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5 Signs Your Partner Is Falling Out Of Love

Something is different about the way your partner is acting lately and it has you worried that they might be falling out of love. The signs of a change of heart are easy to see once you look back at the ruins of a past relationship, but seeing them before it’s too late is more challenging.

No one wants to be blindsided when a relationship ends. Being dumped is psychologically traumatic and can set you back emotionally.

Falling in love is so much more fun than falling out of love, so let’s hope that’s not what your partner is feeling. Here are 5 signs that your partner is falling out of love with you, and how you might be able to save your relationship.

cute quotes

5 Signs Your Partner Is Falling Out of Love

Humans like to think that we are a monogamous species, but we rarely bond with a single mate for life. Still, the romantic ideal of the one true love is something we yearn for. Scientists look at our ability to make and break relationships as an evolutionary tool.

A study in the Review of General Psychology found that ‘because romantic love is a species-typical trait, all members of the human species may come equipped with the mental hardware for both falling in love as well as for ending a relationship.’

They believe that we may have evolved with the ability to fall in and out of love to find the best mates to reproduce with. Being able to fall out of love means that we can keep looking for the best genetic partner to have children with.

1. Less time spent together having fun

Sure your partner spends time with you, but when they are having fun, it is with other people, not you. You spend time together sleeping, eating, and doing chores, not playtime.

Make it a priority to schedule fun time with your partner. Work to make them laugh and do what they love doing. If you can make your partner smile, you are doing great at trying to keep them from falling out of love.

2. Not sharing emotions

You have no idea if your partner is upset, depressed or worried because he or she will never open up to you about their emotions. If your partner leaves you guessing about their feelings, it’s a sign they may be falling out of love with you.

Emotional cheating often happens before physical cheating does. Being available to your partner as a counselor to help them work through their emotions will help to keep them from seeking someone who will listen.

Researchers who study people falling out of love call it ‘mate ejection,’ like ejecting a disk from a computer drive. They say that stereotypically, ‘males are expected to initiate mate ejection in response to their partner’s sexual infidelity. Women are expected to initiate mate ejection in response to emotional infidelity.’

be with someone who will take care of you


3. Less touching than before

Physical connection is one of the most important parts of a loving relationship because it’s what makes an intimate partnership intimate. Changes in the amount of kissing, hugging, fondling, etc., and not in the positive direction, are a sign that your partner is falling out of love.

4. Your partner is doing something new or different

Change is bad when you suspect your partner is falling out of love. Change could mean someone else. Instead of waiting around, you can act if your partner shows this sign.

Weight change, appearance change, and hobby changes are all bad signs. When one partner is considering a breakup, they often find a replacement partner before ending the relationship. Behavior changes mean they are trying to please a new romantic partner.

They never used to care about sci-fi, and now they’re attending ComicCon. They’ve never worn plaid before, and now they look Scottish. Significant behavior changes are concerning because your partner is changing to like the things their new romantic partner likes.

5. You talk less than you used to

Your partner used to ask you about your day, but now they don’t seem to be able to care enough to ask you. When we care, we ask questions because we like knowing about our partner. It’s a sign that your partner is falling out of love if they aren’t asking questions.

If this sign has you worried, try asking your partner about their day. Don’t talk about yourself at all. Instead, ask many questions and be as fascinated by what your partner says as possible.

Most people want not just to be heard but to be understood fully and deeply. Giving your partner this connection is one possible way to keep them from falling out of love.

go on a date

Final Thoughts on Recognizing When Your Partner Might Fall Out of Love With You

Knowing these signs can help you remedy the situation when your relationship is slipping away from you. If you want to work on the relationship, it is time to have an honest conversation, reset relationship expectations, and work out your issues. See a relationship counselor if you need professional help to repair the rift in your love.

Doctors Explain How Choosing Your Words Actually Changes Your Brain

Words have extreme power, and how you use them shapes other people’s opinions of you, as well as how you feel personally. The words we choose can either deplete our energy stores, or boost them, but most people don’t realize the importance of the vocabulary they use. We often say things without really thinking them through, and just blurt out what comes to mind first. However, words carry energy with them, so if we choose too many negative words, it can actually end up changing our brains, and not in a good way.

However, carefully choosing our words and becoming more mindful of what we say can rewire our brains in a positive way. You might be thinking, “Words don’t matter THAT much. My choice of words can’t really change my brain, can they?” Well, the answer might surprise you.

