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10 Habits That Make You More Attractive

10 Habits That Make You More Attractive

Daily, loving self-care is a habit that can make you more attractive to others. There are many ways to treat yourself right that can make a visible difference on the outside as well as the inside.

Prioritizing self before others can feel selfish, but it is vital for your health, well-being, and wholeheartedness. Your self-confidence is attractive to others, so nourishing this inner resource is important. Let’s look at 10 daily habits that make you more attractive.

10 Habits That Make You More Attractive

When we think of attractiveness, we usually think of things that affect our physical appearance. However, not all attractiveness is external. Being attractive emotionally, spiritually, and mentally is just as important as sprucing up your exterior through a new hairstyle or a facial treatment.

financial habits

1. Connect with people deeply

We are attracted to people like us, and we also find likable people attractive. You might not realize this, but being likable is easy. All you have to do is: be more interested in hearing about the other person than you are in talking about yourself.

When you are in conversation, ask probing questions to understand the background behind someone’s actions, preferences, and stories. What is this person like when they are at home alone? What are their fears and dreams? Actively listening to someone makes them feel important, and we all like to feel important.

2. Treat friendships as a priority

True friends don’t let friendships grow apart. By nourishing your friendships, you practice the skills necessary to sustain a romantic relationship as well.

What is more, friends make you smile, and smiling is always an attractive habit.

3. Live in the present moment

In a study of attractiveness in a speed-dating situation, women found men more attractive if they measured higher in mindfulness. Interestingly, this appears to only go one way for the sexes, as men in the study did not find mindful women to be more attractive.

Mindfulness is peacefulness. Self-awareness. It is the knowledge that in the present moment, everything is just as it should be. Mindfulness is attractive because we shift focus away from anxiety or depression while we focus on the now. Mindful people tend to be more emotionally balanced.

4. Move your body

Obviously physical exercise keeps a body in shape, and healthy bodies are more attractive than unhealthy ones. This is especially true of males and females who are looking for healthy partners with whom they hope to raise a family.

When we think of someone who is attractive, they almost always possess grace in their movements. Balance and stretching, as well as mindful movements, will help you to present yourself as an attractive partner.

you attract what you are

5. Nourish yourself with excellent food

Nourishing your insides through eating the right foods helps nourish your skin. Radiant skin is always attractive, and beauty starts from the inside. Think about a potential mate watching you as you eat. Would your potential mate be more attracted to you if they saw you eating some greasy fast food or dining on a gourmet vegan meal that you had prepared yourself?

6. Know your self-worth

Be sure of your value. Be confident in the fact that you are intrinsically valuable as a human being and more so because of your character, intelligence, and kind actions. It’s been said before that confidence is sexy, and self-love is the best way to build self-confidence.

Project your value with your head held high. Meet the gaze of others directly and say to yourself, “I would make a great catch for the partner who is worthy of me.” Be careful not to cross the line into arrogance. Aim for an attitude of gentle self-assurance.

7. Have excellent sleep habits

Sleep ensures that our bodies are able to replenish their depleted resources. Making a habit of getting good rest also means that you’ll look better physically; your skin will look healthy and your eyes will shine!

Mentally, well-rested people are better able to cope with stress and less likely to fail to manage their emotions. Good sleep is a good self-care habit that can also make you more attractive to your potential mate.

8. Make it a habit to have downtime

Self-care includes regularly treating yourself to time with no stress or concerns. Make sure to release stress by enjoying plenty of downtime. Again, visualize your ideal mate watching you as you relax. Choose an activity that feeds your soul like mindfulness meditation, yoga, or reading.

9. Forgive and learn from mistakes

Self-improvement is synonymous with continually learning. Studies that consider desirable traits in a partner show that “psychological traits are important in human mating, with both sexes valuing intelligence and kindness very highly.”

Intelligence doesn’t have to mean that you have a degree. You can demonstrate intelligence to a potential mate by learning from mistakes and handling it well when you make one. You can demonstrate self-kindness by forgiving yourself for making a mistake in the first place; then, show what you’ve learned by avoiding the mistake in the future.

10. Take immense pleasure in simple things

In every moment, you have a choice to be happy or angry/sad/afraid. Choose joy and gratitude no matter the situation. This choice could lead you to find the mate who is right for you, and who has a matching inner and outer attractiveness.

