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7 Signs of A Tired Soul

7 Signs of A Tired Soul

Does your soul feel exhausted lately? If so, don’t worry because you’re not alone in your experience. Amidst the turmoil in the world, from economic disruptions to the pandemic, many of us have reached our limits. Emotionally, physically, and mentally, we all need a break to rest our weary souls and find inner peace.

However, the demands of modern living often make it challenging to find our balance. We’ve become so busy chasing endless achievements and activities that we’ve forgotten our true nature. In short, we’ve relinquished our soul’s peace by racing after instant gratifications and sense pleasures. Money, materialism, and fleeting desires have taken priority over spiritual growth.

We’ve begun to see the consequences of living at such a fast pace. Many people feel burnt out and long for a different way of existing on this planet. Stress levels have skyrocketed in the last decade because of this obsession with achievement and productivity. People might want to slow down, but with prices rising daily, they can’t always afford that luxury.

The world demands more of our minds and souls than ever, and it doesn’t stop turning just because we feel exhausted. We emphasize having perfect bodies and extraordinary intellect, but what about having a peaceful soul? Everyone wants to achieve that but may not know where to start.

So, how can we live in this world without becoming consumed or controlled by its pressures? Below, we’ll give you a few pointers on resting your soul and signs you suffer from “soul exhaustion.”

“Sleep doesn’t help if it’s your soul that’s tired.” — Unknown.

7 Signs Your Soul Is Tired (And How to Rest It)


1. You still feel drained when you wake up each morning.

If you feel exhausted after sleeping through the night, it might signal soul exhaustion. After all, sleep rejuvenates the body and mind, but it doesn’t help your soul feel more energized. When your soul reaches its limits, you need something more profound than sleep to recharge your batteries.

Plus, many people today have insomnia because of daily life stressors. They lie awake for hours each night, tossing and turning, not knowing how to escape their minds. Feeling mentally and physically exhausted in the morning can make your soul even heavier. But even when it seems hopeless, you can still find light in the darkness.

Try meditating before bed if you have trouble falling and staying asleep each night. Practicing observing your thoughts and learning to silence the mental chatter can eventually help you feel more in control.

2. You want to escape your life.

When your soul feels exhausted, it’s tempting to daydream about running away from your life and all its demands. Dealing with stress every day can take its toll and feel like a burden after a while. You might imagine living in a cozy cottage in the woods, far away from the jungle of civilization. Or maybe you dream of escaping to a foreign country and living near a tranquil beach.

Either way, you frequently use your imagination to live in an alternative reality where everything seems better somehow. People with soul exhaustion often escape into their minds to counter feeling trapped in life.

If you feel this way often, use these deep emotions to your advantage. Creative outlets such as writing, painting, or drawing can help you navigate and release repressed feelings. Some of the best creative endeavors have come from people who turned their suffering into a passion.

3. Soul exhaustion can manifest as unpleasant physical symptoms.

People who need a spiritual cleanse often feel blockages in their minds and bodies. Physical or mental disturbances occur when we’re out of alignment with our true nature. Next time you have a headache or back pain, think about what your body wants to tell you. Our minds and bodies speak to us constantly, giving us subtle signals about what needs attention.

Try a body scan meditation to pinpoint any areas of discomfort or distress. That way, you can remove any energetic blockages and feel more unrestrained.

4. You feel like an alien on the planet.


Many people who have reincarnated in these times feel heaviness in their souls. They may have had millions of lives before this one and long for true freedom. Empaths and lightworkers often feel like they don’t belong here because they have more evolved souls. They’re more interested in cultivating inner peace than chasing after endless pleasures.

So, if you feel disconnected from everyone, please don’t think there’s something wrong with you. That means your soul needs your attention, and you can tune into it with meditation, deep breathing, and other mindfulness practices.

5. You might suffer from anxiety, depression, or other mental disorders.

When a disconnect occurs between the mind, body, and soul, it can create mental illnesses. Sadly, millions of people suffer from anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders in today’s world. And this mental disharmony can upset the soul’s peace, creating discord in other areas of life. For instance, people with mental health issues often feel fatigued, which stems from the soul.

One study found that 90% of patients with major depressive disorder experienced exhaustion despite most of them taking antidepressants. Pharmaceutical pills can help ease symptoms, but some people may need other treatment options. Remember to practice self-care and honor yourself if you suffer from anxiety or depression. The world can wait, but your soul’s peace can’t.

6. You feel exhausted at work.

Most people don’t feel thrilled about their occupations. They get up each morning and go to work out of obligation, not love or passion. However, the bills don’t stop coming, so we all must take responsibility for ourselves. But if you dread your job, it could point to something more profound, such as soul exhaustion.

According to the American Psychological Association, 77% of people in the U.S. experience physical symptoms, and 73% have mental symptoms due to chronic stress. Work is the most significant source of stress in most people’s lives, with about 94% feeling burnt out in their jobs. If you feel this way, consider switching careers or asking your boss to reduce your hours, at least temporarily.

