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10 Foods You Should Never Refrigerate

10 Foods You Should Never Refrigerate

When we bring home big and heavy bags of groceries, our first instinct is to just “put everything away.” Don’t be mistaken, this is a good idea when we bring home a bunch of perishable foods.

Often, we’re programmed to shove things into our refrigerator. This makes sense on some level – the refrigerator is the usually the biggest appliance in the kitchen, and storing things in it is relatively easy. In some ways, this is a good habit. For example, the sooner we refrigerate perishable foods such as milk, eggs, cheese, butter and meat, the better.

However, not all foods are meant to be refrigerated. In fact, refrigerating the foods on this list can result in a bunch of undesired effects: bland taste, alteration of texture, reduced freshness, and even rotting.

Here are 10 foods you should never refrigerate:

foods you should never refrigerate

1. Honey

When you put honey in the fridge, you change its chemical makeup. In turn, you completely alter the texture. After a while, the honey will become crystallized, stiff, and thickened. Anyways, honey will stay good almost indefinitely when outside of the fridge. The best practice is to ensure that the product’s container remains tightly sealed.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes, when stored in the fridge, are exposed to cold air. When the cold air saturates the fruit, it halts the ripening process. Further, refrigeration alters the texture of the product and likely affects the tomato’s flavor. Simply put, store tomatoes outside of the refrigerator in their natural state.

3. Garlic

Garlic is another food that is commonly refrigerated under the false impression that it will enhance the lifespan of the product. Actually, the opposite is true – it shortens lifespan. Refrigeration also stunts the product’s flavor, can cause mold to grow and reduces the usability of the product. Instead, keep garlic stored loosely and make sure to consume any garlic within 10 days after the head is broken off.

4. Coffee

Many people refrigerate or freeze coffee, thinking that it keeps the product fresh. Actually, this does nothing for the preservation. Additionally, refrigeration alters the coffees taste because of condensation. The best way to store coffee is in a tightly sealed container in the pantry or on a shelf.

5. Olive Oil

The only type of oils that need to be refrigerated are nut-based oil products. When olive oil or another other type of oil is refrigerated, the product actually takes on an unnaturally thick texture. The oil also begins to appear murky and loses its consistency. In the future, simply leave olive oil (or any oil) on the shelf or in the pantry.

6. Bread

Bread is yet another product which people love to stick in the fridge. However, this doesn’t do much to extend the products usability. Also, refrigerating bread will quickly dry the product. It’s perfectly fine to refrigerate or freeze bread – it just reduces the quality of the breads flavor.

7. Basil

Basil is a food that is adept at absorbing the smells of its environment. When placed in a refrigerator, that’s exactly what happens. This may be a problem for some people, because most thoroughly enjoy the refreshing aroma of basil. Instead, store basil in a cup of fresh water outside of the fridge. Also, there are plenty of internet tips on how to freeze this product.

8. Avocado

When avocados are purchased ripe, there is no issue with refrigerating the product. However, cold air will stop avocadoes from ripening. Keep in mind that an avocado will last for up to about a week in the fridge after it ripens. Also, ensure that avocados are refrigerated whole, as the exposed interior of an avocado will brown quickly when exposed to cold temperatures.


9. Onion

It is important that onions remain in an area that allows for air to circulate – a refrigerator is not a viable option for this. Refrigeration of onions will make them soft and the cold temperatures can produce mold. The storage of onions is the same as potatoes – keep them in a dark and cool place in the home. Also, nix any idea of storing potatoes and onions together – this can cause each product to deteriorate faster when mixed together.

10. Potatoes

There is a common mistake that people make – storing potatoes in a cold place instead of a cool place…this makes a big difference. The starch of potatoes is more quickly converted to sugar in a colder environment, which reduces the lifecycle of the product. Instead, potatoes should be stored in a paper bag and the bag placed in a dark, cool spot in the home. This method of storage will slow the potatoes rate of deterioration. As mentioned above, do not store potatoes and onions together.

5 Lessons You Can Learn From A Tree

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” We would benefit greatly if we only took the time to pay attention to the simple lessons a single tree has to offer. We can learn so much from the way it reacts, conforms and moves on. Almost every part of it can be related to our own human nature, and we can become greater when we allow the awe-inspiring elements of our world to guide us through this journey of life.

