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What Tonight’s Aries Moon Reveals About Your Life

Change is in the air for all of us, thanks partly to the events brought on by the super new moon in Aries on April 7th, 2016.

This article will prepare you for what you might expect to encounter shortly. These changes begin to break old patterns.

The science of astronomy and the belief in astrology used to be connected together by the same theories. That continued through the end of the 18th century and the time of Sir Issac Newton, who described the theory of gravity. The movements of the Earth, Moon, Sun, and planets through the field of stars could be predicted more reliably by then, but the scientists thought that the descriptions of their influences on human lives were explained away by coincidence.

Ancient Greek, Egyptian, Chinese, Babylonian, Incan, Native American, and other cultures have used the placement of the planets to learn about the seasonal influences on our planet. People once sought advice from Oracles, or trained seers,  about the best time to plant crops, whom to marry, trade relationships, and even advice when planning to war against a neighboring nation.

The science behind the twelve sun signs of the zodiac lies within the realm of psychology. Each astrological sign represents specific personality traits. We may or may not agree with these descriptions or feel they do not always apply to us.

We believe ourselves believe in free will and making good choices despite what our horoscopes say. However, certain personality ‘types’ certainly exist in the psychology field (Read our article on Introverted vs. Extroverted people, for example) and seem to correlate with the astrological signs and the personality traits assigned to each sun sign.

The Super New Moon in Aries Will Change Your Life

Can astrology predict our lives? Or do we read what we want into the astrological signs’ descriptions because we like the type of person described? In our recent article, we told you about a study that shows that the season in which you are born can affect your personality, energy level, and likelihood to act in certain ways.


Let’s look at the exciting changes that you can expect to receive as opportunities in your life as a result of the super new moon in Aries. Of course, you have the free will to decide whether or not to pursue these new opportunities.

Have you felt like you couldn’t wait for things in your life to change for the better? The good news is that this super new moon will bring much-needed change to your life, it will happen quickly, and it will be in a way that helps you to grow as an individual.

Why The Super New Moon Is Bringing Change

The moon cycles through phases every month, so why is this new moon any different? A supermoon is when the Earth is at its closest point to the moon in orbit. In other words, we feel an even larger effect of the moon’s pull because of its closeness to us.

A normal new moon usually brings fresh beginnings and an end to old ways. You can look for this cycle of changes in your life each month as a fresh project or new idea begins as the new moon starts its cycle, and then these new starts will decline or wrap up as the moon goes through a full cycle and wanes back to the last quarter.

With the nearness of this supermoon, you will see these fresh beginnings on a larger scale. You will likely notice more creativity, energy, and invitations to try something new at this time.

At the same time, because this is a huge cycle of the end of the previous month’s moon, you should see other aspects of your life closing the book on the chapter that has ended. This could be an old relationship that no longer serves your best interests or an outdated way of thinking or acting that you want to change about yourself. Look at this as a time to break bad habits and work on the most positive aspects of your personality.

The Significance of Aries

Aries is a fire sign, often indicating passion, energy, and fast-paced, uncontrollable energy. The implications for this time of the supermoon in Aries are similar to what a person born with the moon in the sun sign of Aries would experience as a character trait.

The astrology website says of the moon in Aries, ‘You are likely to feel at your best when you involved with exciting, challenging or new experiences – anything that lets you express your pioneering side. You may experience yourself as a dynamic individual, and enjoy getting things started.’

Use the experience of the supermoon in Aries to evaluate what you no longer need, say goodbye to those parts of yourself, and to be open to what is coming. Open your mind to the possibilities of the super new moon and make excellent choices that truly support your whole-hearted being.

7 Things You Need To Know About Your Thyroid Health

Thyroid disorders affect millions of people every year. Given the wide range of functions that this butterfly-shaped gland is responsible for, it is of the utmost importance that thyroid health remains a focus throughout one’s life.

In this article, we will discuss seven things that everyone should know about thyroid health. Also, we will supplement this information by describing ways that thyroid health can be improved.

