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If You Have Trouble Getting Motivated, This May Be Why.

You just can’t get motivated to do what needs to be done, and the reason why might not be obvious. If only you had the energy, drive and determination to get up and get moving, you’d be set, but it’s nowhere to be found.

You are definitely not alone. People who struggle with motivation find that although they have the desire to take action, their body and brain aren’t making any effort.

Breaking this feeling of being stuck and not being able to get motivated to do anything is the key to changing your life, if you can find a way to just do it. Let’s look at why you can’t get motivated and what you can do about it.

If You Feel Like You Can’t Get Motivated, This May Be Why

Ask yourself these questions about your recent lack of motivation:

  • Is your gut telling you that something is wrong?
  • Are you literally having digestive problems lately?
  • Do you feel out of control and powerless?
  • Are you engaging in risky or self-medicating behaviors?
  • Do you lack physical energy?
  • Do you worry about how others see you?

This may sound like a strange set of questions to ask yourself regarding your lack of motivation but it can reveal the cause of your blocked motivational energy.

If any of these symptoms sounds familiar, you might not be able to get up and get going due to a blocked chakra. Specifically, your solar plexus chakra is blocked and is not allowing energy to flow.

The good news is that the blockage is a spiritual, psychological, or metaphysical one. This means you can heal this energy block and get your motivation back again.

energy vampire

Energy blockage

The unseen flow of energy surrounding and penetrating your body is your aura. An ancient Ayurvedic healing theory says that your energy flows like a force that provides energy to your organs through 7 energy centers or chakras.

These chakras send energy from the earth under your feet through your body’s 7 centers in an upward spiral beginning at your tailbone and ending at crown of your head.

When there is a blockage in your solar plexus chakra, above your belly button, you can’t get motivated. You feel tired, mentally drained, and you feel less than yourself. If you are giving mental and physical energy to something that is not helping you, then chose to stop now.

Related article: 7 Signs You Have Blocked Chakras

Spinning your wheels is a metaphor that people use when they just can’t get past a point at which they are stuck. A spinning chakra sends energy no where; usually the chakra will spin in a spiral, sending energy to your higher chakras. When you are blocked, you cannot receive the information from your gut in your brain.

How you can remove the blocked energy

Working with opening the chakra of the solar plexus is an emotional process. The solar plexus is the gut chakra. This is exactly the energy center that we are referring to when we say ‘Trust your gut.’

Your instincts have been off lately, which is causing you to fail to act out of fear. You might have recently had a setback, or discovered that you couldn’t trust someone that you thought you could. Something happened that caused you to stop listening to your gut.

Begin the process of healing your solar plexus chakra by seeing with open eyes, heart and mind what is hurting your feelings right now. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What is hurting or frustrating me the most right now? Say it aloud.
  • What part of your life is not the way you want it to be?
  • Why are you continuing to allow this circumstance to continue in a way that is causing you frustration and anxiety?
  • Why have you not decided to act yet?
  • When will you decide to act?
  • Why not now?
  • What other excuses are you making to keep from making progress?
  • Why are you making excuses when all you need to do is acknowledge that you have failed to act, decide to act, and take a step forward?


Other reasons you can’t get motivated

A balanced solar plexus chakra should help you to feel self-confident, in control, and energized. If you’re still feeling like you can’t get motivated, evaluate whether or not you might be sabotaging yourself by creating the blockage.

In psychology, many cures are focused on becoming mindful of the small ways in which we might be setting ourselves up for failure rather than for success. Ask yourself what else you have not tried to remove any obstacles to succeeding with getting motivated.

For example, you may be secretly afraid of failure or afraid of success. Not being able to get motivated might mean that you prefer to stay put rather than go forward into an unknown. Do you fear the hurt of failing? Decide not to be afraid.

7 Things That Can Make Or Break Your Relationship

Trying to make a lasting romance with your soulmate is a wonderful thing to work toward. To do it, you will need to know about certain things that can tip the scales one way or the other.

7 Things That Can Make or Break Your Relationship

1. Listening (or a lack thereof)

Listening sounds easy, but it is harder than you think. The more you can practice active listening and not just waiting for your turn to speak, the better off your relationship can be.