And above ALL things, it’s most important to remember that you will be loved not for who you aren’t but for who you truly ARE. This list is only meant to help bring you closer to that truly authentic, loving, attractive self.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

7 Signs The Law of Attraction is Working For You

The New Age concept called “The Law of Attraction” basically states that you attract the energy you put out into the world. Whatever thoughts you repeatedly give your energy to, experiences of that nature will show up in your life, simply because you have created them subconsciously. The quote “What you think about, comes about” best summarizes the law of attraction. In order to manifest anything in your life, you have to first bring it into your field of consciousness with your thoughts, which transform into visions, and then action.

So, if you focus on negative thoughts or people, you will have more negative experiences. Conversely, if you shift your attention to the positive aspects of your life and what feels good, you will see more of that appear in the future. The law of attraction concept has been popularized in recent years due to the book and film “The Secret,” and although it shed much-needed light on one of the most hidden universal truths, it also raised many questions about how people can actually get this to work for them.

Many people feel baffled by this concept, but here are some signs that you’re on the right track with manifesting the reality you want.

Here are 7 signs the law of attraction is working for you:

increase positive energy

1. You start manifesting things at a faster rate when the law of attraction is working.

When you turn your attention to things you DO want in your life, more of those things will start to appear before you. If you have learned to shut out the negative voice in your head telling you everything going wrong, and have shifted your focus to everything going right, you have already mastered one of the key components of the law of attraction. As you continue to keep your mind centered on what you want to see more of in your life, you will likely notice these things manifest more quickly. Everything starts to fall into place for you, and it couldn’t feel more right. You have learned to remain grateful for what you do have, and the universe has sent you even more to be thankful for.

2. You feel totally open to changes.

“What you resist, persists.” Any time you put up walls between you and an experience or person, you will only encounter it more often until you face your fears and confront any challenges head on. We all have come to Earth to get in touch with our highest selves, and that involves breaking the mold and leaving behind old thought processes and habits in order to reach our full potential. You have learned to just go with the flow, and accept whatever may come. You embrace every aspect of change; the vulnerability, the fear, the uncertainty. Because of this, the universe can more easily send you what you need on your path to keep growing and learning.

Remember this quote to help you out: “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” – T. S. Eliot 

3. You keep your attention on the present moment.

Most of our lives, we have been fooled into thinking that only the future matters, and the present moment has no value. If you have noticed your life going in the right direction, you’ve likely learned how to shift your attention to the now instead of focusing so much on the future. Each moment you have, you focus on what you learned and keep the lessons with you along the way.

You’ve learned to redirect your attention to The Now anytime you catch yourself worrying or contemplating the future too much.

4. You don’t feel afraid to tell the universe what you want.

Whether you believe in angels, spirit guides, or your higher self, you have gotten comfortable with the idea of telling the universe what you want, and actually working for it. If something doesn’t feel right in your life, you ask for guidance along the way. As you delve deeper into spirituality or simply talking with yourself or your angels, your unique path will become even clearer to you.

5. You feel more positive energy in your life.

All the negativity and heaviness that you once felt in your heart seems to melt away. The things that once bothered you just don’t seem to anymore. You feel happy, excited, and ready for what the day holds when you wake up in the morning. You know that the universe always has your back, so there’s no need to fret about the future or allow negativity to reign in your life.

6. You feel at peace when the law of attraction is working for you.

Regardless of what might be happening around you, you feel calm and content with where you’re at in life. You don’t let things outside of yourself bother you anymore. That’s because you feel at ease within. You’ve finally found balance in life, and everything feels right just as it is. You don’t feel like you’re missing out on anything, and you have a strong connection to yourself and the universe, which contributes to all the good in your life.

You finally can relate to the saying: “life is good.”

law of attraction

7. Good things keep happening to you.

Obviously, when you tap into your higher self and discover what you came here to accomplish, life just starts to seem effortless. You meet the right people at just the right time, you go to places that enhance your spiritual growth and allow you to flourish, you become healthier, you have more abundance financially, and so on. While the right path isn’t completely devoid of obstacles, you start to notice that the good finally outweighs the bad.

One Sentence Reminders Every Relationship Needs To Hear

What would life be without relationships? We all need someone to help us get through this crazy ride, but sometimes, our own relationships can make life more difficult. When times get tough or you just need some simple reminders to help you remember why you fell in love with your significant other in the first place, just reference these quick tips.

Here are one sentence reminders every relationship needs to hear:

1. Never take your love for granted – even when times get tough, true love will get you through.

2. Take time to make each other feel special; after all, the magic shouldn’t just disappear just because you’ve been together for a while.

