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7 Signs You Have Mental Fatigue

7 Signs You Have Mental Fatigue

Have you ever felt that you couldn’t do it anymore? If so, you’re experiencing the effects of mental fatigue. These extremely tired brain symptoms will sound familiar when you are experiencing a lot of stress and a hectic environment.

Everyone’s been physically tired, so we know those signs of fatigue. Mental fatigue is similar, but the condition is more severe because your brain controls your body. In this article, we will review the signs of mental fatigue and a few ways to help fight it.

7 Signs You Have Mental Fatigue

Mental health providers describe mental fatigue as a persistent or extreme form of mental tiredness, exhaustion, or weakness. Mental fatigue affects your ability to function. Do you have any of these symptoms?


1. You are aware that there is too much going on at once

Feeling overwhelmed? You probably are overwhelmed by sensory input right now. Sounds, smells, sights, mental activity, physical movement, listening to others; sometimes all of this happening in a busy environment can be too much.

When too much data input comes from all of your senses, your brain can begin showing signs of stress and mental fatigue. You may notice that you have asked people to repeat themselves repeatedly. Also, you miss details that you should have seen, like spelling errors.

Try shutting off any noisy devices you can control, like a fan, music, TV, buzzing lights, etc. Turn toward someone speaking and make eye contact to give them your full attention. Limit multi-tasking as much as possible.

2. You rarely have downtime

Can’t remember the last time you went on vacation? A study in the journal Environment and Behavior showed that two strategies could help individuals manage their mental fatigue; avoiding things that cause mental fatigue and downtime.

One strategy involves avoiding unnecessary costs in terms of expenditure of directed attention. In other words, limit how much thinking you have to do. If you can, delegate some tasks to people you trust or postpone decisions if they aren’t urgent.

The other involves enhancing the effect of restorative opportunities. They suggest that a healthy environment (think day spa) will help refresh your mind so you can think again. Even a few minutes outside in the sun is all you’ll need to be able to keep going.

3. You have a total mental block

A mental block is when you have been so mentally drained that you cannot continue to think. You stop thinking until you can rest your brain enough to recover and continue.

Researchers in the Journal of Psychology studying mental fatigue found that mental blocking acts ‘as an automatic safeguard which prevents the individual from working continuously.’ In other words, you can’t continue using your brain because it will just stop working for you when you are fatigued.

4. You’re feeling more emotional lately

Depression or anxiety can be symptoms of mental fatigue because it can feel hopeless that you’ll be mentally clear anytime soon. Being exhausted can feel a lot like being depressed because your level of mental energy is low. You might feel anxiety, for example, that things won’t improve.

If the situation causing your mental fatigue is something that you cannot control, you can feel emotions of anger toward the person you see as the cause of your suffering.

5. Physical symptoms of mental fatigue

Headaches, stomach discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite, insomnia, and being jittery are some physical symptoms you might experience that are signs of mental fatigue. Although you can consult your doctor if these are concerning you, the therapist might better give you some helpful tools.

6. You forget little, but important, things

Forgetfulness and memory lapse is a sign of mental fatigue. Your brain is processing so much information at once, but it cannot also create memories at the same time. Later on, when you sleep, your brain will make memories.

Moreover, you will have a hard time remembering and being able to focus on anything for an extended period. If you can avoid anything that could cause people to harm without your total mental capacity, like driving, for example, that would be best until you recover from your mental fatigue with some rest.

7. If someone asks you one more question, you might explode

Answering questions and making decisions all day has left you with decision fatigue, and you can’t answer anyone anymore. People will have to get by without you because you are bowing out due to mental exhaustion.

Again, let other people take on some minor decisions you have to make in a day. Dropping even small decisions, like what to cook for dinner, can take one more decision off your plate, which can help prevent mental fatigue.

Nine Habits to Overcome Mental Fatigue

It’s important to manage your mental fatigue. Here are some ways you can cope with this concern.

1. Get enough sleep to beat mental fatigue

A good night’s sleep reduces mental exhaustion. Most people can’t function well in less than eight hours of sleep a night. Try to keep a regular bedtime schedule. Avoid caffeine or alcohol too close to bedtime. Be sure your bedroom is a quiet, relaxing place to sleep.

2. Listen to relaxing music

A recent study found that listening to relaxing music while doing a mentally challenging task reduces mental tiredness.  Listening to soothing music while you’re working is a simple way to give your brain a break.

