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If you get goosebumps when you hear your favorite song, this is why…

When you enjoy your favorite music, it doesn’t just affect your mood – your brain actually undergoes changes based on the music you listen to.

Certain physiological processes become triggered when you listen to music you like – your heart rate speeds up, your pupils get bigger, your body temperature increases, and activity in your cerebellum in your brain increases. Finally, dopamine gets released into your bloodstream, which causes that tingly sensation you feel all over your body.

We will explain why you feel this sensation in more detail below.

Do You Ever Get Goosebumps While Listening To Music? Here’s Why…

A whopping 50% of people get goosebumps while listening to music. Research shows that music stimulates reward centers in the brain, sending dopamine to the striatum —a part of the forebrain activated by addiction, reward, and motivation. Just like sex, food, and drugs stimulate our brains, it turns out music can release those feel-good chemicals that keep us coming back for more, too.

Dopamine levels increase when you listen to songs you enjoy, but interestingly, the levels rise especially before the song’s climax. Your brain likes to predict what will happen next, which explains why your dopamine levels rise before you even hear your favorite part of the song. Also, in regards to our evolution, predicting the future might mean the difference between survival and meeting out demise. So, this provides further explanation as to why you get these tingly sensations.

When you finally hear your favorite part of the song, your reward centers release huge amounts of dopamine. The longer the wait, the more dopamine will get released into the bloodstream, which means a greater chill.

Related article: What Does Your Favorite Music Reveal About Your Personality?

Different theories on chills relating to music

In one theory, neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp found out that sad music results in chills more often than happy music does. He explains that a sad song can activate an ancient distress response our ancestors experienced when they became separated from loved ones. So, when a song comes on that makes us feel melancholy or nostalgic, this evolutionary instinct kicks into high-gear.

However, the chills people experience don’t actually sadden most people. In fact, people react in an opposite fashion most of the time. Recent research proves that sad music actually makes most people feel positively, because many consider art, even if it evokes sadness, as beautiful. You probably react to sad art differently than you do toward a bad fight with your loved one, for example.

So, this leads us to another theory. The amygdala, which governs emotions, might become activated when you listen to a sad song. Because this melancholy energy can induce a fear response in the body, the amygdala must process this to determine if you face any real threats in your immediate environment. This might make your hair stand on end, thus causing chills throughout the body. Once your amygdala realizes that you don’t face any danger, the fear will subside, but you will still experience chills for some time.

What types of music induce chills?

Many people report feeling chills from a variety of music; remember, the style doesn’t matter nearly as much as the structure of the song. Goosebumps happen most often when you don’t know what to expect – surprises can induce fear within the body, which causes the chills.

Personality also factors into the likelihood of you experiencing chills or not. Researchers Emily Nusbaum and Paul Silvia of UNC Greensboro found that people more open to new experiences have a greater chance of experiencing chills. (Possibly because open individuals have a greater likelihood of playing an instrument). The scientists asked students about how often they felt chills down their spine, got goose bumps, or felt like their hair was standing on end while listening to music.

They also asked about their experience with music, and measured five main dimensions of personality: extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. Of all these dimensions, only openness to experience had any correlation with experiencing chills. People high in openness have a knack for creativity, curiosity about a variety of subjects, have big imaginations and ideas, and experience chills while listening to music most often.

Also, researchers in Germany found that people who experienced chills had a greater likelihood of being reward-driven, and not thrill-seeking.

So, hopefully now you understand why you get goosebumps while listening to music (if you do), and find the sensation relaxing and positive!

Has this ever happened to you before? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

10 Behaviors That Ruin Relationships (And How To Avoid Them)

We enter relationships in complete bliss and then hit a wall. We don’t know what’s happened, but things are not what they once were, and it feels wrong. The zest and juiciness of being in love has become a habit with all the stressors of life added in.

