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How To Release The Attachment Of Old Relationships

How To Release The Attachment Of Old Relationships

For one reason or another, some relationships don’t last as long as we thought they would. People come into our lives to teach us something about ourselves, or for us to teach them. After you have learned everything you can from one another, you may naturally go your separate ways and continue to experience life by meeting others who can will help illuminate your unique path.

When you first let go of someone you love, you may feel like curling up into a ball and never leaving the comfort of your bed again. However, the longer you hold on to past relationships, the more pain you will feel, both emotionally and mentally. All relationships serve as a tool to teach us something in this lifetime, and once we’ve learned all we can from the person, the universe sends us on our way to meet others who will continue to show us important life lessons. You will get redirected to people and experiences that will best serve the evolution of your consciousness. Releasing past relationships and getting over a breakup can seem like the most challenging thing you’ve ever had to do, so we thought we’d give you some tips on making this a little more bearable.

6 Reasons Holding on to Old Relationships Can Hold You Back in Life


1 – Stagnation and lack of growth

Remaining attached to a past relationship can prevent personal growth and hinder moving forward. It keeps you emotionally tied to the past, making it difficult to embrace new experiences, relationships, and opportunities for self-improvement.

2 – Emotional turmoil and unresolved romantic feelings

Holding onto a former relationship often leads to emotional turmoil and unresolved feelings. It can keep you in a cycle of nostalgia, longing, or bitterness, preventing you from finding closure and healing. These lingering emotions can affect your overall well-being and hinder your ability to form healthy connections in the future.

3 – Incompatibility and future regrets

Staying attached to a former relationship can blind you to the reasons why the relationship ended in the first place. It may prevent you from acknowledging fundamental incompatibilities or the fact that you both have moved on in different directions. By staying attached, you risk missing out on more compatible and fulfilling relationships in the future.

4 – Unhealthy patterns and toxic dynamics

Continuing attachment to a former relationship can perpetuate unhealthy patterns and toxic dynamics. It can create a cycle of on-and-off again relationships or lead to getting back together repeatedly, which can be emotionally draining and damaging. It’s important to recognize when a relationship has run its course and to prioritize your emotional well-being.

5 – Missed opportunities for self-discovery

Staying attached to a former relationship may prevent you from exploring your identity and discovering what truly makes you happy. Focusing on self-care, personal growth, and pursuing your goals and aspirations is essential. You may miss out on valuable opportunities for self-discovery and personal fulfillment by remaining attached.

6 – Hindrance to building healthy relationships

Holding onto a former relationship can interfere with your ability to build healthy and meaningful connections with new people. It may create emotional baggage or trust issues that you carry into future relationships. Letting go of past attachments allows you to enter new relationships with a clean slate and a healthier mindset.

How To Release The Attachment Of Old Relationships

marriage counselor

1 – Focus on improving your relationship with yourself.

Too often, relationships tend to drain our energy and take the focus off what makes us happy and why we love ourselves. An all-consuming relationship usually leaves you feeling empty and loathing because you have forgotten to nurture your inner child. Take the time to cleanse yourself, pamper yourself, and figure out what makes you come to life. Tell yourself you’re beautiful, exercise often, eat wholesome foods, meditate, and hang out with people who motivate you to grow positively. Instead of blaming and hating yourself for a breakup or a sour friendship, remind yourself how this ending helped you discover new beginnings.

Every negative experience happens for us to take the lesson, apply it, and transmute it into something positive so we can get ever closer to the reflection of love we all are.

2 – Wish the other person well.

This is easier said than done in most cases, but it builds on the last point about choosing love in all circumstances. If you feel attached to this person, you believe you cannot live without them, and have placed all your happiness into your relationship with them. Love and attachment do not have to exist together – true love means that you and the person recognize your intense bond and don’t need a relationship to validate that. Love transcends all physical boundaries; it makes up every atom on this planet and always exists within us.

Simply send love out to the other person when you feel bitter or hurt about the experience because love will set you free, while negative emotions will drag you down. Getting over attachments to past relationships takes time, but if you take a loving and compassionate approach, it will seem much easier to move on.

3 – Keep up a daily routine.

Familiarity and routine help heal the mind, body and spirit. In a relationship, the other person takes up so much of our time that we forget what we need to thrive. One way to release attachments to past relationships is to remain so busy that you don’t have time to dwell on previous lovers. Make sure you take time for self-care, self-love, and self-awareness in your daily routine, and try to do activities you enjoy so you don’t become depressed thinking about the past.

4 – Get your feelings out.