7. It feels like you’re just going through the motions.

Do you constantly feel like you’re on autopilot in life? It’s normal to experience this sometimes, but constantly feeling disassociated from your emotions can mean your soul needs rest. When you feel uninspired and drained, your soul wants you to reconnect to your true self. The only way to find this endless bliss involves going deep within to understand yourself beyond the mind or body.

We recommend meditation or yoga when you feel like you can’t keep going any longer. We only have so much energy to expend, so we must replenish it by tapping into the universal energy field. Pushing past our self-perceived limitations takes work, but it’s worth it to experience absolute freedom.


Final Thoughts on Overcoming an Exhausted Soul

Everyone experiences soul exhaustion at some point in life. It can happen for various reasons, from job dissatisfaction to problems at home. However, all this disharmony stems from one overarching cause — a disconnection from the soul. To feed your inner peace, you must tune out the world and learn to hear your inner voice. We all have this intuition, but our logic-driven world often stifles it. Please don’t allow the world to dictate your emotions; you can still find peace by trusting your higher self.

19 Reasons Some Women Are Afraid to Fall in Love

When you fall in love, it’s often one of the best life experiences. However, some women are afraid of falling in love, and there are many reasons this fear may occur, from a bad past relationship to the disruption of everyday life.

Some women think falling in love isn’t worth the risk and will avoid the situation at all costs. Love can open you up to many uncertainties, and if past experiences contributed to wounds, it’s even harder to accept. There might be boundaries protecting a woman from heartbreak, preventing love from infiltrating her life.

If you are a woman afraid to fall in love or have a partner with fear, understanding the reasons can help. Knowing the reason for fear can help with overcoming the situation. It can also help you know yourself or your partner better.

Nineteen Reasons Women Are Afraid to Fall in Love

This article addresses reasons women sometimes fear new love. But we do have an accompanying piece addressing men, as the behaviors vary somewhat.

fall in love

1 – It Requires Sacrifice to Fall in Love

When a woman is used to being single, she’s also used to being selfish. She doesn’t have to worry about anyone else and can do what she wants anytime. Dinner is easy because she can have anything and watch all her favorite shows without anyone complaining.

A single woman also might enjoy her bed space, spreading out and using all the blankets. She can be selfish without someone to worry about; falling in love would change it.

2 – They Worry About Judgment

Falling in love sometimes means your friends or family give unwanted opinions. They might not like the person a woman chooses, and while it doesn’t matter, it can still be frustrating. Worrying about this can cause a woman to be afraid to fall in love.

A woman might find it exhausting to convince others why they chose their partner. Sometimes the judgment and explanations can cause distance between the woman and her friends and family. These potential worries can make a woman afraid to fall in love.

3 – She’s Seen Bad Experiences in Past Relationships

When a woman has witnessed other couples have bad experiences, she might be afraid it’ll happen to her. She might have seen one partner in a relationship change or both grow apart. These instances can stay in her mind, making her want to avoid the situation rather than risk being hurt.

4 – Hoping for Good Opens Up the Possibility of Something Bad Happening

Hoping for something good to happen with a partner causes a woman to hope for something she can’t give herself. It leads to disappointment if it doesn’t work out as they’d hoped. The possibility can make them stop hoping and become fearful of falling in love.

5 – They Don’t Want to Accept Help

Falling in love means having someone to help you; some people don’t want to accept it. It might make some women feel too vulnerable or like they’ll lose their sense of independence.

6 – It Triggers Bad Memories

Thinking about love can stir up memories of when a woman was hurt before. It might make her think about childhood trauma, unhealthy relationship experiences, or betrayal. These thoughts can make her not want to try again, leading to building walls and shutting people out.

7 – She Doesn’t Want to Take a Risk

Taking risks isn’t always easy, and it can lead to the fear of falling in love. A woman might not want to risk disrupting her life if she’s happy with how things are going for her. Plus, if she had heartbreak, an abusive partner, or other struggles in past relationships, a risk might not seem worth it.

8 – Dating Doesn’t Seem Enjoyable

Dating isn’t easy for everyone, and it can scare those who don’t think it’s enjoyable. Going on multiple dates to find someone you want to spend more time with might make some people think it’s not worth it. While dating apps can make it easier to find a potential partner, it still requires meeting up and getting to know one another.

9 – Spending Time Alone Sounds Better

An introvert enjoys having time alone, and falling in love can sacrifice that time. Some women might be afraid to fall in love because it doesn’t allow them to shelter themselves as it interferes with their privacy.

Meeting someone new can even be tricky because it often requires hanging out with groups of people first. Plus, getting to know someone on a deep level takes time and energy, leaving less time to be alone. However, it might be comforting to know that experts indicate introverts who act as extroverts tend to be happier.

