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If Your Partner Does These Things, Never Let Them Go

Obviously, no relationship is perfect. With that said, no person is perfect, either – however, certain things they do in a relationship can be a dealbreaker or deal maker. A partner shouldn’t save your life; they should add value to an already awesome one. On the other hand, your guy or girl should make you happy the majority of the time and make you feel loved and appreciated. Doing any of the following things should let you know that they’re serious about your relationship and truly love and care about you.

If Your Partner Does These Things, Never Let Them Go


1. Your Partner Calms You Down When You’re Angry

A great partner knows what pushes your buttons and tries to avoid hitting them if at all possible. However, sometimes other people can push your buttons, and the anger doesn’t just go away if you shift your focus. If your partner attempts to calm you down by rubbing your back, giving you a massage, or just talking things out in a gentle way with you, don’t ever let them go. Most people would run from anger in the blink of an eye, but if they stick around through the storm, they’re a keeper.

2. They Don’t Try To Control You

A great partner will let you have your space and not become possessive or tell you who you can and can’t hang out with. They will understand and honor your need to hang out with friends and family sometimes and won’t question your whereabouts every second of the day. A great partner understands your need for solitude and encourages you to spend time by yourself at least once a week.

3. They Trust You To No End

Furthermore, a partner worth keeping will not have trust issues with you and will not give you reasons to distrust them, either. They don’t ask to see your phone to look through your pictures, text messages, and other private things in your life. They respect your privacy and know that you would tell them something vital without them having to find it on your cell phone first. If you haven’t given them a reason not to trust you, then they will have undying faith in you and give you their whole heart without second-guessing themselves. An excellent partner knows that trust must exist to have a successful relationship, and they make it clear just how much they trust you.

4. They Challenge You

If you have a keeper, they will challenge you to push past your comfort zone and become the best version of yourself. They won’t allow you to dwell in mediocrity for too long, not because they don’t think you’re good enough, but because they know you can do better. They encourage you to go out for that half marathon, apply for that job that you’ve been wanting for a while now, and travel to a country you’ve always wanted to visit. They want you to become the most well-rounded, whole version of yourself and constantly raise the bar so that you keep growing as a person.

5. Your Partner Believes In You

They don’t belittle you or tear you down, and they don’t tell you that you can’t do something. They make you feel as though anything is possible and constantly give you pep talks and motivation. A great partner won’t try to compete with you or outshine you in life – they see you as their equal, and therefore, want both of you to succeed. The quiet all the insecurities in your head and make you feel as though nothing is out of reach.

6. They Love You Unconditionally

All those insecurities you once had, you hardly remember now. Your guy or girl loves you so much and wraps their arms around both your “flaws” and your strengths. They love every part of you, the good and the bad. They would never dream of leaving your site because they understand your pain and do their best to heal it. They don’t expect perfection from you because that would be boring and unfulfilling. People’s quirks and insecurities make them exciting and make them human. So, they love you no matter what and don’t try to change you into someone else.

7. They Show You New Things In Life

Your partner teaches you things you thought you’d never learn before. They show you how to play instruments, show you exciting new places to go, and show you what it means to be alive again. There’s never a dull moment with them around because you’re constantly unraveling new layers of them and picking their brain. After all, they have so much knowledge to share. Life truly feels like a dream with them around.


8. Your Partner Inspires You to Be a Better Person

Having a partner who inspires you to be the best you can be is a beautiful thing. Having someone in your corner who cheers you on and encourages you in your endeavors is rare. So, hold on to them and never let them go.

9. Your Partner Loves Your Family

Having a partner that accepts and loves your family as much as you do is a gem. If they make an effort to talk to your dad and mom or play a game with your little brother, don’t let them slip away.

10. They Accept Your Friends as Their Friends

Your friends are important to you. When your partner enjoys being around your friends, it’s significant. Not all partners attempt to get to know each other’s friends. So, if your partner likes your friends and encourages you to hang out with them, take note of it.

11. They Correct You With Kindness

Sometimes you say or do things that hurt your partner. Having a significant other who gently tells you what you did wrong–kindly–is essential. It means they love you enough to point out your faults without condemnation or judgment. Good chance they admit their wrongs to you and ask you for input into things they’ve done or said that has hurt you. This type of communication deepens a relationship. It allows both partners the chance to be vulnerable without fear.