Whether through writing, song, or talking to a friend, releasing your feelings will help you move on from the relationship. You can’t just keep your feelings bottled up inside and expect to get over a serious relationship. Talk, write, or sing about your feelings in order to release pent-up emotions and attachments – the sooner you become honest about how you feel, the sooner you can begin the process of moving on.

5 – Think about what you learned from the relationship.

Maybe we don’t have to feel so much pain from a past relationship; instead, we can think about how we grew from this relationship and what we learned throughout our time with the person. It might seem like a negative experience from your perspective but try to shift your focus a bit. How did you change from being in the relationship? What did you learn? Once you see the slivers of light shining through the dark clouds of the relationship, it becomes easier to express gratitude for it rather than feel resentful and hurt.

6 – Show kindness to others.

If you have been focusing on past relationships lately, try to shift your awareness to others. Why not volunteer somewhere, get out in your community, and share your heart with others in need? Sometimes we focus so much on how we feel, that we become too self-absorbed and forget about everyone else out there who needs help. This doesn’t mean ignoring your feelings. Instead, it becomes a means to heal, you need to reach out to others and share your gifts with them. We all become broken at some point or another, but this doesn’t mean we still don’t have love and kindness to offer.

Final Thoughts on Releasing Old Relationships So You Find Happiness Again

Remember, it’s natural to take time to heal and process a breakup. It’s a period of adjustment, reflection, and emotional healing. However, it’s crucial to recognize that staying attached to a former relationship becomes unhealthy. That’s because it inhibits your personal growth and well-being.

Focusing on self-care is paramount during this time. Make yourself a priority by caring for your physical, mental, and emotional health. Engage in activities that bring you joy, whether pursuing hobbies, exercising, meditating, or spending time in nature. Prioritizing self-care helps you rebuild your sense of self and regain confidence after a breakup.

Seeking support from loved ones can be immensely beneficial. Share your feelings and experiences with trusted friends and family members who can provide empathy, encouragement, and a listening ear. They can offer valuable perspectives, and advice, and help you gain clarity as you navigate the healing process. Professional counseling or therapy can also be a valuable resource. It can help you process your emotions and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

It’s important to remember that healing from a breakup is not linear. Allow yourself to feel the range of emotions that come with sadness, anger, and confusion, and understand that it’s okay to experience setbacks along the way. Be patient and kind to yourself as you gradually move forward.

By letting go of attachments to a former relationship, you create space for new possibilities. Embrace the opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth. Take the time to understand your wants, needs, and values. Reflect on the lessons from the past relationship and use them to build a stronger foundation for future connections.

As you focus on your growth and well-being, you’ll be better equipped to enter healthier and happier relationships. When you’re ready, approach new relationships with an open heart, mindful of the lessons you’ve learned. Use your newfound self-awareness and personal growth to cultivate relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and compatibility.

It may be challenging at times. But letting go of attachments to a former relationship allows you to embrace the present and create a brighter future. It’s an opportunity for self-discovery, personal growth, and the possibility of finding a more fulfilling and healthy partnership.

10 Health Warnings To Never Ignore From Your Body

The human body is innately intelligent. It can detect, correct and adjust to stimuli in the animal kingdom.  The human body and brain are also meticulously connected, which allows the various areas of the body to signal when something, no matter how big or small, is awry.

Many symptoms are often indicative of a root problem. Sometimes, the root problem is something insignificant. At other times not so. However, as human beings, we possess the capacity to evaluate signals that our brain and body have become tuned to.

Here are ten health warning signs your body may be trying to send you:

Do you see these signs in your body? These symptoms can explain so much!

improve your health

1. Constipation: You’re not getting adequate fiber

Constipation is one predominant, obvious symptom of low fiber intake.  According to Dr. Mark Hyman, “Our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate up to 100 grams of fiber a day and had an average stool weight of 2 pounds.” Now, fast-forward to today, where the average American eats less than 8 grams of fiber…quite a significant difference. Difficulty in passing or hardness in stool texture can also signify low fiber intake.

Other signs of inadequate fiber intake: include frequent hunger, digestive problems, unhealthy skin, inflammation, low energy, and lethargy.

2. Gas and bloating: You’re eating food that you cannot tolerate

Similar to how we react when we see intolerable behavior – with disdain, disgust, etc. – our bodies act similarly when eating unbearable food.  Some people can’t eat certain foods without an unwelcome reaction.

Infrequent gas and bloating are normal byproducts of digestion. However, when we are constantly fighting gas and bloating, it usually means we’re eating a particular food that our body does not agree with.