Here are five lessons you can learn from a tree:

1. Change is inevitable.

Each season brings with it mystical components. Spring and summer take us back outdoors, feeling hopeful and recharged. Fall turns us into children again with hot cocoa, marshmallows, and bonfires. Winter forces us to move inward reconnecting with our emotions. Every season has its own enchantment. We resist change. We live through cycles, ups and downs and the endless array of roller coaster rides. Make the most of them. Transformation is part of our existence. Mountains have stood gracefully for millions of years. Rivers flow regardless of rain or sunshine. Trees are resilient. They sway with the wind, bend with storms, and continue to flourish in their environment. This resilience is often supported with the help of ISA-Certified Arborist Tree Services similar to this Certified Arborist in Dallas. These experts ensure trees remain healthy and strong, protecting both the environment and nearby properties.

The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it. Throw yourself.” ~ C. JoyBell C.

2. Even the strongest tree eventually falls.

If a tree of hundreds of years can tumble over, roots and all, what makes you think you are invincible? Curiosity is the one thing impossible and invincible in nature. Our perception of strength and endurance sometimes is overly ridiculous. You are not a cement pole. You are deeply rooted in your beliefs and through the walk of your life. However, you do not have to remain steadfast. You can choose to say “no” when things get hard. Just like a tree might need the expertise of a tree removal company when it’s no longer safe, you can ask for help when you need it. You are not here to prove anything to anyone but your soul. Vulnerability is not a weakness. I was recommended a lafayette tree removal company to trim my old oak tree.

This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well. Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly. Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature. Take the power to control your own life. No one else can do it for you. Take the power to make your life happy.” ~ Susan Polis Schutz

3. Don’t ask permission to break down.

A tree doesn’t ask the other trees for space or time to fall. It just does it. When it’s time to let go just do it. It’s part of life. We have been conditioned to carefully wait for others to give us the okay to cry, get angry, or show any kind of emotional release. You are only responsible for your emotions. You cannot expect anyone else to understand your trials and tribulations. Don’t just breakdown. Have a breakthrough and return to your own happy garden.

Don’t be ashamed to weep; ’tis right to grieve. Tears are only water, and flowers, trees, and fruit cannot grow without water. But there must be sunlight also. A wounded heart will heal in time, and when it does, the memory and love of our lost ones is sealed inside to comfort us.” ~ Brian Jacques

4. Everything is seasonal.

We all move through seasons just like nature but we are hard on ourselves. We don’t cut ourselves any slack. As we shed emotional baggage we do not allow ourselves recharge and renew. Listen to the wind. Close your eyes and allow the sound of nature to dictate your breath.

Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.”~ Henry David Thoreau

5. Everything has its own perfect timing.

Every leaf on a tree knows when to release. Each seed that falls into the ground has a connection with the earth to grow. There are no coincidences in life. You can call it divine intervention, synchronicity, serendipity, or destiny. There is something greater out there that moves us. The universe is always working in our favor. The environment knows the secrets of allowing and accepting. You are the creator of your life.

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.” ~ John Muir

Most of us walk through life watching out for everything that is ahead of us. We don’t take the time to enjoy what is right in front with each passing step. Life is all about the small wonders. Add them to your intentions and you have a recipe for contentment. Be like a tree: constantly swaying and moving with the seasons. Allow nature to provide you with the simple gifts of living.

5 Reasons Introverts Make The Best Relationship Partners

There is a lot of relationship advice regarding the introvert and the extrovert. There is a beauty to being in a relationship with an introvert–the excellent demeanor, loyalty, and calming effects in a relationship.

Here are five reasons introverts are some of the best relationship partners:

1. Introverts are great listeners.

Nothing turns a woman off like going out with someone who only talks about himself. Introverts are empathetic, and this sense of presence is priceless. They will listen to you over and over. They will let you rant and release while remaining quiet. Introverts think before they speak, so they can come across as chill while delicately using a grounding tone. The world needs both the talker and the listener.

2. They love being at home with their loved ones.

In their means to find solitude from the outside world, the introvert enjoys being with their mate. Quiet time, TV watching, reading, or even listening to music is a retreat for them. Their need for solitude gives an introvert a chance to recharge their batteries. They enjoy their privacy with the togetherness of their loved ones. There is no need to entertain them. An afternoon with their loved one while reading a novel is orgasmic.