Here are 10 behaviors that ruin relationships (and how to avoid them):

love relationship

1. Acting like you are single.

What defines a loving relationship? Two people! So when you act like you are still single, without consenting to your partner, then you are behaving like you do not commit to that person. When you are in a relationship, you must take accountability of that other person’s feelings.

Do you just pick up and go without considering your partner? Do you make plans without checking in? Or do you keep things from your partner that you know would not be considered righteous to a union?

If you cannot commit to a relationship, then let that person move on. You cannot keep holding on to the single life while enjoying the benefits of having someone in your bed. You must be honest with that person and with yourself.

So do you want to be single? Be single. If you want to commit to a loving relationship, then take accountability for your actions.

2. Only being financially responsible for yourself.

Money issues are a huge challenge in relationships. When you go around spending as if you are the only one in the union, things begin to fall apart. This goes back to acting like you are still single. You have a responsibility to your mate to partake in the expenditure.

If you are only considering yourself, then you might as well stay single.

3. Having no other interests.

It’s just as damaging to act single as it is to be strapped to someone all the time. You do not have to partake in every single thing your partner does. You need your own life, friends, interests, hobbies and alone time. This borders on co-dependency.

Dr. Seth Meyers, author of Overcome Relationship Repetition Syndrome, says: “In a push to fuse with their partner, some people will forget about their own interests, hobbies and goals—things that may have attracted their partners in the first place. To break codependency’s false bond, make a list of how and with whom you spent your free time prior to your relationship—a worthwhile exercise. Try monitoring the amount of alone time you have, as no couple should be spending all their free time together.

Pursue an activity on your own, such as going to the gym or take a fun class at your local community college. If you’ve lost touch with friends you genuinely care about in favor of spending time almost exclusively with your partner, regain your identity by making an effort to meet a friend or two for an activity or a meal.”

what ruins relationships

4. Being overly sensitive and insecure.

Nothing hurts a relationship more than feeling unworthy. Insecurity leads to jealousy. It’s hard to trust your partner if they aren’t acting trustworthy. If this is the case, you must put yourself first and foremost and end the relationship. But, if your partner is not doing anything and you continue to live in the memories of past relationships, then you are the one who needs to straighten up. Insecurity is damaging. It begins to create a web of lies through stories.

Take accountability for your behavior. If you want to cherish and keep your present relationship, it’s time to release the past. You no longer live back there!

5. Rolling your eyes, being ultra sarcastic, and not honoring your partner.

We all like a bit of wit and humor, but when it borders on disrespect and nasty behavior, it is abusive. This behavior escalates into being on the defensive and hurting your partner. Walls start going up and the relationship suffers because it is based on meanness and not kindness. There is nothing wrong with comedy and pushing each other’s buttons to get a fun rise. However, when it’s constant, it becomes demoralizing and hurtful. Make your partner is aware of this behavior.

If it’s you, please step back and realize that you are not being funny but inhumane. Sarcasm can be a form of deflecting insecurities.

6. Lack of affection.

Just as being together is too much, lack of affection in a relationship is damaging. Relationships can fall into a rut after a while, but it’s important to keep the magic going. Continue to touch each other in gentleness, kiss each other as you leave the house, and send kind messages throughout the day. No affection is a sign that things have grown apart. If you want to rekindle the relationship, then you must take initiative.

The longer you let things dwindle, the harder it is to reignite the fire. Cuddling, hand holding, and hugging are simple ways to reintroduce the love you once shared.

7. Texting or being on your phone instead of communicating with your partner.

Social media and technology have been incredible asset to our society. However, it is also the death of many relationships. Two people live in the same house and rarely speak to one another. There is a lack of communication. Put the phone away, turn off the computer and sit together to have a meal, or take a walk around the block. Make time to share the things from your day. Your social status can wait an hour or two. It’s not going anywhere, but your partner might vacate the property if you don’t start to give him/her attention.

