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25 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Drink Lemon Water Every Day

25 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Drink Lemon Water Every Day

The first thing we do in the morning usually determines how the rest of our day will transpire. Normally, many of us rush out the door on our way to work, not giving much thought to our bodies or what we put into them. As we wake up, our bodies require hydration to eliminate toxins and rejuvenate our cells. However, that glass of water you drink each morning can be made even more effective and healing by adding a couple slices of lemon to it!

Lemon contains many antioxidants and can boost the immune system naturally with its high levels of vitamin C, bioflavonoids, citric acid, calcium, magnesium, pectin, and limonene.

Warm lemon water provides the body with oxygen and hydration while also stabilizing our pH levels.

Obviously, we all need hydration to survive, but adding lemon can make water even more beneficial to the human body. Experts recommend drinking half your weight in ounces of water each day, but just adding lemon to your morning glass of water can set you up for great digestion and energy for the rest of the day.

Many of us reach for cold water in the morning, but warm water actually helps to get our systems flowing much more easily since it takes less energy to process. Once you have your water, simply add half a squeezed lemon to it. The rest of the day can include hot or cold lemon water – whichever one you like best.

Our bodies contain about 60% water, but unfortunately, many of us don’t drink enough of it. Adding this fruit to your water intake provides nutrients like vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium, and fiber. Plus, since the bright citrus flavor adds interest to the water, it might encourage you to up your water consumption!

To give you even more good news, many people have successfully used hot lemon water as a substitute for coffee. So if you’ve been trying to find a sustainable way to give up caffeine, drinking warm lemon water could do the trick.

Here Are 25 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Drink Lemon Water Every Day

lemon water

1. Lemon water can lessen your chance of having a stroke, according to the American Heart Association

2. It can give you clear skin and reduce signs of aging, including diminishing the signs of fine lines and wrinkles

3. Detoxes and cleanses the system according to a study on lemon water’s ability to improve the natural function of the liver

4. It can improve your mood and stabilize emotions

5. Balances your body’s natural pH levels

6. Lessens joint inflammation and relieves pain

7. Lemon water can help with hangovers

8. Keeps you fuller longer, staving off hunger

9. Eliminates constipation

10. Lemon water keeps your breath fresh

11. It keeps your respiratory system functioning optimally

12. Lemon water prevents urinary tract infections

13. It keeps you hydrated and prevents adrenal fatigue

14. Regulates your metabolism

15. Lemon water enhances brain power

16. It strengthens your immune system

17. Reduces mucus buildup

18. Cleans out your intestines

19. Enhances digestive health

20. Increases your overall health

21. It can get rid of a high fever

22. Lemon water can prevent kidney stones

23. It helps you breathe better

24. Lemon water can alleviate headaches

25. It literally makes you feel lighter and healthier overall

lemon water

In addition to these facts, here are some lesser-known tidbits about lemon.

  • Lemon is one of nature’s top seven potassium sources. Potassium is a mineral that promotes clear thinking and aids in normalizing blood pressure, and when paired with sodium, it can regulate the body’s water balance.
  • Lemon has been known to act as an insect repellent.
  • Gargle with the juice of one lemon plus an equal amount of hot water for an antibacterial mouthwash.
  • A tablespoon of fresh lemon juice has only four calories.
  • Christopher Columbus brought citrus trees to Haiti in 1493.
  • Lemon trees can grow up to 20 feet tall.
  • In the Victorian age, lemon trees were a sign of wealth and prestige.
  • Fully grown lemon trees can produce up to 600 pounds of lemons per year.
  • Fashionistas from the Renaissance era used lemon juice to redden their lips.
  • Cattle will choose to eat lemons rather than oranges, grapefruits, apples, and peaches.

In a time when many people are going back to eating natural, healthier food that nourishes their bodies, there is no better food to add to your nutrition plan than lemon. One of the best and easiest ways to add lemon into your diet is in your water.

Many people want to improve their health, feel more energized, and look younger and more vibrant, and what better way to achieve this than by adding a little fresh lemon to your water in the mornings?