3. Introverts are faithful.

Because it takes so much energy to enter into a relationship, introverts are conscientious of what they have. They find gratitude in lasting relationships. They will do everything to stay in a safe environment. Loyalty is number one in their books. An introvert prefers profound connection in their personal lives over the social stimulus of the world at any time.

4. Introverts are lovers of mystery.

The introvert lives in his thoughts. When you are in a relationship with this type of mind, the world is an encyclopedia. Their love for reading and knowledge is magical. An introvert can share stories and adventures from history. They love that you are there to listen as well. Introverts are great thinkers and observers of everything around them. They will notice changes and appreciate the smallest of details.

5. They are sensible and realistic.

It helps when one partner is level-headed and down to earth in a relationship. The introvert has a way of seeing all sides and making logical decisions. They think things through. They are analytical and will help their mate see the practicalities of challenges and obstacles.

Loving an introvert is opening up to a genius mind. They bring mysticism and creativity into a relationship. Their presence is in tune with nature and will always get a sense of peace. If you are in love with an introvert, you already know this!

“According to the latest research, one-third to one half of us are introverts – that’s one out of every two or three people you know. But you’d never guess that, right? That’s because introverts learn from an early age to act like pretend-extroverts. The trick for introverts is to honor their styles instead of allowing themselves to be swept up by prevailing norms.” ~ Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking.

6. They Value Separate Time in A Relationship.

Since introverts love spending time alone, they also know the importance of giving their partners space. Even two introverts eventually get tired of one another and need solitude to recharge. Plus, time apart greatly benefits relationships, giving couples a sense of autonomy and individuality.

Often, people refer to themselves as “we” after a while in a relationship. While this is normal and indicative of a strong relationship, you also need to retain your interests and persona.

Spending time with friends, doing hobbies you enjoy, or even lounging around the house alone can build a stronger partnership. Alone time also allows for self-reflection and introspection, two things introverts highly value.

fix a relationship

7. Introverts Don’t Like Drama.

Introverts also make incredible relationship partners because they have easygoing, low-key personalities (mostly, anyway). They steer clear of loud, boisterous people and those who gossip because they’d instead not get involved. Quiet introverts like to mind their own business and avoid getting caught up in others’ drama.

Their relationship probably won’t make a mountain out of a molehill either when it comes to their relationship. Little things like their partner leaving their socks on the floor or forgetting garbage day never ruffles their feathers.

When you’re with an introvert, you can rest assured that discussions will remain calm and civilized. If a disagreement comes up, they won’t yell, become passive-aggressive, or resort to name-calling. This quiet, collected demeanor makes them highly attractive partners for the long haul.

8. They Accept You Without Question.

Another benefit of being with an introvert is that they will love you unconditionally, no questions asked. They have done the hard shadow work on themselves and have learned to accept their flaws. So, they can easily extend this love and compassion to their partner. They know that the perfect relationship or partner doesn’t exist, so they don’t have unrealistic expectations.

As long as you love and respect them, they will hold space for you to be your authentic self. They love people who feel comfortable in their skin, so don’t feel like you have to hold back. Introverts crave authenticity and will adore you even more for showing your true colors.

9. Introverts Pay Attention to the Details.

In relationships, introverts quickly memorize all the important dates such as birthdays, anniversaries, and the day you first met. They pay attention to your favorite foods, colors, songs, and every little thing about you. As you might have noticed, your introvert lover listens intently to everything you say and remembers the minor details.

Introverts are thoughtful, deeply caring people who want to give their all in relationships. They tend to shower their partners with love, affection, and sentimental gifts to show how much they care. If you’re lucky enough to have an introvert partner, you’ve probably noticed how they dote on you.

10. They Know What They Want.

Introverts take their time getting to know someone and don’t just rush into relationships. So, if they’ve chosen you, they feel a deep connection and want something serious. Introverts aren’t known to have many casual relationships because they value intimate bonds with people.

They also are highly analytical and take ample time making decisions, which they don’t take lightly. Their reflective nature means they think long and hard about relationships before pouring their heart and soul into them. They’ve been burned many times, most likely, which helps them discern what they like or dislike in potential partners.

