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5 Things You Need To Know To Attract The Right People

Imagine being able to attract the right people to yourself to accomplish everything that you set out to do. With these 5 things, you will have everything you need to know about attracting the right people to you.

5 Things You Need To Know To Attract The Right People

1. Be clear about who you are and what you want

Researchers in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology studied the Law of Attraction and found that it applied to even 4th graders. They had students in grades 4-12 fill out surveys about their attitudes and preferences. Then the students looked at the surveys of other students, without knowing whose survey they were looking at. Children ranked the surveys most similar to their own as being the most attractive people.

Knowing yourself helps you to be able to attract the right people. For example, if you know that you are easily frustrated, you might know that you would get along best with a patient person, or someone who knows what it’s like to be easily frustrated. Know your strengths and weaknesses and look for people who can help you be the best person you can be.

2. Ask for what you want

Notice that the title of this step does not tell you to ask for who you want, but what you want. Know what you are looking for in the person you want to attract and ask for it. Saying it aloud is not necessary as long as you say it in your heart.

When we are talking about attracting the right people to you, you need to let go of the need to control who shows up. You can definitely ask for certain traits in the person you are trying to attract, for example, a good sense of humor for a romantic partner. But you cannot attract a specific person without asking for it.

Related article: 10 Habits That Make You More Attractive

The reason that you cannot control who is attracted to you is that you cannot control the free will of another person. Trying to control someone is against the Law of Attraction and will not bring you what you want. Instead, ask for the right person to come to you who has whatever quality or skill that you want or need to accomplish your goals.

3. Be mindful and focus on positive emotions

When you are working to attract the right people to you, you need to be aware of what is being sent to you. You should eliminate distractions like your cell phone, for example. The person you are trying to attract may be put in your path, but if you aren’t able to see or hear them, you might miss out.

Esther and Jerry Hicks, authors of The Law of Attraction, wrote about their experience talking with a non-physical being who began speaking through Esther. The being introduced himself as Abraham and Esther works with him as her spirit guide.

Abraham, speaking through Esther Hicks says of the Law of Attraction that ‘Your words will not bring you immediate manifestation of what you are asking for, but the more often you say them, and the better you feel while you are saying them, the purer or less contradicted your vibration will be. And soon your world will be full of these things you have spoken about.’

Abraham, the spirit guide, goes on to say through Esther that feeling the emotion that you want to attract is even better way to attract the right people, rather than focusing on the right words.

4. Expect the unexpected

‘Really? Is this a joke?’ Positive people who know how to attract the right people to themselves often find that they have to be on their toes. When they ask for who they want to appear, the Universe often shows that it has a sense of humor.

When you are using the Law of Attraction to attract the right people to you, often the Divine responds by sending you literally what you asked for, or a joke. For example, if you were unclear, but asked for a blonde, expect a bartender to place a light blonde ale in front of you by accident. Try being more clear about what you are looking for.

5. Be open to receiving

When you know these 5 things to attract the right people, you have to be open to receiving whomever the Divine and the Universe sends to you. If a child shows up or an 83-year old, you need to be ready to accept that this person will bring you whatever it is that you have asked for.

Related article: Who Is Your Perfect Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign?’

You may receive a person who was perfect for what you need, but maybe the person does not look how you hoped they would. Instead of rejecting what the Universe sends you, embrace this person and learn what you can from them. Perhaps they will work out perfectly after all.

If You Have Dreams About Your Partner Leaving, This Is What It Means

Like a dream that you wish you’d never had, waking from a dream about your partner leaving you is scary, sad, and it leaves you wondering what it means. Explaining dreams can be like trying to understand the complex inner workings of your brain.

Sigmund Freud was the father of psychoanalysis and he is associated with crediting the field of dream interpretation as a way to understand the deep workings of the mind. Freud believed that we could learn to understand the unconsciousness by examining our dreams. He also believed that dreams held the key to understanding mental illness.

Dream analysis is less of a science, and more of a review of the possible ways that you think, feel, and process memories while you sleep. The images of dreams are not always literal. More often they represent other things that are going on in our lives.

