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If You See Crows Often, This May Be Why

If You See Crows Often, This May Be Why

Whenever an animal shows up repetitively, it is a spiritual sign to pay attention. Animal guides enter your life to give you messages from beyond and also reassure you that you are on the right path. So if you see crows often, the Universe is telling you something.

This raven-colored bird is associated with the great mysteries of life. If you keep seeing crows around, you need to pay extra attention to the messages they bring. The power sign of this bird brings mysticism. These birds are usually associated with dark omen and death in mythology. It is all how you choose to interpret their meaning. Whenever you read a message or symbolism, always remain in a positive light. If this bird is showing up, here are some of the signals it is relating to you.

Crows in Literature: How They Get A Bad Rap

Crows and humans have a dubious relationship. In literature, they’re often portrayed as a bad omen, an evil bird associated with witchcraft. Yet, these ebony-feathered birds are also revered for their cleverness. Few birds stir up as much emotion as this one does.

The black-winged bird merged in ancient drawings and writings as a potent sign. In an early Mesopotamian poem, they were said to be part of the great flood. Greek and Roman mythology personified the crow with the god Apollo who was said to have changed the crow’s feathers from white to black.

These creatures appear in South American, European, Scandinavian, and Celtic literature, often coupled with the raven, a bird that looks similar to the crow with an equally bad rap. Throughout history, crows are portrayed as spirits, divine messengers, a bad omen, or an exorcised spirit. These tricksters threaten humans like few other birds. Maybe it’s because they’re so much like us humans.

pop memeWhat Research Says About the Relationship Between Crows and Humans

Researchers suggest they’ve found many similarities between humans and crow behavior. Like humans, crows live in small family groups, yet often like to gather with a larger group of crows. They can adapt to a variety of habitats. You find these birds in rural farm areas and parking lots in the suburbs. They search for food with a keen ability to use whatever resources they need to grab a meal.

Historically, birds and humans have competed for food. Farmers found this bird so much of a nuisance they created the scarecrow to frighten the feathered marauders. Throughout history, during plagues and wars, this species acted as scavengers of the human dead. This behavior has made them the subject of many horror movies and books.

Common crow idioms

Today, we use common idioms about these birds in our everyday language. Here are several well-known expressions you may hear or use yourself.

  • As the crow flies: This phrase describes the most direct path to somewhere. It’s the path a bird would fly to get to the destination.
  • Getting up with the crows: If you’re getting up with these birds, it means you’re getting up ever early.
  • Crows feet: These little wrinkles on the outer edge of your eyes are supposedly the exact shape of the feet of birds.
  • Eat crow: This is to be humbled by something you said or did wrong.
  • Crowing about something: If you’re crowing about something, you’re bragging about it.

Hidden Meanings of Crow

Many people feel that these creatures represent hidden meanings. Seeing a group of birds can have different meanings depending upon who you listen to. Here is a list of some common thought hidden meanings of this bird:

  • Change or metamorphosis
  • Sharp insights
  • Adverse happening about to occur
  • Something good is about to happen
  • Dark omen if you dream about a crow, it could mean death or trouble
  • Good fortune if a crow crosses your path
  • If you have these specific birds in your dreams, it means there’s a good change ahead

Is The Crow Your Spirit Animal?

Many people believe that everyone has a spirit animal. Your spirit animal is the animal you most look and act like. If this bird is your spirit animal, it’s a sign of luck to you. It means you’re smart, maybe even tricky. This bird is seen as dominant in insight and having magical abilities.

crow as spirit animal
Learn ten ways to find your spirit animal.

Other spirit animal traits of the crow include:

  • Mystery-Maybe you are told you’re mysterious, dark or foreboding
  • Transformation-You may have gone through a significant transformation or recently found your destiny.
  • Very smart-If you’re considered sneaky, smart, and very clever.
  • Not afraid of new situations, bold
  • Mischievous- Have you been told you’re a trickster or impish? Maybe this creature is your animal spirit.

If this black-winged bird is your animal spirit, you may be seen as prophetic, able to tell people good or bad omens. If you think a crow is your spirit animal, you don’t worry too much about what people say about you. That’s because these birds are confident and feisty beings.