3. Exercise helps decrease mental fatigue

Exercise is invaluable for mental and physical health. Whether you walk at a brisk pace for 15 to 20 minutes or work out at a gym, doing exercise will improve your mental outlook and elevate your stress, increasing mental fatigue.

4. Take breaks

It may be hard to stop what you’re doing, but every day, take several short breaks to give your brain a little rest. Go for a walk outside or chat with your co-worker for a few minutes. Just be sure to talk about something besides work.

5. Eat well

Your diet contributes to your mental fatigue. High fat and sugar in your diet will cause you to gain weight. Carrying the extra pounds will make you feel sluggish and mentally tired. Eat a diet rich in fruits, wholesome vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains for maximum health and energy.

6. Relax

Are you someone who finds it hard to relax? Perhaps you feel guilty taking a day off of work to just chill. Constant work without time to relax adds up to mental fatigue. Allow yourself a day to enjoy life. Whether it’s playing a round of frisbee golf or shopping at the mall, you need time to relax and refresh your mind.

7. Hit delete

If you are the type of person who feels that you must finish everything on your to-do list, perhaps it’s time to accept the fact that you’ll never get it all done. Someone once said, “Only God gets everything done on his to-do list.”

It’s a funny saying, but a good lesson in remembering that you’re only human. Maybe it’s time to delete some items from your list. Ask yourself some questions to decide what is important on that to-do list, such as

  • Is what I want to do worth the time and energy it will take from me?
  • Will this feel as important in a week? A month? A year?
  • Is this a need or a want?
  • If I remove this action from my list, will it change anything in my life?

8. Journaling

Writing in a journal is a helpful tool for overcoming mental fatigue. It can help you work out problems, deal with fears and other concerns. As you reread what you wrote several weeks back, it will give you perspective on life and what you’re thinking and feeling.

9. Get a check-up if your mental fatigue continues

If you constantly struggle with mental fatigue, make an appointment with your health care provider for a complete check-up. You may have an underlying health condition that is causing your mental fatigue. Health conditions that lead to psychological and physical fatigue include:

  • Thyroid problems
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Allergies
  • Sleep apnea
  • Autoimmune disorders


(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

11 Quotes To Remember When Life Is Unfair

Sometimes, it seems that life just doesn’t go our way no matter how hard we try. We can do everything in our power to make something work, but life might have different plans. Many of us feel as though we have no control over our lives, and while that might hold some truth to some extent, we do have the power to control how we react to situations. The next time you feel frustrated or at the end of your rope over something in life, just remember the following quotes to keep things in perspective. Here are 11 quotes to remember.

11 Quotes To Remember When Life Is Unfair

1. Sometimes you just need to talk to a four year old and an 84 year old to understand life again. – Kristen Butler

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2. Whatever you do, never run back to what broke you. – Frank Ocean

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3. If you have nothing to be grateful for, check your pulse.

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4. Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come.

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5. When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. When life is bitter, say thank you and grow.

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6. Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.

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7. Every day is another chance to change your life.

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8. Look for something positive in every day, even if some days you have to look a little harder.


9. Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful.

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10. You have to live through the worst parts of life so you never take the best parts for granted.


11. Keep going…Difficult roads can lead to beautiful destinations.

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Related article: This Is The Most Important Question You’ll Ever Ask Yourself…

Here are a few things to remember when life seems unfair:


We all go through struggles in life – it’s inevitable. Think of how unsatisfying life would be without challenges, though. We would never grow and learn without going through hard times; we would simply walk around feeling stagnant and bored. Obstacles keep us on our toes, encourage us to change and continue to break through barriers, and not fall into a trap of comfort and complacency. Just because times seem tough now, does not mean they will remain this way for long. Just keep your eyes toward the sun, and you’ll eventually find that the shadows disappear behind you. Quotes to remember will help you stay positive.


A lot of times, we complicate life by resisting change. However, change keeps us afloat, helps us grow, and ensures that we continue evolving and learning important lessons. No one said change feels comfortable, but if it did, would it really be worth it? If you haven’t noticed, the best things happen in life when we reach a crossroads, when life seems so dark and depressing that we can’t imagine it getting any better. Usually, when you’ve reached your limit and can’t imagine going on any longer, this exasperation and desperation actually shows you the right path to take. Nothing good in life comes easily, but it wouldn’t feel nearly as satisfying if it just fell into your lap.


At any point in time, you have the power to control your life – no outside force decides what job you will take, where you will live, or what attitude you will have. Everything lies in your hands, so instead of fearing or denying this responsibility, embrace it. You don’t have to work at a job you hate, or live somewhere that doesn’t make your heart happy, or stay in a relationship just because it feels safe. The moment you notice yourself falling out of love with life, you need to step back and reevaluate what decisions you’ve made thus far.