In a dream about your partner leaving, your partner may represent something else. Keep that in mind as you analyze your dreams.

In this article, we will look at some of the common interpretations for dreams about your partner leaving you from psychological experts so that you can better understand the meaning of these visions in the night.

If You Have Dreams About Your Partner Leaving, This Is What It Means

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Nightmares can happen any night, which makes them extra frightening. Some scary dreams are more common than others. Nightmare dreams of falling, being chased, being injured, or about major catastrophes are more common than a dream about your partner leaving.

Being left by your partner is a dream that might be less frightening than it is sad for many. This type of nightmare is unusual because of that. Fear is usually the main emotion that surfaces during our uncomfortable dreams.

For some people, being left by a partner can be a true nightmare of fear. In your relationship, if you are powerless and have no control over things like finances, your partner leaving could be frightening because you could be left with nothing.

In examining the nightmare of your partner leaving, you are examining your beliefs about your relationship. Insecurity in your relationship is problematic because it leaves you in a state of anxiety.

Anxiety is stressful for your body and harmful to your health. Taking care of these fears by talking about them is the best way to help your physical and mental health.

Seek the help of a licensed therapist if your dreams continue to concern you. Nightmares can lead to insomnia. The person having the nightmares will become afraid to sleep for fear of having another nightmare. Insomnia is a very negative health effect of having nightmares.

Fears of abandonment

Unlike a nightmare about clowns wielding knives chasing you, a nightmare about your partner leaving is something that could really happen. That is part of what makes it so frightening.

If this nightmare is more scary than sad, you feel powerless in your relationship. Speaking to your partner about how you can take over some decision-making would be helpful to prevent this nightmare form recurring for you.

If the nightmare of your partner leaving you is more sad than frightening, you have a fear of having your heart broken by your partner. Look at your relationship for reasons that you suspect your partner would leave you. Talk to your partner about your nightmare and ask if they have any similar fears.

Relationship insecurity

Some other possible fears that are revealed by your nightmare about your partner leaving are your feelings of inadequacy for your partner. For example, you are unable to give your partner a child and you fear them leaving you to look for a suitable parent for their future family.

Related article: If You Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night, This May Be Why

Insecurities in relationships are feelings of fear that your partner does not love you as much as they are capable of. You may fear that they wish for different traits in you as their partner, physical or psychological. You may feel that they desire another person or type of person than yourself.

Related article: 5 Signs You’re In A Relationship With Your Soulmate

Talking to your partner about your insecurity may help, or it may not. A partner who is truly looking to leave the relationship will likely either take the opportunity to break your heart since you brought it up or will lie to you to protect your feelings.

A Positive Spin

Dreaming about a partner leaving you might not be all bad. The loss of support that you feel when you are alone could also be a sign that you need to start acting more independent. The loss of your partner in this interpretation represents the loss of something that no longer serves you.

Researchers in the journal Dreaming who studied women going through divorce found that a dream-interpretation group therapy session helped the women to gain self-esteem and personal insight as they went through this difficult transition in their lives.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Reasons You Need Physical Touch Daily

Physical touch is one of the most fundamental elements of human interaction. From a gentle pat on the back to a comforting hug, we use physical touch to express and perceive emotions. We use our senses of vision and hearing more than our sense of touch, but humans may need physical touch every day.

Touch is a part of the physical closeness of two people that we cannot achieve at a distance. For this reason, touch gives us a sense of connectedness with people and our environment.

Children require loving touch to develop socially and physically. Depriving a child of loving touch is seen as neglectful.

Psychologist Harry Harlow famously studied baby monkeys who were deprived of food and a mother’s touch and then had the choice of food or touch. The poor, lonely, baby monkeys chose touch over food. Humans are no different in our need for touch.

And it’s no different for humans. Physical touch is a universal language of connection. From the first skin-to-skin contact between a mother and her newborn, touch initiates bonding and facilitates social interaction. A well-timed touch can communicate an array of sentiments, from comfort and love to sympathy and understanding. It plays a fundamental role in forming social bonds, whether they’re familial, platonic, or romantic.