10 – It Challenges Her

When you fall in love, it can force you to see your imperfections and shortcomings. Acknowledging these areas of your life when you’re in a serious relationship might require working on improvement.

Not everyone is willing to do what it takes to become a better version of themselves. Some women find the challenge too intense, scaring them away from love.

past relationship

11 – It Reminds Her of Anxiety or Trust Issues From Past Relationships

When someone has anxiety or trust issues, they likely already know about it. However, if they’ve learned not to dwell on those issues, they might be afraid of falling in love.

Getting into a serious relationship can remind them of their anxiety and trust issues. They must address how scared they are of being hurt, trusting someone, or anything else that they worry about. A woman might avoid love altogether if she is afraid to address these areas.

12 – The Fear of Commitment

A woman might be afraid to fall in love if she fears commitment. This fear might develop if she’s been in unhealthy relationships before, and it doesn’t mean she’s seeing many people simultaneously. Instead, it often means that she is scared to let anyone get too close to her.

On the other hand, a fear of commitment might occur when someone doesn’t see themselves being with the same person forever. With nontraditional relationships being more common, a woman might want something other than a monogamous relationship. Research shows that open relationships can be equally satisfying as monogamous ones, making them more appealing to many people.

13 – Love is Unequal

Relationships sometimes don’t work out because love is unequal. It can make a woman afraid to fall in love if she knows how unequal it can be. She might worry that she’ll love her partner more than she receives in return. When this is the case, she can feel inadequate or lose confidence in herself.

In other situations, she might think her partner will love her more than she loves them. It can lead to a lack of satisfaction or trigger feelings of irritation. The inequality can sometimes lead to the relationship not working out, opening a woman up to another painful experience.

14 – They’re Afraid of Relationship Hardship if They Fall in Love

Falling in love comes with deepening your connection with a partner. As your relationship deepens, you’re sure to experience hardships sometimes.

Women might be scared to fall in love because they worry about disagreements, fights, and other hardships. She knows that these hardships sometimes lead to breaking up, and that thought scares her, too.

15 – She’s Afraid to Lose Control if She Lets Herself Fall in Love

Falling in love sometimes leads to feeling like you no longer control your feelings. You might experience anger, sadness, disappointment, or other emotions you’d rather not have.

These emotions, paired with the power of love, can make you react in ways you usually wouldn’t. The intense emotions can sometimes contribute to actions you want to stifle but can’t.

16 – Fearful of Repeating Past Relationship Mistakes

A woman who experienced a rough patch might be afraid of making a mistake again. Finding a new partner you care about means developing an emotional connection. Someone might not want to take the relationship further because they worry they’ll start in on old habits again.

17 – It Can Bring Pain

Falling in love can bring pain to a person’s life. It’s unpredictable, and if things go wrong can cause disappointment, heartbreak, loneliness, and other negative emotions.

18 – They’re Afraid They’ll Idealize Their Partner

Some women might be afraid they’ll idealize their partner if they fall in love. No one is perfect, so she doesn’t want to forget that everyone has flaws. Idealizing a partner creates high expectations, leading to disappointment.

If you’re afraid to fall in love because you think you’ll idealize your partner, you can use it to your benefit. Instead of pushing the person away, you can use the good things you see about your partner to help them develop and grow.

19 – Self-doubt Can Make Her Hesitate to Fall in Love

Self-doubt can contribute to a fear of falling in love because you won’t want your partner to see your flaws. You might think that you don’t deserve love and happiness. It sometimes leads to rejecting appreciation and doing what you can to prove to your partner that they shouldn’t love you.

How to Overcome Being Afraid to Fall in Love

If you or your partner are afraid to fall in love, there are some things you can do to overcome it. Some of the methods could include the following:

  • facing your past
  • challenging negative thoughts
  • practicing vulnerability
  • learning to trust again
  • being patient
  • giving the relationship a chance to get to the next step

fall in love

Final Thoughts on Reasons Some Women Are Afraid to Fall in Love

It’s not always easy for women to fall in love. Some have emotional damage or barriers preventing them from deepening their relationship. Addressing the reason for being afraid can help you or your partner overcome it. Once you acknowledge the issues, you can find love in your relationship

12 Reasons Some Men Are Afraid of Falling in Love

Some men don’t have a problem falling in love, while others are scared to do it. The ones who are afraid might avoid it at all costs, running from a partner when it seems to get serious.

Men have many reasons they might be afraid of falling in love. It could be because they’re not ready for something serious or have another issue. Either way, determining the underlying cause of the fear can help you determine how to overcome it.

Falling in love should be an exciting part of life that feels amazing. However, that’s not always the case for everyone, and it’s best to be honest with yourself. Consider why you or your partner are afraid to fall in love rather than assuming it’s a normal feeling.