Remember, feeling broken just means that we need to make better choices for ourselves, so give yourself the opportunity to do so. You deserve to feel happy, but sometimes, it takes some elbow grease and a total upheaval in life to get there.


Pain never goes on forever; if it did, we wouldn’t even know what happiness feels like. Just as we said before, life works in a realm of duality – we must feel sadness and despair to know joy, as frustrating as that might seem. Remember also that it’s okay to feel uncomfortable – instead of fighting these feelings, allow them to just pass through you. What you resist persists, so the longer you go to war with your innermost feelings, the longer they will linger. Embrace the pain, learn and grow from it, and thank it for teaching you valuable lessons. Pain can serve as a very valuable teacher if we accept it instead of condemning it and wishing it would leave us alone.


Oftentimes when we feel broken, we tend to just fixate on everything wrong in our lives instead of everything going right. Even if you can only feel thankful for getting out of bed this morning, extending gratitude toward life helps more goodness flow your way. If you focus your attention on everything going badly, guess what? You will only attract more of the same. Countless studies have linked gratitude with better relationships, improved health, a more optimistic attitude about life, and much more. These quotes to remember are just amazing to lead a positive life.

7 Ways To Reduce The Cortisol In Your Body

Our bodies produce cortisol when stressed – a byproduct of innate, evolutionary programming that helps initiate action and elude danger. Cortisol, in addition to epinephrine, is an important stress hormone that serves a variety of functions. In fact, cortisol helps keep us alive by maintaining our body’s homeostasis (balance). It helps regulate blood pressure levels, metabolic activity, immune system responses, blood pressure, inflammation, heart functions, blood vessel function, and central nervous system activity.

However, elevated stress levels can cause our body to overproduce this hormone. When this happens, the body is prone to a number of undesirable side effects including the following: high blood pressure, weight gain, elevated cholesterol, heart disease, anxiety and depression, immune system damage, and cognitive problems such as difficulty learning and impaired memory.

That said, it is important that we keep our cortisol levels stable.

What Does Cortisol Regulate in Your Body?

This stress hormone plays a key role in how you respond to stress. When you’re in danger, your body releases both adrenaline and cortisol. It’s an important hormone for your health and survival. Cortisol helps your body

  • Regulate blood pressure
  • Regulate the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins
  • Reduce your inflammation
  • Maintain sleep cycle

Problems occur when you have too much cortisol being released into your body. Here are some signs you have high cortisol.

lower cortisol

10 Key Signs Your Cortisol Level Is Too High

“Stress is the trash of modern life–we all generate it, but if you don’t dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life.”  —Danzae Pace

1 – Cortisol imbalance might cause fatigue

If you experience constant fatigue, it could mean your body is releasing too much of the hormone cortisol. The hormone gets released by your adrenal glands to regulate your blood pressure. When you’re under stress, your adrenal glands release more cortisol. You’ll feel exhausted if these adrenal glands release too much cortisol over time.

2 – Obesity

Too high levels may increase your appetite. This makes you feel hungry all the time and overeat. Most of the weight you gain will be in your stomach area, which can lead to abdominal obesity.

3 – Sleep problems

If your body produces too much cortisol, it may cause you to have sleep problems like sleeplessness or sleep apnea. Not sleeping well can lead to weight gain and feeling more stress.

4 – Thinning skin

Another sign is thin skin. This is because higher levels of cortisol break down your skin proteins. It also weakens the small blood vessels under your skin, making your skin look papery thin, and translucent. You’ll also bruise easily and wounds won’t heal as quickly.

5 – High blood pressure

High stress makes your adrenal gland to release cortisol hormones. That’s why it’s called a “stress hormone.” The extra cortisol in your bloodstream elevates your heart rate and blood pressure. Too high of stress causes too much cortisol and high blood pressure to be released into your bloodstream.

6 – Weakness

Cushing’s disease occurs when extra cortisol is released into your bloodstream, resulting in high blood sugar, muscle weakness, and weight gain.

7 – High cortisol can cause diabetes

Elevated cortisol over time will produce glucose, which may lead to high blood sugar and type 2 diabetes. If you’re feeling stressed, mention it to your healthcare provider. They can run blood tests to evaluate your blood sugar levels.