The Future of Physical Touch


Technological advances have enabled even people at a distance to experience the touch of a loved one over the internet. This is possible through ‘haptic’ feedback connections. The receiver wears a device that mimics sensations on the skin. When the message sender starts a haptic conversation, the receiver can feel the touch from the sender with the help of the device they wear.

In the future, you might not need a touchy partner to get your fill of positive feelings from physical touch daily. But until haptic devices become more common, you must find a willing friend to let you enjoy their physical touch.

5 Reasons You Need to Have Physical Touch Every Day

Here are five compelling reasons you need physical touch every day.

1. You need physical touch every day to communicate

Humans are social beings, and touch is a natural part of communication. Touch is usually used to communicate a shared meaning between two people. Think about the last time you touched someone’s arm or shoulder. Were you sharing a joke?

The use of touch communicates a mutual bond over your communication and it usually happens when you use language to mean something other than its intended use. When we use innuendo, tell a white lie, exaggerate or joke around, we use words to symbolize a different meaning. Other than when we show affection or use touch, these are the usual times.

2. You need physical touch every day to connect you to other people

Our sense of our physical being is what gives us emotions. That tightness in your gut is anxiety, chills down your spine that you call fear, etc. The sensations we feel inside and on the surface of our own bodies help us to connect to people and the world around us.

Think about a great date that you might go on. If you spent the entire time smiling and having a great conversation but there was absolutely zero attempts at touching your knee, hand, or more, you would feel pretty certain that they weren’t interested in you because they did not initiate touch. Touch tells us that you like us.

Researchers in the journal Virtual Reality studying the future of human touch say ‘A short touch by another person can elicit strong emotional experiences; from the comforting experience of being touched by one’s spouse to the experience of anxiety when touched by a stranger. Indeed, human touch bears the capacity for very personal and very intimate interpersonal interaction, and can potentially evoke a sense of ”proximity and establish the human connection.”

3. You need physical touch every day to get what you need

Touch is an effective tool to convince people to do what you need them to do. Touch communicates the importance of your words and commands the other person’s attention. You say, ‘Pay close attention to me right now,’ as you touch someone’s arm and speak to them.

It is a non-verbal way to communicate and can sometimes express more than words ever could. It’s an instantaneous method to share feelings or thoughts, and it’s understood across cultures, languages, and ages. The warmth of a comforting touch can express understanding, while a firm handshake can show respect. These non-verbal cues can enhance verbal communication, foster better understanding, and build stronger relationships.

4. You need physical touch every day to give and receive positive energy

Your touch is powerful and can be thought of as a way to transmit and receive energy from one person to another. When your touch conveys affection or happiness, you give positive energy to the person you touch. You can also feel the positive energy from another person who hugs you when they give love and happiness to you.

physical touch

5. You need physical touch every day to heal your wounds

Therapeutic touch has been used for centuries with acupressure, massage, and chiropractic practices. These touch therapies focus on healing our bodies, but therapeutic touch can also be used to heal our minds.

Licensed psychologists can work with people to provide a variety of types of therapeutic touch. Therapists use touch to help de-condition people who have experienced physical abuse, to communicate caring and calm energy to people during a suicidal crisis, to guide partners during sex therapy, to facilitate bonding during group therapy sessions, and more.

If You’re Feeling Antisocial, This May Be Why…

Do you ever feel like you have no energy or motivation for socializing? You might even feel downright antisocial from time to time. Like you simply don’t enjoy forming relationships with people, or like you can’t connect with others on any sort of deeper level? Or, maybe you feel that you get TOO attached to others, and therefore become jealous and possessive once they start to hang around others.

You just feel a bit disassociated from the world around you, like you have become so sensitive to energies emitted from others that you’d much rather spend time alone. If this sounds like you, you might have a blocked heart chakra. The heart chakra, or the fourth chakra, is located right in the middle of the chakra system, at the center of the chest between the breasts. This chakra represents expressions of love and compassion, and how we relate to ourselves and others.

