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11 Behaviors Men Show When They’re Truly in Love

11 Behaviors Men Show When They’re Truly in Love

How can you be sure your guy is genuinely in love with you? You may have sent a secret note in grade school for him to check yes, no, or maybe. As an adult, you’ll find that his actions indicate his feelings about the relationships better than his words.

An attractive man sees you from across the room and smiles. Perhaps he will come over and introduce himself to you, and then you’ll know he’s attracted to you. At this point, it’s a physical attraction, not anything more profound.

Many people don’t realize that love is a choice, not just an emotion. When a person falls for you, they know everything about you. They see you at your best and worst, but they choose you regardless. Conversely, infatuation is a self-motivated emotion that doesn’t come with a deep connection.

Of course, you should be attracted to one another as you don’t want someone who repulses you. However, true love is work and takes time and dedication. How do you know if a man has genuinely given you his heart or is just fascinated with your beauty?

The New Testament offers a relevant definition of love to consider. St. Paul wrote that it was patient, kind, and not arrogant. It’s not irritable or resentful, and it rejoices in the truth. In 1 Corinthians 13:13, we learn that love is the greatest of all gifts.

NOTE: If you are a man wondering about the traits a woman in love might display, please see our companion article. Because male and female behaviors sometimes differ, we gave them each a closer look at the topic. We also acknowledge that these are only eleven possible relationship behaviors, and every person will behave uniquely.

Eleven Signs A Man is Truly in Love With You

Several hit songs contemplate whether a man is in love with you, as matters of the heart can be confusing. Have you made a connection and wondered if it’s the real deal? These are eleven ways men show that they’re genuinely in love.


1. A Man in Love Likes to Stay Close to You (within reason)

To be attracted to someone means you want to be close to them. Men in love will often use any excuse to be at your side. They want to sit close during dates and be cozy on the sofa.

You’ll notice that their hand lingers as it holds yours, and they crave your touch. Of course, a thoughtful boyfriend respects your boundaries and won’t smother you. Their physical closeness often represents the loving bonds of your relationship.

2. When You Talk, Someone Who Desires a Relationship Actively Listens

How can someone be in a relationship if they don’t listen to you? If your potential boyfriend tunes you out whenever you want to talk, they’re not serious. You can tell when a guy is truly in love when they actively listen.

Hearing you speak isn’t the same as genuinely listening to you. Men with “selective” hearing don’t want to be involved in conversations. According to a study published by the Journal of Family Psychology, active listening leads to greater relationship satisfaction.

Does your man maintain proper eye contact and avoid interrupting when you’re talking? Active listening also involves receptive body language and empathizing with the speaker’s emotions. They’re probably enamored if they are interested in your thoughts and ideas.

3. A Man in Love Will Introduce You to Their Circle of Friends

It’s no secret that male bonding is essential to a man’s mental and social well-being. Guys usually bond over experiences and don’t often confide in each other as women do. Your mate probably gets together with his buddies for fun, laughter, and mutual support.

Men also have the habit of teasing each other about potential partners. Some guys like to keep their buddies and their amour interests separate. A man truly adores you when they proudly introduce you to their family and friends.

4. They Keep in Touch with You

There’s no way to have a meaningful relationship if you and your partner don’t communicate. Smitten men don’t leave their lady clueless for days at a time. They’ll send you loving texts and call to see how your day goes.

When you awaken in the morning, they’re the first to greet you with loving words. If either of you is out of town, they check in with you to see how you’re doing. They are genuinely happy when you call or message them.

5. They’re Interested in Your Life

Have you ever been in a one-sided relationship where they only care about themselves? Fellows like that dominate the conversation with their opinions, experiences, and achievements. Your thoughts and aspirations are usually put on the back burner.

Conversely, a guy who cherishes you values your thoughts and wants to know your heart. They are sincerely interested in what’s happening in your daily life, even the most minor details. It should be important to them if it’s essential to you.

Your partner knows where you work, but do they understand what you do? Do they display a keen interest in your past or the activities you enjoy? A genuine partner also wants to know about and participate in your life.