Here are seven things you need to know about your thyroid health:

“The thyroid is a vitally important hormonal gland that plays a major role in metabolism, growth and maturation of the human body.” – U.S. National Library of Medicine

1. The thyroid gland is responsible for a myriad of functions

The bodily functions of the thyroid are numerous. The gland plays an important role in breathing, body weight, muscle strength, peripheral and central nervous systems, body temperature, heart rate, menstrual cycle, and a host of others. As such, it is important that the health of this vital gland is maintained. Sub-optimal function of the thyroid gland can cause many unwelcome health conditions, both chronic and acute.

2. Thyroid conditions are common

It is estimated that hypothyroidism – diminished production of thyroid hormones – affects more than 45 million people. Interestingly, this condition is twice as prevalent in men as it is in women. Of the 45 million people with hypothyroidism, approximately 30 million are males. Hyperthyroidism – excessive production of thyroid hormones – is a far less common medical condition, occurring in 1 out of 1,000 people.

3. The thyroid gland produces two primary types of hormones

The thyroid produces two hormones critical to our health: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). T4, for all intents and purposes, is an inactive hormone. T3 is the predominant thyroid hormone and affects our overall health to a greater degree. While T3 plays a lesser role, it is important to metabolic health. The human body is designed to convert T4 into T3 hormones, but adverse health conditions can impact this conversion. Gut imbalances, stress, hormonal fluctuations and nutritional deficiencies are the most common causes of irregular conversion from T4 to T3 hormones.

4. A disease exists that attacks the thyroid gland

Hashimoto’s disease is one of the most common autoimmune diseases in the United States. Those afflicted with Hashimoto’s have an immune system that attacks tissue in the thyroid. Also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, this disease primarily affects middle-aged women, although it may also occur in men, women and children of any age. Many physicians can detect the presence of Hashimoto’s and prescribe a simple and effective hormone replacement.

5. A healthy thyroid is critical to controlling body weight

Of all the variables involved in controlling body weight, a healthy thyroid is among the most important. The largest gland in the endocrine system, the thyroid produces hormones that are essential to regulating both metabolic function and energy. Acting on nearly every type of cell in the body, thyroid hormones initiate cellular function and metabolism. In other words, a healthy thyroid will effectively regulate the expenditure of energy relating to the metabolism, while an unhealthy thyroid gland will inhibit such measures. Slow or impaired metabolic function due to a thyroid condition is one of the more common causes of weight gain and obesity.

6. Protein is essential to a healthy thyroid

The brain neurotransmitter dopamine stimulates the hypothalamus to release thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which affects T3 production. The amino acid tyrosine is an important building block of dopamine, and is accumulated in the body through the ingestion of protein. As such, the consumption of high-quality proteins is important to both brain and thyroid health.

7. Various nutrients are important to thyroid health

A balanced diet is essential to a healthy thyroid, as this helps ensure the ingestion of important nutrients. Such nutrients include vitamin A, B vitamins, essential fatty acids (omega 3, 6 and 9), iodine, selenium, tyrosine, and zinc. Nutritional supplements, such as a daily multi-vitamin, can help account for the recommended daily intake of various vitamins and minerals. Fish oil supplements are also available that will aid in the necessary consumption of essential fatty acids.

Repairing the Thyroid

Now that we all understand the importance of a healthy thyroid, lets look at way to heal the gland. The ability to naturally repair the thyroid is excellent news, as thyroid conditions are frequently misdiagnosed or overlooked. Further, natural treatment of the thyroid averts many of the side effects associated with prescription medication.

Natural treatment of the thyroid gland revolves around two main premises: a healthy diet and lifestyle alterations. Diet-wise, it is best to consume fresh, whole foods. Limiting or eliminating gluten, an unhealthy mix of proteins often found in wheat products, is of particular importance.

Foods that aid in the healthy maintenance and repair of the thyroid includes: whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, seaweed, dairy, beans and nuts. Simple meal substitutions, for example, white bread for whole grain, nuts for chips, and milk for soda can aid the health of thyroid. Of course, it is necessary for the above-mentioned foods to become staples in our diet to achieve optimal health outcomes.

Final Thoughts on Thyroid Health

In addition to eating healthy, regular exercise is important to thyroid health. Mixing sessions of aerobic exercise and weight training is best. Brisk walking, jogging and yoga are all viable options for aerobic exercise. Besides supporting thyroid health, exercise is simply irreplaceable as an all-encompassing health activity.