Debunking Myths About Crows

Myth 1: Crows have poor memories

These birds have superior memories to other birds. Similar to a dog or a squirrel, they hide their food and then get it later. Sometimes they move it two or three times, but they always remember where they hid it.

Myth 2: These birds make a sound like a cat

Crows have a distinct call or song. Some people think they sound as if they’re crying out if someone comes near their nest or food. They make a “caw-caw” sound.

Myth 3: Crows are always black

Youngsters look different from their adult parents. They have blue eyes and brownish feathers. Adult crows have black eyes, legs, and beak. Their feathers have an iridescence bluish, purplish, and greenish gleam to them. You can’t always see these colors unless the crow is in the sunshine.

Myth 4: This bird gets scared easily

Crows don’t get along well with humans. That’s because humans are the crows’ largest predator. However, they’re fearless when it comes to other birds and animals. They’ve even been known to chase after eagles and even dogs.

Myth 5: Crows are independent birds

These black birds stay with their mate for their entire life until they die. Both the male and female care for the eggs sitting on them.

Myth 6: Crows are picky eaters

These birds eat a variety of things, up to a one hundred different things appeal to their appetite. They eat worms, insects, food scraps from trash cans, seeds, and fruit.

Myth 7: Crows live in mostly in cities

Crows live everywhere, but they like rural areas best. They will live in cities if they have enough room to build their nests and gather in large groups, usually in parking lots or parks. They make their nests anywhere-trees, cliffs, tall buildings, or highway signs. The male and female crows build the nest together and take turns sitting on the eggs.

Myth 8: These birds don’t steal

Crows are notorious thieves. They observe other birds’ nests, waiting for the bird to fly away. Then the crow will swoop in to steal the nest’s eggs. They will also take food the mother bird gathers for her baby birds, grabbing it as soon as the mother drops it off at her nest.

Myth 9: Crows aren’t smart

Crows are brilliant birds. Their brains are bigger than all other birds except the parrot. Indeed, the ratio of their mind to their body is similar to a chimpanzee.

Myth 10: Crows can’t problem solve

People report seeing crows placing walnuts on the highway so that a car runs over them to crack them open. Then the crow swoops down and eats the meat of the nut. Some people have watched a crow use a stick to reach food.

Weird facts about Crows

crowCrows visit their dead

When a crow dies, a large group of the flock will gather around the dead bird. They do this, it’s thought, to learn how to survive in the place where their flockmate died. Even if there’s a lot of food in the area, they won’t return to that place if they see a dead bird.

Built-in babysitters

The teenage crows often help guard the nests of their parents. They will feed the parents and hunt food for the baby birds in the nest.

Crows make a variety of calls

Crows are well known for their familiar “caw-caw” sound. But they make different sounds depending on where they’re located. Plus, they have a unique call for their friends and relatives they used to signal them of danger or finding food.

Crows are good drivers

It’s been observed that these birds seem to understand how traffic lights work. You often see a crow swooping down onto the highway to grab a dead animal. They wait until the light is red to do this, and then when the light turns green, they fly away to remain on the side of the road until the light turns red again.

Crows hold grudges

A study in 2011 found that if these particular birds feel threatened by a person, they will remember that person’s face. When the person comes near them later on, the crow will angrily dive-bomb the individual. Others in the area will join in the attacks, even younger birds that may not have been around the first time the crow felt threatened.

Enemies of crows

Besides humans, owls, hawks, and ravens prey on this black bird. These larder birds can attack crows or their nests. Interestingly enough, crows will also attack or mob these same birds when they’re alone. Indeed, studies show that if crows are removed from an area, the population of those large prey birds will grow considerably. Thus crows are beneficial, especially in rural areas where livestock are being raised since hawks, ravens, and owls prey upon domestic animals.

Crows and humans have lived together for centuries. Though often misunderstood, crows are fascinating birds. Their intelligence, cleverness, and beneficial contributions to humans, make them good birds to have around your area. Who knows whether they really do bring good or bad luck, but the next time you observe a crow, be sure not to threaten it. Otherwise, he’ll hold a grudge against you.

spirit animal see snakes
If you see snakes often, this is what it means.