6. They Make Compromises in the Relationship

Relationships are a two-way street where both partners give and take. When your partner insists on doing everything their way, it’s not fair to you. Although you’re a couple, you still maintain your individual opinions and preferences.

While some are non-negotiable, you can find a middle ground for many others. A loving guy is willing to make compromises to make you happy and stronger as a couple.


7. They Make You Feel Safe

As a modern woman, you don’t strive to be the “damsel in distress.” However, every woman likes to feel safe in her man’s arms. You need to know that he will defend you even when it comes to family and friends.

You’re entirely at ease when you share what’s on your mind. He’ll listen without judgment and will be on your side. Security and trust are vital to your relationship.

8. They Try to Make Your Life Easier

Life can be exhausting even for the strongest person. Isn’t it a blessing to have someone who makes it a little easier? A loving fellow is concerned for your well-being and tries to brighten your day in every way possible.

For example, they may do the grocery shopping or run errands to give you some time to relax. They may get up early and make breakfast so you can sleep in a bit. These little acts of affection show how much his heart belongs to you.

9. A Man in Love Sees You as a Couple

Isn’t it odd how quickly two people can go from individuals to couples? When your guy is genuinely smitten with you, they refer to you as a “we.” Listen when they discuss the future and see if you’re included.

It’s no longer what’s best for “me” but what’s best for “us.” Your connection is paramount, and you make important decisions together.

10. They Choose Gifts Thoughtfully

Everyone appreciates occasional tokens of affection, especially if you’re a couple. Not only do you enjoy gifts on holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries, but also ones that are “just because.” A gentleman who knows your heart will also know what gifts please you the most.

It’s not the price tag that counts but the thoughts behind it. They consider what you like and want to make you smile.

11. They Are Quick to Apologize if They Damage Your Trust or the Relationship

Nobody is perfect; even the best partners can say or do something hurtful. A man smitten with you will quickly apologize if they offended you. They don’t try to define their actions or shift the blame over to you as some toxic people would do.

Harvard Medical School published an excerpt from a paper by Marsha L. Wagner that discusses the power of apology. It acknowledges the perceived offense as harmful, and the offender takes responsibility. Then, they try to make amends and never repeat the offense.

When your partner does something to offend you, how do they respond? Is their apology sincere, and do they want to make amends? These are the actions of a responsible adult who shows how much they adore you.


Final Thoughts on How to Spot a Man in Love (even in a newer relationship)

Everyone deserves to be with someone madly, deeply in love with them. It goes beyond casual friendship. When you see your man’s true intentions, you won’t be afraid to offer him your heart. Perhaps you’ve found your soul mate.

How to Improve Your Gut Health in Under 30 Minutes a Day

Cultivating gut health ensures that your body can properly absorb and assimilate nutrients from food. You might often hear about fiber, but it takes more than that alone.

Your gut, also known as your gastrointestinal system (GI), helps digest food and extracts essential nutrients to use as fuel for the body.

When the digestive system functions optimally, you will have consistent energy levels and regular bowel movements. Food also digests more efficiently with minimal gas and bloating. However, digestion becomes sluggish and sometimes painful when you have unhealthy gut bacteria. You may notice more discomfort and irregularity with bowel movements.

Whether or not you have a healthy gut microbiome boils down to the diversity of bacteria populating the digestive system. In other words, the more diverse your microbiome, the healthier your GI system will be.

Tens of trillions of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses, reside in our digestive systems. Most of these microbes live in the large intestine, while only about 10,000 populate the small intestine. Humans have similar bacteria in approximately one-third of their gut microbiome. The remaining microbes differ from person to person based on genetics and environmental factors.

We inherit most of our gut bacteria from our parents. However, the remaining 10% of our gut microbiome depends on our diet and lifestyle factors, such as smoking status and physical activity levels. Even though we can only change a small percentage of our microbiome, it’s encouraging to know we can positively influence our gut health.

How Gut Health Affects Overall Well-being
gut health

So, how does our microbiome impact our health? Believe it or not, our gut health plays a role in almost every function in the body. In addition to digesting and assimilating nutrients from our food, the gut houses 70% of our entire immune system. Microbes communicate with immune cells and influence the body’s response to threats like infections. Therefore, if we want to improve our health, it all begins in the gut.

