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6 Foods You Can Buy One Time And Regrow Forever

When one is born and raised in a developed nation, such as the United States or Canada, food is provided and consumed with minimal effort. The negative consequence of this is that the vast majority of food eaten is processed with unhealthy chemicals, such as preservatives and excess amounts of sugar, sodium and/or fat.

Why is this the case? Well, a short answer is convenience. The majority of the population deals with hectic work, home and personal schedules which allocate a scant amount of time to prepare foods made from raw, unadulterated sources. Combine unrelenting schedules with manufacturing and technology advances, and the proliferation of convenience foods – boxed, bagged and processed – begins to make sense.

The problem is that these foods don’t make sense from a health perspective. Study after study has shown that convenience foods are not well-received by the human body. For thousands of years, our distant ancestors hunted, gathered and consumed foods that were strictly limited to available resources. In other words, we’re genetically programmed to take in foods that are unaltered and pure.

Fast-forward to today, and what do we see? Supermarkets intentionally stack their aisles side-by-side with unhealthy, unnatural foods. Notice that vegetables, fruits, meats and other “unpopular” edibles are limited to corner space…this is done for a reason. The reason is that grocery shopper’s demand for convenience foods far outpace the demand for natural, raw sources. We’d rather pop a 15-minute pizza into the oven than spend 30 minutes preparing a fresh, wholesome meal.

Despite the overwhelming demand for “fast food,” it is possible to grow, harvest and consume home-grown, natural sources of food. In fact, we’re going to show six different food types that can be regrown and re-eaten. Not only are the health benefits significant, the cost savings are as well. Promisingly, these foods can also be regenerated with less than anticipated effort.

Here are six foods that can be regrown forever:

Related article: 6 Reasons You Need To Try An Alkaline Diet

1. Carrots

Well, technically, carrots and other vegetables that grow from the root. Turns out that – in addition to Bugs Bunny’s favorite snack – beets, turnips and parsnips are able to be home-grown for a long time. All that’s needed is a container of water and a knife. Cut off the tops of each veggie, submerge in a container of water and set it out in the sun. Simply change the water in each container every few days and, once the veggie’s roots appear, plant them in soil until fully developed. Repeat.

2. Ginger

One of the world’s most treasured plants, ginger has been used for countless millennia for everything – from medicinal cures to nutritional value. For interested parties, this wonderful plant is easy to grow. Simply gather a pot, some soil and a thumb-sized piece of ginger. Plant the piece upwards and within a week, the plant to should grow to a point that allows harvest.

3. Celery

For celery lovers, the fact that the vegetable is easy to regrow is good news. All that’s needed is a knife, a bowl of warm water and sunlight. Sever the celery’s head from the base and place it in warn water with the severed end upward. Place the bowl in an area with ample sunlight and simply change the water every two days. Once the leaves have appeared, place the base in soil and await full growth.

4. Basil

Root stems of both fresh basil and cilantro can be regrown after appearing. The stems need to be placed in a full glass of water while in direct sunlight. Every other day, the water will need to be replaced until the roots are at least two inches long – at which time the vegetable will need to be transferred to soil until fully grown.

5. Lettuce

In just four short days, lettuce – in addition to bok choy and cabbage – can be ready for soil. It is recommended that ample space, such as a deck or small garden, be used to grow these luscious greens. Submerge the vegetable’s outer leaves in water and set the bowl in an area with plenty of sunlight. Every two days, replace water and pluck the dead leaves. After four days, the plant should be ready for soil transport. Harvest the plant until grown to full size.

6. Lemongrass and Scallions

Lemongrass is a delectable, succulent herb that people treasure having in their diet. The issue is it’s relatively isolated to certain parts of the world – namely, East Asia. Fortunately, this delicious food can harvested by simply cutting the root end of a stalk and placing it in water. That’s right…just cut the root and submerge it into water, placing it in direct sunlight. After approximately a week, the product is ready to be transferred to soil, where it can be observed till full-growth, when it’s then ready to be plucked.

8 Sentences That Decide The Fate Of Your Relationship

Communication is so important that it can make or break the course of your relationship. Our words can be powerfully hurtful or helpful in a relationship, but we have the choice how to speak to our partner.

Let’s look at eight different phases that could send your relationship on a collision course, and then 9 ways to communicate more lovingly. Keep in mind that you always have a choice to communicate with kindness.