Below, let’s talk a bit more about the heart chakra, and what you can do to get it unblocked.

If You’re feeling antisocial, this may be why…


The Sanskrit name for the Heart chakra is “Anahata”, which means “unstruck”. We can infer from this that by balancing your Heart chakra, you will feel less tense, less stagnant, and more free and open with how you live and relate to others.

Characteristics of the Heart chakra:

  • Ability to love and be loved
  • Compassion, empathy
  • Forgiveness, acceptance
  • Grieving
  • Relating, relationships, connection
  • Compassionate discrimination
  • Center of awareness, integration of insights
  • Harmonious, peaceful way of being

Ultimately, the heart chakra represents our ability to relate to others, form deep connections, and express our emotions openly and honestly. The heart chakra blends the functions of the lower and higher level chakras, and forms the balance between the two. When balanced, all relationships will thrive, and life just seems easier. It’s the chakra of love and feeling, allowing us to connect with others, enjoy life, and have balanced, healthy emotions.

A second function of the heart chakra deals with bridging the gap between the Earthly and spiritual chakras, the lower and upper energies of the body. A balanced heart chakra allows us to live through love, and not allow our fearful, domineering egos to run the show. Opening the heart chakra means transcending any limiting beliefs and negative emotions, and realizing that love and compassion for oneself and others will truly change the world.

Besides Feeling Antisocial, Here Are Other Signs of a Blocked Heart Chakra:

A blocked heart chakra can make you feel out of touch with yourself and those around you. It can also make you feel overly dependent on others, and easily offended. Being out of sync with the heart chakra means that you have either an underactive or overactive fourth chakra. You either take things out of context and feel overly sensitive, or feel totally detached and uninterested in relations and conversations with others.

The following are symptoms of an imbalanced heart chakra:

  • Being overly defensive
  • Jealousy; fear of intimacy
  • Being codependent by relying on other’s approval and attention, trying to please at all cost
  • Always putting oneself in the role of the savior or the rescuer
  • Excessive isolation, recluse, antisocial
  • Holding grudges, not being to forgive
  • Too demanding of others
  • Letting others walk all over you; people pleasing behaviors
  • Victim mentality

A blocked heart chakra can affect your relationships with others, and result in low self-esteem. A heart chakra blockage can make it difficult to express your emotions clearly, and may result in total isolation and giving up on friendships as a result. Upon opening this chakra, you will find that your drive and need to connect with others will skyrocket, as you form a better connection with yourself and the world around you.

Some common physical symptoms of blockage include:

  • Hypertension
  • Breathing problems
  • Lung infections
  • Bronchitis
  • Heart conditions

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Emotional Signs of a Heart Chakra Blockage

  • Being withdrawn
  • Avoiding socializing, social interactions
  • Being overly critical of others and oneself
  • Lacking empathy
  • Feeling isolated
  • Being overly demanding of others, especially close family or partner
  • Extending yourself to fulfill other people’s perceived needs to the cost of one’s own balance
  • Tendency to feeling like a victim
  • Losing sense of personal boundaries in a way that is detrimental to your well-being

An imbalanced heart chakra can lead to two extremes; either total detachment from others, or total dependency on others. You might feel as though you have to bend over backwards for people to keep relationships. That’s because you do not set healthy boundaries for yourself. You easily put others’ needs before your own, but not in a selfless way. You rely on people-pleasing in order to keep your relationships. If you feel that you have a blocked heart chakra, read on to find out how to clear this blockage so you can live authentically and freely.

How to Clear a Blocked Heart Chakra (You’ll Stop Feeling So Antisocial)

Clearing the heart chakra involves a lot of self-acceptance and inner healing.