Gut health shapes our physical and psychological health in numerous ways. Our microbiome controls these aspects of health, among many others:

  • Weight control. Studies show that having an imbalance of healthy and unhealthy gut microbes, or gut dysbiosis, can cause weight gain.
  • Brain health. Emerging research discovered a link between gut health and the central nervous system, which impacts brain functioning. Most of our neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, reside in the gut rather than the brain. Since millions of nerves connect these two vital organs, it’s easy to see how gut health influences mental well-being. In fact, many studies have found that those with psychological disorders have different gut bacteria compared to healthy people.
  • Heart health. The gut microbiome promotes optimal levels of HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Certain unhealthy bacteria convert nutrients found in red meat and other animal products to TMAO, a chemical that contributes to clogged arteries. This molecule can cause life-threatening conditions such as heart attacks or strokes. However, other healthy species found in probiotics, such as Lactobacilli, may reduce LDL cholesterol.

Gut health might sound complicated, but anyone can improve their digestive system by following the fundamental pillars of health. For example, nutrient-dense foods and positive habits can naturally add beneficial bacteria to your microbiome.

How to Boost Gut Health In Just Thirty Minutes a Day

Below, we’ll give you a few simple tips on how to restore your gut bacteria quickly.

1. Eat a Balanced, Diverse Diet With Fiber.

The microbiome thrives on an assortment of fresh foods containing plenty of fiber. Fiber-rich foods such as sweet potatoes, legumes, beans, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables promote the growth of gut-benefiting bacteria like Bifidobacteria.

2. Include Fermented, Probiotic Foods in Your Diet.

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, and yogurt have an abundance of healthy bacteria, particularly Lactobacilli. This bacteria can alleviate gastrointestinal conditions like diarrhea, constipation, and inflammatory bowel disease.

3. Minimize Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners.

Some evidence suggests that artificial sweeteners such as aspartame cause high blood sugar. They trigger the growth of harmful bacteria like Enterobacteriaceae in the microbiome, resulting in elevated insulin levels. Regular sugar also creates an imbalance between good and bad gut bacteria. One study on mice found that a high-sugar diet made them more vulnerable to obesity and other metabolic diseases.

4. Eat More Prebiotics to Support Gut Health.

Probiotics refer to bacteria, while prebiotics are the undigestible carbohydrates they eat. Prebiotic-rich foods also have abundant fiber and include artichokes, onions, whole grains, apples, bananas, and asparagus.


5. Consume Plenty of Whole Grains.

Whole grains have tons of fiber and can improve gut health by increasing Bifidobacteria, an essential species for reducing inflammation. Whole grains also contain beneficial carbohydrates called beta-glucan, aiding weight loss and reducing overall disease risk

6. Consider Following a Vegan or Vegetarian Diet.

One study found that vegetarian diets may help reduce levels of unhealthy bacteria, such as E. coli, inflammation, and cholesterol.

7. Eat More Foods With Polyphenols.

Polyphenols are potent antioxidants in foods and beverages like green tea, coffee, dark chocolate, whole grains, and olive oil. They promote gut health because beneficial bacteria break them down, encouraging the growth of more gut-friendly organisms

8. Take Antibiotics Sparingly to Keep Good Gut Health.

While antibiotics have their place in modern medicine, they can also wreak havoc on gut health. Unfortunately, they kill both good and bad microbes, and healthy bacteria may not reemerge for years. Since antibiotics cause gut dysbiosis, they may also contribute to weight gain and immune suppression. Therefore, only take antibiotics when necessary.

9. Limit Alcohol Consumption.

While moderate red wine consumption can improve gut health due to polyphenol content, most alcohol negatively impacts digestion. Excessive alcohol intake can cause gastritis, heartburn, ulcers, bacterial infections, and other unpleasant conditions. Research also shows that alcohol can contribute to intestinal inflammation, which alters the microbiome.