The disease-preventing properties of citurs and the hydration benefits make this a powerful healthy duo. If you don’t already drink warm lemon water in the mornings, make tomorrow your day to add this small but life-changing habit to your daily routine!

Here’s What You Need To Know About The First Lunar Eclipse of 2016

The first lunar eclipse of 2016 is coming up with important scientific and astrological implications. As rare events, lunar or solar eclipses are fascinating to watch. An eclipse can also remind us of our small place in this vast cosmos.

In astrology, the impact of the relative position of the planets, moon, and sun on us here on Earth has meaning for our lives. Some people do not believe in astrology, but they do believe in science and observable evidence.

The supporters of astrology can point to observable evidence to back up their theories. For example, the energetic pull of the tides as the Earth spins and the moon appears to travel across the sky is one observable change that is indisputable.

As humans are made of mostly water, then, is it not possible that our bodily fluids feel the pull of the moon in response as the ocean tides do? And if we can feel the moon’s pull, even in the slightest way, is it also impossible to feel the effects of other planetary motion?

Astrologers say that these small changes in energy result in big changes in our emotions, thoughts, health, and, consequently, our actions. A lunar eclipse is a significant astrological event that means big changes.

Here’s what you need to know about the first lunar eclipse of 2016.

The shifting energies before a lunar eclipse can begin in the weeks leading up to it.

lunar eclipse

A lunar eclipse is significant for astrology because it is a rare event and always occurs with a full moon. A full moon has more effect on us than a crescent moon.

What astrology has to say about the coming lunar eclipse

The effect of a lunar eclipse is stronger than that of a full moon. So what is the effect that we can look forward to? Change. Change can be stressful, but this change will be an improvement.

For example, you might have a job change, but it will be an increase in pay or some benefit to you than your prior circumstances. In some way, this change will be a loss of something that you once had, which is no longer important to your happiness.

It’s time to let go and begin anew.

Releasing something from your current situation will make it easier to make room for the good new change that is coming. After all, you can’t be ready to catch a gold coin if your arms are holding bags of pennies.

The best advice you can heed with the coming lunar eclipse is to mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for an upheaval. Expect the worst and hope for the best. Be open to whatever possibility is coming. Think about prior changes that you have experienced that have been good for you, like breaking up with a horrible relationship.

time travel

The Scientific Facts of a Lunar Eclipse

This will be a penumbral lunar eclipse which is different from a total lunar eclipse. During a penumbral eclipse, the moon will appear foggy and darker colored, but there will not be a definitive line across the moon’s surface.

During this lunar eclipse, Australia, Asia, and North and South America will have a view. The eclipse will begin March 23, 2016, at 6:47 am Central time zone and will last for 4 hours and 15 minutes.

The sun will rise around the time of the lunar eclipse. So it will be even more difficult to see any change in the face of the moon. Catch this eclipse early, if possible to see the maximum difference in the face of the moon. You will notice a darkening of the moon, like an unseen cloud, has passed over it.

In a penumbral eclipse, the moon is moving through the Earth’s shadow but at the weakest outer edge of our shadow. That is why there is no defined line of shadow on the face of the moon with this type of lunar eclipse.

5 Telling Signs Your Relationship Is Meant To Last

Despite the fleeting moments of our lives, we all want a relationship with someone special to last. But how do you know if yours will?

Between adult responsibilities, raising kids, and taking care of ourselves, staying in a relationship seems to have more challenges than ever before. So, what makes the difference between relationships that only last a few months and those that stand the test of time? Trust, respect, and true love must exist for it to last, of course, but you can go by the signs listed below to know if you have a serious relationship.