3. Great sex only goes so far. So make your partner feel loved in other intimate ways, such as holding hands, kissing them in public, and hugging them, just because.

4. Tell each other “I love you” as much as possible, and share the reasons why you feel this way.

5. When the times get rough, remember why you fell for him or her to begin with.

6. Share your deepest, darkest secrets with one another, but don’t feel like you have to spill everything onto the table. The mysteries of the human soul make life worth it.

7. Express gratitude for each other every day.

8. Forget the rest of the world and create your own story.

9. Hold onto each other, especially through the storms.

10. Don’t stop believin’.

11. Remember to spend time apart sometimes. Indeed, distance will make your relationship even better.

12. Go stargazing sometime – it will help you remember just how lucky you are to have come across one another in this vast universe.

13. Keep the lines of communication open at all times.

14. Encourage self-love on the daily, as you will become better partners if you learn to love yourselves first.

15. Have cute names for each other.

16. Learn how to forgive one another, even if you don’t fully agree with the other person’s words or actions.

17. Remember that you will fight sometimes, but this doesn’t have to mean the end of your relationship.

18. Sometimes, you’ll have to ask for forgiveness. This doesn’t make you weak. Instead, it means you really love your guy or gal and want another chance.

19. You will never stop learning from one another.

20. Engage in deep discussions often.

21. Surprise your partner sometimes. That’s because this element keeps the relationship fresh and exciting.

22. Rejoice during the happy times, and cry during the sad ones. Part of the human experience is to feel many different emotions, and that’s perfectly okay.

23. Embrace the weirdness in both of you.

24. Relationships change over time. So don’t fight the evolution of your bond.

25. Develop friendships outside of your relationship, too; that way, you won’t get bored of one another.

26. Realize how amazing your partner is, and remind them daily.

27. Your partner won’t always make you happy, but that doesn’t mean they don’t love you unconditionally.

28. Share your thoughts with your partner always, even if you two have differing opinions.

29. Trust and respect are the number two most important things in your relationship.

30. Get out of the city once in a while and feel the wind in your hair – it will do your relationship good.

31. In a discussion, remember to listen to each other before speaking.

32. Remember that relationships take work. Nothing worth having ever comes easily.

33. Make time to have fun and play; just because you’re adults, doesn’t mean you can’t roll around in the grass and get a little dirty, right?

34. Eat ice cream in bed and watch Netflix all day. Without feeling guilty.

35. Try new exotic foods together. In fact, sharing experiences will help you grow as a couple.

36. Go a day each week without your phones.

37. Act like big kids for a day. So have a water balloon fight, play hide and seek, and make macaroni and cheese for dinner.

38. Congratulate each other on any accomplishment, no matter how small.

39. Walk on the beach hand in hand, focusing on how amazing love feels.

40. Read a book together in bed.

41. Never forget your inside jokes.

42. Your partner will annoy you to death sometimes. However, you’ll even find this cute about them.

43. Go on a road trip together, and see the world from a different perspective.

44. Challenge each other to new experiences that will help both of you grow as people.

45. Take care of one another and cherish the relationship you have, because every fleeting moment is precious.

This ONE Phrase Will Completely Change Your Life

Would it surprise you if you knew you could change your life by simply applying ONE important phrase to it? Words are powerful, and this particular phrase can certainly flip your life upside down if you let it sink in and really reflect on what it means. Words are thrown around carelessly these days; people talk too much, but rarely say anything at all. However, the meaning behind these words will give you a whole new lease on life.

This ONE Phrase Will Completely Change Your Life

Related article: 11 Powerful Affirmations To Help Treat Depression and Anxiety

So, without further ado, let this phrase sink in: The way we do anything is the way we do everything. 

Sounds too simple, right? Wrong. Many people don’t realize just how much their habits affect their whole life. For example, let’s say you’re a natural procrastinator. You wait until the last minute to book a vacation, finish a project, get to sleep, make dinner, and pretty much everything else in your life. Think about the last time you waited until the very last second to get something accomplished.

Now, think about how many other times this occurs throughout your daily life. You see, our habits shape us. The way we do one thing, normally gets replicated during all of our other daily activities and chores. If we naturally have messy habits, such as leaving the kitchen dirty for days on end, we probably don’t clean up much in other parts of our life, either.

Our bad habits might seem harmless, but they affect every single aspect of your life, whether you know it or not. If you keep a cluttered house and can’t seem to find anything when you need it, your mind and emotional state will reflect this. You see, our lives directly represent our innermost world. What we think about, comes about.

