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What Does Your Palm Reveal About Your Personality?

You might not think your palms say much about your personality, but did you know the size, shape, and lines on your hands and fingers can reveal more about you than you’d think?

If you turn your palms up and take a quick look, you will probably notice that you have three major lines of varying lengths running across your hands. These three main lines are known as the head, heart, and life lines, and each can reveal a lot about your personality. Called palmistry, people have relied on palm reading since ancient times in parts of Asia, Persia, Israel, and Babylonia, to tell them more about themselves and their lives.

While many people might not take palmistry seriously, several scientific studies have come out that prove palmistry can reveal things about one’s health, personality, and even sexuality. Many famous people, such as Mark Twain and Thomas Edison, would fly long distances to have their palms read; however, you can read your palm without having to leave your own home with the information provided below.

Palmistry can tell you important aspects of your personality and life through studying the size and shape of the hands, and the lines running across the wrists and palms. In addition, palmistry can be divided further into two areas of study – chiromancy, or the study of the lines on the palm, and chirognomy, or the study of the shape of the hands and the color, shape and texture of the palm, fingers and thumb.

Most palm readers will agree that for right-handed individuals, the left hand lines, shape, and size will reveal the personality, character traits, and important life occurrences for the individual (the opposite is true for left-handed people). However, this fact might vary depending on the individual palm reader and the country you get your palm read in. Below, we’ll go into further detail about the major lines in the palm, as well as some other aspects of palm reading.

What Does Your Palm Reveal About Your Personality?



The palm of the hand contains three major lines, as we discussed above — the life line, heart line and head line. Most people feel drawn to learn more about their life line than any other line on their hands. This line begins between the index finger and the thumb and continues downward toward the base of the thumb and the connection to the wrist. The heart line, also known as the love line, reveals information about a person’s emotional state as well as their emotional connection to others. You might also consider it as an indicator of your heart health. The head line, also known as the wisdom line, reveals one’s mental state, intuitive abilities, and intellect.

Life Line

The line on the palm that draws the most attention and speculation, this line begins between the index finger and the thumb and continues downward toward the base of the thumb and the connection to the wrist. Many people think that this line will reveal how long you will live, but this is just a misnomer. It does reveal important information about the experiences you’ll have in life, as well as your emotional and physical health.

Long and deep line — Indicates great health, vitality, and strength. Very well-balanced person.

Short and deep line — This means you have the capability to overcome any physical challenges you face. It does not mean you’ll have a short life. However, a short, shallow life line may mean that other people can easily manipulate you.

Deep line — Your life path won’t contain too many obstacles.

Faint line — Not a lot of stamina; won’t face too many adventures in life.

Broken line — Unfortunately, a broken life line indicates what it symbolizes – a literal break in your life in the way of loss, illness, interruptions, or accidents. If you have a broken line on only one hand, it means that you might suffer an illness or accident but recover quickly. However, you might suffer a more serious illness if you have this break on both hands. If the break occurs near the wrist, this might point to early childhood struggles and problems.

Chained line — You are vulnerable to physical and emotional health issues. You also live a turbulent life that constantly changes and moves directions.

Forked line — Generally, forks indicate a huge life change or interruption. It might also mean you’re scatterbrained and are torn between several choices.

Double or triple line — Means that you have positive influences in life and possess great energy. You could have a twin or have already found your soulmate in life. However, you can take this literally to mean that you have two or three different identities or lives.

Absent line — Means that you don’t know how to relax, and you might suffer from anxiety or restlessness.

Branched line — Upward branches mean great success, and downward branches indicate scarcity and lack in all areas of life, including energy levels. Lines extending up and above the life line show that you can recover from problems quickly. Lines extending below the life line mean that you waste valuable energy often.

Heart Line

The heart line, also known as the love line, reveals information about a person’s emotional health, as well as their relationships with others. You might also look at it as an indicator of one’s heart health. Located above the head and life line, it starts either under the index finger or middle finger, and extends toward the pinky finger.

Long — Means an open, warm, loving person. Might also indicate that the person has unrealistic expectations of relationships.

Very long — A line touching both ends of the palm indicates overly dependent habits in relationships.

Short — Self-absorbed person; reserved, reticent, introverted.

Deep — Might indicate a highly stressful life.

Deep and straight line — You are a rebel who likes to make your own rules and can get easily jealous.

Straight  — You’re a logical, analytical person, and don’t get too mushy and sentimental in relationships.

Straight and Short — You don’t concern yourself much with romance; whenever it happens, it happens, and you don’t try to control it.

