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4 Things To Remember When You’re Looking For Love

In life, there are rare authentic connections that show us the true meaning of love. In our society, we are bombarded by the propaganda of what love can sell to us. Magazine ads, commercials, movies, and books all target the heart with a deafening sense of magical connections and improbable expectations.

What can we expect from love?

We grow up feeling that we must find another in order to fulfill our needs. As we enter adulthood, experiencing heartbreaks and disappointments, many of us close our hearts to the opportunity of another. It does not have to be that way.

Here are four things to remember when you are looking for love:

1. Understand and accept your core values.

Until you understand what you want there is no way that the right person will come into your life. You will receive many lessons through another. These lessons will make you question why you even tried to find someone to share your life with. You must be conscious and ever present with your moral and core values. What do you want out of life? What’s important to you in terms of religious, spiritual, ethnicity, cultural, and political issues? Do you want children or not? Are you willing to relocate?

Your belief system has been ingrained in your psyche since childhood. Therapist and instructor at Tempe University, JoAnne White, PhD says, “These are the things about yourself that are not likely to change. They are the tenets you grew up believing and that deep down inside still seem to fit into your life no matter what else changes.”

2. Understand yourself and what you have to offer another.

One of the most challenging issues in a relationship is that we want to convert our new love to share our beliefs. Knowing what’s important to you translates into knowing what is important in a relationship. When we enter into relationships many times those things we don’t like in that person are reflections of our own insecurities. Are you willing to address them with yourself and your significant other?

If you are looking for someone who is going to raise your self-esteem you might just be putting yourself up for failure. You need to heal from past hurt and establish healthy boundaries. Entering into a romantic relationship will magnify all the things you avoid if you haven’t healed from them.

3. Become aware of your love language.

Related article: Which Love Language Do You Speak?

We all have ways to love and be loved. Dr. Gary Chapman, author of The Five Languages of Love, says, “Love is a choice you make everyday. Something in our nature cries out to be loved by another. Isolation is devastating to the human psyche.” When we know how we respond to love we can also allow for it (and vice versa). Do you need words of encouragement? Do you require quality time more than anything? Are you a giver of gifts or do you require them to show affection from your partner? Once you establish your love language you can enter into a relationship with the mutual understanding of what is required to feel safe and secure.

You can be vulnerable with another and not hide behind a mask of self-doubt. Falling in love is the easy part. The challenges come in staying in a loving relationship when things don’t start to go your way.

4. Let go of expectations.

When we start to look for love, whether through online services or connections via mutual friends, we have a list of expectations that come with us. The person must be this tall, have this kind of job, be financially stable, and so on. If you know what you want then that’s enough. Expectations are a recipe for failure. There are no perfect people. There is only perfect situations that connect with our imperfections. Letting go of the fantasy of what is flawless allows for the right person to come in and show you what mutual respect and love looks like.

We have been ingrained to put our lovers or partners on some pedestal and expect them to do the same with us. This is unrealistic. Relationships that start as friends and are opened with respect make beautiful long-term commitments. You must learn to put your guard down and allow another to enter your personal space with rawness. When you share with another you both get to grow.

You are your own worst enemy. If you can learn to stop expecting impossible perfection, in yourself and others, you may find the happiness that has always eluded you.”~Lisa Kleypas, Love in the Afternoon

Allow for love to enter with ease. We are not meant to spend our lives alone because of past hurt and experiences. You can establish these small gestures of self-love and awareness while giving yourself permission to fall in love again.

7 Signs of a Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D plays an essential role in balancing the calcium in your body for proper bone formation and function. Decades ago, vitamin D deficiencies were common, causing conditions like rickets in children and softening bones in adults. In the 1930s, they added vitamin D to milk to eradicate rickets. Today, vitamin D deficiencies are still common.

Recent studies found an association between vitamin D deficiencies and diseases like these:

  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Depression

How to Get More Vitamin D

There are three sources of vitamin D, including the following:

  • Sunlight-ultraviolet light exposure
  • Diet-Foods are high in vitamin D.
  • Supplements

vitamin d deficiency

How Much Vitamin D Do You Need?