12. They Believe in God

Studies show that individuals who possess faith in God are better at facing life challenges. They are more resilient. This means when they’re in difficult situations, they can honestly admit their negative feelings, but they’re able to bounce back quicker than others to a sense of overall well-being. They look to something bigger than themselves for guidance in their life. Having a partner who believes in God means they aren’t looking to you for their meaning or identity in life. Your relationship is robust because they aren’t putting pressure on you to be their “savior.”

13. They’re Humble

A humble partner is someone who acknowledges that you’re better at some things than they are. They’re content to be themselves without needing attention or fanfare. If your partner is like this, don’t let go of them.

14. Your Partner Is Forgiving

Having a partner who is quick to forgive will make your relationship sweet. They don’t hold grudges or give into resentment. They admit when they’re hurt by something but get revenge. Because they know they make mistakes, they won’t make you feel bad if you forget to do something. A forgiving partner is a rare find, so hold on to them.

15. They’re Kind to Other People

A kind partner will be kind to those around them. Whether they’re talking to your nosy neighbor or cranky real-estate agent, they’ll show respect and kindness. Your kindhearted partner will make you proud no matter what the situation.


Final Thoughts on Have a Partner Who Is Perfect for You

If you have a partner who inspires you, loves your family and friends, forgives you, and humbly finds hope and help in God, hold on to this person. No doubt, your relationship will be sweet.

Science Explains What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Oatmeal Every Day

‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,’ you may have heard your parents say, and amazing things can happen to your body if your breakfast includes oatmeal. This one super grain is a healthy nutritional powerhouse that hides behind its dull appearance.

For over two thousand years, humans have learned to grow and harvest oats as a source of food and medicine. Medicinally, oatmeal was and is used for healing the skin, intestinal illness, nerve problems, and uterine complaints, among others.

Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Oatmeal Every Day

Certain health conditions, for example, gout, may not benefit from a diet of oatmeal every day. If you have current health concerns, speak with your health care professional before making a change to your diet.

diet changes

Nutritional benefits of eating oatmeal every day

Oatmeal is a whole grain that gives you 13 grams of protein in one small half-cup serving. One tiny quarter-cup serving of oatmeal gives you almost 100% of your recommended daily manganese intake.

Oatmeal also has many antioxidants including vitamin E, tocotrieonols, selenium, phenolic acids, and phytic acid. Other nutrients provided by a daily helping of oatmeal include Vitamin B1, Biotin, Molybdenum, Phosphorus, Copper and Magnesium among many other phytonutrients.

Changes you can see in your body when you eat oatmeal every day

One of the best benefits of eating oatmeal daily is that doing so can help prevent obesity and weight gain. This is due to the feeling of satiety, or satisfaction of your hunger, that oatmeal gives you when you eat it.

Oatmeal makes you feel full longer and creates positive changes in your body in a couple of ways. First, oatmeal provides excellent low-level energy for a longer period of time. Secondly, oatmeal provides fiber to keep your stomach feeling full longer.

The low-glycemic impact (GI) of a bowl of oatmeal eaten in the morning provides a good source of energy throughout the morning hours, without a dramatic increase or drop in blood sugar. Maintaining lower blood sugar levels over a longer period of time helps the body regulate insulin usage.

The low GI of oatmeal helps you avoid cravings due to a drop in blood sugar. Without the low blood sugar cravings, we are less likely to reach for our favorite comfort food.

The daily caloric impact of an oatmeal breakfast is huge. Oatmeal could help you decrease your total daily calories by as much as 81%. In a study of high-GI breakfasts versus low-GI breakfast foods, oatmeal prevented people from over-consuming calories at later meals.

Most low calorie, low fat diet foods are not good at making us feel satisfied. Oatmeal is good for that happy, satisfied, not-hungry-at-all feeling, which also means you will eat less throughout the rest of the day. This daily decrease in your need for calories will result in wonderful weight loss and fat loss changes in your body.