If You See Crows Often, This Is What It Means

1 – Change is coming

The crow connects with both positive and negative symbolism. This trickster of a bird shows up to let you know that things are ever-changing. Continue overcoming any obstacles.  Have you been asking for a deeper connection with your dreams and visions? Are you finding an imbalance in your life?

2 – You could be undergoing a considerable transformation.

Are you stopping your abundance (whether it be health, personal, or wealth) due to fear and anxiety? The bird’s mysticism and magic can aid in your quest. The crow’s medicine is a reminder that you are on the verge of manifesting whatever you have been creating in your mind. Allow those positive thoughts to guide you.

3 –  You’re on the verge of a creative breakthrough

You are feeling a robust creative surge and do not know how to bring it to the surface. The crow can bring prophetic gifts of insight. What’s stopping you from creatively opening up? Let the crow’s medicine help you reach your authentic power.

4 – There is an imbalance in your life.

Step back and take notes. The black bird is a sound symbolism of balance in dark and light. Even their feathers change shades with the sunlight. Just like the yin and yang, you need to find grounding in all aspects of life. Seeing one is a reminder that where there is dark, there is also the other side of light.

5 – Your tenacity and persistence will pay off.

These birds do not give up easily. They will pursue their target and get whatever they need when they need it. You are gradually shifting into your confident self.

6 – You will witness similar signs and synchronicity around you.

A visit from your spirit animal will guide you to continue opening up your vision. The bird is beckoning you to use your gifts of clairvoyance. Take flight and follow your dreams.

Related article: 12 Touching Stories That Show The True Soul Of Animals

butterfly memeFinal Thoughts on Why You See Crows So Often

As with any other animal totem, they show up at just the right moment in your life to guide and reassure you that you are on the right path. If you’ve lost touch with your child-like sense of wonder, this creature is a perfect teacher to remind you that magic exists all around you. If you see this black bird, know he is the master of illusion and the ancient symbol of prophecy.

Nothing is unreal as long as you can imagine like a crow” ~ Munia Khan

This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Wheatgrass Every Day

Wheatgrass is one of the most amazing natural foods that you can drink every day. In fact, the wellness benefits that it provides for your body are outstanding. Once people try the flavor of wheatgrass, it is not uncommon for them to crave sweet healthiness as a daily treat.

Fear is not something that should be on your mind when you try wheatgrass for the first time. Wheatgrass juice is a fresh, sweet, bright drink that will remind you of carrot juice but with more sunshine in it. Let’s look at what happens in your body when you drink wheatgrass juice every day.

This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Wheatgrass Every Day


There is a story told in the book Wheatgrass Nature’s Finest Medicine: The Complete Guide to Using Grasses to Revitalize Your Health, of someone healing themselves from colon cancer by drinking 8 oz of wheatgrass and by also using an anal cleanse of 8 oz of wheatgrass.

Wheatgrass is a healthy, vegan food that requires little energy to produce. In fact, you can grow it in your kitchen window, juicing daily. It gives you almost all of your nutritional needs in a tasty, sweet-flavored, fresh brink.

Preventing cancer is one of the best benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice daily. Wheatgrass contains chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is responsible for preventing the metabolic activation of cancer-causing agents in the body. The anti-mutagenic properties of wheatgrass juice are good for preventing your healthy cells from undergoing changes that make them become cancerous.

Furthermore, wheatgrass extracts contain significant amounts of phenolic compounds including flavonoids. The phenolic compounds of plants are responsible for antioxidant activity in the body, and they have the effect of reducing the incidence of cancer. Flavonoids also play a role in the regulation of cell activities.

Illnesses Helped By Drinking Wheatgrass Juice Every Day

Researchers studying the anti-cancer effects of wheatgrass say ‘Wheat germinated over six to ten days is generally called wheatgrass. During germination, vitamins, minerals, and phenolic compounds including flavonoids are synthesized in wheat sprouts, and wheat sprouts reach the maximum antioxidant potential. Wheatgrass contains vitamin C and E, ‘-carotene.’