Other than dietary changes and commitment to exercise, other lifestyle changes such as reducing stress, getting adequate sleep (7 to 9 hours), and monitoring overall health are requirements for a healthy thyroid.

6 Reasons Men Leave The Women They Love

Love is tricky. Why do men leave women when it takes so much courage to fall in love in the first place? For men, it might be more difficult to deal with falling in love than for a woman. When a man falls in love, he must take into account the suffering that might occur by opening up all of himself to her. Is the risk worth it?

A man rarely dives in fully but steps little by little into the world of second-guessing and ups and downs. Men know they are not born with an innate understanding of how women operate.

Sometimes a few simple factors can go a long way in increasing understanding. This can go both ways.

Here are 6 reasons why men leave the women they love:

men leave

1. He feels that she’s trying to fix him.

When a man starts to feel that he’s not enough, that his flaws are massive, or that he cannot be himself without judgment, he starts looking for the exit. Women, often without realizing it, tend to emasculate men by making them their projects and trying to change or “improve” them.

Albert Einstein said, “Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed.” What a man really needs is a woman who offers wholehearted encouragement so a man can discover who he truly is.

This is what we all need in a relationships. A man can grow and mature with the help of a loving and supportive partner.

2. He is threatened by the woman’s success.

In a study conducted by the University of Florida, men experience a huge blow to their self-esteem when their female partners experience success, even when they are not in direct competition.

A woman’s success also negatively impacts how the man views the future of their relationship.

If the man has not been able to attain the success he feels he deserves, this is often a pivotal reason he might leave a relationship. He cannot join her in her success or support her because he is inwardly comparing her success to his failures.

3. He feels bothered too often.

Men can zone out sometimes, but not more often than when a woman repeatedly says the same thing to him. Constant bothering and belittling can destroy a relationship. Men may play like children, but they are not kids. They rarely tolerate constant whining and complaining. Men need to feel appreciated and uplifted. They will ignore and avoid this type of ‘nagging’ because it adds to negative reinforcement or even passive-aggressive conflict.

If he knows she will give him grief, he will not respond well to requests or comments. If he feels she will complain no matter what he does, he realizes there is no satisfaction in doing what she wants. To a man, a nagging woman is not a supportive or enjoyable partner to have.


4. He suffers a lack of intimacy.why men leave women

Believe it or not, men crave intimacy just as much as women. If a man has to beg for it while the woman withholds it to get him to do things, he may leave the relationship to seek that connection with someone else.

A man will not stand by too long with a woman who will not participate in intimate encounters with her partner. A man falls in love with a woman for many reasons, but he also needs to feel that he is the most desirable person in her life.

5. She compares him to other men.

There is nothing more annoying to a man than listening to a woman talk about past relationships. When the woman compares him to an ex, that’s the beginning of the end. Men do not want to analyze their partner’s past relationships and intimate connections.

A man wants to believe he is the only one that matters right now. He doesn’t want to hear that a previous lover did this or that. He wants to know that what he is doing right now is enough.

6. Her emotional co-dependency.

Men need their space. Men also need their friends. A man doesn’t want to be treated as a possession or feel like he is a babysitter. When a man feels that he has lost his freedom to participate in sports, outings, or social gatherings with his friends, he might leave. A healthy relationship requires both parties to have their own friends and hobbies. Co-dependency tarnishes the spark of a relationship.

Men don’t over-analyze this feeling of being imprisoned. The moment they feel their lives have drastically been high-jacked, that’s when they break up. Men deeply fear losing their freedom.

why men leave women ansd vice versaFinal Thoughts on Why Men Leave Women They Love

Men fall in love with the expectation of being appreciated, respected and supported. If a man no longer feels like he is the hero of the story, he will naturally face a serious decision in whether or not he should change his relationship status.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

What Is Your Social IQ?

Our ability to connect meaningfully to another person is one of our greatest gifts as humans, and it is what defines social IQ. How well can you connect to another person?