Other health benefits of eating oatmeal every day

In addition to helping you slim down, lose body fat and prevent overeating, oatmeal provides significant health benefits. Other oatmeal benefits cited by much research to back up the claims are:

  • Lower cholesterol
  • Less risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Lower risk of heart failure
  • Improved immune response
  • Stabilize blood sugar and reduce risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Excellent source of fiber which protects against breast cancer
  • Whole grains protect against childhood asthma
  • Safe grain alternative for celiac disease sufferers or those who are avoiding gluten in their diets
  • Extend life expectancy

What you need to know about oat processing

Whole oats are processed differently before they become a steamy bowl of sticky goodness at our breakfast table. Here’s what you need to know about oat processing:

  • Oat groats: unflattened kernels that are good for use as a breakfast cereal or for stuffing
  • Steel-cut oats: featuring a dense and chewy texture, they are produced by running the grain through steel blades that thinly slices them.
  • Old-fashioned oats: have a flatter shape that is the result of their being steamed and then rolled.
  • Quick-cooking oats: processed like old-fashioned oats, except they are cut finely before rolling
  • Instant: produced by partially cooking the grains and then rolling them very thin.
  • Oat bran: just the outer layer of the oat grain that resides under the hull.

Any of these choices can make a hearty meal, but as you know, less processing usually means a higher nutritional benefit with other food sources. Look for steel-cut oats as a starting point for your best-tasting daily bowl of oatmeal.

apple oatmeal cake

Final Thoughts on Eating Oatmeal Every Day

Look for creative ways to add this food to make you feel full longer. Try adding oats to a shake, smoothie or your favorite yogurt. Add some oats to your regular baking recipes, like muffins and cookies.

You can use oats as a grain replacement in any meal. Take a favorite quinoa recipe and substitute oatmeal as the grain. Enjoy the benefits of oatmeal, and you’ll love seeing your body transform in the mirror every morning.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

Doing This ONE Thing Every Day Can Reduce Anxiety and Stress

Even though we live in a concrete world, we can all find a patch of greenery nearby to clear our minds and refresh our souls. We lead busier lives than ever, but that doesn’t mean we should neglect our basic needs, one of which is breathing fresh air and connecting with the Earth.

According to a study published by the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, people today spend 25% less time outdoors than they did 20 years ago. It comes as no surprise that rates of anxiety and depression continue to rise as we move farther and farther away from the way nature intended for us to live.

Walking in nature doesn’t just give us a break from the hectic city life; it can actually change our brain chemistry, too. 

Here’s how spending time in nature every day can reduce stress and anxiety:

Related article: 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Walking Barefoot

It’s no surprise that living farther away from nature surrounded by buildings and city noise can increase your risk of anxiety and depression, but spending time in even the smallest patch of land can do wonders for the brain.

New research out of Stanford University found that spending time in nature can actually alter the chemistry in your brain, leading to mental clarity and peace of mind, and alleviating anxiety and stress. As Gretchen Reynolds explains in the New York Times, graduate student Gregory Bratman, who attends Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources at Stanford, analyzed the brains of 38 adult city slickers who went on a 90-minute nature hike. Bratman found that these individuals had lower brain activity in their subgenual prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain that focuses on “morbid rumination,” than the participants who trekked along the side of a nearby highway.

Those who spent time in nature at least once a day didn’t dwell on the negative happenings in their lives as much, Reynolds reported. These results suggest what many of us probably knew all along – that everyone can benefit from spending more time in nature, and less time in the concrete jungle.

Nature can do wonders for your mental health, so if you have neglected your time with Earth lately, here are a few more reasons to hit the trails again that we didn’t mention before.

1. Nature can boost your energy levels.

After spending time outside, have you ever noticed that you feel more lively, cheerful, and refreshed? Well, there’s actually a scientific reason behind that. Several studies have confirmed that spending time in nature increases vitality, and the research finds that just 20 minutes a day out in nature can significantly boost energy levels. Richard Ryan, lead author of the scientific studies mentioned above and a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, says, “We have a natural connection with living things. Nature is something within which we flourish, so having it be more a part of our lives is critical, especially when we live and work in built environments.”

2. Nature can make you more creative.

A study published in the journal PLOSone indicated that immersion in nature can boost creativity by as much as 50%! Participants in the study had to spend four to six days in nature, completely disconnected from all technology. Psychologists explained that because of the gentle, more relaxing stimuli in nature, people’s attentional system becomes rejuvenated and able to function correctly, whereas in modern society, we constantly have to switch between tasks and become bombarded with loud, sudden noises.

If you have been struggling to bring out your creative energy, try spending more time in nature!