Age Amount
Birth to 50 years 200IU
51-65 years 600 to 800IU
65 and older 800 to 1000IU

These Behaviors May Help You Beat a Vitamin D Deficiency

Try putting some of these new habits into your routine.

1 – Eat Some Fatty Fish

Add fatty fish to your diet to beat a vitamin D deficiency. Fatty fish is a rich source of omega-3 and vitamin D. In fact, both provide anti-inflammatory benefits to your body. Fatty fish high in vitamin D include the following:

  • Cod liver and cod liver oil
  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Sardines
  • Tuna
  • Oysters

2 – Eat Vitamin D Rich Foods

Other vitamin D filled foods to include in your diet are as follows:

  • Beef liver
  • Mushrooms
  • Breakfast cereals, orange juice, margarine
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Butter
  • Leafy greens like spinach and kale

3 – Drink Vitamin D Fortified Milk

Milk is a good source of vitamin D to include in your diet. Thus, you may want to drink sixteen ounces of milk a day to help beat your vitamin D deficiency.

4 –  Try Almond or Soy Milk

Even non-dairy products contain vitamin D. Almond, and soy milk are fortified with vitamins, so if you can’t tolerate milk or dairy products, you can still be sure to get the nutrients you need. One glass of almond milk contains 100IU of vitamin D.

5 – Eat Eggs

Egg yolks contain vitamin D. If you need to beat a vitamin D deficiency, add eggs to your menu. It doesn’t matter how you prepare them. Just be sure to include the egg yolk, which has the most vitamin D.

vitamin d deficiency

6 – Take a Vitamin D Supplement

If you’re low in vitamin D, you can boost your level by taking a vitamin D supplement of 2,000 to 4,000IU for anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks. Furthermore, get your blood tested to see if your levels have come back up.

7 – Get Outside in the Sunshine

Sunlight is an essential source of vitamin D. However, you need a healthy balance. That’s because too much sunlight exposes you to the risk of skin cancer.

You can still absorb some vitamin D even if you’re wearing sunscreen. Try to go outside in the sun every day for at least ten minutes to get exposed to the UVA rays, increasing vitamin D.

8 – Maintain a Healthier Body Weight

Staying at a healthy body weight helps you feel better and gives you a better chance to fight illnesses and diseases. Stay active, eat nourishing foods and maintain a healthy body weight.

9 – Get Treatment for Your Medical Conditions

If you have a medical disorder that affects your vitamin D absorption, be sure to get the proper medical care you need. Conditions such as the following diseases:

  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Celiac disease
  • Cystic fibrosis

10 – Embrace a Preventative Mindset

Be proactive about your health before you develop a vitamin D deficiency. If you have a family history of vitamin D deficiency or conditions like osteoporosis, be sure to discuss preventative care with your health care provider.

Here Are Seven Early Warning Signs of a Vitamin D Deficiency:

Given the importance of consuming vitamin D, we’ll identify seven different ways to uncover a potential vitamin D deficiency. Because knowledge is power, you will be in a better position to correct any shortfall and safeguard our health.

1. Pain and Muscle Weakness

The degree of pain and muscle weakness can vary from subtle to severe. Initially, symptoms of this type are almost non-present; however, as the deficiency becomes longer in duration, associated symptoms tend to worsen. The reason is that vitamin D, when metabolized, enhances muscle contraction – an essential mechanism for strengthening bones.

2. Impaired Immune System

When vitamin D levels are low, our immune system is inextricably affected. A high concentration of vitamin D receptors can reside in the immune cells, an area of the body that requires sufficient vitamin D supplementation. In one Japanese study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, schoolchildren given vitamin D supplements recorded fewer instances of the flu strain influenza A than those who did not receive supplements.

In another study, individuals diagnosed with an autoimmune disease also tested for low levels of D vitamin.