Listening is the equivalent of showing respect for your partner. Making an effort to talk to your partner with your bodies facing each other, making eye contact, picking up on body language, gestures and facial expressions can really make or break your relationship.

Communication is the foundation for a trusting relationship and trust can make or break your relationship. How you handle your relationships with others outside of the relationship is also important to trust.

2. Working together

In a perfect world, you and your partner would always have the same goals and you would be able to work together to achieve your dreams and those of your partner. It’s not likely, although you are probably both seeking to move in the same direction or you wouldn’t be together.


Related article: 4 Habits of Couples That Last

To test what can make or break your relationship, try tackling a project together. For example, assemble some bedroom furniture with your partner. See if you communicate well over what tools to hand each other, what part needs to go where, how to interpret the instructions, and if you can arrive at a successful end project. Did you argue over small things? Which one of you was more likely to get frustrated quicker? Which one of you blamed the other person?

Use this team project as a learning experience for your relationship. What can you do differently to improve communication? How can you manage frustration better next time? How can taking accountability help your relationship?

3. Mutual respect

No one deserves to be treated with disrespect. Even a single moment of being treated poorly by your partner can make or break your relationship. If an insult is thrown by you, recognize your mistake and apologize. Resolve to avoid using hurtful language in the future.

Was it your partner who showed disrespect toward you? You need to speak up for yourself right away. Forget the ‘I feel’ language and go straight to what you prefer to hear from your partner in the future. Say ‘I need you to use respectful language with me.’

4. Balance

Not feeling like your partner and you are on a level playing field can feel unfair. Each person should have a say in the decisions that affect both of you. If your partner is power-hungry, it can make or break your relationship.

In romantic relationships, usually the highest income earner has the power in the relationship, and traditionally the men are the higher income earners. But that doesn’t mean that the men with the power can’t help their female partners. Researchers found that ‘feminist men are important for women’s relationship health. In each study, women reported greater relationship quality, equality, and stability to the extent they perceived their partner to be a feminist; they also reported greater sexual satisfaction .’

5. Intimacy

Look, no one is wishing they had less sex. It is highly unlikely that you and your partner are overdoing it, so let’s add more intimacy. Intimacy is not all about having sex, although forgetting that a man’s sex-drive is higher than that for most women would be a mistake.

Related article: 10 Reasons To Have Sex Daily

Frequent intimate touching like kissing, hugging, cuddling, caressing and massaging is important to many women. For men, just sex is usually all they need because the touching is included with the act. Women like the same amount of touching, just spread over the whole day.

6. Relationships outside your relationship.

Treating your partnership as a priority, or not, can really make or break your relationship. Your respect for your relationship should be equal to the respect that you would want for yourself.

Do not speak ill of your partner to others. If you have problems, your partner is the one you should be talking to about it. If you can’t talk with them yet, ask yourself why. Your partner should be the one that you can open up to.

You should not be spending more time with another person or engaging in conversation or actions that imply that you are looking for a different romantic partner.


7. Putting fun in the less-than-fun

Making a game or a joke out of everything can be annoying, but playful teasing, poking fun in a gentle way at your partner, or making an inside joke can make a grumpy afternoon into a playful time.

Making an effort to inject fun into special moments with your partner will be worth the time and can make or break how happy you both feel in your relationship.

10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re A Gemini

The children born May 21 to June 20 understand that being the sign of the twins, Gemini, can be the most outrageous fun, and burdensome at the same time. At times it’s as though you are literally carrying your twin self around with you.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and is an air sign, which means that you think you know everything. It’s okay, you are really good at convincing others that you know everything too.

Let’s look at 10 other things that you’ll only understand if you’re a Gemini.

10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re A Gemini


1. Your shadow self is real

As the astrological sign represented by the twins, Gemini is a sign with multiple personalities. You can be Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde depending on the situation.

2. Outgoing is not something you have to work at being

In our previous article ‘7 Things You Need To Know About Being Friends With a Gemini’ we told you that ‘Researchers confirmed ‘the astrological proposition that people born with the sun in a positive sign (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius) are extroverted.’

