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11 Quotes To Remember When You Feel Discouraged

11 Quotes To Remember When You Feel Discouraged

We all feel discouraged from time to time. Some days, we might run full speed ahead and tackle life with no problem, but other times, we might feel like throwing in the towel. Life contains ups and downs for a reason, so that we may appreciate the good times and learn from the hard ones. If you ever feel like giving up, just consult the following inspiration to get you through another day.

Here are 11 quotes to remember when you feel discouraged:

Related article: 9 Things To Remember When You Feel Like Quitting

1. We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are. – Calvin & Hobbes


2. It doesn’t matter if it’s a relationship, a lifestyle or a job. If it doesn’t make you happy, let it go.

positive quotes

3. Stop wishing your life was different and live the one you have, because it’s the only one you have got.


4. “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein


5. Go 24 hours without complaining. Not even once…then watch how your life starts changing.


6. Don’t be in such a rush to figure everything out. Embrace the unknown and let your life surprise you.


7. Ships don’t sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don’t let what’s happening around you get inside you and weigh you down.


8. The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow. – Robert Tew


9. Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on.


10. Be patient. Some things take time.


11. Remember the time you thought you could never survive? You did, and you can do it again.


Here are some more tips to help you become encouraged again:


When life seems a little boring, realize it’s because of us, not because of a task, our job or the lack of a nightlife. We have the ability to create joy and excitement in everything we do, and it starts with our thoughts around the situation. It is not so much about trying to fix the situation or even ourselves as it is learning new things, finding the good, and focusing our energies on activities that have personal meaning.


We need to take the time to look after our emotional well-being by putting time aside every week for a yoga class or a little meditation. The relaxing breathing strategies involved in both will help eliminate stress and reduce anxiety. We will feel better, and will look at things differently.


When we make small changes to our daily routine, it brings back the excitement. Take a new exercise class, read a book, or even just doodle – these can get you out of a rut and ignite your creative self. You will soon realize that the act of starting and doing something new can give you some confidence to continue creating.


Negative thinking is common, but it’s how we handle the thoughts that will either drain our excitement for life, or build on it. We can’t stay in the midst of negativity and hope to be our best selves. Understanding our negative thoughts and reframing them into thoughts that better serve us keeps us from getting stuck.


An optimist is more excited about everything, not just life! If you’re not presently an optimistic individual, don’t worry – optimism may be learned. And it’s not whether the glass is half full or half empty, it’s knowing you can fill it up.

Teach yourself to see the other side, even with the small setbacks, little adversities, frustrations, disappointments, and letdowns in daily experiences. Look for the lessons and trust things will work out. When you do, it’s easy to get excited about the possibility.


When we start to look at our day, we’ll probably notice quite a bit of time wasted on non-value added activities like Candy Crush, Facebook or mindless television. Wasted time is energy draining, and as mentioned earlier, it’s hard to get excited when your energy is drained. When you know down deep you need to do something, you will find the time and the energy. But beware, because time fillers have a way of creeping in.

6 Habits of Consistently Happy People

We’d all like to feel happier, but happiness can sometimes seem like an elusive emotion that only certain people can experience regularly.

Happiness is a huge topic of discussion nowadays – you can walk through any self-help section of your local bookstore and see dozens of books on the topic. Research happiness on Google and you’ll notice that thousands of entries pop up. However, as much as people talk about happiness, do we really understand how it works?

While happiness means something different for everyone, you can actually do a few things each day to make it easier to feel happy.

Here are 6 habits of consistently happy people:


1. They get up early.

Studies have shown that people who wake up earlier not only feel happier but are more productive than their peers who sleep in. Something about seeing the sunrise while drinking a morning cup of tea or coffee allows you to reflect on life and actually have time in the morning for yourself.

Sleeping in means you’ll have to rush to make it to work on time, and also won’t have as much energy as someone who tackles tasks early in the morning before others wake up. As they say, the early bird gets the worm, and this age-old phrase obviously holds a lot of truth.