The scientists say ‘Wheatgrass extract has an antioxidant activity, [it] inhibits proliferation of leukemia cells, and induces apoptosis; thus, this finding may represent a novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.’ Apoptosis is a type of cell death and cancer cells are resistant to death by apoptosis. Killing cancer cells with wheatgrass extract is a huge benefit of drinking this tasty juice every day.

The heath benefits that we have already mentioned for cancer prevention seem pretty outstanding for a sweet drink like wheatgrass juice, but there are even more health benefits that it can give your body.

Chronicles of Young Scientists Online says Wheatgrass juice ‘is a complete food and contains carbohydrates, proteins, all essential minerals, and vitamins. Wheatgrass therapy is recommended for patients suffering from chronic diseases such as asthma, atherosclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, joint pains, TB [tuberculosis], constipation, hypertension, diabetes, bronchitis, insomnia, eczema, sterility, hemorrhage, obesity, and flatulence. It is also useful in the treatment of cancer. The WGJ [wheatgrass juice] is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream and gives energy. On an empty stomach, it enters the bloodstream in about twenty minutes. The energy lasts throughout the day. It is practically a fountain of youth and found to have numerous health benefits.’ also says that these other disorders can be helped by drinking wheatgrass juice daily; ‘jaundice, menstruation, hydrocele [fluid accumulation], dysentery, mental debility [weakness], tooth problems, evacuation of bowels, and the cold-related problems.’


Nutrition From Drinking Wheat Juice Every Day

Wheatgrass juice contains the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin A is important for younger-looking, clear, healthy skin, and it can also improve eyesight.
  • B helps with digestion and may help with depression, insomnia, and anorexia as well.
  • C is also in the juice, which is a natural antibiotic. Vitamin C helps with gum, teeth, and bone health as well as helps healing from injuries.
  • E, which is helpful to women during pregnancy. It also helps in the treatment of sexual impotency, diabetes, cancer, heart disorders, and menstrual cycle irregularities.

When you drink this juice daily, you also get the benefit of digestive enzymes. These enzymes help a healthy body absorb all of the beneficial nutrition from your food.

Wheatgrass juice contains the following minerals:

  • Iron: Iron is ‘helpful in pregnancy, for excessive sweating, pale complexion, laziness and lethargy, and insomnia’
  • Calcium: Calcium strengthens the bones
  • Potassium: Helps prevent hypertension, helps mental health by reducing feelings of depression
  • Zinc: Good for prostate gland health and hair health, shine, and vitality
  • Sodium: Manages fluid levels in the body for proper water balance in cells.

6 Signs Your Partner Is Emotionally Draining You

There are times that when we fall in love, or start a new relationship, we are blinded to the toxic energy and intentions of the other person. Dr. Judith Orloff, author of Emotional Freedom, believes that there are several types of personalities that fall into the scope of emotional vampires. She says, “When encountering emotional vampires, see what you can learn. It’s your choice. You can simply feel tortured, resentful, impotent. Or, as I try to do, ask yourself, “How can this interaction help me grow?” They drain our energies. They take what they want and leave the person discarded and blindsided.

Here Are 6 Signs Your Partner Is Emotionally Draining You:

emotionally draining partner

1. The martyr-victim

This type of person sucks your energy while making you feel responsible for all that happens to them. They are the ones who use guilt to possess whatever they want from you. This is the person who uses old stories of the blame with a poor-is-me attitude trying to manipulate your life. If this is your new mate you can start by shifting the stories. Most victims do not like when the tables are turned. It’s all about them. Utilize their own scenarios. They can suck your positive energy out if you don’t stop them on their tracks.

2. The narcissist

These folks live in their own dimensional reality and the universe revolves around them at all times. Nothing else matters. They feed off the kindness of others. They will manipulate themselves into any situation, especially romantic ones. The narcissist is dangerous because they do not believe they have a problem. So, if your new date is late and doesn’t apologize, or when you call him/her on punctuality and the tables turn to make you feel like crap, this is the way they feed off emotions. They put themselves on some golden pedestal and expect you to worship them. Narcissist do not like boundaries. If you care to continue with this type of persona, then it’s up to you to call them out on their behavior as often as possible. Most likely they will go on to their next victim. Nothing enrages a Narcissist more than someone going against them.

