

Figuring out if your relationship is worth saving will help you figure out what to do next. Your issues might be typical of a long-term relationship, or they could signify the end. It’s up to you to determine what to do next, but sometimes you can save your romance.

Here’s What Happens To Your Brain When You Break Your Smartphone Addiction

If you look around at any given public place today, most people sadly spend more time in their smartphone screens than they do connecting with those around them. Smartphones originally made a wonderful way to check something on the Internet while out and about, or check an email or two. Nowadays with the thousands of apps available and the obsession with social media platforms, people use their smartphones basically to stay entertained. We’ve become addicted to technology, and less connected to ourselves and the world around us.

Ask yourself this question: How many times a day do you check your smartphone? Do you check it for important information and notifications, or check it every chance you get even if you don’t have notifications? Most people use their phones not out of necessity, but out of habit. We’ve become so accustomed to using our phones as a crutch, while we wait for a table at a restaurant, to avoid an awkward conversation, or just to escape reality.

However, all of this cell phone usage can really take a toll on your health, and make you feel like a zombie. Most of us have no idea how to live without our smartphones, but we’d like to share with you what incredible benefits come with giving up your smartphone, or at least using it significantly less.

Here’s what happens to your brain when you break your smartphone addiction:

Related article: These Things Happen To Your Body When You’re On Your Cell Phone Before Bed

For starters, let’s talk about how addicted we’ve become to our precious smartphones.

In a 2015 Pew Research Centre study, 24% of teens said they go on the Internet “almost constantly.” Surveys in the United States and Europe from 2012 prove that  between 1.5% to 8.2% of people suffer from what’s known as Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD). Other reports have found even higher rates between 6% and 18.5%. The governments of China and South Korea have classified IAD as a major public health threat. Of course, Millennials use their smartphones more than any other group, which means even more people will suffer in the future if we don’t do something about it now.

In fact, artists and photographers have tried to point out how sick we’ve become as a society, and how smartphone addiction is slowly destroying our connection to ourselves and others. For example, Erik Pickersgill’s photo series Removed features people looking at their phones in various situations, except he edits out the phones in all the pictures. This way, you can see how disengaged and isolated everyone seems. 

In addition to the isolation that cell phones cause, using a smartphone too frequently can contribute to major health problems. For example, if you use your cell phone too close to bedtime, your body will trick your mind into thinking that it’s daytime and you should stay awake. Many people who use a smartphone before bed have reported sleeping problems, as the artificial lights from phones inhibit your body’s natural ability to produce melatonin.

Also, studies have found elevated stress levels in people who use smartphones frequently, and other reports indicate that cell phone users can experience back and neck problems associated with bending down constantly to look at their screens.

Related article: This Is What Happens To Your Body When You’re Always On Your Phone

Finally, other studies have linked smartphone usage with decreased long-term memory storage as well as a reliance on looking information up on search engines instead of thinking critically.

So, by giving up your smartphone addiction, your brain can literally transform since you will start relying on it more than your phone for information and new knowledge.

An article written by Jenna Woginrich on The Guardian confirms all of the points we’ve listed above, as she explains her experience of giving up her smartphone:

“I’m a freelance writer and graphic designer with many reasons to have a little computer in my holster, but I don’t miss it. There are a dozen ways to contact me between email and social media. When I check in, it’s on my terms. No one can interrupt my bad singing of Hooked on a Feeling with a text message. It’s as freeing as the first night of a vacation.

“My phone” has become “the phone”. It’s no longer my personal assistant; it has reverted back to being a piece of furniture – like “the fridge” or “the couch”, two other items you also wouldn’t carry around on your butt.

I didn’t get rid of it for some hipster-inspired luddite ideal or because I couldn’t afford it. I cut myself off because my life is better without a cellphone. I’m less distracted and less accessible, two things I didn’t realize were far more important than instantly knowing how many movies Kevin Kline’s been in since 2010 at a moment’s notice. I can’t be bothered unless I choose to be. It makes a woman feel rich.”

Would you ever give up your smartphone? Have you before? Share your thoughts and comments with us below!

10 Yoga Poses That Melt Belly Fat

While most people wouldn’t associate yoga with weight and fat loss, even the most gentle yoga exercises can help you shed those unwanted pounds.

Yoga still requires movement, and even though it might not require the same rigor and endurance as sports, yoga works better, in some cases, since it involves quieting the mind and working on your breathing. In fact, multiple studies find links between yoga and weight loss, which actually baffles most scientists since many yoga practices don’t even involve breaking a sweat.

However, the studies suggest that by changing and moving the body through yoga, changes the brain, which then changes behavior. The driving force behind the weight loss that people see from doing yoga, then, has more to do with one’s mental state than their physical one. Most of us live with an incredible amount of stress, and doing yoga can help you to manage this stress better so that you don’t give in to bad habits, such as emotional eating, bingeing, drinking too much alcohol on the weekends, etc.

10 Yoga Poses That Melt Belly Fat

Since we’ve shown you that yoga does indeed help with weight loss, we wanted to share a few poses with you that target the most stubborn area for most people – the belly.