8. Nagging.

Something so insidious about a repetitively unpleasant sentence forces us to do nothing. Nagging is a kill-joy in a relationship. The Wall Street Journal did an article on nagging a few years back titled Meet the Marriage Killer.

It states: “Nagging—the interaction in which one person repeatedly makes a request, the other person repeatedly ignores it and both become increasingly annoyed—is an issue every couple will grapple with at some point. While the word itself can provoke chuckles and eye-rolling, the dynamic can potentially be as dangerous to a marriage as adultery or bad finances. Experts say it is exactly the type of toxic communication that can eventually sink a relationship.”

The best way to end nagging is to address the issue. Make your partner aware you have heard the request, which will be addressed. This way it stops the negative statements.

9. Compulsive behaviors.

When we are unhappy, we reach for something or someone else. These compulsive behaviors are red flags in relationships. If you are spending your time shopping, overindulging on food or alcohol, or even checking out the porn sites daily, you have reached a level of disregard for your partner. You need to own up to this behavior and share with your partner what is causing you to exercise these events. Validate your feelings. Being vulnerable is a matter of courageously taking steps to fix your relationship, because substituting your need for love will not end well.


10. Dishonesty.

Dishonesty is the death of a relationship. You don’t belong in that relationship if you can’t trust the one person you believe has your best interest. Whenever you feel unappreciated, distrusted, and unloved, you are entertaining the darkest parts of your psyche. You are not putting yourself first. You have abandoned ship and have left another to take over. If you don’t trust your partner, step back and ask a simple question: Why?

Has this person caused you to question your worth? Is he or she cheating? Why would you tolerate this from the person closest to you? Dishonesty shows up to provide an opportunity to decide your life. If you are the one being dishonest, then find a way to break the cycle. Let that person go. Being honest with yourself is freeing. You must choose to travel life on a righteous path.

11 Signs Your Higher Self Is Trying To Contact You

Many people on this planet have started to go through a mass spiritual awakening, a questioning of all they’ve been taught and the way they’ve been orchestrating their lives, and a total unraveling of the self. We have forgotten our true power and connection to the universe, but during these rapidly changing times as the world continues to wake up, many of us have finally met our higher selves in mysterious ways. The higher self just means a more evolved version of yourself, the truest form of your being. By shedding old energies and tapping into the unlimited power of the human spirit, we can welcome in our higher selves with open arms.

Here are 11 signs your higher self is trying to contact you:

Related article: 11 Signs You May Be Experiencing a Vibrational Shift

1. You see 11:11 (or other repeating numbers) on the clock more often.

A surefire sign that our higher self is trying to contact us is through certain messages we can receive from the universe. Because our higher self operates on a different frequency than us, it must send us messages through different mediums than just talking to us directly. You might see repeating numbers on clocks, advertisements, receipts, or other things. Don’t just take this as a coincidence – repeating numbers carry a lot of energy, and actually don’t occur very often. Seeing repeating numbers, especially 11:11, means you have learned to get more in tune with your authentic self, and it wants you to feel assured and confident in your path.

2. You feel drawn to meditate regularly.

Meditation allows us to truly go within and quiet the noise of our brains and everyday life. Not only does it relieve stress, anxiety, depression, and other health issues, but it allows you to connect to the higher realms. Meditation lifts the curtain between this world and others, allowing you to see things more clearly, including yourself.

3. You start weeding out people who don’t share the same path as you in life.

Also, connecting with your higher self means attracting relationships into your life that reflect this, and dropping those that no longer serve your best interests. If people start to fall out of your life, don’t feel guilty or sad – this just means you’ve increased your vibration and must leave behind those that drag you down. Everyone walks their own path here, and just because they no longer resonate with you does not make them a bad person. It just means they too need to find others who share their vibration.

4. You no longer feel limited or threatened by the world around you.

Once you realize your true power and strength, you won’t feel so much fear about the world around you. Connecting to the higher self means realizing one’s potential, and forgetting about all the past limiting beliefs that told you to feel small and insignificant. You feel you can take on the world and show it your true self without feeling ashamed or apologetic.