3. Nature eliminates stress.

Numerous studies have found that time spent outside can greatly reduce stress. For example, a study published in 2012 in the journal Landscape and Urban Planning revealed that out of 25 healthy adults living in Scotland, those who lived in areas with the most greenery had lower levels of cortisol.

Stress can increase your risk of mental and physical illnesses, but among all remedies, nature is one of the easiest ways to heal the mind and recharge the soul.

4. Nature can improve dementia symptoms.

Along with all the other benefits of nature, a bit of greenery can go a long way in helping those who suffer from dementia. Researchers at the University of Exeter Medical School discovered that when gardens were placed in nursing homes, the patients showed less agitation, more relaxation, and appeared to be more stimulated mentally.

The researchers believe that the gardens triggered past memories that brought the patients pleasure and relaxation. They may have tended to a garden in the past, so putting one in their nursing home unearthed happy memories for them. Also, the stimulation from natural elements helped to lessen dementia symptoms.

5. Nature can give you better short-term memory.

By either looking at an image of nature or going for a nature walk, you could improve your short-term memory by 20%. In a study performed by researchers from the University of Michigan, they placed participants in two groups: one that would walk around an arboretum and another that walked down a busy street. Before going for the walk, each group had to repeat random numbers to the researchers in reverse order.

Upon getting back, the groups performed the test again, but the group that walked in nature improved its performance by 20%, while the group that walked on the street showed no improvement.

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Walking Barefoot

5 Signs You’re Destined To Be Together

You’ve probably seen those sweet couples who are so destined to be together they sort of look alike. How did they know they were meant for one another? They must have seen something in the relationship that confirmed they were meant to be together. Although looking like your partner isn’t necessary, you are destined to be together. Here are five signs.

1 – People will respect each other if they want to stay together

Without respect, a relationship won’t last long. Respect is not just admiring your partner but having regard for their wishes, feelings, and their rights in the relationship. When you respect someone, you value their opinions and thoughts. A healthy relationship includes respectful actions, display the following behaviors:

Listen to one another:

Listening means you look at your partner when they’re talking to you. You allow them to finish their sentences instead of interrupting or finishing their sentences for them. Your partner feels like you care about what they say and how they feel. Listening shows your partner you respect them, which is a sign you two are definitely on the right road for a successful relationship and destined to be together.

family together

Accept your partner’s advice:

If your partner takes your advice, this is a sign they respect you. They value your thoughts and opinions enough to take your ideas to heart when they make a decision. Couples who give and take one another’s advice show humility. Humility means they admit their mistakes without fear of being judged or made fun of.

Being willing to compromise:

Respect means letting go of your strong preferences enough to compromise in some areas. Relationships require flexibility and working together. Whether you’re trying to decide where to go on vacation or how to create a budget, a willingness to compromise shows respect.

Kind words:

Respect means as a couple. You refuse to resort to mockery or name-calling, even during an argument. You choose kind words over rude ones. It takes self-control to explain your frustration during a fight. But if you respect one another, you make the extra effort it takes to be kind rather than rude.

2 – Be vulnerable with each other if you plan to stay together

Being vulnerable with your sweetie means you’re willing to take emotional risks. You can let down your guard to talk about your weaknesses, fears, and disappointments. It takes courage to be open and express your emotions with your partner. Vulnerability is essential for the health of your relationship. It helps you to have a deeper relationship that has purpose and meaning.

There is a sense of security and safety in relationships where a couple is vulnerable. You don’t feel judged or embarrassed to share because you feel accepted. If you’re in a romantic relationship where you can be vulnerable with one another, it’s a sure sign you two are destined to be together.

3 – Laugh together

Laughter is a powerful antidote. It adds sparkle to your relationship. When you and your partner can laugh, it strengthens your connection, making you feel more positive about one another. Here are some ways to add some laughs to your relationship.

Laughter isn’t just good for your relationship. It’s good for your health. When you and your heartthrob laugh together, you’re helping one another stay healthier. Laughter can

  1. Relax your muscles, so you don’t feel as stressed.
  2. Improves your heart health by increasing your oxygen levels and improving your circulation.
  3. Stimulates your lungs, heart, and muscles.
  4. Boots your immune system to fight off illnesses and disease
  5. Lowers your blood pressure.
  6. Helps you lose weight. How? When you’re stressed, you tend to snack. Laughing makes you more relaxed and less apt to grab a chocolate bar.