Straight and Parallel to the head line — You’re deeply in control of your emotions.

Wavy — Many relationships in life, but not too many serious ones.

Clear and Deep — Honest, generous, considerate person who is very self-aware and in control of emotions.

Red and Darker — You have a turbulent personality, meaning that you can get easily excited and also easily angered.

Red and Lighter — You can seem disconnected, distant, and even cold at times.

Faint — You are apathetic and don’t care too much about your emotions.

Broken — Emotionally exhausted, prone to mood disorders and probably has experienced emotional trauma in the past.

Chained — Negative feelings in your heart; might be going through depression or a brief period of unhappiness.

Double Forked — You have the perfect balance of head and heart, and value both romance and logic.

Triple Forked — You have an even more perfect balance of your mind, body and spirit.

Curved  — Indicates a very empathic, highly sensitive person. You are deeply in touch with your emotions and are highly intuitive.

Absent — Ruled by logic, apathetic, not too concerned with personal feelings or the feelings of others.

Without Branches — Stagnant as far as emotional growth.

Branched upward — Positive relationships, great interest in deep, meaningful connections.

Branched downward — Not very good relationships; very turbulent past as far as relationships go.

Head Line

The head line, or wisdom line (considered one of the most important lines in Chinese palmistry), reveals mental and psychological makeup and intellectual development and intuitive abilities. This line begins just above the life line, between the thumb and the index finger and runs across the palm toward the other edge of the palm horizontally. Sometimes the head line begins directly on the life line and extends out from there. This indicates a headstrong, tough personality.

Long — High intelligence, strong memory. This person thinks things through thoroughly before acting, and doesn’t make rash decisions.

Very long, extending across entire palm — Strong personality, very successful, assertive. Might seem a bit self-centered.

Long and straight — Complex, highly adaptable person.

Straight — Logical, organized, not creative or free spirited, likes to follow the rules, down-to-earth, practical.

Short — Analytical, logical, straightforward person who likes to cut to the chase.

Deep — Great memory, focus, and a practical type of personality.

Wavy — Indicates a constant battle between the head and the heart. Might also indicate a person who doesn’t know what they want and flits from one thing to another in life.

Curved or sloping — Romantic, opportunistic, idealistic person who trusts his intuition and loves trying out new things and discovering new perspectives in life.

Faint — The dreamer in life, this type of person doesn’t pay much attention to logic. Tends to lack common sense as well.

Broken — Mentally exhausted, doesn’t have much control over thoughts, fragmented thought patterns.

Crosses — Indicates important life decisions that have impacted who you are as an individual today.

Chained — This means you’ve been going through a hard time and have had difficulty seeing the positive side of the situation.

Forked — A forked line indicates a person who enjoys debate and conflict, and can see both sides of an issue. This indicates a strong speaker, writer, and thinker who uses his intellect to advance in life.

Hooked — This might indicate self-absorption and selfishness. A hook low in the palm means a very untrustworthy individual who is also incredibly frugal.

Branches — Indicates important events yet to come in your life. May also indicate distractions that can take you off of your life path.

Branched upward — Indicates positive outcomes in all areas of life. Might also mean that you aim too high in life, and can get too wrapped up in your dreams without looking at the realistic side of things.

Branched downward — Indicates struggle, depression, loss, and general obstacles in life. Might indicate lack of success and prosperity.

Absent — Not common at all, but can signify laziness, detachment, and lack of interest in life.

Sister or Double — This might mean extra brainpower, emotions, and connection to life. A positive thing in most cases.


The palmistry minor lines, or secondary lines, can reveal an individual’s talents, interests, strengths and weaknesses. Their meanings can vary, depending on a variety of factors. Some people have faint or totally absent minor lines, which happens quite often. If they do appear on the palm, the palm reader can gain even more insight into the person. The nine more common lines are the fate line, apollo (sun) line, bracelet (rascette) lines, relationship (marriage) lines, health line, girdle of venus and intuition line.

Here’s a little information on fate lines. If yours are:

  • Deep and straight, you have a very solid, promising career.
  • Faint, you don’t like your job very much.
  • Has lots of forks coming off it, you’ve had a very turbulent career.
  • Starts from your life line but later splits off, you’ve been ambitious since a young age, and prefer an entrepreneurial approach to life.
  • Joins with the life line in the middle, you may have or will later give up your interests and desires for the sake of others.
  • The fate line starts at the base of the thumb and then crosses the life line, your family and friends greatly support you.



