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New Sound Treatment Kills Cancer Without Chemo

Is painless cancer treatment that eliminates the need for chemotherapy or radiation really possible? Scientists are at work on an exciting new treatment technology with the potential to do just that for those who are facing the scary diagnosis of cancer.

Believe it or not, this cancer treatment technology harnessed the power of sound waves. Associate Professor and Director of Music Technology at Skidmore College in New York, Anthony Holland, are the brains behind the research team that discovered that sound waves can kill cancer cells.

Anthony Holland is not the same musical genius as the composer and director featured as the subject of the film Mr. Holland’s Opus. However his impact on humanity by the use of his  talents may be even greater.

This Leading Technology Kills Cancer Cells without Chemo or Radiation


This technology is leading the fight against cancer with a treatment that is non-invasive and non-toxic to the body. This new technology is unlike chemotherapy and radiation treatments that cause weakness and uncomfortable side effects for patients. The leading technology will allow patients to keep their health and hair as they recover.

In his TED talk about the cancer-fighting developments he discovered, Dr. Holland compares the shattering of cancer cells to the shattering of a crystal glass by hitting one sustained note.

When you strike a tuning fork, it vibrates with sound at 440 hertz. By holding another tuning fork near the one that is struck, you can induce a sympathetic vibration. Shattering crystal is done the same way, by matching the resonant vibration of the crystal until the vibration increases and the glass breaks.

Dr. Holland has discovered how to shatter cancer cells with sound waves by finding their exact harmonic frequency. Strangely enough, cancer cells and other microorganisms have a structure similar to that of liquid crystal. We are most familiar with liquid crystals in the form of LCD screens on our laptop computers and TV screens.

When you watch TV on an LCD screen, electronic signals change the color and shape of the crystals. By sending electronic signals to cancer cells, Dr. Holland is able to get them to change their shape as well.

The technology is called Oscillating Pulsed Electric Fields (OPEF) and it is a way of delivering frequencies of sound waves to destroy cancer cells. So far, he has only demonstrated this technology in the laboratory with cells in petri dishes.

The discovery of this leading technology for killing cancer cells

When Dr. Holland first began using sound frequencies on cells, he controlled the signal by testing different frequencies and checking for cellular changes through the microscope.

He discovered that he needed two different frequencies at the same time. With a combination of a higher and a lower frequency at the 11th harmonic, the higher one is 11 times the frequency of the lower one. He realized that adding frequencies so that multiple waves were hitting the cancer cells would be like increasing the power of the signal.

After adding the 11th frequency to the test on cancer cells, he noticed a strange phenomenon. The cells appeared shattered, like a high note shattering a crystal glass. The outer wall of the cancer cell broke and the contents of the cell spilled out.

breast cancer

The effect of this leading technology on cancer cells

The research showed that pancreatic cancer cells shattered at between 100,000 and 300,000 hertz. Ovarian cancer cells and leukemia cells responded by shattering the same way. The frequencies resulted in the destruction of anywhere from 25% to 60% of cancer cells.

The treatment discovered by Dr. Holland is non-toxic to humans. Dr. Holland says that this research holds exciting promise for the treatment of cancer patients who fear the pain and sickness of the toxic drugs and radiation of cancer treatment.

A colleague of Dr. Holland’s, a renowned cancer researcher who spoke anonymously, said ‘If you had spent millions of dollars to develop a new cancer-killing drug, this would be a home run. Killing cancer without drugs or chemicals is incredible.’

Dr. Holland’s research relies heavily on an invention that can be used to deliver the frequencies in bursts of on/off/on/off cycles. The reason for this is that having the sound waves constantly on causes heat, which causes destruction of other living cells around the cancer cells. Because the signal toggles on and off, it generates no heat.

The on/off method of delivering the deadly sound frequencies to cancer cells is what Dr. Holland’s team is calling Plasma Emission Field Treatment (PEFT).

Other promising treatments for this technology

Dr. Holland was also able to use the sound wave treatment to kill other cells, for example, the harmful antibiotic-resistant bacteria staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). According to Gateway for Cancer Research, ‘The electronic signals not only rendered MRSA vulnerable to antibiotics but also slowed its growth.’

The treatment removes the antibiotic resistance of MRSA, which they can then kill with antibiotics. The hope for the future of Dr. Holland’s discovery is  to conduct human studies to be to confirm the effectiveness of the treatment.