Other signs of food intolerance: Sinus congestion, eczema (dry skin), brain fog

3. Cracking at corners of the mouth: You’re deficient in B-vitamins

Various studies reveal that when cracks or sores appear at the mouth’s corner, it could signify vitamin B deficiency. Dr. Hass, a prominent physician in California, says: “Deficiencies of one or more B vitamins may occur fairly easily, especially with diets that include substantial amounts of refined and processed food, sugar or alcohol.”

Other signs of vitamin B deficiency: fatigue, skin problems, dark circles under the eyes, anemia

4. Sudden fatigue: You’re drinking too much caffeine

Caffeine is an effective energy boost in the very short term.  It is necessary to seek natural solutions for sustained energy, such as other sleep and relaxation and good dietary habits. This is not to say that a cup of Joe in the morning isn’t okay. It is. However, caffeine is only good (and practical) in moderation. Too much caffeine over the long term is counterproductive, health-wise.

Other signs of caffeine abuse: agitation, irregular heartbeat, jitters, heartburn, frequent urination

5. Frequent colds: Your gut lacks good bacteria

Strange as it sounds, the immune system inextricably links to the gut. More specifically, our gut is the dwelling place for many good bacteria. This bacterium aids the immune system by providing an additional defense mechanism against illness.

Other signals of gut imbalance: gas, bloating, constipation, urinary tract infection, yeast infection, unhealthy skin, athlete’s foot

6. Indigestion: Your stomach acid is low

Stomach acid plays a vital role in the digestion of food. At low levels, the digestive process is much less efficient. Also, food remains stationary in the stomach for more extended periods, as does the swallowed air. Frequently, this air moves up the esophagus and expels through the mouth in the form of gas or a burp.

Other signs of indigestion: gas, weakened immune system, chronic infections, cracked fingernails

7. Chapped lips: You’re dehydrated

When we’re not appropriately hydrated, our skin naturally receives less moisture. Less moisture available to the skin means dryness and flaking. Our lips, in particular, require sufficient moisture to remain healthy. When lips don’t have moisture, they become chapped.

Other signs of dehydration: craving sweet or salty foods, fatigue, inability to focus or concentrate, irritability

8. Headaches: You’re drinking too much soda

The substance aspartame is a near-universal presence in diet sodas, where diet soda derives its sweetness. Certain animal studies also revealed aspartame’s neurotoxic effects in animals, which is concerning to health professionals. In human studies, aspartame – along with some other artificial sweeteners – has been shown to produce headaches and even migraines.

Other signs of too much soda: include craving sweet or salty foods, irritability, and inability to focus

9. Itchy ears and throat: You have a candida overgrowth

Candida albicans is a fungus that resides in the gut. Under normal conditions, the presence of this fungus is nothing unordinary, but imbalances in the gut can cause this fungus to colonize and spread. When it applies, it often ends up irritating and inflaming the skin.

Other sides of candida overgrowth: fatigue, weak immune system, weight gain, yeast infections, mood swings

10. Constant coughing: post-bronchitis syndrome

After a particularly long bout with a cold, sometimes a long period of coughing follows. The symptoms of post-bronchitis syndrome mirror those of asthma but naturally reside within a few months. Medical professionals recommend seeing a physician, who may find it necessary to prescribe an inhaler or an alternate form of treatment.

Other sides of post-bronchitis syndrome: wheezing, shortness of breath, sore throat

15 Best Habits To Support Good Health

things that damage your eyesight

1. Healthy eating habits.

Besides eating nutritious foods, it’s important to follow healthy eating practices to support your good health. Here are some beneficial eating practices to implement in your daily life.

  • Eat smaller-sized food portions-Food portions in the United States are enormous. No matter how healthy food is, when you eat a large amount of it, you add calories to your diet. Train yourself to eat less. Cut down on how much you eat at every meal. It may be difficult at first, but your stomach will adapt to the smaller portions over time.
  • Don’t eliminate entire food groups-Many trendy diets eliminate entire food groups. Unless you have a food allergy to certain foods, this isn’t sound advice. When you stop eating a whole food group, you miss out on significant vitamins and minerals your body needs. The adverse effects of omitting a food group may not show up until later in life. Skipping entire food groups lead to specific health problems, including:
    1. Brain problems-Lack of particular vitamins is essential for good brain health.
    2. Osteoporosis-Brittle bones occur from a lack of dairy products.
    3. Heart problems-Stress occurs in your heart muscle from a lack of specific vitamins and minerals.
    4. Muscle loss-A lack of proper nutrients leads to weakness in your muscles
    5. Infertility-Improper nutrition prevents you from getting pregnant.
    6. Higher death rate-People who miss out on specific vitamins and minerals are prone to an earlier death.
    7. Eating disorders-Limiting foods can lead to eating problems, yo-yo dieting, and body image issues.
  • Drink water-Avoid drinking sugary drinks like energy drinks or flavored waters that contain artificial sweeteners. Instead, drink plain water. The general rule is to consume 4 to 6 cups (1.42 l) of water every day to stay completely hydrated.