In Palmistry, the mounts, or bumps of flesh, on the palm can reveal a great deal. They relate to the planets, which can tell us a lot about our personality. There are seven mounts on the palms, which represent the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Where the mounts intersect the lines on the palms can also tell even more about an individual.


Palmistry markings indicate positive or negative interruptions and blockages in the normal flow of the palm lines, mounts and fingers. They can indicate warnings of struggles, accidents, health problems, or other issues. On the other hand, some markings may indicate a period of recovery, problem resolution, or an emotional healing period. However, their meanings depend on the placement on your palm. They can also enhance or diminish the energies from those areas. The important markings that may appear on the palm of your hand include breaks, chains, crosses, dots, grilles, islands, squares, stars, tassels, transverse lines, triangles, tridents, upward and downward lines and vertical lines.


Science Explains How Asking Yourself 4 Questions Every Morning Can Change Your Brain

Think about this question: Do you have control of your brain?

Really give it some thought. Please don’t move forward until you’ve thought this through for a minute.

Now, our inclination is to answer something like: “Yeah! Of course. It’s my brain that’s in my body!” or “Who’s brain would it be?!”

Your brain assuredly belongs to you…but do you have control of it? Many of the world’s brightest neuroscientists say “No” to some degree or another. In fact, statistics show that most of the time our brain is sort of on “autopilot.”

The average human attention span has fallen from 12 seconds in 2000, or around the time the mobile revolution began, to eight seconds – a 33 percent drop. Goldfish, meanwhile, are believed to have an attention span of nine seconds. – The Telegraph (UK)

Here are a couple of examples:

pop meme

  1. You’re on a diet and exercise routine, but for some reason – despite your better judgment and best intentions – you can’t wean yourself off of the glazed donuts at the local grocery store.
  2. You’ve promised yourself to stop with the negative, self-critical thoughts. But for some reason, they’ve seemed to proliferate even further.

These are just two off-the-cuff examples that you may or may not relate to. The underlying premise is this: we’ve all had thoughts that we wish we hadn’t. At times, we’ve even acted on these thoughts despite our better judgment or knowledge.

The simple answer to the question Do we have control of your brain is “Yes and no.” It’d be foolish to think that we have no control – after all, we do some of the things that we intend to. But we’re on autopilot an awful lot of the time. Perhaps eating on autopilot, driving on autopilot, thinking mindlessly on autopilot, listening on autopilot, talking on autopilot, etcetera.

Why is this?

Quite simply, it’s because the brain is “lazy” by default. The brain is incredibly complex and has evolved to find ways to operate more efficiently. The brain is also a pattern-recognizing machine – it’s designed to tie abstract things together in order to make sense of the environment. This is why it’s difficult to break out of habits once they’ve been established.

Without proper “training” the brain remains in autopilot mode a disproportionately large amount of the time. This is where our conscious mind comes in.

“Retraining” the mind doesn’t have to be an elaborately complex process. In fact, by resolving to memorize four basic questions can simplify any challenge, problem or decision we face – big or small.

Asking Yourself These Questions Every Morning Can Change Your Brain

Every morning, commit to asking these four questions when facing a challenge/problem/decision.

Related article: This ONE Phrase Will Completely Change Your Life

1. What is really important?

Ann Hermann-Nehdi, CEO of Herrman International and guest speaker at multiple TED conferences, calls this the “payoff” question because we’re consciously programming why it is we’re doing something in particular.

For example, many of us decide we want to “exercise more.” This is an abstract concept that needs to be more concrete. What is important that makes us want to “exercise more”? Physical appearance? Lower cholesterol? To be a role model?

What is really important to you that makes you want to lose weight? Or get a promotion? Go back to school? Buy a home? Start a business? Etcetera. Don’t allow the mind to lazily put this question off – providing substantive rationale for any challenge/decision/problem makes it much more likely that you’ll see it through to the end.

2. How am I going to do it?

We have a tendency to say we’re going to do something without forming any type of plan. To do so is actually very common. It is common because our brain has a devious way of avoiding responsibility.

Here’s another example: we’ve decided to “look for a different job.” Granted, this sounds simple enough – but how many people stay in the same job despite their misplaced intentions? Often times, the reason people do such is because they never had a plan.

So, how is this hypothetical person going to “look for a different job?” Carve out an hour or two each Saturday morning? Research companies that are hiring in the area? Network with people on LinkedIn/Facebook/Twitter? Freshen up the resume? Post to multiple job boards? Seek the knowledge of a recruiter/headhunter?

3. Who is going to be involved?

It’s possible that the decision to take some kind of action won’t involve anyone else but you. If this is the case, so be it. But it’s advisable to at least contemplate the question of who is – or could be – involved in any decision and/or consequences of such a decision.