When they finally decide to settle down, they’ve met someone pretty special. So, if you’ve been dating an introvert for a while, know that they have your best interests at heart. They’re loyal to a fault and will always make the relationship a priority.

11. Introverts Are Authentic and Sincere.

Despite being aloof and withdrawn when you first meet them, they quickly open up to those they feel comfortable around. It isn’t that they’re being rude; they want to save their energy for a real, intimate connection. So, if you meet them at a party, they may not talk much at first. They’re trying to decide if they should take things further than small talk or not.

If you have a connection and decide to start dating, expect long nights of deep conversations, though. They crave the type of relationship where they can share their deepest thoughts without being judged or feeling uncomfortable. When you can break their walls down and truly get to know them, they’re some of the most beautiful, sincere people.

12. They’re Easy to Please.

Another bonus to having an introverted relationship partner is that they are easy to love, low-maintenance people. They don’t make a big fuss if something goes wrong and don’t need a lot in a relationship. Love, kindness, friendship, and someone who will have their back matter the most to them. They don’t require fancy dinners, flashy cars, or expensive vacations to feel satisfied.

Quality time at home with their partner gives them more happiness and warmth than any material item. Their perfect day looks like breakfast in bed, a walk in the park, and snuggling up for a movie. A home-cooked meal, relaxing music, and a cup of tea wouldn’t hurt, either. If you’re a homebody by nature, you will have a good relationship with an introvert!

casual relationships

Final Thoughts on A Relationship With An Introvert

Relationships with introverts may take time to form, but they can quickly become some of the most rewarding bonds you’ll have. Introverts crave soul connections and thrive on meaningful conversations with people. They love staying up late talking about everything under the sun in relationships, from aliens to philosophy.

They’re also loyal, honest people who take their relationships seriously and would do anything for their partners. Introverts are thoughtful, observant individuals who notice the little, subtle things most people miss. Their authenticity and easygoing nature make them the best relationship partners and friends!

6 Reasons You Need To Try An Alkaline Diet

Some people say that eating an alkaline diet is beneficial to your health. They base this diet on the theory that certain foods cause your body to make too much acid. If you reduce or eliminate these acidic foods, you’ll improve your health. Here are the health benefits proponents say you’ll get from eating an alkaline diet.

What is the alkaline diet?

The theory behind the alkaline diet is that eating low acidic foods changes your pH levels, which helps you lose weight and feel healthier. pH stands for potential hydrogen. Scientists use a pH scale to rank the acidity levels of substances. The pH scale measures how much acid a substance has on a scale of 0 to 14. pH 7 is considered neutral. Foods and drinks that have a pH 7 aren’t acidic or base. For a substance to be alkaline, it must be greater than 7.

The great debate about the alkaline diet

There is a heated debate about whether an alkaline diet is genuinely beneficial. Here are some things each side uses as their basis for supporting or not supporting this diet.

alkaline dietWhat do those who oppose the alkaline diet idea say?

Those who oppose this diet say it’s another fad diet. Naysayers contend that this diet makes claims about curing cancer that isn’t scientifically based. The alkaline diet recommends that individuals eat lots of fruits and vegetables. But those against the diet say this is a typical healthy eating pattern for cancer prevention that isn’t based on the acidity or alkaline of these foods. Doctors have recommended these foods for decades because vegetables and fruits are high in minerals, vitamins, fiber, and phytonutrients.

What do those who support the alkaline diet say?

Proponents of the alkaline diet say that according to studies, an acidic diet may increase the acidic overload in your body. This imbalance can hinder your kidney function. Another study that adheres to the alkaline diet quotes the acid-ash hypothesis.

The acid-ash hypothesis says when your body has too many blood protons, your bones erode and compensate by making alkaline to balance out the amount of acid in your body. It’s thought that many of the foods Americans eat are acidic and, over time, will cause osteoporosis. Today, most dieticians suggest that although eating a high acid diet can increase your urinary acid and calcium elimination, an alkaline diet isn’t the only thing that affects your risks of calcium loss in your bones. Things like overeating protein, sodium, and phosphorus can also affect your bones.

What do you eat on an alkaline diet?