2. Lose weight.

Carrying around extra is harmful to your body. It puts you at risk of experiencing health problems, such as

  • Stroke
  • Sleep apnea
  • Breathing problems
  • Osteoporosis
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Mental health problems
  • Certain types of cancer
  • Aches and pains in your joints
  • Pregnancy complications

If you realize you’ve put on some extra weight, try to lose it right away. The more weight you need to lose, the harder it is to lose.  Don’t feel you need to change everything at once. Start with small steps like eating fresh, non-processed foods instead of processed ones. Grab veggies or plain popcorn for a snack instead of chips.  Limit your red meat and sugar. Following these simple steps will help you drop the extra weight safely and slowly, so you’ll keep it off longer.

3. Exercise

Try to get some exercise daily. You don’t need to join a gym. Just keep moving.

  • Walk-A 30-minute brisk walk will burn 150 calories. You can break the time up into 15 intervals.
  • Ride your bike-A stationary bike, or an outdoor bike is a fun way to get your daily exercise.
  • Clean your house-If you are hiring someone to clean your house. You’re missing out on some simple exercise.
  • Garden-Digging, planting, and pulling weeds burn calories.
  • Dancing-Take a dancing class or stream your favorite songs and dance around your house.
  • Yoga-You can practice yoga at home or in a class. The stretches and poses are surprisingly strenuous.

4. Wear sunscreen and protective clothing

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the United States. Limiting how long you’re out in the sun and always wear sunscreen whenever possible. Wear a hat and long sleeve shirts to protect your skin. Pick a sunscreen that has at least an SPF 15 or more. BE sure to reapply the sunscreen at least every couple of hours. Avoid tanning beds, sunbeds, tanning lamps, and laying out in the sun.

5. Vitamin D

Another way to support good health is to consume enough vitamin D. This critical vitamin maintains your bone strength, reduces depression, lowers your cancer risk, and boosts your immune system. You get some vitamin D from the sunshine, but you might consider taking a vitamin D supplement to meet your required level. Check with your doctor if you’re not sure how much vitamin D supplement you should take every day.

6. Limit your alcohol

Cut back on your alcohol consumption. Begin by doing these things in small steps, such as

  • Limit yourself to only ten drinks a week
  • Have an alcohol-free week or month once in a while
  • Swap out alcohol for other alternatives
  • Drink lots of water
  • Always eat before you drink
  • Find healthy ways to relax besides drinking alcohol, such as yoga, prayer, walking, or meditation.

7. Enough sleep

When you get a proper amount of sleep, you have fewer mental health problems. Sleep boosts your mind and body. It increases your learning ability, protects your heart, improves your decision-making, and prevents weight gain. Follow these tips to improve your sleep every night.

  • Don’t eat or drink alcohol too close to your bedtime
  • Stay off your computer and smartphone, and don’t watch your television late at night. This interacts with your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • Go to bed at the same time. This routine helps your body wind down at night.
  • Be sure you’re getting enough calcium and magnesium. You can take a calcium, magnesium, and zinc supplement before bed to help you sleep.

8. Have safe sex

According to recent studies, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are increasing in the United States. The safest form of sex is between 2 people who only have sex with each other. Always use protection when having sex to prevent STDs. Condoms are the best form of prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

9. Read

Reading It’s a great way to enhance your health. It strengthens your mind and lowers your blood pressure and heart rate. When you take time to read, you’ll reduce your stress and improve your mental health. It’s thought that reading fiction is the most effective stress reducer. When you read, it relaxes your muscles and increases your ability to concentrate. Reading causes your breathing and heart rate to slow down as if you were meditating.

10. Take time to be creative

Creativity improves your mental health. Creative activities stimulate your mind, lower your stress and improve your ability to problem solver. Those who practice creativity have a greater sense of well-being, have more energy and feel happier. Whether you sign up for a painting class or find a creative solution for your kitchen’s organization issue, you’ll boost your health by being creative.