As an outgoing person, you are open and welcoming to people of all kinds. Well, maybe not negative people, or boring people, or people with no style, unless they let you make them over.

3. You are uniquely you

You love being stylish but would never be happy with the latest look for a single designer. One of the things you’ll only understand if you’re a Gemini is that looking like anyone else is such a faux pas to you that you accessorize to the max.

4. Finishing things is not something you are good at

Of course, you can finish that project that you started three weeks ago, you just lost your drive about halfway through it. Maybe your Gemini twin self will finish it for you one of these days, but no one should be expecting that the project will be done by a certain day or time, that’s for sure.

5. Gemini is not hyper, they’re bored

Gemini has a reputation for being nervously twitchy and unable to sit still for very long. You have a high amount of energy, which others may call nervousness, but that you know is really your desire for something NEW NOW that keeps you from being patient.

You are already boring to Gemini if you aren’t able to be changeable, flexible, able to switch topics quickly, have high energy and enthusiasm, and are ready for a spontaneous dance party to break out at any moment.

6. Gemini is enchanting and attracts many lovers

Oh, let’s face it, you are the star of the show at any party or event, with your elegant style and effortless charisma. Gemini is desirable for their ability to stimulate all of your senses, and arouse your mind, emotions, and energy all at once.

A Gemini lover is unforgettable. You are up to any challenge that your lover might have for you in bed and twins love variety. Really, your lover is getting to have a three-way with you since you are such a dual personality.

7. Geminis have sexy brains

You may only understand this if you’re a Gemini but your thirst for knowledge is pretty unquenchable. You LOVE learning; about people, foreign countries, cultures, theories, beliefs, etc. You’re more likely to travel than almost any other zodiac sign because you are seeking knowledge.

8. Geminis are best in a cage-free environment

You do not like being tied down, pinned down, caged up, holed up, hiding out, etc. Being out there in the world, learning, seeing, talking, and experiencing things is what Gemini is all about. Unless you’re in one of your moods. Then your twin will talk you into going out anyway.

9. You are more socially flexible than other people you know

One of the benefits of being a Gemini is to be able to change who you are to fit the time, place, and people you are with. This flexibility of persona makes you adaptable to any social situation. You make friends with people easily, but you hate fake people.

gemini woman

10. You are comfortable with conflict

Others may shy away from touchy subjects, debates, or emotional issues, but not Gemini. You’ll only understand that conflict is just a talk about a topic and that it’s nothing to get upset about if you’re a Gemini.

Of course, Gemini also will cut you off when you are speaking about something depressing to talk about him or herself, but at least your Gemini friend will ask the deep questions that other people are afraid to. Gemini understands pain but rarely shows it on the outside.

5 Things Highly Intelligent People Do Differently

Sadly, it seems that society doesn’t value true intelligence in these times, as it tends to neglect anything that requires critical thinking and any form of higher knowledge. The intelligent have great ideas, but they often are ignored in favor of those with the ability to entertain and distract us from what’s really going on. Those with high levels of intelligent couldn’t be bothered with the news and entertainment of today, and instead value deep contemplation and reflection in order to gain perspective and new ideas.

Intelligence is quite rare today, and isn’t practiced and applied like it used to be. However, you can easily adopt the habits of these sorts of people if you’d like to increase your intelligence.

Here are 5 things highly intelligent people do differently:

“Action is the real measure of intelligence.” – Napoleon Hill


1. They question mainstream ideals.

Intelligent people don’t just believe everything they hear; they question tradition, beliefs, morals, the entire system we live in, and basically every sort of idea in existence.

They don’t just jump from bandwagon to bandwagon. Instead, they apply critical thinking skills and delve deeply into issues before forming an opinion. They most certainly don’t believe everything they hear on the news, or from any authority figure. Highly intelligent people see through the lies and don’t just allow people to push them around or back them into a corner. Dogma means nothing to them – they think what they want to and follow their own path in life.