One mistake that people make when facing a challenge/problem/decision is overlooking those who are affected by said decision(s). Again, this is the brain’s way of shirking any necessary but unwanted effort. To understand who is potentially involved in either the decision or consequence of a decision is to bypass possible complications that arise from someone else’s perspective.

4. What if _____happened?

In some instances, it is good to have a contingency plan in the event of the unfortunate. As an illustration, let us use the examples from earlier.

“I want to “I want to exercise more.”


What if I got injured?

“First, I’d examine if some type of exercise would be possible. Second, in the event that I couldn’t exercise, I’d cut back on some food types…”

“I want to look for a different job.”

What if my spouse fights it?

“My spouse deserves a rational explanation for why I want a different job. I’ll lay out my case and address any concerns.”

Usually, we can anticipate what or who may be potential “obstacles” for potential decisions. If we anticipate a potential obstacle, depending upon the situation, it may be worthwhile to come up with an appropriate response.

If You Always Feel Restless, This May Be Why…

Do you ever feel like you don’t belong anywhere on this planet? The feeling that no matter where you go, you can’t feel at home there, like you got dropped off on Earth from some distant planet. If this sounds like you, you might have a blocked root chakra. The root chakra, or the first chakra, is located at the base of your spine, and helps you to feel balanced, grounded, and safe. This chakra, when balanced, allows you to feel secure, focused, and in the moment. However, a blocked root chakra can make you feel anxious, restless, fearful and simply imbalanced.

Below, let’s talk a bit more about the root chakra, and what you can do to get it unblocked.

If You Always Feel Restless, This May Be Why…

Related article: 7 Sacred Herbs That Activate And Align Your Chakras

In Sanskrit, the root chakra’s name is ”muladhara” and can signify “base”, ‘foundation”, or “root support”. It’s often depicted by a rich red color. Since the root chakra lies at the base of your spine and is the first chakra, it literally lays the roots for your whole life. When you open this chakra, you can begin to expand your world and open yourself up to new possibilities. However, a blocked root chakra can make you feel frazzled and like you can’t settle down with anything in life.

Characteristics of the Root chakra:

  • Safety and security
  • Basic survival and basic needs in life
  • The physical self
  • Grounding
  • Lays the foundation for our lives
  • Focus and stability

Ultimately, the root chakra symbolizes the ideas of safety, security, and grounding ourselves to the Earth. It signifies anchoring our physical self to our world so that we may feel stable and have our basic needs met. The root chakra lays the foundation for everything else, for it begins at the literal root of your body, and expands upwards into the other chakras.  You want to use your root chakra in order to ground yourself and establish your sense of security in this world.

Signs of a blocked root chakra:

A blocked root chakra can make you feel restless, anxious, and out of place in the world.. However, an overactive root chakra can lead to feeling greedy and paranoid, and can sometimes manifest in the form of eating disorders. It can seem as though you have no home on this Earth, which will make you feel constantly restless.

The following are symptoms of an imbalanced root chakra:

  • Very negative and cynical
  • Overly restless
  • Anxious and paranoid
  • Unable to focus
  • Excessive greed
  • Feeling like you can’t get out of survival mode
  • Too dependent on others
  • Issues with abandonment

A blocked root chakra can make you feel as though you have no purpose and no place to call home, as if you are floating through life aimlessly. A root chakra blockage can also make it difficult to keep a job or stay in one place for extended periods of time. Upon opening this chakra, you will find it easier to “root” yourself, and will feel more secure and stable in life.

Some common physical symptoms of blockage include:

  • sciatica
  • hypertension
  • impotence
  • colitis
  • constipation
  • back pain
  • fatigue
  • weight gain

Emotional Signs of Root Chakra Blockage

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • fearfulness
  • guilt
  • resentment
  • eating disorders
  • greed
  • delusional
  • insecure

An imbalanced root chakra can lead to feelings of paranoia and constant restlessness. You might feel as though you will never settle down, and that you can’t ever relax. If you feel that you have a blocked root chakra, read on to find out how to clear this blockage so you can live more freely and move out of survival mode.

What To Do About A Blocked Root Chakra

Related article: 7 Signs You Have Blocked Chakras

Clearing the root chakra involves a lot of meditation and grounding exercises, so that you can begin to feel comfortable within your own body and mind.

