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Why Random Thoughts are Actually Important, Backed By Science

Why Random Thoughts are Actually Important, Backed By Science

According to scientists, some people call them earworms, and some call them mind-pops, but random thoughts that enter your brain for no apparent reason are important. Our brains can surprise us with sudden random memories. It could be a line from a play you were in from sixth grade or a song from a commercial you saw last week.

The complete unpredictability of these thoughts is a fun part of being human; we get to be ever-amazed by our brains. Even when science has explored almost all of our grey matter, they can still learn new things that we are capable of.

Stray or random thoughts are what scientists call involuntary semantic memories. These thoughts are involuntary, meaning they were not something you were trying to think of. Semantic refers to facts or events, but the word itself means meaning. These random thoughts are memories that come back to you when you aren’t expecting them and have no apparent meaning.

The most interesting part of these random thoughts is that they might not be random. Scientists think that these memories are trying to help you solve a problem.

This Is Why Random Thoughts Are Actually Important, Backed By Science

random thoughts

A song can get stuck in your head or randomly pop into your mind. Often, it’s just a portion of a song that we repeatedly hear in our minds, like the chorus. The distinguishing feature of mind-pops is that we have no conscious control over them.

Music that pops into your head at random is called involuntary musical imagery. The more scientific definition of this musical phenomenon is ‘introspective persistence of a musical experience in the absence of direct sensory instigation of that experience.’ In other words, you are hearing things that aren’t there but that you have heard before.

A musical earworm is usually a song with lyrics that you enjoy or a melody that brings up a particular emotion for you. These persistent songs that get stuck in your mind can be annoying. But what if they tried to solve a problem for you rather than annoy you?

Here’s an example:

  • You are postponing doing your taxes because you have an unusual situation and might need help. Time goes by while you worry about this problem.
  • Days later, the name song pops in your head, and you start singing ‘Banana fana fo fana, Hannah.’
  • This makes you think of your friend Hannah whom you knew in college, who is now an accountant and can probably help you with your taxes.

The random earworm song that popped into your mind helped you to remember that you have a friend who can help you solve your problem. Problem solving is one way scientists believe our random mind pops benefit us.

A seemingly random thought can usually be traced back to a trigger. In this example, the trigger was the problem of needing help with filing taxes.

Why do we have random thoughts?

Scientists believe that random thoughts are likely the result of memory processing and also creative thinking. You may start to notice that you have mind-pops more often when you have a problem to solve.

It’s as if you have told your brain to search for things to help you solve the problem. As a result, your brain responds with random things that are connected.

‘Researchers speculate that mind pops are the result of long-term semantic priming, with an initial exposure to a source of information ‘activating a web of representations in the mind that stay activated until a relevant stimulus in our environment’ triggers the semantic memory. The tenuous relationship between some of these initial activation experiences and the semantic memories that result from them minutes, hours, and even days later hints at a correlation between mind-popping and creative thinking,’ an ability to perceive connections between seemingly unrelated concepts.

People who experience frequent random thoughts tend to rate higher on tests of creative thinking. In a study of the brains of research subjects and their random thoughts, ‘High-frequency mind pops were significantly associated with “larger grey and white matter volume in the prefrontal cortex. This increase in mind pops is also linked to higher creativity and the personality trait of ‘openness.”

random thoughts

How you can maximize random thoughts for your benefit

Being mindful is the best way to use random thoughts to enhance creativity. Here are a few ideas to help you allow your random thoughts solve problems for you:

  • Dwell on the random thought for 90 seconds. Sing along with the song or immerse yourself in the memory that was brought up.
  • Read 7 Things That Keep You From Living in the Now – Our guide to avoiding things that keep you from being mindful will help you make use of random thoughts when they happen.
  • Think briefly about your current problem. What problems do you currently struggle with?
  • Think about how the random thought and the problem connects. Does any connection exist at all?

11 Things You Need To Know About Loving An Aries

Loving an Aries is full of spontaneity and great fun. They are the lovers of right-here-right-now. They are the passionate sign of the Zodiac. If you can stick around long enough to hold their interest, they will love you fiercely.

