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5 Ways To Increase The Serotonin In Your Brain

5 Ways To Increase The Serotonin In Your Brain

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is vital in regulating mood, appetite, sleep, and other bodily functions. It is produced in the brain and other parts of the body, such as the gut, and acts as a chemical messenger between nerve cells. Serotonin works by transmitting signals from one nerve cell to another and affects the brain’s mood centers, including the hypothalamus and the prefrontal cortex.

Low serotonin levels are associated with depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. In these conditions, a lack of serotonin in the brain can cause feelings of sadness, irritability, and a lack of motivation. Conversely, increased serotonin levels can lead to happiness, relaxation, and well-being.

We should consider that we can naturally increase this vital brain chemical to be exciting! Many ailments, acute and chronic, are believed to be due – at least in part – to low levels of serotonin in the brain. We encourage our readers to use this valuable knowledge included in this article to enhance their physical and mental health.

Here are 5 ways to increase serotonin in the brain:

self care plan

1. Get some 5-HTP

This little “hack” is a terrific way to help ward off the blues. Formally called 5-Hydroxytryptophan, this substance has been found effective in treating anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, insomnia, and hypertension. 5-HTP accomplishes these things by stimulating the production of the chemical serotonin.

In addition, 5-HTP positively affects weight levels – a trait derived from the substance’s appetite suppression. In a study at an Italian University, female participants who ingested 5-HTP lost an additional 10 pounds over two weeks, in contrast to the placebo group who lost just two pounds over the same time period.

To realize the serotonin-boosting benefits of 5-HTP, try a dosage of 100 to 400 milligrams per day in multiple doses (i.e. at breakfast, lunch and dinner). Anticipate a time period of 4 to 6 weeks before any 5-HTP supplementation begins to demonstrate tangible benefits.

Dietitians explain the dangers of a B6 deficiency (and how to beat it!).

2. Take some B vitamins

Vitamin B6, in particular, aids in both the development and function of serotonin in the brain. Those prone to stress should consider supplementing their diet with a B-complex product, due to its myriad effects on brain chemicals.

Both vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 effectively reduce depressive symptoms while inhibiting erratic neural activity in the brain. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, older adults diagnosed with depression or who experienced depressive-like symptoms improved after supplementing their diets with B vitamins.

The recommended intake of a B-complex product, such as a supplement, is 50 to 100 mg daily. Those with additional symptoms, including fatigue/exhaustion or chronic stress, should consider adding a pantothenic acid – a twice-daily 250 mg dose of B5 vitamins- often sufficient for alleviating such symptoms.

3. Embrace the light

Ever wonder why opening the shades on a sunny day has a distinctive way of improving our mood? Well, it may be because our brain self-injects itself with serotonin chemicals. Even on a frigid or cool day, sunlight has a noticeable positive affect on our mindset.

A productive and healthy practice is walking briskly for fifteen to twenty minutes at least once (or even twice) a day. Regardless of frequency, it is best to walk in the morning for two reasons:

  • You will burn more calories, and
  • You’ll mentally prepare ourselves for the day ahead. Not only will your brain reward you with a serotonin kick, but you will also burn off some calories in the process.

beauty hacks

4. Get a massage

Massages feel really good…pretty much everybody knows this already. What most of us probably do not know is that massages have a direct effect on our serotonin levels. Physiologically speaking, messages effectively reduce the stress hormone cortisol – a chemical that actively blocks the production of serotonin.

Researchers have discovered that professional massages decrease cortisol levels by about 31 percent. When cortisol production drops, our brains are in an optimal state to produce serotonin chemicals. As an added benefit, massage therapy can increase the “reward and pleasure” brain chemical dopamine production.

Experts quickly point out that undergoing guided massage therapy is the premier method of boosting serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain, in addition to other sought after health benefits. However, a simple massage by a close companion will suffice for many. Those experiencing turmoil (including trauma) should consult a licensed massage therapist, whose expertise will be invaluable in counteracting psychological stressors.

5. Meditate

Ah, yes…no “serotonin-boosting” article would be complete without including meditation. Simply put, the proliferation of scientific studies that prove meditation’s physical and psychological benefits are mind-boggling. Numerous forms of meditative practices exist, and all of them are beneficial in increasing the production of serotonin.