Stephen Hawking’s Beautiful Message For Anyone With Depression

Stephen Hawking, well known for his work in theoretical physics, has one of the greatest minds of our time. He was born on January 8, 1942, in Oxford, England. As a young child, he wanted to study mathematics, but once he began college, he studied Natural Sciences. During his first year in Cambridge at the age of 21, Hawking began to have symptoms of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Doctors gave him two-and-a-half years to live.

Throughout his life, Hawking has taught, researched, and provided the world with beautiful messages. He once said that his expectations were reduced to zero when he was given the ALS diagnosis. Since then, every aspect of his life had been a bonus until his death in early 2018.

Stephen Hawking’s Beautiful Message For Anyone With Depression

One of the most brilliant minds did not allow these life challenges to stop him. He continued studying. Hawking has twelve honorary degrees. He has dedicated his life to finding answers about the universe, the Big Bang, creation and scientific theories. He cannot speak or move. While bound to a wheelchair, however, he has found ways to inspire the world, encouraging us to find the mysticism in the stars. Hawking says:

“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. If you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don’t throw it away.”

During a lecture in January at the Royal Institute in London, Hawking compared black holes to depression, making it clear that neither the black holes or depression are impossible to escape:

“The message of this lecture is that black holes ain’t as black as they are painted. They are not the eternal prisons they were once thought. Things can get out of a black hole both on the outside and possibly to another universe. So if you feel you are in a black hole, don’t give up; there’s a way out.”

depression quote

Stephen Hawking on Disability

When asked about his disabilities, he says: “The victim should have the right to end his life, if he wants. But I think it would be a great mistake. However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there’s life, there is hope.”

He continues with an inspiring message about disabilities:

“If you are disabled, it is probably not your fault, but it is no good blaming the world or expecting it to take pity on you. One has to have a positive attitude and must make the best of the situation that one finds oneself in; if one is physically disabled, one cannot afford to be psychologically disabled as well. In my opinion, one should concentrate on activities in which one’s physical disability will not present a serious handicap. I am afraid that Olympic Games for the disabled do not appeal to me, but it is easy for me to say that because I never liked athletics anyway. On the other hand, science is a very good area for disabled people because it goes on mainly in the mind …

My disabilities have not been a significant handicap in my field, which is theoretical physics. Indeed, they have helped me in a way by shielding me from lecturing and administrative work that I would otherwise have been involved in. I have managed, however, only because of the large amount of help I have received from my wife, children, colleagues and students. I find that people in general are very ready to help, but you should encourage them to feel that their efforts to aid you are worthwhile by doing as well as you possibly can.”

Hawking and a Sense of Wonder

Stephen Hawking does not only encourage the scientific minds to pay attention, but inspires the rest of us to take notice that there is connection between the stars and each one of us. His disabilities have not stopped his curious mind and sense of wonder.

His daughter, Lucy, shared with the crowd at the lecture, “He has a very enviable wish to keep going and the ability to summon all his reserves, all his energy, all his mental focus and press them all into that goal of keeping going. But not just to keep going for the purposes of survival, but to transcend this by producing extraordinary work writing books, giving lectures, inspiring other people with neurodegenerative and other disabilities.”

(C)Power of Positivity, LLC. All rights reserved

5 Things You Need To Know About Being Friends With A Taurus

If you know a Taurus personally, they likely have become one of your closest friends. The bull might be stubborn, but he also knows what true friendship means, and doesn’t leave your side unless you force him to.

The Taurus zodiac sign runs from April 21 to May 21, and a few key traits can describe people born under this sign.

We will go over them below and give you a little more information on what being friends with a Taurus entails.

Here are 5 things you need to know about being friends with a Taurus:


1. They’re loyal.

Bulls won’t just leave you because of a petty argument or silly misunderstanding. A Taurus prides himself on sticking around through the tough times, and being there for his friends no matter what. A Taurus makes you one of the best friends you’ll ever have because they will listen to your problems, give you a shoulder to cry on, and make you feel loved and cared for. You won’t ever have to wonder where you stand with a Taurus because they won’t leave your side.