The Alkaline diet suggests you should eat healthy plant-based meals emphasizing vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. They encourage you to limit eating red meats and processed foods. The goal of this diet is 80% of what you consume should be alkaline, and 20% of what you eat should be acid-forming foods. The list of alkaline foods you can eat is long, but some of the most common include these:

  • Sprouts
  • Almonds
  • Lentils
  • Tofu
  • Soy products
  • Fruits
  • Baked chicken
  • Whole grain cereals
  • Swiss chard, kale
  • Spinach
  • Avocado
  • Cucumber
  • Beets
  • Figs
  • Rice milk
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Leafy greens
  • Gluten-free

Acidic foods that should be avoided include the following:

  • Red meats
  • Processed meats
  • Fried foods
  • Fatty foods
  • Whole dairy
  • Yeast bread
  • Wheat products
  • Sugar

9 Potential Health Benefits of An Alkaline Diet

For the purpose of this article, we will list what proponents of the alkaline diet suggest are the health benefits. Remember, no diet by itself can make you healthy. Regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and eating a well-balanced diet contribute to your good health and reduce your risk of disease.

alkaline1 – Alkaline foods might lower your risk of stroke

Alkaline diets improve your overall cardiovascular health and protect you from high blood pressure, kidney stones, memory loss, and strokes. Here is an alkaline diet: a heart-healthy dinner suggestion you may want to incorporate into your meal plans.

Squash quesadilla


  • 1 cup diced yellow squash
  • ¼ cup chopped onion
  • ⅛ teaspoon of chopped parsley
  • ⅛ teaspoon garlic powder
  • Sprinkle of salt
  • Dash of Tabasco
  • Dash of crushed red peppers
  • 2-Gluten free tortillas
  • ¼ cup of fat-free shredded mozzarella cheese


Steam the yellow squash until just tender. Remove from the steamer and put into a bowl. Add chopped sweet onions, garlic salt, a dash of Tabasco, and red peppers. Stir. Place equal amounts of mixture into the two tortillas. Top with mozzarella cheese. Put under the broiler and until the cheese is melted. Remove and wrap up the tortillas. Enjoy!

2 – An alkaline diet could lessen your risk of pain and inflammation

Consuming alkali rich foods, which appear on the Mayo Clinic Diet list, can decrease your inflammation that causes health problems such as the following conditions:

  • Back pain
  • Headaches
  • Muscle spasms
  • Menstrual symptoms
  • Joint pain
  • inflammation from arthritis

3 – Enjoy potential anti-aging properties

Some say that eating a diet of primarily alkaline foods promotes anti-aging effects because it decreases inflammation and helps your growth hormone production. Seeds and nuts offer many health benefits. Even though they’re high in fat, nuts are an excellent source of healthy fats. They help reduce LDL cholesterol, which is the bad cholesterol for your body. Here’s a list of the nuts you can snack on if you’re eating an alkaline diet.

  • Chestnuts
  • Almonds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sesame seeds
  • Coconuts

4 – Could protect your muscle mass and bones

When you’re on an alkaline diet, you will eat lots of fruits and vegetables, which help strengthen your bones and muscles from deterioration. An alkaline diet supports your bones by balancing the minerals that build bone, such as calcium, phosphate, and magnesium. It may also help with vitamin D absorption and growth hormones which can help fight off chronic diseases. After the age of 50, you begin to lose your muscle mass. Maintaining muscle mass as you get older can help prevent falls and broken bones. Acidic overload because of eating foods high in protein and grains encourages loss of muscle mass. Eating foods high in potassium, studies suggest, preserves muscle mass in older women and men.

5 – Alkaline foods might lower your risk of diabetes

An alkaline diet may help prevent diabetes. Some medications can increase your risk of getting hypoglycemia. Eating alkali-rich foods can guard you against an increased risk of low blood sugar levels. Eating this diet helps you control your weight, which is a considerable risk for Type 2 diabetes. Always check with your doctor before going on a diet to ensure it’s the best choice for you.

6 – May lower your cholesterol

In general, plant-based diets lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which contribute to heart disease. Plants are high in fiber rather than animal proteins, high in fiber, and have less fat. They are also low and have little or no cholesterol.