Related Article: 10 Things You Should Do Every Day Before 10 AM

2. They exercise regularly.

Happy people also make it a point to move their bodies often – a sedentary lifestyle only clouds the mind and promotes an unhealthy body. Consistently happy people know this, as we all know that exercise releases feel-good hormones and endorphins that boost your mood and give you the energy to make it through the day. Happy people care about their bodies and make sure to treat them well so that they feel their best.

3. They don’t sweat the small stuff.

The happiest people don’t let trivial matters get in the way of their mood – they simply allow the experiences to happen, whether good or bad, and learn from them. Happy people enjoy life no matter what happens because they know that the little stresses of life also hold valuable lessons and are necessary in order to enjoy the best things in life. Consistently happy people let the trivial matters in life roll off their shoulders and simply get back up again when life knocks them down.

4. They make new goals and try their hardest to achieve them.

Consistently happy people also write down their goals and go after them. They don’t allow themselves to become complacent and stagnant – they constantly want to set the bar higher for themselves and achieve things they never thought were possible. The happiest people push themselves to the limit in life and don’t allow anything to stand in the way of personal greatness, whatever that means to them.

5. They love to learn.

Also, happy people never stop learning. They have a curious mind and always want to know more than they did before about a variety of topics. They have an open mind as well. So they allow new information to pour in while making a point to go over it later. They absorb new skills quickly and consider life as a constant learning tool. Consistently happy people love to learn because they know that new information and ways of looking at something will help them grow as human beings.


6. They help others often.

Finally, the happiest people don’t just hoard all of the good energy for themselves – they share it with others. They look out for their fellow human beings and offer a helping hand whenever possible. This might mean that they volunteer at a local animal or homeless shelter, or engage in small acts of kindness such as opening the door for others. Happy people look at humanity as a giant team and want to serve others so as to promote unity and care for other human beings.

As you can see, it doesn’t take much to become a happier person; it just takes consistency, commitment, and consideration for others to boost your mood. Happiness isn’t just meant for a certain group of people – anyone can become happier in their life if they just choose to feel happier!

Related article: 6 Key Reasons Happy People Stay Happy

What Do Your Wrinkles Reveal About Your Health?

Wrinkles are an inevitable part of the natural aging process. As we become older our skin gets thinner, drier and less elastic. Our skin’s ability to protect itself from damage is also reduced as we age. Eventually, wrinkles, creases and lines form on our skin. – Medical News Today

With age comes wrinkles. It really doesn’t get any simpler than that. And there is nothing wrong with having wrinkles – it’s a natural development of aging. Depending upon how one looks at it, wrinkles can be a sign of beauty, wisdom, knowledge, growth and even wellness.

Interestingly, wrinkles can also reveal certain things about our health. In many instances, unfortunately, certain signs of wrinkling can indicate a potential health problem. On the positive side, once these potential risks are identified, it is possible to be proactive in seeking treatment.

Here are 6 things that wrinkles reveal about your health:

mature skin

1. An increased risk for heart disease

If one or both earlobes show a diagonal crease or wrinkle, it may indicate an increased risk for heart-related illness, including coronary heart disease. Researchers are unsure about why this enigmatic correlation exists, but there are two primary theories:

– The heart muscle and ear lobe are developed from the same genetic material, and a direct link exists between each part.

– Ear creases are a type of skin degeneration with the root cause being vascular disease.

Dr. Haim Shmilovich, a contributing author of one of the studies undertaken at the Tel Aviv Medical Center, says: “Our study showed a test accuracy of 67 percent, meaning that, in a general way of speaking, if you have this sign, you have a 67 percent change of having coronary artery disease.”

2. Decreased bone density (“brittle bones”)

In a study at the Yale University School of Medicine, a link was discovered between severity of wrinkles and bone mineral density. According to one researcher, “Skin and bones share common building blocks/proteins, and aging is accompanies by changes in skin and deterioration of bone quantity and quality…”

The researchers continue, stating that there is a potential link between wrinkle severity and lower bone density: “We found that deepening and worsening skin wrinkles are related to lower bone density among the study participants. The worse the wrinkles, the lesser the bone density, and this relationship was independent of age or of factors known to influence bone mass.”