5. You start to feel excited about life again.

Life gets more fun and inspirational once you connect to your higher self. You’ll start to notice yourself become more creative and focused on a particular goal. You will become more open-minded, and reconsider things you once thought you could never do; for example, starting up a business, writing a book, traveling, building your own home, etc.

Higher self

6. You have more intense, vivid dreams.

Awakening to the higher self also means your mind will expand and become more fluid, which means you will likely experience more meaningful, intense dreams. Because you’ve become more open-minded, your dreams start to reflect that. You’ll likely have dreams that you can directly apply to your life to help you on your journey.

vivid dreams - higher self

Related article: 9 Ways To Reconnect To Your Higher Self

7. You may have trouble sleeping, or getting to sleep.

Unfortunately, one downside to spiritual awakening is the difficulty in getting regular sleep. The higher frequencies might make it hard to get some shut eye, as your mind becomes more active and your DNA continues to upgrade. Trust the process, however; it’s in your highest good, always.

Trouble sleeping

8. You start to pay more attention to your self-talk.

You no longer tolerate negative self-talk, and monitor your thoughts much more. You’ll tune into each thought you have, and try to replace the negative thoughts with positive ones whenever possible.

self talk - higher self

9. You have the desire to spend more time alone.

As your higher self continues to shine through more, you realize that the world around you doesn’t really resonate with you most of the time. You need a lot of time in solitude to recharge and connect with your spirit guides and other helpers in this realm.

10. You start to feel more love and compassion than ever before.

Also, you begin to let go of fear-based emotions and harmful mentalities. Your higher self has reminded you that the world truly is magical and inspirational, but you have to believe this yourself. Love and compassion will always win out over hate and apathy, so you’ve tuned in your vibration to higher frequencies that serve the planet in the best way.


11. You begin to see your life manifest just how you’d envisioned.

Your dreams start to unfold right before your eyes, and this world truly feels like a magical fairytale. You no longer give into limiting beliefs, as you have experienced too many miracles and strange circumstances to believe in boundaries and rules. You realize that you create your own reality, so through your thoughts, intentions and energy, you construct your life as you see fit, with the help of your higher self.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Things You Need To Know About Your Mind-Body Connection

You accomplish your health and wellness goals by harnessing the power of your mind-body connection. Communication between your body and mind is essential for both your physical and mental health.

Medicine is based on the observable, measurable, reported physical symptoms of a patient who needs help. Still, this physical-chemical-biological view of medicine ignores the importance of the psychological effect that our thoughts can have on our health.

What Is the Mind-Body Connection?

The mind-body connection points to the relationship between the physical body and the thoughts, feelings, and mental processes within the mind. The concept suggests that mental and emotional states can affect physical health and vice versa. Both traditional healing practices and modern medicine have explored this idea. For example, meditation, yoga, and acupuncture promote wellness by balancing the mind-body connection. These techniques can help better manage chronic stress, depression, and anxiety. Each can negatively affect physical health, including increasing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other illnesses.

The mind-body connection highlights the importance of understanding and addressing physical and mental health concerns. By recognizing the link between our mental and physical states, we can better care for our overall well-being. That may involve engaging in practices that promote relaxation, stress reduction, positive thinking, and seeking medical treatment when necessary. By paying attention to our physical and mental health, we can achieve greater harmony and balance within ourselves, leading to a healthier and happier life.

emotional eating

5 Things You Need To Know About Your Mind-Body Connection

We are already well aware of how stress can affect our health. Higher cortisol can lead to poor cardiovascular health, for example. But our mind decides whether a situation should be perceived as stressful.

Managing stress, for those who know about the mind-body connection, is as easy as deciding not to be stressed out by what happened. Without the mind thinking that what happened was stressful, the body can relax, and the high blood pressure, etc. disappears.