Whether you’re a man afraid of falling in love or have a partner who seems scared, understanding the reasons can help. It can help you recognize the underlying issues and work to overcome them.

Twelve Reasons Some Men Are Afraid of Falling in Love

This article outlines the reasons men might fear love. Don’t worry, ladies. We have a separate article for you.

falling in love

1 – Lack of Time Hold Him Back From Falling in Love

Some people are afraid of falling in love because they think they don’t have time. Between career commitments, helping relatives, and handling other responsibilities, they might not want to take on anything more. It might seem like there’s no room for love and romance.

However, love doesn’t have to be a time commitment. If there’s time for dating, there’s also time for taking it to the next level.

2 – Trust Issues With a Partner

A fear of falling for someone could result from having trust issues. It requires an emotional attachment, and a man might think this level of commitment isn’t possible. They might believe that every partner will betray their trust, leading them never to take their relationships further than dating.

A man might think everyone will hurt them if they allow them to get too close emotionally. However, this isn’t always the case, and overcoming trust issues can be life-changing.

3 – He Thinks Falling in Love Will Be Hard

Some people think love is hard, and they avoid it altogether. If a man has his life planned, he might not want disruptions that will require difficult readjustments. Love does require work, but it doesn’t have to be complicated or feel like a job. All it takes is communication, honesty, and mindfulness.

4 – He May Enjoy Being Single

When a man is used to living a single life, he might be afraid to give it up. Enjoying an independent life sometimes seems better than finding a long-term romantic partner. Being single allows a person to live life on their terms, without anyone giving unwanted input.

A serious relationship can also pressure a man to be more mature or responsible. It means caring for someone else, a potentially overwhelming idea.

Men sometimes think falling in love means they must stop enjoying some of their hobbies. They might think that it means they can’t watch sports, hang out with friends, or do other things they love. However, the right partner wouldn’t make their man do that, so it all depends on the situation.

5 – He Worries He Hasn’t Found the Right Partner

A man might be afraid to fall in love if they aren’t sure they’ve found the right person. This fear is understandable because you don’t want to rush into things with someone you don’t want to be with long-term. If this is the underlying fear, it might be time to end the relationship.

However, some men seek a perfect mate, and it’s an impossible feat. No one is perfect, and there will always be issues. Dealing with the desire for perfection can help overcome fear and accept love when it comes.

6 – He Doesn’t Want to Take a Risk

Some people think avoiding love is better than taking a risk on it. They might not want to risk being hurt, regretting their decision, or experiencing disappointment. Taking a risk means they might experience a loss, leading to being hurt when they could have avoided it.

7 – Insecurity Stops Him From Falling in Love

Insecurities can hold someone back from falling in love. They might feel bad about who they are or what they can provide. When this is the case, they can be afraid of falling in love. When someone feels unworthy, it can cause them to avoid putting themselves out there.

Sometimes the man will push potential romantic partners away before they can learn about the insecurities. Other times they’ll do things to distract their partner from the things they don’t like about themselves.


8 – Still Hurting from Past Relationships

Someone might be afraid to fall in love if they’ve experienced hurt in a past relationship. They will likely fear getting hurt again, especially if they experienced betrayal, infidelity, or toxic behavior. Healing from heartache is hard and takes time.

However, healing is necessary if you want to fall in love again. Their fear is valid, and there’s no timeframe for recovery. Give it time if this is the underlying issue in your relationship.

9 – He Views Falling in Love as a Sign of Weakness

Some men think falling in love is a sign of weakness. They believe showing their feelings isn’t a good look because it requires being open and honest. You can resolve this issue with patience and understanding.

10 – Childhood Trauma

Sometimes childhood trauma can make a man afraid to fall in love. What happens to someone in childhood could stay with the person into adulthood, especially if they never overcame the issues.

Seeing a failed or traumatic adult relationship as a child can cause someone to feel anxious about getting involved in a committed relationship.

Mistreatment as a child can affect attachment styles in adulthood. Neglect or abuse can lead to an avoidance attachment style or trigger anxiety. Childhood abandonment can also trigger the fear that someone they love will leave them, leading to avoiding love altogether.

Another childhood trauma affecting a man’s willingness to fall in love includes criticism from a trusted adult. Adults making a child feel bad for a learning disability, their body image, or anything else can last forever.

11 – He Doesn’t Want to Experience Vulnerability

Falling in love requires vulnerability, which some men aren’t okay with experiencing. They’d have to show their feelings and risk rejection if they fell in love. It can worsen their insecurities, leading some men to avoid this vulnerability.

Being in a relationship with a man who is afraid likely involves noticing them pulling back when things are going well. When you think the relationship might go to the next level, they’ll withdraw emotionally to avoid vulnerability.

Sometimes men don’t know how to be vulnerable, leading to them putting up barriers in a relationship. Whether they walk away from relationships when it gets to that point, or they haven’t had the chance, it can affect how they feel about love.

