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7 Things You Need To Know About Being Friends With A Gemini

7 Things You Need To Know About Being Friends With A Gemini

If your friend was born May 21 to June 20 then he or she is the sign of the twins, Gemini. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and is an air sign, which means that you need to know that your Gemini friend thinks they know everything.

Gemini’s friends need to know that being a “twinsie” is not always double trouble or double the fun. Why are people always saying that Geminis have a double personality, are two-faced or make split decisions? It might be that their silent twin is always along for the ride that makes it feel like you have a third wheel along when you and your Gemini friend get together.

Astrology is used by many people to help them understand their personality traits. People like the outline of traits that astrology provides, which they see like a guide for how to become a better person based on their tendencies. Positive people work to maximize the positive while working on the negative personality traits.

According to Kendrick Frazier, author of The Hundredth Monkey: And Other Paradigms of the Paranormal, in 1977 about as many people chose to seriously pursue the study of astrology as chose to study psychology.

While today the numbers of seers and astrologers are surely different, astrology deserves respect. Those who do love astrology feel that awareness of their personality tendencies through the knowledge of their sign contributes to their lives in a positive way.

7 Things You Need To Know About Being Friends With a Gemini

Gemini is a two-for-one deal when it comes to friendship. You’ll feel like your friend is actually two people at times. Gemini can drive even the closest of friends crazy, but stick with them because there’s plenty of fun to come.

Lucky for you, having an extra brain, heart, and soul to partner up with you is one of the best of these 7 things you need to know about being friends with a Gemini.

1. You won’t have to build their self-esteem

Geminis know that they have good taste, thank you very much, and they are happy to share their opinion. Gemini loves themselves first, and their twin second.

2. Geminis have the best dressed friends

Gemini will wear clothes to stand out, not to blend in with the crowd. They prefer to be unique, so don’t copy their style. They’ll find something similar but just as unique for you if you ask.

3. Two heads aren’t necessarily smarter than one

No, Gemini isn’t unintelligent, but they think they’re smarter than they are. You can give them all of the evidence to the contrary but arguing won’t help you unless you have others on your side too. Just tell them they’re right and have them take you shopping.

4. On the other hand, Gemini has multiple opinions

Well it’s hard to make up your mind when there are two very excellent points of view here. Gemini might need you to help them decide when they are facing two different perspectives.

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Two-faced is what you might be thinking, but having different viewpoints from your helpful Gemini friend can be good for you too. Try to be open-minded and let Gemini play Devil’s advocate for you. Remind your Gemini friend that ultimately, the decision was yours to make.

5. Gemini will not always agree with you

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If you asked for your friend’s opinion about whether to get back together with your ex, you’re going to get Gemini’s honest answer, and the argument for your ex’s perspective as well. After all, Gemini can see things from both viewpoints. Ah, the annoying Gemini.

6. Someone else is usually to blame

Gemini might try to get away with blaming a twin, but they definitely aren’t taking full responsibility for anything that they did wrong. Maybe they will take half blame though. Just be sure that they aren’t trying to put the blame on you if it’s not justified.

7. You aren’t Gemini’s only best friend

Your Gemini friend is a positive sun sign, did you know that? In order of the zodiac, starting with Aries, the signs are numbered and they alternate with positive and negative. Gemini ends up being an odd-numbered sign and is assigned as a positive one. That means Gemini is extroverted and science actually backs this up.

Researchers confirmed ‘the astrological proposition that people born with the sun in a positive sign (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius) are extroverted and those with the sun in a negative sign (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces) are introverted,’ The study in the Journal of Sociology and Psychology found that this was more often true for with people with an astrological knowledge of the personality traits of their sign.

Magnesium – 7 Signs of Deficiency You Should Never Ignore

Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, supports a healthy immune system, keeps the heartbeat steady, and helps bones remain strong. It also helps regulate blood glucose levels and aid in the production of energy and protein. – United States National Library of Medicine

Magnesium is one of those nutrients that many people don’t pay attention to. However, magnesium is responsible for a number of functions in the human body. Consequently, insufficient levels of magnesium in the human body can cause complications in a multitude of ways.

We’ll discuss physical and mental symptoms that may surface as a result of magnesium deficiency. Of course, to help correct any potential deficiency, we’ll discuss the recommended daily intake of magnesium in addition to good sources of the nutrient.

Here are 7 signs that you may have a magnesium deficiency:


1. Anxiety and/or Hyperactivity

Anxiety and hyperactivity are two neurological symptoms of a magnesium deficiency. The mineral is required for proper communication between nerve cells in the brain. Further, magnesium is required to balance electrolyte levels in the body – an important factor in proper brain function.