8 – Menstrual irregularity

It could be due to stress and too much cortisol if you’re struggling with menstrual problems such as missing periods or irregularities with your period. The hypothalamus is part of your brain that regulates your menstrual periods. Stress, exercise, and sleep affect the hypothalamus. Elevated cortisol levels affect your hypothalamus, leading to irregular or missing menstrual periods.

9 – Trouble focusing

“Brain fog” is the term used to describe an inability to focus. This is a symptom of Cushing’s syndrome, a condition because of elevated cortisol levels. Brain fog makes you feel confused, forgetful, and lack mental clarity.

10 – Getting sick a lot

One common sign of elevated cortisol is a tendency to get sick often. Hormonal imbalances can interfere with your immune system’s ability to fight infections and inflammation.

Here Are 7 Ways to Reduce Cortisol in the Body:

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1 – Get some exercise to decrease cortisol

Is there anything that physical activity won’t help? Seriously… there seems to be a new study every other day that links exercise to health benefits. Anyways, getting exercise can help reduce cortisol by “releasing” pent-up stress or other counterproductive emotions.

One theory is that fear increases cortisol and that by exercising, we build upon our grit, resilience, and self-confidence…effectively counteracting potential fear and reducing cortisol levels. Theories aside, exercise is a great way to reduce cortisol levels.

2 – Practice mindfulness or meditation

Any kind of meditation or mindfulness practice can lower your levels. Even a few deep breaths in the middle of a hectic workday can reduce our anxiety and stress, which also lowers the stress hormone.

A good, simple practice: when we start to feel stressed out in any way, take 10-15 deep breaths while feeling the body relax. Paying single-minded attention to our body and mind is called mindfulness – a practice that is incredibly beneficial to reducing a multitude of negative effects, both mental and physical. Of course, this reduces levels of cortisol.

3 – Connect with others

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University discovered a link between social isolation and increased cortisol levels in mice. It is believed that those with a predisposition towards mental illness who are socially isolated in adolescence are more at-risk for developing abnormal behavior later in life.

This study confirms what many scientists already knew: human bonding is essential to physical and mental health at any age. Familial ties, friendships, and intimate relationships are all beneficial to stress and thus reduce your levels.

4 – Laugh a little

“Laughter is the best medicine.” How many times have we heard this throughout our lives? Dr. William Fry, a behavioral psychiatrist whose been studying the effects of laughter for over 30 years, states that laughter is inextricably linked to several physical and mental benefits.

One such benefit of laughter is its positive effect on stress hormone levels. Studies show that having a sense of humor, laughing and levity are all beneficial in reducing the levels of cortisol and other stress hormones.

5 – Listen to some tunes

Pretty much all of us have experienced music’s mood-enhancing properties. There’s something about putting on a favorite tune and feeling much better for doing so. Turns out that there is a chemical reason for this: music increases the number of endorphins (“feel good” chemicals) and reduces the number of stress hormones in the brain.

6 – Eat healthy foods to rebalance cortisol

Certain foods such as eggs, fish, lean meat, flaxseed, citrus fruits, berries, and leafy greens can help rebalance your hormone levels. Another good idea for lowering stress and reducing cortisol is to incorporate five small meals a day. This helps to stave off hunger and reduce the common food cravings resulting from high cortisol levels.

Finally, implementing a high-fiber and high-protein diet will aid in reducing stress hormones. Reducing complex carbohydrates (i.e. sugar and starches) is another idea that helps in keeping cortisol levels at bay.

lower cortisol

7 – Get enough sleep

This one is relatively simple to explain. Not getting adequate sleep (seven to nine hours a night) produces a systematically negative response from the body. We’re prone to cognitive impairment and are more reactive to the environment around us – both things are very bad for stress.

It is important to establish a sleep routine. Sleep experts recommend going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, including on weekends. It is also important to reserve the bedroom for sleep-related activities only. No tablets, cell phones, or laptops in other words.


What Does Your Palm Reveal About Your Personality?

You might not think your palms say much about your personality, but did you know the size, shape, and lines on your hands and fingers can reveal more about you than you’d think?

If you turn your palms up and take a quick look, you will probably notice that you have three major lines of varying lengths running across your hands. These three main lines are known as the head, heart, and life lines, and each can reveal a lot about your personality. Called palmistry, people have relied on palm reading since ancient times in parts of Asia, Persia, Israel, and Babylonia, to tell them more about themselves and their lives.

While many people might not take palmistry seriously, several scientific studies have come out that prove palmistry can reveal things about one’s health, personality, and even sexuality. Many famous people, such as Mark Twain and Thomas Edison, would fly long distances to have their palms read; however, you can read your palm without having to leave your own home with the information provided below.

