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4 Signs You’re In A Selfish Relationship

Nothing makes a relationship more imbalanced than selfish behavior. We all can, and will, be selfish at some point in our lives, especially when we want something badly. However, if being selfish is a constant occurrence in your relationship, it’s probably time to take notice and make a decision. There must be a state of equivalence that assures harmony in our loving relationships.selfish people

Dr. Srini Pillay, author of Debunking Myths of the Mind, wrote an article stating that “Selfish lovers are often hiding something they are very ashamed of as well. Giving makes them feel out of control and threatened as they worry that the reason for their shame will be revealed.

With this strong feeling of having to cover up all the time, they hold onto their love very tightly because giving it up makes them feel as though they are sliding on ice.”

There is a point when you need to stand back and ask yourself, “Is this self-love and preservation, or just plain selfishness controlling this relationship?

Here are 4 signs that you are in a selfish relationship:

1. In a selfish relationship, your partner is always nagging and belittling you.

There is a difference between someone pushing and pulling you to reach your goals with a cheerleader personality, and another making you feel worthless. A selfish person will never take your needs into consideration. They will do anything possible to make you feel worthless so that things are always about them. The focus can only be on what they are accomplishing. If you find yourself giving and never receiving this is the imbalance of a selfish relationship. Psychologist Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence, writes: “Self-absorption in all its forms kills empathy, let alone compassion. When we focus on ourselves, our world contracts as our problems and preoccupations loom large. But when we focus on others, our world expands. Our own problems drift to the periphery of the mind and so seem smaller, and we increase our capacity for connection – or compassionate action.” A relationship that is one-sided cannot flourish.

2. Your partner believes that what he or she does is more important.

Selfish people do not waste their energies considering the needs of another, even those of a life partner. They want what they want and believe that they have the right to put themselves first. There is a difference between self-love and being selfish. This behavior is a form of betrayal. If you don’t stand up for what you want your partner doesn’t feel the need or desire to stand up for what you desire either. You must show your worthiness and love in order to combat any selfish behavior in a relationship. A selfish behavior that is repetitively present is emotionally draining and toxic. It’s unhealthy. You begin to put yourself second and eventually any respect will disappear from the relationship.

mental health quote

“In an individual, selfishness uglifies the soul; for the human species, selfishness is extinction.” ~ David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

3. Your partner is competitive and insecure.

There is an extra entity in your relationship and it is a green-eye monster called Jealousy. A person who is always trying to outsmart or be better than his/her counterpart is an insecure person with a severe degree of selfishness. If your partner is envious of you it is because you have something he/she doesn’t have and they know it. In a healthy relationship both people growth while bringing out the best of each other.“Jealousy is a disease, love is a healthy condition. The immature mind often mistakes one for the other, or assumes that the greater the love, the greater the jealousy – in fact, they are almost incompatible; one emotion hardly leaves room for the other.” ~ Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land

4. Your partner doesn’t apologize in a selfish relationship.

This is a big one! If your partner can’t say “I am sorry” when they have done something offensive or hurtful, it’s a sign that they might suffer from a narcissistic disorder. Moral values do not exist in this psychological disorder. The narcissist doesn’t know resentment or wrongdoing. It’s all about them. You are not important enough to stop them from seeing their mistakes. One selfish soul in a relationship diminishes the ability to love fully with joy. If your partner is driven by an egotistical nature that never regrets anything, you have a selfish soul in your presence.

No relationship is perfect, but when there is no consideration, respect or trust, it can become an abusive partnership. You are the only who can decipher if a little selfishness is good, or if it borders on narcissism. Self-love and self-worth exist in loving and healthy relationships.

9 Things You Never Knew Your Brain Could Do

In terms of brain research, we’ve discovered more in the last twenty years than all previous years combined. Much of this can be attributed to the frantic pace of brain imaging technology and other medical advances. As there are currently no signs that this pace is slowing, it is fair to state that we’ll continue to discover amazing tidbits about the brain.

For such a complex structure, the brain is not very large…at all. Roughly the size of our two fists pressed together, our brain weighs no more than 3 pounds (or 1.4 kilograms). For such a small entity, the amount of complexity involved in the brain’s circuitry has earned it the title “the most complex structure in the universe.”

The intricacy of the brain is surpassed only by its ingenuity. Truly, all of the greatest feats the world-over have been a direct result of the brain’s marvelous abilities.