If you and your partner like to laugh together, it will strengthen your relationship.

Watch funny movies:

When you and your sweetie watch a funny movie, not only will you get some good laughs, but a good chance, you’ll talk about the funny moments the next day. You may even quote the funny parts of the movie to keep laughing. Laughing is healthy for both of you.

Tease each other:

Teasing and flirting helps you both have fun. Tickle, play pranks or have a little game of tag to spice up your fun.

Go on fun date nights:

Go dancing, sit in the lobby of a fancy hotel for drinks, or go to an amusement park.

4 – Encourage one another

Words of encouragement can go a long way in a relationship. Encouragement is affirming the other person’s worth. It’s saying things like

  • You are special to me.
  • I’m still crazy about you
  • I couldn’t have done this without you.
  • You inspire me to keep going.
  • I’m so grateful to you.
  • I love you.
  • You are all I have ever wanted in a partner.

When your partner attempts to tell you these things, you feel motivated to make the relationship work. You see the sparkle in their eyes when they look at you, and it makes you fall in love with them all over again. Another area of encouragement to give your partner is to support them in their areas of interest. Whether it’s their hobbies, career, or special interests, praise their accomplishments. Couples who are destined to be together are good encouragers. They want the other person to feel their support and love every day.

happiest couples

5 – Trust one another

Trust is a huge thing in a relationship. The best way to earn your partner’s trust is to live your life consistently. Show by your actions that they can trust you. You can earn your partner’s trust by engaging in the following behaviors:

  • Don’t lie: Be honest with your partner, no matter how hard it is. Lies are never romantic.
  • Be accountable: Do what you say you’re going to do.
  • Please don’t leave your partner stuck: Show up, don’t leave them stranded.
  • Be on time: Being late all the time isn’t sexy. It’s rude.
  • Don’t flirt with others: It tells your partner they’re not vital to you when you flirt.
  • Be there for them emotionally and physically: Be ready to help with chores or the kids. Be available to talk when your partner wants to talk.
  • Keep your promises: If you promise to do something, don’t cancel or say you forgot. Be true to your word.

It takes time to create trust in a relationship. As you continue to show your partner you are trustworthy, it will help your relationship grow strong.

How can you keep your relationship strong?

So, you are destined to be together. Now what? Relationships take constant work to keep them strong and to grow. Here are some things to keep your relationship healthy and strong.


Communication is a vital part of a relationship. Couples need to work on learning to communicate better. Daily texts, phone calls, or chats at home after the kids are in bed can help increase your meaningful conversations. Asking good questions will require more profound answers and help you get to know one another better. Here are starter questions you can ask one another:

  • Did you have a nickname as a kid?
  • What was your favorite subject in high school? Why? What did your teachers say about you?
  • What is your favorite gift you got as a kid?
  • Who was your favorite television star as a kid?
  • What famous person would you like to meet? Why?

Do an evaluation

It’s easy to assume everything is fine between the two of you, but it’s good to do an evaluation. Ask your partner how they think everything is going. Ask them if there’s anything they’re concerned about in your relationship. Discuss any changes you want to make in your union. Be honest in your evaluation; don’t just let things go and hope it all works out.

Create little rituals

If you find your relationship slumps, try creating little rituals. Things like a lingering kiss when you’re leaving for work, breakfast in bed together, or weekend walks around a lake are fun ways to create sweet rituals as a couple. These are often the things that make a relationship special to a couple.

Get help if you need

There’s no judgment in asking for outside help. Being humble enough to get help says a lot about how much you value your relationship. Find a counselor who specializes in counseling couples. They will help you learn how to work through your disagreements, understand one another better, or improve your physical and emotional intimacy.

broken heart stay together

Final thoughts on recognizing that you are destined to be together

If you wonder whether you and your partner will be together, this list of five signs will hopefully be helpful. Respect, vulnerability, being able to laugh together, trust, and encouragement are only some of the building stones of a strong relationship. If you’ve got these in place, you two will be a couple.

7 Signs You Have A Vitamin C Deficiency

Vitamin C is one of the safest and most effective nutrients, experts say…the benefits of vitamin C may include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and even skin wrinkling. – WebMD

Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients for our overall health. This is particularly true in the prevention of many common and serious health conditions including cancer, stroke, cardiovascular illness and vision disorders. Further, vitamin C is vital to the function of a healthy immune system.