12 – He Isn’t Ready for a Partner and Family

Some men think that falling in love requires having kids, and they might not be ready for it. He’ll likely be afraid of love if that’s the case, especially if he isn’t sure what their partner wants. Having children is a big deal and shouldn’t be taken lightly, so don’t avoid bringing it up if this is a thought either of you has.

A man might be wary of the situation when someone already has kids. Falling in love with someone who already has kids is a tricky situation. When a man isn’t ready for kids, it can be a deal breaker, pushing him away from the relationship.

Sometimes a man will be okay with dating someone with kids but not be ready for a stepdad role. When this is the situation, he’ll likely avoid taking the relationship to the next level and resist falling in love. Communication is necessary in this situation.

How to Overcome the Fear of Falling in Love

Overcoming the fear of falling in love is possible, whether you’re the one afraid or in a relationship with someone who is. Wanting to work through it is the first step, and there are things you can comfortably do to find love. Some of these methods include:

  • Being open with one another: Being honest makes vulnerability more comfortable. Talk about how you feel and be honest, even when it’s tough.
  • Considering the underlying issues: Spend some time thinking about the reasons for being afraid of falling in love. Whether it was because of a past relationship, childhood trauma, or anything else, identifying the issues is necessary.
  • Being patient: You can’t expect the fear of falling in love to disappear instantly. Give it time, and be consistent in your efforts.
  • Letting go of perfection: When perfection is the reason you can’t fall in love with someone, it’s essential to let go of the expectation. No one is perfect; the sooner you understand it, the better.
  • Seeing a professional: A therapist can help you or your partner overcome the fear of falling in love. They can help you fix the situation and address how to handle it.

falling in love

Final Thoughts on Reasons Some Men Are Afraid of Falling in Love

Some men are afraid of falling in love, and there is usually an underlying issue causing the fear. Finding someone you love is an amazing part of life, and it’s worth overcoming the fear of the situation.

Understanding why someone fears falling in love can help you address the issue. When you know the underlying problems, you’ll know what to work on to find love.

6 Face Yoga Exercises That Make You Look Younger

You probably know about Hatha and vinyasa yoga, but have you ever heard of face yoga? It may sound strange, but it’s designed to relieve tension in the face and reduce wrinkles. Believe it or not, we store a lot of stress in our faces, especially in the eyes and forehead. With enough practice, facial exercises can help you relax and produce an anti-aging effect.

The facial muscles rarely get a workout, so regularly performing these exercises is crucial. They will keep you looking youthful and revitalize your energy, primarily if you work long hours staring at a computer. This type of work often makes people feel drained at the end of the day due to lack of movement. Face exercises can help because they help unlock stored tension and release blocked energy.

The Benefits of Face Yoga

face yoga

Doctors often prescribe face yoga to people with certain health conditions that impact muscle control, such as strokes. These exercises can also reverse aging since research shows muscle loss plays a role in wrinkles and sagging skin. People who do face yoga regularly report the following benefits:

  • It helps alleviate wrinkles, especially around the eyes and forehead
  • Reduces eye bags and sagging skin
  • Strengthens and lifts cheek muscles
  • Tones skin around the neck and jawline
  • It prevents tension and strain in exhausted facial muscles, much like traditional yoga does for the body

Most forms of yoga have a sequence for practitioners to follow, but face yoga is more customizable. You can try many facial exercises to see which ones benefit you the most.

For instance, one study involved participants doing 32 unique face yoga workouts to stimulate muscle growth and relieve stress. The exercises targeted muscles in the cheeks and around the eyes, forehead, and jawline. Some face workouts included cheek and eyebrow lifters, cheek sculpting, and temple developers.

Below, we’ll offer a few ideas for face exercises you can try in the comfort of your home. Practice for at least thirty minutes daily, six days a week, for the best results. Remember not to squint or wrinkle your face during the exercises, instead focusing on opening the facial muscles.

6 Face Yoga Workouts to Slow Down Aging

Try these amazing facial workouts to help minimize the visible signs of aging.

1.  Eye Brightening Yoga Moves

For this face exercise, start by placing your fingers in a circle shape around your eyebrows and cheeks. Next, lift your eyebrows slightly, squint, and lift them again. Repeat the exercise at least fifty times for the best results. The above video shares several additional techniques to improve the muscle tone around your eyes.

2. Forehead Sculptor

Lock your fingers and place them over your forehead, applying slight pressure during the exercise. Then, try to lift your forehead with your fingers still in place. Hold the face yoga exercise for at least one minute. As an alternate method, put both palms on your temples and push your hands back to lift the facial muscles. Hold for five seconds and repeat as desired.

3. Cheek Lifter

With your mouth open wide enough for your teeth to be visible, lift your cheeks and hold for ten seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat at least fifty times. Try to avoid squinting or wrinkling your facial muscles during the workout. The video shows a variety of exercises to add to that routine.