Here are 11 things you need to know about loving an Aries:

1. An Aries requires trust, respect, loyalty and openness.

To love an Aries is to have your own personal therapist. But, don’t dwell too much on the past. They remain friends with their exes. Be sure to have enough trust and loyalty to understand this. Aries are nurturing and loving to a fault but do not tolerate insecurities and jealousies. An Aries closes chapters quickly.

2. Aries do not quit.

They crave success in life and in love. The Aries subject is a courageous and powerful leader. On the same token they do not make good followers. Aries can be aggressive in reaching their goals. They will support you on yours and will help you overcome anything as long as you allow them to lead. They get focused on a subject and it becomes an obsession. Be sure to let them do their thing without interrupting them or they will resent you.

3. Aries feel they rule all the planets.

They are tenacious and stubborn in finding ways to get what they desire. Often, quick-tempered, they will follow through their endeavors if it kills them. But, they also know when to throw in the towel. Aries have a tendency of giving up when they don’t acquire what they need when they need it. They move on to the next big thing. They are amazing at manifesting their dreams. To love an Aries is to constantly see changes.

4. Aries are confident and enthusiastic.

They are the cheerleaders of the Zodiac. Aries love sports and also love to participate in competitions. They are not good losers. This is a negative aspect of the Aries. They can truly become belligerent when they don’t get what they want. However, they will help you attain your goals through persistence and courage. They also don’t stay angry for very long. They forgive and forget easily. The best way to deal with their anger is to provide a new project or idea.

5. Aries are not patient people.

Do not make an Aries wait. Do not play games with their emotions. They want what they want right now. Patient is a trait that is foreign and the harder they try to acquire it, the less they have. It’s not in their nature. They have an all-or-nothing mentality. Patience serves nothing in their world so don’t tell them to have it. You will get a quick rise!

6. They love the social life.

Aries enjoy a great party and they are usually the life of that party. The Aries loves visit ingwith friends. They need people around them. Aries have amazing abilities to bring people together. They love attention and enjoy entertaining. You will never be bored with an Aries.

7. Aries do not like hanging out with negative people.

They cannot handle complaining or victimization personalities. They flee quickly from these types of environments. If you begin to feel sorry for yourself, an Aries expects you to lick your wounds and keep going. They have little tolerance for the blame game. They believe you hold the power to create and change.

8. The Aries woman is a female predator.

Sex is a weapon of choice. If you give her a reason to be jealous she will leave you hanging. Aries men are passionate and will pursue relentlessly until they get what they want. Both men and women need a great amount of foreplay and require sex to be spontaneous. They are truly a fiery sign. Aries is the great passionate sign of the Zodiac.

9. Aries easily move on after ending relationships.

Most Aries will brush off the experience as lack of excitement. They need to be the center of attention in the relationship. If they feel ignored they will call you up on it. Expect confrontations in this regard. If passion and charisma are gone they will also be gone. They had little understanding for lies and dishonest shenanigans.

10. Aries are comedians.

Prepare to laugh at the jokes, sarcasm, and silly behaviors. Aries are quick-witted and dynamic. They are truly clowns and love laughter just as much as sex. If you can’t stand practical jokes, the Aries mate is definitely not for you. They will go out of their way to get a laugh at your expense.

11. Aries are adventurers and explorers.

They need a partner who is willing to get up and go at any time. They won’t tolerate being indoors for too long. Aries need nature to recharge. They love travel and meeting new people. Aries have a tremendous amount of energy. They need constant change and stimulation in order to release some of that incredible endurance. It’s never a dull moment with Aries. You will see new things and experience life through the eyes of a child. They are curious and need a mate and love who will challenge them to explore.

5 Gemstones That Clear Negative Energy

Ancient cultures used crystals and stones for healing a variety of physical and mental ailments. And many cultures today still rely on them in today’s hectic modern world. Even if you’re skeptic about crystal healing, giving it a try will never hurt. Indeed, it’s perfectly safe and incredibly therapeutic. There are a variety of stones and crystals to choose from, but we’ve gathered a small list of those that can clear negative energy from your aura, providing clarity and vitality. Negative energy can easily cling to our auras if we don’t take the proper care to dispel this heavy energy frequently. So crystal and stone healing can help greatly in this process.