As with many nutrients, a significant part of the population does not consume an adequate amount of this important vitamin. This is partially due to the fact that many health organizations recommend ingesting an amount of vitamin C that is not optimal – something that diminishes the myriad health benefits of the vitamin.

When we don’t consume enough vitamin C, both physical and mental symptoms can manifest. Additionally, we are more susceptive to chronic and acute illnesses. Therefore, it is important to monitor our intake of this important nutrient.

We’ll discuss seven different signs of vitamin C deficiency, and make some recommendations on how to ensure an appropriate amount is ingested on a daily basis.

Here are 7 signs of a vitamin C deficiency:

1. Elevated and more frequent stress

Most of us have our daily stress triggers, although deficient levels of vitamin C can exacerbate these triggers – both in frequency and in degree. In a study conducted at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, mice that were deprived of Vitamin C displayed behavioral patterns that mirrored depression. The mice subjects also exhibited less vigor, a symptom that likely correlates with fatigue – another negative side effect of a low vitamin C levels in the body.

2. Lower energy levels

As previously mentioned, fatigue is a common symptom of vitamin C deficiency. Numerous scientific articles have been published that directly link low vitamin C levels to fatigue and exhaustion. In a study of 81 people, fatigability tests were taken of participants who ingested more than 400 milligrams of vitamin C and those who ingested less than 100 milligrams. The former group’s “exhaustion index,” a numerical measure of fatigue levels, was less than half of that of the deficient group.

3. Unhealthy teeth and gums

Regularly ingesting adequate amounts of vitamin C contributes to healthier teeth and gums. Conversely, vitamin C deficiency can cause the erosion of the gums and loosening of teeth. Vitamin C is particularly important to gum health, as the nutrient strengthens the lining of the epithelium – a barrier that prevents bacteria from penetrating the gum line. It is common for those with periodontal problems to test for low levels of the vitamin.

4. Inhibited immune system

When levels of vitamin C are low, the body’s immune system functions are handicapped. In addition to more become sick more often, a vitamin C deficiency slows the healing process of wounds. The immune system’s effectiveness in fighting off infections is also impaired. Vitamin C also works independently and in cohort with other macronutrients to strengthen the immune system.

5. Weakness in the body

Anemia is the most common blood condition in the United States, affecting approximately 3.5 million Americans. One common symptom of anemia is body weakness, caused by low levels of healthy blood cells or hemoglobin. When our blood doesn’t produce enough of either, our organs do not get indispensable nutritional supplementation to function properly. Vitamin C deficiency anemia is the actual condition that can manifest with inadequate amounts of vitamin C, according to the Mayo Clinic.

6. Unhealthy skin

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that plays an important role in the maintenance of the body’s connective tissue. In addition to the vitamin’s antioxidant properties, vitamin C plays an important role in collagen synthesis, making it a vital component for skin health. Also, vitamin C may aid in the prevention of UV-causing skin damage. Without regular levels of vitamin C, the skins appearance is often negatively affected. These effects can include discoloration and wrinkling.

7. Poor eye health

According to the American Optometric Association, evidence exists that vitamin C can help lower the risk of developing cataracts. Vitamin C produces many of its vision benefits by supporting the health of blood vessels in the eye. Studies also exist which correlate reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration to adequate intake of vitamin C.

Fortunately, there are numerous sources of vitamin C. Citrus fruits, including oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit, contain the highest levels of vitamin C. Many people choose to get their vitamin C by drinking orange juice or grapefruit juice, which are perfectly acceptable sources. Spinach, tomatoes, bananas, apples and peaches are also good sources of the vitamin. Vitamin C supplements are available to account for dietary gaps of vitamin C, although this should not be considered an ideal source.

It is also important to consume enough vitamin C every day. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that men get a minimum of 90 mg of vitamin C daily, and that women get a minimum of 75 mg.

To experience optimal health outcomes, it is necessary to exceed the FDA’s recommendation. Sufficient intake levels of vitamin C is very dependent upon individual health. Smokers, alcoholics, diabetics, older adults, pregnant women and those with chronic diseases should take in more vitamin C, as should those with chronic stress and/or fatigue. Recommended intake amounts for these individuals vary, but 400 to 500 milligrams daily is a commonly-cited recommendation.