2. Depression

No surprise here, considering the first sign. Of course, depression is a complicated disease and can stem from a number of things. However, one of them is by a lack of nutrition and improper diet. Again, magnesium is an important element for proper brain function. Aside from anxiety and depression, low levels of magnesium in the body can also lead to changes in personality – no doubt a side byproduct of impaired cognitive function.

3. Muscle Pain

In addition to neurological symptoms, neuromuscular symptoms can surface as well. Magnesium deficiency can lead to painful muscle spasms, cramping, tics, and other symptoms, such as fibromyalgia. One of magnesium’s primary functions is muscle relaxation. Besides calcium, which stimulates muscle contraction, magnesium is a primary element in proper muscle function.

4. Nausea and/or vomiting

A magnesium deficiency can complicate normal digestive and gastrointestinal function. From a mildly upset stomach to full-blown nausea and vomiting, supplement magnesium to help stabilize gastrointestinal function if you suspect a potential deficiency.

5. High blood pressure

Numerous studies have linked high blood pressure and low magnesium levels. Those with hypertension are much more likely to have insufficient amounts of nutrient. Of course, numerous physiological functions affect blood pressure. Indeed, this outcome often necessitates a trip to the family doctor for a diagnosis.

6. Insomnia

Chronic insomnia and other sleep disorders connect to magnesium deficiency. It is thought that magnesium helps to regulate our sleep and wake cycles. So it serves an important function that ultimately determines our ability to fall and stay asleep.

Related article: 6 Sleep Habits You Need To Avoid

7. Low energy

The absence of magnesium forces the body to work harder, which often results in both physical and psychological stress. In a study conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), participants with low levels of detectable magnesium consumed more oxygen than those with normal levels. Of course, oxygen consumption is indicative of one’s physical health. Decreased levels also affect human endurance, as low levels of magnesium adversely impact heart and muscle health.

Fortunately, there are numerous ways to get the recommended daily amount of magnesium. Of course, the best way is by eating right. Implementing traditionally high magnesium foods – dark and leafy greens, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, bananas, dry fruit, avocados, yogurt, dark chocolate, and etcetera – into our daily diets is the best-preferred way of getting this important mineral. This is relatively easy, considering the numerous foods – most of them healthy – that contain good amounts of it.

Most multivitamins contain the recommended daily amount. Additionally, a number of supplements on the market that can help boost your intake. The Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) at the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, one of the world’s foremost authorities on nutrition – places magnesium intake into four tiers.


How Much Magnesium Do You Need?

The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is the measure that 97 to 98 percent of healthy individuals follow. The FNB breaks intake recommendations down into a simple chart, which follows.

AGE                MALE             FEMALE        PREGNANCY          LACTATION

to 6 months   30 mg           30 mg

7-12 months  75 mg             75 mg

1-3 years        80 mg             80 mg

4-8 years        130 mg           130 mg

9-13 years     240 mg           240 mg

14-18 years   410 mg           360 mg           400 mg                       360 mg

19-30 years   400 mg           310 mg           350 mg                       310 mg

31-50 years   420 mg           320 mg           360 mg                       320 mg

51+ years       420 mg           320 mg

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

9 Positive Comebacks For Dealing With Negative People

Negative people need drama like oxygen. Stay positive. It will take their breath away. – MJ Korvan

Here’s a preliminary question for you:

How do you currently deal with negative people?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Instead, it’s intended to get us thinking about our reactive tendencies.

The truth is that negative people are difficult to handle. For some reason, such individuals have a default mentality that is primed to leave a negative energy or influence wherever they go. Beyond the initial anger that we experience when encountering such people, we’ll often feel a sense of unfairness – why do I need to be “stuck” in this kind of environment?

It’s not only okay to have initial feelings of anger towards a negative person – it’s natural. However, it is unhealthy when we allow these feelings to dictate our response during and after encounters with negative people. It is important to not allow someone to negatively influence us longer than necessary.

It is also important, no matter how difficult, to have a sense of compassion for such people. After all, we often don’t know what that person has been through. Some people who’ve experienced difficult circumstances have turned them into positives – but not all have. While it’s true that not every negative person has been plagued by adversity, many of them have.

We can all agree that it’s counterproductive to react harshly to negative people. We simply get caught up in a cycle of negativity and end up contributing to such an environment.

So, the question becomes:

How do you positively deal with negative people?

Well, turns out that it’s not too difficult if we’re willing to check our emotions and think things through. Responding to someone negative doesn’t require that we engage with them – in fact it is sometimes necessary to disengage without creating undue conflict.