Doctors Explain How Choosing Your Words Can Literally Change Your Brain

Related article: This ONE Phrase Will Completely Change Your Life

Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist at Thomas Jefferson University, and Mark Robert Waldman, a communications expert, wrote a life-changing book together called “Words Can Change Your Brain.” In this book, they wrote thata single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress.

Using positive, uplifting words like “love” and “peace” in our everyday lives can literally change pathways in our brains by boosting our cognitive reasoning and making areas of the frontal lobes more effective. Using positive words in place of negative words can give you the energy and motivation to start taking charge in life, and will give you more control over yourself and your choices.

However, when we use negative words, we activate the fear response in our brains, which increases levels of cortisol and other stress hormones. Although all of us have primitive instincts to protect us and help us survive in dangerous situations, using excessive negative language will only cause us to worry unnecessarily.

Furthermore, when we repeat negative thoughts over and over in our brains, the activity levels increase in our brain’s fear center (the amygdala). As a result, stress hormones begin to take over our bodies, which explains why we feel on edge and anxious when exposed to too much negativity. While we need some level of stress and fear in order to survive, having TOO much of these can cause negative impacts on our mental and physical health. Newberg and Waldman write, “Angry words send alarm messages through the brain, and they partially shut down the logic-and-reasoning centers located in the frontal lobes.”

This excerpt from the book explains how positive thoughts can transform our brains, and our lives:

“By holding a positive and optimistic [word] in your mind, you stimulate frontal lobe activity. This area includes specific language centers that connect directly to the motor cortex responsible for moving you into action. And as our research has shown, the longer you concentrate on positive words, the more you begin to affect other areas of the brain.

Functions in the parietal lobe start to change, which changes your perception of yourself and the people you interact with. A positive view of yourself will bias you toward seeing the good in others, whereas a negative self-image will include you toward suspicion and doubt. Over time the structure of your thalamus will also change in response to your conscious words, thoughts, and feelings, and we believe that the thalamic changes affect the way in which you perceive reality.”

A study performed about positive psychology provides further evidence that using uplifting language can rewire your brain and thought processes. A group of adults aged 35-54 had to write down three positive things that happened during their day, and why they chose those things. The following three months revealed that they felt increasingly happier, and much less depressed. This small study shows that we can indeed rewire our brains by focusing our attention on what goes right in our lives, and not letting what goes wrong affect us so much.

So, what types of words do you use most often – negative or positive?

If you don’t know for sure, start paying attention to the words you use frequently, and write them down if you have to. Then, you can begin to see where patterns emerge in your thought processes, and change them if you need to. We all must grow and adapt during this lifetime, and changing how we speak can actually change our lives if we simply become more mindful and aware.

Believing This ONE Thing Makes Women Happier In Relationships

Women in a committed relationship can be happier if they believe this one thing that recent research shows will help. Women in a long-term relationship have not been studied as much as women who are single. Researchers recently discovered this information that can help women to be more happy and satisfied with their partner.

Believing This ONE Thing Makes Women Happier In Relationships

The stereotype of single men is that they want sex frequently and they are likely to be attentive to any signals that women are interested in them. Although this certainly seems true, less is known about how men and women pick up on cues for sex when they are in long-term relationships.

For women in a long-term committed relationship, your men seem to think that you want sex less often than you really do. And men, your women want sex more often, even if you don’t think they don’t. Or at least that’s what researchers have found out by looking at happiness in relationships and frequency of sex.

The mind is a powerful thing, and women who can convince themselves that their partners feel this way will be more likely to be happy. Desire is often equated with love and happiness. Women who desire their partners are happy in their relationships and vice versa for men.

Related article: 9 Things Never To Say To A Strong Woman

In pop culture, the expression of desire for a partner is equated with romantic love. In a study in the journal Personal Relationships, both women and men associated sexual desire with romantic love. Believing that your partner desires you makes you feel desirable and happy.

Researchers show how a single belief about your relationship can make you happier

Researchers in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology studied the happiness of women in a relationship and found some interesting findings. Their research uncovered a previously unexplored topic about relationship happiness.

The scientists say that although men tend to believe that women are more interested in them sexually than they really are, ‘No research currently exists on how people perceive their romantic partner’s sexual desire in the context of ongoing, intimate relationships.’ Strange, but it’s true. How do you know if your partner knows that you are interested in sex? How can your partner tell that you are interested?

Does your partner’s level of interest in sex and yours have to be the same in order for you to feel happy in a committed relationship?