Perhaps the most impactful form of meditation on serotonin levels is Transcendental Meditation, or TM. Researchers believe that TM is a powerful stimulant on serotonin levels due to elevation of one of serotonin’s building blocks: 5-HIAA. Science has discovered a direct correlation between increasing concentrations of 5-HIAA and elevated serotonin levels in the brain.

Like massage therapy, meditation reduces cortisol levels in the brain. Additionally, meditation is particularly adept at invoking a relaxed response in the brain. Additionally, it suppresses the brain’s natural “fight or flight” reaction.

Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is another meditation type linked to elevated serotonin levels, partially because MBSR further sensitizes serotonergic receptors, an important variable in producing serotonin. Interestingly, MBSR is the meditative technique utilized by military personnel with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

how to meditate

Final Thoughts on Increasing Serotonin in Your Brain

Serotonin is a crucial neurotransmitter that plays an important role in regulating mood and emotions in your brain. Low serotonin levels can lead to feelings of sadness and anxiety, while an increase in serotonin levels can result in happiness and well-being. Maintaining healthy serotonin levels through exercise, a balanced diet, and antidepressant medications can help to improve mood and overall emotional health.

In other words, serotonin sends a signal to your brain, increasing happy thoughts and positive vibes. Try these five hacks, and you may decrease feelings of depression and experience a more joyful life.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

How To Rebuild Trust In A Relationship

If we all closed ourselves off after getting hurt, could we ever truly engage in or trust relationships again?

Broken trust and betrayal has occurred in many of our lives, both in romantic relationships and friendships alike. Even family members can break our trust. However, difficulties arise in any relationship, and we must learn how to work through any issues that may come up and keep the lines of communication open.

Unfortunately, getting hurt comes as part of the package deal in this human experience, but we don’t have to let this keep us from building positive relationships with others. Broken promises and compromised feelings can make us want to push others out and never trust again, but if your relationship means anything to you, please keep reading to learn how to rebuild trust in that person.

Here’s how to rebuild trust in a relationship:


1. Say how you feel.

Your first reaction might be to ignore your partner until they come to you and say sorry, but you might have to be the bigger person and make the first move. They might not realize they even did anything wrong, so make sure you make it clear to them how you feel. Remember to talk in a calm, rational manner, and try not to sound accusatory. Take the first point into consideration and tell them you understand that no one is perfect. However, make sure you lay everything on the table and tell them exactly how you feel.

Part of learning to trust again means opening up to the very person that hurt you. Even if you go different ways, you can at least find solace in the fact that you were honest about your feelings, and left no stone unturned.

2. Look at the bigger picture.

Can you justify your feelings by their actions, or could you be overreacting just a bit? Though trust must be earned in a relationship, you need to discern serious breaches in trust from minor ones.

For example, if the person cheated on you, you and your partner need to have a serious talk about your relationship. However, if your partner forgot about your dinner plans for the evening, you might want to hold back your feelings for a bit and listen to his or her explanation. They might have had to stay late at work, or just honestly forgotten about your plans.

Try to see the situation as it is, and don’t make it something more. Listen to your partner or friend and decide if the situation merits a strong reaction or not. Most importantly, keep the lines of communication open, and let your partner fully speak their mind before you give your reaction.

3. Give them a second chance (if warranted) while also keeping in mind your own value.

Essentially, you have to find the middle ground here. If you’ve given someone a chance to earn your trust but they have consistently disrespected and betrayed you, you should probably let them go. Trust is a two-way street, and the other person has to meet you halfway. Learning to trust again involves paying attention to your feelings, and discerning if the person deserves to be in your life or not.

A breach of trust usually means the person needs time to deal with personal issues; when other people hurt you, their own hurt is spilling over, causing them to hurt others. Understand their pain, but also know when it’s time to call it quits. You have to respect yourself enough to discontinue any relationship that doesn’t serve you in the best way, but know when to give others a second chance.

