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5 Types of People to Keep In Your Life (And 5 to Avoid)

5 Types of People to Keep In Your Life (And 5 to Avoid)

You are not here on this world to be alone. You have many people that come in and out of your life to teach you and force you to grow. Our interactions with the world hold deep experiences.

Here are 5 types of people to keep in your life:

1. The Cheerleader.

This is your motivator. No matter what you do, this person is in your corner cheering you on and encouraging you to continue following your dreams. And when you are feeling down, the cheerleader is the one that finds light at the end of the tunnel. They are the voice of motivation.

2. The Connector.

This is that one person who knows everyone, or has the means to find another who can help you. The connector is magical. He/she connects you to the next person who can better guide you to your goals. This type of personality is the go-to person. They might not have the answers but they will send you to the person who will while making it easier for you to navigate in this life.

3. The Teacher.

This is your mentor. The teacher will teach you through examples and will make sure that lessons are being consciously observed and acknowledged. The teacher is the Yoda of the group. This person uses metaphors and world events to put you back in your place while forcing you to see the dark and light parts of yourself. Knowledge is power and the teacher is that one person whose guidance is priceless.

4. The Therapist.

It’s important to have that one person you can share your deepest fears and secrets without judgment. The therapist has the ability to hear you through words and your actions. This person knows you so well that he/she can analyze what you haven’t considered. This is the person who can be the devil’s advocate and you don’t take offense because they see past the issue at hand.

5. The Comedian.

You always need a friend who can make you laugh, especially at yourself. The joy of having this friend is that life is taken as a joke. Sometimes you need to step back and see that nothing is as it seems. The comedian can turn any event into a sarcastic stand up routine. And, in this person you begin to find light.

Just as we need these type of people in our lives to support and love us, we also do not need other types who bring out the worst in us with their toxic energy.

Here are 5 types of people you need to avoid:

negative people

1. The Gossiper.

This person will talk to you about everyone and when he/she turns their back will talk about you as well. They raise their attention by putting others in the worst scenarios. The gossiper has no problem sharing stories and creating some along the way. They are toxic and emotionally draining.

2. The Complainer.

This is that person whose life is constantly under some kind of drama. The complainer feeds on the negative attention of others by feeling sorry for him/herself. They will look at your life and complain about everything as well while instilling their story into it. At the end of the day you have nothing good for them because they are victims of society.

3. The Super-Agreeable.

You know this person well. This is the one who agrees on everything you say and do without truly supporting you. This type of person is passive aggressive. They seek approval by being hypocritical in nature. You don’t know their motives until it’s too late and you been sucked into some of their drama. They don’t care about you. They care only about themselves. The super-agreeable person is looking out for what’s best in their world. If they can use you to get it they will.

4. The Pessimist.

This is the greatest burden in your social group. No matter what you share there is constant gloom and doom. This is the kill-joy dweller. The pessimist is the angry, resentful, and bitter soul who is constantly reminding you that you will not succeed and will challenge you to it. They love to instill their fears and anxieties. Their negativity is unhealthy and distressing.

5. The Know-It-All.

We love someone who knows things, but what we cannot tolerate is the one who is an expert of all! This is that one person who says things without truly checking their facts. They know everything about anything. They are the con artists, the emotional vampires sucking on your lack of knowledge in a specific area. Most times they are so full of insecurities that in order to feel superior they must make you feel stupid. These are the self-reliant liars.

Surround yourself with people who bring you to your best. You can easily spot those others who suck on your emotional needs and stories. Always be yourself and attract the best types of people who enrich your life with joy.

6 Behaviors That Create Selfish People (And How To Avoid Having Them)

Selfish people come across our lives all the time. There is a difference between self-loving and being selfish. This type of person only thinks about themselves while bulldozing their way on others to get what they want. Psychologist F. Diane Barth defines selfishness as having two primary characteristics: “1. Being concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself; 2. Having no regard for the needs or feelings of others. If someone is both totally self-involved and uncaring about anyone else, they are not likely to be very responsive to you in any way other than evaluating how you meet their needs.”

Here are 6 behaviors that create selfish people (and how to avoid them):

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1. Selfish people exhibit manipulation.