When discussing the mind-body connection, we need to know that our emotions are somewhere between the mind and the body and should not be ignored. We’ve talked about trusting your gut because your body senses fear before your mind does.

In our waking days, we encounter a stimulus (a person, event, or conversation), and our body takes in information from our senses. Our gut (home of the gut instinct) makes a judgment call about the input from the senses and decides if it is safe or unsafe. Then our gut sends the information to the brain where we think about what happened and how we want to respond.

Five Ways to Improve Communication Between Your Mind and Your Body

Let’s examine five things you need to know about the mind-body connection to harness your total health potential.

1. Understanding how to use the mind-body connection can heal chronic pain

Dr. John Sarno, author of Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection, says the mind-body connection is vital in managing chronic back pain. Suppressed emotions, especially anger, can cause back pain. Dr. Sarno recommends being aware of your emotions and seeking to understand them is a good step to healing the emotional pain that you are storing in your body.

Researchers in the journal Holistic Nursing Practice have some advice for healthcare workers treating patients in pain. ‘Not understanding the patient’s past pain experiences, current emotional state, and personal and cultural meaning of pain can greatly decrease the health care provider’s ability to assess and treat the patient’s chronic pain.’

2. Suppressed emotions cause bodily symptoms

Sigmund Freud said that numbness or pain in the body can be the effect of a ‘subconscious process in which painful emotions were repressed and then discharged physically. He thought that the symptoms were symbolic and represented a discharge of emotional tension. It was his idea that the process of repression was a defense against the painful emotions. ‘

The neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot discovered in the late 1800’s that patients who suffered from sudden limb paralysis could be cured by being hypnotized. This was evidence that the mind could control the body’s experience of sensations.

3. You can improve your mind-body connection with exercises

You can do a few simple exercises to help increase the power of your mind-body connection. Here are a few things that you can do to help your mind-body awareness:

  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Body balance training
  • Massage
  • Guided imagery meditation
  • Relaxation breathing
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi

Other things that help include having healthy outlets for emotions, awareness of emotions, and having a spiritual connection.

4. Awareness leads to the ability to control the mind-body connection

The first step to understanding the mind-body connection and its power is to become aware of your body. The feel of your muscles and how you can move is part of that knowledge, but being able to sense the messages you are receiving from your gut and other organs is another.

Begin training yourself to recognize your feelings of hunger. Ask yourself on a scale of one to ten how hungry you are. Pause to listen to your body as you eat your food. After how many bites can you tell that you are no longer hungry?

5. It may be easier to control the body before controlling the mind

Thoughts often come from patterns in our past. For example, how our parents thought of us may be how we think of our children. Thought patterns are harder to force yourself to change than it is for you to control the movements of your body.

An article by the Cleveland Clinic says, ‘Research has shown that when you imagine an experience, you often have similar mental and physical responses to those you have when the event actually happens. For example, if you recall an upsetting or frightening experience, you may feel your heart beating faster, you may begin to sweat, and your hands may become cold and clammy.’

Most people know that they can control their breathing to reduce feelings of stress. Paying attention to the feeling of your breathing and heart rate can help you slow down your respiration rate and manage your body’s response. Rehearsing the feeling of calmness can help us use the mind-body connection to eliminate feelings of anxiety.

mind-body connection

Final Thoughts About Understanding the Importance of the Mind-Body Connection

The mind-body connection emphasizes the importance of addressing your physical and mental health concerns. Doing so can achieve greater harmony and balance within ourselves, leading to a healthier and happier life.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

The Natural High You’ve Never Heard Of (And How to Get It)

There is a growing community of people obsessed with getting this feeling; if you enjoy this euphoric feeling, you might become one of them too. ASMR is something you may have never heard of before, but you have likely experienced the sensation in your body without being able to name or identify it.