3. Hypertension

Hypertension (high blood pressure) often results when the body’s vitamin D levels are low. Our body formulates a peptide that increases blood pressure through arterial restriction and water retention. Vitamin D serves as a countermeasure, suppressing this enzymatic reaction and reducing the body’s inappropriate and exacerbated response to this peptide, thus normalizing blood pressure levels.

care for your body

4. Feelings of Sadness/Depression

A link has been made between sadness/depression and low levels of vitamin D. One fascinating discovery involves the correlation between seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a seasonal depressive condition, and fluctuating levels of vitamin D3.  In one study, participants given D3 supplementation experienced enhanced positive effects and reduced adverse effects – both physical and cognitive. Participants reported a significantly diminished presence of various symptoms, including food cravings, hypersomnia, lethargy, and sleep disturbances.

5. Gut troubles

Certain gastrointestinal conditions affect vitamin D absorption. Those with celiac, Crohn’s, inflammatory bowel disease, and other conditions are likely to be at a greater risk of vitamin D deficiency because of these interactions. Furthermore, those with high body fat are prone to vitamin D deficiency since fat dilutes the vitamin and reduces its physiological effects.

6. Excessive sweating

A strange addition to this list is the tendency of people to sweat more without sufficient vitamin D levels. However, medical experts aren’t sure why we sweat more with low vitamin D levels. All that’s known is that there seems to be an inseparable link between low vitamin D and excessive sweating, especially around the forehead.

7. Heart Conditions

There exists a probable correlation between low vitamin D levels and cardiovascular disease. Medical professionals believe that low levels of the vitamin result in higher concentrations of calcium buildup in the arteries; calcium buildup is plaque that forms in the arteries and increases the risk of heart attack or stroke. Besides those, other conditions linked to low vitamin D levels, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol, appear to solidify the connection between vitamin D levels and heart health.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Respect You

Respect is often thought of as the key ingredient to a great relationship, but the concept is hard to define. At the same time, most of us know when our partner disrespects us.

What we expect when we ask others to give us respect is not easy to always put your finger on. Respect may mean different things for different people. For instance, there’s the Golden Rule: treat others the way you want to be treated.

Then there’s the Platinum Rule. Basically, the Platinum Rule is the ultimate definition of respect: Treat others the way they want to be treated.

In order for someone to treat you the way you want to be treated, you must be very clear about how you want to be treated, or they have to be a mind reader. If you feel disrespected by your partner, start off by using clarity in your communication with them.

When you feel disrespected, say “I need you to ____” and state the new behavior that you would prefer to see instead. For example, you might say, “I need you to speak to me with less anger in your tone.”

Little research has been done on respect, because for some time it was not defined as something that could be measured. More recently, however, researchers attempting to study respect in relationships created a definition of respect that included the following psychological traits:

  • loving
  • caring
  • understanding
  • honest
  • loyal
  • listening openly
  • not abusive or judgmental
  • considerate

In another study on respect, the same researchers found that respect was so highly correlated with relationship satisfaction that, for research participants, these two concepts basically seemed to be the very same thing.

5 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Respect You

Do you have a baseline of respect in your relationship? Consider these points to find out where you and your loved one stand in the realm of relational respect.

1. Your partner tells you what is wrong with you

No one is perfect. You already know this, which is why you don’t need your partner to keep reminding you of it. It’s hard enough for you to accept your own faults without a reminder.

If your partner frequently speaks up about what they feel are your weak points or mistakes, this is a sign they don’t respect you. Tell them that although you may make mistakes from time to time, you would prefer to hear about all the positive things that your partner likes about you.

2. Your partner doesn’t listen to you

Listening is a basic sign of respect, and both halves in a relationship should have a chance to listen and speak their mind. When one partner interrupts, talks over, or shows disdain for the other person when they are speaking, communication begins to break down. Responding to your partner when they speak is essential to a respectful relationship.

In a study of mindfulness and relationship conflict, researchers found that being fully present in the moment could help couples feel more respect for their partner after an argument. The mindfulness study stated, “mindfulness may play an influential role in romantic relationship well-being.” If you find yourself in the middle of a conflict, try some deep breathing, tighten your abdominal muscles, and focus on maintaining emotional control while you work through the problem.

how to make relationship last

3. Your partner always gets their way

A successful partnership has to be a two-way street. One of you shouldn’t be always getting things their way. Compromise, especially on things that are not your top priorities, is key to a respectful relationship.

