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10 Ways To Create A Love That Lasts Forever

Whenever we think of “true love,” we immediately picture the fairy-tale romance. We think of Romeo and Juliet. We go to a place of false expectations. True love exists. It’s always available for creation, but you must find a balance within you that manifests such love. You must know the real you, and then another will align with your life.

Here are 10 things you need to create true love:

Related article:  5 Feelings Couples Experience In A Loving Relationship

1. Love yourself first.

This is a given, yet the hardest of all things to do. We project love and expect it to find us. Then when the love is not in alignment with our desires we fall apart. Loving yourself is necessary. When you know yourself, every flaw and beautiful insight, you get to understand what you truly need in a relationship. If you cannot love the most important person in your life then no one else can do it for you.

2. Acquire a sense of humor.

Laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes in the journey to find love you hit a few speed bumps. Don’t take life so serious. Enjoy the ride. You might meet several people along the way who are not meant to be your true love. They will let you know that love is one giant prankster waiting for the right timing. Find the joy in all that comes your way. Your true partner will join you in the adventure of laughter.

3. Depend on yourself.

You are responsible for you. You cannot, and should not, add all the dependency upon someone else. There are no halves in love. There is your whole and that other person’s whole. You connect as one but holding on to your own individuality. Co-dependence plays a toxic role in relationships.

4. Learn from another.

We are each others’ mirrors. We arrive into this world with unbelievable agendas while partaking in endless lessons. When you find true love, that person will show you parts of yourself that might not feel good. They might be parts that you haven’t looked at. True love and partnership will bring out the dark and light of each others’ personalities. Allow for these moments.

5. Embrace each others’ quirks.

If you are looking for a romance novel type of love you will be disappointed. You are not required to live in a romance state of bliss all the time. You and your partner will have quirks, eccentricities, goofiness, and all sorts of irrational behavior. Find the person that lifts you up and enhances your quirks. You will enjoy life to the fullest.

6. Open up your heart.

Tear down the walls. Past loves tend to break the heart in a million pieces. Often times we carry those fragments into other relationships. We put up guards and endless miles of barbed wire around ourselves as not to get hurt. The point of looking for love is allowing another person to enter our lives in entirely. Vulnerability is sexy and courageous.

7. Place your focus on giving.

A relationship is made up of giving and taking. But, give of yourself first. You are responsible for what you bring to this new union. If you are focusing on what you can get, then you aren’t truly allowing love to flow. It’s your job to love unconditionally.

8. Let go of expectations.

If you expect nothing, you will not be disappointed. Expectations are irrational in a relationship. You are responsible for you. To expect another to know how you feel or do things your way is not a partnership. It’s a dictatorship.

9. Be honest with yourself.

When you know what you want you attract that. You know the things that you can tolerate and those you will not entertain. If it doesn’t feel right, it isn’t. Your gut always lets you know what feels right. If you are having doubts, step back and begin to take account of those things. You are not just falling in love with another. You are aligning with them to the highest form of energy. Be honest on how that feels.

10. Live your life with purpose.

When we enter into new love affairs, we tend to forget our roles in life. It becomes all about the other person: making them happy, fulfilling their life, doing the things that they want to do, etc. Don’t forget your individuality and the purpose of living authentically. Your love should be able to have his/her own agendas and purpose. Do not abandon your calling just to answer theirs.

Love is magical in a every way. From the moment you set eyes on that person life seems to stop. Love another with all that you are but don’t forget to take your mind along for the journey.

5 Ways To Balance The Neurotransmitters In Your Brain

The neurotransmitters in your brain are responsible for so much of your daily functioning that it’s best for your well-being to have them in a state of balance in your brain. In this article we will look at 5 ways you can help your brain to help your body function at its best throughout the day.

Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals floating around your brain that send signals from one neuron to another and ‘communicate’ what needs to happen. Sometimes the need that is being communicated is to store a memory, and sometimes it is the need to eat or hide from danger.

The neurotransmitters control so much of our healthy functioning that when they are out of balance, we can experience many negative health effects. These can include mood disorders like depression and anxiety, to eating disorders like obesity, and sleep disorders like insomnia.

5 Ways to Balance The Neurotransmitters In Your Brain

Neurotransmitters do many things for our brain and body, including regulating our digestion too. Our appetite and metabolism are regulated by the central nervous system. Controlling our metabolism by controlling our neurotransmitters could be the key to reducing obesity, diabetes and other nutrition-related illnesses.

Some neutrotransmitters encourage us to eat, and some encourage us to expend energy. This balance is normal in healthy people but in overweight or obese people struggling to control their weight, some neurotransmitters may be out of balance.

The neurotransmitters that are responsible for reducing appetite are:

  • A-melanocyte-stimulating hormone
  • Bombesin /gastrin-releasing peptide
  • Calcitonin gene-related peptide
  • Cholecystokinin
  • Corticotrophin-releasing factor
  • Glucagon
  • Glucagon-like peptide 1 (7-36) amide
  • Neurotensin
  • Serotonin

This is just one way that research on neurotransmitters could improve health by help reduce obesity in the population. Rather than medicating people, scientists can focus on natural ways to balance these neurotransmitters to reduce appetite.