10. Exercise Regularly.

Any activity can protect your health, even if you only have time to walk around your neighborhood. A 2014 study found that athletes had significantly more diverse gut microbiota than sedentary adults. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity each week, including at least two days of weight training.

gut health

Final Thoughts on Ways to Increase Beneficial Gut Health

Scientists have only begun to understand the complexity and function of the microbiome. Research shows that gut health impacts every facet of well-being, from heart health to blood sugar control. While genetics primarily determines our gut bacteria, we can alter our microbiome by following the pillars of health. Eating plenty of fresh, whole foods and fiber, exercising regularly, and limiting alcohol consumption can improve digestive health.

8 Things You’ll Only Understand if You’re a Pisces

People born under the zodiac sign Pisces have huge imaginations and often get lost in their thoughts. They sometimes feel overwhelmed by the fast pace of life and retreat into their minds as an escape. People see them as whimsical, fanciful individuals who rely on creative outlets to express their emotions.

Pisces can feel misunderstood and lost in our overly logical world, so art and music have a special appeal to them. They may have difficulty explaining their feelings to others because of how deep their emotions run. Their heightened sensitivity can make them feel vulnerable, so they normally don’t open up easily.

However, Pisces makes excellent friends because of their ability to empathize with others. If you have a Pisces friend, you can attest to their loyalty and kind-heartedness.

8 Things Only a Pisces Will Understand

Pisces move through the world differently than most, living through their hearts rather than minds. But this makes them raw, authentic, and beautiful people who try to see the best in others. The dreamers of the zodiac have so much to offer the world if we take the time to understand their caring nature.


1.             They need plenty of time alone.

Like the other two water signs, Pisces requires ample solitude to decompress from the world’s hectic energy. As highly sensitive individuals, Pisces can only stand the chaos for so long before they make an escape plan. After work or on the weekends, you’ll catch them hanging out in nature or curled up with a good book.

Pisces keeps a close circle of friends who enjoy similar interests, such as hiking, drawing, and creative endeavors. However, they usually shy away from large crowds and noisy places that drain their energy.

2. Pisces love to daydream and have rich inner worlds.

People born with this horoscope find the real world oppressive and overly regimented most of the time. Every time they try to fit in, their true nature comes to the surface and urges them to carve their own path.

Pisces love to spend their free time writing, painting, listening to music, or anything else that connects them to their emotions. When the world stresses them out, they tune back into themselves to find meaning and strength.

3. They crave affection but have a deep fear of getting hurt.

Regarding relationships, Pisces take their time getting to know someone before putting their hearts on the line. They’re one of the zodiac’s most romantic signs and feel best in relationships. However, they don’t give their love away to just anyone.

Since people often take advantage of their kind, nurturing nature, they’ve learned to be selective about relationships with others. They may seem aloof and uninterested initially, but they will open up once you’ve earned their trust.

4. They’re fiercely independent.

Even though Pisces adore their family, friends, and romantic relationships, they prefer spending time alone. They’ve always felt different and out of place, not quite sure where they belong. However, they don’t need to worry about impressing others or earning validation in their own company.

Relationships can sometimes overwhelm them because of people’s expectations, so they find solace in being alone. They’re loving and nurturing but only have so much energy to pour into others. Solitude allows them to find inner peace and balance in a demanding world.


5. They have a heightened intuition.

Water signs rely on intuition rather than reason and logic in life. They “know” things without needing a detailed explanation or a list of facts to prove themselves. People who know them can attest to their psychic abilities, such as reading someone’s energy and sensing their intentions. They also use this ability to empathize with people and assist them however they can.

6. They’re old souls.

Many Pisces feel like they’ve reincarnated thousands of times before on this planet. Because of this, they often seem disinterested in the thrills of the modern world and prefer more peaceful activities. These old souls are inclined to explore spirituality and mysticism because it answers life’s most profound questions.

They always search for the highest truth and try to remain authentic in everything they do. They don’t care about going along with the crowd and live by their highest truth, even if they must walk alone.

7. Pisces are incredibly generous people.

Water signs are some of the most empathetic, giving people you will ever meet. The twelfth sign of the zodiac will offer the shirt off their back without hesitation if you need it. They try to do everything from a selfless mindset and have high standards for themselves. This sign cares deeply about others and desires to eliminate as much suffering as possible. If you have this sign as a friend, consider yourself lucky because they have so much love to offer.