Social intelligence is responsible for some of our planet’s most essential and well-paying jobs. We pay more to people who are well-skilled in social interactions because society highly values those skills.

Here are just a few examples of some highly paid careers that are people-focused and which require a high level of Social IQ:

  • Lawyer
  • Politician
  • Sales Rep
  • Public Relations
  • Human Resources
  • Psychiatrist
  • Marketing

The ability to persuade others and the ability to be sensitive to the needs of others are also skills that people with a high Social IQ have.

How do we measure social IQ?

On a basic level, social intelligence is your level of skill at getting along with many different types of people. Picture it like this; if you were placed in a room with 10 people, only one of whom spoke your language, would you be able to make a connection with one of the nine people who couldn’t communicate verbally with you? Would you connect with the one person you could talk to, or would you be alone?

One well-known test of social intelligence is the George Washington University Social Intelligence Test (GWUSIT). This specific test was created to ‘measure certain factors of judgment, information, and memory related to dealing with people and carrying on social relationships.’

In a study of the use of the GWUSIT, researchers found a sex difference in Social IQ for women and men. They discovered that women seem to have a higher Social IQ and they tested on average 5 points higher than men. The reason behind women’s higher Social IQ may be genetically encoded into our chromosomes and DNA.

Related article: 7 Ways to Show Emotional Intelligence

Evolutionarily speaking, women who could discern the subtle differences between a potentially successful mate and a mate who was less likely to provide for a family were able to have children who survived to pass on the Social IQ genes. Women seeking a suitable mate would have had to be able to tell intelligence, trustworthiness, reliability, and probably looked for stamina or energy as well.

What Is Your Social IQ?

Let’s look at some of the essential traits of someone with a high level of interpersonal intelligence.

Communication skills

Listening and speaking are both equally important here. Communicating your needs well means that you can ask for what you need to be happy. Listening is possibly more important though and could be expanded upon to include the ability to pick up non-verbal cues.

For example, when you are listening, can you tell what someone gets excited about? If so, this means that you can detect what motivates a person. This information comes in handy when you are trying to negotiate for something you want with someone with a high Social IQ.

Knowledge of and ability to follow social rules

Most people know that ‘double dipping’ their chip at a party is a social faux pas. But if you don’t know the rules and offend someone, it could reduce your likelihood of an invitation to party with those people again.

Rejection from a social group is a fear that many people have, and with good evolutionary reason. In our evolution, rejection by the group meant having to fend for yourself without the relative safety of a group to scare off predators.

Managing impressions

When a person wants to be accepted into a specific social group, they learn about that group and begin to mimic the traits of the group. Taking control of the image you portray to others while still keeping your authentic self is something that most of us have done at one time or another. For example, who you are in a job interview is very different from who you are at the bar on Friday night.

For example, someone who wants the acceptance of a wealthier group of people might try to be seen by members of the group while wearing designer label clothes. They would also behave like those they wanted to be accepted by, in their way of speaking, hand and facial gestures, posture and other movements.

Role flexibility

Being able to change what you focus on now versus what you will focus on when you have a small child clinging to you is one example of role flexibility with Social IQ. Real-self versus parent-self is one role switch that we have to make.

Roles that most of us have all experienced at some point include:

  • Teacher
  • Student
  • Beginner
  • Expert
  • Lover
  • Rejected romantic partner
  • Driver
  • Passenger

Related article: 5 Reasons Introverts Make the Best Relationship Partners

5 Signs Your Relationship Is Toxic and Needs to End

George Pratt, a clinical psychologist, author and licensed marriage and family therapist associated with Scripps Health, says that a toxic or unhealthy relationship can exist among married couples, and people who date. Moreover, it can also impact former couples after a breakup.

So no matter what the nature of the relationship, Pratt said, they have one thing in common:

“Toxic relationships can exist in any kind of relationship, and they are bad for your health.” He has stated that most people don’t even acknowledge that they are in a toxic/negative relationship that needs to end. Depression, anxiety, stress, and a weakened immune system can be present in these negative experiences.