The person who will utilize behavior for their benefit without regard to you is a master manipulator. Selfishness is not a genetic physical disposition in our psyche. It is a learned behavior from childhood. Children are suppose to be selfish up to a point since they are learning from their environments. It’s important to distinguished from the behaviors of self love and self care. However, the manipulator feeds on another person’s self-esteem. Stand back and realize that you are not getting anywhere by arguing with this person. This type of selfishness has little or no regard to your needs. If you are feeling like you are being used then most likely you are.

2. Uncaring.

Selfish individuals are emotional tyrants. They are uncaring and have no sympathy for your needs. The more love and reward you show them the easier it is for them to feed from your kindness. They might appear charming and caring at first but their behavior goes astray the moment you don’t submit to their desires. The best way to deal with an uncaring and unselfish behavior is to put yourself first and let them know it. They don’t tolerate that. They are all about them. Explaining to them things like this is redundant since they can’t see past their own issues.

3. Plotting and scheming.

This specific trait or action arises from the fear of losing control. The moment you step into the picture you are disrupting their goal. The selfish person will continue doing things behind your back and plotting a different angle to suit themselves. The lack of control scares them. They have to manipulate everything. The best way to deal with this type of behavior is to show them who is really in charged through kindness. And when that doesn’t work it’s important to let them go. You cannot be responsible for how they feel since they cannot see your point of view.

4. Self-centered and conceited.

Narcissism and selfishness arrive from a lack of self-worth and an attention seeking behavior. In order to feel better this type of personality will brag and make everything about them seem relevant. Stay true to yourself. The moment they put you down remember not to take it personally. Anyone who goes around hurting another is truthfully a hurt individual. They must put themselves up by putting another down.

5. Giving and sharing do not come easily.

Selfish people pretend they care. They might say the right things but their actions speak loudly. They only do things for others when they will receive great benefit from them. It’s not in their nature to go out and give. If they do it is because they want the attention back to them for giving. They will make sure they let the world know how wonderful they’ve been. The easiest way to readjust their behavior is to take away their focus. Do not praise the behavior. It’s best to just allow the act itself to go unnoticed.

6. Selfish people expect others to do things for them.

A selfish person has high expectations of what they need. They live based on what others think of them and what they can do for them. What can they get out of this? They expect the world to revolve around their needs and desires. They ask for lots of favors, so stop doing them. Don’t give into their demands. Limit the time you spend around this type of person because if they don’t have you available to their demands they will not need to be with you.

To some extent, we are all considered selfish when we give to ourselves first and foremost. But there is a line between narcissism and self-care. Being selfish is self-absorbing of others. This type of personality is arrogant and self-indulging. There are ways to deal with selfishness and remove those who bathe only in their glory. End all relationships that don’t support you because you deserve better.

Five Things That Poison Your Brain

Some poisons, like toxic air pollution, you can limit your access to, but you ultimately can’t control how they affect your brain. In this article, we will discuss five things that you can control that could poison the cells of your brain.

Environmental factors, chemicals, and ingredients used in the manufacturing, packaging, and producing the goods that we consume daily are poisoning our brains. Knowing about the unhealthy effects of these five things that harm our precious brain cells is important for our well-being.

Let’s look at five things that can poison your brain’s ability to function t its full capacity. Once you know what to look for, you can choose to avoid these five harmful things.

Five Things That Poison Your Brain

Check the ingredients in foods you consume, products that touch, or that go in or on your body. Think about things that you normally don’t consider, like your lip balm. We eat about 3.7 lbs of lip balm or lipstick over the course of our lifespan. Are there parabens or other harmful chemicals in the products you accidentally ingest into your body that can poison your brain?

Avoiding unhealthy chemicals is easier than ever. Use the Healthy Living app on your cell phone to scan the barcodes of products you use daily. The app will show you the amount of allergy-inducing, cancer-causing, and reproductive health-harming ingredients and the amount of research available on each one in the products that you buy. Choosing products lower in these brain poisons is also something that the app can help you with.

1. Noise pollution

Noise pollution can come from so many sources; things you never noticed are actually sending high-pitched whining noises to you. These can be fluorescent lights, air conditioning or heating units, appliances, clocks, and anything that is not a sound from nature can poison your brain’s ability to think clearly.

Even things that cannot be heard like the radiation from your cell phone, the radio waves, cable, and digital satellite TV waves that are being sent and received in our homes and businesses are unheard of noise or wave pollution.

Although we cannot detect these waves as sound, it is possible that our bodies are capable of sensing them. You get a feel for this when you can completely unplug in the wilderness. There is no background ‘hum’ of civilization to distract and poison your brain.