2. A Taurus will accept you as you are.

Taurus won’t want you to change because they will love and adore you from the start. They accept people wholeheartedly, flaws and all. Being an Earth sign, Taurus have a knack for being grounded and stable and can easily adapt to and understand various people. Taurus might have their own hidden issues with themselves, but as far as other people go, they don’t try to change anyone. They make friends quite easily despite their more reserved personalities because people appreciate the sense of stability and safety that they exude.

3. He or she will make you feel protected and safe.

As we mentioned in the previous point, a Bull will always make you feel safe. He or she naturally has a protective demeanor and wants to keep all of his or her friends and family out of harm’s way. A Taurus will never make you feel vulnerable or uneasy, as their steady, loving nature guides them to watch out for everyone close to them. They are brave, strong souls, so they will take on your burdens for you and make sure you feel protected at all times.

4. A Taurus can be stubborn.

Taurus has many positive qualities, but their downside is that they can be incredibly headstrong and unable to budge in their opinions. They have their own outlook on life. But your opinion likely won’t change their mind. They enjoy doing things their way, and change is difficult for them. They also don’t like spontaneity and enjoy having things planned out in advance. Be patient with the Taurus in your life, as they take longer to get used to new situations and can seem stuck in their ways. However, they’re a creature of habit, so forming new thought processes and seeing things in a new light can take some time for them.


5. They have a strong spirit.

Above all else, the Bull doesn’t break easily. He or she stands high above negative influences, and his or her will can outlast any obstacle that tries to get in the way. They have an unbreakable spirit and can withstand any storm they encounter. A Taurus will never let you fall and will fight your battles alongside you. The Bull might be a bit misunderstood, but at the end of the day, their loving, courageous souls have the best intentions for their friends and family.

Taurus enjoys stability and routine and has a strong work ethic. They get along best with Earth and Water signs, and their sweet, generous nature will certainly win you over. Taurus make wonderful life-long friends, as they remain loyal until the end.

5 Moves That Melt Belly Fat

For many people, losing belly fat seems like an impossible feat. Fat tends to accumulate around our stomach area, and losing the stubborn inches from our middle can take much more effort than you probably want to put in. While we could speculate and draw conclusions from many different studies all day about the best way to lose belly fat, the following five exercises can at least supplement other parts of your lifestyle.

If you want to get on your way to a healthier lifestyle in just a few minutes a day, try this quick workout from NYC-based certified fitness trainer Chris Sams, modeled by Instagram star Yovanna Ventura. For each exercise, do as complete as many reps as you can in thirty to sixty seconds, switching to the opposite side at the halfway point. Do all the exercises for the best results.

Here are 5 moves that melt belly fat:

1. Thread the Needle 


How to do it:  Get your body into plank position with your shoulders stacked over your wrists and your body in a straight line between the top of your head and your heels. Keep your hips aligned and extend your right knee to your right elbow. Next, extend the right leg across your body and sweep it under your left leg. Bring the right knee back to the right elbow, and this will count as one rep.

2. Forearm Plank Swimmers 


How to do it: Perform a forearm plank with your shoulders stacked over your elbows and palms pressed lightly against the ground. Put your right arm out straight in front of you, open it to the side, and get back into the starting position. Repeat on the opposite side, and alternate sides as much as you can.

3. Leg Crossovers to Melt Belly Fat

How to do it: Lie with your back facing the mat with your palms pressed against the ground under your hips for support and keep your legs extended. Make sure to keep your lower back pressed against the ground, and then lift both legs about a foot off the ground. Keep your legs as straight as you can, and cross the right ankle over the left one. Then reverse, crossing the left ankle over the right one.

4. Side Plank With Twist

How to do it: Get into a side plank position on the mat with your left forearm pressed to the floor, and your left fingertips facing the right side of your mat. Keep your shoulders, hips, and arms stacked, but you can keep your feet unstacked to make the exercise easier. Keep your hips square, and extend your right arm under the left side of your body.  Next, open your chest and reach your right arm straight up overhead. This counts as one rep.

5. Russian Twists Reduce Belly Fat

How to do it: Grab a 5- to 10-pound dumbbell in both hands and hold it near your chest. Sit on your backside with bent knees and crossed ankles. Lean backward slightly to both stabilize your body and keep your feet off the floor. Keep your shoulders down away from your ears, and twist the body toward the right side. Keep your hips firmly in place. Repeat on the opposite side and continue to alternate without dropping your feet.