8 Sentences That Decide The Fate Of Your Relationship


1. I don’t want to talk about it vs. Let’s talk later

Avoiding conflict by shutting down a discussion is selfish. Your partner has a right to their opinion and so do you. If emotions are high, it’s a great time to wait to talk though.

2. I don’t care what you do vs. It’s important for us to decide what we do together.

If you truly didn’t care about your partner’s behavior, you likely wouldn’t be saying this phrase that can decide the course of your relationship. Of course you care. In fact, you probably dislike what your partner is doing but you were afraid to say that.

3. If you ever ___, I will leave you vs. That behavior is unacceptable to me.

Handling conflict by saying this threatening phrase is an aggressive tactic. An argument is just an argument. There’s no reason to threaten to break up with someone over a difference of opinion unless this is a crucial issue to your belief system.

If you truly dislike what your partner did, you can set a relationship boundary without it being an ultimatum of ‘If you ever yell at me again I’m leaving.’ Instead try ‘This is very important to me. I need you to lower your voice when you speak to me.’

4. You never/always vs. I prefer that you wouldn’t do that (specific behavior).

Anytime you say ‘you always’ or ‘You never’ you are exaggerating the truth. The truth is probably that your partner has acted that way several times before, and each time you disliked it. And you said nothing.

You can’t blame your partner for not mind-reading. If it bothered you 2 years ago when your partner first did it, there’s no point blaming them for not knowing that it bothered you until now.

You are responsible for setting your own boundaries. If something bothers you, do not bring up a list of other things that bothered you. Give your partner the respect of pointing out how their behavior, this ONE specific time, wasn’t really how you would prefer them to act in the future in this same situation.

5. You’re always coming up with crazy ideas vs. I’ll support you

The classic 1938 movie Holiday was on the other night with Carey Grant and Katherine Hepburn. But Carey Grant almost ends up with Doris Nolan, who played Ms. Hepburn’s sister in the film. The only difference was that Katherine Hepburn supported Carey Grant’s crazy dreams and Doris didn’t.

You don’t have to love all of your partner’s ideas, especially if they are costly, but you can find a way to be positive and curious rather than negative and immediately dismissive of their ideas.

6. Why do you do that? Vs. I want to connect with you and understand you more deeply.

In a study of 189 people in romantic relationships and how they handle arguments, they found that people who were focused on becoming closer to their partner were ‘more likely to engage in open discussion and compromise, show concern for their partner, and seek social support, whereas they were less likely to deny or ignore the conflict. They were also more likely to successfully resolve the conflict (e.g., maintain the relationship).’

When there is an argument, there is usually a difference of opinion. If you approach your partner with an attitude of wanting to understand their view so that you can become closer to them as a person, the researchers show that you will be better at staying together.

7. You’re just like my ex Vs. I dislike your behavior

No one wants to be compared to an ex-lover. Treat your partner like a unique individual with their own quirks, because they are. You can dislike the behavior and say so, without mentioning a relationship with an ex.


8. I’ll love you if you ___ Vs. I love you just for who you are

Conditional love is the opposite of unconditional love. You put conditions on your relationship when you say ‘I’ll love you if ___.’ The use of conditional love is like treating your partner like a dog that will be rewarded with your love if they do the trick that you asked them to do.

Why Empaths Freeze Around Fake People

We have discussed the highly sensitive person, or empath, many times before, but if you have never heard of them, read below for a quick summary.

Before the 1990s, heightened sensitivity in humans was not widely discussed, but in 1991, a psychologist named Dr. Elaine Aron began to study this trait more closely. Surprisingly, she discovered that 15-20% of the population carries the trait that classifies them as highly sensitive, which means they respond to external stimuli more noticeably than non-HSP’s.

They have a different way of processing sensory information due to parts of their brain that regulate emotions being more responsive than the brains of their less sensitive counterparts.

Highly sensitive people respond deeply to their environment, and can easily pick up on people that are not genuine. They need honest, deep, meaningful relationships with others, and usually feel on edge around fake people.

Here’s why some empaths freeze around fake people:

sensitive person

Being an empath in a largely desensitized world comes with many challenges, including dealing with disingenuous people. When an empath meets someone they perceive as fake, they tend to stay silent or stumble over their words.