Here are 5 gemstones that clear negative energy:


Amethyst is most widely known for helping people fall and stay asleep, But many people use it to clear negative energy. It carries with it a strong ability to purify and protect the wearer, and cleanse any heavy energy in one’s aura. Just looking at this beautiful stone can promote feelings of calm and positivity. So keep one under your pillow at night to ward off negative spirits and help you fall asleep as well. In addition to clearing outer negative influences, amethyst will help to keep negative thoughts at bay. This stone is perfect for the highly sensitive person, or anyone who needs guidance and stability in their life.

Black Tourmaline

Ancient magicians used Black Tourmaline, known as Schorl, to protect them from evil spirits on Earth as they cast spells. Today, people still hold this stone in high regard for its ability to protect the wearer and deflect negative energies and harmful forces. It also helps to ward off radiation and pollution, and can even rectify negative thinking and moods, turning them into positive, helpful energy.

Black Tourmaline can even ground one to the Earth, due to its powerful healing properties. It helps the wearer to break through harmful thinking patterns, adjust to stressful working environments, and even improve self-confidence. This is best used when in a difficult situation or when facing heavy internal conflicts. Purchase your first loose raw tourmaline stones here.

Fire Agate

Just as the name suggests, this fiery stone can make you feel more alive and give you a sense of purpose, which will help to dispel negative energies. It helps ground you to the Earth while also forming a protective shield around your body, keeping harmful energies and spirits at bay. Fire agate will stabilize your energies and align your chakras, Being that fire agate is part of the quartz family, it’s one of the best stones to promote healing and positivity, and infuse your life with purpose, vitality, and direction once again.

Jet Stone

Jet stones have a black color and are very smooth and polished. To the naked eye, you probably couldn’t tell that the jet stone is derived from fossilized wood. But under a microscope, you will spot it quickly.

Jet stone has been used since ancient times to relieve anxiety and depression. That’s because it carries an energy of great strength and protection to those who wear it. It can also prevent psychic attacks and remove negative energies from your aura that have been embedded from exposure to others’ energies. The jet stone can additionally be used to help the wearer deal with grief, which can also cause anxiety.

clear negative energyObsidian

Obsidian is more than just a strikingly beautiful stone. In fact, it’s one of the most powerful stones to protect against psychic attacks and negative entities. The wearer will instantly feel shielded from strong negative forces, and his or her aura will quickly become purified. This is a highly spiritual stone, carrying with it great metaphysical powers. Many people use it for protection from evil, as well as to connect to their higher self.

9 Comebacks For Dealing With a Manipulator

We’ve shared many articles dealing with the topic of dealing with a manipulator because we know that they can be amongst our midst any day, at any time.

Manipulators are easy to spot by how they make you feel. When you are in tune with your emotional state, you feel that tight-gut feeling that tells you to pay attention to the words and actions of the manipulative person you are dealing with.

As you read in a related article these are some classic signs that you’re dealing with a manipulator. A manipulator will do the following:

  • Put their needs before yours
  • Put their feelings before yours
  • Tell you what you need to do
  • Thrive on drama and high-emotions
  • Want you to feel bad about yourself

Here are some concrete comebacks to use for the next time you feel yourself being manipulated.


9 Comebacks for Dealing With A Manipulator

1. ‘I need you to ___.’

  • ‘Stop insulting me and speak with kindness.’
  • ‘Speak to me calmly.’
  • ‘Take care of that yourself.’

When you begin by saying ‘I need’ to a manipulator, it is a powerful rejection of their tactics.

You are simultaneously saying ‘No’ to whatever the manipulator wants and you are replacing it with something that you want instead.

2. ‘No.’

‘No’ is a powerful word if you are able to use it alone. The problem is that ‘No’ is often followed by the reason that you are saying ‘No.’ You do not need to justify your ‘No’ to a manipulator.

3. ‘What is best for me right now is ___.’

This is another way to say what your needs are and reject the manipulator. When dealing with a manipulator, the best comeback is to focus on your own needs. You reject what the manipulator needs and replace it with your own needs.

4. ‘I reject your assessment of my emotional state.’