4. Don’t bring up the past.

Most of us have had a turbulent, painful past, because we’ve had to go through certain situations in order to grow as a person. Learn from the rough waters of the past, but don’t let them steer your vessel. Take charge and realize that the past should stay in the past, and that you have to let people in if you want to continue to grow.

The past doesn’t have to define your future; you can take ownership of your feelings and choose to let the past make you a better person, not a bitter person. People will always hurt you in one way or another, but some relationships will be worth the pain. Any relationship requires effort, but you’ll know in your heart who needs to stay in your life to help you blossom into your best self.

10 Phrases People With Chronic Illness Want To Tell You (But Are Afraid To)

Let us acknowledge this fact right at the beginning. Perhaps nothing is more anguishing than knowing that someone you love is mentally or physically hurting from chronic illnesses.

As human beings, we are inescapably connected to each living, breathing person on earth. Now, when we actively love and care for a person, such a connection is also inexplicably intimate. With such a connection, we share each other’s emotions: love, joy, despair, heartache.

It’s painful to admit you may have to live with a diagnosis for an extended time – or forever. However, to acknowledge and dwell on the difficulties of such suffering is a disservice to the one that you love and care for. Ask yourself this: would the person you love and cherish want you to think or feel what you’ve been thinking or feeling?

There is no doubt that we will think or feel things that are not necessarily agreeable to those afflicted. The overarching premise that we need to examine is whether or not we should suffer “in silence,” or to be outspoken and animated with such thoughts or feelings. So, let’s not pretend to understand what is best for every individual circumstance; however, it is encouraged that every person examines his or her motivations and reasons for such thoughts or feelings. Be advised that such examination involves a rational and minimally emotional discourse.

Here are 10 things people with chronic illness wish you knew:

We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow to love…and then we return home. – Aboriginal Proverb

We encourage each person, whether or not they know anyone with chronic illness, to listen to both the spoken and unspoken desires of people that have been diagnosed with chronic illnesses to understand their perspective. In the end, what these people say may surprise you.

inspirational quotes

1. “Understand that I often feel guilty.”

Simply because someone is diagnosed with a chronic condition doesn’t mean that they shed their sense of responsibility. In fact, it is fair to say that those stricken with such a condition often feel an enhanced obligation to participate so as not to use their health problems as an excuse. The lesson: don’t underestimate or pity this person, regardless of how you may feel.

2. “Please try to understand my illness.”

People with chronic conditions have to deal with a number of frustrating things. Among them is the fact that not many people will, nor attempt to, understand the condition for which they were diagnosed. Well-meaning (but useless) sentiments include “get better soon” or “this is just temporary/a phase.” How ignorant this is! It’s obvious that such people have not made the effort to understand the condition. How are they supposed to sympathize with it?

3. “Don’t take my time for granted.”

Sadly, some people that are diagnosed with an incurable illness face a lifespan shorter than what they anticipated. Over time, such people come to accept their fate. Perhaps most difficult for them is their family and friend’s inability to accept such a fate. Many of those with chronic illnesses want their loved ones to embrace and enjoy each remaining moment, no matter how difficult it may be.

4. “Don’t take my illness for granted.”

Somewhat related to both #2 and #3: we shouldn’t ignorantly proclaim how good someone looks or that they “don’t seem sick.” Granted, this is a fine line between ignorance and sympathy, but resisting the temptation to verbalize such abstractions of someone’s condition obliviously shouldn’t be too difficult. Just stay away from expressing sentimentalities of which you’re not knowledgeable.

5. “I hate asking for help.”

chronic illness

Most people that are diagnosed with a chronic condition understand the inherent limitations that’ve been placed upon them. Furthermore, those that are not physically or mentally handicapped understand the need to ask for help, no matter how uncomfortable it may make them feel.

Make no mistake about it, many people – especially those with health conditions – dread having to ask for any type of assistance.

6. “I miss your company.”

As with any minority group, people with chronic illnesses often feel isolated and lonely. Despite of our innate and natural inclinations to “leave a person be,” that is often the direct opposite of what they truly want. They want company, support, comradery and…most of all…love.

7. “Don’t forget about my partner.”