Palmistry can tell you important aspects of your personality and life through studying the size and shape of the hands, and the lines running across the wrists and palms. In addition, palmistry can be divided further into two areas of study – chiromancy, or the study of the lines on the palm, and chirognomy, or the study of the shape of the hands and the color, shape and texture of the palm, fingers and thumb.

Most palm readers will agree that for right-handed individuals, the left hand lines, shape, and size will reveal the personality, character traits, and important life occurrences for the individual (the opposite is true for left-handed people). However, this fact might vary depending on the individual palm reader and the country you get your palm read in. Below, we’ll go into further detail about the major lines in the palm, as well as some other aspects of palm reading.

What Does Your Palm Reveal About Your Personality?



The palm of the hand contains three major lines, as we discussed above — the life line, heart line and head line. Most people feel drawn to learn more about their life line than any other line on their hands. This line begins between the index finger and the thumb and continues downward toward the base of the thumb and the connection to the wrist. The heart line, also known as the love line, reveals information about a person’s emotional state as well as their emotional connection to others. You might also consider it as an indicator of your heart health. The head line, also known as the wisdom line, reveals one’s mental state, intuitive abilities, and intellect.

Life Line

The line on the palm that draws the most attention and speculation, this line begins between the index finger and the thumb and continues downward toward the base of the thumb and the connection to the wrist. Many people think that this line will reveal how long you will live, but this is just a misnomer. It does reveal important information about the experiences you’ll have in life, as well as your emotional and physical health.

Long and deep line — Indicates great health, vitality, and strength. Very well-balanced person.

Short and deep line — This means you have the capability to overcome any physical challenges you face. It does not mean you’ll have a short life. However, a short, shallow life line may mean that other people can easily manipulate you.

Deep line — Your life path won’t contain too many obstacles.

Faint line — Not a lot of stamina; won’t face too many adventures in life.

Broken line — Unfortunately, a broken life line indicates what it symbolizes – a literal break in your life in the way of loss, illness, interruptions, or accidents. If you have a broken line on only one hand, it means that you might suffer an illness or accident but recover quickly. However, you might suffer a more serious illness if you have this break on both hands. If the break occurs near the wrist, this might point to early childhood struggles and problems.

Chained line — You are vulnerable to physical and emotional health issues. You also live a turbulent life that constantly changes and moves directions.

Forked line — Generally, forks indicate a huge life change or interruption. It might also mean you’re scatterbrained and are torn between several choices.

Double or triple line — Means that you have positive influences in life and possess great energy. You could have a twin or have already found your soulmate in life. However, you can take this literally to mean that you have two or three different identities or lives.

Absent line — Means that you don’t know how to relax, and you might suffer from anxiety or restlessness.

Branched line — Upward branches mean great success, and downward branches indicate scarcity and lack in all areas of life, including energy levels. Lines extending up and above the life line show that you can recover from problems quickly. Lines extending below the life line mean that you waste valuable energy often.

Heart Line

The heart line, also known as the love line, reveals information about a person’s emotional health, as well as their relationships with others. You might also look at it as an indicator of one’s heart health. Located above the head and life line, it starts either under the index finger or middle finger, and extends toward the pinky finger.

Long — Means an open, warm, loving person. Might also indicate that the person has unrealistic expectations of relationships.

Very long — A line touching both ends of the palm indicates overly dependent habits in relationships.

Short — Self-absorbed person; reserved, reticent, introverted.

Deep — Might indicate a highly stressful life.

Deep and straight line — You are a rebel who likes to make your own rules and can get easily jealous.

Straight  — You’re a logical, analytical person, and don’t get too mushy and sentimental in relationships.

Straight and Short — You don’t concern yourself much with romance; whenever it happens, it happens, and you don’t try to control it.

Straight and Parallel to the head line — You’re deeply in control of your emotions.

Wavy — Many relationships in life, but not too many serious ones.

Clear and Deep — Honest, generous, considerate person who is very self-aware and in control of emotions.

Red and Darker — You have a turbulent personality, meaning that you can get easily excited and also easily angered.

Red and Lighter — You can seem disconnected, distant, and even cold at times.

Faint — You are apathetic and don’t care too much about your emotions.

Broken — Emotionally exhausted, prone to mood disorders and probably has experienced emotional trauma in the past.

Chained — Negative feelings in your heart; might be going through depression or a brief period of unhappiness.

Double Forked — You have the perfect balance of head and heart, and value both romance and logic.