The ten best benefits of a long-term relationship

Why would you do all the necessary work for a long-term love? Here are some significant benefits:


  1. Deep Emotional Connection: Over time, partners in a stable, long-term relationship develop an irreplaceable bond that stems from shared experiences, trust, and mutual understanding. This profound connection offers a sense of belonging and can be a consistent source of emotional support.
  2. Consistent Companionship: With a long-term partner, there’s always someone to share life’s ups and downs, from significant milestones to everyday moments. This companionship can ward off feelings of loneliness. It can also provide a sense of continuity in one’s life.
  3. Improved Mental Well-being: Individuals in healthy, long-term relationships often experience lower stress levels, depression, and anxiety. The emotional stability derived from a dependable partner can significantly enhance mental health.
  4. Financial Stability: Two people sharing resources, costs, and responsibilities often find it easier to achieve financial goals. The combined financial strength can lead to more significant investments and shared expenses. Thus, they have the potential for long-term financial growth.
  5. Growth and Personal Development: Being in a committed relationship offers opportunities for personal growth. Partners challenge and inspire each other, pushing both to become their best versions.
  6. Physical Health Benefits: Those in stable relationships often benefit from enhanced physical health. Emotional support and care can lead to better habits, early detection of health issues, and a generally increased motivation to stay healthy.
  7. Shared Responsibilities: From day-to-day chores to significant life decisions, sharing responsibilities can make tasks more manageable and decisions more balanced, reducing individual burdens.
  8. Trust and Safety: A long-term relationship provides a secure environment where vulnerabilities can be exposed without judgment. This foundation of trust ensures that both partners feel emotionally and often physically safe, knowing they have someone who genuinely has their best interests at heart.
  9. Shared Memories and Experiences: Partners build a reservoir of shared memories over time, from vacations to personal achievements. These memories strengthen the bond and provide a sense of shared history and identity.
  10. Resilience in Difficult Times: Having a stable partner offers a safety net in moments of adversity. Together, couples can navigate challenges, pooling their strengths and offering support when one is weak, making them more resilient in the face of life’s unpredictabilities.

Stable, long-term relationships offer myriad benefits that enhance quality of life. They also provide both tangible and intangible rewards. Finally, they serve as a foundation for individuals to build a fulfilling, harmonious life.

Here are 5 telling signs your relationship is meant to last:

Now that you know the benefits of cultivating a long-term romance, let’s look at the signs that you are on the right track.

completes you

1. You have virtually the same outlook on life.

In the “talking” phase of your relationship, you probably talked to your partner about your hobbies, interests, favorite memories from childhood, and what your family is like. Sharing these things with your partner helps them get to know a little bit about you as a person and likely sets the stage for a second date.

Somewhere down the road, you probably wanted to know them deeper and understand their core values and morals. If both of you have very different interests and hobbies but connect on a deeper spiritual level, you will have a higher chance of making a lasting connection than two people who have no core values in common. In other words, how you choose to live your life should match how your partner chooses to live theirs. Suppose both of you have the same outlook on how to handle finances, how to raise children, where to live, have similar spiritual practices, and have the same general outlook on life. In that case, you will probably be able to maintain the relationship in the long term.

The main point to take from this is that hobbies and interests change, while core values and beliefs usually don’t. Having these in common is key to making relationships last, according to a study by Michigan State University researchers.

2. You still laugh and have fun with your partner

If you can still crack jokes and roll on the floor laughing with your partner after months of being together, your relationship will definitely stand the test of time. The key is that you two don’t get bored of each other after extended periods. Even if life gets in the way of you spending time together, the time you share is spent laughing, having fun, and simply enjoying the world’s beauty together.

3. You love one another unconditionally

This one should go without saying, but we thought we’d include it anyway because it’s a key ingredient to a lasting relationship. You can love each other’s flaws and perfections equally. Besides, you have each other’s backs no matter what. In other words, you don’t put conditions on the love you share. Furthermore, you don’t stop loving your partner if they gain fifteen pounds or lose their job or anything else temporary. You love and support and stand beside them through life’s storms and sunny days.

4. You accept one another wholeheartedly

You don’t try to change each other, no matter what. Indeed, you accept them with all of their little annoyances and habits. That is true even if they get on your nerves sometimes. You understand that no one can be perfect. So, instead of continuing to search for something that doesn’t exist, you accept your love without question and focus on the positive traits. Also, you help them work on the “negatives” if they choose. You don’t want a plastic relationship – you want the real deal. Therefore, you choose to accept everything about your partner and not try to force change upon them.