ASMR: How To Get The Natural High You’ve Never Heard Of

The term ASMR describes a way to get a happy, tingly, and some say euphoric feeling without sex or drugs, and people are seeking more ways to get this feeling. There are discussion groups, YouTube video channels, and dedicated fans continuously seeking new ways to get this sensation.

Anything from a whispered voice to a crinkling piece of plastic can give you the feeling of ASMR. In this article, we will explore what ASMR is and how you can try to get the feeling for yourself too.

What ASMR Means

how to get high without drugs

You may have never heard of ASMR because it is a fairly recent term that has been used to explain a feeling that has probably been around for as long as humans have been. Let’s look at what ASMR means and why you might want to try to get it.

ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, which is not very descriptive of the sensation that you feel when you get it. The easiest way to describe it is a meditative, pleasurable state that is calming but exciting at the same time. The excitement comes from the sensation that people describe as tingling, chills, or a pleasurable headache that spreads down your spine.

Here is the explanation of the reason for the long name:

  • Autonomous – spontaneous, governing oneself, within or without control
  • Sensory – about the senses or sensation
  • Meridian – signifying a peak, climax, or point of highest development
  • Response – referring to some experience triggered by something external or internal

Have you ever felt chills when someone moves their fingers lightly stroking down your spine? That is the ASMR feeling we are describing. The sensation might end in your neck or shoulders, but it can travel down to your arms and legs also.

This spine-tingling, scalp-tingling, goosebump-raising feeling is described as a gentle mind and body high without using drugs. ASMR is possibly related to the pleasure centers of the brain.

Ever get the ASMR feeling when listening to music? Researchers studying the ecstatic effect that some people get when listening to music found that people who were taking a medication that blocked the opiate receptors in the brain had reduced ability to experience extreme pleasure through music.

wake up same time

How to Get The ASMR Feeling

Triggers for ASMR vary from person to person, but there seems to be a group of external stimuli that are more likely to create the ASMR feeling.

Here are a few common ASMR triggers:

  • Listen to a whispering video with headphones on
  • Getting a haircut
  • Crinkling plastic wrappers
  • Watching Bob Ross
  • The sound of folding paper
  • A light scalp massage
  • Light touch on your back, neck, or shoulders

Search for a few videos online, and you are likely to find several channels to help you try to experience this sensation. Here is a YouTube video of one whisperer who may help you feel what it is like.

Other things you can do to enhance your experience of ASMR:

  • Practice mindfulness
  • Meditate
  • Keep the room temperature cool
  • Avoid medications that reduce the effect of opiate receptors

How ASMR Affects Your Health

Researchers studying ASMR found that it helped relieve some of the symptoms of depression for people, although the effect was temporary. They also found that ASMR reduced symptoms of chronic pain.

They also found that many people who could trigger ASMR had synaesthesia. Synaesthesia is when one sensory pathway is stimulated (as in the sense of hearing) and triggers the sensation in another (as in the feeling of the skin being touched).

The same researchers who studied the effects of ASMR on depression and pain also say ‘Reports of ASMR experiences also appear to share some features with the state of ‘flow,’ which is the state of intense focus and diminished awareness of the passage of time that is often associated with optimal performance in several activities, including sport.’ Enhancing our performance is one great way to use the euphoric feeling that ASMR gives us.

It is possible that in the future, researchers will be able to reliably create an environment that will reliably trigger ASMR in people. That means it could help enhance people’s moods, reduce pain, and enhance concentration.

What Does Your Temper Reveal About Your Personality?

If you’ve ever been told that you have a hot temper, you might wonder what that means about your personality and how others perceive you. Anger is a normal emotion for us to have when we encounter frustration, delay, difficulties, or anything that blocks our progress.

What Does Your Temper Reveal About Your Personality

Anger is usually what we mean when we refer to your temper. People do different things to manage their level of anger.