Here are 9 positive comebacks to deal with negative people:

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1. “I hope you feel better soon.”

This response actually catches negative people off-guard. Why? Because they’re probably used to people brushing them off or sneering at their behavior. Showing true, empathetic concern is sometimes enough to grab someone’s attention and change their perspective. They may walk away, silently (or verbally!) thanking you for showing care.

2. “Is there something the matter?”

This one’s kind of tricky, because it’s possible that the person will drag you into a counterproductive conversation. If this happens, politely verbalize your refusal to engage in such conversation and simply walk away. However, it’s also possible that the negative person is carrying around a burden and needs an attentive ear. Think about this: we’ve all been this negative person at some point. It’s likely that someone stopping to ask us this question may have helped us somewhere along the way.

3. “Don’t allow yourself to dwell too much.”

If we’re privy to someone’s situation, we may be in a good position to pass along this little tidbit. One of two things will happen: (1) they’ll blow off the suggestion, or (2) they’ll catch themselves dwelling and change course. Either way, we’ve given them something to think about. Saying this with a smile improves the likelihood of a positive response.

4. “You’re loved and cared for.”

Over the top a bit? Well, not really. How many times have we been in a situation when we think we’re all alone to fend for ourselves? Exactly. Saying this simple phrase has a way of reminding us or someone else that they’re not alone in their struggles – no matter what they may be.

5. “You can’t and won’t affect my mindset.”

Sometimes it’s necessary for us to put our foot down. When someone negative is infringing upon our right to have a positive outlook, we’re within our rights to set the record straight. Stand up for yourself, be strong and don’t allow someone to take your right to live a positive life for granted.

6. “If you could, would you spread your feelings around?”

This is a response that requires our best judgement. Would you say this to some stranger who scornfully admonishes the waiter? Probably not. Would you say this to a co-worker who is adamant in expressing their displeasure about the boss? Maybe, maybe not. What this question does is put someone off guard and make them think, which is sometimes necessary when responding to a negative person.

7. “People see your negativity and it brings them down.”

Once again, there are times when it’s necessary to be politely direct with a negative person. This statement is effective only when it’s presented in a constructive manner. An already-negative person will quickly go on the defensive if they sense an attempt at confrontation – so be polite, smile and be constructive!

8. “Think of something that makes you happy.”

Corny? Perhaps…but it could work. Again, it is all about how this response is presented. Depending on the person, it may require some elaboration outside of a general statement such as this. If it’s someone close and this is said with true empathy, they’re more likely to heed such advice.


How to be positive9. “Smiling has a way of changing our mood!”

Say this to someone who is having a bad time and they will almost assuredly crack a smile. Again, this may sound corny, but if it’s said under the right conditions this may just help change not only someone’s day, it may just help change their life. Smiling is an aphrodisiac to the blues, even if it’s somewhat forced. Getting into the habit of smiling despite of our circumstances is definitely worthwhile.

What Does Your Birth Order Reveal About Your Personality?

Your siblings and you were always fighting over who was the favorite. But you might all like to learn how your birth order affects your personality. Even only children have different perspectives on the world than the rest of us.

The firstborn, middle child, or the youngest, the order that you arrived into your family can make a difference in how you feel about your role in the larger family of our society. How you spent the early years of your childhood makes a difference in how you developed into yourself.

In this article, we will look at how birth order, from only child to the last born child, affects your personality.

How Birth Order Affects Your Personality

Researchers at the University of Michigan who studied intellectual development and birth order found that IQ was higher for the firstborn children typically. There was less difference in IQ between triplets and twins as you might imagine. Researchers also showed that the gap in IQ from firstborn to second decreased with the amount of time between children. For example, children spaced two years apart had less difference in IQ than those born one year apart.

The scientists explain the intelligence differences this way; imagine your parents giving one child all of their attention and creating a stimulating environment for them to learn and grow. By the time the second child comes, even if the parents try to keep everything the same, the amount of attention they can give each child is reduced.

birth order

The Only Child’s Personality

Only children get the best of what their parents can give them because they don’t have to share attention with others. Only children may be thought of as being lonely, but they are very independently minded and are self-sufficient.

Researchers who studied 800,000 participants found that verbal skills were higher for children in smaller family sizes and for first-born children. As the one and only, first-born children get all the help with early language skills that they could possibly need.

An only child might feel some pressure because they have the sole responsibility for carrying on the family genes. As an only child, your personality tends to be spoiled. You usually get what you want. However, you are more than capable of either getting it for yourself or pouting to someone until you get it.