A few beginner steps to clear the root chakra include:

  • Any physical exercise. The root chakra is associated with movement, so doing any sort of physical activity can help it to open. Try to do outdoor activities, as the root chakra is strongly associated with Earth. You can do gardening, hiking, or simply spending more time connecting with the Earth. Yoga is also a wonderful activity for grounding yourself.
  • Go deep within and meditate quietly. Remind yourself that you are loved, and that you have a home here on this planet, even if it often doesn’t feel like it.
  • Incorporate red colors into your life to help boost this chakra’s energy. Also, when you feel disconnected from yourself and the Earth, try walking outside barefoot. This will establish a direct connection between you and the soil, allowing you to literally ground yourself to the planet.

8 Telling Signs Someone Is Interested In You

Sometimes we are so caught up in our busy lives that we don’t stop and notice love. Love can be right across the room at work or the coffee shop making your latte. But, this busyness that we call Life masks everything around us until one day we take notice of a special someone interested in winning your heart.

Maybe you are ready for new love. Or perhaps you are scared because of past heartache. Even your consideration of leaving a past relationship behind is a positive sign. It could mean that you are ready to move on to a new, healthier romance.  If you’ve been out of the dating pool for a while, you might be hesitant or unsure of how to tell if someone is trying to win your heart. So let’s look together at the science that indicates attraction between two people.

Here are eight signs that someone is interested in trying to win your heart:

Are you unclear of someone’s intentions or level of interest? Here are eight clear signals that someone seeks a relationship with you.

proud1. This person brings you things you like.

Whether it’s a cup of your favorite coffee or a new playlist for your iPod, this person is trying to show you that he or she pays attention to what you like. When we begin to fall for someone, we take notice of the small things. If someone is sharing your moments, laughter, coffee, and what is truly interesting in your life, this person is trying to win your heart. We are attracted to those who pay attention. We need to feel accepted and acknowledged.

2. An interested person constantly compliments you–and they mean it.

Whether it is on social media, through a text message, email, post-it notes, or face-to-face, this person says the most excellent things to you. He or she cares about you and everything you do. To this person, you are amazing. He or she feels that they must express their appreciation. Words are powerful tools for romancing and enticement. Words carry frequencies that raise us when used with love. If you find that someone is constantly expressing their admiration through praise, you must accept that the person is trying to win your heart. If you are honest with yourself, you might just be letting it happen.

An article in Psychology Today calls giving complimenting someone an “art.”  Additionally, the report recognizes that issuing sincere compliments spreads positive vibes and strengthens your connection to another person.

The author of the article, Hara Estroff Marano, says this:

“Compliments are little gifts of love.”

Finally, the article advises that people should learn to accept compliments gracefully–with a smile and an expression of thanks.

3. This person is signaling attraction through body language.

Whether it’s running hands through their hair or wearing a constant smile, sometimes the body will give out hints that love is in the air. Dr. Albert Scheflen, the author of Body Language and the Social Order, discovered that whenever a person enters the company of someone of the opposite sex, certain physiological changes happen. But, this doesn’t just happen in attractions of the opposite sex.

When we are interested in someone, our posture is better, we smile more, we make sure our clothes aren’t wrinkled, and we carry ourselves with pride. We want to win over the person by physical attraction. We want to make sure they know we find them attractive.

4. This person makes sure you have eye contact.

In a study by the University of Chicago, researchers found that someone is attracted to you by the way they gaze into your eyes. Eyes tell all your secrets. You can’t hide your truth when you look into another person’s soul. Eye contact is a constant struggle in our society. We have a hard time looking into another. But, when it comes to courtship or trying to get someone’s attention, eye contact comes naturally. You want to make sure you are being seen and heard. We flirt with our eyes. So, if someone you know is really looking into yours, they are doing the best they can to get into your heart.

interested5. This person is interested in your hobbies and past-times.

He or she wants to be part of these moments with you and will do anything to let you know it. If you like movies, he or she will be the person who shares your passion for them. Even when your interests aren’t of his or her liking, they will find a way to make time for them. There is something magical about finding someone who likes what we like or who doesn’t judge us for our quirks. When someone is trying to win over your heart, they will find that sharing in your interests is the easiest way without the strain of sexual attraction hanging over you.

6. This person listens intently to you.

He doesn’t just hear you. Instead, he listens attentively. In today’s world full of chaos and distractions, listening has become a lost art. When someone is trying to get in your heart, all those distractions are put away. The phone is turned down. The computer is off. You get undivided attention to hear. You know when someone is trying to get your attention when you are all that they want to listen to. It’s important to remember that we feel through our senses.