Here are 5 signs that your relationship might be toxic:

Related article: 10 Critical Things You Should Never Tolerate In A Relationship

1. Conflicts and arguments are ever-present.

There is one person who needs to always be right. This need often stems from narcissism and egotistical behavior. Of course, this person has little empathy and understanding for their partner. They must have the last word. So consider these questions if you don’t know that you are in an unhealthy relationship: Are you challenging one another with productive discussions? Are these one-sided arguments? Does one person in the relationship always find a way to make it the discussions about them?

2. You are being emotionally bulldozed.

Sometimes we don’t notice what is happening. However, we know that something doesn’t feel right. Are you constantly being put down? Is your partner humiliating you in front of others? Does that other person utilize passive-aggressive behavior by saying one thing and then doing another? Anger is very present in these negative conversations. Toxic relationships are abusive, verbally and at times physically. Once you submit to that type of relationship the person will find a way to degrade you to stay with them while feeding on your fears and insecurities.

3. You are co-dependent on each other.

There is a difference between a loving-supportive relationship and one that is based on possessing a person. If your partner is jealous and constantly accusing you of cheating, this is a sign of destructive behavior that should not be tolerated. Love and respect are healthy. Co-dependency is not. Can you detach your dreams from that of your partner’s? Do you have your own friends? Do you spend time away from each other? What about your own goals? A co-dependent relationship does not allow for healthy boundaries.

4. Your faults are often magnified.

If your flaws and imperfections are being expressed on a daily basis, this is a sign of a toxic relationship. In fact, it is detrimental to end it because the more time passes the easier it becomes a habit. Your self-worth and self-esteem will take giant blows. Thus, you may begin to ask yourself these questions: Do you feel mentally and physically healthy with this person? Are they bringing out the best in you? Are you enriching each other? Is your partner your cheerleader?

5. You are literally sick and tired.

In a research study by Dr. Roberto De Vogli including over 10,000 participants, it showed that toxic and negative relationships have a correlation to heart disease. Your body is being affected in elevated stress levels that can cause the immune system to shut down. As a result, the emotional body takes a beating and starts to affect the physical body. The first place that stress affects is the heart, and the second is your sleep pattern. Are you losing sleep and worrying about issues with your relationship? Is your weight fluctuating? Do you feel exhausted all the time? If you are in a toxic relationship you will feel aches on many levels.

Relationships serve as great lessons in the evolution of life. In fact, we grow from these experiences. You do not have to stay in these relationships forever. Setting boundaries and putting yourself first is important. So always remember that healthy relationships are based on mutual love, respect, encouragement, and security. If this is not present, you might have to make a life-changing decision.

“The only relationships that exist are based on truth. Everything else is just a mutual and isolating delusion.” ~Stefan Molyneux

5 Signs Ego Is Ruining Your Relationship

Psychologist Carl Jung said, “The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego, the second half is going inward and letting go of it.” It’s not such an easy concept. Sometimes ego is a huge part of a relationship. It becomes a tug of war between spirit and emotional stability. When it comes to love, we often turn to our egos to make decisions, play the blame game, and manipulate.

Here Are Five Signs That Ego Is Destroying Your Relationship:

Know these signs that you must humble yourself.

1. Constant blame reveals an inflated ego

If you are constantly blaming your counterpart for everything, you need a reality check. Ego is controlling your relationship and using manipulation to do it. Do you take any responsibility for your actions? Can you step aside and analyze the situation without blaming the other? The ego loves to blame and criticize. It will do everything and anything to transfer and reprimand another. Unfortunately, that which we avoid is usually what we get in relationships. When we don’t take responsibility for our actions the ego will utilize this to project onto another.


2. Your ego tells you that everyone else is better than you

Are you playing the victim card in your relationship? Do you compare yourself to your partner? Are you always putting yourself down in order to get a rise? The ego will partake in negative reinforcements rather than positive ones. It will engage in negative chatter and magnify your imperfections. If you are doing this it is definitely time to step back and recheck your relationship. You are not a martyr. If this is a role you are fulfilling it is time to be accountable for what you are bringing to your love life.