The Firstborn

As the eldest child, you had the responsibility of looking out for your younger brothers or sisters, but that doesn’t mean that you didn’t also torture your siblings every chance you got. As the oldest, you were taller and stronger, after all. You took the toys you wanted and the food you wanted from the others.

There is evidence that firstborn children grow up to make more money and we have already said that they have a higher IQ and verbal skills than their younger siblings. Again, this is about your parents giving you everything until child #2 came along.

Related article: 7 Signs of Suppressed Emotions

You may have some unresolved issues with your siblings because you may see them as having stolen some of your limelight from Mom and Dad. It’s OK because your siblings might still resent you for getting the best of everything.

The Middle Child

As the go-between for your older and younger siblings, you had to play the role of the negotiator. You are really good at keeping the peace and arguing to get what you want.

You didn’t get as much attention as the eldest or youngest. You’re comfortable speaking up for yourself because you had to. You also are better at taking care of yourself and are more independent than your siblings.

Yes, you know how to share. In fact, you might think you’d be tired of it, but middle children seem to enjoy the community of family and a large group of friends around them. Middle children have excellent social skills, can typically manage emotions well, and pick up on subtle signals from people easily.

birth order

The Youngest Child’s Personality

You poor thing; you had to wear all of the hand-me-down clothes and play with all of the hand-me-down toys from your brothers or sisters. Besides that, you got picked on, pushed around, and were always accused of ‘tattling’ on your siblings.

Related article: Who Is Your Perfect Partner Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

You cried tears over toys taken away from you and what seemed like unfair treatment. But all those tears made it possible for you to appreciate when you did have a new toy or something to call your own.

You are very charismatic and outgoing, partly because you had to speak over your siblings to make your voice heard. Mom and Dad were more confident parents by the time they had you. As a result, you might feel that they did not care about your childhood milestones like they did for your older brothers and sisters.

(C) Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Things To Remember When You Doubt Yourself

We all have limitations, but when you’re facing severe self-doubt you might be distorting the reality of your actual abilities. Some things are probably unattainable for you, but you need to remember that the number of them is fewer than you think.

Self-doubt is being uncertain about your ability to do something or even being unsure about your ability to do it well. When you lack the confidence to do what you either need or want to do, you can feel stuck. In this article, we will look at 5 things to remember when you are faced with self-doubt.

5 Things to Remember When Faced With Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is perfectly normal. Most of us are less than 100% confident all of the time. Even Brown University Philosopher David Christensen wonders if an ideally rational and intelligent person would be able to avoid self-doubt. Being uncertain, and trying anyway, is kind of what makes us human.

Then again, people confident in their intellect are usually not competent or well-accepted socially. Nobody likes a smarty-pants who is right all the time. Think of the social awkwardness yet righteous insistence of TV’s Sheldon Cooper, the smart-but-anxious character of The Big Bang Theory.

If your fears and doubts are limiting your ability to thrive in your life, now there’s something you need to do about it. When you are holding yourself back from trying due to fear of failure there are 5 things you need to remember when self-doubt creeps in.

1. You are more likely to believe people who lead you to doubt yourself

Do you think you might pick up on doubt signals from someone else? When you speak, do you notice that the listener’s facial expressions make it look like they disagree with you? When faced with self-doubt, it can be challenging to remember that not everything someone else says about your capabilities or their facial expressions is a negative statement about you.

Researchers at The Ohio State University studying self-doubt found that they could introduce doubt in a situation, and those with lower self-esteem would be more likely to question their own abilities. When you have self-doubt, you must doubt your ability to judge someone else’s opinion of you too.

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Think of the few people you trust who you believe would give you an honest, fair opinion of your skills. To check your self-doubt, ask one of these people to give it to you straight. If the opinion comes from someone else, remind yourself that this person’s opinion is not valuable to you.

2. You are more sensitive to cues that reinforce your self-doubt

The scientists at The Ohio State University say ‘Cues that provoke feelings of self-doubt may be more readily noticed by high-self-doubt individuals, who are particularly sensitive to such cues, than by low-self-doubt individuals, who are not.’ You are likely to be taking a lot of words personally.

Related article: 9 Comebacks For Dealing With a Manipulator

They found ‘evidence that self-doubt is implicated in behavioral strategies (e.g., self-handicapping) that are designed to protect self-esteem but that do so at the cost of sustaining self-doubt.’ In other words, people who doubt themselves might sabotage themselves so they are prevented from failure, which would hurt their self-esteem even more. You already doubt yourself plenty, so there’s no reason to add to your pile of evidence by failing even to try to succeed.