2. Intelligent people don’t worship idols.

Highly intelligent people also don’t see anyone as a guru or master – they know that they can find all the knowledge they seek within. Though they understand that everyone can teach something in life, they do not possess knowledge on every single subject. No one knows all the answers, so therefore, highly intelligent people don’t regard anyone as an idol. They look at themselves as their own personal guru, with the wisdom and strength to get them through any situation.

3. They constantly are on the search for knowledge.

Highly intelligent people never feel quite content with what they know – they always desire to learn more and experience more. They enjoy expanding their mind and engaging in intelligent conversation whenever possible. Intelligent people have an addiction to and fascination with knowledge – they don’t allow themselves to become complacent, as this will make their minds stagnant and stale. They realize that knowledge truly is power, so they like to arm themselves with as much mental ammunition as possible.

4. Intelligent people turn their thoughts into action.

Following up on the quote we began this article with, highly intelligent people know that thoughts and ideas mean nothing without action. They understand that to get anywhere in life, you must apply what you know into actionable steps. The thoughts inside your head do no good if you don’t share them with others and use them in order to provide something for this world, so intelligent people try to see where they can apply their knowledge.

They don’t allow anything to get in their way of using their knowledge to better this planet somehow, and enjoy conjuring up new plans in order to achieve their goals.

emotional intelligence

5. They value quiet reflection.

More than anything else, highly intelligent people know the value in sitting quietly with oneself. This world moves so fast and doesn’t seem to put any emphasis on “being.” We all must do, work, produce, act, move, and earn. We don’t spend enough time thinking, being, feeling, living, loving, and reflecting. Therefore, highly intelligent people spend as much time as possible with themselves and their thoughts, as they know the true power of going deep within for answers.

Even if they don’t want answers in the moment, highly intelligent people still see the importance of spending time alone away from all the noise in the world. that’s because this helps one to destress and rejuvenate the mind, body, and soul.

Highly intelligent people have a great relationship with themselves. Indeed, they know that this relationship forms the basis for everything else in their lives.

7 Signs You Have Mental Fatigue

Have you ever felt that you couldn’t do it anymore? If so, you’re experiencing the effects of mental fatigue. These extremely tired brain symptoms will sound familiar when you are experiencing a lot of stress and a hectic environment.

Everyone’s been physically tired, so we know those signs of fatigue. Mental fatigue is similar, but the condition is more severe because your brain controls your body. In this article, we will review the signs of mental fatigue and a few ways to help fight it.

7 Signs You Have Mental Fatigue

Mental health providers describe mental fatigue as a persistent or extreme form of mental tiredness, exhaustion, or weakness. Mental fatigue affects your ability to function. Do you have any of these symptoms?


1. You are aware that there is too much going on at once

Feeling overwhelmed? You probably are overwhelmed by sensory input right now. Sounds, smells, sights, mental activity, physical movement, listening to others; sometimes all of this happening in a busy environment can be too much.

When too much data input comes from all of your senses, your brain can begin showing signs of stress and mental fatigue. You may notice that you have asked people to repeat themselves repeatedly. Also, you miss details that you should have seen, like spelling errors.

Try shutting off any noisy devices you can control, like a fan, music, TV, buzzing lights, etc. Turn toward someone speaking and make eye contact to give them your full attention. Limit multi-tasking as much as possible.

2. You rarely have downtime

Can’t remember the last time you went on vacation? A study in the journal Environment and Behavior showed that two strategies could help individuals manage their mental fatigue; avoiding things that cause mental fatigue and downtime.

One strategy involves avoiding unnecessary costs in terms of expenditure of directed attention. In other words, limit how much thinking you have to do. If you can, delegate some tasks to people you trust or postpone decisions if they aren’t urgent.

The other involves enhancing the effect of restorative opportunities. They suggest that a healthy environment (think day spa) will help refresh your mind so you can think again. Even a few minutes outside in the sun is all you’ll need to be able to keep going.

3. You have a total mental block

A mental block is when you have been so mentally drained that you cannot continue to think. You stop thinking until you can rest your brain enough to recover and continue.

Researchers in the Journal of Psychology studying mental fatigue found that mental blocking acts ‘as an automatic safeguard which prevents the individual from working continuously.’ In other words, you can’t continue using your brain because it will just stop working for you when you are fatigued.