So therefore, the way we do just one tiny thing, no matter how insignificant it seems, has a ripple effect throughout our entire life. Your daily habits become so entrenched in you that they quickly make up the entirety of your being.

If you cut corners on everything you do, you’ll have a life that seems less than perfect and sloppily put together, too. If you flit from one book to another without ever finishing one, your life will likely seem chaotic and stressful. You’ll go from one project to another, one relationship to another, and one addiction to another. Think about it. We can’t possibly do one thing in an unconscious manner, and expect the rest of our lives to beam with golden perfection.

Let me say this again: the way we do anything is the way we do everything. 

If you keep a lot of clutter in your home, you probably have a cluttered brain and feel in a fog most of the time. If you have superfluous items, you might just have superfluous people hanging around that don’t really do much for you anymore. You might have superfluous thoughts, emotions, and even extra weight that you’ve been trying to lose. However, if you keep your things to a minimum in your house, you might have a clearer mind, a lighter body, and a cleaner environment. Our habits don’t just represent little things we do throughout the day – they can easily represent how we live our lives.

The consciousness we create within our lives directly reflects how we feel inside. If we feel abundant and happy, we will make choices that reflect this feeling.

If we feel lethargic and drained, on the other hand, everything in our life will seem to move at a slower pace. Bills will be late, our money will seem stagnant, our relationships will seem boring and lifeless, etc.

Of course, perfection doesn’t exist, but we can tidy up certain areas of our lives and implement new habits so that we may continue to improve and grow as humans.

One tiny change can create a ripple effect in your life. You might think something as small as cutting out sweets, let’s say, won’t do much. However, this counts as a superfluous item, like we talked about before. When we eat added things that we don’t really need, or keep people in our lives that no longer serve us, or do anything unnecessary, we add baggage to our lives. We make them more complicated. However, cutting out things we don’t need will allow for more clarity, and thus, we open up the door for better habits and more abundance. Little changes create big waves.

Think about what would happen if you gave up getting Starbucks twice a week. You’d save about $10 or so dollars, and save the added strain on your immune system from all the added sugar and syrups. So, you don’t just impact your wallet. You impact your health and happiness, too. You could start creating a new habit, let’s say, of making the coffee at home. This will teach you to become more self-sufficient, which might even spill over into other aspects of your life.

Eat out a lot for dinner? Maybe cutting back on Starbucks will show you that you can also eliminate eating out from your weekly routine, or at least reduce it greatly.

Put off cleaning your house a lot? Try cleaning just one thing in it, whether you choose your couch, coffee table, toilet, or something else. After you clean one item, do you just want to stop, or keep cleaning? If you give yourself a break after cleaning one piece of furniture and come back to it later, you’ll probably find that you want to keep up this momentum because it makes you feel accomplished and worthwhile. Another great example of how the way we do one thing is the way we do anything, wouldn’t you agree?

You have to have uniformity in your life in order to get anywhere. You can’t keep your house spotless but then not look after your mental health. Cleaning out your brain is just as important, and if we keep one area of our lives clean, we’re more likely to treat every part of our lives in the same way.

If Your Partner Does These Things, Never Let Them Go

Obviously, no relationship is perfect. With that said, no person is perfect, either – however, certain things they do in a relationship can be a dealbreaker or deal maker. A partner shouldn’t save your life; they should add value to an already awesome one. On the other hand, your guy or girl should make you happy the majority of the time and make you feel loved and appreciated. Doing any of the following things should let you know that they’re serious about your relationship and truly love and care about you.

If Your Partner Does These Things, Never Let Them Go


1. Your Partner Calms You Down When You’re Angry

A great partner knows what pushes your buttons and tries to avoid hitting them if at all possible. However, sometimes other people can push your buttons, and the anger doesn’t just go away if you shift your focus. If your partner attempts to calm you down by rubbing your back, giving you a massage, or just talking things out in a gentle way with you, don’t ever let them go. Most people would run from anger in the blink of an eye, but if they stick around through the storm, they’re a keeper.

2. They Don’t Try To Control You

A great partner will let you have your space and not become possessive or tell you who you can and can’t hang out with. They will understand and honor your need to hang out with friends and family sometimes and won’t question your whereabouts every second of the day. A great partner understands your need for solitude and encourages you to spend time by yourself at least once a week.