3. You may have missed opportunities, but there will be more

Even if you passed up the chance to do something because you were faced with self-doubt, you could be sure that you will have another chance. Life is filled with second chances. Even the IRS lets you file an extension, after all.

From missing the chance to tell someone we love them to take a chance on skydiving, you can always decide to do it later anyway. When you’re faced with self-doubt, remind yourself that you can choose to try whenever you’re ready.


4. Conquering self-doubt is about changing your thought judgments

When you doubt yourself, you are engaging in meta-cognitive thinking. For example, let’s say that you doubt your ability to sing. You have judged yourself to be a bad singer based on whatever evidence you have.

To resolve your feelings of self-doubt, remember 8 different times that you sang and felt good about how your voice sounded to you, how you felt when the music expressed your emotions and the sensations in your body while that was happening.

Researchers in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin also found that people with lower self-esteem had difficulty remembering times when they had previously performed well. If you can try to focus on remembering times when you were confident, you will be more likely to convince yourself to be brave.

If You See Spiders Often, This May Be Why

Whenever something shows up repetitively in your life, you should take this as a signal from the universe. It might signal that you must learn some important lessons or grow in certain areas. Animal guides such as spiders act as messengers delivering vital messages from beyond. Indeed, they show us where we can improve and what we can learn. Having a spider show up repeatedly means that you either need to learn patience and get in better touch with your creative energy.

Spiders have incredible patience and are masters of complexity in the way they weave their webs. Similarly, the spider can teach you to use your skills in order to create a beautiful masterpiece, and to not cut corners in life to get ahead. This spirit animal wants you to become more receptive to new skills and your own emotions. Additionally, it helps you connect with the darker side of yourself in order to keep growing as a person. Spiders weave their own way through life, and they want you to do the same. Let’s look at some more important messages the spider wants you to receive.



  • To give you an idea of how different cultures regard spiders, we’ll delve into a few common beliefs about these complex, beautiful creatures. Many cultures hold spiders in high regard for their amazing ability to create intricate, delicate masterpieces that are nothing short of a miracle. If you recognize the spider as your spirit animal, you probably have a knack for creativity and have an ability to stay in tune with your intuitive side. The spider symbolizes creation and beauty. In several traditions, spiders symbolize the Mother and the Divine Feminine. In Ancient Egypt, the spider represented the goddess of the Divine Mother, Neith. And in some American Indian tribes, the spider symbolizes the creator of the world, and therefore, is held in high regard for its feminine energy.
  • The spider might also want you to use more patience in your life regarding a project or task you’ve been working on. Spiders use extreme patience in order to weave their webs. So the spider can teach you to increase your awareness and focus in life. Spiders take time to create their webs, and don’t rush through it. Similarly, they can teach you to slow down, use precision, and take your time to create things in life. Instead of rushing through and coming to conclusions quickly, the spider invites you to look at situations from different angles.
  • Just as the spider weaves her web, she wants you to learn to use all aspects of your life and integrate them into the whole. When the spider appears in your life, it can show you to utilize many different pieces of your story into the puzzle, and see yourself through many angles in order to become a more whole version of yourself.The spider invites you to contemplate life on a deeper level, and slow down to gain perspective. Spiders are masters of perception. So they want you to look at life through different lenses so that you can solve problems appropriately. This beautiful creature wants you to weave your own web in life, and create your own story based on the experiences you’ve had and the different perspectives you’ve gained.
  • If the spider appears in your life, this means he or she wants you to examine your shadow self more closely. We can learn many important lessons from the darker parts of ourselves, and this can allow important issues to come to light. Many people fear spiders, so if we look at what this means emotionally, we can see that spiders have an association with the darker side of life. Spiders invite you to look more closely at your personality and see which parts you haven’t come to terms with yet. In other words, do you feel insecure about what others say about you? Do you not like certain parts of yourself? The spider wants you to come to peace with these aspects of yourself, and bring the darkness into the light.The spider doesn’t necessarily mean negativity and fear, but you might interpret it that way. The spider can give off feelings of unease or insecurity. Whenever your spirit animal evokes these feelings within yourself, you need to examine your life more closely and see where you can improve. Look into your personal feelings and see what makes you feel unhappy, insecure, depressed, or any other negative emotion. Where these feelings take you is where your personal work begins.


As with any other animal totem, spiders will show up the moment you need a sign from beyond. This spirit animal will guide you to continue down the right path in life. The spider represents strong feminine energy, creativity, patience, and strength. It also invites you to become more receptive and intuitive, and rely on your unique gifts to get you ahead in life. Don’t fear the spider – embrace it, and it will teach you many valuable lessons on your personal journey.

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