When your partner tries to control the relationship and insists on having things their way, it is a sign that they do not respect your needs. Try asserting yourself, especially when the subject at hand is important to you. If your partner still does not give you a turn in having things your way, tell them this behavior is unacceptable.

4. Your partner disrespects your friends or family

Your partner doesn’t have to love your friends or family like you do, but they do need to treat them with respect. As a couple, you will be spending time together in the future, and part of your lives together will include family time.

It is important to a healthy, respectful relationship for you and your partner to have a good relationship with each other’s friends and family. Even if you are only civil to each other, respect for your partner’s loved ones is important.

5. Your partner is frequently unkind

One foundational angle of respect is not causing anyone harm. This includes not hurting feelings intentionally. Everyone is responsible for his or her own words and actions. Intentional name-calling, belittling, angry words, threatening language, or even a judgmental or accusing tone are all ways that your partner might show disrespect.

Respect is a two-way street; if the “traffic” on your relationship road seems to be completely one-way, consider taking concrete steps to reroute the traffic … or take another road.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Signs You Need To Reset Your Digestive System

Health-minded people know that excellent nutrition is the key to perfect health. When we pay attention to how we nourish our bodies, we reap the benefits of a non-medicinal pharmacy to treat. Indeed, some people can successfully reverse their health challenges through a healthy digestive system. The digestive system is responsible for so much of our overall health and well-being.

This includes our mental, emotional and physical health. Let’s look at seven signs that you need to reset your digestive system.

7 Signs You Need to Reset Your Digestive System

digestive system

1. Belching, gas, or bloated stomach

You need to reset your digestive system if you are experiencing a lot of belching, digestive gas, or your stomach feels distended. Excess air in your gut can be a sign of numerous health problems.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Chrohn’s disease, acid reflux, leaky gut, Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), and other diseases are chronic inflammation health problems that can severely affect your quality of life.

Medications can treat the symptoms of these illnesses. But it would help if you aimed to fix the root cause. Treating your health by resetting your digestive system is pretty easy. So be sure to focus your diet on eating sources of soluble fiber, prebiotics, and probiotics. Moreover, you should avoid foods that you know will cause your symptoms to emerge.

2. You can’t lose weight around your stomach

Even if you exercise an hour a day of aerobics and pair that with some serious abdominal exercises and are still unable to lose weight around your gut, it’s a sign you need to reset your digestive system.

The excess fat around your stomach can reveal an inflammatory illness. Fortunately for you, ridding yourself of that extra fat may be as easy as resetting your digestive system.

3. You have an inflammatory or autoimmune disease

An unhealthy digestive system, like leaky gut disease, can cause the immune system to go overdrive. According to Dr. Jill Carnahan, this immune response can contribute to a massive list of conditions. These include ‘lupus, alopecia areata, rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatic, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Sjogren’s syndrome, vitiligo, thyroiditis, vasculitis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, urticaria (hives), type 1 diabetes and Raynaud’s syndrome.’ Healing from these diseases involves healing the digestive system by resetting it.

4. You are feeling off lately

From your mood to your brain, your stomach and digestive health have a lot to do with more than your physical health.

Mental and emotional health is also affected by your digestive system. If you’ve been feeling or thinking off lately, it’s a good sign that you need to reset your digestive system. According to, ‘95% of serotonin, your key mood-regulating neurotransmitter, is located in your gut.’ Inflammation in your stomach can also contribute to mental fog.

5. You feel better when you eat soluble fiber

A study in the American Journal of Gastroenterology found that subjects who ate a diet of soluble fiber had reduced symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (gas, stomach pain, changes in bowel movements, pain before bowel movements).