4. Neck and Jaw Tightener

For this exercise, lift your face slightly, then move your chin forward until lit at a 45-degree angle. Face toward one shoulder and hold the position for about three seconds. Return to the center and repeat on the other side. Perform this exercise at least twenty times on each side, or hold on each side for several minutes. Alternatively, you can tilt your head back as far as possible and hold for at least one minute. This exercise will increase flexibility in the neck and jaw.

5. Grinner

Smile fifty times consecutively, carefully avoiding squinting or wrinkling the eye muscles. Hold a smile for at least one minute at the end of the exercise. This exercise will help relieve tension in the jaw and cheek muscles.

6. Face Massager

First, wash your face with your favorite scrub or cleanser, then massage your facial muscles in a circular motion. You can use your preferred massage oil, such as lavender or coconut oil for this exercise portion. Just read the label first to see if it’s safe for facial applications. Next, massage your third eye area for at least 10 minutes to receive unwanted tension. After you’re finished, lie on your back with a warm towel over your face. Use this time to relax and reconnect to your highest self.

Study on the Benefits of Face Yoga

Currently, few studies exist to confirm the benefits of facial exercises. However, some research suggests that face yoga can help strengthen facial muscles and reduce wrinkles with regular practice. Researchers from Northwestern Medicine analyzed the benefits of face yoga on adult women who performed exercises for thirty minutes daily over twenty weeks. Many participants noticed improvements in their facial muscles and skin, such as fuller cheeks and more sculpted features.

The team analyzed participants’ photos by utilizing a standardized facial aging scale. They rated 19 features of the participants’ faces before and after the study. Researchers noticed significant improvements in upper and lower cheek fullness, and participants appeared about three years younger at the study’s end.

facial yoga

Final Thoughts on Face Yoga Exercises to Slow Aging

If you’ve never tried face yoga, perhaps the study above will encourage you to try it. Researchers observed remarkable improvements in participants’ facial features, particularly the cheek muscles, after twenty weeks of exercise. Volunteers performed several movements, including cheek and eyebrow lifters, temple developers, and eyelid firmers.

With a healthy lifestyle consisting of a balanced diet, exercise, and quality sleep, face yoga can help slow aging and improve energy levels. If you’d like to try these exercises, set aside at least thirty minutes daily to practice. Like anything else, consistency and dedication are vital to seeing results.

Face yoga is a form of self-care that helps you have a positive relationship with yourself. We often neglect ourselves in today’s world, but we can’t pour from an empty cup. Never forget how much you matter and deserve your love and affection more than anyone else.

13 Examples Older Teens Set for Little Siblings

Older teens set many examples for their younger siblings, and they don’t always realize it. Growing up with brothers or sisters affects your life in ways you might not think of, including socially and emotionally.

The things little ones learn from older teens follow them through their life. Younger siblings often want to be like their teenage role models, watching everything they do or say. They don’t have the life experience of a teenager, so they pick up every bit they can to learn about the world.

Older teens have a separate life full of responsibilities, stress, and extracurricular activities. However, the time they spend with the younger ones is meaningful. The younger siblings watch older teens learn about life and how to handle things.

Little ones want their older sibling’s attention, and it sometimes comes across as annoying. Older teens might view their younger brothers or sisters as a source of noisy chaos, preferring to seek solitude. However, understanding older teens’ examples can encourage them to spend time together.

What the Experts Say About Older Teens Setting Examples for Little Siblings

Siblings affect one another’s lives and development just like parents affect their child’s life. They contribute to each other’s lives in cognitive, emotional, and social ways. Experts indicate that when siblings communicate and interact without direct parental supervision, it offers opportunities to shape one another’s lives.

Examples Older Teens Set for Little Siblings

older teens

1 – Doing Well in School

When siblings feel emotionally connected, they’re more likely to achieve similar education levels. Older teens can influence their younger siblings to do well in school. When the younger ones see their role model doing their best academically, it can lead to similar achievements.

Research indicates that the more time siblings spend together makes them more likely to mimic one another academically. On the other hand, when they don’t bond often, they differ in this regard.

2 – Self-care

Older siblings can set a self-care example for younger ones in many ways. When they care for their physical hygiene, the little sibling is likelier to do the same. This situation includes washing up, brushing their teeth, and taking care of their hair.

Older teens can also set self-care examples by caring for their mental health. Processing emotions and talking about problems with a trusted person shows the younger sibling that it’s a healthy coping method.

3 – Developing a Sense of Self-Worth

Teenagers can help their younger siblings build self-esteem by setting a good example. If the teen focuses on being positive about who they are, their sibling is more likely to be the same way.