5. You have no desire to be with anyone else

If you think about being with other people, it immediately disinterests you. You feel so happy and complete in your relationship now that you wouldn’t dream of being with anyone else. You feel satisfied, alive, and thrilled about your relationship. In fact, you want to stick things out for the long haul to see where it all leads. You see endless opportunities in your partner’s eyes, and everything feels right with them around.


Final Thoughts on Finding a Relationship That Will Last

The potent blend of mutual understanding, shared joy, and unwavering commitment is at the heart of any enduring relationship. A partnership rooted in shared perspectives on life’s fundamentals offers a foundation to weather many of life’s unpredictable storms. The ability to find humor and joy, even in the routine or mundane, injects vibrancy into the relationship, ensuring it remains fresh and alive.

However, unconditional love and acceptance are the true pillars of any lasting bond. Loving someone for who they are, imperfections and all, and choosing them daily without hesitation is the essence of genuine commitment. When we reach a stage where we can’t imagine our lives without our partner, when the very thought of another feels out of place, it’s clear that the relationship has depth and longevity potential. In essence, the journey of love isn’t about finding the perfect person. Indeed, it is about seeing an imperfect person perfectly. Every day in such relationships becomes a testament to love’s enduring power. It also showcases love’s ability to enrich our lives in countless ways.


10 Signs You Have a Thyroid Disorder

The thyroid gland is one that not many people pay particular attention to. The brain, lungs, heart, liver, and other vital organs generally demand more concern. However, this gland is enormously important to our health, until we develop a thyroid disorder

The gland is no longer than 2 inches and is located in the front of the throat, slightly below Adam’s apple. It consists of two sides (lobes) that lie on both sides of the windpipe, connected by a strip of tissue called the isthmus. The thyroid produces two primary hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). When either hormone levels are too high or too low, adverse health conditions can surface.

So, what does the thyroid do exactly? Well, many different things. The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland plays essential roles in breathing, body weight, muscle strength, central and peripheral nervous systems, body temperature, cholesterol levels, heart rate, menstrual cycles, etc.

Since the symptoms of a thyroid disorder can be inconspicuous, it is sometimes necessary to check its hormonal levels through tests available at most health clinics. That said, there are sure signs that can indicate a thyroid disorder.

Ten Signs You Might Have a Thyroid Disorder

thyroid disorder

1. Fatigue

Fatigue is a symptom that generally encompasses feelings of tiredness and exhaustion. Hypothyroidism – low levels of hormones in the blood – may be a potential cause of fatigue. Consistent feelings of tiredness are often diagnosed as symptoms of chronic fatigue, which may also be a symptom of a thyroid disorder. In other cases, fatigue as a symptom may be quite subtle in nature.

2. Weight gain

A sudden, unexplainable gain in weight can be a telltale sign of a thyroid condition. Generally, weight gain is the byproduct of low levels of hormones (hypothyroidism). Conversely, elevated levels of thyroid hormone, called hyperthyroidism, may cause unanticipated periods of weight loss. Of the two disorders, hypothyroidism is far more common.

3. Irregular heart rate

As mentioned, thyroid hormones affect several vital organs. When thyroid hormone levels are too low, this may cause the heart to beat too slow. When hormonal levels are elevated, the heart rate may become uncharacteristically fast. As a result, one’s blood pressure levels often become erratic. Sometimes, alterations in heart rate create noticeable sensations, such as a pounding heart or heart palpitations.

4. Swelling of the neck

Contrary to most signs of a thyroid disorder, neck swelling is often a very noticeable symptom. This is one particular sign that demands immediate attention, as it may be the result of cancer or nodules, small lumps that grow within the thyroid. Of course, other conditions exist that may be responsible for swelling of the neck.

5. Depression

Surprisingly, depression may be one sign of a disorder. The reason is that hypothyroidism can impact levels of the brain’s “feel-good” chemical, serotonin. Also, low levels of thyroid hormone can trigger other areas of the body to decrease activity, which may indirectly impact overall mood.

6. Anxiety or jitteriness

This is one sign that may be due to hyperthyroidism – when this gland produces an excessive hormone level. When this occurs, our metabolism and other parts of the body may become hyperactive, creating feelings of anxiety or general “jitteriness.”