Feeling relief from your digestive symptoms after you eat soluble fiber means that the fiber is helping to reset your digestive system. Foods like passion fruit, avocado, Brussels sprouts, fig, orange, sweet potato, asparagus, turnip, edamame, broccoli, pear, and other fruits and legumes are excellent sources of soluble fiber.

digestive system - fiber food

6. You feel better when you eat prebiotics

Probiotics were the first to become more well-known among healthy eaters, but prebiotics may be just as important. Prebiotics’ role is nourishing the beneficial gut bacteria that can then help reset your digestive system. says that prebiotic sources include ‘asparagus, artichoke, bamboo shoots, banana, barley, chicory, leeks, garlic, honey, lentils, milk, mustards, onion, rye, soybean, sugar beet, sugarcane juice, tomato, and wheat.’ If you notice less gas and bloating after eating these foods, it’s a sign that these foods are helping you reset your digestive system.

7. You feel better when you eat probiotics

In a study of digestive health and probiotics, researchers said, ‘Our understanding of the intestinal microbiota and its full consequences on gastrointestinal health is still evolving. However, it is well accepted that altered colonic flora drives the pathogenesis of many disorders and diseases.’ The colonic flora of the gut is the beneficial bacteria that help break down food.

Researchers say that poor bacteria levels are now implicated in irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel diseases. Fortunately, taking probiotics, like fermented foods, yogurt, or kefir, is a huge help.

‘Probiotics and prebiotics are evolving treatment options targeted at restoring nonpathogenic digestive flora. There has been great interest in the role of these therapies in the treatment of many diseases, including childhood diarrhea, antibiotic-associated diarrhea, Clostridium difficile infection, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease.’

8 Things Your Dreams May Be Telling You

Metaphysics and other schools of thought teach us that dreams reveal a lot about our state of mind. Dreams are purportedly significant because dreams are thoughts and since we’re thinking creatures, dreams have something to say about us as individuals.

It turns out that our dreams can reveal much about us, and in many different areas of life. We’ve compiled eight different things that dreams can reveal about who we are. If we are willing to devote the time to record and study them, we are likely to find that personal discovery and interpretation of our dreams can be a rewarding endeavor.

The whole life is a succession of dreams. My ambition is to be a conscious dreamer, and that is all. – Swami Vivekananda

Here are 8 things your dreams may be telling you:


1. The state of your health

It is thought that when we dream of our car, we’re dreaming about our health. In such dreams, the car is thought to be symbolic of the mind. The reasoning is this: a car is used to transport our bodies from place to place, and our body does the same thing for our mind – transporting it from place to place.

So, pay attention to the state of your car. Is it beaten down or brand new? This may just be an indication of your physical health.

2. The state of your mind

As with the body, dreams can reveal things about the mind. According to experts, the setting of such dreams exhibits the state of our mind the day before. For example, if you’re at work, more than likely your mind was focused and driven. If you’re in a new home, you’re starting to thinking in newer, unconventional ways.

3. Future possibilities

Many people will attest to the fact that dreams can be quite predictive in nature. It is not uncommon for someone to have a dream about a memorable place, only to find themselves at the exact same, previously unknown place later on down the road. It is important to understand that not all dreams are concrete predictions. As with many functionalities of our mind, it can – at times – be a bit wayward.

4. The nature of habits

Dreams that relate to our habits often involve animals. The reason is that animals are instinctive, unabashed creatures – symbolic of habits without self-control. Interaction that takes place between the dreamer and animal is important here. Subservience to habits is often depicted by animals chasing or attacking us, while control of habits is shown by maintaining control of the animal.

5. Use of Creativity/Imagination

Dreams have a unique way of bringing forth our creative gifts. In fact, some of the more famous inventions and discoveries can be attributed, as least in part, by dreams. For instance, Elias Howe, inventor of the sewing machine, credits his dreams for helping him identify a key component – a part that allowed him to finish his work. Symbols of a creative origin may be indicative of a past of present imaginative endeavor.

6. How we use our attention

Attention is a valuable gift. It allows us to hone our efforts on whatever we choose. Our dreams can be a symbolic representation of how we exert our focus. Mundane dreams often mean that we’re spending too much time lollygagging instead of turning our attention to more valuable efforts. Fun, inspiring dreams often reflect our efforts directing our attention to pursuits that bring value and inspiration.