In a study of the brain neurotransmitters in rats, scientists found that ‘Stress-induced anxiety-related behaviors were observed when levels of some neurotransmitters became unbalanced.’ The research showed that anything that can cause changes in unbalanced brain chemicals is also going to have anti-anxiety properties.

Anxiety is another reason that it is important to balance the neurotransmitters in the brain. Not enough GABA or Gamma-Aminobutryic Acid is the brain chemical responsible for most of your feelings of anxiety. Let’s look at some of the brain’s most important neurotransmitters and how to balance them.

Know your brain chemicals

The science around neurotransmitters is making many discoveries that will benefit us in the future. The brain uses many different natural chemicals as neurotransmitters to communicate. It is believed that there are possibly hundreds of neurotransmitters, but we only know about 50 of them currently.

Here are the major neurotransmitters that you should be most familiar with:

Related article: 10 Ways to Increase the Dopamine in Your Brain

  • Dopamine – Responsible for the reward center of your brain, important for controlling behavior, as in addiction
  • Serotonin – Regulates positive mood, helps with memory and learning, regulates sleep, causes muscle contractions
  • Oxytocin – The ‘cuddle hormone,’ relieves pain during childbirth. Serotonin and oxytocin both stimulate the vagus nerve which controls organ function.
  • Acetylcholine – Responsible for memory and learning
  • GABA – (Gamma-Aminobutryic Acid) – prevents neurons from becoming over excited, reduces stress and anxiety

In a study of depression and neurotransmitters in the brain, researchers found that the neurotransmitter GABA was higher in the patients with depression than it was in the normal group. The scientists say that depression may be correlated with the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain and unbalanced brain function.

Related article: 9 Things You Never Knew Your Brain Could Do

They also found that treatment for depression helped balance the neurotransmitters. Compared with the normal group, GABA in the patient group decreased significantly after 6 weeks of treatment with a counselor and therapy sessions.

Balancing the neurotransmitters

How do we even know if our neurotransmitters are out of balance? Symptoms of mood disorders, sleep disorders, or cloudy thinking are often the reasons that people seek help from a physician for prescriptions to help increase neurotransmitters. Many drugs that treat illnesses like depression are basically synthetic neurotransmitters.

Other drugs work to by block the receptors of neurons so that the neurotransmitter’s message is not received. Blocking a neurotransmitter is helpful to balance the brain’s chemicals when there is too much of one of the neurotransmitters. Here are some ways that you can balance the neurotransmitters in your brain.

1. Supplements

According to, supplementing with citicoline, curcumin, cowhage,bacopa, and ginkgo biloba all increase dopamine levels. Supplements that can increase serotonin levels include SAM-e, B vitamins, magnesium, and Rhodiola rosea.

2. Caffeine

Both green tea and coffee help increase dopamine in your brain. Drinking green tea may also help increase the amount of acetylcholine available for your brain to use.

3. Eat healthy fats

Our brains need healthy fats from the Omega-3s in plant and vegetable sources in order to synthesize enough neurotransmitters to send messages effectively. Add good fats to your diet to ensure your healthily balanced neurotransmitters.

4. Eat healthy sources of neurotransmitters

Many foods that we eat contain the building blocks of nutrients that are needed to make neurotransmitters. To increase the amount of the neurotransmitter GABA, for example, suggests eating more bananas, broccoli, brown rice, citrus, fish, lentils, nuts, spinach, oats and whole grains are good sources of healthy brain nutrition.

5. Reduce stress

We have already mentioned that stress is a result of GABA being too low, but avoiding known sources of stress or finding healthy ways of coping with it will also help increase the available levels of GABA that your brain has to work with.

What Does Mercury’s Transit on May 9th Mean For Your Zodiac Sign?

On May 9 this year, make sure you look to the heavens so you don’t miss Mercury, one of the hardest planets to see, emerging in broad daylight. You’ll see Mercury inching across the sun for approximately five hours that day. However, unless you have special glasses meant for viewing an eclipse, then just wait for the filtered internet videos so you don’t damage your eyes by looking too hard at the bright sun.

Even if you don’t see it with your eyes, this event will bring many changes to all the signs in the zodiac, so it holds a lot of meaning for all of us. You will feel and see these changes happening in your life throughout 2016, so get prepared.

Mercury represents communication and openness, so anything you’ve been hiding will soon come to the surface, and others will also start to show their true colors. This year, we’ll all find important details about ourselves and our lives that will propel us forward into the future. Also, this year, we’ll see all the difficulties and obstacles we’ve been facing slowly fade away, which I think we can all agree is positive news.

As we progress and move through our own cycles of personal growth, we’ll start to see many positive changes in our lives. The change we want to see begins within ourselves, so we all must work together on ourselves if we truly want to see positive, measurable changes happening in our realities.