Empaths can see right through a fake persona, which sends them into a state of alarm. They start to experience physical and mental symptoms that wouldn’t make sense to those who don’t identify as an empath – sweaty hands, fast heart rate, feelings of dread, and exhaustion, among others.

Empaths feel the pain that people sweep under the rug and try to hide behind a fake persona. Empaths know that these “fake” people don’t necessarily mean any harm, but they have a lot of healing left to do here on Earth.

These common situations you will encounter as an empath can quickly leave you feeling drained:

  • Someone who acts like a pushover to get accepted by everyone they meet.
  • A person who conceals their hatred or anger but comes across as lovely and friendly.
  • Someone who had a bad upbringing and feels vulnerable and insecure yet tries to act unshaken and tough.
  • A person who tries too hard to act a certain way goes against their natural personality.
  • Someone dishing out fake compliments to feel accepted.
  • A person who embellishes to get people to like them.

As a result, the empath will usually react like this:

  • Avoiding them, not necessarily because they did something wrong, but just because you don’t get good vibes around them
  • You can’t form logical sentences, and speech becomes difficult. You will also forget important details of your life if they ask about them
  • Getting an overwhelming feeling of dread and discomfort that only dissipates when you are no longer in their company
  • Literally feeling sick after spending extended periods with them
  • Feelings of confusion and guilt for not being able to spend time with this person, especially if you actually like them
  • Wanting to run as far away from them as possible

Empaths can read body language and energy like no other type of person and do not tolerate lies and deception. However, even the empath can fake things to deal with the world.

After all, none of us can truly know all of ourselves. So, we put the self on display that we feel will gain the most acceptance. Empaths can fake feelings or an entire persona to hide emotions or understate their pain.

We’ve all done it, so if an empath picks up on this trait about yourself, they might see that characteristic in themselves, too. Life is a mirror, so we see in others what we actually see within us.

For an empath, coming across a fake person drains their energy, but they don’t wish these people any harm. Empaths try to love everyone and show compassion as much as possible, so they might send them a wish for healing or love after seeing them in person.

The empath does not want to act “holier than thou” by not being able to tolerate certain people. Instead, they have a heightened sensitivity to the world. That means literally can’t handle certain situations or people without feeling physically and mentally sick.

If you’re an empath, here are a few things you can do to retain composure and avoid feeling drained around fake people:


Don’t be afraid to say no to others, something that empaths struggle with

Many times, empaths feel they can’t maintain their sensitivity while also speaking up for themselves and possibly letting others down. Remember, though, when you say no to someone’s request, this doesn’t make you a bad person. It simply means you have a lot on your plate and can’t possibly make everyone happy.

In life, we have a limited amount of time each day. Thus, we can’t always get everything done that we’d like to. However, prioritizing things can help you knock off the important tasks on your list, and saying no further aids you in managing your time wisely.

If someone gets hurt because you said no, remember they are responsible for choosing how they want to feel. Your response shouldn’t dictate their emotions.

Always follow your heart

Empaths can often get swept up in the idea that they must do what others want because they have a duty here to heal the planet and everyone on it. Empaths, in a way, have superhero qualities but often don’t take the time to look after themselves properly. Never sacrifice your dreams to please others; this won’t lead to fulfillment in the long term.

Following your heart means bravely stepping into the path of your dreams and not letting anyone stand in the way. Just focus on improving your life and doing things that feel good to you, which will help you become more assertive.


Focus on self-care instead of pleasing others

People pleasing might seem harmless, but it can quickly become dangerous and self-destructive. When you try to bend over backward to please everyone, you push your needs to the back burner. Be careful; doing this too much can make you feel exhausted.

If you have high self-esteem, you’ll realize that you need to meet your own needs first before you can take care of everyone else.

11 Life Lessons To Learn From Aristotle

“In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous.” – Aristotle

One of the most well-known and highly regarded Greek philosophers in history, Aristotle taught us many important lessons in subjects such as science, logic, ethics, poetry, theater, metaphysics, and just life in general.

Did you know the name Aristotle literally means “the best purpose” when translated? He certainly lived out his purpose to share knowledge during his lifetime, and we’ve gathered some of this most famous and profound quotes to share with you all so that you can keep these teachings with you.

Here are 11 life lessons to learn from Aristotle:

Related article: 15 Life-Changing Lessons To Learn From Rumi

life lessons

1.  Know who your friends are, and keep them close.

“Without friends, no one would want to live, even if he had all other goods.”

“Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.”

“The best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake.”

“A friend is a second self, so that our consciousness of a friend’s existence…makes us more fully conscious of our own existence.”

“What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.”

“Misfortune shows those who are not really friends.”

“The antidote for fifty enemies is one friend.”

2. Honesty is the best policy; hold it in high regard.

“The least deviation from truth will be multiplied later.”

“All persons ought to endeavor to follow what is right, and not what is established.”

“Piety requires us to honor truth above our friends.”

“The high-minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think.”

“Liars when they speak the truth are not believed.”

3. Never stop learning in all areas of life.

“Education is the best provision for the journey to old age.”

“The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living differ from the dead.”

“All men by nature desire knowledge.”

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”

“Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.”

“All men by nature desire to know.”

4. The art of written word is beautiful. -Aristotle

“Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.”

“Poetry demands a man with a special gift for it, or else one with a touch of madness in him.”

“To write well, express yourself like the common people, but think like a wise man.”

“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”

5. One of the biggest triumphs in life is conquering your Ego.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

“He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.”

“I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is over self.”

“It is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organize the peace.”

6. To accomplish anything in life, you must have willpower.

“Through discipline comes freedom.”

“It is of the nature of desire not to be satisfied, and most men live only for the gratification of it.”

“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”

“Excellence is an art won by training and habitation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather we have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit.”

“For what is the best choice, for each individual is the highest it is possible for him to achieve.”

”Always prefer the probable impossible to the improbable possible.”

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”

7. Comedy and humor must exist in life in order to keep us sane.

“The secret to humor is surprise.”

“The gods too are fond of a joke.”

“Comedy aims at representing men as worse, Tragedy as better than in actual life.”

8. Oftentimes, the craziest people have the best ideas.

“No great genius is without an admixture of madness.”

“No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.”

9. Fear doesn’t do anything but hold us back.

“Wicked men obey from fear; good men, from love.”

“Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil.”

“I have gained this by philosophy; that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law.”

“Hope is a waking dream.”

10. You get to control the quality of your life and the qualities you choose to possess.

“Men create gods after their own image, not only with regard to their form, but with regard to their mode of life.”

“Happiness belongs to the self sufficient.”

“Happiness is the settling of the soul into its most appropriate spot.”

“We acquire a particular quality by acting in a particular way.”

“The actuality of thought is life.”

“We must be neither cowardly nor rash but courageous.”

“To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.”

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”

“Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.”

11. Never underestimate the power of the darkness.

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”

“We cannot learn without pain.”

5 Questions To Ask Yourself When You Can’t Let Go Of The Past

Letting go of the past certainly can seem challenging when old times hold so many precious memories and people you used to know. However, we must move on from the past if we ever want to live a happy, fulfilling future. Staying stuck in the past only promotes stagnation and depression, as we can’t ever get the past back.

“When the past calls, let it go to voicemail. It has nothing new to say.” – Mandy Hale

The past can teach us valuable lessons, but to stay there would mean putting our lives on hold, and that does nothing for us in the end. When you find yourself reminiscing on the past and wishing you could somehow get it back, refer to these five important questions below.

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself when you can’t let go of the past:

fall out of love

1. Am I in the present moment, or in the past?

Obviously to remain stuck in the past, we have to actually shift our consciousness and perception to days gone by. In other words, to let go of the past, we must turn our attention to the present moment so that we can fully enjoy life and all it can offer us. Living in the past will only bring about depression about how things used to be, and the fact that they can no longer be exactly as you remembered.

Marcia Reynolds, Psy. D., says, “You can’t force yourself to love your current life but you can recognize the value today and the possibility for fulfillment tomorrow. Or maybe you need to start looking for a new role, job, or adventure that will get your old needs met. Be careful, you should not decide you are failing at your new endeavor because you aren’t perfect. Making a full transition takes time.

2. Do I have the same beliefs?

Going through life, we will inevitably change our beliefs from time to time. New experiences require us to shift our thinking and question everything we thought we once knew. As you think about moving on from the past, remember how much you’ve grown since then, and how you see the world differently than before.

In the past, you saw things from a certain vantage point because you didn’t have all the experiences you have today. Now that you know what you do, would you even want to go back to your former self? Think about this next time it seems hard to let go of the past.