No other brain in the animal kingdom is capable of generating the kind of higher consciousness associated with human ingenuity, with our ability to make plans and write poetry. Yet the most complex structure in the known universe – as it is often described – is more mysterious than the least-explored regions of the deepest ocean. – The Independent (UK)

9 Incredible Things Your Brain Can Do

We’ll discuss nine things that you may not know the brain can do. The human brain can…

  1. Function after death

Near-death experiences (NDE) are a relatively common occurrence. One study undertaken at a hospital in the Netherlands reported that 18 percent of the 344 cardiac patients considered clinically dead recalled having life experiences after the fact.

Pam Reynolds is perhaps one of the best known cases. In Reynold’s case, her brain had been brought to a nonfunctioning state by brain doctors in order to perform surgery. Despite this, she was still able to recall relevant information pertaining to doctor’s conversations, surgical tools, etc.

  1. Process information faster than any personal computer

Notice that we included the word personal. Amazingly, engineers at Fujitsu designed a super computer that processes information faster. This computer also happens to be huge and inefficient. Our neat, compact brain will work just fine, thank you. Joking aside, the processing power of the human brain steamrolls nearly every man-made tech device.

  1. Power a light bulb

The sheer number of electrical connections firing at any given time is quite staggering. These electric impulses are so numerous that it could hypothetically power a light bulb. In terms of units of power, the brain can produce the equivalent of about 25 watts.

  1. Clear out toxins

Wait, doesn’t the immune system help clear toxins from the body? Yes, but the brain does as well. Scientists at the University of Rochester discovered activity in the brain of sleeping mice that showed the “clearing out” of damaging molecules often associated with neurodegeneration. This experiment serves as additional evidence that sleep is important to our brain health.

  1. The brain performs better when tired

Contemporary thought is that our brain works better when we’re fresh and alert. While this is the case for work that involves logic and analysis, we’re actually more creative when we’re tired. It is simple logic, really: we’re not as good at filtering out distractions when tuckered out. Additionally, we’re less able to remember connections between ideas and concepts. These are two benefits to creative thought. It’s common for creative breakthroughs to occur when one is sleeping.

  1. Shrink in size

While this is not a desirable attribute, it is true nonetheless. Stress is the most common cause of changes to brain function, and it has been discovered that stress can also decrease brain size. Animal studies show that chronic stress can cause the brain area known as the hippocampus to shrink. Currently, studies are underway to discover whether or not Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can shrink the hippocampus in patients.

  1. Grow in size

Conversely, the brain is capable of growing denser in certain areas. Known as neuroplasticity, the brain has the remarkable ability of forming new neural connections throughout life. While our brain will never develop at the rate it does in early childhood, newly-formed neural networks can slightly increase the mass in certain areas of the brain.

  1. You can rewire the brain

The brain is remarkable in its ability to adapt. Meditation brings a host of benefits to practitioners by lowering anxiety, increasing focus, and improving self-control. It is even possible for the brain to become wired for enhanced creative ability and improved memory.

  1. Can make itself smarter

Early scholars thought that intelligence was a direct result of genetics, and that it was fixed in life. It turns out that neither of these are true. While genetics undoubtedly plays a role in one’s innate intelligence, it is not the sole determinant. In fact, in an article published in Scientific American, scientists came up with four truths about the brain:

(1) Fluid intelligence is trainable

(2) Intellectual challenges increase intellectual capabilities

(3) Anyone can increase their brain’s cognitive ability

(4) Numerous tasks exist that can increase one’s intelligence

If You See Butterflies Often, This Is What It Means

Whenever an animal shows up repetitively, take this as a sign from the universe. Your guides will tell you to keep your focus on areas of personal growth. Animal guides serve as messengers. In fact, they deliver important lessons to you from beyond the veil. Besides that, they can also reassure you that you are on the right path in life. The butterfly symbolizes great transformation and personal growth. So seeing these creatures often calls you to look within at areas that you can improve upon.

Butterflies encourage you to pay attention to your cycles of growth. Indeed, they want you to really question what parts of your personality could use a fresh start. This spirit animal also urges you to approach life with grace and lightheartedness. They urge you not to shy away from a metamorphosis if your soul needs it. If you see butterflies often, they want you to receive the following important spiritual messages.