Mercury’s transit will surely bring about many surprising, yet necessary changes for every sign in the zodiac. Read below to find out what this astrological event means for you!

What the Mercury Transit on 5/9/2016 Reveals According To Your Zodiac Sign

Aries March 21 — April 20

Aries, the beginning of the year will prompt you to look over your current obligations and responsibilities and see where you might want to cut things out to have more free time. You want more freedom and time to yourself, but your overachieving attitude often makes this difficult.

However, you realize that you need to allot more time to personal things, so you have started to put yourself first and not allow your ego or other people to dictate your actions.

This year, you’ll start to relax and not let your competitive nature get in the way of your personal happiness. You’ll learn that you can fail sometimes, and the world won’t come crashing down around you because of this.

Things will become clearer as you let go of everything that once held you back and embrace the mentality of true freedom and nonchalance. You won’t totally lose your go-getter attitude, of course, but you’ll learn to make the best of it and not allow it to dictate your whole life anymore.

You will move into this year with a lighter heart and a clearer mind and feel more energized for the year ahead. Letting go of the reigns a bit will improve your relationships with others because you won’t feel so stuck on the aspect of control in a personal and interpersonal sense.

With the Transit of Mercury fastly approaching, you’ll find that the obstacles you’ve faced mentally and emotionally will either start to melt away, or you’ll find your own way around them.

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Taurus, this year, you’ll find out what matters most to you and uncover more about your purpose here on this planet. Recently, you’ve also been caught up in the matter of wondering if other people even care about your opinion or not. However, you don’t mind either way – you’ve finally gotten to a place where you feel confident in your ability to live life on your own terms and not look to others for acceptance.

This year, you’ll learn to trust that inner voice more than ever, and your self-assured attitude will attract others of a like mind. Taurus, normally you have been a bit reticent and closed off to your emotions, but this year, you’ll open your heart and free yourself of all the suppressed emotions you’ve locked inside for so long. This will prompt others to let go and tell you what they’ve been hiding.

Since you will appear more confident to others, people will start to respect you more. You’ll find that your circle of friends will grow tremendously, and your social life will explode. You haven’t been one to have a lot of friends and go out too often, but this year, get prepared for a huge expansion of your social circle.

Also, you will find more abundance money-wise this year. You won’t have as many money worries, and the things you’ve wanted for so long have finally begun to materialize for you..

No matter what you feel drawn to as far as your passion, you will surely go after it this year as you gain the confidence and financial stability to do so!

Gemini May 22 — June 22

When you look around at people in the world, you often wonder how so many of them have attained so much power. You’d like to have some of this power but often don’t realize that you possess it at this very moment. You don’t realize what potential you have, and, therefore, can’t use your power to its fullest.

In the year of 2016, Gemini, you’ll start to learn more about yourself than ever before. You will discover the inner workings of your mind and figure out what processes work best for you, and which don’t.

This year will involve a lot of self-reflection, but all the work will bring real, measurable results. You will evolve in many different ways and will come out as a more whole, powerful, authentic person at the end of it.

Even if you think you know yourself to the core, you can always do more inner work to reveal what you’ve been unknowingly hiding within.

During the transit of Mercury, you’ll have the urge to look inside your heart for the answers you never even knew you possessed. You’ll discover that you have more power than you realize, and not to doubt yourself so much. Using this self-knowledge, you’ll have better results in real life, and the work you’ve done within will definitely pay off.

Basically, you’ll learn how to achieve results without working so hard for them.

Cancer June 23 — July 23

Cancer often puts others first so much that you forget about yourself somewhere in that process. However, in 2016, you’ll figure out when to say no and when to listen to your gut. You won’t have the urge to bend backward so much for others; instead, you will listen to your own needs more.

Of course, you might still feel a little guilt when you have to turn someone down, but at least you’ll learn to put yourself first for a change.

You will also learn that you can’t please everyone, and sometimes, telling them no will help them more than if you just gave in to their request.

One person stands out this year that you seem to want to please more than others. You’d do anything for this person, but ask yourself – does helping them out so much affect my own happiness and peace? If so, you will want to examine that relationship and determine if they have been pulling their weight. If not, you should give them space until they have had time to think about their intentions with your relationship.

Cancer, you’ll learn to have better relationships with others this year by putting yourself first. You won’t say yes just because you need to please everyone – you’ll say yes because you feel like doing so. Your previous relationships may have suffered because of your people-pleasing habits, but all of that will end this year.

In this magical year of 2016, you’ll emerge more authentically at the end, get rid of relationships that no longer serve you, and really start listening to your intuition more than ever.

Leo July 24 — August 23

Leo, you have been known to stand your ground and not give up without a fight. You have a headstrong attitude, which can get you far in life. However, sometimes you get so caught up in being right or getting the last word in that you fail to understand the other person’s point of view.