Most relationships fail because we already know what the other will say before they speak. We stop listening. But, when someone is really into you, trying to get your undivided attention, they will do everything they can to hear every word you say. Later, they will remind you of when you said it, too.

It’s rare that we ever fall for the person we are supposed to fall in love with. We have false expectations that don’t really align with our desires. When you find that one person who is a friend or a stranger and conveys the sweetest messages, give yourself permission to open your heart and let it show you the power of true love, it sometimes happens with the most unexpected person.

These cues can help you tell if someone takes a genuine interest in what you say:

  • The person does not interrupt you while speaking.
  • They make you feel valued when they respond.
  • An interested person stays open-minded.
  • They will ask thoughtful follow-up questions.
  • The person will mirror your gestures, nod, lean in closer as you speak, and respond to you with other positive body language cues.
  • They put down their cell phone (or other distractions) and focus on you.
  • A person with interest in you will let you decide on the topic of discussion–they use the art of conversation to figure out your desires.

7. This special someone wants to get to know your friends.

You consider your friends an essential part of your life. In fact, you find ways to cultivate both existing and new friendships. Perhaps you also have an expanding circle of friends.

If you love nothing better than hanging out with the crowd–or even meeting a pal for a one-on-one for a cozy chat, someone interested in you will want to meet those who spend time with you. A person who takes a genuine interest in you recognizes the value that these friends bring to your life. They hope to be included and accepted.  In fact, they might even worry that you will reject their intentions if your friends don’t like them.

At the end of the day, this person is already halfway in love with you and seeks approval from you. So they want to get a stamp of approval from your circle of friends.

8. A person who is interested tries to look their best for you.

When someone takes an authentic in pursuing a romance with you, he or she will take great pains to look good for you.  In short, they want to impress you!

You might notice that your potential new partner does the following things:

  • Changes their hairstyle or gets a fresh haircut
  • Updates their wardrobe and wears stylish clothing
  • Wears cologne or perfume
  • Looks well-groomed whenever they meet up with you.

Does this sound superficial to you? It might. But the truth is, your initial attraction to a new person can be physical, emotional, or both! This person is interested enough to put forth the effort to be physically attractive to you.

However, the attention to grooming and looks might also serve as a self-esteem boost for that person.

An article in Inquiries Journal of Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities, explains that a potential mate who has greater self-esteem is more likely to catch your eye.

They state this:

“How we feel about ourselves heavily influences the way we function in life, and it would therefore be expected to have a similar influence on how we choose our partners and the satisfaction of our romantic relationships.”

So taking pains to look good does translate into a scientific sign that someone is interested in winning your heart.

interestedFinal Thoughts on Knowing When Someone is Interest in You

Now you recognize the signs. You realize that this person is definitely trying to win you over.

So now the ball is in your court. Granting yourself permission to fall in love, especially after past heartbreak, is an enormous leap of faith. The question now becomes this.

Are you ready to embark on a romantic journey with this person who is trying to win your heart?

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

4 Things You Should Never Forget In Life

The most important thing is to enjoy life – to be happy – it’s all that matters. – Audrey Hepburn

In just the last 50 years, our lives have drastically changed. We’re constantly on the go – always connected and at the behest of what society “wants” from us. Today, we’re often required to put in more hours at work for less pay. These efforts, in effect, are taking time away from our families and things that we enjoy.

As fallible human beings, none of us are entirely innocent. Many of us have placed too much importance on money and possessions and too little on family and relationships. We’ve sacrificed our health, self-image, relationships, and even our values and beliefs, for security and prosperity.

So, it begs the question: What are the most important things in life?

Think about this for a second.

Is work? Is school? Money? Cars? Possessions?

By the way, it’s okay if these things are important to some degree. But we should ask ourselves if we consider them among the most essential things in our lives OR if we’re substituting them for something else.

That “something else” for which we may be substituting could be love, happiness, joy, self-fulfillment, self-confidence, and health, among other things.

Regardless of how each of us answers the above question, we’d be wise to examine how we spend our time and expend our effort. The reason is this: we may say or even truly believe something or someone is the most important, but if we’re not investing our time and efforts in that, it doesn’t make a difference.

Here are four things we should never forget in this lifetime:

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1. Health should be our top priority

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Being healthy in mind and body is the only way to live a fulfilling life. It is important to note the difference between a disability/sickness and health, as those with a disability or chronic illness generally learn to accept their condition and can go on to do great things. However, making poor decisions in treating our only mind and body is a recipe for unhappiness.

Quite simply, nothing else that we think of as important matters if our health is poor. The quality, fulfillment, and even longevity of life are adversely affected if we neglect to take care of ourselves first. Elaborating on the last point, it is impossible to truly care for someone else if we don’t first care for ourselves.