A manipulator will usually try to tell you how you feel. Do not allow them to dictate your emotions. You are in control of your emotional response.

The tactic of telling you how you feel is used by a manipulator to get you to respond defensively with anger, fear or sadness.

You always have a choice to be positive, happy and joyful, even when you are dealing with a manipulative person.

5. ‘I am a valuable person.’

Manipulators feed on people with low self-esteem. The problem is that a manipulator also has low self-esteem so they will seek out others who they can control by attempting to reduce their self-worth with insults.

If you are able to stay strong in the face of a manipulator by validating your own self-worth, you show them that you cannot be controlled.

6. ‘You need to calm your emotional state before I will talk with you.’

Another good statement is ‘Let’s take some time so that our emotions can cool down before we try to solve this.’ Your goal is to reduce the anger/fear/sadness that is coming from the manipulator before you engage with them.

As we mentioned in 8 Signs Your Partner is Trying to Control You, someone who thrives on drama will start a confrontation with an extreme emotional state. Control the desire to respond to an attack with an attack and your manipulator will be deflated by your comeback.

7. ‘Your behavior is unacceptable.’

This statement is the truth. If you feel manipulated, then someone is violating your boundaries. That kind of behavior is unacceptable.

You may recall that we talked about How to Spot a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing in a previous article. Manipulators are like predators feeding on easy prey.

8. ‘You must be feeling pretty low to lash out at me that way. Do you want to talk about your emotions?”

This is one of the most supportive things you can say to a manipulator. The statement demonstrates your recognition of their anger/sadness/fear and the question demonstrates your openness to helping them.

Low self-esteem is a classic sign of a narcissistic personality. Read our article 5 Signs You’re in a Relationship With a Narcissist for more information on handling these people.

master manipulator

9. Say nothing at all.

Manipulators thrive on drama. If they can get you worked up and angry/fearful/sad, they think they have won. Stay calm, manage your breathing, and focus on your body. Feel the sensation of tightness in your chest, shoulders, neck and stomach.

Try to relax those muscles as you make eye contact with your manipulator.

This can be very difficult for some people. Facing an angry person with calmness is infuriating for the manipulator.

They may lash out with even more anger.

Resist the urge to engage with them. Your manipulator will quickly learn that they are not able to change your emotions and they will move on to another target that is easier.

Related article: 11 Ways to Protect Yourself From Emotional Manipulation.

10 Critical Things You Should Never Tolerate In A Relationship

Whether it is romantic or not, your relationship should make you feel excited and happy about life, not stifled, repressed, or unloved. Many people stay in unhappy relationships because they fear being alone or can’t picture their life without the person, even if their current situation doesn’t truly fulfill them anymore.

Everyone deserves respect, compassion, and love in relationships, but if you don’t feel like your partner gives those to you, you might want to rethink your relationship with them.

Here are ten critical things you should never tolerate in a relationship:

1. Disrespectful language

First and foremost, a healthy relationship begins with respect for both individuals. You should never tolerate someone who calls you names, puts you down or makes you feel uncomfortable in any way. Even if you have a heated argument, it doesn’t give your partner the right to treat you with disrespect just because they can’t control their language.

never tolerateHow to Fix It

To overcome disrespectful language in your relationship, start by identifying it and admitting that it’s a problem. Once you’ve identified the disrespect, calmly talk to your partner about the issue and how it makes you feel. Then, ask them why they behave that way.

By asking your partner why they react disrespectfully, it forces them to think about their negative behavior. As they become more aware of their demeanor and attitude, they develop better habits.

Even after you express your thoughts and feelings, you can’t just assume they will change. Make sure you ask for the change so that they know you won’t tolerate that behavior anymore. You also must remember that you must respect your partner if you want respect in return.

2. An overly controlling partner

If you have a partner who can’t let you out of their sight without freaking out or thinking you’ll break their trust, then this should raise some red flags. It would help if you never tolerated someone who feels the need to control every aspect of your life and your relationship. According to an article on, Andrea Bonior, Ph.D., says,

“Toxic relationships can sneak up on almost anyone. And controlling behavior on the part of a partner knows no boundaries—people of any age, gender, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status can be in controlling relationships, playing either role.”