1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)


This pose works well for a warm-up to get your body loose for the rest of your practice. To do this pose, stand up straight with your feet flat, heels spread out a bit, and the your big toes touching. Keep your palms facing your body. Now, bring your hands to the front and put your palms close to each other. Inhale now, stretch out your spine, and then raise your hands above your head. Stretch your body out as much as possible.

If you’d like more of a challenge, try to lift your ankles a bit and stand on your toes, with your eyes facing upwards. If you don’t want to do this step, keep your feet flat. Breathe deeply and try to hold the pose for twenty to sixty seconds. On your last exhale, bring your feet slowly back to the floor. Repeat this pose ten times, with a 10 second rest in between each pose.

2. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

Sun salutations are wonderful to start your day with. They consist of twelve different yoga positions, helping detox the body while aiding in deep breathing simultaneously. Going through the twelve positions, start by standing with both feet together. Take a deep breath and feel your chest fuller while relaxing the shoulders. Upon inhaling, lift both your arms away from your sides, and on an exhale, bring both arms to the front of your chest. Put your arms into a prayer position.

Then, take a deep breath, raise your arms above your head, and stretch backward. After this, exhale, bend forward, and attempt to touch your knees to your forehead. Then, with your left knee bent, stretch your right leg out behind you with your palms touching the floor. Hold this breath and stretch out your left leg, getting into plank. Now, bring your body to the floor. However, only your knees, chest, and chin should be touching the floor.

Now, inhale again, stretch the body forward, and bend backward. Keep your hands on the floor, exhale, and then lean forward. Bring your right leg forward in between your hands upon an inhale, and stretch up. Bring your left leg forward, breathe in deeply, and stretch back from your waist.

3. Padahastasana (Standing Forward Bend)


To perform this pose, place your hands on each side of the body while your feet touch, including the heels. Stand up straight, inhale, and lift your hands above your head. Upon exhaling, bend forward, so your body parallels the floor. Inhale, then exhale, and bend forward until your head is touching your knees (if possible). Try to touch the floor if you can, with your palms all the way on the floor and without bending your knees. If you’re a beginner, try to touch your toes or ankles.

Hold your breath, suck in the belly, and hold for sixty to ninety seconds. Exhale and lift your body to the starting position. Repeat 10 times, taking ten-second rests between every two reps.

4. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)


This pose is perfect for stimulating your core and burning belly fat. To start, sit up straight on the floor with your legs stretched out. Keep your feet pointed toward the ceiling. Inhale deeply, raise your hands above your head while your eyes follow your hands upwards, and keep your spine stretched. Now, exhale and bend forward all the way to your legs. Beginners can keep their hands on their ankles or thighs, but more advanced yogis should aim for the toes.

If you do touch your toes, pull them back to feel the stretch in your hamstrings. Breathe in, suck in the tummy and try to hold for sixty to ninety seconds. Exhale and bring your body back up. Repeat this pose ten times.

5. Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose)

sciatica stretch

As you might’ve guessed by the name, this pose involves lying on your back with your knees touching your chest. This helps to alleviate gastric issues and aids in burning tummy fat. Lie down with your arms and feet outstretched and the heels touching each other. Now, bend the knees, inhale, and upon exhale, bring the knees to your chest. Hold them in place by putting your hands under the thighs. Then, exhale again, lift your head, bringing the chin to the knees.

Hold for 60 to 90 seconds. Then, exhale slowly, release the knees, and rest your head on the floor. Relax into Shavasana, and then repeat the asana 7 to 10 times.

6. Naukasana (Boat Pose)

This is one of the best yoga moves for burning belly fat, as it directly targets this region. To do this, lay down on the yoga mat with your arms and legs outstretched and your toes facing up. Inhale, exhale, and lift your head, chest, and legs off the ground. Stretch out your arms to parallel your legs, and then look toward your toes.

Feel your ab muscles contract, and hold for thirty to sixty seconds. Inhale, exhale, and then come back to starting position. Repeat five times, to begin with, with a 15-second rest after each pose.

7. Ushtrasana (Camel Pose)

This pose works well after the Boat Pose, as it will help stretch out the ab muscles from their previous contractions. Start in Vajrasana. Then, lift your body upwards from your knees so that the knees support your whole body. Exhale deeply, arch the back; reach your hands backward and try to hold each ankle. Tilt your head back until you feel the stretch in your abs.

Hold for twenty to thirty seconds, working up to sixty seconds. Exhale, release, and come back to the starting position. Repeat this exercise five times, resting for fifteen seconds between each.

8. Uttanpadasana (Raised Foot Pose)

For this pose, start in the supine position. Then inhale and exhale, and bring your head back so it touches the floor. Keep your hands at their original position on either side of your body. Stretch as far as you can, without hurting yourself. Now, inhale and raise your legs, making a 45-degree angle. Hold for fifteen or thirty seconds, paying attention to the breath. Inhale deeply and bring your legs back to their starting position.

Repeat 10 times, with a 15-second break between each rep.