2. Relationships are what truly matters

“We’ve got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can’t just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or think it’s going to get on by itself. You’ve got to keep watering it. You’ve got to really look after it and nurture it.” – John Lennon

This quote by Lennon on relationships is long but couldn’t be more correct. The truth is that we all love and are loved in return. The problem with most relationships is that they’re not tended to or “nurtured” as the great singer puts it.

Tragically, many relationships wither away like a plant because of neglect. Parent/child relationships have ended because of neglect; couples divorce because of it; close friends separate.

Let us nurture our precious relationships and not set them aside.

3. A positive self-image is paramount

“It’s not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life, it’s what you whisper to yourself that has the most power!” ­Robert T. Kiyosaki

Without a positive self-image, we care too much about what others think and are constantly comparing ourselves. Other people’s opinions about you carry more weight than what you think about you.

When we have a positive self-image, the aforementioned inner conflicts fall by the wayside. We have courage, confidence, resilience and, most importantly, peace. As with health, it is very difficult to carve out our life’s path without a positive self-image.

It may sound cliché, but bears repeating: we all have faults. Picture the most “well-rounded” and “put together” person. Odds are that they have issues despite of this conceptualization. A positive self-image isn’t about liking everything about ourselves, it’s about accepting these things while we remain willing to change them.

4. We shouldn’t forget our dreams, values or purpose

“If today were the last day of my life, would I do what I’m about to do today?” – Steve Jobs

Another cliché that bears repeating: life is short. That’s it. Life is short. Far too short to navigate a path that doesn’t align with our dreams, values or purpose.

As with so many other important aspects of life, these things are often (subconsciously, perhaps) disregarded or substituted for something else that matters far less. It’s difficult to continually strive for our dreams and hopes in a society that strives to define success for us.

Here’s the thing: it’s NOT society’s place to define success, it’s ours. Again, life is short, and as so eloquently put by Mr. Jobs:

“Death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life’s change agent.”

Do you need to change something?

Related article: 5 Life Lessons From Dr. Seuss

10 Ways To Increase the Oxytocin In Your Body

Oxytocin is a hormone produced primarily in the hypothalamus and acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain. It plays a massive role in the female reproduction system during childbirth and lactation. But, the hormone is best known as the “love hormone” because of how it increases with touch and stimulation. This powerful hormone plays a huge role in relationships and how we partner up with others.

What Is Oxytocin?

The hormone oxytocin is a messenger, controlling your reproductive system for childbirth, lactation, and more. It’s produced in your hypothalamus and gets secreted into your bloodstream. Oxytocin gets secreted when the neurons in your brain cells are excited.

What Role Does Oxytocin Play?

Oxytocin has two primary jobs in your body. It controls childbirth and certain human behaviors.


Oxytocin and Childbirth

During childbirth, it causes contractions of the uterine muscles. Synthetic oxytocin is often given to women to strengthen the contractions to induce labor if it’s not starting naturally.  It might also speed up the delivery of the placenta. The placenta is an organ attached to the uterus. It provides oxygen and nutrients to a growing baby. Speeding up the contractions to deliver the placenta helps prevent heaving bleeding after childbirth. During breastfeeding, oxytocin enhances the movement of milk through the breast.

In men, oxytocin’s role is to transport sperm and produce testosterone in the testes.

Human behaviors

Oxytocin’s second job is to act as a chemical message to your brain. It has a vital role in sexual arousal, romantic attachment, recognition, and trust. Because of this activity, it’s often called the “love hormone.”

Oxytocin and depression

Oxytocin’s effect on the brain is complex. Researchers suggest there may be a role that oxytocin may play a role in depression disorder. They’re still unsure of the full benefits of this hormone.  There’s hope that oxytocin could treat depression and anxiety disorders. Other research is underway on oxytocin’s role in different conditions, such as these:

  • Post-traumatic stress (PTSD)
  • Anorexia
  • Addiction

It’s possible to have too much oxytocin in your body. Men with too much end up with the condition that affects their prostate. This excess is typical in older men and causes difficulty urinating.

Is it really a love hormone?

Even though oxytocin is called the “love hormone,” it doesn’t always give you warm, fuzzy feelings. A recent study found that too much oxytocin causes emotional pain.  When you go through a stressful social situation, this hormone strengthens your bad social memories in specific brain regions. Just as oxytocin intensifies good memories, it also intensifies negative feelings and increases your fear and anxiety in the future. Researchers hope to understand better oxytocin’s two roles of reducing stress or enhancing anxiety and manipulating it to prevent these effects.