Triple Forked — You have an even more perfect balance of your mind, body and spirit.

Curved  — Indicates a very empathic, highly sensitive person. You are deeply in touch with your emotions and are highly intuitive.

Absent — Ruled by logic, apathetic, not too concerned with personal feelings or the feelings of others.

Without Branches — Stagnant as far as emotional growth.

Branched upward — Positive relationships, great interest in deep, meaningful connections.

Branched downward — Not very good relationships; very turbulent past as far as relationships go.

Head Line

The head line, or wisdom line (considered one of the most important lines in Chinese palmistry), reveals mental and psychological makeup and intellectual development and intuitive abilities. This line begins just above the life line, between the thumb and the index finger and runs across the palm toward the other edge of the palm horizontally. Sometimes the head line begins directly on the life line and extends out from there. This indicates a headstrong, tough personality.

Long — High intelligence, strong memory. This person thinks things through thoroughly before acting, and doesn’t make rash decisions.

Very long, extending across entire palm — Strong personality, very successful, assertive. Might seem a bit self-centered.

Long and straight — Complex, highly adaptable person.

Straight — Logical, organized, not creative or free spirited, likes to follow the rules, down-to-earth, practical.

Short — Analytical, logical, straightforward person who likes to cut to the chase.

Deep — Great memory, focus, and a practical type of personality.

Wavy — Indicates a constant battle between the head and the heart. Might also indicate a person who doesn’t know what they want and flits from one thing to another in life.

Curved or sloping — Romantic, opportunistic, idealistic person who trusts his intuition and loves trying out new things and discovering new perspectives in life.

Faint — The dreamer in life, this type of person doesn’t pay much attention to logic. Tends to lack common sense as well.

Broken — Mentally exhausted, doesn’t have much control over thoughts, fragmented thought patterns.

Crosses — Indicates important life decisions that have impacted who you are as an individual today.

Chained — This means you’ve been going through a hard time and have had difficulty seeing the positive side of the situation.

Forked — A forked line indicates a person who enjoys debate and conflict, and can see both sides of an issue. This indicates a strong speaker, writer, and thinker who uses his intellect to advance in life.

Hooked — This might indicate self-absorption and selfishness. A hook low in the palm means a very untrustworthy individual who is also incredibly frugal.

Branches — Indicates important events yet to come in your life. May also indicate distractions that can take you off of your life path.

Branched upward — Indicates positive outcomes in all areas of life. Might also mean that you aim too high in life, and can get too wrapped up in your dreams without looking at the realistic side of things.

Branched downward — Indicates struggle, depression, loss, and general obstacles in life. Might indicate lack of success and prosperity.

Absent — Not common at all, but can signify laziness, detachment, and lack of interest in life.

Sister or Double — This might mean extra brainpower, emotions, and connection to life. A positive thing in most cases.


The palmistry minor lines, or secondary lines, can reveal an individual’s talents, interests, strengths and weaknesses. Their meanings can vary, depending on a variety of factors. Some people have faint or totally absent minor lines, which happens quite often. If they do appear on the palm, the palm reader can gain even more insight into the person. The nine more common lines are the fate line, apollo (sun) line, bracelet (rascette) lines, relationship (marriage) lines, health line, girdle of venus and intuition line.

Here’s a little information on fate lines. If yours are:

  • Deep and straight, you have a very solid, promising career.
  • Faint, you don’t like your job very much.
  • Has lots of forks coming off it, you’ve had a very turbulent career.
  • Starts from your life line but later splits off, you’ve been ambitious since a young age, and prefer an entrepreneurial approach to life.
  • Joins with the life line in the middle, you may have or will later give up your interests and desires for the sake of others.
  • The fate line starts at the base of the thumb and then crosses the life line, your family and friends greatly support you.



In Palmistry, the mounts, or bumps of flesh, on the palm can reveal a great deal. They relate to the planets, which can tell us a lot about our personality. There are seven mounts on the palms, which represent the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Where the mounts intersect the lines on the palms can also tell even more about an individual.


Palmistry markings indicate positive or negative interruptions and blockages in the normal flow of the palm lines, mounts and fingers. They can indicate warnings of struggles, accidents, health problems, or other issues. On the other hand, some markings may indicate a period of recovery, problem resolution, or an emotional healing period. However, their meanings depend on the placement on your palm. They can also enhance or diminish the energies from those areas. The important markings that may appear on the palm of your hand include breaks, chains, crosses, dots, grilles, islands, squares, stars, tassels, transverse lines, triangles, tridents, upward and downward lines and vertical lines.