11. Get some time outside in nature

When you go out, you’re exposed to fresh air and sunshine, making you feel happier and less stressed. Being outside releases serotonin, a natural mood-stabilizing chemical. It’s a healthy escape to recharge your brain and get energized. Try getting outside doing an activity such as

  • Going for a walk
  • Gardening
  • Swimming
  • Having a picnic
  • Birdwatch
  • Taking a bike ride

12. Show gratitude

Showing gratitude helps you to let go of negativity and stress.  When you’re thankful to the people around you, you’ll be surprised at how your outlook on life improves. You may find it helpful to journal your feelings of gratitude. Later, you can read what you wrote in your journal to remind yourself of all the good things in your life.

13. Get a pet

Owning a dog or cat gives you a sense of purpose and reduces stress. You’ll get more exercise because your dog needs to go for daily walks. You also have a better understanding of security and feel less lonely. Pets boost your sense of self-confidence and provide opportunities to meet new people in your neighborhood. Consider adopting a dog or cat from your local shelter. You’ll not only provide a home for a sweet animal but boost your health.

14. Regular check-ups

Getting regular health check-ups helps find potential health problems before they become a big problem. Getting early treatment may avoid complications later on. During your check-up, your doctor will write down your current health history, give you a physical exam, and order blood tests.

15. Don’t smoke

Smoking leads to health problems, such as:

  • Lung disease
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Pulmonary disease
  • Chronic bronchitis

It also puts you at risk for eye diseases and a weakened immune system. Even smoking marijuana can be harmful. There is concern that long-term use of marijuana causes cognitive dysfunction and respiratory problems.

improve your health

Final Thoughts On Listening To Your Body’s Warnings About Your Health

It’s never a good idea to ignore your body’s warnings. If you are experiencing weird symptoms, don’t assume it’s nothing. There are many stories of people who felt like something was wrong, but they ignored it. Only later found whether they found they had a severe medical problem. You know your body better than anybody else. So, if you sense something is wrong, you’re probably correct. Even if it’s a small thing, don’t hesitate to get a check-up right away.

9 Comebacks For Dealing With Fake People

As a social species, we humans get to make friends with a lot of great people; and then there are the fake people you meet who make you want to comeback at them with ‘What is wrong with you?’ Our gut tells us that something is not quite right about the words and feelings that come from a fake person and we want to avoid them.

The more negative, emotionally-draining, fake people you can eliminate from your life, the better off you will feel. Surrounding yourself with only positive, genuine people is more likely to give you the support you need to help you reach your goals.

Getting rid of every fake person in your life might not be possible (in the case of a close relative), nor is it the kindest thing you can do.

If you can’t avoid a faker, you have two choices:

1) You can put up with their fake behavior, or

2) You can do something about it.

Instead of avoiding contact, you can try to change the ‘fake’ behavior and help a fake person change into an authentic person. Let’s look at 9 comebacks to include in your conversation when you deal with a fake person.

9 Comebacks For Dealing With Fake People

As you may remember from our article What Is Your Social IQ? we discussed how our ability to detect trustworthiness is one of the most important skills we can learn. If we are skilled at knowing who to trust, we know who is best to invest our time and energy with, and who to reject.

Researchers at the University of Miami looked at how people determine if a smile is fake or not. They discovered something very interesting, which is that people who have been socially rejected before are better able to detect true smiles from fake ‘happy’ smiles.

The motivation to belong to a group is a strong instinct in people. That’s because earlier in our evolution working together could mean the difference between surviving to live another day or not. But the ability to get what you want by manipulating is an unfortunate negative aspect of fake people in social groups.

The scientists say ‘Once rejected, people are left with a strong desire to be accepted, which leads them toward…partners with whom they might affiliate.’ Once we have been shunned, we are that much more motivated to get back in the good graces of a group, so we learn the subtle facial expressions of a fake smile and we try harder to earn the real one.

quotes on fake people

1. ‘I get the sense that you aren’t comfortable around me.’

Someone who is being fake is possibly just trying (awkwardly) to fit in and be liked. When you make this statement, you give the fake person the opportunity to talk about their level of comfort around you and others.

If the fake person responds by continuing to be pretend to be someone they are not, you now know that they are projecting an image that they are comfortable with. Getting them to lower their defensive shield might be more of a challenge.

2. Match their fake expressions and language

When you mirror the fake smile that you see from a fake person and use the same fake language back to them, the person doing the faking is often surprised. Seeing that you are trying to play their game will not be what they were expecting. You are showing the fake person that you can be a good actor too.

3. Ask for something that you want or need

A fake person is usually trying to manipulate you. Even if you aren’t sure what they are trying to accomplish by being fake, ask for something that you want. Asking for help is also a social way of reaching out to connect genuinely with a person.

4. ‘I need you to be honest with me.’

Saying your need for honesty is about as forthright as you can get. Asking someone to express their honest, genuine emotions rather than the fake ones that they are giving you is asking to be treated with respect.