Can you have too little oxytocin?

Science links low oxytocin to autistic spectrum disorder (ASD).  Researchers think that oxytocin could be helpful to treat this disorder.

Ten Ways to Boost Your Oxytocin Levels

Here are ten ways to increase this hormone in your body:

1. Physical touch.

Hugs, kisses, and cuddling increase oxytocin levels quickly. WebMD explains how men react to intimacy showed that under the influence of oxytocin, two areas of the brain responsible for feelings of reward and pleasure lit up when men saw their partner’s faces. But the sight of other women had the opposite effect, suppressing feelings of joy. Oxytocin triggers a reward system that activates and releases when we are in loving relationships. Physical touch is stimulating. The hormone releases during intimacy, and for men, it only occurs when with someone they love.

2. Words of encouragement.

When we hear a compliment, we feel good about ourselves. We believe we are being loved and held in high esteem. The same effect works on this level as well. The “feel-good” hormone increases when we are caring and compassionate with another, or vice versa. Words have a powerful frequency. When we feel loved and we relate to it, oxytocin increases. The same goes for giving a compliment to another. The kindness you put out into the world also increases oxytocin.

3. Listen.

Everyone wants to feel acknowledged. We all want to know that our loved ones hear and accept us. Listening is a fantastic way to increase oxytocin. When you are present with another, you can feel the connection. Listen attentively. Put the phone down. Close the computer. Make time to be one-on-one with another. You will find a sense of reward that is priceless. Also, listening to music or something we enjoy releases dosages of the little hormone as well.

4. Smile and laugh.

Have you observed how kids play? They smile and laugh a lot. Whenever they are in that moment, they release oxytocin. Smiling is contagious. It’s one of those things that you cannot help but return to when it is geared at you. Research has shown that laughter and smiling improve health through many physiological changes. Most of the time, it happens unconsciously. Happy people live for joyous moments. Their oxytocin is constantly being released. Laughter creates a sense of joy, the most significant trade-off in life.

5. Meditate and pray.

When you are clear-headed and relaxed, your hormones are balanced. Oxytocin increases when you are not in fight or flight mode. Prayer and meditation allow the mind to detach from stress. It lowers blood pressure and allows the body to feel balanced. Mind, body, and spirit find a way to connect. Make time for it at some point in the day. You can do it for five minutes anywhere.

oxytocin - meditation

6. Exercise.

Endorphins and oxytocin increase during exercise. Oxygen travels to the brain and other parts of our bodies. Training is not just for keeping your body functioning correctly. The number of hormones released to the brain is also beneficial. You don’t have to go to a gym. Walking around the block or doing gentle yoga can also bring on these benefits.

7. Cry.

Studies have shown that suppressing your emotions lowers oxytocin levels. Withholding your feelings and not dealing with them causes stress and other physical issues in the body. Your emotional state should be imbalanced with your spiritual and physical bodies. The release of tears allows the body to return to a state of calmness instead of holding on to anger or frustration.

8. Give.

We feel good when we give, volunteer, and do for others. Give gifts, give your time, give to charity and give thanks. Gratitude is a significant factor in how we feel. Give of yourself and watch how great you will feel. Oxytocin produces the feeling of bonding with others. Giving is a form of human bonding. This is a natural and easy way to increase your oxytocin while helping another.

9. Get creative.

Creativity helps de-stress the mental mind. While you are creating, you aren’t worrying or fearing anything. As you paint, draw, sew, journal, write, play an instrument, or anything that takes you out of a regular routine, you allow the good hormones to take over in the brain. Endorphins are released, and oxytocin is charged up. Making time to use your talents is imperative to inducing joy.

10. Get a pet.

Animals have a way of calming us. You enter the house, and your cat and dog are anxiously waiting for you to give them love. The same effect oxytocin has on touching another person works on petting your animals. Research shows that touching your pets lowers your blood pressure and increases your oxytocin levels.


Final Thoughts On Increasing Oxytocin

To say that oxytocin is a complicated hormone is an understatement. It plays a critical role for women in childbirth and lactation. In men, oxytocin helps transport sperm and produce testosterone in the testes. We might call oxytocin the “love hormone,” but it doesn’t always reveal love. Sometimes it increases your anxiety and pain, especially in negative social settings. Other times, it reduces anxiety because of depression. They may link too little oxytocin to autism. Researchers hope to understand oxytocin roles and how to control them. In the meantime. We hope this “love hormone” shows you the love.

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