4. You’re feeling more emotional lately

Depression or anxiety can be symptoms of mental fatigue because it can feel hopeless that you’ll be mentally clear anytime soon. Being exhausted can feel a lot like being depressed because your level of mental energy is low. You might feel anxiety, for example, that things won’t improve.

If the situation causing your mental fatigue is something that you cannot control, you can feel emotions of anger toward the person you see as the cause of your suffering.

5. Physical symptoms of mental fatigue

Headaches, stomach discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite, insomnia, and being jittery are some physical symptoms you might experience that are signs of mental fatigue. Although you can consult your doctor if these are concerning you, the therapist might better give you some helpful tools.

6. You forget little, but important, things

Forgetfulness and memory lapse is a sign of mental fatigue. Your brain is processing so much information at once, but it cannot also create memories at the same time. Later on, when you sleep, your brain will make memories.

Moreover, you will have a hard time remembering and being able to focus on anything for an extended period. If you can avoid anything that could cause people to harm without your total mental capacity, like driving, for example, that would be best until you recover from your mental fatigue with some rest.

7. If someone asks you one more question, you might explode

Answering questions and making decisions all day has left you with decision fatigue, and you can’t answer anyone anymore. People will have to get by without you because you are bowing out due to mental exhaustion.

Again, let other people take on some minor decisions you have to make in a day. Dropping even small decisions, like what to cook for dinner, can take one more decision off your plate, which can help prevent mental fatigue.

Nine Habits to Overcome Mental Fatigue

It’s important to manage your mental fatigue. Here are some ways you can cope with this concern.

1. Get enough sleep to beat mental fatigue

A good night’s sleep reduces mental exhaustion. Most people can’t function well in less than eight hours of sleep a night. Try to keep a regular bedtime schedule. Avoid caffeine or alcohol too close to bedtime. Be sure your bedroom is a quiet, relaxing place to sleep.

2. Listen to relaxing music

A recent study found that listening to relaxing music while doing a mentally challenging task reduces mental tiredness.  Listening to soothing music while you’re working is a simple way to give your brain a break.

3. Exercise helps decrease mental fatigue

Exercise is invaluable for mental and physical health. Whether you walk at a brisk pace for 15 to 20 minutes or work out at a gym, doing exercise will improve your mental outlook and elevate your stress, increasing mental fatigue.

4. Take breaks

It may be hard to stop what you’re doing, but every day, take several short breaks to give your brain a little rest. Go for a walk outside or chat with your co-worker for a few minutes. Just be sure to talk about something besides work.

5. Eat well

Your diet contributes to your mental fatigue. High fat and sugar in your diet will cause you to gain weight. Carrying the extra pounds will make you feel sluggish and mentally tired. Eat a diet rich in fruits, wholesome vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains for maximum health and energy.

6. Relax

Are you someone who finds it hard to relax? Perhaps you feel guilty taking a day off of work to just chill. Constant work without time to relax adds up to mental fatigue. Allow yourself a day to enjoy life. Whether it’s playing a round of frisbee golf or shopping at the mall, you need time to relax and refresh your mind.

7. Hit delete

If you are the type of person who feels that you must finish everything on your to-do list, perhaps it’s time to accept the fact that you’ll never get it all done. Someone once said, “Only God gets everything done on his to-do list.”

It’s a funny saying, but a good lesson in remembering that you’re only human. Maybe it’s time to delete some items from your list. Ask yourself some questions to decide what is important on that to-do list, such as

  • Is what I want to do worth the time and energy it will take from me?
  • Will this feel as important in a week? A month? A year?
  • Is this a need or a want?
  • If I remove this action from my list, will it change anything in my life?

8. Journaling

Writing in a journal is a helpful tool for overcoming mental fatigue. It can help you work out problems, deal with fears and other concerns. As you reread what you wrote several weeks back, it will give you perspective on life and what you’re thinking and feeling.