5. Express your appreciation for authentic people

Talk about how important it is to you to be around people who are true to themselves. Continue to do this until the fake person drops their fake front or moves on to another person.

6. Point out something that is untrue about what they have said

Find a specific example in their language that is something false, fake, or untrue and call them on it. You might say ‘That’s not what you said yesterday when we were talked on the phone.’ Be prepared for the fake person to respond with anger and keep your cool.

7. ‘I’d like to talk more, but you don’t seem quite yourself right now.’

Again, this type of statement rejects the fakeness of the person but embraces the opportunity to connect with them when they can be genuine.


8. ‘Let’s talk later when you feel more at ease.’

Give yourself and the fake person some space and time apart. You acknowledge that you are sensing some emotional conflict and stress on their part while allowing some distance to calm and refresh your own mindset after dealing with the fake person.

9. Ask them to be authentic around you

You might say ‘I know you like to be part of our group, and you are welcome to join us. I would much prefer it if you would just relax and be yourself around us in the future.’

6 Things The World’s Richest People Do Differently

Everyone wants to be rich, but the world’s richest people are doing a few things differently from the rest of us, and we think you can learn to be wealthy too. The way you look at wealth can also affect whether you are able to see yourself as rich already, or if you think you need a big supply of money to see yourself as successful.

Wealth can mean different things to different people. Abundance of the financial kind is only one type of wealth. For the purpose of this article, we are going to look at wealth in two ways; the richness of life, which you already have an abundance of but want to grow, and the material wealth of the world’s richest people, which anyone would probably not mind having.

Let’s look at your life as a business and see some ways that you can be wealthier than you are now. You are the CEO, founder, and sole-proprietor of the business called The Corporation of You.

You are responsible for every aspect that goes into running The Corporation of You as a successful enterprise, all the way from the dirty janitorial work of brushing your teeth to the gorgeous corner office of your brain where you hatch new ideas. Now let’s look at 6 things that the world’s richest people are doing differently in managing their own personal corporations.

6 Things The World’s Richest People In The World Do Differently

Learn something new every day

The Corporation of You needs information in order to grow into a wealthy enterprise. Increasing the asset of knowledge is something that the richest people in the world do differently, and it is a skill that you can adopt as well. says ‘Successful investors take the time to study key financial concepts, learn the dos and don’ts, and stay abreast of current trends. They take advantage of opportunities to strengthen and expand their understanding and expose themselves to financial information on a daily basis.’

Take more risks

‘You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.’ – Wayne Gretsky

Don’t you wish you had invested in Cannabis ETFs or Apple early on? At the time that a company is just beginning, it is a huge risk to invest in it. The problem with a risky investment is that you might lose money if the company isn’t successful. But the payoff can also be huge if it is successful.

When it comes to making a risky investment in The Corporation of You, ask yourself what is the worst that can happen if you do invest and then ask what are the benefits that you hope to receive.

Let’s say that you are asked to go on a date with someone you’re only mildly attracted to. Will this decision bankrupt The Corporation of You? Can you change your mind if it isn’t going well? What do you stand to lose if you decline to invest time in the date? What could you gain from the experience?

Related article: 5 Predictions About The Future From Mark Zuckerberg

When it comes to The Corporation of You, any investment that benefits you is a wise investment. Investing in excellent nutrition helps develop your body. Investing in books helps increase your asset of knowledge. Saying ‘Yes’ to an activity that you haven’t engaged in before is a wise investment in expanding your limited world view.

Use your assets wisely

Assets are the most precious and valuable things in your business. These are the things that are in limited supply and which can help you achieve your goals. Make a list of your assets so you know what to use to your benefit.

Related article: 5 Signs You’ve Discovered Your Gift To The World

Here is a suggested list of assets you have (even if you don’t feel like you do):




People who love you






These are your resources and strengths that you can rely on when you have a need. Revisit our article 5 Signs You’ve Discovered Your Gift To The World and see what hidden assets you have to use.

Develop personal accountability

Only you are responsible for the success or failure of The Corporation of You. Rich people know this, and they embrace total personal accountability. Set goals and if you fall short, look at what you need to do differently next time.

Accept your faults and try to correct them. Never blame others for failing to reach your goals because doing so is not going to help the Corporation of You.

Surround yourself with experts

Believe it or not, some of the people you know right now can help you reach your goals. If you have a personal goal in mind, for example, losing 50 pounds, ask everyone you know if they’ve ever had success at weight loss and how they did it.

Seek out experts outside of your circle of friends too. Educate yourself on the important things to know about how to successfully achieve your goal. Make friends with them if you can.