Someone with a chronic illness often has an unrelenting advocate by their side 24/7: their partner. These people are “behind the screen” doing whatever it takes to support and comfort the person that they unconditionally love. When we see such devoted people, we should ask how they are doing.

8. “Please let me vent.”

Everyone deals with situations in their way, including people with chronic conditions. The fact is that some people feel the need to vent their frustrations while others do not.

For those in a supportive role, the bottom line is this: listen to such frustrations without acting upon the inclination to interject or digress. These folks have earned that right.

9. “Pity is not welcome here.”

If there is one thing that those with chronic illnesses will not tolerate, it is excessive and unwelcome pity. Our brothers and sisters remain our brothers and sisters regardless of what they’ve been diagnosed with. We can argue, “This is unfair!” until our faces are sky blue, but all we’ve accomplished nothing in the end.

People don’t want to feel pity; they want to feel accepted, loved, and cherished.

chronic illnesses

10. “I love you, no matter what.” (A personal note)

I can say that none of us are perfect – and this includes our loved ones. People who have chronic illnesses don’t expect you to monitor and evaluate  every step.

Instead, we must simply follow this “rule:” love each other, respect each other, and leave the pity behind…and just do the best you know how.

How To Make Juice That Can Stop Snoring And Sleep Apnea

The act of sleeping comprises about one-third of our life. It’s not just about time, but also the fact that sleeping affects nearly everything that we need to do, and the quality of things that we want to do. When thought of in this context – that quality of sleep affects quality of life – we’re more apt to take sleep seriously.

Snoring is a period of loud breathing, snorting or grunting sounds made when one sleeps. If we have a sleeping partner, odds are that snoring frequently disrupts their ability to sleep, which in turn affects things that they need or want to do (we’re guessing they probably made you aware of it by now!)

As defined by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, Sleep Apnea is “a common disorder which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep.” Such disruptions in breathing may last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes, and may occur 30 times or more in an hour. Unsurprisingly, this condition results in a poor quality of sleep and leads to increased episodes of daytime sleepiness.

Currently, there are all sorts of medications and contraptions that are designed to relieve snoring. The same can be said for sleep apnea. However, it is always best to utilize natural solutions, as they almost always are better received by the body.

This ONE Juice Helps Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Related article: 6 Foods That Are Making You Lose Sleep

Juicing has become a common method for people to achieve various health outcomes, from supplementing vitamins and nutrients to counteracting diagnosed health conditions. The ingredients used in juicing are often raw and unmodified (unadulterated), which accomplishes two things: (1) it’s easier to digest and (2) it allows for maximum nutritional benefits (processed foods often undergo mechanisms that subtract from the food’s nutritional value.) Generally, such juices are predominantly made of raw fruits and vegetables.

With that said, a simple juice concoction exists that reduces the effects of snoring and sleep apnea. The premise behind this mixture is to eliminate excess mucus, which is a primary factor in symptoms of snoring and sleep apnea.

The ingredients and the preparation are very simple, although it is recommended that the products included in the mix are of the organic, raw variety for the reasons mentioned in the previous paragraph. It is also helpful to have a juicing machine, as these devices will blend the mixture more thoroughly.

Here are the ingredients that you’ll need (quantities are for 1 serving):

– 2 Apples (of any preferred type)

– 2 Carrots

– ¼ of a Lemon

– 1 inch stick of ginger

Simply use a juicing machine, such as a NutriBullet, to combine and thoroughly blend the ingredients. Sans a juicing machine, a traditional blending machine will suffice.

In addition to this and other healthy diet options, certain lifestyle changes can relieve the symptoms of both snoring and sleep apnea. In terms of diet, it is important to minimize or (preferably) eliminate alcohol because of its suppressive effect on the central nervous system.

For those that smoke, quitting this habit will likely ease an assortment of symptoms. The reason is obvious: smoking impairs the lungs and blood vessels, which restricts airflow produced by the lungs. The adverse health effects of smoking are both short and long-term in nature. In addition, quitting smoking results in near-immediate improvement in the ability to breathe.

It is important to maintain a healthy weight for a multitude of reasons, including the suppression of snoring and sleep apnea symptoms. As this relates to sleep apnea, individuals that are overweight are more likely to get the disorder. According to Cedars-Sinai, those will store fat and tissue around the neck can apply restrictive pressure on the airway or tongue.