2. Excessive Caffeine

You don’t have to say goodbye to your beloved coffee, but we might suggest that you do a test without caffeine for a short period of time to see if it is one thing that is poisoning your brain.

Caffeine is one thing that is beneficial for a great many people. It helps them feel alert when they need to. However, according to one study, some ‘reports’ have demonstrated negative effects when very large amounts are given or sensitive groups (e.g. patients with anxiety disorders) were studied. In this context, caffeine has been shown to increase anxiety and impair sleep. There is also some evidence that fine motor control may be impaired as a function of the increase in anxiety.’

If you might have a problem with anxiety, skip the coffee, tea, and sodas containing caffeine. You might notice a difference in your ability to move gracefully, and improve your sleep when you eliminate this chemical.

3. Artificial sweeteners

Sugar-free was exciting when it first came to a grocery store, but by now we know that fake sweeteners are real poison for our brain. Aspartame was found to have a decline in cognitive performance for some subjects in a research study. Aspartame is also linked to concerns about increasing seizure risk in those who are already susceptible.

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4. Refined sugar

Sugar tastes sweet but it’s not something we have evolved to handle in non-fruit or honey forms. Refined sugars link to bad memory, poor cognitive performance, and decreases in brain growth hormone.

Refined sugar also ties to increased inflammation. The inflammation from this brain poison occurs in the digestive system. Chronic digestive inflammation is also associated with the mood disorders schizophrenia and depression.

Refined, processed, bleached sugar is poisoning your brain. A study of a diet high in sugar has been linked to poor short-term memory functioning. People who ate a high-sugar meal had problems remembering what they had eaten before.

5. Flouride

Flouride has been a controversial additive to our drinking water ever since municipalities decided that it was better for the public’s health to add the chemical than to not add it.

Look for non-flouridated water filling stations at your local store or try a filter. Reverse osmosis, a deionizing filter, or an activated alumina filter can all remove around 90% of the fluoride in tap water.

Watch: Scientists Explain A Newly Discovered Form of Water

Water is something we are so familiar with and we know that it comes in other forms, like steam and ice, but now scientists have found a never before seen form of water.

Scientists Explain The Entirely New Form of Water Never Seen Before

The water molecule that we all know as H2O is commonly found in three forms; vapor form at high temperatures, liquid at our typical comfortable temperature range and, in solid form at cold temperatures.

Now, researchers at Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL) have discovered that water molecules can be found in a fourth form. By working with super-cold forms of ice in tiny, confined spaces, researchers learned what ice does to tunnel into minerals.

Ice is one of the strongest untapped energy forces on our planet. Ice is what causes enormous mountains to crumble as the water that seeps within cracks in rocks freezes in winter and expands in size, forcing the crack apart further.

The Oak Ridge National Lab says ‘Neutron scattering and computational modeling have revealed unique and unexpected behavior of water molecules under extreme confinement that is unmatched by any known gas, liquid or solid states.’

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The size of the tunnel where this form of water is found is only the width of a single water molecule. ‘In a paper published in Physical Review Letters, researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory describe a new tunneling state of water molecules confined in hexagonal ultra-small channels ‘ 5 angstrom across ‘ of the mineral beryl. An angstrom is 1/10-billionth of a meter, and individual atoms are typically about 1 angstrom in diameter.’

The new research will help scientists understand how water behaves in small spaces. This will enhance our understanding of biology by discovering how water is transported in the small spaces of the cell walls of the body, for example.

Another likely field that will benefit from this research is that of geology. Water moves within crystal structures of many minerals. This new form of water was discovered in the mineral beryl, which is what the gemstones aquamarine and emerald are made from.

1. Where did scientists find this new form of water?

If you own an emerald or aquamarine stone, which are beautiful gemstone forms of the mineral beryl, then you may have a piece of jewelry containing this new form of water that has never been seen before.

According to, pure beryl is colorless, but it can be found in red beryl or bixbite, pink morganite, Yellow heliodor and golden beryl. Certain forms of green beryl can be heated to produce aquamarine.

2. New form of water also bends concepts of physics

When water is super-cooled and contained within the confined, pressurized spaces that are found in mineral rocks, the hydrogen and oxygen atoms that make up the water molecule change positions. The hydrogen and oxygen atoms use the energy found in the positive charge of their protons to get in formation.