3. The dictator

This type of person wants to control you. He or she will obsess over everything you do and make you feel bad for not doing it their way. This controller is not open for suggestions. They know what’s best for you and you better do to their liking. They will feed on souls who have traumas and utilize past events to manipulate you. Do not share too much of yourself because this type of person has no problem being “honest” and bullying their way to making you do things you do not want to do. Stand up for what you believe. When they feel that they cannot control you they will find a way to leave your side.

4. The paranoid partner

This vampire lives off creating scenarios that do not exist. They will blame you for putting them in harm, making them crazy, and driving them to do things that are unnatural. The paranoid borderline personality will make you feel like you are on a roller coaster ride of horror. One moment they are happy and loving, the next they are saying things that make no sense. You will be blamed for going against them, humiliating them, and disrespecting them. They will be eluded from reality and use jealousy with much anger and resentment. This is a dangerous emotional vampire whose sociopath behavior will destroy everyone around them. They are not only emotionally unstable but can physically act on their emotions because they don’t trust anyone.

“Paranoid vampires don’t understand the concept of trust. They never seem to realize that trust is supposed to be in their own minds, rather than in the actions of other people. Consequently, if you’re close to one of these vampires, you’ll have to re-earn his or her trust every hour on the hour. This is especially true if your relationship is sexual. A Paranoid vampire’s idea of foreplay is 20 minutes of questioning about exactly what you were thinking the last time you made love.” ~  Albert J. Bernstein, Emotional Vampires: Dealing With People Who Drain You Dry

5. The drama queen or king

This type of vampire will create a dramatic play out anything just to get attention. A small disagreement can turn into a bloody war. They feed off the energy of anyone who gives them power and attention. The Drama Queen/King will add on to anything that you like to make it theirs. They have very little sense of boundaries and perception of what is not theirs. They gossip and create stories that will belittle you while making themselves in the protagonist.

6. The sexual seducer

These vampires use lust as their weapon of choice. They feed on those who have low self-esteem. They appear as charmers and sweet talkers. Beware of their behavior when you try to take things slowly. They will force themselves on you by using your faults and imperfections. These are chauvinistic souls who use sex as their way of getting things. They rarely fall in love. They fall in and out of seductive relationships without ever looking back. And, it’s always another person’s fault. They never take responsibility for their actions.

Each one of these vampires feeds on insults, accusations, blame, vulnerability, bigotry, judgment, and manipulation. If it doesn’t feel right in a new relationship, it’s not right. Listen to your internal feelings. Emotional vampires are toxic. They will destroy everything and anything around them to get what they want. Most of these folks are secretive, vindictive, and intelligently cunning. They are con artists and thieves of emotions. Do not allow another to dictate your worth or rob you of your joy.

emotionally draining partner

7 Ways To Protect Yourself If You Have An Emotionally Draining Partner

Take these steps to protect your well-being if any of the above describe someone in your life.

1. Tough love

Practice tough love with your partner. If they get angry at you, don’t allow their anger to manipulate you into acting. Tell them you will not cover up for them or respond to their taunts. They need to understand the consequences of their actions. You can express concern for their behavior and encourage them to change, but don’t beg. They need to resolve their own issues.

2. Don’t engage with your emotionally draining partner

Refuse to engage in a conversation with an emotionally draining partner who is being disrespectful. If they’re being disrespectful, refuse to respond. Walk away. When they settle down, you can explain how they affected you. Set boundaries. If they get hostile, leave. Don’t put yourself in a dangerous situation.

3. If necessary, emotionally detach

It’s difficult to detach yourself from someone you love, but you may need to pull away to deal with your feelings of confusion and to figure out what to do. Accept that things are broken in the relationship. It’s not selfish to protect yourself from someone who is hurting you.