How to Fix It

Pay attention to which areas of your life your partner try to control. Sometimes, it might not be all areas of your life, but only certain areas that make them uncomfortable. Once you’ve had time to think about it, communicate the problem with your partner.

Your partner might be unaware of the situation, and calmly explaining what you have noticed can change things for the better.

You can also make a deliberate effort to make more decisions. Decide for yourself what you want to do, and take a stand when you want to do something different than your partner.

3. A breach of trust

In addition to respect, mutual trust must exist in a relationship for it to thrive. If you can’t trust your partner, you should either talk to them about it or end the relationship before you get in too deep. Both partners must feel comfortable, open, and supported in the relationship to work, and a lack of trust will kill an otherwise healthy relationship.

How to Fix It

When your romance gets hit by betrayal or another breach of trust, you can still move forward with your partner. Start by figuring out and talking about what caused the broken trust, even if it is an uncomfortable topic. Then, with a new perspective, think about any underlying issues that must be addressed and handled.

If both of you are willing to restore the trust and rebuild your relationship, you can repair what you once had. The upset partner will need time to process their feelings, reassurance, and the offending partner to take responsibility. It’s also a beneficial idea to seek professional relationship help together.

4. Incessant neediness

Of course, feeling wanted and needed in a relationship is normal, but it can go overboard if you’re not careful. Most people enjoy having a partner that asks them for help with certain things or needs a hug or a shoulder to cry on sometimes. However, these things are perfectly normal – what isn’t normal, however, is an overly clingy, needy partner who can’t seem to do anything without you. It’s important to feel like you can live independently without your SO around 24/7, so a partner who doesn’t display any independence should be a red flag to you.

How to Fix It

Developing a healthier romance requires that each partner remains a separate person with their own needs and desires. Working together to identify each of your strengths will get you started as you work to overcome neediness. Avoid criticism or harsh words, as this process can cause vulnerability before it gets better.

Talk with your partner and make sure you’re both doing things to take care of yourself. Do something you enjoy separately, and spend time doing it while the other partner does their activity. You can also communicate your needs with your partner and ask them to tell you theirs, as well.

5. Feeling like you don’t come first

While other essential parts of life outside of relationships, your partner should prioritize you over other things. If they hang out with friends more than you, for example, that shows they don’t take the commitment very seriously. Never tolerate someone who doesn’t take the time to make you feel special – you deserve someone who will treat you like the king or queen you are.

How to Fix It

To overcome feeling like you don’t come first, start by communicating your feelings to your partner. Tell them how they aren’t making you feel valued and that you want to find ways to be more involved in their life.

Meeting one another’s family and friends is a beneficial place to start, and it shows commitment and priority while helping you respect your partner. You can also try being enthusiastic about your partner’s interest so that they know you want to be involved in their life.

Ask your partner to express their feelings on this matter, too. Talking about it will make it easier to address and overcome the issue. With open communication, you will both want to prioritize one another.

tolerate6. Negativity

Of course, negativity will be a part of any relationship in life, but it shouldn’t take precedence over a positive attitude. A negative outlook on life will translate into negative thoughts, and ultimately, a negative mind. People who focus on the negative tend to have low energy, blame others for their problems, and in general, won’t be the most fun, inspiring people to hang around. Don’t ever settle for someone who displays such negativity about life – it will only drag you down in the process.

How to Fix It

Too much negativity can be devastating to your relationship, so work on changing your thinking pattern. As you become more positive, it will influence your partner to focus on positivity, too.

Start by being aware of negative self-talk and switching your thought process with mindfulness and positive affirmations. Practice gratitude often, keep an open mind and look for any reason to smile or laugh. You can also become more positive by eating healthy foods, exercising, helping others, and practicing forgiveness.

While you can’t force your partner to be positive, you can influence and encourage. Don’t overreact or take their negativity personally, and recognize their accomplishments. You can also help them have fun regularly and try new things.

7. Emotional unavailability

Your partner should be emotionally available; otherwise, you won’t have a successful relationship with them. If they feel insecure or shy about displaying emotions, they probably have deep-seated issues to work out before they can partake in a healthy, thriving relationship.