Teenagers can also help their siblings develop a positive sense of self-worth through how they treat and talk to them. When they don’t criticize their sibling, it can help the little one feel better about who they are. Some of the other things a teen can do to help their sibling develop a sense of self-worth include:

  • not pointing out faults
  • appreciating their qualities
  • giving compliments
  • helping them believe in themselves
  • inspire them to do their best

4 – Language Development

Younger siblings pick up the things that the older ones say. Teens can set an example for the little ones by being conscious of what they say.

Using descriptive words can help younger siblings develop their language skills and explain things better. Plus, they can teach the little ones to use their words instead of getting angry or upset.

5 – Being Thoughtful When Others Are Busy

Older teenagers often become annoyed by their younger brothers or sisters when they interrupt. However, if teens know they can help influence the little one, they might change their tune.

Explaining to the little sibling that they’re busy and asking kindly for quiet time can make a difference. They can also give the little one some work to stay occupied. This situation can teach the younger child to be thoughtful when others are busy working on something.

6 – Using Manners

When younger children see their older siblings using manners, they’ll be more likely to do the same. Hearing someone they look up to being polite influences good manners. They can also set the example of being respectful to others and treating people with courtesy.

7 – Working Hard to Reach Their Dreams

Little ones look up to the teenagers in their life, and it’s the perfect chance to teach them to work hard. When teenagers work hard to chase their dreams, the little ones in their life will want to.

The teenagers can set an example and talk to the younger ones about their dreams. It can help the younger ones think about how they want their life to look, giving them options to explore.

8 – Teaching Them That Everyone is the Same

Older siblings can help the little ones understand that everyone should get treated equally. Treating everyone the same sets a positive example for the younger ones.

9 – Sharing

While older teenagers don’t always want to share with the younger ones, they can influence them. Telling the teen how they can impact their siblings in this way can help your teen want to do better. They can set the example that sharing is good and makes everyone involved feel good.

10 – Standing Up for Themselves

No one should let others mistreat them. Standing up for yourself is essential in these situations. When older teens stand up for themselves, it teaches the younger ones to do the same.


11 – Empathy

Older siblings can help those who look up to them learn empathy. They can show the little ones that it’s important to put themselves in someone else’s shoes sometimes. The younger ones can learn empathy sooner than their peers when they have a role model to look up to.

12 – Coping with Emotions

Everyone experiences negative emotions, and it’s best to learn how to cope with them early on. When little ones see their older sibling cope with them, it teaches them how to handle them. They can pick up positive coping methods, helping them deal with hardship.

Younger siblings can learn to handle hardship positively as they build faith in their older sibling’s ability to cope. They will feel confident handling hardship and know they can reach out to their older sibling if necessary. It’s a positive support system outside of the parents, allowing them to know they have another person they can turn to.

13 – Getting Along with Others and Social Interactions

Siblings give one another the first chance to learn how to get along with others. An older teen can teach the younger ones to get along with others and experience positive social interaction. When a teen knows the little ones are watching, they will be more mindful of how they get along with their friends.

How an Older Teen Can Bond with Their Little Sibling

Little ones crave attention from older teenagers in their families. They admire and want to spend time with them, no matter what. Teenagers don’t always realize how much the younger ones want to impress them, and it can be helpful to remind them.

The younger ones will often do whatever they can to gain the attention of the older ones. Sometimes it comes across as annoying, and finding ways for them to bond can be helpful. Some ideas for a teenager to engage with their younger sibling include:

  • staying connected by having phone calls when the teen can’t be physically present
  • reading them a story
  • going on a walk
  • watching their magic show or dance routine
  • listening to their jokes
  • being enthused about their artwork
  • hugging and cuddling them
  • complimenting them
  • having a snack together
  • going to their sports or school events
  • play a game together

Other Ways Parents Can Help Older Teenagers Bond with Little Ones

Parents can encourage the tips mentioned above, but there are more ways to encourage teens to bond with their younger siblings. You can help your children prioritize healthy sibling relationships by making it clear that you expect them to think of one another.

One way to do this is by teaching your children to think about their sibling’s points of view. It can encourage them to appreciate what their sibling wants or needs. You can teach them that there are other perspectives within the family unit.

Another option is to set an example of positive conflict resolution and speak well about one another. You can also encourage your children to resolve problems amongst themselves without stepping in unless necessary.

older teens

Final Thoughts on Examples Older Teens Set for Little Siblings

Older teenagers are a big part of their little sibling’s life, even if it doesn’t seem that way. The younger ones look up to the teens and want their attention. They also often want to be like their older sibling because they look up to them as role models.

Teaching teens that their younger siblings look up to them can help encourage healthy relationships. You can also clarify your expectations about how they should treat one another. When your children bond despite the age difference, everyone can benefit.

8 Signs an Angel Messenger Is Trying to Reach You

Have you ever felt that an angel messenger was watching over you? Most of us would love to think we have guardian angels or spirit guides helping direct our lives. It brings great comfort and reassurance to believe that these otherworldly beings want to help us through our earthly journey.