8. They go with the flow.

Pisces have an uninhibited nature and flow effortlessly with the changing seasons of life. They don’t feel the need to control or resist anything and open themselves up to whatever life brings. As a mutable sign, they quickly adapt to new situations and rise to meet any challenge. Like water, they flow through life and remain flexible despite any obstacles. They know the tides will carry them where they need to go, so they don’t fight the currents.


Final Thoughts on Unique Traits That Only Pisces Will Understand

Water signs like Pisces are often misunderstood because of their complex, rapidly changing emotions. While water can seem calm on the surface, there’s so much going on that most people don’t see. This perfectly describes the twelfth sign of the zodiac, which keeps most of their feelings locked away.

They don’t open up easily unless they can fully trust someone with their deepest secrets. Therefore, Pisces tends to spend plenty of time alone to gather their thoughts. However, when you finally get to know this water sign, they will instantly charm you with their kind hearts and beautiful souls. As the dreamers of the zodiac, they remind us to appreciate the divine nature of existence.

7 Ways to Release Body Shame

Body shame usually refers to others saying humiliating or critical things about someone’s body. However, bodyshaming can also be self-directed statements if a person feels unconfident or unhappy in their skin.

Unfortunately, many people today suffer from low self-esteem because of unrealistic expectations. They see beautifully sculpted, perfect bodies in the media and believe they’re inferior if they don’t look like them.

However, they must remember that these bodies have been digitally altered most of the time. Also, celebrities have hair and makeup artists working around the clock to ensure they look flawless. In other words, they have the money to spend on vanity and work hard to perpetuate this image of themselves. It doesn’t have a solid foundation, making people get caught in the comparison trap.

Looking within oneself is the only way to have confidence and a healthy self-image. You’ll always find disappointment if you compare yourself unnecessarily to others. But it’s easier said than done to let go of societal expectations and judgments about yourself. Below, we’ll teach you a few tricks to finally release body shame and find self-acceptance.

Seven Ways to Liberate Yourself From Body Shame

body shame

1. Embrace Your Individuality.

Body shame happens when you don’t stop appreciating the beauty within you. Society teaches women, in particular, that another hair product, lipstick, or plastic surgery will make them happier. The media bombards us with images of celebrities constantly, distorting our idea of what beauty means. We’re taught to compare ourselves to people to see how we measure against them. But we can never feel content by searching for our identity in someone else.

It’s time to own your uniqueness and love everything about yourself. Love your stretch marks, beauty marks, freckles, and body hair. Please don’t apologize for being human; life’s too short to feel sorry for existing. You deserve to take up space and show people your most authentic self. Leave body shame at the door because you’re already perfect the way nature made you.

2. Reimagine Your Definition of Beauty.

What does beauty mean, anyway? People have so many definitions and can’t seem to agree on one. After all, they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That means you don’t have to live up to someone else’s expectations of beauty. You get to create your own idea of what makes you feel beautiful. Focus on everything you love about yourself instead of what you dislike, and the body shame will melt away.

3. Become Friends With Your Body to Release Body Shame.

Bodyshaming occurs as a natural consequence of a society obsessed with perfection. People never feel good enough and want to change something about themselves constantly. There’s nothing wrong with self-development, but it should come from a place of love rather than self-hatred. Unfortunately, most men and women feel pressured to look a certain way so that people will accept them. That inferiority complex can drive people to extreme measures in some cases.

For instance, studies have found that bodyshaming can lead to eating disorders and mental illnesses. It can even cause weight gain because people internalize stress associated with fat-shaming, causing poor metabolic health. Conversely, some people can be cruel to naturally thin people, mocking them for their healthy metabolism–that is equally as damaging.

To combat this tragic epidemic, we as a society need to practice self-love and compassion. It starts within ourselves, so block out all the negative programming you’ve learned over the years. Remember your true nature as eternal love and bliss, and forget the ignorant ideas which promote sickness in the world.