This year, you’ll leave behind negative thinking patterns and ways of dealing with others and have a healthier manner of negotiating and sorting out issues with people.

The possibilities truly abound as you dive into this year, and your relationships with people will deepen as you eliminate habits and patterns that no longer serve you or others.

In 2016, you’ll also find out that you didn’t know someone as well as you thought you did, so exciting new things will happen with this relationship.

Allow this person to show you the side of themselves they had previously hidden, and don’t get too surprised when the person that emerges seems different than the one you thought you knew.

Basically, during this year, just allow things to happen organically. Don’t question or fight reality – just embrace it. You will grow in many areas this year, Leo, if only you allow yourself to relax and go with the flow.

You might have felt trapped emotionally and mentally before, but now, all those blocks will go away as you figure out more about yourself and others.

Virgo August 24 — September 23

Virgo, you’ve never been in tune with your inner voice, and sometimes, you might not even be aware of it. You might not always understand the voice, but this year, you’ll have more clarity regarding your intuitive self.

This year, try not to allow your skepticism to rule your life. Allow yourself to go on a spiritual journey, even if you don’t know where it will lead or what it all means in the moment. The more you doubt your higher self and inner voice, the farther away from your real self you will stray.

If you can trust your spirit, you’ll attract others who have also become attuned with their highest vibration. This will allow for more authentic relationships in your life, instead of constantly attracting those with lower vibrations.

During this Transit of Mercury, allow yourself to become immersed in the parts of yourself you didn’t even want to touch before, because only through this method can your real soul emerge, and you can begin to grow spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.

zodiac sign

Libra September 24 — October 23

This year Libra, you’ll finally begin to understand what works for you and what you should discard. You haven’t always been able to discern between the two in the past, but in 2016, it will all become clear for you.

You haven’t always been the best at knowing which things make you feel good and which things weigh you down in life, but this year, you will get to know yourself on an incredibly deep level.

During 2016, you’ll discover new talents and likes that you may not have even considered. As we get older, we tend to become more closed off and like to get set in our routines. However, we can’t possibly grow this way. 2016 invites you to throw away all those stereotypes in your head and preconceived ideas of what you will excel at, and simply dabble in many different things to find your strengths.

Like they say, if you never try, you’ll never know.

2016 invites you to take a closer look at the things you once threw away without a second thought. You might realize that you overlooked something meaningful to you, or discover that you have a hidden talent that you never knew about before.

Libra, you tend to enjoy order and routine, but let all of that go out the window this year. Don’t get stuck in a routine; allow yourself to try new things and experience the beauty of variety and stepping outside your comfort zone.

Scorpio October 24 — November 22

Scorpio, this year it looks like all the troubles you’ve been facing will finally begin to melt away. All the hard work you’ve been putting in will finally pay off, and you will start to feel lighter emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Oftentimes, you confuse the past with the future – you tell yourself that because things happened a certain way before, they have no choice but to unfold the same way again. However, you can’t use the past to predict the future. You will only hold yourself back this way.

You’ll become a beacon of light this year, Scorpio, and leave behind all your insecurities. You will make positive changes in your life, and learn to coexist and collaborate with others. Even though you like to lead and give direction, you must learn to work with others if you truly want to succeed.

Scorpio, you’ve felt stagnant in your life for a long time, but this won’t last forever. Finally, the scales begin to tip this year, and you’ll see progress on all the work you’ve done and the effort you’ve put in.

The universe realizes your potential to effect change, and wants you to step into your role this year. Therefore, you’ll overcome many obstacles as you discover your true purpose on this planet.

Sagittarius November 23 — December 21

Unfortunately for you, Sagittarius, this year won’t start out that easily. Every day, you’ll pick away at a new challenge, but even though it may seem frustrating, it will help you grow. Remember each day’s lesson, and don’t forget what you can learn from these experiences. You might still have many mountains to ascend at the end of the year, but think back on what you’ve learned from it all.

You have a plan or a destination in mind, and because you have high standards for yourself, you’ll see the journey through to the end this time.

What you have been going through now and what work you’ve done internally will prepare you for the next 30 years or so. In other words, the work you’ve been doing matters greatly for your future.

You tend to have a clear direction for your life and have great confidence in yourself; as long as you can keep this attitude up, you will see great rewards in the future.

You chose this path, remember, so only you can decide where to go from here. All of the obstacles will seem worth it once you reach the top of that mountain you have your eyes on.

Capricorn December 22 — January 20

Capricorn, you’ve been known for your stubbornness and workaholic tendencies, but you also have many good qualities. You seem to improve with age, and your best qualities emerged this year.

You’ve always been a hard worker and love taking on new tasks and gaining more experience in the workplace. You work harder than any other sign, and this year, all that hard work will begin to pay off. You haven’t always believed in yourself – you’ve sort of just done the work because you felt obligated. But now, you’ll start to see WHY the work matters in your life and how you can impact others.