3. Potential high blood pressure

According to a research study done at Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands, women who have a younger appearance – including less facial sagging and eye drooping – generally tend to have lower blood pressure. Also, the same study discovered that individuals who come from families with a history of longevity have less skin wrinkling on their upper arms than others in their age group.

4. Potential high stress

Doctors can indeed tell how stressed we are by our number of wrinkles. As one dermatologist put it “I can often tell how anxious a new patient is by the lines in her face.”

Stress often causes us to furrow our brow, which can lead to the development of permanent forehead wrinkles. However, these wrinkles are not limited only to the forehead. Continuous stress releases significant amounts of cortisol, the so-called “stress hormone.” As a result, our skin’s collagen diminishes and causes potential wrinkling.

5. High levels of sugar

Sugar contains a bonding agent that attaches to a protein in the body, creating advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Yes, that is a genuine byproduct and yes, that is a real (and fitting) acronym.

AGEs chemically breaks down the molecular structure of two important gatekeepers of skin health – elastin and collagen. Breaking down these two skin components increases the likelihood of developing additional fine lines and wrinkles.

A better, much healthier idea is to eat some fruit instead. Some fruits, particularly mangoes and pomegranates, contain beneficial skin properties. Specifically, research demonstrates that fruits can reverse skin damage (incredible!).

6. Nothing health-related at all (but still check!)

Of course, there’s a high likelihood that absolutely nothing is wrong. As mentioned, wrinkling is a completely normal part of the aging process. However, there is many a firm believer that potentially helpful methods of managing one’s health are worthwhile to examine.


Final Thoughts: Last Tips for Skin Health

  • Get more sleep: Inadequate sleep has been linked to more wrinkles and fine lines, mouth drooping and pale skin.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables: Fruits and veggies contain carotenoids, a powerful skin antioxidant. The properties of carotenoids, particularly its anti-inflammatory effects, can be a powerful ally for skin health.
  • Quit smoking: Perhaps no real surprise that smoking speeds up the skin’s aging process. The nicotine in cigarettes narrows blood vessels and restricts blood flow. In short, the more one smokes, the more damage is done to the skin.

4 Types of Negative People You Need To Avoid

We have people who enter our lives for many reasons. Some become friends, lovers, or partners, while others help us through many obstacles. Then others force us to ask, “What is this person teaching me, and why is my patience being tested?” There are many types of people, but here are four personality types that you want to avoid. Their characteristics are exaggerated, annoying, pessimistic, and toxic.

10 Negative People You Should Avoid Dealing With

Here are  ten negative types of people you want to avoid:

1. The User.

This personality is egotistical. They are master manipulators who use deception to get what they want, without any regard for anyone’s feelings. Users often rationalize their behavior to make sense of their actions. They also play the victim card to their advantage. As humans, we are often fogged by our emotions. The user feeds on those who are kind and sensitive. They are the bullies of the world. Once they get what they want, the person is left to pick up the pieces. Users are quiet hurricanes who pass through our lives with tremendous destructive powers. They take, attempt to intimidate, and insult. If you are among this sort of person, the best thing you can do is be assertive, try not to engage in their drama, and set boundaries. Users don’t like the word “no.” They prey on those who they know will do favors for them.

“The successful man doesn’t use others. Other people use the successful man, for above all the success if of service.” –Mark Caine

negative people

2. The Gossiper.

People who feel insecure about themselves will spread rumors and gossip about others. This negativity makes them feel better. The gossiper is a toxic thread in any group of folks. They feed on the misfortunes and mistakes of others, often exaggerating the truth. They take and pull from whatever source they need to to get attention. These folks create stories out of boredom, for power and control, jealousy, revenge, and popularity. The best thing you can do is not partake in their accounts. Do not ask questions. Stop their nonsense the minute they start to speak of someone else. The gossiper hurts three people with their words: themselves, the person who is listening, and the person they are gossiping about. You might be next on their agenda if you don’t stop their storytelling.

“Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.”  –Socrates

3. The Blamer.

You know this one well. Everyone has one around them. The Blamer is the person who has the victimization personality. They take little responsibility for anything they do. They point the finger at anyone and everyone around them. This is also the martyr. Blamers lack self-control and have very low self-esteem. This personality will do anything possible to deviate blame from themselves. If you are among this type of person, the best thing to do is shift the conversation, take charge of it by questioning everything, and re-affirm where accountability is with them. You are not responsible for anyone but yourself. Please do not allow this persona to feed you with their insecurities. Everyone makes mistakes, and this is where the blamer loves to project issues to anyone but themselves.

“Blaming others is an act of refusing to take responsibility. When a person can’t accept the fact or the reality, they blame another person or the situation instead of taking accountability.”  –Dee Dee Artner

4. The Complainer.

Do you have one of these in your office? You know them by the way they are dramatically exhibiting the woe-is-me attitude. Coping with this type of person requires listening and asking for clarification. They might feel victimized by the questioning, but it is the only means to effectively get to the core issue. You should disagree with the complainer. Do not apologize to them either. You must be supportive while being serious and not participate in the matter. Detaching complainers pushes them to complain even harder. They can’t help but need attention by making sure everyone around them is hit with some negative story.

Some people go to incredible lengths to be complicated. Our experiences create our personalities. Dr. Nando Pelusi states in Psychology Today, “Resisting the trap set by difficult people is easier if you’re aware of your vulnerability to getting hurt and then feeling angry.” You do not have to be anyone’s target when they choose to be toxic and harmful. The only thing you can do is to avoid participating in their drama.

“Complaining does not work as a strategy. We all have finite time and energy. Any time we spend whining is unlikely to help us achieve our goals. And it won’t make us happier.” — Randy Paush, The Last Lecture

5. Opportunists.

The opportunist is one of the negative people you want to avoid as they want to use you. They have a goal and will stop at nothing to achieve it. This person doesn’t care about your feelings or emotions, as they tend to be on the selfish side. They feel justified in their behaviors as it benefits them.

This person has difficulty maintaining friendships, as they’re fake and have narcissistic tendencies. They will use and manipulate you till they get everything they need, and then they will drop you in a heartbeat. Another major issue with these people is that they tend to be cynical, so it’s hard to develop a true friendship.

“An opportunist hides the truth and keeps the options for the achievement of the purpose.” ― Ehsan Sehgal

6. The Jealous Type.

Ah, the green-eyed monster doesn’t make for good friendships. When someone has a jealousy issue, they’re often envious of others. They constantly compare their lives to other people and think that someone else is better off. These folks tend to focus on negativity, so they’re toxic to be around for long periods.

They will try to sabotage your happiness, whether they mean to. Having them as a friend or a partner isn’t going to be good, as sooner or later, their true colors will come shining through. Until this person learns to put their insecurities to rest, they’re incapable of having any healthy connections.

“O, beware, my lord, of jealousy;
It is the green-ey’d monster, which doth mock
The meat it feeds on.”
― William Shakespeare, Othello

7. Controllers.

You can’t mention negative people without bringing up the controlling person. A control freak may come across as assertive, but their insecurities speak loud and clear. Life will always have uncertainties, but it’s being able to roll with the punches that make or breaks your character.

This person fears losing control, and there’s often some trauma in their background that’s made them this way. They have a very unhealthy way of dealing with things around them, so they try to keep their thumb on everything. If something doesn’t match their ideas, they become quite anxious and demanding.

It’s not uncommon for this individual to have passive-aggressive behaviors, as their abusive tendencies hurt you. They’re not above judging, criticizing, and voicing their opinion, but it’s not about you as it’s more about them.