4. Express Gratitude For Your Body Daily.

Each day you wake up, remember to give thanks for your body and health. Getting caught up in self-loathing is easy, but gratitude immediately counters negative thoughts. Make it a habit of counting your morning blessings before starting your day. You can either keep a gratitude journal or write positive affirmations to enhance feelings of thankfulness in your heart.

5. Practice Positive Affirmations to Release Body Shame.

Bodyshaming occurs when our predominant thoughts focus on negative aspects of ourselves and others. Most of these thoughts stem from our environment and social influences. But we can’t always escape circumstances in life or control who we interact with. So, if you can’t change your environment, try to shift your attention to self-improvement. By making your inner world peaceful and loving, you can create a more positive atmosphere that will create a ripple effect on others.

6. Remember That Skinny Doesn’t Always Equal Healthy.

It’s no secret that we have an obesity epidemic on our hands. Being overweight can lead to numerous health problems, but being underweight has its own negative consequences. Skinny people may suffer from malnourishment or osteoporosis, for instance. The glorification of being skinny also causes eating disorders and psychological problems in millions of women worldwide.

Remember that other people don’t determine your value when you feel unworthy of love or acceptance. Feel good enough for yourself, and don’t worry about what others have to say.

7. Focus on Your Inner Beauty to Stop Bodyshaming.

We focus far too much on our outer beauty in modern society. We spend so much time pampering and catering to our bodies, but what about our minds and souls? They also need nourishment and attention but don’t get nearly enough. Beauty fades eventually, but a beautiful heart and spirit live on eternally. Focus on purifying yourself from the inside out, and you will know the true meaning of beauty.

body shame

Final Thoughts on Ways to Stop Bodyshaming

Do you body shame yourself more often than you’d like to admit? If so, you don’t have to feel ashamed or embarrassed because many people engage in self-destructive behaviors. However, getting stuck in negative thinking about yourself will only cause more pain in the long run.

When you feel ready, you can leave body shame behind by practicing self-love and compassion. Embrace your uniqueness, and don’t get caught up in the comparison game. You have so much to offer the world, but you must get out of your way first. Love your body and mind, and the rest will follow.

5 Ways Your Life Improves if You Forgive Your Toxic Parents

We can’t choose who brings us into this world; unfortunately, some have toxic parents. They may not mean to make their children’s lives miserable, but they can unknowingly cause lasting psychological and emotional trauma.

Most parents want the best for their kids and try their hardest to provide them with a stable life. However, if you’re a parent, you know the journey of raising children isn’t a walk in the park. It requires many sacrifices to give a child what they need to succeed. Sometimes, the pressures of life can become too overwhelming, and you find yourself taking out stress on your children.

Children can resent their parents if problems don’t get worked out. No one’s relationship with their parents is perfect, but sweeping issues under the rug only makes things worse. Sadly, this scenario happens to many families and can leave children with severe mental scars.

However, forgiving toxic parents can help put things into perspective and remind you that they’re only human. It’s important to remember that everyone here is struggling in their own way. Parents have one of the most challenging jobs in the world, and that doesn’t excuse poor behavior. But it does make it easier to have compassion when you put yourself in their shoes.

Plus, forgiving abusive parents allows you to release a massive weight off your shoulders. If you are bogged down by the past, let us show you the benefits of letting go.

Five Ways Your Life Improves By Forgiving Toxic Parents

toxic parents

1.  It Allows You To Move On From Painful Memories.

If you have dealt with trauma in the past, you may find it difficult to move forward. The memories seem to haunt you as if they’ve become part of your persona and self-image. Many people absorb the trauma and identify with it because they don’t know anything else. Our environment and upbringing shape us, so it’s challenging to disassociate from the past.

But forgiving toxic parents allows you to see the bigger picture and move on. You tell yourself they did the best they could, and now you can build a new life as an adult. Your past doesn’t have to define you if you don’t allow it to, so give yourself this gift of rediscovery. Many people feel afraid to move on from trauma because they fear the unknown.

Who will they become without identifying with their past? That’s up to you, but remember that you can’t write a new chapter if you’re stuck rereading the old ones.