Science Explains How Asking Yourself 4 Questions Every Morning Can Change Your Brain

Think about this question: Do you have control of your brain?

Really give it some thought. Please don’t move forward until you’ve thought this through for a minute.

Now, our inclination is to answer something like: “Yeah! Of course. It’s my brain that’s in my body!” or “Who’s brain would it be?!”

Your brain assuredly belongs to you…but do you have control of it? Many of the world’s brightest neuroscientists say “No” to some degree or another. In fact, statistics show that most of the time our brain is sort of on “autopilot.”

The average human attention span has fallen from 12 seconds in 2000, or around the time the mobile revolution began, to eight seconds – a 33 percent drop. Goldfish, meanwhile, are believed to have an attention span of nine seconds. – The Telegraph (UK)

Here are a couple of examples:

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  1. You’re on a diet and exercise routine, but for some reason – despite your better judgment and best intentions – you can’t wean yourself off of the glazed donuts at the local grocery store.
  2. You’ve promised yourself to stop with the negative, self-critical thoughts. But for some reason, they’ve seemed to proliferate even further.

These are just two off-the-cuff examples that you may or may not relate to. The underlying premise is this: we’ve all had thoughts that we wish we hadn’t. At times, we’ve even acted on these thoughts despite our better judgment or knowledge.

The simple answer to the question Do we have control of your brain is “Yes and no.” It’d be foolish to think that we have no control – after all, we do some of the things that we intend to. But we’re on autopilot an awful lot of the time. Perhaps eating on autopilot, driving on autopilot, thinking mindlessly on autopilot, listening on autopilot, talking on autopilot, etcetera.

Why is this?

Quite simply, it’s because the brain is “lazy” by default. The brain is incredibly complex and has evolved to find ways to operate more efficiently. The brain is also a pattern-recognizing machine – it’s designed to tie abstract things together in order to make sense of the environment. This is why it’s difficult to break out of habits once they’ve been established.

Without proper “training” the brain remains in autopilot mode a disproportionately large amount of the time. This is where our conscious mind comes in.

“Retraining” the mind doesn’t have to be an elaborately complex process. In fact, by resolving to memorize four basic questions can simplify any challenge, problem or decision we face – big or small.

Asking Yourself These Questions Every Morning Can Change Your Brain

Every morning, commit to asking these four questions when facing a challenge/problem/decision.

Related article: This ONE Phrase Will Completely Change Your Life

1. What is really important?

Ann Hermann-Nehdi, CEO of Herrman International and guest speaker at multiple TED conferences, calls this the “payoff” question because we’re consciously programming why it is we’re doing something in particular.

For example, many of us decide we want to “exercise more.” This is an abstract concept that needs to be more concrete. What is important that makes us want to “exercise more”? Physical appearance? Lower cholesterol? To be a role model?

What is really important to you that makes you want to lose weight? Or get a promotion? Go back to school? Buy a home? Start a business? Etcetera. Don’t allow the mind to lazily put this question off – providing substantive rationale for any challenge/decision/problem makes it much more likely that you’ll see it through to the end.

2. How am I going to do it?

We have a tendency to say we’re going to do something without forming any type of plan. To do so is actually very common. It is common because our brain has a devious way of avoiding responsibility.

Here’s another example: we’ve decided to “look for a different job.” Granted, this sounds simple enough – but how many people stay in the same job despite their misplaced intentions? Often times, the reason people do such is because they never had a plan.

So, how is this hypothetical person going to “look for a different job?” Carve out an hour or two each Saturday morning? Research companies that are hiring in the area? Network with people on LinkedIn/Facebook/Twitter? Freshen up the resume? Post to multiple job boards? Seek the knowledge of a recruiter/headhunter?

3. Who is going to be involved?

It’s possible that the decision to take some kind of action won’t involve anyone else but you. If this is the case, so be it. But it’s advisable to at least contemplate the question of who is – or could be – involved in any decision and/or consequences of such a decision.

One mistake that people make when facing a challenge/problem/decision is overlooking those who are affected by said decision(s). Again, this is the brain’s way of shirking any necessary but unwanted effort. To understand who is potentially involved in either the decision or consequence of a decision is to bypass possible complications that arise from someone else’s perspective.

4. What if _____happened?

In some instances, it is good to have a contingency plan in the event of the unfortunate. As an illustration, let us use the examples from earlier.

“I want to “I want to exercise more.”


What if I got injured?