“Abuse grows from attitudes and values, not feelings. The roots are ownership, the trunk is entitlement, and the branches are control.” ― Lundy Bancroft, Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men

life quote

8. Bullies.

No one wants to hang around with bullies, as they’re energy vampires that can suck you dry. Don’t ever let these negative people get any of your energy, as once they get a leg up on you, they will take control. When you hear the word bully, you think of the school playground and a child who dominates the group.

However, there are bullies in churches, workplaces, and in adult relationships that you must face. They can be any age and know how to work things for their benefit. The bully is very much a manipulator, as they can make you miserable until you give in to their demands.

The best way to handle this person is to be honest with them. Once you stand up to a bully, they usually back down. Like the traditional narcissist, they likely have some trauma in their past that’s made them behave this way. Emotionally detach yourself from this person before it’s too late.

“Life is a fight, but not everyone’s a fighter. Otherwise, bullies would be an endangered species.” ― Andrew Vachss, Terminal

8. Energy Vampires.

Some negative people suck the life right out of you. They’re so toxic that one phone conversation can make you feel drained and exhausted. They never have anything nice to say, and even if you try to be positive, they will find a way to give it a negative spin.

This person is so miserable that they would love to bring along some company. They will call to bombard you with all their drama and the latest horrible scoop of their life. This person may also play the victim card to get your pity, but some might become a bit abusive to get their way.

How do you know if you’re involved with an energy vampire? It’s all about how you feel after hanging up or leaving their presence. Your state of mind after contact will be the indicator, as these people give you a headache and can even make your stomach hurt.

“Say goodbye to the energy vampires in your life — the negative souls who steal your enthusiasm. — Robin Sharma

9. Pathological Liars.

If you ever entangle with a pathological liar, you need to run as quickly as possible. This person wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked them on the top of their head. Unlike some people who lie to get out of trouble, this person lies just for lying. An interesting study published by the National Library of Medicine found that people guilty of chronic lying tend to have impaired function in social situations.

They often feel inferior and need to make up a story to appear better. Their insecurities come across when they must face situations at work or home, and they think that lying is the best way to combat these feelings. This negative person is going to play mind games with you. The lies will get more intense as they snowball from trying to cover up their untruths. Avoid them at all costs.

“Hypocrites get offended by the truth.” ― Jess C. Scott, Bad Romance: Seven Deadly Sins Anthology

10. Egotists.

Dealing with a self-absorbed person is difficult, but the National Library of Medicine classifies this person as egotistical or narcissistic. Not only will they waste your time, but they’re a threat to your mental wellbeing. A relationship needs to have a healthy balance of giving and taking to be effective.

However, this person is so focused on themselves that they usually have empty relationships. They have no problem communicating their thoughts and feelings with you, but they won’t have time when you want to vent in return. This person has a grandiose view of themselves, and they think they’re better than everyone else in everything they say or do. Avoid these negative people and find healthy relationships.

“Egotist, n. A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me.” ― Ambrose Bierce, The Unabridged Devil’s Dictionary

How to Set Boundaries with Negative People

Since you know all of the types of people you should avoid, you need to know what to do when you encounter them. You need to protect yourself from negative people at all costs, and here are a few ways to safeguard your heart and mind.

1. Limit Contact with Negative People

If possible, try to limit your contact. A person can only be an energy vampire if you allow them. When they invite you for dinner, movies, or another social event, say “No.” You get to control your life, and you don’t need someone toxic spilling all their poison onto you.

2. Do Not Let Negative People Create Emotional Space in Your Life

Creating an emotional separation is easier in some situations than it is others. It may be a challenge if it’s your spouse or a relative. However, if you’re in the wrong emotional place because you have a toxic person you share it with, it might be time to reevaluate some things.

3. Clearly State Your Boundaries

It would help if you had boundaries in all areas of your life. If you don’t have such safeguards, energy vampires and negative people will walk all over you. Draw your lines in the sand, and don’t let anyone cross them without your permission.

4. Nurture Yourself When You Can’t Avoid Negative People

You need to make sure you take care of yourself. Being around these people that seem to suck the life out of you can be pretty taxing. So, getting appropriate self-care is the key to staying mentally healthy. Remember, the physical and mental parts work closely together, so you want to ensure both are healthy.