If You See Butterflies Often, This Is What It Means


Related article: 5 Signs The Spirit World Is Trying To Help You

  • Butterflies symbolize the transition between one lifestyle, personality, or journey into another. If you have been going through a major life change, you might spot more butterflies than normal. They may accompany you on your journey and encourage you that everything will turn out okay if you take the leap of faith with grace and bravery.
  • Also, the butterfly might want you to look more within to see if you have a different perspective than you used to. Maybe you have started to become more aware of your thinking patterns and personal beliefs, and have begun to shift internally. The butterfly represents transformation both within and without. So even if you haven’t undergone big life changes, you might have a lot going on in your heart that needs some attention.
  • Butterflies represent the ability to look at life in a carefree, lighthearted way. Maybe you have recently gone through a hard time and have carried a heavy vibration because of it. The butterfly invites you to look at the situation in a lighter way. They’ll help you figure out how to transform the darkness into something you can use for growth.
  • Also, butterflies generally have bright, vibrant colors, so they show us the beauty of life when we live it fully. Maybe you already live your life this way, but if not, the butterfly invites you to fully take in each day, and not take any time on this Earth for granted.
  • Different areas of the world interpret butterfly symbolism differently. For example, in Chinese culture, it can represent immortality. For the Japanese, a white butterfly represents the souls of the deceased. In Ancient Greece, butterflies represent the psyche or soul. You might resonate with any of these meanings, but most importantly, use the butterfly as a way to get in touch with your higher self, and don’t become attached to any one way of thinking about them.
  • Use the butterfly spirit animal during times of transition in your life. Call upon one of these graceful creatures when you sense a changing perspective about life, or when you have begun a transformation in your outer world. Also, if you feel stifled in life and need a way to open yourself up again, rely on the butterfly for greater creativity, self-expression, and vitality.

Related article: What’s Your Animal Sign?

As with any other animal totem, butterflies will show up the moment you need a sign from beyond. They can guide you to continue down the right path in life. The butterfly represents a variety of different meanings and perspectives. So no matter if you feel the need to transform in a certain way, change your perspective about life, or increase your self-expression, the butterfly can accompany you and provide some support along the way.

11 Quotes To Remember When You’re Overthinking

The mind loves to think, and it never seems to want to stop. In fact, overthinking is so pervasive that many people consider it a worldwide epidemic.

Through extensive research, psychology professor Susan Nolen-Hoeksema of the University of Michigan found that overthinking occurs mostly in young and middle-aged adults, with 73% of 25-35 year-olds identifying as overthinkers. There are also more women (57%) than men (43%) who tend to think too much.

The mind sometimes resembles a five-year-old child. That’s because it wants to have everything a certain way and never knows how to sit still. If you allow your brain to run a mile a minute without interjecting, it will only press on with the madness until you discover that your mind has slowly become a prison. Learning to take time quiet your mind, instead of distracting it, can allow you to have more mental clarity, focus, and give up the toxic habit of overthinking.

“We are dying from overthinking. We are slowly killing ourselves by thinking about everything. Think. Think. Think. You can never trust the human mind anyway. It’s a death trap.”~ Anthony Hopkins

11 Quotes To Remember When You’re Overthinking

1. You will never be free until you free yourself from the prison of your own false thoughts.



2. Before you talk, listen. Before you react, think. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try!



3. Stop worrying about what can go wrong, and get excited about what can go right.



4. Overthinking – the art of creating problems that weren’t even there.



5. There is nothing in this world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts.



6. Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere.

quote about worry


7. Stop overthinking. You can’t control everything, just let it be.

quote about releasing control


8. Dear mind, please stop thinking so much at night. I need sleep.

quote about better sleep


9. Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness.



10. Don’t ruin a new day by thinking about yesterday. Let it go.

quote about letting go


11. A quiet mind is able to hear intuition over fear.

positivity quote


Here are 3 ways to stop overthinking:


If you don’t live or work in nature, than you need this the most. Take time to get out in nature. This could mean going on your lunch break in a nearby park, or going on a vacation to get away. Anything you can do to strengthen your bond with nature will greatly benefit your mind and stop overthinking immediately.

You can focus on the beauty in the trees, a leaf,  a waterfall, the sky, mountains, a lake or whatever you gravitate towards. This will immediately stop your mind.  When you allow yourself to do this, you will find that you will think more clearly throughout the day.


Pay attention to your brain at this very moment…what kinds of thoughts do you observe? Most likely, you will notice that the majority of your thoughts center around what you have to do today, or what someone said that made you angry, or even degrading thoughts about yourself. Don’t feel bad, though; with so much negativity around us, maintaining a consistent positive mindset isn’t always easy. However, you can actually counter the negative words and overthinking with the repetition of peaceful words.

Anytime you notice you are overthinking or you feel anxiety or worry coming on,  stop those thoughts in their track as soon as you realize it with calming words. Whatever words resonate with you better.