4. Focus on the positive things

Focus on what is positive in the situation. Perhaps your partner is listening to your concerns. Or perhaps they’ve agreed to go to a counselor. Being positive doesn’t mean you’re don’t feel sad or angry about the situation. Weirdly, you need these negative feelings to get through a difficult situation. It helps you learn about yourself and how to get through them. Researchers suggest that emotionally healthy people can have negative emotions, but they’re able to bounce back from them faster. This is resilience.

5. Embrace imperfection

Relationships are messy. It’s surprising when your partner isn’t exactly who you thought they would be. Perhaps they’re going through an especially difficult time at work and not handling it well. They may be short-tempered with you. It’s important to step back and try to understand what’s going on with them.  You should gently, but firmly, tell them they need to stop blaming you for their problems at work. After everything settles down at work, be sure to talk and ask them about their behavior. Perhaps they were modeling the way their parents acted in difficult situations. Going through these hard situations can strengthen your relationship if you embrace the imperfections and work together.

6. Understand that an emotionally draining partner may not change

Remember, no matter how much you try to help your emotionally draining partner, they may not change. They may have emotional ups and downs all the time. They may be controlling. Perhaps you saw glimpses of this before your relationship but didn’t understand the extent of these issues. You can treat them with love and respect, but hold your boundaries against their hurtful attitudes.

7. Cut yourself some slack

Don’t be too hard on yourself. An emotionally draining partner can be exhausting to live with. You may try everything you know to accommodate them. Be sure to keep yourself physically and emotionally healthy. Acknowledge that you’re in a difficult situation. Remind yourself that you don’t have all the answers, but you can take it one day at a time.

emotionally draining partner

Final Thoughts on Dealing with an Emotionally Draining Partner

If you’re in an emotionally draining relationship, be sure to get help outside yourself. Talk with your pastor or a counselor about what you should do. You need support to stay emotionally healthy and strong.

This Is How Curiosity Changes Your Brain

Lifelong learning is one of the benefits of having a curious mind; now science can show us what happens in your brain when you’re learning. Our own sphere of our world is so small but it has much to offer our curious minds.

Expanding our circle of learning to other people, cultures, countries, continents, and the universe creates even more opportunities for gaining knowledge. A curious mind is a healthy mind and here are the things that are happening to your brain when you are curious.

These Things Happen to Your Brain When You Are Curious

Curious Brains In The Classroom

As children in school, we learned to sit still, listen, and pay attention to the teacher. According to a paper presented at East Carolina University, the downside to a classroom learning environment is ‘In a sedentary classroom led primarily by electronic communication, we can find that students stop exploring and instead are only memorizing. Students may forget the importance or value of asking why, how, and what. Instead, many accept what they hear to be truth or fact. Using curiosity, the brain can be a very powerful tool that can promote increased memory and enjoyment in the learning process.’

Now that we are out of the classroom, we need to remember our childlike curiosity and ask questions; why, how, and what are good questions to start with. Asking questions of people around us also helps us to connect with others while we learn.

The Desire To Understand Our World

Humans have modified our world dramatically since our arrival on this planet. Part of these tremendous changes are due to our drive to know deeply and understand how and why things work. Armed with knowledge, we are able to take action and make changes to adapt the environment to meet our needs.

One of the important reasons that we are curious is to reduce uncertainty. As an adaptation, the more knowledge we have, the safer we are. For example, learning about a tiger if we are in its native territory helps us to avoid being killed by it.

You may recall in our recent article that serotonin also plays a role in learning and memory. Decreased serotonin, for example in people suffering from depression, causes memory and learning to suffer as a result.

Related article: 5 Ways to Increase The Serotonin In Your Brain

Stress can also affect our ability to learn. says ‘Surprisingly, memory can also be impaired (meaning that the brain is not stimulated enough) when stress is inadequate. This situation is often due to lack of movement (circulation) that causes the increased release of dopamine, which is the focus and memory neurotransmitter.’

We gather information through our senses; sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell help us to get the data we need to make decisions. When we are actively gathering information, we are curious and interested in learning.