9. Marjariasana (Cow Cat Pose or Cat Pose)


Start in Vajrasana. Breathe normally and raise your body to rest on your knees and palms. The knees should be directly under the hips, and the palms under the shoulders. Keep your head up straight, and place the knees slightly apart so that your weight is evenly distributed. Inhale deeply, then push your back down. Expand your abs as much as possible by taking a big breath.

Hold this pose for about twenty seconds. Exhale, lower the head, and now arch your back upwards this time. Breathe deeply and hold for fifteen to thirty seconds. Exhale, return to the starting pose, and relax the muscles for fifteen seconds. Repeat this move ten times.

10. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)


This pose strengthens back muscles and stretches out the abs. Lie down on the mat with your chest down, legs spaced out a bit, and your toes touching the floor. Keep your hands on either side of your body with your palms touching the floor. Bring the palms underneath the shoulders, inhale deeply, and then slowly lift the chest and head off the floor. Your eyes should be on the ceiling, and your buttocks should be tightened. Take a deep breath and try to lift the body up as much as you can, bending backward from the waist as much as possible.

Hold for thirty to sixty seconds. Exhale and bring your body back to the starting position. Stretch your arms out to the front. Repeat this pose ten times, with a 15-second rest between each rep.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

This ONE Ingredient Can Reduce Pain and Inflammation

Ginger has a long history of use for relieving digestive problems such as nausea, loss of appetite, motion sickness and pain. – WebMD

“Research shows that ginger affects certain inflammatory processes at a cellular level.”

A positive development in the world of medicine is the willingness of medical professionals to experiment with natural remedies. Despite technological advancements and cutting-edge pharmaceuticals, some of the most effective medicines can be found right in our local grocery store.

This ONE Ingredient Can Reduce Pain and Inflammation

hearing loss

The typical American diet disproportionally includes sugar, sodium and other additives that wreak havoc on our body. This is partially due to the fact that, through advances in food science, we’ve accepted convenience at the expense of what our body really needs: a natural, healthy diet.

Fortunately, enough research now exists that proves the effectiveness of everyday foods. One of those foods is ginger. This is a sweet and spicy ingredient that also happens to benefit our health in a number of ways. In addition to the great taste, ginger is a nutritious and exceptionally versatile ingredient.

Arthritis is one of the most prevalent ailments in society today. A painful and degenerative condition, arthritis is caused by inflammation in the joints. This inflammation adversely affects mobility and causes often debilitating physical pain. The most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis, has a tendency to get worse with age as natural wear and tear of the body takes its toll.

It’s this inflammatory response where ginger truly demonstrates its medicinal properties. One of the leading arthritis organizations, the Arthritis Foundation, promotes ginger as a natural anti-inflammatory ingredient. The organization’s website cites a study by the University of Miami that suggests ginger supplementation as a natural substitute for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). In the study of 247 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, those given a highly concentrated dose of ginger extract “reduced pain and stiffness in knee joints by 40 percent over the placebo.”

One of the study’s lead researchers states that “Ginger has anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer and antioxidant activities, as well as a small amount of analgesic (pain reduction) property.” In other words, it is ginger’s ability to counteract inflammation and pain that makes the spice a particularly potent medicinal alternative. This is certainly positive and welcome news for the millions of people who suffer from pain and inflammation from arthritis and other ailments.

As mentioned, ginger is an incredibly versatile ingredient that can be consumed in a number of different forms. The Arthritis Foundation notes that choosing an effective form of ginger is essential to experiencing the most powerful effects from its medicinal properties. Specifically, the organization recommends choosing supplements that use “super-critical extraction,” a process that results in the purest ginger. This process also provides the greatest medicinal effects of any ginger delivery method.

That said, there are a number of ways to incorporate ginger into your diet. Many people add ginger to fresh juices and everyday food. Favorite foods and beverages to include ginger as an ingredient are: carrot ginger lentil soup, stir fry, ginger berry smoothies, salad, split pea soup, kale juice, homemade ginger ale, ginger cookies and candy ginger.

Aside from ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties, the spice also serves other medicinal purposes. Research has shown that ginger can relieve the pain caused by headaches, menstrual cramps, and other injuries. Some research has even documented that the potency of ginger’s anti-inflammatory and pain reduction benefits exceeds that of painkillers and other drugs.

Ginger also helps:

– Fight cancer. Studies show that ginger may help to kill cancer cells. Promising research exists that specifically shows ginger’s powerful counteractive effects in breast cancer patients.

– Aid digestive processes and reduce bloating. Ginger tea and ginger ale drinkers have known this for quite some time. The ingredient contains certain compounds that counteract digestive discomfort while improving digestive processes. Both of these ward off and reduce bloating.

– Prevent and aid motion sickness. A plethora of research exists that notes ginger’s counteractive effects on nausea and vomiting. For this reason, ginger ale and other ginger beverages are a favorite for those that suffer from motion sickness.

– Prevent sickness. As an anti-viral, ginger is effective in reducing the likelihood of illness. At a minimum, consuming ginger during cold and flu months should be considered as a viable alternative.

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