How to Fix It

When you recognize emotional unavailability, start asking more questions to encourage your partner to share their emotions. As they become more comfortable with this type of intimacy, it will become more natural to them, helping them open up.

You can also ask them why they seem unavailable so that you can understand their mindset better. With understanding, you can learn to address the issue and overcome barriers. Even talking about the problem in this way can help your partner open up a little more.

You can’t change your partner’s emotions, so don’t assume their emotional unavailability is your fault. Keep encouraging them and remain emotionally available to them as you work to overcome this obstacle.

8. A partner who doesn’t listen

Both of you should feel comfortable talking honestly and openly to each other. If your partner regularly talks over you or makes you feel like your opinion or thoughts don’t matter, this means they don’t value you as a person. And you should never tolerate this sort of behavior in a relationship.

How to Fix It

It’s frustrating when your partner doesn’t listen, but being compassionate and understanding can help. If your partner gets defensive or needs to make a point every time you say something, point it out to them. They might not realize that they do it, and pointing it out can help them consciously focus on listening.

You can also try asking your partner when it is a better time to talk without interruptions. If they are busy or in the middle of something else, it might be hard to give you their undevoted attention. Therapists also recommend asking your spouse to repeat what you said so that you know they heard you.

9. Someone who doesn’t support your dreams

Your partner should also back you 150% when it comes to your dreams and goals. It would be best if you never tolerated someone who gets jealous or tries to undermine your success – a truly supportive partner will encourage you and help you every step of the way.

How to Fix It

If your partner doesn’t support your dreams, you can still pursue them and respect your partner simultaneously. Communicate to your partner how you feel when talking about your goals, and ask them not to diminish that emotion. Asking this of your partner can prevent hurt feelings and heated arguments over the matter.

More importantly, try to understand where their lack of support comes from. Consider whether your partner is fearful, worried, or doubtful, and then ask questions to further your understanding. Once you know their thoughts on your dreams, ask them to trust your decisions and goals.

10. Irresponsibility

Finally, it would be best if you never tolerated a partner who isn’t willing to pick up the slack and take care of business. Adult responsibilities aren’t fun by any means. Still, they should at least take care of the minimum amount of chores and responsibilities needed for survival and not depend on you to do all the dirty work.

How to Fix It

Your partner must be responsible for their role in your romance. You shouldn’t have to carry it all alone, and irresponsibility is a sign of immaturity. The first step to overcoming irresponsibility in your relationship is to speak up calmly and sternly.

Tell your partner that you expect them to uphold their end of the commitment. Be specific and let them know if you’re talking about finances, child care, or household tasks.

As you approach this subject, spend some time self-reflecting, too. If you’ve been over-functioning in your romance so far, your partner might be irresponsible because they are used to you doing it all. Make sure you are letting go of some responsibility so that your partner has an opportunity to step up.

pop memeFinal Thoughts on the Things You Should Never Tolerate in a Relationship

While there are things you should never tolerate in a relationship, there are ways to fix the issues. You don’t have to throw away the entire romance without trying other methods first.

Remember, no one is perfect, and we are all growing and developing each day. Be compassionate and understanding as you work with your partner to maintain a healthy situation. a

Sometimes all it takes is communication to get your partner going down a different path. Other times, you might need to set the example and change your mindset to influence them. Either way, if the relationship is crucial to you, there are ways to fix it.

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

10 Reasons Single-Tasking Is Better Than Multitasking

In a society that places an incredible amount of emphasis on multitasking, it can be difficult to justify to ourselves the benefit of doing one thing at a time. First off, many traditional working environments don’t provide the structure to single-task. Business offices, now more than ever, utilize computers and networks that implement instant messaging, email, and other “productivity” tools. Since we spend a disproportionate amount of time at the office, it is easy to allow these habits to sink in.

“The quickest way to do many things is to do one thing at a time.” – Christopher Westra

Multitasking actually encompasses three different types:

  1. Performing two or more tasks simultaneously.
  2. Switching back and forth from one task to another.
  3. Performing a number of tasks in rapid succession.