This year, you’ll see the possibilities that may have been hidden before. You haven’t been the biggest believer in trusting in your imagination; you only believe in results. However, your dreams will begin to speak louder this year, and you’ll see their value. Others will also start to believe in your dreams, and the doubters will fall to the wayside.

Aquarius January 21 — February 19

In the beginning of 2016, you might have a feeling of heaviness and tension. You’ll have high standards to meet, and might feel under pressure to meet them.

However, you’ll see the top emerge after walking up the mountain. All the battles you’ve faced have happened for a reason, to show you how much you can truly accomplish.

Within you, you’ve always had the fire in your belly, but sometimes, it burns hotter and brighter than at other times. This year, you’ll start to reignite this flame and regain purpose in your life.

While the fire may not burn very brightly, just go with it. A fire that burns is always better than one that doesn’t ignite at all.

Slow progress is the game’s name, Aquarius, but slow progress is better than no progress. Slow and steady wins the race, after all.

chinese zodiac

What does your Chinese zodiac promise?

Pisces February 20 — March 20

This year, you’ll discover many new opportunities, but you’ll have to do a bit of digging for them first. After all, you’ll only find them if you search for them.

Believe in yourself, first and foremost, and you can achieve anything you desire. Keep faith in yourself, and the universe will reward you. Work with the universe and the Law of Attraction, not against it, and you’ll surely find yourself down the path to abundance.

In this Transit of Mercury, make sure that you stand strong and conquer your inner demons. Don’t allow them to speak too loudly. Remember to also remain happy about others’ progress, even if you haven’t made similar gains in your own life. You will only become bitter if you allow other people’s successes to bother you.

5 Mind Tricks That Improve Relationships

No matter how strong your relationship is, there is always room for improvement. Maintaining your relationship isn’t a chore you cross off your checklist. It’s seeing your relationship as your number one priority. Part of this means keeping the spark in your romance to avoid falling into a rut. This is more than a big romantic event that happens once a year. It’s the little daily habits, or mind tricks, as some like to call them, that can make your relationship go from boring to beautiful.

Five Mind Tricks That May Improve Your Relationship

Here are some little daily habits or mind tricks to improve your relationship.

Mind Trick #1 – Schedule time to talk

Life is hectic. You may be busy with school, work, and the kids. Good chance, the two of you barely have time to talk about anything besides who’s dropping off your daughter for soccer practice or who’s picking up dinner. If you don’t schedule a time to speak, it won’t happen. Having an hour or two together every week to catch up with one another is essential for the health of your relationship. It’s a simple mind trick that reaps big rewards.

Every week at a scheduled time, stop what you’re doing and spend time together to talk. Put the kids to bed, pour two glasses of wine, and sit beside each other on the sofa. Share how you’re doing. Ask one another questions. Start with the mundane stuff like how your work is going and then move to more profound questions that spur conversations.

mind tricks

Here are some mind tricks you might try:

  • What are you most afraid of?
  • What’s the best food you ever ate?
  • Which physical feature do you love about me?
  • If we could live anywhere, where would it be?
  • What’s one thing you’d like to change about yourself?
  • What’s your most embarrassing moment?
  • Describe me in two words?
  • Describe yourself in two words.

Mind Trick #2 – Say thank you, and please

You may practice good manners with your co-workers and friends but slip up when you’re around your partner. It may sound cliche, but using good manners around your partner shows them respect. Saying things like “thank you” or “please” can make your significant other feel loved. Greeting them when they get home from work is another simple mind trick that shows you care. Your greeting can make them feel glad to be home and as if someone appreciates them. Let’s face it; it can be a rough world.  Showing your partner respect, love, and care helps buffer the hardness of life and makes your home a lovely place to come home to.

Mind Trick #3 – Show affection

A healthy relationship doesn’t miraculously happen. It takes effort from both you and your partner. As some like to call it, a straightforward habit or mind trick that breathes life into your relationship is showing affection: a simple caress or kiss as you pass by expresses love. Physical affection deepens a romantic relationship.

Some suggestions for showing affections include these mind tricks:

  • Holding hands in public
  • Hugs
  • Kiss before you leave, and when you come home
  • Love pats on the back or behind
  • Flirty looks during the day
  • Smiles across the room when you’re in a crowd
  • Give little gifts
  • Check-in during the day via text or phone
  • Say, “I love you” often during the day

Having a healthy, strong relationship with your partner not only affects your relationship. But researchers found that young adults who had families with a healthy, caring family atmosphere while growing up were less likely to get into a relationship with poor problem-solving skills or violence. Positive parental role models helped individuals to have positive interactions with their own families.

mind tricks

Mind Trick #4 – Be vulnerable

Another critical component or mind trick that will improve your relationship is opening up and being vulnerable with your partner. This means dropping your guard and letting them into your struggles, fears, hopes, and dreams. It means allowing your partner to see you when you’re not at your best. When you’re vulnerable, you open up and tell your partner what you need without fear. They will reject you. It can be hard at first, but over time as you build a foundation of trust between the two of you, you can learn to be more vulnerable.