In a study of curiosity, researchers looked at the activity in the brain when presented with topics that people were either interested in or not interested in. Researchers who scanned the brains of subjects with MRIs found:

  • People are better at learning information that they are curious about
  • Memory for other information presented during curious states also improved
  • Curiosity and anticipatory activity happens in the nucleus accumbens and midbrain
  • Memory benefits for incidental material depend on midbrain-hippocampus involvement

The nucleus accumbens is a center in the basal forebrain that is also important for motivation, pleasure, and reward. The nucleus accumbens also connects to the olfactory (sense of smell) center of the brain, which is why certain scents trigger memories for us.

The fact that the motivation center of the brain is active when we are curious means that learning serves as a type of reward for us. We enjoy the act of being curious.

The midbrain includes centers for vision and hearing. The hippocampus plays a role in both long-term, short-term memory and spatial abilities. All of these memory centers are active when we have the desire to learn.

In our recent article, we talked about how random thoughts or mind pops often links to memory and problem solving, as well as helping with creativity.

Related article: Why Random Thoughts Are Actually Important

The researchers in the curiosity study say ‘These findings suggest a link between the mechanisms supporting extrinsic reward motivation and intrinsic curiosity and highlight the importance of stimulating curiosity to create more effective learning experiences.’

The desire to learn makes it easier for us to retain information. In other words, you won’t remember it if you don’t care about it first. Becoming childlike again with our desire to discover and explore our world can help us to increase our knowledge base.

What Does Your Iris Reveal About Your Health?

Proponents of iridology claim that the iris of the eye can reveal a lot about a person’s emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health. Practitioners of iridology mainly use the practice as a preventative tool, an early warning system. The practice can also be useful in the evaluation of the healing process and for discovering signs of eventual health. It is common for practitioners to use the principles of iridology to gauge their health status in a multitude of areas.

The basic foundational principles of iridology are as follows:

  • The iris is an extension of the brain and consists of many thousands of nerve endings.
  • Each organ connects to the iris via the nervous system.
  • Every organ is encompasses a certain amount of space in either the left or right iris of the eye.
  • The physical appearance of the iris (patterns, colors, etc.) are a manifestation of each organ’s health.

Iris: A flat, colored, ring-shaped membrane behind the cornea of the eye, with an adjustable circular opening (pupil) in the center. –

What Does Your Iris Reveal About Your Health?

Related article: 5 Warning Signs Of Early Vision Loss

The iris itself is made up of very dense and straight lines that extend from the pupil to the outer rim of the eye. When these lines take on a shade similar to that of hardwood, vitality and recovery ability are believed to be strong. However, if these lines are loose and resemble softwood in color, it is believed that underlying health is weak.

It is also possible for these normally-fine lines of the iris to become distorted. When this happens, it is common for these lines to separate further from one-another. Called “markings,” these distorted lines can mean weak blood circulation and damage and/or poor health of a particular organ.

Color changes of the iris may also reveal potential health problems. For example, brown discolorations in blue or green eyes may indicate digestive system deterioration, weakness of the gall bladder, and/or liver problems.

When color of the iris changes from a bluish to brownish shade, the body may be having an allergic reaction of some kind. People with allergies involving the skin, respiratory system and digestive system commonly experience a similar color change.

White markings within the iris may indicate that an organ is inflamed, while grey or brown markings may indicate that an organ requires some type of strengthening or stimulation. It is common for organs that are inflamed to becoming chronically weak, during which time the white of the iris will take on a shade of grey. It is believed that the darker the grey area, the weaker the organ(s). Conversely, when an organ begins to heal, the grey coloration will convert back to its original white color.

Here are some of the more-common iridology discoveries:

  • Pupil reflex: Non-contraction of the pupil when exposed to bright light may indicate dullened reflexes, an overstimulated nervous system, or weakened adrenal glands.
  • Nerve rings: Circles or arcs of a white color may appear on the outer part of the iris. The appearance of these circles/arcs may indicate irritation or hypersensitivity of the nervous system.
  • Stomach area discoloration: When healthy, the stomach area of the iris is not visible. However, stomach irritation will generally result in the area bordering to the pupil turning white. Brown coloration of this area may indicate chronic stomach problems.
  • Intestinal area discoloration: A white intestinal area of the iris can indicate inflammation, ulcer or irritation. In this case, practitioners will often avoid certain products, including: gluten, spices, acidic foods and dairy products.
  • White outer ring: A thick, white ring on the iris’s outer parts may indicate excessive salt intake. So avoid sodium, drink plenty of water and ingest plenty of potassium, magnesium, and vitamin D. Supplementation of these vital minerals is also acceptable.
  • Dark outer ring: A dark ring at the outer part of the iris, called the “scurf rim.”  It may indicate unhealthy skin. It is also common for this symptom to indicate poor lung and/or kidney circulation.