3. Is there more I have to learn from my past experience?

Ask yourself why you keep going back to the past. If you find yourself traveling back in time often, you probably have some unfinished business there. Ask yourself if you have learned all the lessons you can from the past, or if you have more to uncover from your experiences. Many times, we revisit the past because it has something left to teach us that we may not have learned before.

4. Have I completed the lesson?

Many people live in the past simply because they haven’t learned all they could from it. The past offers powerful lessons if we feel ready to receive them. Life will continue to send you the same teachers until you have mastered the lesson, so maybe you aren’t actually living in the past – maybe you just keep seeing the same situations repeating themselves because you haven’t completed the lesson yet.

There’s nothing wrong with this, but you need to ask yourself this question next time you have trouble letting go of the past. It will help you to understand why you cannot move on at this time.

5. How does the past serve me today?

How you do feel about your past? Do you feel it helped you along your journey, or do you feel damaged and weathered by your experiences? Everything in life is about perception and perspective, so maybe you just need to shift your thinking about the past in order to move on from it.

Your future awaits you, and your present beckons your presence, so don’t allow precious moments to pass thinking about what could’ve been. Just enjoy today, and thank the past for what it taught you.

5 Signs The Spirit World Is Trying To Help You

Have you ever felt like you are being watched when no one is around? Have you been in a normal temperature room and suddenly your body gets a chill and goosebumps? Or have you found a feather or a dime in the strangest of places? The spirit world will work through different elements to help you.

Here are five signs that the spirit world is trying to help you:

Do you notice any of these things happening?

1. Electrical components begin to act up.

The ethereal world is in a higher vibration than our 3D earth. The spirit world will utilize televisions, radios, computers, cell phones, and lights to convey messages.

When their matter is on overload, it will affect our world, and usually, it’s in times of distress. Your deceased loved one or spirit guide is trying to help you with something.

Are you thinking of a loved one who has been gone for a while?

Sometimes during these moments, a special song will come on letting you know that your loved one is near you. It’s during these moments that we find the veil of the different dimensions thinning.


2. Changes in room temperature.

Have you ever been warm and suddenly a chill takes over? Or, have you ever walked into a new situation and feel like your body is aching with coldness? The spirit world might just be warning you or letting you know that you are protected. The same way that cold can appear, heat is another element that can warn you. There are times that a hot flash appears throughout the body and its discomfort forces us to take notice of the environment. Sudden changes in the environment of a house, car, or other places can convey a mystical sense of protection. Ask your guides to show you signs. What is happening around you? Watch your thoughts. The spirit world is telepathic and can sense your thoughts and emotions.

3. Number sequences appear repetitively.

Are you seeing consecutive numbers in license plates, the clock, addresses, or mail boxes? Number sequences hold special meanings. Doreen Virtue, author and speaker of metaphysical subjects, believes that these number sequences are communications from the angels. Pay attention to repetition. Do your research and find out what your guides and loved ones are trying to convey.

4. Special fragrances.

The spirit world has a way to conjure up memories through familiar smells. Have you been smelling roses or gardenias, especially in a place that has no flowers? Do you smell cigar smoke in your car? It might just be your deceased father trying to tell you to slow down. Smells force us to take notice. The spirit world will follow you around with certain fragrances as though forcing you to leave thoughts of depression or frustration behind. Pay attention to those moments when these smells show up. Thank your angels and guides.

5. Animals start to act out.

Is your cat running around like she’s on an overdose of catnip? Is your dog barking at a corner in the room where there is no one? Animals sense and see what our human eyes cannot. They will begin to act out in different levels: some wagging their tails while others show fear of what’s in the room. Usually a way to clear the air is to sage the room. Your spirit guides and loved ones may just be trying to communicate with, you but your mind is so busy that you are not able to receive the messages. Comfort your animals while comforting your spirit.

spirit world

Final Thoughts on the Signs the Spirit World Is Trying to Offer a Helping Hand

These are a few signs that the “other world” is reaching out to you. Miracles do not have to be on large scales. Just shutting down a stove when a pot is boiling is a miracle when they see that harm is on the way to a small child. They can also use your animals to push you out of harm. Always say your prayers, allow for guidance through quiet moments, and protect your spirit from anything that your higher self finds dangerous. You cannot let an assault arrive when you come from a place of love and gratitude. The spirit world is a beautiful dimension and they are always around us to make sure that we stay on the path of love and light.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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