7. Brain fog may reveal thyroid disorder

When functionality diminishes, a cognitive ability often does as well. Hyperthyroidism often makes it difficult to concentrate, while hypothyroidism may create memory lapses and decreased awareness. Notably, some women had attributed such signs to menopause when the root cause was a thyroid condition.

8. Decreased sex drive

This sign can be a standalone or a cumulative symptom. Low libido can directly result from hypothyroidism. But other signs – low energy, body aches, weight gain – caused by hypothyroidism may also be to blame.

9. Dry skin

In addition to neck swelling, dry skin may be another noticeable sign of a disorder. Hypothyroidism often slows metabolism, which can initiate skin texture and appearance changes. Further, an inactive metabolism often reduces sweating, limiting the amount of skin moisture, causing flakiness or dryness. Also, nails may become brittle as well.

10. Irregular digestion

Those with hypothyroidism often complain of constipation, a likely result of decreased digestive activity from lowered hormonal production. On the flip side, hyperthyroidism or an overactive thyroid may result in bouts of diarrhea or more frequent bowel movements.

thyroid disorder

How Can You Prevent Thyroid Disorder?

Approximately 1 out of every 20 Americans twelve years of age and older has an underactive thyroid. A smaller number have an overactive thyroid. About 1 in every 100 people have a thyroid condition called hyperthyroid. Women are at a greater risk of this disease. If you have any family history of similar disorders, it also increases your risk.

1. Stop smoking

Smoking puts you at a greater risk for many diseases. So it’s no surprise that nicotine can decrease your iodine levels which affect your thyroid function correctly. Smoking also causes your thyroid hormones to become inactive.

2. Avoid too much alcohol

Heavy alcohol use reduces your hormones T3 and T4. Drinking too much alcohol is associated with risk and is the world’s 3rd most significant risk factor for disease, causing 60 diseases and contributing to at least 200 others.

3. Get screened regularly

Getting regular checks up is vital to prevent glandular disorders. If you have a family history of this disease, be sure to mention this to your doctor. They can do regular blood tests to monitor your hormonal function.

4. Eat fewer soy products

Another preventative measure you can take to avoid thyroid disorders is to eat less soy. Soy contains isoflavone links to disorders such as hypothyroidism and goiter.

5. Protect your thyroid gland during x-rays

When you get an x-ray, ask for a thyroid collar to safeguard your thyroid gland from radiation. This collar fits around your neck to keep exposure to a minimum.

6. Increase your selenium

Selenium plays a vital role in sustaining the health of your organs. It helps your thyroid produce enough hormones. Selenium deficiency affects your thyroid, causing

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Grave’s disease
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Goiter
  • Hashimoto’s disease

You need selenium in your body to synthesize iodine properly into thyroid hormones. Add these selenium-rich foods to your diet to help prevent a thyroid disorder

  • Brazil nuts
  • Fish
  • Ham
  • Oatmeal
  • Leafy greens
  • Milk and yogurt
  • Lentils
  • Cashews
  • Brown rice
  • Bananas

7. Avoid extreme diets to avoid thyroid disorder

Extreme diets may help you drop a few pounds, but they’re hard on your overall wellness. Extreme diets that restrict calories also reduce your T3 levels. T3  is the active thyroid hormone that speeds up your metabolism. Starvation diets cause your body to convert as much as 50% of your hormones into metabolic waste. These diets also cause a spike in cortisol. Diets that have you eating from one food group stress your thyroid. For instance, a ketogenic diet reduces the number of carbohydrates you eat, lowering your thyroid hormone levels.

8. Use iodized salt

The trend to use special salts from the Himalayan mountains seems attractive and healthy, but good old table salt is best for a healthy thyroid. This is because regular table salt contains iodine. Iodine is an essential mineral. Your thyroid gland uses it to produce hormones to help control your growth, support your metabolism, and repair your damaged cells. You can also get iodine from eating fish and dairy products.

9. Reduce your stress

Stress can trigger thyroid disease. If you’re under a lot of pressure, your body releases extra cortisol into your body. Too much cortisol harms it. It overworks your thyroid gland to produce hormones and leads to an imbalance in your thyroid.