7 Things A Strong Woman Will Never Tolerate In A Relationship

You’ve created a relationship with the strong woman in your life who loves you, but you might be wondering how to keep her buff heart bonded to yours. It can be a daunting task to allow a strong woman all the freedom she needs to spread her wings while making sure that her heart belongs to you alone.

This challenging balancing act is easier than it sounds if you can avoid some seriously unacceptable behavior. Let’s discuss seven things your strong woman will never tolerate in your relationship.

7 Things A Strong Woman Will Never Tolerate In A Relationship


1. Disrespect

Disrespect is a very broad category of behavior that a strong woman will not tolerate in a relationship. You may worry, but how will you know if you’ve disrespected her?

Disrespect for a strong woman could be anything from telling her that she throws ‘like a girl’ to disagreeing with her opinion in a derogatory way. It could be your disagreement that women deserve equal pay for equal work to your tone when you say something you thought was a compliment.

Following the Golden Rule is treating her how you would want to be treated. Even better than that is treating her how she wants to be treated. You aren’t a mind-reader, most likely, so the easiest way to avoid disrespecting her is to ask her how she would like to be treated.

2. Dominating the relationship

Control can be kinky sometimes in the bedroom. Still, when one partner totally dominates the balance of power, it puts a strong woman in a position of powerlessness, which she will never tolerate in a relationship.

Strong women know how to take the lead, when to be in control and when to be vulnerable and they can do all of it without you telling them what to do. To be in a relationship with a strong woman, you have to let her be in the drivers seat frequently.

3. Treating her with inequality

Treat the strong woman in your relationship as your equal in every way, and if she needs your help, trust her to ask for it. Make your relationship a level playing field, regardless of your income, education, ethnicity, gender, political affiliation, social status, etc. Your strong woman will appreciate the respect you’re giving her.


4. Breaking her boundaries

If a strong woman has already told you ‘No’ or ‘Don’t do that again’ once, you’d better be sure not to break her personal boundaries again. Women have been repressed as the weaker sex for a long time in our social norms, and as a result, strong women everywhere have had to stand up and demand that they do not tread on us.

A strong woman knows her personal limits, values, morals, and beliefs and she knows where to draw the line. Don’t push her boundaries, or you will feel her anger.

5. A negative attitude toward her suggestions

Everyone can have periods of negativity and. So they will reject their partner’s ideas. But a strong woman will never tolerate someone who is always negative about her wonderful suggestions.

6. Not supporting her dreams or her heart

‘There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer’ – Marilyn Monroe

Do not think that a strong woman will continue to tolerate a partner without interest in helping her achieve her dream. For that matter, she doesn’t want you to stomp on her heart either. Support her desires or a strong woman will look to leave the relationship.

Researchers studying men’s and women’s psychological well-being in relationships found that supportive relationships are less psychologically distressful while strained relationships are associated with anxiety and distress.

Not being supported is stressful for both men and women, however, researchers also found that the strong women were more socially active than men, which meant that they would have had even higher stress levels if they didn’t have the emotional support of their friends.

7. Emotional constipation

Just let it out already. In a study of women in lesbian relationships, most strong women wanted the independence of decision-making and communicating emotions to form a deep, intimate connection to their partner. These two qualities are also desirable in a relationship with a firm heterosexual woman.

Women possess higher emotional intelligence than most men do. As a result, they pick up on the subtle body language, tone, and verbal cues that reveal hidden emotions.


Final Thoughts on the Things Women Don’t Tolerate in a Relationship

Women are also strong because they do most of the emotional work in a relationship. That is, women seek to help their romantic partner express negative emotions, understand the reasons for the feelings, and help return their partner to a positive emotion.

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