“First, I’d examine if some type of exercise would be possible. Second, in the event that I couldn’t exercise, I’d cut back on some food types…”

“I want to look for a different job.”

What if my spouse fights it?

“My spouse deserves a rational explanation for why I want a different job. I’ll lay out my case and address any concerns.”

Usually, we can anticipate what or who may be potential “obstacles” for potential decisions. If we anticipate a potential obstacle, depending upon the situation, it may be worthwhile to come up with an appropriate response.

If You Always Feel Restless, This May Be Why…

Do you ever feel like you don’t belong anywhere on this planet? The feeling that no matter where you go, you can’t feel at home there, like you got dropped off on Earth from some distant planet. If this sounds like you, you might have a blocked root chakra. The root chakra, or the first chakra, is located at the base of your spine, and helps you to feel balanced, grounded, and safe. This chakra, when balanced, allows you to feel secure, focused, and in the moment. However, a blocked root chakra can make you feel anxious, restless, fearful and simply imbalanced.

Below, let’s talk a bit more about the root chakra, and what you can do to get it unblocked.

If You Always Feel Restless, This May Be Why…

Related article: 7 Sacred Herbs That Activate And Align Your Chakras

In Sanskrit, the root chakra’s name is ”muladhara” and can signify “base”, ‘foundation”, or “root support”. It’s often depicted by a rich red color. Since the root chakra lies at the base of your spine and is the first chakra, it literally lays the roots for your whole life. When you open this chakra, you can begin to expand your world and open yourself up to new possibilities. However, a blocked root chakra can make you feel frazzled and like you can’t settle down with anything in life.

Characteristics of the Root chakra:

  • Safety and security
  • Basic survival and basic needs in life
  • The physical self
  • Grounding
  • Lays the foundation for our lives
  • Focus and stability

Ultimately, the root chakra symbolizes the ideas of safety, security, and grounding ourselves to the Earth. It signifies anchoring our physical self to our world so that we may feel stable and have our basic needs met. The root chakra lays the foundation for everything else, for it begins at the literal root of your body, and expands upwards into the other chakras.  You want to use your root chakra in order to ground yourself and establish your sense of security in this world.

Signs of a blocked root chakra:

A blocked root chakra can make you feel restless, anxious, and out of place in the world.. However, an overactive root chakra can lead to feeling greedy and paranoid, and can sometimes manifest in the form of eating disorders. It can seem as though you have no home on this Earth, which will make you feel constantly restless.

The following are symptoms of an imbalanced root chakra:

  • Very negative and cynical
  • Overly restless
  • Anxious and paranoid
  • Unable to focus
  • Excessive greed
  • Feeling like you can’t get out of survival mode
  • Too dependent on others
  • Issues with abandonment

A blocked root chakra can make you feel as though you have no purpose and no place to call home, as if you are floating through life aimlessly. A root chakra blockage can also make it difficult to keep a job or stay in one place for extended periods of time. Upon opening this chakra, you will find it easier to “root” yourself, and will feel more secure and stable in life.

Some common physical symptoms of blockage include:

  • sciatica
  • hypertension
  • impotence
  • colitis
  • constipation
  • back pain
  • fatigue
  • weight gain

Emotional Signs of Root Chakra Blockage

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • fearfulness
  • guilt
  • resentment
  • eating disorders
  • greed
  • delusional
  • insecure

An imbalanced root chakra can lead to feelings of paranoia and constant restlessness. You might feel as though you will never settle down, and that you can’t ever relax. If you feel that you have a blocked root chakra, read on to find out how to clear this blockage so you can live more freely and move out of survival mode.

What To Do About A Blocked Root Chakra

Related article: 7 Signs You Have Blocked Chakras

Clearing the root chakra involves a lot of meditation and grounding exercises, so that you can begin to feel comfortable within your own body and mind.

A few beginner steps to clear the root chakra include:

  • Any physical exercise. The root chakra is associated with movement, so doing any sort of physical activity can help it to open. Try to do outdoor activities, as the root chakra is strongly associated with Earth. You can do gardening, hiking, or simply spending more time connecting with the Earth. Yoga is also a wonderful activity for grounding yourself.
  • Go deep within and meditate quietly. Remind yourself that you are loved, and that you have a home here on this planet, even if it often doesn’t feel like it.
  • Incorporate red colors into your life to help boost this chakra’s energy. Also, when you feel disconnected from yourself and the Earth, try walking outside barefoot. This will establish a direct connection between you and the soil, allowing you to literally ground yourself to the planet.

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