2. Forgiving Toxic Parents Helps You Accept the Past.

Before you can move on from the past, you must accept everything that happened. Maybe things didn’t turn out how you planned, but you can’t turn back the clock and change anything. Accepting that everything occurred for a reason helps you process painful memories and emotions. Perhaps the universe wanted you to learn a valuable lesson by placing you with your current parents. Usually, people come together to work out karma or have an experience their soul needs for its evolution.

By remembering that we’re all connected as spiritual beings, it helps put things into perspective. The one thing that underlies all our realities is love, even if we can’t always see it. So remember that any pain you experienced in the past only made your soul stronger. And it taught you the power of forgiving toxic parents, a lesson your soul needed to build compassion.

3. It Allows You to Start a New Relationship With Them.


If you and your parents had a falling out, forgiving them may open the door to rebuilding the relationship. Toxic parents need love and care as much as anyone, especially from their children. After you forgive them, you can schedule a time to talk things out and reconnect. They may want a relationship with you but need to know where to start. So, sometimes you must take the first step and open your heart.

Life’s too short to hold grudges, so tell your family you love them despite your grievances. You might feel surprised how quickly things turn around for the better.

4. It Helps You Take Charge of Your Life.

Forgiving toxic parents gives you the freedom to take responsibility for your life. Perhaps you blamed them for mistakes you made or how your life turned out. It’s only natural to harbor resentment and feels helpless when making adult decisions after experiencing trauma. However, at some point, you must move on and decide to leave the past behind. Finding closure with toxic parents puts the ball back in your court and provides empowerment.

5. Forgiving Toxic Parents Helps Clear Your Mind.

Science shows that childhood trauma causes noticeable changes in the brain, particularly in the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex. Combining therapy and psychiatric medication can help rewire the brain to become more stable. In addition, forgiving toxic parents, meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and other natural remedies can create mental balance.

Of course, mental illness is a complex issue, and there’s no universal answer for perfect mental health. However, forgiveness can at least put you on the right path to living through your heart. Opening up your energy field in this manner will help you have compassion for yourself and others.

toxic parents

Final Thoughts on Benefits of Forgiving Toxic Parents

If you had a turbulent relationship with your parents, you might find it nearly impossible to forgive them. But you can’t fully move on from the past if you harbor resentment toward toxic parents. You might not want a relationship with them, which is understandable if they treated you poorly.

However, you can at least decide to forgive their actions, so it’s easier to process negative emotions. As you let go of the past, you’ll feel much lighter and more vibrant in your daily life. Walking around with so much baggage would weigh anyone down. Permit yourself to experience freedom by extending empathy toward anyone who wronged you. It’s as much a gift to you as it is to them.

5 Self Care Tips for Highly Intuitive People

Highly intuitive people absorb everything in their environment like a sponge and can easily read people’s energy. They have an innate ability to know things before they happen, almost as if they’re channeling a higher frequency. Their incredible intuition allows them to experience life on a deeper level than most people. Some would describe them as overly sensitive, but that’s a core part of an empath’s personality.

However, sometimes they feel overwhelmed with others’ emotions and need time to recharge. Highly intuitive people tend to take care of everyone else before themselves. They can easily drown under the weight of people’s pain if they don’t learn to shield their energy field. Sensitive people care deeply about helping others, but they must also learn how to take care of themselves.

Do you feel like a highly intuitive person? Below, we’ll discuss common types of intuitive empaths and their characteristics. Also, we will teach you how to protect yourself from negative energy and remain grounded.

Four Types of Highly Intuitive People

highly intuitive people

1. The Highly Intuitive Empath.

This type of empath possesses heightened intuition and can easily understand others’ emotions. They can read a person without having to say a word, as body language and energy speak volumes. Unfortunately, they can confuse other people’s feelings with their own and become overwhelmed by negative emotions. Highly intuitive empaths may also get disoriented by chaotic environments and loud noises.

2. Claircognizant Intuitive Empath.

Clairvoyant empaths have telepathic and psychic abilities that allow them to predict an event before it happens. This inner knowing can help them understand someone’s true intentions or decide how to proceed in difficult situations.