A few beginner steps to clear the heart chakra include:

  • Removing emotional or physical interference in one’s life. This might mean healing past emotional pain, getting rid of negative relationships, removing limiting beliefs, or even working through physical hindrances such as chest or neck pain. Examine how you can form a more loving relationship with yourself, in all aspects of life.
  • Get rid of as much stress as possible. Being overly stressed too often can negatively affect this chakra, so see where you can reduce stress in your life.
  • Incorporate green colors into your life to help boost this chakra’s energy. Wear green clothing, eat more green foods, such as lettuce, celery, broccoli, green beans, etc, and place green items around your home.
  • Meditate on the heart chakra. Imagine the green lotus flower in the middle of your chest, and hold this image in your mind. Remember to breathe deeply, and practice positive affirmations as well.

heart chakra

When you open and balance your heart chakra, you may notice the following symptoms:

  • Feeling an abundance of love for others and life
  • Being more compassionate
  • Being more accepting of yourself
  • Feeling inclined to forgive
  • Better overall sense of balance and well-being
  • Integration between with physical and earthly plane needs and spiritual aspirations
  • Altruism, selflessness
  • Harmonious, balanced control of the senses and emotions (does not feel like constriction or excessive control)
  • Balance of yin and yang energies
  • Harmony in relationships
  • Dissipation of those antisocial feelings

This Is What Happens To Your Body After A Breakup

For your body and mind, the breakup of a romantic relationship is very stressful. You feel the hurt deeply and you may feel like you will never be able to love again, but those are just the emotional symptoms of a breakup.

Very few people would consider a breakup to be a positive experience unless they are ones who did the leaving. In fact, a breakup has very negative effects for your overall health. In this article, we will review the 10 things that happen to your body after your partner breaks your heart.

10 Things That Happen To Your Body After A Breakup

get over a breakup

1. You are more likely to self-medicate to cope with the dopamine withdrawal

You are going through withdrawal from the neurotransmitters that make you feel happy. Dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin levels are all higher when you are in love. When you go through a breakup, your body feels more physical pain than before due to decreased oxytocin levels.

2. Your weight changes

Gaining or losing weight is common for those going through a breakup. Binge eating releases dopamine, which can make you feel better. When you stop binge eating, the level of dopamine drops, causing you to want to get more by eating more.

Other people who are going through a breakup find that they have lost their appetite completely. The body’s response to rejection is similar to experiencing an illness that makes you want to stay in bed all day.

3. You lose sleep

Insomnia is more likely following a breakup. Your thoughts are fixated on the cause of the breakup, revisiting the past happy moments from the relationship, and planning for how to win your partner back. No wonder you can’t sleep.

4. Your facial muscles subtly convey regret

Researchers know that you feel unhappy, even if your words and facial expressions are showing a happy front. Scientists who studied the facial muscles of those who were going though a breakup found that they could detect negative emotions with a device that measures the electrical activity of tiny muscles that are undetectable to the human eye.

When subjects had thoughts about their ex, they had greater activity in the facial muscles around the eye and eyebrow. These small muscle movements were related to how the subjects truly felt about their exes and reflected suppressed emotions.

We ‘recover’ our sense of self as compared to our ex-partner after a breakup. They further found that holding on to feelings of love for an ex led to lower self-concept recovery. Lower self-concept recovery also was found to predict poor psychological health.

5. You forget who you were

When you experience a breakup, your mind has to resolve the changes in your self-concept. Having identified with, and shared many personality traits with your partner, you are left wondering who you really are without the other person.

6. Your sex drive declines

Although you might think that a quick hookup would be the cure for your broken heart, due to your emotional pain, your sex drive is temporarily on hold. You won’t feel much like seeking out your next romantic partner, which is good because you need to heal your heart first.

Related article: 5 Signs You’re In A Relationship With Your Soulmate

7. Your life is at risk

Sadness and grieving over a breakup is normal, but longer term depressed mood can be a sign of clinical depression. Those who suffer from depression can have thoughts of suicide, engage in planning around how to commit suicide, or actually kill themselves. Take your mental health seriously and seek counseling after a breakup if needed.

8. Rejection stimulates your brain’s reward center

Even though after a breakup you have less dopamine, the feel-good hormone that stimulates your brain’s pleasure center, your brain still activates the reward center. Researchers in the Journal of Neurophysiology found that the brain’s ‘mesolimbic reward/survival systems are involved in romantic passion regardless of whether one is happily or unhappily in love.’