This new form of water that was never seen before is perfectly designed to tunnel through the crystalline structure of rocks by pushing against them on a tiny quantum level.

Picture a hydrogen atom up against the crystal wall of the rock it is trying to tunnel through. The hydrogen atoms can be on either side of the crystal, inside the crystal wall or both at the same time. At the quantum level, the hydrogen atoms are bending space by being in multiple places at once.

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Alexander Kolesnikov, the lead author of ORNL’s Chemical and Engineering Materials Division says ‘This means that the oxygen and hydrogen atoms of the water molecule are ‘delocalized’ and therefore simultaneously present in all six symmetrically equivalent positions in the channel at the same time. It’s one of those phenomena that only occur in quantum mechanics and has no parallel in our everyday experience.’

What does this never seen before, new form of water look like?

The new water form is confined within a six-sided hexagonal tube, so we can say that it fits a six-sided form, however, the new form of water has two extra parts on each end that form a stacked, diamond-shape.

The American Physical Society Physics says that the new tunneling water form of each hydrogen atom ‘takes on six different rotational orientations simultaneously. Tunneling among these orientations means the hydrogen atom is not located at one position, but smeared out in a ring shape.’ There are two stacked rings of hydrogen in this new water molecule shape and the tunneling shape allows them to be in six different orientation positions simultaneously.

Oak Ridge National Lab says that their ‘neutron scattering and computational chemistry experiments showed that, in the tunneling state, the water molecules are delocalized around a ring so the water molecule assumes an unusual double top-like shape.

5 Things That Cause Bloating (And How To Avoid Them)

Your diet, medications you take, or even beverages could all be things that are causing that uncomfortable and unattractive bloating in your body. In this article, we will look at five possible causes of your bloating issue and also how to resolve it for a flatter belly.

Chronic bloating is so distressful to some people that the New England Journal of Medicine says, ‘in one study, nearly 50% of the patients were willing to accept a 12.7% risk of sudden death with a drug that offered a 99% chance of cure. Can you imagine being so desperate to cure yourself from bloating that a 12.7% risk of sudden death sounds GOOD to you?

5 Things That Cause Bloating

Bloating is caused when air enters our digestive system or is created as food is broken down. The air takes up room and makes our digestive organs swell, sometimes causing pain and discomfort not to mention making us look a little bigger-bellied than we would like.

Bloating can be the symptom for an underlying medical problem so getting at the root of the cause is important for your health. Dr. Satish S. C. Rao says ‘Symptoms such as belching, bloating, and flatulence may represent functional bowel disorder or may herald the onset of an organic syndrome such as peptic ulcer disease, malabsorption, gastrointestinal obstruction, bacterial overgrowth, or parasitic infestation.’

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Symptoms of bloating can interfere with your ability to absorb the necessary nutrients from the food that you eat. You can try eliminating these potential causes of bloating from your diet, but check with your physician if your bloating is a concern to you. You may be able to work with your doctor to find a solution.

1. Ingesting too much

Overeating is not just about stuffing yourself. The human stomach is about the size of your closed fist. If the quantity of food on your plate would be larger than that, you are asking for stomach bloating.

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Think of your level of hunger as a scale. Other cultures look at eating differently than Western households where cleaning your plate and avoiding waste was encouraged. After a meal, we expect to feel full, which is what we equate with satisfying our hunger.

In the Japanese culture of the Okinawan people, people eat only until they are no longer hungry or are 80% full. On a scale from haven’t-eaten-in-days to just-ate-Thanksgiving-dinner-plus-pie, try to stop before you feel full. Overeating can definitely cause bloat as well as weight gain.

Eating too fast can also cause bloating if you are swallowing large amounts of air as you gulp your food or drinks. Sucking through a straw, chewing gum and sucking on candy or lozenges can also increase the amount of swallowed air that may cause you to bloat.

2. Bloat-causing veggies

Anything that makes you burp after you’ve eaten it is also causing bubbles down the line of your digestive tract. The digestive tract is huge and you may experience symptoms of bloating anywhere in it, from just under your ribcage to your lower abdomen and even in your back.

You may have experienced gas from belching after eating any of the following vegetables:

  • Cucumbers
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Kale
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Prunes
  • Sprouts
  • Apricots
  • Dairy that includes lactose

As the digestive tract expands due to the gas, it pushes other organs out and causes painful pressure in other areas of the body as well.