But you may not know when an angel messenger wants to connect with you. They usually give subtle signs to let you know they’re around. However, you might miss some of these signals if you don’t pay close attention. Below, we’ll discuss a few signs that you have an angel in your presence.

8 Signs an Angel Messenger Wants to Connect With You


1. You See Light Orbs (Your Messenger Is Nearby)

Most people associate light orbs with ghosts, which means you have an angel messenger nearby. Some ghost chasers and paranormal investigators regularly see orbs during their expeditions. The phenomenon often expresses itself in various colors depending on the ghost’s frequency.

For instance, a red-colored orb may indicate an angry spirit, while a blue one signifies truth or peace. If you see white orbs, it’s a sign of divine or angelic guidance. Or, it might be a departed loved one or friend with a pure heart. Either way, seeing a white light near you signifies a positive spirit.

2. You Sense a Presence In the Room

Since angel messengers operate in higher realms, they communicate in non-verbal ways. Feeling a presence in the room with you can indicate they want to share with you. Or, perhaps, they just want to watch over you and provide comfort and solace.

You may even feel someone brushing against you or touching your shoulder. These subtle sensations indicate that you have an angelic presence in your company.

Also, take note of drastic temperature changes, such as a cold spot in the room. Angels and ghosts cause vibrational fluctuations in the atmosphere due to their higher frequency. So, you might get goosebumps or chills when you enter the room with the angel messenger.

3. You Have Dreams About Angels

Angel messengers also like to communicate through dreams since you’re easier to reach in this subconscious state. Angels know that humans have a lot on their plates during ordinary waking consciousness. Therefore, they would rather visit us when our minds aren’t flooded with so much information. In the dreaming state, our brains can finally relax and absorb new messages without distractions.

So, try to remember any dreams you have when you wake up. It may help to keep a dream journal so you know when a spiritual guide visited you. If they try to reach you in a dream, they likely have an important message to send.

4. A Butterfly Lands on You or Flies Near You

Butterflies have a cultural and spiritual significance. For example, many cultures have revered butterflies, believing they symbolize the immortal soul. These beautiful winged creatures represent reincarnation and transformation of the soul. If you see one near you, an angel messenger may want to give you a sign from above. Butterflies help us remember the importance of spiritual development and self-realization.


5. You Notice a Comforting or Nostalgic Smell

Believe it or not, angel messengers can also communicate through the sense of smell. Smells can remind us of fond memories from childhood or our favorite foods. Suddenly smelling something familiar in your environment may indicate an otherworldly presence.

Also, notice any smells that arise during meditation or spiritual practices. For example, if you unexpectedly smell flowers while meditating, your spirit guides may have paid a visit.

Smelling food or other familiar scents from your childhood can signal the presence of a departed loved one. For instance, many people say they randomly smell the perfume of a deceased family member. They may have moved on to the angelic realms and wish to reconnect with you.

If you’re with other people and only you notice the smell, the angel messenger intended the message specifically for you.

6. The Messenger Tries to Reach You Through a Song

Sometimes, angel messengers like to communicate through music. They know that music represents a universal frequency that we can all understand. Therefore, it makes the perfect medium to relay important messages.

If you notice a song playing repeatedly, pay close attention. The lyrics may have significant meaning to some aspect of your life. Also, pay attention to how you feel when you hear the song. If the lyrics seem to speak to you directly, they may apply to a particular situation in your life. Angels always know how to talk to us — we just have to remain open to their messages.

7. You Keep Seeing Repeating Numbers Everywhere

According to Doreen Virtue, seeing the number 11:11 frequently means that your angels have a divine message. It can also signify that you’re aligned with the universe and have made significant spiritual progress. The more you see repeating numbers, especially 1’s, the stronger your connection to the higher realms.

8. You Unexpectedly Find a White Feather

Discovering a white feather also indicates that you have an angel messenger nearby. White signifies purity and holiness, both qualities of exalted divine beings. People usually come across a feather of this color when they need a sign from above. Angels may speak through the animal feather to let you know you’re loved and protected.

Some people believe that white feathers represent the white wings of angels. Spirit guides often visit us when we feel lonely and afraid on our earthly journey. So if you see these feathers, your angel messenger wants to reassure you and give you to strength to continue.


Final Thoughts on Signs of an Angel Messenger

Many people call on angels for peace and solace in these turbulent times. They want to connect with these beings to help them navigate their spiritual journey. Luckily, we can receive signs from above that our angels are watching over us. If a spirit wants to visit, it will give subtle hints and signals of its presence.

Pay attention to temperature changes or familiar smells in the room. They like to communicate in non-verbal ways since they can’t speak with us directly. Also, notice any repeating numbers or songs playing on the radio. Angels also utilize other mediums like books and music to share important messages with us. Your angels desire to build a relationship with you, so keep your heart open to their unconditional love. They can offer comfort and guidance even in the darkest times.

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