Some other pieces of advice:

– Avoid eating too much chocolate

– Eat fried food in small amounts, or eliminate it completely

– Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily

– Eliminate or limit the amount of processed foods

– Eliminate or limit the amount of starched, sugar-laden foods

– Establish a set sleeping routine. Go to bed at and wake up at the same time every day

Lifestyle changes are necessary for minimizing the symptoms of snoring and sleep apnea. Be cognizant of what is put into your body and remain steadfast in your sleeping routines. Eat adequate amounts of raw fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Seek support if you desire to stop smoking or drinking alcohol.

Here’s How Using Lemon Peels Can Help You Wake Up Pain Free

The tart, bright taste of lemon is like a burst of sunshine for your body, and it can even help you wake up pain free if you know how to use lemon peels. Treating your pain with something you probably have at home already will keep you active and out of the doctor’s office.

The cause of your specific pain is specific to you. In this article we will be talking about how to use it to fight the pain of inflammation.

Inflammation in the body is the cause of much pain and illness. Inflammation means that the body’s blood vessels are dilated and swollen. This swelling leads to redness, pressure, stiffness and pain.

Although pain can be felt anywhere in the body, most commonly the pain of inflammation is felt in the joints. Joint pain can occur in any part of the body that has bone to tissue connection. That means that any one of the 360 joints in your body could be experiencing the pain of inflammation right now.

Related article: 25 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Drink Lemon Water Every Day

The active ingredient that helps relieve pain is the flavones. Flavones are a molecule in fruit, vegetables, tea, wine and herbs, which often give us a strong taste associated with the food. In lemon peels it is specifically polymethoxy flavones which contribute to the anti-inflammatory benefit that can help you wake up pain free.

Here’s How Using Lemon Peels Can Help You Wake Up Pain Free

grow lemons

NOTE: Prior to using this for pain relief, speak to your health care professional about whether your health concern would benefit from this type of treatment. There are some conditions, such as chronic pelvic pain or individual sensitivities to limonene that could cause an unhealthy reaction.

Let’s look at how you can use lemon peel to wake up pain free. Get the most benefit from lemon peel as possible by following this simple method to extract the pain relieving properties:

  • Grate the lemon peel of two lemons
  • Remove the yellow part of the rind without grating any of the white pith part
  • Put the rind of two lemons in a clean jar and fill the jar with olive oil
  • Close the jar and let it rest for 2 weeks
  • Apply the lemon infused olive oil onto clean gauze and wrap or place the gauze onto the area where you are feeling pain
  • Wrap the gauze with plastic wrap to seal the oil against your skin
  • Place a wool or cloth wrap over the plastic wrap to help keep the area warm

The warmth of your own body heat being retained against your skin will help the lemon peel oil to penetrate into your skin and help your joint pain.

Lemon peel can be taken internally and eaten, however, the benefits from the pain-relieving properties of the peel are believed to be best absorbed externally. Some compounds found in lemon peel cannot be passed to the bloodstream through digestion. If you are not concerned with possible interactions, you may try adding a small amount (a pinch) of your grated lemon peel to a glass of water and see if you notice any change in your pain levels.

Nutritional benefits

Lemon peels are naturally high in Vitamin C, just like the fruit inside. They also contain Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin B6, Folate, and Iron in smaller amounts. Lemon peels also contain the fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. Lemon peels also have phytosterols.

Don’t worry about calories when consuming lemon peel as you would have to eat 6 grams (a whole tablespoon) of the tart stuff to equal a puny 3 calories. Just as you would add lemon juice or a lemon wedge to water, you can also add grated lemon peel to a beverage.

Other health benefits

Lemon is also a cancer-fighting agent. The same polymethoxylated flavones that help reduce inflammation also help fight cancer. A study found that these flavones inhibited the growth of a several different types of human cancer cells.

The citric acid in lemon juice and lemon peels can help eliminate kidney stones. The citric acid helps reduce the likelihood of calcium crystals forming in urine. The calcium crystals can become hard deposits or kidney stones.