5. Honor Your Needs

You know all those aches and pangs that you get when you’re around these negative folks? Well, it’s your body’s warning system. It would help if you listened to what your body is trying to tell you. That feeling in the pit of your stomach is your intuitive side warning you to stay away. You don’t want to be around people who make you feel worse, as true friends pick you up.


Final Thoughts on Identifying the Negative People…and Avoiding Their Drama

It’s hard to find true friends these days that will be there for you as much as they expect you to be there for them. However, you need friends to make your life fulfilled. Whether you’re dating, married, have relatives, or acquaintances that tend to be negative, you can avoid the drama.

You get to call the shots in your life. People can only mistreat, abuse, and control you if you allow them to do so. Once you determine that someone is harmful and toxic, it’s time to cut your losses and move on.

If it’s a relative that you can’t avoid, you can limit your exposure to them for your mental health. Find people that pick you up when you fall, offer a shoulder to cry on, and are there through the good and bad.

What Are You Grateful For? Researchers Explain How Gratitude Changes Your Life

Counting your blessings is not just about adopting an attitude of gratitude; it’s about making extraordinary things happen in your life. Gratitude is a worldview that we wish more people would adopt. Why? Because it’s much more positive than the alternative–taking things for granted.

In a study of gratitude and subjective well-being, participants kept records of their moods, coping behaviors, health behaviors, physical symptoms, and overall life happiness. Researchers found that participants who expressed gratitude showed higher well-being. Researchers also found that gratitude helped people to feel greater happiness. The scientists say, ‘Results suggest that a conscious focus on blessings may have emotional and interpersonal benefits.’

Researchers studying gratitude have a difficult task because it is hard to define. They begin by saying, ‘It has been conceptualized as an emotion, an attitude, a moral virtue, a habit, a personality trait, or a coping response. The word gratitude is derived from the Latin root gratia, meaning grace, graciousness, or gratefulness.’

In a quote from P.W. Pruyser, the researchers say that the words that come from the Latin root of gratitude are ‘kindness, generousness, gifts, the beauty of giving and receiving, or getting something for nothing.’

These Things Happen When You Start Counting Your Blessings


The field of positive psychology is relatively new, but psychologists are fascinated by the resiliency of people who have a positive, grateful outlook as compared to those who focus on the awful things that happen.

Positive people rarely have a life that’s free of loss, rather, they are able to experience loss as a temporary moment of sorrow that enhances the joy of the other moments of their lives.

The Positive Psychology Center is ‘founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, work, and play.’ Psychologists hope that curing many types of mental illness could be as easy as helping people to learn to count their blessings.

1. You strengthen friendships

So much of what we accomplish in our lives is due to the support and help of our friends and loved ones. By expressing our thanks to the blessings of friendship, we are expressing our thanks for the efforts that others took on our behalf. Counting our friendship blessings often means openly expressing thanks to them. When your friends feel appreciated, they are more likely to help you in the future.

Not only do others feel better when you are grateful for their help, but you feel better too. Researchers say ‘Encouraging people to focus on the benefits they have received from others leads them to feel loved and cared for by others.’ Feeling loved is a great reason to count your blessings.

2. You build a sense of spirituality

“‘Thank you’ is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.” – Alice Walker.

When we are grateful for something that we cannot attribute to the help of a specific person, we feel blessed by a force beyond ourselves. It is as though we have been helped, supported, and loved by a caring being. Thanking that energy that has brought you such abundance gives us a way to connect to the divine.

Many people believe that the more we are grateful to the divine for our blessings, the more blessings we are likely to receive in return.

3. You improve your creative thinking

Think of it this way: someone who is grateful for the love and care of their romantic partner is more likely to seek to show their gratitude with words and actions that demonstrate their thanks. Someone who is not grateful does not take the time or effort to think of a way to express gratitude.