Some examples are as follows: Peace. Love. Light. It’s ok. Life is Good. I’m ok.

While this isn’t completely quieting your mind, it does stop overthinking, it will allow your mind to slow down and focus on what really matters at this moment.  Words carry a lot of meaning and power, so use them to your advantage whenever you feel stressed out.


We suggest meditation a whole lot on our website, but for good reason. When you meditate, you stop the flow of overthinking and negative thoughts bombarding your consciousness every second and instead move into space where stillness takes precedence.

While you don’t have to turn off your brain to meditate, many people feel that their thoughts slow down incredibly and overthinking stop immediately.

If you try it and find you still cannot stop thinking, try a guided meditation or yoga. These practices bring awareness into the body and make it much easier to cope with daily challenges.

7 Signs Your Partner Is Afraid To Commit

You might be afraid to read this and find out that your partner is not ready to commit, but then again it might be better to know now instead of continuing to invest time while you wait for them to decide.

What are commitment-phobics afraid of anyway? In our article 10 Signs You’ve Found A Keeper, we discussed how mature people have outgrown their fear of being hurt. Is it possible that your partner hasn’t outgrown their fears yet?

The fear of emotional pain is one reason your partner might be afraid to commit. Fear of tying themselves down is another. Let’s look at 7 signs that your partner is afraid to commit, and if there are any solutions for this common relationship problem.

7 Signs Your Partner Is Afraid to Commit

You feel pretty certain that your partner could be ‘The One,’ but lately they seem to have cold feet. What’s going on and why aren’t they as excited about taking the relationship to the next step as you are?

emotionally attached

1. Your partner still mourns their last broken relationship

You really need for your partner to stop talking about their ex. Either them saying how great or how bad things were makes it clear that they are afraid to commit to a new relationship.

2. Your partner’s self-image is single

People are capable of change, when they want to, but if your partner is still living a single lifestyle, it means that they see themselves as a single person. They may have a ‘lone wolf’ mentality, or ‘me against the world’ mindset.

Maybe your partner is projecting an available attitude toward all possible sexual partners, and if that’s the case, it’s a sign that your partner afraid to commit to one person for the rest of their life.

3. Your partner is egotistical

Researchers studying narcissism and relationship commitments cite previous research that people with an inflated sense of self-worth are more argumentative, hostile, selfishness, and self-centered. It’s hardly surprising then that the researchers also found that egotistical people are less likely to be strongly committed to a romantic partner.

A selfish person is only concerned about his or her own interests. It is very unlikely that they will be ready to commit unless you can be a doormat who lets them have everything their way. A narcissist is afraid to be in a relationship because they might have to compromise. Or they could be afraid of missing out on something better. Either way, it might be best to read our guide for handling these kinds of people: 5 Signs You’re In A Relationship With A Narcissist.

4. You haven’t met your partner’s family

Meeting the family is a big relationship step and it usually means that your partner is committed, ready to let the world know about your love, and ready to make you part of their family. If you’re still waiting to meet them, your partner may be afraid to commit.

5. Your partner is unable to connect on a deep level

Emotional love, caring and concern are all things that your partner should not be afraid of in a relationship. But some people, especially men, are afraid of showing emotion for fear of being judged as too feminine.

Regardless of social conventions, all humans are capable of deep love, but some people are afraid to open themselves up to emotion because it feels vulnerable.

6. Your partner makes last minute plans with you, and then it’s a booty call

Everybody knows that a booty call is usually a hook up without the emotional entanglement. If your partner is soliciting sex from you while keeping you at a distance emotionally, it is a sign that they are afraid to commit to you.

Researchers in the Journal of Family Theory say ‘People slide into having sex. People slide into having children. People slide into dangerous relationships. In contrast to sliding, there are strong conceptual reasons to suggest that clear decisions generally build the most resilient intentions. Sliding transitions may undermine the formation of dedication in relationships, even in those that continue.’

They compare last minute decision making to ‘sliding’ into a choice rather than ‘deciding.’ If your partner wasn’t afraid to commit, they would make a clear, conscious, reasoned, and planned decision to be with you, and they would know that they wanted that with plenty of time to make plans for a great date together.

faithful spouse

7. Your partner describes your relationship as something other than romantic to others

Your partner just introduced you to others as their friend, or they just introduced you by name. This could be a minor slip up, but if your partner does this consistently, it could be a sign that they are afraid to commit.