3. Jealousy

The green-eyed monster is the greatest platform for drama in a relationship. Ego feeds on self-worth and lack of acceptance. A loving relationship is based on mutual respect and awareness of another. It doesn’t contribute to the comparing, put-downs, and ridicule that jealousy creates. This is a drama that becomes the highest form of toxic energy in relationships. If you are in an abusive relationship, the ego will keep you there through jealousies. What is causing you to entertain these thoughts? Is your partner causing you to question the relationship? This is a red flag to step back and be honest with abuse in a relationship.

4. Fear of rejection

This sort of fear stops you from moving on and achieving any goals. When you stop yourself because of this fear you are doing an injustice to your relationship. Shifting your perception rather than being paralyzed by the ego’s anxiety and nagging is a constructive way to gain self-worth. Your ego shines when you have negative self-talk. Are you giving up your authentic truth to make another happy, as not to rub their ego in the wrong way? This is not a healthy boundary. Loving relationships are based on mutual admiration and acceptance. If you are being driven to feel rejection perhaps it’s time to analyze your commitment to this person.

5. You must have the last word

Ego has a way of turning everything about you into a one-man play. If you find that you or your partner talks excessively without asking about the other, well you are in a huge ego-driven relationship. The ego plays a wonderful role in keeping us from achieving complete peace and happiness. It is the mind’s way of controlling. It will also create scenarios that don’t exist. If you find that you must have the last say in everything, it’s time that you step back and find the root. Do you feel superior, or inferior? Do you lack self-assurance and, therefore, have to prove that you are worth it? Ego has a way to disguise inferiority by over-talking. If you are in a relationship that is argumentative ego might just be fueling it. Is this how you want to be loved?

Try These Six Habits if Your Ego Is Ruining Your Relationship

It’s easy to get so caught up in your own head that you sacrifice the people you love. If you find that your ego is too big, it is time to get back to the person you know you should be. Here are some suggestions to humble your ego.

1. Stop your ego from controlling your life

One early sign that your ego is too large is that you feel you need to have everything figured out before you do correct yourself. When you’re trying to control even the minute details, you set up for stress and unrealistic expectations. That’s because you can’t control everything in life, no matter how hard you try. So now is the time to let go of your control and relax. You’ll set yourself free from your own unfair expectations.


2. Embrace correction of your ego

When your ego rules your life, you don’t like it when a loved one or co-worker points out your faults. As a result, you become quick to blame others or every situation you land in. To get back to a kinder version of yourself, you need to embrace correction. Don’t resist criticism. Allow the correction to sand the rough edges off your character so you can become kinder.

3. Drop “I”

Your ego needs to feel special. Thus, you feel jealous when others get praise or credit for things. There’s a desire to draw attention to yourself, to say, “Look at me, see what I did.”

To become a better version of yourself, it’s best to drop “I” and look outward. So begin praising others and encouraging them. Focusing on yourself is one of the best techniques to hush your ego and reset your life.

4. Stop trying to please

Do you always crave approval from others? Wanting to please people or receive approval is a sign your ego could destroy your relationships. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to encourage others or help people. However, if your are not helping your life’s journey if you engage in this behavior. If you have sincere motives for helping other people, you should receive satisfaction whether or not they show appreciation. The difference is that you render aid to them because they need it–not because you want them to like you more.

5. Look outside yourself

If your ego is ruling your life, it destroys more than your relationships. Indeed, it also places your will above God’s will for your life. Finding help and putting faith in God is a way of looking for help outside yourself. Trusting a higher power brings you comfort and confidence. That’s because you can relax knowing there’s someone bigger than you ruling over your life. You can take the focus off yourself and look outward.

6. Choose kindness over ego

An inflated ego blinds you to how poorly you treat other people. One way to quiet an inflated ego is to focus on being kind. Kindness means you are always considerate and generous to others. You build up others rather than tear them down.  So show kindness to the people around you; it will help you feel happier about your life and who you are.


Final Thoughts on Identifying When Your Ego Might Ruin Your Relationships

At any point in your relationship, you must step back, breathe, and take accountability for your actions. You are your thoughts. You are your actions. If your ego is driving you to these negative challenges it is also screaming for attention. Loving another requires complete vulnerability. Let go of the chit-chat and be honest with yourself and others. You get to choose your words and actions. You get to change and shift the way your relationship should be. It all starts with you!

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