The researchers found ‘evidence that men in established romantic relationships err in the direction of the opposite bias and underperceive their romantic partner’s sexual desire.‘ In other words, instead of assuming that their mate wanted them more often than their mate truly did, they thought that she was less receptive to sexual advances than she actually was.

Related article: 5 Signs You’re In A Relationship With Your Soulmate

The scientists believe that men choose to think that their women want sex less often in order to convince themselves that she is satisfied with the current frequency of sex that he is providing.

They also believe that if a man doesn’t want to feel rejected by his partner, he chooses to believe that she isn’t interested in sex. So it is helpful for men to assume that their partner is not interested in sex because then she will not reject him and his self-esteem is protected from the rejection.

Why are women happier when they believe this one thing about their relationship?

It doesn’t make sense then that women seem to want more sex than their male partners think they do (so they are less sexually satisfied), but the research shows that they are happy.

One reason for women being happier when their partners think that they don’t want sex is that the men are more likely to put in effort to romance their partners for sex if they think they aren’t interested. Buying flowers, showing off your dance skills at a club, or taking her for a nice dinner are the types of dating behaviors that can fade in a long-term relationship.

When men believe that their women want sex less often, they also believe that they have to work harder to get sex. The extra effort that men make to entice their partners into sex translates into making women happier in their relationship.

The result of these behaviors is that both men and women fool themselves by choosing to believe something that is not true about their partner and this leads to greater happiness for women in their long-term committed relationship.

The results of this study are surprising and not necessarily true for all women. Women who enjoy typical romantic activities are happier believing that their partners want sex less often than they do and are happier giving them sex less frequently so they have to romance them to get it.

All of this pretending might make you wonder why men and women aren’t just honest about their level of desire and having more sex. You don’t need anyone’s permission to be honest about your needs. Just ask.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Ways To Spot Someone With Hidden Motives

When you suspect someone has hidden motives, you can feel anxious about dealing with them. In this article, we will look at five ways to spot hidden motives and how to prevent yourself from being manipulated.

5 Ways to Spot Someone With Hidden Motives

Do you think that someone is hiding things from you? Maybe you think they are not just hiding a recent purchase but hiding how they feel about you. Do you wonder whether or not they have good intentions toward you?

No one wants to be taken advantage of, and someone with hidden motives is most likely trying to do just that. You are likely correct if you feel controlled, confused, or upset after speaking to someone you think might have hidden motives. Read on to find out if you are right.

A person with hidden motives is likely acting selfishly. In our article Five  Signs You’re In A Relationship With A Narcissist, we have discussed the narcissistic or selfish personality in the past.

Let’s look at some easy ways to spot hidden motives. Then we will reveal what you can do to avoid dealing with people trying to undermine you.


1. You’re picking up some unusual body language and eye contact

People who are lying have hidden motives. A liar will try to maintain very steady and slightly uncomfortable eye contact. That’s because they believe that this proves them to be trustworthy.

If the eye contact feels forced or like staring, they try too hard to maintain solid eye contact. They are probably lying. Blinking too much is also a sign of lying, almost as if the liar is trying to clear the cloud over their eyes that keeps them from seeing and speaking the truth.

2. You have negative emotions after speaking to them

When they’ve finished speaking, you feel frustrated, confused, misunderstood, and more alone than you should. One way to spot someone with hidden motives is by how they make you feel. Your negative emotions are a warning sign that something isn’t feeling right in your gut.

You should always trust your gut feelings regarding the signs of someone with hidden motives. When you have negative emotions, it’s a sign that your needs aren’t being met. Check-in with yourself and ask, ‘What do I need that I’m not getting?’ and ‘Is this person trying to keep me from getting what I need?’

3. They always seem to want the same thing

There is a single-minded focus on someone with hidden motives, and they will keep talking about what they are trying to get you to do, over and over again. You feel like you’ve heard it a million times and are about to cave into their demands. Don’t. Instead, try changing the subject as many times as needed until they get the point; you won’t cave in.

4. Use of tactics to persuade you

Your ability to be vigilant against persuasion is tested when you think you spot someone with hidden motives. This is like a game they are playing with you; the goal is to get you to act in a way that benefits the manipulative person. Refuse to act. But pay attention to how many attempts the person makes to get you to do what they want.

Persuasion is a skill that is useful when you are negotiating for the best deal on a car that you can get. It’s not something that you want to be used against you, especially if you aren’t good at resisting pressure.

This persuasion can include sexual coercion. In a study of narcissistic men, researchers found ‘narcissism constitutes a personality trait that may foster tendencies toward sexual coercion, especially given the narcissistic propensity for self-serving interpretations, low empathy toward others, and inflated sense of entitlement.’ Do not allow yourself to be talked into anything you don’t want to do, including sex.