Rather than giving you a title that implies that they are committed to you, such as ‘boy/girlfriend,’ ‘life partner,’ or ‘significant other,’ your partner has neglected to mention to others that they are intimately involved with you. That little incident of can hurt your ego, so if this hurts your feelings, please ask them to introduce you as their girl or boyfriend in the future.

What Does Your Destiny Number Reveal About Your Personality?

Your destiny is your life’s purpose and your destiny number in numerology tells you about your life path as well as both positive and negative traits of your personality.

What Does Your “Destiny Number” Reveal About Your Personality?

Researchers in the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality found that people who knew their astrological signs were more likely to feel a connection to a description of the personality of their sign than they were to a description of a different sign.

The same connection that we feel to our zodiac sign may also be true for beliefs about our destiny number in numerology, especially when we encounter a crisis in our lives. A study in the Journal of Social Psychology found that beliefs about chance or fate were positively related to action-taking. In other words, when people encountered a difficult time in their lives, they actively sought help from astrology or numerology to guide them on the right path.

Related article: If You Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night, This May Be Why

How to determine your destiny number

  • Write the numbers 1 through 9 across the top of the page
  • Write one letter under each number starting with A under the number 1
  • Repeat through letter I under the number 9 then begin the second row with the letter J under the number one through letter R at the number 9
  • Finish the third row of letters under numbers with the letter Z ending at 8.

Your number and alphabet grid should look like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




For the letters of your first, middle and last names separately, find the number assigned to each letter and add them together to create one single-digit number.

Here is one example:

For the name Nancy Ann Botwin, we would have the numbers as follows for Nancy


5 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 7 = 21

21 is a 2 and a 1

2 + 1 = 3

Continue this for each name, first, middle and last. Add all digits until you arrive at a single number between one and 9.


1 + 5 + 5 = 11

1 + 1 = 2


2 + 6 + 2 + 5 + 9 + 5 = 29

2 + 9 = 11

1 + 1 = 2

So we have 3 + 2 + 2 in the example of Nancy (3) Ann (2) Botwin (2), which when we add them, gives us the destiny number 7.

Related article: 5 Signs You’re In A Relationship With Your Soulmate

What is the meaning of your destiny number? says of the destiny number ‘This number describes your inherent traits and often natural talents that you come here with. It speaks a great deal to your potential and what you can likely accomplish. It is often referred to as a “destiny” number for this reason, because it speaks of qualities inherent within you that you can work to develop.’

Destiny number 1

Prefers to lead, independent, creative, knowledgeable, determination, enthusiasm, motivated, friendly, extroverted, talkative.

A destiny number 1 can tend to be selfish and has difficulty listening to others.

Destiny number 2

Giving, often works in consulting or counseling, excellent negotiator, fair, social, prefers teamwork, passionate, energetic, curious and spiritual.

A destiny number 2 can tend to be too hard on themselves because they expect so much. Ask someone you trust for a reality check.

Destiny number 3

Extroverted, free-spirited, excellent verbal communication, entertaining, optimistic, sensitive, and innovative.

A destiny number 3 can be bad with finances and tends to withdraw when emotionally hurt.

Destiny number 4

Dependable, orderly, efficient, organized, socially responsible, a few close friends, practical, common sense, strong-willed, and often works as an entrepreneur or manager.

Destiny number 4 can be narrow-minded and bluntly honest when speaking their minds. Keep your mind open to achieve your full potential for success.

Destiny number 5

Adventurous, multi-talented, independent, courageous, motivated, extroverted, loves challenging work, may seek work in sales, legal, political or judicial fields.

Destiny number 5 can get restless if bored and dislikes being romantically tied down.

Destiny number 6

Loyal, caring, strong, enjoys responsibility, generous, conservative, takes on the jobs that others discard, has lots of close friends, enjoys domestic life, and work is usually in service to others.

A destiny number 6 can tend to be easily overwhelmed and is often critical of themselves and others.

Destiny number 7

Thoughtful, quick-witted, sincere, charming, slow to trust, prefers intellectual work, spiritually connected, somewhat introverted, good instinct, and decisive.

A destiny number 7 can be very argumentative and negative, especially if their minds are not active.

Destiny number 8

Direct, goal-oriented, focused, hard-working, born leader, dedicated, financially secure, organized, reliable, and honest.

A destiny number 8 can come across as bossy and emotionally distant. Be open to emotional support that you get from others to be more well-rounded.

Destiny number 9

Compassionate, generous, sensitive emotionally, social, creative, drawn toward helping others, enjoys communicating and philosophy.

The challenges for destiny number 9 come when faced with competition or business; work that is focused on profits, not people.

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