Our brains are more active when we consciously count our blessings versus taking them for granted. This mindfulness can also help in other areas of your life that require creative thinking.

4. You cope better with stress

Taking a moment to count your blessings during an upsetting event can shift your mindset from a negative to a positive. Instead of what went wrong, you focus on what you learned from the experience. You spend less time in a negative emotional state like fear, anger, or sadness. Thus, you slow down your heart rate to move into calm acceptance, then happiness as the negative moment passes.


5. You improve your mood when you count blessings

Feelings of depression, anxiety or anger can be quickly changed to happiness. Counting your blessings is one easy way to move into a positive mood. Therapists are beginning to look at exercises in gratitude as a way for patients to recover from mild depression.

Try journaling or using an app to track your mood. Then write down at least two things you are grateful for and check your mood again. You may be pleasantly surprised to discover that your mood has improved over what it was before you counted your blessings.

5 Signs Your Partner Thinks You’re “The One”

Is there a sure way to know if you’ve met “the one?” It takes time for a partner to give a clue on how they feel. In this stressful world, long-term commitments seem rare. They are as mythical as finding a unicorn in the backyard. But, when you find that one person who wants to be with you, hang on to them.

Here are five signs your partner thinks you are “the one”:partner

1. Your partner relates with ease.

He/she says, “I’ve never told this to anyone before.” This is a sure sign you might just be the one. Relationships that are easy don’t require questioning. Men, especially, have a hard time with sharing intimate details. They don’t speak of their fears. Most people hold on to their vulnerability and do not show it for a long time in relationships. So, if your partner is sharing, openly crying, and feels completely comfortable around you this is a sign that there is a deeper meaning to this union than just a passing fling.

2. There is not enough time to spend together.

Relationships go through this in the beginning, but if you are still each others’ best pastime this is a nice clue that your partner thinks you are a keeper. People who make time to be with their partners have the best intention of making it serious. If you are as happy outside of the bedroom as you are in the bedroom you can be sure that your magical powers have a sweet spell over your partner.

Is your sweetheart planning on spending holidays and other special days with you and your family? Does your partner enjoy activities that also involve his/her friends? Do you feel included in things that are important to him/her? People who fall deeply in love crave being together always. There is constant laughter and play. These relationships are incredibly connected in physical, emotional, and spiritual ways.

3. There is little or no outside drama.

You understand each other without explanations or expectations. Relationships that are meant to turn into committed ones have very strong bonds. Men are extremely grateful for not having to explain things. Women also enjoy not having to worry about expectations.

If you are not dealing with jealousy, creating scenarios that question commitment, then you can be sure this person will keep you around for the rest of his/her life. If your partner is telling you that you make him/her feel calm and safe, you can be sure you are the one.

4. You share similar priorities and moral values.

If you are discussing finances, future goals, and the what if’s of your lives together, most likely that should let you know there is some seriousness to this relationship. Partnerships that share similar ventures such as where you will live, having a family, pets, and other deep conversations tend to be stable. They are sure signs of future commitments.

Have you heard the phrase, “Our kids….” And no one fainted? Future plans come naturally to those who want to stay for the long haul.

5. You can be yourself completely.

Your partner sees your vulnerability and weakness and still loves you. This is a sure sign that you are a keeper. It’s easy to be happy. The struggle in partnership comes when stress appears via finances, past traumas, unresolved emotional issues, and work problems. If your partner is sticking with you through all the ups and downs of life, be sure you are marriage material. We tend to push those we love when we are overwhelmed. If he or she is still showing you that you are not alone accept that you are worth it.

In our society, we have placed a lot of hardcore value when defining the phrase “The One.” This is not just for marriage. There are millions of couples out there who do not officially tie the knot. We expect the one to be like a fairy tale. The true companion in our lives is better than any story. You are the one person your counterpart wants to spend a lifetime with. The union of two souls is one of the most special events in our lives. To be “the one” is to be the one person who has your back and will raise you when you are down. That person knows your value.

“To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow – this is a human offering that can border on miraculous.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert, Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage

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