5. You are not the focus of your conversation

A manipulative person with hidden motives is only focused on themselves. Psychologists believe that ‘failure to complete specific essential steps in the identity-formation process results in specific forms of distrust in self and others, leaving manipulative styles in place of normal feelings and expressions of confidence, respect, and mutuality.’ People with hidden motives may be at risk of developing an antisocial personality disorder.

The manipulator may pretend to be interested in your personal life. But somehow, the conversation always returns to focus on them and their needs. Not just their needs, but what they need from you to get what they want.


Final Thoughts on Dealing With Someone Who Has Hidden Motives

Once you spot that the person you are dealing with has hidden motives, you can decide to stop dealing with them. Or, you can muster the courage to tell them that you aren’t meeting your needs. A self-focused, selfish manipulator will not listen to your needs. So it is probably best to avoid dealing with them at all.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

4 Signs MSG Is Poisoning Your Body

MSG, or monosodium glutamate is a food flavor-enhancing additive. Many people assume it onle comes from takeout Chinese food, but that is untrue. Indeed, it could be the thing that is poisoning your body.

‘Chinese Restaurant Syndrome’ or ‘MSG Symptom Complex’ is a group of symptoms related to the poisoning effects of eating MSG. Read below for the four signs that MSG is poisoning your body.

Many processed foods contain MSG, so it’s important to know what to look for on your labels. The following ingredients in your diet always contain MSG:

  • Glutamic acid
  • Glutamate
  • Autolyzed yeast
  • Yeast Food
  • Gelatin
  • Textured protein
  • Sodium caseinate
  • Monosodium glutamate
  • Calcium Caseinate
  • Yeast Extract
  • Yeast nutrient

4 Signs MSG Is Poisoning Your Body

MSG was discovered in Japan as an extract from seaweed and has since become a man-made chemical ingredient. With regard to being a food additive, MSG has similar flavor properties as salt in that it seems to boost the flavors of the food that it is added to.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of MSG as a food additive to enhance flavor. Although animal research has shown poor health effects in high doses, the human research is mixed.

Many people report having the symptoms of MSG poisoning due to their consumption of Chinese food with the additive, but the FDA calls these reports anecdotal. The research literature is how they make their food safety determination.

Regardless of what the FDA says, you may find that you experience certain uncomfortable symptoms after eating MSG. These are the 4 signs that MSG may be poisoning your body.


1. Sexual health problems

A safety evaluation of MSG conducted by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) found that MSG caused central nervous system lesions in high doses in animals.

The committee reviewed 59 animal studies on mice, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, chicks, ducks, rabbits, dogs, and primates and found damage to the hypothalamus and that ‘neural lesions were observable within hours of administration.’

The hypothalamus is in the brain and it helps regulate levels of our hormones that are secreted by the pituitary gland. Reduced function of the pituitary gland can lead to reduced testosterone levels which cause erectile dysfunction, reduced muscle mass, and hair loss in men. For women, pituitary dysfunction causes decreased estrogen, which is linked to decreased libido, hot flashes, and mood swings.

2. Liver and intestinal problems

The JECFA study also allocated an ‘acceptable daily intake (ADI) not specified’ to glutamic acid and its salts. No specified daily amount was recommended by the committee so food manufacturers can add as much as they want.

Although the JECFA says they failed to confirm a connection between MSG and physical symptoms in humans, they do say that high doses of MSG resulted in elevated liver and intestinal enzyme metabolites in the blood stream.

Elevated liver enzymes may result in symptoms of nausea, fatigue, nausea, pain in the upper right part of the abdomen, and mental confusion. Itching, unusual blood vessels on the skin surface, joint pain, loss of appetite, or bowel movements that are light in color may be a sign of elevated intestinal enzymes.

3. Mental confusion

MSG may be poisoning not just your body, but your brain. MSG negatively affects the glutamate receptors in your body. A quote from the FDA taken from Dr. Merola’s website says ‘Abnormal function of glutamate receptors has been linked with certain neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s chorea.’

These are both neurodegenerative diseases that take time to progress. It is likely that the poisoning effects of MSG are cumulative and take time to damage enough cells to notice that your mental focus is not as sharp as it used to be.

colorectal cancer

4. Chest pain and/or heart palpitations

Do not delay in seeking medical help if you are experiencing chest pain, regardless of whether or not you believe you have consumed MSG. Chest pain, pressure or abnormal heart rhythms are serious medical symptoms. If you experience any of these symptoms that affect a vital part of your health. Please consult a medical professional immediately.