3. They Trust You To No End

Furthermore, a partner worth keeping will not have trust issues with you and will not give you reasons to distrust them, either. They don’t ask to see your phone to look through your pictures, text messages, and other private things in your life. They respect your privacy and know that you would tell them something vital without them having to find it on your cell phone first. If you haven’t given them a reason not to trust you, then they will have undying faith in you and give you their whole heart without second-guessing themselves. An excellent partner knows that trust must exist to have a successful relationship, and they make it clear just how much they trust you.

4. They Challenge You

If you have a keeper, they will challenge you to push past your comfort zone and become the best version of yourself. They won’t allow you to dwell in mediocrity for too long, not because they don’t think you’re good enough, but because they know you can do better. They encourage you to go out for that half marathon, apply for that job that you’ve been wanting for a while now, and travel to a country you’ve always wanted to visit. They want you to become the most well-rounded, whole version of yourself and constantly raise the bar so that you keep growing as a person.

5. Your Partner Believes In You

They don’t belittle you or tear you down, and they don’t tell you that you can’t do something. They make you feel as though anything is possible and constantly give you pep talks and motivation. A great partner won’t try to compete with you or outshine you in life – they see you as their equal, and therefore, want both of you to succeed. The quiet all the insecurities in your head and make you feel as though nothing is out of reach.

6. They Love You Unconditionally

All those insecurities you once had, you hardly remember now. Your guy or girl loves you so much and wraps their arms around both your “flaws” and your strengths. They love every part of you, the good and the bad. They would never dream of leaving your site because they understand your pain and do their best to heal it. They don’t expect perfection from you because that would be boring and unfulfilling. People’s quirks and insecurities make them exciting and make them human. So, they love you no matter what and don’t try to change you into someone else.

7. They Show You New Things In Life

Your partner teaches you things you thought you’d never learn before. They show you how to play instruments, show you exciting new places to go, and show you what it means to be alive again. There’s never a dull moment with them around because you’re constantly unraveling new layers of them and picking their brain. After all, they have so much knowledge to share. Life truly feels like a dream with them around.


8. Your Partner Inspires You to Be a Better Person

Having a partner who inspires you to be the best you can be is a beautiful thing. Having someone in your corner who cheers you on and encourages you in your endeavors is rare. So, hold on to them and never let them go.

9. Your Partner Loves Your Family

Having a partner that accepts and loves your family as much as you do is a gem. If they make an effort to talk to your dad and mom or play a game with your little brother, don’t let them slip away.

10. They Accept Your Friends as Their Friends

Your friends are important to you. When your partner enjoys being around your friends, it’s significant. Not all partners attempt to get to know each other’s friends. So, if your partner likes your friends and encourages you to hang out with them, take note of it.

11. They Correct You With Kindness

Sometimes you say or do things that hurt your partner. Having a significant other who gently tells you what you did wrong–kindly–is essential. It means they love you enough to point out your faults without condemnation or judgment. Good chance they admit their wrongs to you and ask you for input into things they’ve done or said that has hurt you. This type of communication deepens a relationship. It allows both partners the chance to be vulnerable without fear.

12. They Believe in God

Studies show that individuals who possess faith in God are better at facing life challenges. They are more resilient. This means when they’re in difficult situations, they can honestly admit their negative feelings, but they’re able to bounce back quicker than others to a sense of overall well-being. They look to something bigger than themselves for guidance in their life. Having a partner who believes in God means they aren’t looking to you for their meaning or identity in life. Your relationship is robust because they aren’t putting pressure on you to be their “savior.”

13. They’re Humble

A humble partner is someone who acknowledges that you’re better at some things than they are. They’re content to be themselves without needing attention or fanfare. If your partner is like this, don’t let go of them.

14. Your Partner Is Forgiving

Having a partner who is quick to forgive will make your relationship sweet. They don’t hold grudges or give into resentment. They admit when they’re hurt by something but get revenge. Because they know they make mistakes, they won’t make you feel bad if you forget to do something. A forgiving partner is a rare find, so hold on to them.

15. They’re Kind to Other People

A kind partner will be kind to those around them. Whether they’re talking to your nosy neighbor or cranky real-estate agent, they’ll show respect and kindness. Your kindhearted partner will make you proud no matter what the situation.


Final Thoughts on Have a Partner Who Is Perfect for You

If you have a partner who inspires you, loves your family and friends, forgives you, and humbly finds hope and help in God, hold on to this person. No doubt, your relationship will be sweet.