Start now

‘The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.’ – Chinese proverb

Now is the most valuable thing you have, and the world’s richest people use this knowledge to their advantage. But the key is knowing that the ‘now’ of that first sentence is already gone. What will you do with this new ‘now?’ How will The Corporation of You spend it?

If you decided to do 10 squats right now, would The Corporation of You regret it? Would The Corporation of You benefit if you decided to spend now mindlessly clicking away on a video game?

The wealthiest people aren’t doing that much differently from you. They are just using their own assets from their Corporation of Them to get the best rate of return on their investment of time and energy. Go and be rich right away.

What Tonight’s Aries Moon Reveals About Your Life

Change is in the air for all of us, thanks partly to the events brought on by the super new moon in Aries on April 7th, 2016.

This article will prepare you for what you might expect to encounter shortly. These changes begin to break old patterns.

The science of astronomy and the belief in astrology used to be connected together by the same theories. That continued through the end of the 18th century and the time of Sir Issac Newton, who described the theory of gravity. The movements of the Earth, Moon, Sun, and planets through the field of stars could be predicted more reliably by then, but the scientists thought that the descriptions of their influences on human lives were explained away by coincidence.

Ancient Greek, Egyptian, Chinese, Babylonian, Incan, Native American, and other cultures have used the placement of the planets to learn about the seasonal influences on our planet. People once sought advice from Oracles, or trained seers,  about the best time to plant crops, whom to marry, trade relationships, and even advice when planning to war against a neighboring nation.

The science behind the twelve sun signs of the zodiac lies within the realm of psychology. Each astrological sign represents specific personality traits. We may or may not agree with these descriptions or feel they do not always apply to us.

We believe ourselves believe in free will and making good choices despite what our horoscopes say. However, certain personality ‘types’ certainly exist in the psychology field (Read our article on Introverted vs. Extroverted people, for example) and seem to correlate with the astrological signs and the personality traits assigned to each sun sign.

The Super New Moon in Aries Will Change Your Life

Can astrology predict our lives? Or do we read what we want into the astrological signs’ descriptions because we like the type of person described? In our recent article, we told you about a study that shows that the season in which you are born can affect your personality, energy level, and likelihood to act in certain ways.


Let’s look at the exciting changes that you can expect to receive as opportunities in your life as a result of the super new moon in Aries. Of course, you have the free will to decide whether or not to pursue these new opportunities.

Have you felt like you couldn’t wait for things in your life to change for the better? The good news is that this super new moon will bring much-needed change to your life, it will happen quickly, and it will be in a way that helps you to grow as an individual.

Why The Super New Moon Is Bringing Change

The moon cycles through phases every month, so why is this new moon any different? A supermoon is when the Earth is at its closest point to the moon in orbit. In other words, we feel an even larger effect of the moon’s pull because of its closeness to us.

A normal new moon usually brings fresh beginnings and an end to old ways. You can look for this cycle of changes in your life each month as a fresh project or new idea begins as the new moon starts its cycle, and then these new starts will decline or wrap up as the moon goes through a full cycle and wanes back to the last quarter.

With the nearness of this supermoon, you will see these fresh beginnings on a larger scale. You will likely notice more creativity, energy, and invitations to try something new at this time.

At the same time, because this is a huge cycle of the end of the previous month’s moon, you should see other aspects of your life closing the book on the chapter that has ended. This could be an old relationship that no longer serves your best interests or an outdated way of thinking or acting that you want to change about yourself. Look at this as a time to break bad habits and work on the most positive aspects of your personality.

The Significance of Aries

Aries is a fire sign, often indicating passion, energy, and fast-paced, uncontrollable energy. The implications for this time of the supermoon in Aries are similar to what a person born with the moon in the sun sign of Aries would experience as a character trait.

The astrology website says of the moon in Aries, ‘You are likely to feel at your best when you involved with exciting, challenging or new experiences – anything that lets you express your pioneering side. You may experience yourself as a dynamic individual, and enjoy getting things started.’

Use the experience of the supermoon in Aries to evaluate what you no longer need, say goodbye to those parts of yourself, and to be open to what is coming. Open your mind to the possibilities of the super new moon and make excellent choices that truly support your whole-hearted being.

7 Things You Need To Know About Your Thyroid Health

Thyroid disorders affect millions of people every year. Given the wide range of functions that this butterfly-shaped gland is responsible for, it is of the utmost importance that thyroid health remains a focus throughout one’s life.

In this article, we will discuss seven things that everyone should know about thyroid health. Also, we will supplement this information by describing ways that thyroid health can be improved.