Chest pressure or pain could be a sign of a heart attack. Indeed, these symptoms could indicate MSG poisoning. A heart ‘flutter’ may also come from eating MSG.

After a large meal, you may normally feel pressure in your chest due to the fullness of your stomach which causes outward pressure on your organs. If the meal was suspicious food that may contain MSG, the chest pain could be due to the poisoning effects of MSG.

Cardiac arrhythmias have been linked to the consumption of MSG due to the glutamate receptors located in the heart. Difficulty breathing, tightness in the throat, sweating, and dizziness have also been reported as symptoms related to MSG consumption.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

This Is For Anyone Who Has Ever Had A Spiritual Awakening

The world has entered a time of deep awareness–an awakening. We are no longer standing by and waiting to be told what to believe and what to disregard.

And, once you are awake to your spiritual truth, it’s hard to go back to sleep.

You cannot relate to mass media and how things are manipulated to control us. You are not going crazy because you begin to see things differently! You’re merely witnessing the rebirth of your divine truth. Spirituality is a personal aspect in your life. It has a individual intimate definition to all. There is no right or wrong answer to how it is perceived. Spirituality is a choice on how to live consciously while bypassing the programming that has been passed on from others. You have joined many who are lightworkers.

This Is For Anyone Who Has Ever Had A Spiritual Awakening


You are not going bonkers when you begin to feel more than you can see. You are not delusional when you experience synchronicity, serendipity, and the magic of seeing beyond the veil of this dimension. Awakening is a slow process, and thank goodness for it! As an empath, you will experience illogical matters, witness incredible miracles, and find that there is no need to explain (or find explanations). Judgment is one of those facets that starts to deteriorate. Self-criticism is another. Things just happen because you allow yourself to be immersed in something larger than yourself.

Religion is a foundation to spirituality. You can be religious and not be spiritual. You can also be spiritual and not be religious. It’s all about finding belief and what works for you. It’s perfectly find to bring a deep theology as a practice in your life, as well as philosophies from all over the world. We must study history in order to view the future because there is a pattern to everything. And, when you begin to open up to spirituality, it’s important to have an anchor of belief and faith. Indoctrinated words can be guidelines.

But, what is an awakening?

When you start to awake in spiritual truth, you begin to shed the controlling ego and the fears it creates. Awakening is simply shedding control and manipulation. When you awake to God, the Divine, (or however you call THAT beautiful essence higher than our humanness), fears and anxiety start to diminish. You are still very human, so you will question everything.

After all, we are spiritual beings having a remarkable human experience. We expand by curiosity and questioning that which we don’t know. But, as you grow spiritually, you begin to also diminish the need to be right. Things just are and you accept them. There is more joy in your life. There is an acceptance of something larger than this humanness. Awakening requires the ability to step back and allow for God to guide. And, it’s in that space that you start to notice that everything you were taught was lies.

You’ll get angry and you will resent others. But you will forgive the ignorance. You’re now experiencing something that is beyond exceptional. You begin to see the world as a game and you are the main character. You get to choose how you live your life. Awakening is being mindfully conscious of the world and how you partake in it.

The process is slow during an awakening…but profound

In this slow-moving process, you will experience love. You will feel love for humanity. Sometimes you will find that what you have been doing is not fulfilling. Many folks shift careers, lifestyles, and move to other places that now call for their passion. You become authentic to your gifts, dreams, and desires. Awakening has a way of twisting, turning, and then redirecting you to follow the heart. And, because you have little fears, you trust in the knowing that everything is rigged to your favor. The famous poet Rumi said, “Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.” This is being awakened: when you can conduct yourself in a manner that is joyous and filled with the knowing that you are creating from Source and love.

spiritual shift

There is the matter of being present at all times. As you awaken, you shed the restrictions of time, expectations and authority. The beauty of awakening is also in the allowance that everything and everyone moves to their own lessons. We incarnate to partake in this amazing journey. We learn from one another as we collect stories and experiences. Also, we begin to attract the things that we desire, including like-minded individuals. You don’t go down the rabbit hole, like Alice did, alone. You slowly integrate your awareness with discernment. You’re here to help heal this planet and enrich others with your love. It is then that your perception, in whatever you choose, becomes your living reality.

“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment.” ~ John O’Donohue, Anam Cara: Book of Celtic Wisdom

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