Anger is almost always a result of you not getting your needs met. When someone is disrespecting your needs, you feel a tightening in the space below your lungs and above your belly button. That gut feeling and other physical signs are the symptoms that your temper is on the rise.

project anger

Symptoms of anger in the body:

  • Tightening in the stomach
  • Skin feels warm with a flush of blood rushing to the surface
  • Perspiration on palms, forehead
  • Muscles begin to twitch and flex
  • Your jaw clenches
  • Your fists clench
  • You stop listening
  • You’ll increase the volume of your voice
  • You lean your head toward your victim
  • You make steady, glaring eye contact

After you experience these symptoms for a while, BOOM! You may find yourself erupting like a volcano at someone if your temper is out of control. Let’s look at the styles of temper and what they reveal about your personality.

Related article: 9 Comebacks For Dealing With a Manipulator

Explosive Temper

Just as the list of symptoms above tends to escalate, so does your temper. Your level of frustration at which you explode is fairly low. People tend to avoid you due to your tendency to react so aggressively with anger.

Ronald and Patricia Potter-Efron, authors of Letting Go of Anger say that there is tremendous research that shows that some people’s brains are not as good at controlling anger as others. The prefrontal cortex of the brain is where anger is controlled and scientists can see lower activity in this area of the brain for some, but not all people.

If you believe that you are the kind of personality with an explosive temper, try to practice counting to 3. Common knowledge used to be that you would count to ten to calm yourself down, but Ronald and Patricia Potter-Efron say that as little as 2 seconds is enough to let the initial anger pass. Go for 3 seconds, just in case.

If this doesn’t work, therapy may be the best solution for an explosive temper personality. Researchers who gave combat veterans with PTSD and anger difficulties 6 weeks of anger management therapy with an in-person counselor and via teleconferencing found that both groups benefitted from the counseling by having fewer personal anger-related difficulties in their lives.

Internal-focused Temper

Self-directed anger is when you focus your temper on yourself. You might call yourself bad names or express your disappointment in your own behavior. Internal-focused anger sounds like this in your mind:

‘You’re so stupid for doing that.’

‘Why did you do that, you idiot”

‘This is never going to work.’

‘Clearly they blame you.’

‘You can’t do anything right.’

Turning anger inward is bad for your self-esteem. To fix this, you need to start questioning ‘Why do I believe that about myself?,’ ‘Who told me that I’m an idiot?,’ and ‘Why would I treat myself that way when I would never do that to another person?’

Related article: 5 Ways to Manage Anger

Avoidant Temper

If you are the type of personality who says ‘I can’t deal with this right now’ and puts on a happy face in spite of your rage, you have an avoidant temper style. Ronald and Patricia Potter-Efron say that women in particular are susceptible to this pattern.

Rather than expressing your anger in a healthy way by saying what you dislike, you smile and deal with things not going your way. To change this long-ingrained style of pleasing people from early childhood, start practicing saying ‘I need you to ____’ without adding ‘I’m sorry but…’ or ‘It’s just that I really was hoping…’

Passive-aggressive Temper

This style of anger is the sarcastic, joking type that is common in funny movies. You might think people would appreciate it more, but it just comes off as back-handed and cruel when you are honest about your feelings but you disguise it just enough to sound like you’re trying to be nice. You aren’t fooling anyone.

The best thing to do here is express your emotions honestly as you already were, but remember that you’re creating a new story by discussing with positive intentions to solve a problem, rather than using anger to achieve your goal.


Irritable Temper

The little things really get to you and it all feels like it’s little lately. If every little thing seems to tick you off, you probably are the type of personality that is irritable fairly often.

The clerk dropped your change on the floor. The barista pronounced your name wrong. You hit every red light on the way. If every little thing seems to go wrong for you and makes you angry, you have an irritable temper.

Some great things you can do to overcome irritibality is remember one thing: We are ALL human and we all make mistakes. Surely someone could be irritated by you, so ask yourself, “how would I feel if I were being treated this same way right now?”.  You’ll quickly cease this type of anger when you expand your perspective on the issue…

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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