Science Explains What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Oatmeal Every Day

‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,’ you may have heard your parents say, and amazing things can happen to your body if your breakfast includes oatmeal. This one super grain is a healthy nutritional powerhouse that hides behind its dull appearance.

For over two thousand years, humans have learned to grow and harvest oats as a source of food and medicine. Medicinally, oatmeal was and is used for healing the skin, intestinal illness, nerve problems, and uterine complaints, among others.

Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Oatmeal Every Day

Certain health conditions, for example, gout, may not benefit from a diet of oatmeal every day. If you have current health concerns, speak with your health care professional before making a change to your diet.

diet changes

Nutritional benefits of eating oatmeal every day

Oatmeal is a whole grain that gives you 13 grams of protein in one small half-cup serving. One tiny quarter-cup serving of oatmeal gives you almost 100% of your recommended daily manganese intake.

Oatmeal also has many antioxidants including vitamin E, tocotrieonols, selenium, phenolic acids, and phytic acid. Other nutrients provided by a daily helping of oatmeal include Vitamin B1, Biotin, Molybdenum, Phosphorus, Copper and Magnesium among many other phytonutrients.

Changes you can see in your body when you eat oatmeal every day

One of the best benefits of eating oatmeal daily is that doing so can help prevent obesity and weight gain. This is due to the feeling of satiety, or satisfaction of your hunger, that oatmeal gives you when you eat it.

Oatmeal makes you feel full longer and creates positive changes in your body in a couple of ways. First, oatmeal provides excellent low-level energy for a longer period of time. Secondly, oatmeal provides fiber to keep your stomach feeling full longer.

The low-glycemic impact (GI) of a bowl of oatmeal eaten in the morning provides a good source of energy throughout the morning hours, without a dramatic increase or drop in blood sugar. Maintaining lower blood sugar levels over a longer period of time helps the body regulate insulin usage.

The low GI of oatmeal helps you avoid cravings due to a drop in blood sugar. Without the low blood sugar cravings, we are less likely to reach for our favorite comfort food.

The daily caloric impact of an oatmeal breakfast is huge. Oatmeal could help you decrease your total daily calories by as much as 81%. In a study of high-GI breakfasts versus low-GI breakfast foods, oatmeal prevented people from over-consuming calories at later meals.

Most low calorie, low fat diet foods are not good at making us feel satisfied. Oatmeal is good for that happy, satisfied, not-hungry-at-all feeling, which also means you will eat less throughout the rest of the day. This daily decrease in your need for calories will result in wonderful weight loss and fat loss changes in your body.


Other health benefits of eating oatmeal every day

In addition to helping you slim down, lose body fat and prevent overeating, oatmeal provides significant health benefits. Other oatmeal benefits cited by much research to back up the claims are:

  • Lower cholesterol
  • Less risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Lower risk of heart failure
  • Improved immune response
  • Stabilize blood sugar and reduce risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Excellent source of fiber which protects against breast cancer
  • Whole grains protect against childhood asthma
  • Safe grain alternative for celiac disease sufferers or those who are avoiding gluten in their diets
  • Extend life expectancy

What you need to know about oat processing

Whole oats are processed differently before they become a steamy bowl of sticky goodness at our breakfast table. Here’s what you need to know about oat processing:

  • Oat groats: unflattened kernels that are good for use as a breakfast cereal or for stuffing
  • Steel-cut oats: featuring a dense and chewy texture, they are produced by running the grain through steel blades that thinly slices them.
  • Old-fashioned oats: have a flatter shape that is the result of their being steamed and then rolled.
  • Quick-cooking oats: processed like old-fashioned oats, except they are cut finely before rolling
  • Instant: produced by partially cooking the grains and then rolling them very thin.
  • Oat bran: just the outer layer of the oat grain that resides under the hull.

Any of these choices can make a hearty meal, but as you know, less processing usually means a higher nutritional benefit with other food sources. Look for steel-cut oats as a starting point for your best-tasting daily bowl of oatmeal.

apple oatmeal cake

Final Thoughts on Eating Oatmeal Every Day

Look for creative ways to add this food to make you feel full longer. Try adding oats to a shake, smoothie or your favorite yogurt. Add some oats to your regular baking recipes, like muffins and cookies.

You can use oats as a grain replacement in any meal. Take a favorite quinoa recipe and substitute oatmeal as the grain. Enjoy the benefits of oatmeal, and you’ll love seeing your body transform in the mirror every morning.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved
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