Here are some reasons vulnerability is so crucial in a relationship.

  • Vulnerability shows genuine: If you never let down your guard, it comes across as disingenuous and fake. It’s hard to relate to someone who doesn’t open up.
  • Vulnerability inspires others: When you open up and share who you are, it will boost your partner to be more vulnerable. Humbling yourself to admit you’re wrong about something will help them recognize their shortcomings.
  • Vulnerability cultivates trust:  Having trust in your relationship is essential to show vulnerability. As you let down your guard, it will help your partner feel comfortable doing the same.
  • Vulnerability takes courage: Being vulnerable means you are strong enough to be authentic. You can advocate for yourself by asking for help or explaining what you need.
  • Vulnerability deepens your relationship: A relationship without vulnerability is shallow and won’t last long.
  • Vulnerability cultivates forgiveness: When you and your partner are authentic and genuinely repentant about your shortcomings, it makes it easier for you to forgive one another.

Mind Trick #5 – Be committed to the relationship

A committed relationship is one where the two partners work together to maintain the health of the relationship. It’s saying, “We are in this for the long haul.” It’s doing the hard work to keep the relationship strong. Couples who show commitment to their relationship have specific characteristics.

They talk about their hopes and expectations of their relationship:

Couples who talk about where their relationship is and where it will show commitment to the relationship. They’re aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship but want to work hard to improve it.

They make plans:

Committed couples talk about plans such as holidays, anniversaries, and birthdays. They’re committed to celebrating life together rather than apart from one another. If your partner doesn’t want to commit to future events, it could signify that they aren’t as committed to the relationship as you thought.

They put effort into the relationship:

Having a healthy relationship means you are both willing to work towards that goal. It means that both of you will pull equal weight doing chores or errands or child care. You’re eager to discuss the complex things like what your partner does that irritates you or ask your partner what they would like to do differently in the relationship.

They support each other:

A committed relationship means both partners support one another no matter what. They’re in the relationship for the long haul and won’t back down when things are difficult. Both partners would rather face the storm together rather than apart.

Did you know that the more committed you are in your relationship, the greater your health benefits? Studies found that when you work to improve your relationship, it will improve your mental health. Overall, a healthy relationship where both partners are committed to one another is foundational for better mental health outcomes.

mind tricks

Final Thoughts on Mastering The Mind Tricks That Can Strengthen Relationships

If you see a couple who has a strong relationship, it’s guaranteed they worked hard to get to where they’re at. Relationships don’t just happen. Certain habits or mind tricks, as some like to call them, improve a romantic relationship. Couples who practice these mind tricks see their relationship as their number one priority. They schedule times to communicate, be vulnerable with one another, express their affection, and show respect by practicing good manners. They are in the relationship for the long haul because they see a future together. It’s the little habits that will make a difference to grow your relationship into something beautiful for others to see.

This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Wheatgrass Every Day

Wheatgrass is one of the most amazing natural foods that you can drink every day. In fact, the wellness benefits that it provides for your body are outstanding. Once people try the flavor of wheatgrass, it is not uncommon for them to crave sweet healthiness as a daily treat.

Fear is not something that should be on your mind when you try wheatgrass for the first time. Wheatgrass juice is a fresh, sweet, bright drink that will remind you of carrot juice but with more sunshine in it. Let’s look at what happens in your body when you drink wheatgrass juice every day.

This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Wheatgrass Every Day


There is a story told in the book Wheatgrass Nature’s Finest Medicine: The Complete Guide to Using Grasses to Revitalize Your Health, of someone healing themselves from colon cancer by drinking 8 oz of wheatgrass and by also using an anal cleanse of 8 oz of wheatgrass.

Wheatgrass is a healthy, vegan food that requires little energy to produce. In fact, you can grow it in your kitchen window, juicing daily. It gives you almost all of your nutritional needs in a tasty, sweet-flavored, fresh brink.

Preventing cancer is one of the best benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice daily. Wheatgrass contains chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is responsible for preventing the metabolic activation of cancer-causing agents in the body. The anti-mutagenic properties of wheatgrass juice are good for preventing your healthy cells from undergoing changes that make them become cancerous.

Furthermore, wheatgrass extracts contain significant amounts of phenolic compounds including flavonoids. The phenolic compounds of plants are responsible for antioxidant activity in the body, and they have the effect of reducing the incidence of cancer. Flavonoids also play a role in the regulation of cell activities.

Illnesses Helped By Drinking Wheatgrass Juice Every Day

Researchers studying the anti-cancer effects of wheatgrass say ‘Wheat germinated over six to ten days is generally called wheatgrass. During germination, vitamins, minerals, and phenolic compounds including flavonoids are synthesized in wheat sprouts, and wheat sprouts reach the maximum antioxidant potential. Wheatgrass contains vitamin C and E, ‘-carotene.’