Kidney stones, when they become lodged in the small diameter urethra can feel horribly painful. Avoiding the pain of kidney stones is an excellent reason to use lemon peels for a pain-free morning.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, citrus peels are used to help with respiratory problems. The lemon peels tend to help with a reduced inflammatory response in the lungs. Decreased inflammation can help with problems like asthma and bronchitis.

The Vitamin C in lemon peel is also good for preventing scurvy, a disease which is much less common than it used to be before citrus fruit were available year-round. An old remedy for scurvy used to be to mix lemon peel and vinegar and rub it into the patient’s gums.

Lemon peel can also help fight fatigue. A review of non-medical approaches to fight fatigue found that lemon peel was used traditionally to help with stabilizing emotions, improving confidence, and keeping the mind fresh.

5 Signs You Care…Too Much

Obviously, this world could benefit greatly from more kindness and compassion, because frankly, we live in pretty egocentric times. Nice people bring so much light into the dark places of this world, helping to elevate the vibration of the planet. However, sometimes kindness and care can be the opposite end of the spectrum. Thus, it can become almost self-destructive rather than helpful.

You should care about others, of course, but not when it comes at the expense of your own well-being and happiness.

Here are 5 signs you care just a little too much:

care too much

1. People take advantage of your compassion and kindness often.

The moment you start putting others’ needs above your own, people will start to notice, and expect the royal treatment from you at all costs. Having a backbone doesn’t mean you don’t have sympathy for others. Indeed, it means you have a perfect balance between looking out for people while also taking care of your own needs. It’s okay to say no sometimes if you feel overwhelmed or simply don’t agree with others – you have every right to stand up for yourself without being labeled as cruel and unfeeling.

If you don’t think your opinion or well-being matter, people will start to treat you like a doormat. If you don’t believe in your worth, people will walk all over you. It’s important to remember that you have an obligation to look after your own self first, because no one else will fill that role for you.

2. You hide your opinion in fear of others rejecting you.

People pleasing behavior begins in childhood, when parents praise a child for obeying them but discourage him or her from asserting themselves, according to Jay Earley, author of Finding Your Life Purpose. Impressionable children perceive this as a threat, because they believe that in order to feel loved, they must please others and do as they’re told. Otherwise, they will be shunned and scolded for realizing their own needs have not been met by blindly following others orders.

So, because of this learned behavior, you probably go along with the popular opinion in order to please others and not cause any rifts. This also means you care too much about what other people think. Remember, your true friends and family won’t care that you have a different opinion than them, because two people can’t agree on everything all the time. Remember, other people’s reactions have nothing to do with you, so don’t take responsibility for them. You should never have to bend over backwards to please others at the expense of your own well-being.

3. You put everyone else’s needs above your own.

Perhaps this is the most draining and saddening aspect of being a truly kind-hearted person. Some people will only see you as a means to an end, or a tool in order to fulfill a goal in their storybook if you continually give them they idea that you’ll do anything for them at any cost. Being nice does sometimes feel like more of a curse than a blessing, but remember that people cannot take advantage of you unless you allow it to happen.

Make sure you set clear boundaries with people and let them know when they have crossed the line. You can learn how to say no without coming across as rude and uncaring; after all, if you don’t look out for yourself, who will?

4. You don’t give yourself enough self-love.

When you devote all of your time to caring for others, you might pass yourself up for a good dose of TLC. Make sure to let others know when you just can’t pencil something into your schedule; only commit to obligations that you feel certain you can follow through with. You deserve just as much love and attention as you give others; in fact, without enough self-care, you can easily fall into a state of disarray and depression. Spend time helping others, but don’t forget to take care of yourself, too.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha

5. You attract needy, desperate people into your life.

Remember that in this universe, like attracts like. So not surprisingly, too much niceness will attract those who also seek attention from others. In a way, becoming a doormat for others is selfish, because deep within, you look to others to fill a void that you have not filled yourself. You have not discovered your true self-worth, so others can’t possibly recognize it, either.

Be sure to spend time developing yourself and practicing assertiveness when you need to; this way, you can start attracting people who are also kind-hearted, but don’t demand your love and affection.

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