10 Things Only An Aries Can Understand

Aries, you sure know how to make life fun and interesting, don’t you? Aries don’t stop to think first before making a decision; they just dive right in and see what happens. They take chances, follow their hearts, never let anything stand in their way, and give their all in everything they do. They have a spontaneous, intense, fierce spirit, and live life to the fullest. Aries love a good competition, and treat life as a game that they must dominate. They never take no for an answer, and run full speed ahead into whatever challenge they face.

Here are 10 things only an Aries can understand:

healthy boundaries

1. You don’t understand the phrase “Crawl before you walk.”

What does that even mean? All you’ve ever known is dive in headfirst, and then figure things out once you get there. You don’t have time to crawl – life moves so fast, and you want to experience all you can while you have the chance. Crawling seems too boring and slow-paced for you, so walking – actually, running, or sprinting – seems like a better option.

2. Finishing projects is a monumental success on your part.

You probably started dozens of projects this past year, but only finished a handful. When you do finish something, it’s cause for celebration, because that’s a pretty huge deal for you. You just have so many ideas and can’t seem to fully commit to just one, so you have to attempt to follow up on all of them to see where they lead.

3. Everything is a competition.

What’s a casual game of tennis? No such thing in your book – you’re in it to win it. You don’t know how to do things just for fun; you take winning seriously, and – let’s face it – you’re a pretty sore loser sometimes. Okay, maybe all the time. You love competition, and love the feeling of coming out on top. If you come in second, that’s the same as coming in last in your eyes, so you try your hardest in everything you do.

4. You don’t know what “don’t talk to strangers” even means.

If a person is in earshot, you’ll go right up and talk to them without even thinking twice. You consider everyone your friend before you even talk to them, and love engaging with new people. You get bored of people easily, so having tons of acquaintances and friends is a must for you. You enjoy having friends from all walks of life with a variety of personalities, because you can pretty much get along with anyone.

5. An Aries will tell you exactly what they think about you.

You never learned how to hold your tongue, but you don’t see a problem with that. Beating around the bush isn’t your cup of tea – you tell it like it is, and if people can’t handle it, that’s their problem. You don’t try to hurt others or come across as too brash or overbearing, but people often can’t handle your sharp tongue and strong personality. However, you don’t change for others – you just wait around for the right people to come along in your life.

6. You can change your mind in the blink of an eye.

One minute you want Chinese for dinner, and the next you feel more like Italian. One second, you feel like you might be falling in love, and the next, you have your eye on someone new. You really don’t mean to be wishy-washy, but there’s just so many aspects of life to experience, and so much to consider. You don’t want to miss out, so you want to do it all. Your mind moves quickly, and therefore, you make split second decisions often.

7. You have a huge heart, even if others can’t see it.

Underneath your loud, aggressive, dominant personality, you have a heart made of glass that gets shattered quite easily. People often think you don’t get hurt just because you hide your feelings well, but of course, you know that words can cut like a knife. You care deeply for your friends and family, and protect them to no end. When you go through a breakup, you don’t always express just how much you hurt from it, even if it’s killing you inside. You might have a tough exterior, but inside, you’re more like a soft, cuddly teddy bear.

8. You never turn down a new experience.

Nothing is off-limits to you. You try all the foods, travel to every place you can, talk to as many people as possible, and date people from all walks of life. You don’t put labels on yourself, or try to place boundaries on life. There’s nothing you can’t do, because you won’t allow your mind to control your experiences. You live life to the fullest, always.

9. Aries will always appear confident, even if they don’t feel like it.

You never let anyone know when you feel insecure. People admire you for your bold, upfront personality, and wish they could take on some of those qualities. You know that confidence will take you far in life, and you try to appear as self-assured as possible at all times, even if inside you feel like a total scaredy cat.

10. You tend to flit from one relationship to another.

But, what’s the problem here? You don’t see one. You simply like to try out a relationship and test the waters before making a firm decision on if you should stay with someone or not. If you don’t really vibe with someone, you don’t see the point in prolonging the relationship. Plus, it only hurts the other person worse in the end if you lead them on. You love deep, committed relationships, but you don’t just give your heart away to anybody.

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