The scientists say ‘Wheatgrass extract has an antioxidant activity, [it] inhibits proliferation of leukemia cells, and induces apoptosis; thus, this finding may represent a novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.’ Apoptosis is a type of cell death and cancer cells are resistant to death by apoptosis. Killing cancer cells with wheatgrass extract is a huge benefit of drinking this tasty juice every day.

The heath benefits that we have already mentioned for cancer prevention seem pretty outstanding for a sweet drink like wheatgrass juice, but there are even more health benefits that it can give your body.

Chronicles of Young Scientists Online says Wheatgrass juice ‘is a complete food and contains carbohydrates, proteins, all essential minerals, and vitamins. Wheatgrass therapy is recommended for patients suffering from chronic diseases such as asthma, atherosclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, joint pains, TB [tuberculosis], constipation, hypertension, diabetes, bronchitis, insomnia, eczema, sterility, hemorrhage, obesity, and flatulence. It is also useful in the treatment of cancer. The WGJ [wheatgrass juice] is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream and gives energy. On an empty stomach, it enters the bloodstream in about twenty minutes. The energy lasts throughout the day. It is practically a fountain of youth and found to have numerous health benefits.’ also says that these other disorders can be helped by drinking wheatgrass juice daily; ‘jaundice, menstruation, hydrocele [fluid accumulation], dysentery, mental debility [weakness], tooth problems, evacuation of bowels, and the cold-related problems.’


Nutrition From Drinking Wheat Juice Every Day

Wheatgrass juice contains the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin A is important for younger-looking, clear, healthy skin, and it can also improve eyesight.
  • B helps with digestion and may help with depression, insomnia, and anorexia as well.
  • C is also in the juice, which is a natural antibiotic. Vitamin C helps with gum, teeth, and bone health as well as helps healing from injuries.
  • E, which is helpful to women during pregnancy. It also helps in the treatment of sexual impotency, diabetes, cancer, heart disorders, and menstrual cycle irregularities.

When you drink this juice daily, you also get the benefit of digestive enzymes. These enzymes help a healthy body absorb all of the beneficial nutrition from your food.

Wheatgrass juice contains the following minerals:

  • Iron: Iron is ‘helpful in pregnancy, for excessive sweating, pale complexion, laziness and lethargy, and insomnia’
  • Calcium: Calcium strengthens the bones
  • Potassium: Helps prevent hypertension, helps mental health by reducing feelings of depression
  • Zinc: Good for prostate gland health and hair health, shine, and vitality
  • Sodium: Manages fluid levels in the body for proper water balance in cells.

6 Signs Your Partner Is Emotionally Draining You

There are times that when we fall in love, or start a new relationship, we are blinded to the toxic energy and intentions of the other person. Dr. Judith Orloff, author of Emotional Freedom, believes that there are several types of personalities that fall into the scope of emotional vampires. She says, “When encountering emotional vampires, see what you can learn. It’s your choice. You can simply feel tortured, resentful, impotent. Or, as I try to do, ask yourself, “How can this interaction help me grow?” They drain our energies. They take what they want and leave the person discarded and blindsided.

Here Are 6 Signs Your Partner Is Emotionally Draining You:

emotionally draining partner

1. The martyr-victim

This type of person sucks your energy while making you feel responsible for all that happens to them. They are the ones who use guilt to possess whatever they want from you. This is the person who uses old stories of the blame with a poor-is-me attitude trying to manipulate your life. If this is your new mate you can start by shifting the stories. Most victims do not like when the tables are turned. It’s all about them. Utilize their own scenarios. They can suck your positive energy out if you don’t stop them on their tracks.

2. The narcissist

These folks live in their own dimensional reality and the universe revolves around them at all times. Nothing else matters. They feed off the kindness of others. They will manipulate themselves into any situation, especially romantic ones. The narcissist is dangerous because they do not believe they have a problem. So, if your new date is late and doesn’t apologize, or when you call him/her on punctuality and the tables turn to make you feel like crap, this is the way they feed off emotions. They put themselves on some golden pedestal and expect you to worship them. Narcissist do not like boundaries. If you care to continue with this type of persona, then it’s up to you to call them out on their behavior as often as possible. Most likely they will go on to their next victim. Nothing enrages a Narcissist more than someone going against them.

3. The dictator

This type of person wants to control you. He or she will obsess over everything you do and make you feel bad for not doing it their way. This controller is not open for suggestions. They know what’s best for you and you better do to their liking. They will feed on souls who have traumas and utilize past events to manipulate you. Do not share too much of yourself because this type of person has no problem being “honest” and bullying their way to making you do things you do not want to do. Stand up for what you believe. When they feel that they cannot control you they will find a way to leave your side.