Here are seven things you need to know about your thyroid health:

“The thyroid is a vitally important hormonal gland that plays a major role in metabolism, growth and maturation of the human body.” – U.S. National Library of Medicine

1. The thyroid gland is responsible for a myriad of functions

The bodily functions of the thyroid are numerous. The gland plays an important role in breathing, body weight, muscle strength, peripheral and central nervous systems, body temperature, heart rate, menstrual cycle, and a host of others. As such, it is important that the health of this vital gland is maintained. Sub-optimal function of the thyroid gland can cause many unwelcome health conditions, both chronic and acute.

2. Thyroid conditions are common

It is estimated that hypothyroidism – diminished production of thyroid hormones – affects more than 45 million people. Interestingly, this condition is twice as prevalent in men as it is in women. Of the 45 million people with hypothyroidism, approximately 30 million are males. Hyperthyroidism – excessive production of thyroid hormones – is a far less common medical condition, occurring in 1 out of 1,000 people.

3. The thyroid gland produces two primary types of hormones

The thyroid produces two hormones critical to our health: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). T4, for all intents and purposes, is an inactive hormone. T3 is the predominant thyroid hormone and affects our overall health to a greater degree. While T3 plays a lesser role, it is important to metabolic health. The human body is designed to convert T4 into T3 hormones, but adverse health conditions can impact this conversion. Gut imbalances, stress, hormonal fluctuations and nutritional deficiencies are the most common causes of irregular conversion from T4 to T3 hormones.

4. A disease exists that attacks the thyroid gland

Hashimoto’s disease is one of the most common autoimmune diseases in the United States. Those afflicted with Hashimoto’s have an immune system that attacks tissue in the thyroid. Also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, this disease primarily affects middle-aged women, although it may also occur in men, women and children of any age. Many physicians can detect the presence of Hashimoto’s and prescribe a simple and effective hormone replacement.

5. A healthy thyroid is critical to controlling body weight

Of all the variables involved in controlling body weight, a healthy thyroid is among the most important. The largest gland in the endocrine system, the thyroid produces hormones that are essential to regulating both metabolic function and energy. Acting on nearly every type of cell in the body, thyroid hormones initiate cellular function and metabolism. In other words, a healthy thyroid will effectively regulate the expenditure of energy relating to the metabolism, while an unhealthy thyroid gland will inhibit such measures. Slow or impaired metabolic function due to a thyroid condition is one of the more common causes of weight gain and obesity.

6. Protein is essential to a healthy thyroid

The brain neurotransmitter dopamine stimulates the hypothalamus to release thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which affects T3 production. The amino acid tyrosine is an important building block of dopamine, and is accumulated in the body through the ingestion of protein. As such, the consumption of high-quality proteins is important to both brain and thyroid health.

7. Various nutrients are important to thyroid health

A balanced diet is essential to a healthy thyroid, as this helps ensure the ingestion of important nutrients. Such nutrients include vitamin A, B vitamins, essential fatty acids (omega 3, 6 and 9), iodine, selenium, tyrosine, and zinc. Nutritional supplements, such as a daily multi-vitamin, can help account for the recommended daily intake of various vitamins and minerals. Fish oil supplements are also available that will aid in the necessary consumption of essential fatty acids.

Repairing the Thyroid

Now that we all understand the importance of a healthy thyroid, lets look at way to heal the gland. The ability to naturally repair the thyroid is excellent news, as thyroid conditions are frequently misdiagnosed or overlooked. Further, natural treatment of the thyroid averts many of the side effects associated with prescription medication.

Natural treatment of the thyroid gland revolves around two main premises: a healthy diet and lifestyle alterations. Diet-wise, it is best to consume fresh, whole foods. Limiting or eliminating gluten, an unhealthy mix of proteins often found in wheat products, is of particular importance.

Foods that aid in the healthy maintenance and repair of the thyroid includes: whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, seaweed, dairy, beans and nuts. Simple meal substitutions, for example, white bread for whole grain, nuts for chips, and milk for soda can aid the health of thyroid. Of course, it is necessary for the above-mentioned foods to become staples in our diet to achieve optimal health outcomes.

Final Thoughts on Thyroid Health

In addition to eating healthy, regular exercise is important to thyroid health. Mixing sessions of aerobic exercise and weight training is best. Brisk walking, jogging and yoga are all viable options for aerobic exercise. Besides supporting thyroid health, exercise is simply irreplaceable as an all-encompassing health activity.

Other than dietary changes and commitment to exercise, other lifestyle changes such as reducing stress, getting adequate sleep (7 to 9 hours), and monitoring overall health are requirements for a healthy thyroid.

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