5 Differences Between a Soulmate and a Life Partner

There are many misconceptions about the term soul mate and that of a life partner. Let’s explore the differences.

A soulmate comes into your life to teach you, enrich you, push you and transcend you into a higher state of being and consciousness. A life partner is a companion whom you trust and depend on.

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Here are 5 differences between a soulmate and a life partner:

1. A soul mate fulfills a lesson in your life.

Soulmates can enter your life masked as friends, family members, and lovers. They fill a passion and desire that needs to be learned. Once the assignment and guidance is completed a soul mate usually exits the picture, often leaving an inconceivable amount of heartache.

A life partner has similar interests in your life. This person is the cheerleader, the pillar of strength and support that encourages you to take risks.

Unlike the soulmate, a life partner sticks around regardless of what obstacles and challenges are ahead. Life partners are spiritually and emotionally connected without egotistical notions.

2. There is a huge difference in soul connections.

Soulmates have a deep connection through heart and consciousness. They hit the ego and bring about turmoil. The relationships are intense and full of transitions.

These beautiful experiences usually end in broken hearts. Soul mates bring with them karmic lessons that need to be completed in this incarnation.

Life partners arrive at a moment when there is self love and acceptance. You are no longer needing to fulfill an emptiness that cannot be explained. These partners join you with similar stories. They are there for the long haul.

A soulmate’s purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to tranform your life.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert

3. There is an attraction that goes beyond this timeline.

When you meet your soulmate, you feel as if you have known them forever. You understand each other and have similar ways of thinking. Your childhoods have similar stories.

This is where the intensity in soul mates starts. There is a “knowing” that magnetically attracts you to each other. These relationships can be chaotic and destructive since there are levels of mirroring one another: flaws and habits.

Whereas life partners come from different paths and backgrounds. The differences enhance the emotional connection. You want to know more and learn from each other. You feel at ease in their presence, becoming a profound and everlasting friendship. Love grows with each passing day.

Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other.” ~ Paulo Coelho


4. A soul mate knows you intuitively.

There is a higher connection between thinking and feeling. You know each others’ thoughts and desires. Soulmates do not need words to convey their ideas and emotions. They have been where you are. They know how it is to feel a certain way.

Life partners are attracted to one another physically and crave to learn the other’s values. The relationship is based on logical and intellectual stimulation rather than an emotional one driven by soulmates full of highs and lows.

attract soulmate

5. When you meet your soulmate, you have just had a huge life experience.

Soulmates arrive at a specific time when something needs to find closure. Amazing lessons come through these relationships. The love that is shared is ecstatic and sometimes full of hard obstacles. These two people are trying to find footing in a relationship that brings out the best and worst in each other.

The relationship with a life partner is easy. It begins without work. It continues to connect through the current day-to-day events.

There is no past or future stories that manipulate the union. There is just right now. These relationships have healthy marriages because both sides are ready to create a oneness while still remaining in their own individuality and authenticity.

It is very possible that your soulmate can also be your life partner. And, it is also possible that the relationship with a life partner can become a profound soul connection.

The biggest difference between a life partner and a soulmate is that one is a choice and the other is not. There is no better or worst in these two types of relationships. Your soul and your connections create these special bonds. Each person that enters your life is a teacher and student.

Your soul mate makes you feel entirely intact, like no piece is missing from the puzzle. A life partner, on the other hand, can be a great supporter and long-time companion, but is limited in his or her capacity to enrich your spirit.” ~ Dr. Carmen Harra

5 Morning Habits For The Most Positive Day Ever

Morning habits and rituals are needed to sustain a good mood and positive vibes throughout the day.

These rituals can be done anywhere. Studies published in the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Journal showed that 40% of people’s morning day-to-day activities are beneficial for the rest of their day. Starting your day with a few good habits can make you more productive, less stressed, and happier. The first few hours of waking are sacred to the spirit. These morning habits will give you a healthy and solid foundation for the rest of your day. But why is that so important?

Why It’s Essential to Mental Health and Productivity to Implement Good Morning Habits

A positive morning routine can significantly impact one’s mental health and productivity. Here are five reasons why cultivating a positive morning routine can be so beneficial.

1 – Your Morning Habits Set the Tone for the Rest of the Day

A positive morning routine can help to set the tone for the rest of the day. You can promote a positive mindset and greater well-being by starting the day with healthy habits like exercise, meditation, or journaling. This can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can, in turn, boost productivity.