While these behaviors may appear completely fine, multitasking is actually a disadvantage. To be clear, it is possible to multi-project, that is, to work on multiple projects. As long as we’re consciously approaching each project in a “task-by-task” manner, we can still be very productive. However, many of us are still quite inept at working on one thing at a time.

Some of us may not quite be convinced that single-tasking is better, and that’s okay. We’re going to break down why single-tasking is a better approach to both our work and our personal lives. Yes, we can implement the tenets of single-tasking effectively into our personal lives – with family, prayer/spirituality, reading, meditation, and a host of other activities.

So, why is single-tasking better than multitasking? Here are 10 reasons:

brain multitasking

1. Single-tasking conserves energy

Our brains consume more energy than any other part of our body. When we single-task, we wholly direct our attention to the task. Multitasking is more taxing on the brain’s energy reserves because we constantly shift attention. Our short-term memory also benefits because we’re not continuously attempting to remember where we left off, and on what task. This added benefit also helps to keep our energy levels up.

2. Single-tasking improves productivity

Simply put, the human brain is not designed to multitask. Studies have consistently shown the performance benefits of directing our attention spotlight onto one thing and one thing only. When researchers from Harvard, Stanford and the University of London were polled, they all stated that productivity can be reduced by as much as 40 percent.

3. Single-tasking increases commitment

When we single-task, we are laser-focused on what’s in front of us and nothing else. What does this enhanced focus do? For one, it establishes specific patterns of behavior in the brain. A sense of commitment is forged, as single-tasking obliges us to perform one task at a time. To single-task requires us to stand firm in our choices and commit to executing excellently.

4. Single-tasking promotes self-discipline

Building upon the commitment benefits of single-tasking, self-discipline is manifested through conscious, committed effort. Distractions, no matter how pleasant they may seem at the time, cause us to “give in” to them. When we “give in,” we effectively hand over our self-control. It’s quite simple, really. One builds self-control through single-tasking, and self-control is the sibling of self-discipline.

5. Single-tasking strengthens us against distractions

If we pay attention, it is quite easy to spot people being distracted. No matter if it’s the adult driver who texts on the highway, or the co-worker constantly heading to the break room. There’s no getting around the fact that people are slaves to distracting thoughts. When we practice single-tasking, we’re no longer subject to this behavior. We’ve build an impenetrable wall that refuses to give in to internal or external interruptions.

6. Single-tasking improves our attention span better than multitasking

This should go without saying, but single-tasking is the aphrodisiac to attention. Yes, it is a requirement to single-task for a certain period of time before we obtain noticeable improvements to attention, but it’s better than the alternative. Consider this: according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the average attention of a human is eight seconds. Eight seconds. We can change that statistic.

7. Single-tasking makes us happier

The problem with today’s culture is that society expects us to be busy all the time. Look at people on the highway – they’re cutting each other on their commute into work. What does that tell us? In all seriousness, we can apply single-tasking of our lives and can become happier. We’ll get maximum enjoyment out of time with family, with that coveted book, or in our own self-reflection if we’re willing to devote ourselves to the practice of single-tasking.

8. Single-tasking improves our communication

How many of us are guilty of mentally disappearing mid-conversation *raises hand*? Yeah, this is a near-universal trait. However, when we practice single-tasking, we not only give our full attention to another person (an admirable and respectable trait), we also are more in-tune with our thoughts. The end result is an individual who is thoughtful, respectful, and present – all necessary components for one to be an effective communicator.

9. Single-tasking improves our relationships

Really, what is more important than our personal and professional relationships? Not much at all. Here’s a brutal truth. At one time or another, one or more relationships see negative impacts from multitasking. Picture the parent rushing home and brushing off their children because of work or something else, or the salesman who neglects to call an important customer. Get the idea? It happened in the past. But you can prevent it with a commitment to single-tasking.  Not only that but imagine the fruitfulness and enjoyment of our relationships if we commit.

brain multitasking

10. Single-tasking gives us an advantage

Finally, single-tasking is a huge advantage – professionally, personally, spiritually, and in other domains. Single-tasking is one of those remarkable skills that can positively impact nearly every part of our daily lives. Indeed, we would all be remiss if we didn’t ask ourselves: “What can single-tasking do for me?”

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