10. Avoid processed food

Processed foods contain many bad fats, sugar, and chemicals. These affect your health and can lead to a thyroid disorder over time. These foods also contain a lot of sodium, which isn’t good for your glandular health.

thyroid disorder

What Foods Can Help Avoid Thyroid Disorder?

Certain foods improve this gland’s function and protect it from disease. The foods you should add to your diet include the following:

  • Seaweed-Kelp contains natural iodine. This is beneficial to your thyroid function. You can eat seaweed in sushi or packaged seaweed snacks.
  • Nuts-Eating salted nuts such as hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, or macadamia nuts are all excellent sources of selenium that support your thyroid.
  • Fish-Fish is high in Omega-3 fatty acids and selenium, both of which help your thyroid function well.
  • Dairy-Your body needs iodine to work properly. Dairy foods like yogurt, milk, and ice cream contain iodine.
  • Eggs-Eggs are rich in selenium and iodine, which help your thyroid gland work properly.

5 Words To Avoid Saying In Your Relationship

When you meet the one you want to be with forever, you’ll want to make sure you say and do the things that will make your relationship last. And on the same token, you want to make sure you don’t say and do the things that might make your relationship end.

With an average of 40-50% of relationships ending in divorce, you owe it to your partner to avoid the pitfalls of settling in for the rest of your life.

Excellent relationships take work by both partners to establish trust and cooperation. Communication is often the most likely place for relationship failure. A lack of intimacy is another relationship killer, as you read in 5 Things That Kill the Passion in a Relationship.

Fortunately, healthy communication is also the easiest place to make relationship improvements that affect intimacy as well. Let’s look at 5 words that you should avoid saying in your relationship.

5 Words To Avoid Saying In Your Relationship

In a study of hurtful words and relationships, researchers found that ‘people who judged something an individual said to them as intentionally hurtful felt the comment had more of a distancing effect on their relationship with the individual than did those who perceived the message as unintentionally hurtful. Furthermore, those who viewed the comment as intentionally hurtful tended to be less satisfied with the relationship they had with the person who hurt them and felt less close to the person than did those who saw it as unintentional.’

Hurtful words cause distance between ourselves and those we love. They also cause unhappiness in our relationships. You might have noticed that t+9-he research mentions the difference between the groups was ‘those who perceived the message as unintentionally hurtful’ and those who did not.

Avoiding hurtful words is best, but when your partner says things that hurt, you have another choice as well. Changing your perception of hurtful words could help take the sting out of them. You could just as easily say to yourself ‘My partner is just having a bad day. They didn’t really mean to hurt me.’ Let’s look at five of the most hurtful words that you should avoid saying in your relationship.

1. Busy

The person you are in a relationship with should be your number one priority. As difficult as that may be to accept, you can’t prioritize your job and still have a partner who is happy that you put them second. Similarly, you can’t put your children first, because they need a supportive, healthy adult relationship to be healthy and happy themselves.

You and your partner should never say that you’re too busy to do anything for each other. You can, however, question the importance of what your partner needs from you and negotiate for what you also need. There’s almost always a solution that will prevent hurt feelings.

For example, if your partner asks you to stop at the dry cleaner to pick up their suit, you could respond by saying you’re too busy or, you could find a way to make it a win-win. You could say ‘I’m scheduled with work up until 5:00 today so I can make it there by 6. Will that work?’ or ‘Since you’ll be closer to the dry cleaner, why don’t you get the suit and I’ll pick up dinner on my way home.’

2. Can’t

Again, declining to help your partner is hurtful. If you or your partner responded by saying ‘I can’t,’ it shows an unwillingness to help. The reason that ‘can’t’ hurts so much is that it is usually a lie. The truth is that you are unwilling, not unable, to help.

A study of hurtful words used in a humorous context compared to non-humorous communication found that the use of humor made people feel less hurt. If you can find a humorous way to communicate your message, the effect is more likely to be joyful.

3. Blame

Even if the word ‘blame’ is avoided, you should never blame your partner. Even if they made a mistake in the past, you are choosing to be with them now, so you can’t hold previous wrongs against them.