3. Sport beverages

The fact that carbonated beverages cause bloating make senses, of course all those bubbles are combining to make a giant gas bubble in your digestive system. Other non-carbonated beverages, especially ones sweetened with Sorbitol, can cause gastrointestinal distress and bloating.

Some beverages that are marketed for the purpose hydrating people who engage in athletic and sports activities have a lot of ingredients that lead to bloating. Natural and artificial sweeteners, preservatives, added color chemicals, etc. are all ingredients that creates gas byproducts in your digestive system.

4. Certain medications

Chronic boating is called functional dyspepsia. Although you can still function, if that feeling of discomfort and fullness happened at least once per week and over a period of 6 months or longer, you are a chronic sufferer. According to an article in the New England Journal of Medicine, ‘Up to 40% of persons who have functional dyspepsia consult a physician, and the condition negatively affects attendance and productivity in the workplace.’

Are you taking any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)? These medications that your doctor may have you on can cause bubbles and digestive discomfort. Talk to your doctor about symptoms of bloating that you have after beginning a new medication.

5. Higher fat foods

New England Journal of Medicine also says that people suffering from bloating should reduce stress and anxiety, and that they should eat small, regular, low-fat meals to help avoid bloating.

10 Signs You’re Losing Your True Self

When we think about being ourselves, the meaning behind that often gets pretty blurry. It requires thinking about what it means to embody our most authentic essence. And, more importantly, how you can reconnect with your true self.

While people do change over time, and even from day to day, being your true self means expressing the deepest you in every moment you get. No matter what you become or who you’ve been in the past, your true self wants you to shine your brightest colors at all times.

While figuring out your most authentic nature can seem daunting, confusing, you will know if you’ve been showing others who you are by how you feel inside. These signs can help you determine if you’re on the right track.

Ten Signs You May Be Losing Your True Self

sweet tooth

1. You Feel Unhappy Most of the Time When You Lose Your True Self

Negative emotions will creep up more often than desired if you don’t embody your true self. Frequently feeling unhappy indicates something profound going on within you, so pay attention to your emotions.

You must make changes if you don’t feel content with yourself and your life. Becoming our true self starts with being honest with our emotions and feelings, so don’t hesitate to look within your soul when you feel you need a new beginning.

2. You Don’t Feel Comfortable Around Most People

Another indicator of not being yourself lies in how you interact with others. If you feel uncomfortable or often cancel plans with people, this might signal the need to reevaluate yourselves and the people you keep in your life.

Surround yourself with positive people who make you feel good about yourself. If the people around you don’t reflect your most authentic self, this might mean that you don’t know yourself on an intimate level. It could also indicate that you ignore your highest self because you continue hanging out with those who don’t resonate with you.

3. You Judge Others Frequently

Judging others often means seeing something in ourselves we don’t like and seeing this in everyone we meet. If you don’t like yourself, you probably won’t enjoy anyone else either. In becoming our authentic selves, we can begin to strip away the layers of hate and judgment and remove the need to judge others so harshly.

4. You Don’t Value Your True Self

Becoming your most authentic self means valuing your being. If you don’t respect yourself, you likely haven’t gone inside your soul to reveal the truth within you.

You spend the most time with yourself, so you must learn to love the person inside to live life genuinely. When you see your self-worth, you will begin to value others that much more.

5. You Seek Acceptance from Others

In life, we can’t always gain the approval of others. Plus, if you skip that step and look to yourself for validation, you won’t need the acceptance of others.

Looking to others for approval means you don’t trust yourself enough to decide for yourself. When you become your most authentic self, you learn to trust your intuition and not let the opinions of others sway you.

6. You Feel Negative Emotions Quite Often

Feeling negative emotions more than positive usually means you haven’t allowed your true self to emerge. When we move into a place of love, compassion, and acceptance for ourselves, we remove those layers of negative thinking and programming and see the beauty of positive living. While you will still feel negative emotions when you embody your true self, you’ll begin to master your mind and recognize the importance of filtering those heavy emotions.

7. You Don’t Express Yourself Authentically

In life, we have the privilege of expressing ourselves however we desire. We all come into this world with different likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses, so when you become the truest form of yourself, you know how to express yourself in the purest form. When you don’t do this, you stifle the free-flowing energy in your body and feel stuck within yourself.

8. You Hang Out with People You Dislike

Another indicator that you haven’t found your authentic self is keeping friends around that you don’t like. Our friends should uplift us and provide meaning in our life. If you frequently hang out with people who don’t resonate with you, you need to look in the mirror and ask if they add value to your life and why you choose to keep them around.