7. How we’re expressing ourselves

The clothing worn in our dreams is often symbolic of our personal means of expression. If we’re cloaked in work attire, it likely means that our mindset is strictly business. Loose, comfortable, brightly-colored clothes tells us that we’re in a playful, childlike mindset. What about being naked? Well, this happens often, and it usually indicates that we’re comfortable with our natural (and true) Selves.

8. How we’re changing

Life is in a constant state of flux, and our nightly visions often represent this fact. For instance, if someone dies in our dream, it usually means that there is a certain part of us that is changing as well. It is important to identify who has died and how they died, as this may be symbolic of the part of us that is changing. Furthermore, the circumstances around the “death” may be indicative of whether or not the change was forced or welcomed.

5 Things To Try With Your Partner In A New Relationship

Starting a new relationship is wonderful. There is a euphoric feeling of connecting and intensity. Feel-good hormones such as oxytocin are released and the heart begins to feel what it has been missing without that person. You see the world through perfect rose-colored lenses. Then reality sets in, and you cannot believe that you didn’t see certain issues before. There are things you can do early on in a new relationship to ensure its longevity.

Here are 5 things to try with your partner when you begin a relationship:


1. Setting boundaries.

Somehow this simple action gets lost in the beginning of a relationship. It’s imperative to set boundaries and respect from early on in the courtship. Your partner should know and honor your words and choices (and vice versa). When you establish issues from the beginning, you can look forward to a healthy partnership. What are you willing to do or not do? What will you accept? Setting up guidelines, like a business partnership, helps eliminate any false expectations in the romance department. There can’t be surprises when you lay it all out. Love shouldn’t be hard. When the right person comes alone communication is easy. You should be able to discuss anything and everything.

2. Be yourself.

Try not to forget your dreams and aspirations. Be yourself, and not someone your partner wants. Relationships that start with co-dependency rarely last. You will most likely not see eye-to-eye on everything. And this is perfectly great! It enriches both of you. You are two different people. The goal is to be understanding of each other. Do not give up on what you believe just to make the other person happy. Compromising is a healthy way to start a new relationship. The balance of give and take is a beneficial meter for a loving partnership. Be what makes you happy and your partner will love that about you.

3. Share your dreams.

We make the mistake of putting our dreams aside in order to help fulfill that of a partner. This is a huge mistake in new relationships. You can both share dreams, passion, goals and work towards reaching them together. Do not forget your individuality. Having someone who supports you is beautiful. It’s important to be straight forward about the things that move you. You want to write a novel? Share it. You want to run a marathon? Your partner might join you. Do not stop yourself from reaching those things that make you happy just because they might not be something your partner likes. It’s healthy to have separate friends, activities, and interests. Your partner will support you as much as you support him/her. People don’t just fall in love because they sleep together, but because of common interests and dreams. Something attracted you from the very beginning. Continue to unfold those things while keeping your eyes on the goal ahead.

4. Be playful.

Laughter is the best form of connecting with your partner. Make time to separate work from play. Travel together, go hiking and enjoy each others company while being free to express child-like qualities. Playtime is important in relationships. Life is tough: work, finances, and other stressors can hinder romance. It’s important to take time with each other to do things that disconnect from life pressures while connecting with your loved one. Find those things that you both enjoy. Do them together. Even sitting on the sofa and watching a great movie, playing a board game, or painting together breaks the monotony of life.

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” ~ Richard Lingard

5. Encourage each other.

Do not forget to support and encourage one another. Dr. Gary Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages, says that “Encouragement requires empathy and seeing the world from your spouse’s perspective. We must first learn what is important to our spouse. Only then can we give encouragement. With verbal encouragement, we are trying to communicate, “I know. I care. I am with you. How can I help?”

This is not just for your spouse but any romantic partnership. When you enter into a new relationship it’s imperative to give each other the value that is deserved. Vulnerability and other issues will arise so it is healthy to just be able to share and feel the empathy from your partner.

Relationships, even the best of them, will encounter tough times. It’s up to you and your partner to commit to making time, effort, and space for each other. Communication is on top of that, and everything, on this list. The support from a loved one is the ultimate test of connection in any relationship.  When you begin with these simple suggestions, you can ensure that you and your partner are on the same page.

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