Sometimes people say ‘You always/never do ___’ which is also a generalization about your partner’s behavior that is untrue and also implies blame. Blame can get very tricky in a relationship because it tends to demonstrate that one partner does not trust the other.

4. Hate

The word ‘hate’ should never be used in a loving relationship unless you’re saying ‘I hate anchovies on my pizza, but you can have them on your half.’ You might dislike your partner’s behavior, but the word ‘hate’ should stay out of your vocabulary if you want to keep a healthy relationship.

5. Divorce/Breakup

A close, loving relationship should be focused on what each person needs to do to be sure that the two partners stay together. Mentioning, without even threatening to, break up with your partner is like holding a threat over their head.

There may be times when your partner’s behavior is unacceptable. If that’s the case, say those words without threats of a breakup. ‘Your behavior is unacceptable. I need you to ___’ is better than ‘If you don’t ___, I’m going to break up with you.’

10 Things Women Wish They Didn’t Have To Worry About

Even though women have come far in gaining equality, they still have a lot to worry about. Stress, finances, and an endless array of lists take a hold of them on a regular basis.

Here are 10 things women wish they didn’t have to worry about:

1. Showing too much cleavage.

Women strap their boobs tightly into a constricted garment as not to insult anyone. Even though our society has advanced in not judging a book by its cover, we still worry about a simple thing as putting on a shirt on a daily basis.

2. Others misinterpreting them as rude.

The assertive woman gets the bitchy title. If a man is assertive, we accept it as being a man who knows what he wants. When a woman is forefront in what she wants and how she wants it, she’s considered rude and impossible. Women worry about this at work, on dates, even with their families.

3. Running late to appointments.

Women invented the word “multitasking.” The list of things to do everyday is outrageous. Running errands seems to be something that never ends. Women are constantly looking at their clocks to make sure they have ample amount of time to get from here to there. On some days 24 hours is not enough!

4. “Bleeding through”

Women worry about the bed getting full of blood several times a month. We worry about how to dress for those “special days.” We worry about pads, tampons, and panty liners showing. God forbid a man knows we are on our time of the month. For five days every month, dressing accordingly dictates our lives.

5. What to eat…or not.

Women worry about weight gain day by day. We are constantly comparing ourselves to the magazine model, the woman next door, and anything that will make us feel like we are not competent enough to be the best just as we are. We worry about food, sugar intake, calories, and every single thing that is put into our bodies. The more we worry, the more we overeat.

6. Making sure to have a hairless body.

While this is only true for social environments, many women will shave their arms, pits, and every other surface that may insult another. Come spring time, the razors and waxes come out to control every wardrobe we wear. Every eyebrow and chin hair is being monitored. Hair controls a lot of a woman’s image in this world that we live in.

7. The future.

Women worry about getting married or staying in an unhealthy marriage; having kids or if they are good enough to become mothers; bills getting paid and stories to tell the creditors; promotions or demotions; and every single thing that cannot be controlled at 2AM every morning. The future is a constant source of stress full of uncertainties and unknowns.

8. Being flirtatious.

Women worry that if they are being too nice, they are viewed as flirtatious when they are just being kind. There is a thin line that gets used as a jump rope when men are concerned. We worry that giving a compliment may be taken as sexual innuendo. Women will hold out in giving a kind word to a stranger just in case it gets misunderstood.

9. Saying no (even when they want to).

Women worry that they hurt others by not giving in to their demands. Women spend their lives doing for others while worrying that if they stop their peers, friends, and family members will dislike or fail to accept them. But, we have no problem saying “no” to our needs, dreams, and ourselves.

10. Holding on to the past and regrets.

Women worry about things they can no longer change. We agonize, with full blown anxiety, of not making the same mistakes while second-guessing ourselves on a daily basis. Women let go of the past with one hand, and before the matter is out of sight, they grab on to it again with the other.

Even though these things are ever-present in a woman’s life, she continues to move with tenacity into the world and all that is asked from her. These are just a few of the many things that twirl and twist in her mind.

And above all else, she must never forget the fact that she is truly a Divine Goddess.

Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”~ Corrie ten Boom

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