2 – You Will Rely on the Structure and Routine

A positive morning routine can help to establish a sense of structure and routine in your life. Having a consistent morning routine can provide a sense of stability and help you to feel more in control of your day. This can be particularly helpful for those who struggle with anxiety or depression, as it can help to reduce feelings of overwhelm.

emotionally intelligent


3 – Your Physical Health May Also Benefit From Positive Morning Habits

A positive morning routine can help to improve your physical health. Taking the time to exercise or stretch in the morning can help to boost energy levels and increase focus. This can lead to greater productivity throughout the day and promote a more positive outlook on life.

4 – You Will Sleep Better at Night

A positive morning routine can help to promote good sleep habits. You can promote healthy sleep patterns by establishing a consistent wake-up time and engaging in calming activities, such as meditation or stretching. This can help to reduce feelings of fatigue or lethargy throughout the day, which can improve both mental health and productivity.

5 – Your Morning Habits Can Increase Your Self-Compassion

A positive morning routine can help to foster a greater sense of self-care and self-compassion. By engaging in activities that promote well-being and self-reflection, you can prioritize your needs and promote a more positive relationship with yourself. This can help reduce self-doubt and increase feelings of self-efficacy, which can boost productivity and mental health in the long term.

5 Morning Habits to Have the Best, Most Positive Days of Your Life

Here are five-morning habits that will create the most optimistic day ever:

morning habits

Read tips on how to wake up in a good mood every day.

1 –  Wake up early (morning habits that get you a jump on your day).

In 2010, a biologist from Harvard, Christoph Randler, found that people who woke early were more proactive than others who slept in. After a good night sleep, the brain is charged to make healthier decisions and get things done in a quiet time. When you begin to wake up earlier, your mental health releases the stress of being rushed in the morning. Studies have shown that early risers have a more positive attitude.

2 –  Conscious deep breathing.

breathing for self-care

This may sound simple, but we tend to hold our breaths when awake. A study by Dr. Herbert Benson, who wrote The Relaxation Response, states that there are three parts to our breathing: “(1) inhaling deeply through the nose for a count of five or so, making sure that the abdomen expands, (2) holding the breath for a moment, and (3) exhaling completely through the mouth for a count longer than the inhalation.”

As you wake, make a mental note to take a few deep breaths. Inhaling deeply and exhaling fully. Close your eyes and allow for the quietude to bring you present into this new day.

3 – Meditation, prayer, and contemplation.

morning habits

Regardless of your faith, these small acts of faith and silence will alter your mood for the day. Whenever you pray or meditate, the activity of your brain shifts from the right frontal cortex (where stress is held) to the calmness of the left frontal cortex. The best prayer to enter the day is to be in full gratitude: you have been given another day in this life journey.

Meditation is the art of silencing the mind. Prayer is the art of asking. Contemplation joins both and provides you with the calmness needed to move through the busyness of the day. You do not have to do this for an hour. Sitting for fifteen minutes creates a sense of peace in your mind, body and spirit.

4 – Yoga or gentle exercising.

anxiety symptoms

Stretching first thing in the morning is vital for your mind and body. The benefits of yoga can provide tremendous stimulation, like drinking a cup of espresso. Yoga exercises make your body tighter and lighter. These gentle movements raise the serotonin levels and your endorphins. These are the feel-good chemicals that are produced in your body.

Starting the day with stretches and deep breathing will ensure a calm state of being, thus providing you with an incredible energy boost.

5 – Eat a healthy breakfast.

overnight oats

Overnight oats are an easy way to eat a satisfying, wholesome breakfast on your way out the door.

Food is what fuels you for the entire day. Breakfast is the most critical meal for your body as it helps reduce crankiness, provide stimulation, and energize. A healthy meal can consist of a smoothie or fruit and toast. A lean breakfast prepares you for entering the day with energy. A study in 2010 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated that people who skipped breakfast were more likely to have higher cholesterol, elevated insulin levels, and higher risk factors for heart disease.

Final Thoughts on How Good Morning Habits Set the Tone for the Rest of Your Day

These morning habits will give you a healthy and solid foundation for the rest of your day. Once you begin implementing them, the lighter and happier you will feel.

We become what we repeatedly do.” ~ Sean Convey

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