3. Emotional Intuitive Empath.

Like highly intuitive people, emotional empaths can read others like a book. They know how you feel the second you walk into a room and relate easily to people’s emotions. This gift may seem beautiful, but it has a dark side. Empaths can feel drained by too many stimuli and conflicting emotions if they don’t learn to protect their energy.

4. Animal and Plant Intuitive Empath.

This unique type of empath feels a deep connection to nature and animals and believes they can speak their language in a way. These highly intuitive people have a gentle, motherly energy that instantly puts people at ease. Animals also feel comfortable in their nurturing presence and gravitate toward them. If you’ve seen someone feeding birds at a local park, they likely have this energy.

5 Self Care Techniques for Highly Intuitive People

Highly intuitive people have beautiful personalities and pure hearts. They want everyone to feel happy and free from suffering, but they often absorb people’s pain and ignore their own needs. Therefore, empaths must practice self-care and learn to detach from others’ pain.

It’s possible to sympathize without getting wrapped up in their emotions. We should keep our hearts open to others but also remember to extend this compassion to ourselves. Below, we’ll offer a few tips on how to stay grounded and balanced for highly intuitive people.


1. Sensitive People Should Take Breaks Often.

Highly intuitive people need time to process emotions and revitalize their batteries throughout the day. Running nonstop from one meeting to another can easily frazzle this sensitive personality. So, schedule some time between tasks to recenter and find peace of mind. You can’t pour from an empty cup, after all.

2. Avoid or Limit Exposure to Negative People.

We live in a dualistic reality where both positive and negative energies exist. Since empaths have difficulty separating their emotions from others, they get drained quickly in social settings. Even positive people can exhaust their batteries because most empaths are introverts, preferring to spend time alone. But overly negative people can make them feel sick or unbalanced. So, listen to your gut when you’re around people because your intuition never lies.

3. Highly Intuitive People Should Protect Their Energy.

You risk becoming imbalanced When you open up to the world without grounding yourself. It’s easy to drown in a sea of emotions as you absorb the energy around you. You start to feel disconnected from your true nature when you allow too many people into your circle. Therefore, empaths should shield themselves from unwelcome energies, especially in crowded environments. One way to do this involves visualizing a shield or aura of white light around you while socializing. By rooting down into your energy field, you’ll avoid the toxic, draining frequencies of others.

4. Spend Plenty of Time In Nature.

Nothing heals the mind, body, and soul like spending an afternoon in the great outdoors. Since we’re also nature, we must reconnect with the Earth to remain grounded. Living in a crowded city, you can still commune with nature in local parks or trails. Walking barefoot through the grass can help you connect to Earth’s electromagnetic field and relieve stress. If you live near a beach, take off work one afternoon to relax and listen to the waves.

We desperately need this time with Mother Earth to remember our authentic selves, free of societal programming. Highly intuitive people benefit from spending time in nature as it calms their overactive nervous systems.

5. Sensitive People Should Meditate.

More than any other technique or exercise, meditation brings you back to your center and purest state of existence. We can only hear the supreme intelligence within by quieting the mind and heart. Numerous types of meditation exist, and there isn’t a right or wrong way to practice. For instance, sitting quietly with your legs crossed and watching your breath can serve as meditation.

Or, you might prefer doing breathing techniques or body scans to increase your awareness. Whatever method you choose, try to set aside at least 30 minutes to one hour each day for meditation. Meditation can assist highly intuitive people with channeling higher vibrations and moving from matter to pure energy.

highly intuitive people

Final Thoughts on Self-Care Tips for Highly Intuitive People

Many intuitive people and empaths feel burdened by their gifts from the universe. Perceiving and understanding people’s emotions often seems more like a curse to them. However, highly intuitive people can learn to appreciate and use their abilities to help others. By grounding themselves and protecting their energy, they can rise above others’ vibrations and emanate their own. They can stand firm amidst the chaos, knowing they have the tools to overcome challenging situations.

The most important lesson an empath can remember is to care for themselves before reaching out to others. Once they’ve cleared their energy blockages, they can serve people without feeling overwhelmed by their sensitive natures.

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