7 – Possible heart health benefits

Eliminating red meat and processed meat lowers your blood pressure and reduces your inflammation, which protects your heart. Being on an alkaline diet lowers your risk of heart disease because you’re eating less red meat and processed meats. This diet is low in calories and fat, all of which promote a healthy heart.

8 – Potential oral health improvement

Eating a more alkaline diet may protect your teeth. Acidic foods wear down the enamel on your teeth. This increases your chances of having tooth sensitivity, cracks, and even cavities. Switching from a high in sugar and high acid foods diet can make a big difference in your oral health.

9 – Might protect against kidney disease

If your diet is high in acidic foods, it may not be healthy for your kidneys. Adjusting your diet to eat more alkaline foods decreases metabolic acidosis and lowers your risk of kidney disease. Here’s a super simple alkaline smoothie recipe to start your day.

Spinach and Strawberry Smoothie


  • 2 cups of fresh spinach, washed and chopped
  • ½ cup of fresh strawberries washed and cut up
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 1 cup of coconut water or almond milk
  • One tablespoon sesame seeds


Place the ingredients into your blender. Blend and enjoy.

Alkaline diet warnings

Like any diet where you’re excluding foods, you should always check with your doctor before going on the alkaline diet. Overeating alkaline can lead to health problems and potential nutrition deficiency. An alkaline diet is low in protein and overall calorie intake, which could affect your health. Also, individuals who take medications that affect their body’s levels of potassium, calcium, or other minerals should be sure to talk to their doctor before trying out the alkaline diet.

alkalineFinal thoughts on eating an alkaline diet

Eating a healthy diet that’s rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains is always beneficial. The alkaline diet touts many health benefits, such as improved cardiovascular health, kidney health, and a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes. It can also help you lose weight. If you decide to try the alkaline diet, be aware that there is controversy surrounding its effectiveness and medical advantages. As with any diet that eliminates a lot of foods, always talk to your doctor before you go on a diet that could affect your health.

How The ‘Moringa’ Plant Prevents Mood Swings And Balances Hormones

If you want to have a better balance of vitamins and minerals for your brain and body, look no further than this special plant.

If you’ve never heard of it before, moringa contains so many vital nutrients for the body. Healers recommended it to patients for thousands of years because of its healing benefits. Today, millions of people use it in tea, and take moringa supplements or powder to enjoy the incredible benefits of this plant. To give you more of an idea of how powerful this plant truly is, in 2008, the National Institute of Health called moringa (moringa oleifera) theplant of the year,” acknowledging that “perhaps like no other single species, this plant has the potential to help reverse multiple major environmental problems and provide for many unmet human needs.”

How Moringa Plant Can Help

Because moringa contains many antioxidants and nutrients, past research has focused mainly on how it can help to treat disease and malnutrition in many parts of the world. Almost every part of the plant can be used, as moringa is very versatile. Throughout the world, moringa is used for treating severe conditions including the following:

  • inflammation-related diseases
  • cancer
  • diabetes
  • anemia
  • arthritis and other joint pain, such as rheumatism
  • allergies and asthma
  • constipation, stomach pains and diarrhea
  • epilepsy
  • stomach and intestinal ulcers or spasms
  • chronic headaches
  • heart problems, including high blood pressure
  • kidney stones
  • fluid retention
  • thyroid disorders
  • low sex drive
  • bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic infections

Some interesting facts

So, to give you an idea of just how nutrient-packed moringa plant is, here are some interesting facts about the vitamins and minerals in this amazing plant.

  • two times the amount of protein in yogurt
  • four times the amount of vitamin A in carrots
  • three times the amount of potassium in bananas
  • four times the amount of calcium in cows’ milk
  • seven times the amount of vitamin C in oranges

Have you ever tried the moringa plant? Here’s why you should:

Moringa grows in tropical locations around the world, from the Himalayas to parts of India and Africa, and it contains over 90 protective compounds to help combat disease and boost the immune system.  Many people call moringa “the miracle plant” due to its potency as a natural remedy for fighting inflammation and malnutrition.

So, we’ll give you a few important reasons to start adding moringa to your diet.