9. You Do Activities Your True Self Does Not Enjoy

Also, when you don’t act like yourself, you’ll engage in activities you don’t like. When we become who we were meant to be, we automatically feel drawn to specific activities and people, and everything untrue seems to fall away.

10. You Second Guess Your Intuition

Finally, you’ll question your heart when you act like anything except your highest self. You’ll take longer to make decisions and often disregard your first gut feeling. Our intuition can guide us through life so we may live according to our truth, but denying it will only set us back on our course.

quotes on motivating yourself

10 Habits That Help You Reconnect with Your True Self

When you want to reconnect with yourself, you must make lasting changes in your life. Beneficial changes will affect all areas where you feel trapped or frequently struggle.

1. Take a Digital Break to Reclaim Your True Self

The first way you can connect with yourself is by taking a break from electronics. First, don’t check your email or social media for at least the first hour of your day. Instead, use that time to care for yourself, meditate, stretch, or do anything else that helps you check in with yourself.

Don’t leave your phone on the table during mealtimes so that you can be present while you eat. Engage with the people around you, instead, and you’ll notice a quick improvement.

Additionally, choose three days each month where you don’t use electronics. Don’t use your phone, internet, social media, or TV. You can take the time to go camping, hiking, or go to the beach without the internet.

2. Do Things That Align with Your Soul

Figuring out what aligns with your soul is pretty simple if you do what feels good and makes you smile. Think about what would make you feel best about yourself and your life regarding your career and relationships. Follow your heart with little decisions, too, because eventually, they become the big things.

Consider why you want the things you desire, and remember your reason. Use it to create intentions that guide you to make the best decisions for your life. Set goals based on your intentions, and break them down into actionable steps that allow you to see your progress.

You’ll feel much happier when you feel like you’re learning and getting closer to your goals. It helps you recognize who you are again, allowing you to do more of what you love.

3. Spend Time with Like-minded People

Spend your time with people who have dreams and goals. Your friends and loved ones should bring out the best in you, not encourage mistakes or regression. Surround yourself with people who love you for who you are and will offer support at any moment.

4. Reconnect With Your True Self  by Practicing Gratitude

When gratitude is a habit, it can be life-changing as it is a powerful way to get in tune with your true self. It constantly reminds you of the good things in your life, helping you appreciate who you are and what you’ve accomplished.

When you focus on the positive aspects of your life, you’ll become much happier. It increases your happiness levels and allows you to identify yourself.

5. Regularly Spend Time Outside

Spending time outside each day is beneficial for connecting with yourself. Make it a point to leave your phone behind when you go so that you can be present in each moment. Not only will you reconnect with yourself, but you’ll feel closer to nature, too.

6. Stop Being a People Pleaser

People-pleasing causes you to put yourself last as you constantly do things you don’t want or need to do. Stay true to yourself by prioritizing yourself and learning to say no to others. Taking care of yourself is not selfish, and it helps you rediscover who you are.

7. Honor Your True Self

Regularly spend time reflecting on what makes you who you are. Think about your talents, strengths, and gifts, and identify your favorite parts of yourself. Then, consider what you need to thrive and feel good about your life.

8. Learn to Say Yes and No at the Right Times

When you say no to things you don’t want to do, it frees up your time to do activities that bring joy and excitement. It fills your life with what you love, helping you stay in synch with your true self. Remember that changing your mind about things is also okay, even if someone is upset.

9. Talk About Things You’re Interested In

If you always let other people dictate the conversation, you won’t ever get to discuss things you want to talk about. Don’t be afraid to speak up or shift the conversation. It can change the way you feel about interacting with others, and it can change the dynamics of your relationships.

10. Honor Your True Self by Eating Healthy Foods

When you eat foods that make you feel good, it gives you a clearer mind and a better understanding of who you are. It goes beyond eating healthy, too.

If you want to stop eating meat or drinking alcohol, do it. If it makes you feel good about yourself and what you take in, you’ll reconnect with yourself sooner.

true self personal transformation

Final Thoughts on Being Your True Self

Living life intentionally is the best way to identify yourself. Do the things that make you happy and help you feel good.

When you live for yourself, nothing can stand in the way of who you are. If you recognize the signs that you’re losing your true self, use the advice above to embrace yourself again.

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