9. You experience chest pain similar to a heart attack

Stress cardiomyopathy is a type of chest pain that is associated with heartbreak. Abnormal heart contractions have been reported in the middle and upper portions of the heart. Heart rhythms resembled those of people who were undergoing severe stress.

breakup - heart attack

10. Your stress hormone levels increase

After a breakup, the emotional stress accumulates in your body and is reflected in higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol causes your heart rate to increase, you breathe faster and your blood pressure is higher. These are very negative health effects, for example a higher risk of heart attack, and can lead to a shorter life span if they occur over a long term.

How To Use The Law of Attraction To Find Love

Mastering the Law of Attraction is not difficult. Furthermore, you can begin using it today to find the love that you were meant to have.

‘If your heart is in your dream

No request is too extreme

When you wish upon a star

Like dreamers do.’ – Jiminy Cricket, Walt Disney’s Pinocchio

Having the love you’ve dreamed of might seem as far out of your reach as the nearest star, but it is possible. In this article, we will look at what the Law of attraction is and how you can use this belief system to bring things into your life that you need and want.

How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Find Love

Finding your soulmate, your true love, or even the right person for this moment in your life is easy when you use the Law of Attraction. Let’s look at the steps that you can take to implement this law in your life and find love and happiness as soon as possible.

law of attraction

Like attracts love

Researchers in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology studied the Law of Attraction and found that it applied to even 4th graders. They had students in grades 4-12 fill out surveys about their attitudes and preferences. Then the students looked at the surveys of other students, without knowing whose survey they were looking at. Both boys and girls ranked the surveys most similar to their own as being the most attractive people.

The Law of Attraction works like the law of like attracting like. However you act, that is what you will attract. Like attracts like, or love, in this case. If you are confident and feel sexy, you will attract a confident, sexy person.

Avoid negative thoughts

To be clear, when we say that to use the Law of Attraction to find love you should avoid negative thoughts, we do not mean that you judge your thoughts to be ‘bad’ or ‘negative.’

When you hear the term negative used this way, it means the opposite of what you want.

RFor example, by saying ‘I don’t want a lover who ___,’ you say what you do not want, or the negative version of what you do want. Leave ‘doesn’t,’ ‘not’ and ‘never’ out of your description of what you are asking for when you use the Law of Attraction.

In their book, the Law of Attraction, Esther and Jerry Hicks say that the spirit guide who speaks through Esther says about the Law of Attraction that you cannot feel joy while you are focusing on something not wanted. Focusing your energy on what feels good is the best way to use the law of attraction to find love.

Ask to find the love that is right for you

When you work with the Law of Attraction, you cannot ask for a specific person to love you. That is working against the free will of that person, unless they also happen to want to be with you. Instead, you ask for a love with qualities that match your personal needs.

Finding someone exactly like you is not necessarily good for a long-term relationship. In research on similarity and attraction, scientists found that similarity in personality traits was important for people who had never met or who met on a date but that in longer-term relationships actual similarity in personality was only between 5 and 20%.

What are some personality traits that would best match, or complement yours and would help make you a better person? This is what you ask the Universe for when you use the Law of Attraction to find love.

law of attraction

Receive what is given through the law of attraction

If you have a difficult time asking for what you want or being willing to receive help from others, this last step may be the most difficult for you. Basically, you proclaim that you will let go of control in finding love. Thus, you will allow the Universe to bring you the right person for you.

When you use the law of attraction to find the love that is right for you, you must prepare for the person who comes to you to look different than you had expected.

Consider this example. You may feel attraction to brunettes and a blonde with all the right qualities that you desire. Well, you can hardly be upset about hair color when your true love is standing in front of you with a box of hair dye.

Believe yourself to be worth of finding love

If you do not believe that you are worthy of finding love, you might unintentionally allow the perfect love to slip away as soon as it is sent to you. Have faith that whomever has been sent to you is fulfilling a purpose that you yourself have asked for.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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