9. Get a check-up if your mental fatigue continues

If you constantly struggle with mental fatigue, make an appointment with your health care provider for a complete check-up. You may have an underlying health condition that is causing your mental fatigue. Health conditions that lead to psychological and physical fatigue include:

  • Thyroid problems
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Allergies
  • Sleep apnea
  • Autoimmune disorders


(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

11 Quotes To Remember When Life Is Unfair

Sometimes, it seems that life just doesn’t go our way no matter how hard we try. We can do everything in our power to make something work, but life might have different plans. Many of us feel as though we have no control over our lives, and while that might hold some truth to some extent, we do have the power to control how we react to situations. The next time you feel frustrated or at the end of your rope over something in life, just remember the following quotes to keep things in perspective. Here are 11 quotes to remember.

11 Quotes To Remember When Life Is Unfair

1. Sometimes you just need to talk to a four year old and an 84 year old to understand life again. – Kristen Butler

quotes to remember

2. Whatever you do, never run back to what broke you. – Frank Ocean

quotes to remember

3. If you have nothing to be grateful for, check your pulse.

quotes to remember

4. Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come.

quotes to remember

5. When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. When life is bitter, say thank you and grow.

quotes to remember

6. Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.

quotes to remember

7. Every day is another chance to change your life.

quotes to remember

8. Look for something positive in every day, even if some days you have to look a little harder.


9. Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful.

quotes to remember

10. You have to live through the worst parts of life so you never take the best parts for granted.


11. Keep going…Difficult roads can lead to beautiful destinations.

quotes to remember

Related article: This Is The Most Important Question You’ll Ever Ask Yourself…

Here are a few things to remember when life seems unfair:


We all go through struggles in life – it’s inevitable. Think of how unsatisfying life would be without challenges, though. We would never grow and learn without going through hard times; we would simply walk around feeling stagnant and bored. Obstacles keep us on our toes, encourage us to change and continue to break through barriers, and not fall into a trap of comfort and complacency. Just because times seem tough now, does not mean they will remain this way for long. Just keep your eyes toward the sun, and you’ll eventually find that the shadows disappear behind you. Quotes to remember will help you stay positive.


A lot of times, we complicate life by resisting change. However, change keeps us afloat, helps us grow, and ensures that we continue evolving and learning important lessons. No one said change feels comfortable, but if it did, would it really be worth it? If you haven’t noticed, the best things happen in life when we reach a crossroads, when life seems so dark and depressing that we can’t imagine it getting any better. Usually, when you’ve reached your limit and can’t imagine going on any longer, this exasperation and desperation actually shows you the right path to take. Nothing good in life comes easily, but it wouldn’t feel nearly as satisfying if it just fell into your lap.


At any point in time, you have the power to control your life – no outside force decides what job you will take, where you will live, or what attitude you will have. Everything lies in your hands, so instead of fearing or denying this responsibility, embrace it. You don’t have to work at a job you hate, or live somewhere that doesn’t make your heart happy, or stay in a relationship just because it feels safe. The moment you notice yourself falling out of love with life, you need to step back and reevaluate what decisions you’ve made thus far.

Remember, feeling broken just means that we need to make better choices for ourselves, so give yourself the opportunity to do so. You deserve to feel happy, but sometimes, it takes some elbow grease and a total upheaval in life to get there.


Pain never goes on forever; if it did, we wouldn’t even know what happiness feels like. Just as we said before, life works in a realm of duality – we must feel sadness and despair to know joy, as frustrating as that might seem. Remember also that it’s okay to feel uncomfortable – instead of fighting these feelings, allow them to just pass through you. What you resist persists, so the longer you go to war with your innermost feelings, the longer they will linger. Embrace the pain, learn and grow from it, and thank it for teaching you valuable lessons. Pain can serve as a very valuable teacher if we accept it instead of condemning it and wishing it would leave us alone.


Oftentimes when we feel broken, we tend to just fixate on everything wrong in our lives instead of everything going right. Even if you can only feel thankful for getting out of bed this morning, extending gratitude toward life helps more goodness flow your way. If you focus your attention on everything going badly, guess what? You will only attract more of the same. Countless studies have linked gratitude with better relationships, improved health, a more optimistic attitude about life, and much more. These quotes to remember are just amazing to lead a positive life.

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