4. The paranoid partner

This vampire lives off creating scenarios that do not exist. They will blame you for putting them in harm, making them crazy, and driving them to do things that are unnatural. The paranoid borderline personality will make you feel like you are on a roller coaster ride of horror. One moment they are happy and loving, the next they are saying things that make no sense. You will be blamed for going against them, humiliating them, and disrespecting them. They will be eluded from reality and use jealousy with much anger and resentment. This is a dangerous emotional vampire whose sociopath behavior will destroy everyone around them. They are not only emotionally unstable but can physically act on their emotions because they don’t trust anyone.

“Paranoid vampires don’t understand the concept of trust. They never seem to realize that trust is supposed to be in their own minds, rather than in the actions of other people. Consequently, if you’re close to one of these vampires, you’ll have to re-earn his or her trust every hour on the hour. This is especially true if your relationship is sexual. A Paranoid vampire’s idea of foreplay is 20 minutes of questioning about exactly what you were thinking the last time you made love.” ~  Albert J. Bernstein, Emotional Vampires: Dealing With People Who Drain You Dry

5. The drama queen or king

This type of vampire will create a dramatic play out anything just to get attention. A small disagreement can turn into a bloody war. They feed off the energy of anyone who gives them power and attention. The Drama Queen/King will add on to anything that you like to make it theirs. They have very little sense of boundaries and perception of what is not theirs. They gossip and create stories that will belittle you while making themselves in the protagonist.

6. The sexual seducer

These vampires use lust as their weapon of choice. They feed on those who have low self-esteem. They appear as charmers and sweet talkers. Beware of their behavior when you try to take things slowly. They will force themselves on you by using your faults and imperfections. These are chauvinistic souls who use sex as their way of getting things. They rarely fall in love. They fall in and out of seductive relationships without ever looking back. And, it’s always another person’s fault. They never take responsibility for their actions.

Each one of these vampires feeds on insults, accusations, blame, vulnerability, bigotry, judgment, and manipulation. If it doesn’t feel right in a new relationship, it’s not right. Listen to your internal feelings. Emotional vampires are toxic. They will destroy everything and anything around them to get what they want. Most of these folks are secretive, vindictive, and intelligently cunning. They are con artists and thieves of emotions. Do not allow another to dictate your worth or rob you of your joy.

emotionally draining partner

7 Ways To Protect Yourself If You Have An Emotionally Draining Partner

Take these steps to protect your well-being if any of the above describe someone in your life.

1. Tough love

Practice tough love with your partner. If they get angry at you, don’t allow their anger to manipulate you into acting. Tell them you will not cover up for them or respond to their taunts. They need to understand the consequences of their actions. You can express concern for their behavior and encourage them to change, but don’t beg. They need to resolve their own issues.

2. Don’t engage with your emotionally draining partner

Refuse to engage in a conversation with an emotionally draining partner who is being disrespectful. If they’re being disrespectful, refuse to respond. Walk away. When they settle down, you can explain how they affected you. Set boundaries. If they get hostile, leave. Don’t put yourself in a dangerous situation.

3. If necessary, emotionally detach

It’s difficult to detach yourself from someone you love, but you may need to pull away to deal with your feelings of confusion and to figure out what to do. Accept that things are broken in the relationship. It’s not selfish to protect yourself from someone who is hurting you.

4. Focus on the positive things

Focus on what is positive in the situation. Perhaps your partner is listening to your concerns. Or perhaps they’ve agreed to go to a counselor. Being positive doesn’t mean you’re don’t feel sad or angry about the situation. Weirdly, you need these negative feelings to get through a difficult situation. It helps you learn about yourself and how to get through them. Researchers suggest that emotionally healthy people can have negative emotions, but they’re able to bounce back from them faster. This is resilience.

5. Embrace imperfection

Relationships are messy. It’s surprising when your partner isn’t exactly who you thought they would be. Perhaps they’re going through an especially difficult time at work and not handling it well. They may be short-tempered with you. It’s important to step back and try to understand what’s going on with them.  You should gently, but firmly, tell them they need to stop blaming you for their problems at work. After everything settles down at work, be sure to talk and ask them about their behavior. Perhaps they were modeling the way their parents acted in difficult situations. Going through these hard situations can strengthen your relationship if you embrace the imperfections and work together.

6. Understand that an emotionally draining partner may not change

Remember, no matter how much you try to help your emotionally draining partner, they may not change. They may have emotional ups and downs all the time. They may be controlling. Perhaps you saw glimpses of this before your relationship but didn’t understand the extent of these issues. You can treat them with love and respect, but hold your boundaries against their hurtful attitudes.

7. Cut yourself some slack

Don’t be too hard on yourself. An emotionally draining partner can be exhausting to live with. You may try everything you know to accommodate them. Be sure to keep yourself physically and emotionally healthy. Acknowledge that you’re in a difficult situation. Remind yourself that you don’t have all the answers, but you can take it one day at a time.

emotionally draining partner

Final Thoughts on Dealing with an Emotionally Draining Partner

If you’re in an emotionally draining relationship, be sure to get help outside yourself. Talk with your pastor or a counselor about what you should do. You need support to stay emotionally healthy and strong.

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