It contains many antioxidants to help reduce inflammation

Moringa continues to gain traction as a powerful natural remedy and replacement to conventional pharmaceuticals because it contains some of the same compounds as the drugs do, without the nasty side effects. According to a report published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, moringa contains essential amino acids, carotenoid phytonutrients, as found in carrots and tomatoes, and antibacterial compounds that work identically to those found in medicines.

Inflammation can cause many problems within the body. Still, moringa can fight inflammation due to the potent anti-aging compounds present in the plant, including Vitamin C, beta-carotene, quercetin, and polyphenols. These compounds help to reduce risks for certain types of cancers, high blood pressure, and other chronic diseases.

It can balance hormones naturally

In a 2014 study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology, researchers selected ninety postmenopausal women between the ages of 45–60 years to test how different levels of moringa would affect their hormones. Results showed that supplementing with moringa and amaranth caused marked increases in antioxidants in the body along with impressive decreases in oxidative stress.

Also, researchers found better-fasting blood glucose levels and increases in hemoglobin, leading them to conclude that moringa can prevent hormonal changes and age-related diseases.

Moringa plant promotes brain health and prevents mood swings

Moringa contains a significant amount of protein and is packed with tryptophan, which helps the body produce the serotonin relaxation hormone. Besides that, Moringa can also help reduce fatigue, depression, mood swings, and insomnia, according to some studies.


Final Thoughts: How to Use Moringa

If you’d like to start using the moringa plant, here are the most common ways to do so:

  • Dried moringa leaves or powder. The leaves of the moringa plant have the most antioxidants and healing benefits. So you can either take capsules, powders, or teas with mealtimes to utilize the plant in this way.
  • Moringa seeds. Moringa pods and flowers have high phenolic content, essential proteins, and fatty acids. These parts of the plant can help to purify water and add protein to nutrient-poor diets. Creams, capsules and moringa powders will usually be prepared using the seeds.
  • Moringa oil. Also called Ben oil in some parts of the world, you can find moringa oil in creams and lotions. If you choose to get the oil by itself, keep it in a cool, dark place away from high temperatures.

6 Signs You’re Here to Be a Healer

There are many different types of healers among us, and you may be one of those chosen as a healer if you share one or more of these signs.

We believe that you and every other being on this planet are here for a reason. You may not yet know what your reason for being here is, but you absolutely do have a gift to share with the world.

Not recognizing that you are valuable as a person due to your own unique talents and personality is a sign of low self-esteem. A lack of self-love is the root of depression and can also be a source of stress.

It is not egotistical to appreciate your uniqueness and skills. There are numerous ways to use the power of healing to influence the health and well-being of those around you. Healers know and they use that gift by sharing it to improve the lives of others. By the very definition of their gift, healers are generous.

Hats off to healers

Healers come in many different forms. Think beyond traditional medicine when you think about healers. Here are a few possible paths for healers:

  • Midwife/Doula
  • Massage therapist
  • Yoga teacher
  • Herbalist
  • Beautician
  • Mental health professional
  • Shaman
  • Lightworker
  • Chiropractor
  • Botanist
  • Nutritionist
  • Reiki therapist
  • Physical therapists
  • Fitness trainers
  • Veterinarian
  • Organic farmer
  • Environmentalist
  • Animal rights supporter

It is believed that the placebo effect, where patients respond by being healed from a pill with no active ingredients, is simply the effect of spending time with someone who listens and represents themselves as a healer.

Healers are typically available, approachable, have integrity, listen, empathize, ask questions, give time, demonstrate caring, and seek to understand the people that they work with.

If healing is your gift, you have a tremendous talent that will bring well-being to many whose lives you touch. Reading this article could be your first step to learning that healing is your calling.

6 Signs You’re Here to Be a Healer


1. Helping people comes naturally to you

When others are suffering, you recognize it and seek ways to help, without being asked. You might be the only one who notices that facial expression of pain in your friend. Maybe your intuition prompted you to ask your friend what was wrong and they opened up to you about something that was causing them emotional pain.

2. You love connecting to others in meaningful ways

If talking with, touching, teaching, or learning from people makes you happier than anything else, you are meant to be a healer. The joy of connection is one that all healers have in common.

Healers recognize the value of all life. Healers also have tremendous respect for the diversity of opinions, thoughts, and gifts that others have and they love the give and take of meaningful connections.

3. You feel a pull toward something greater than yourself

Your destiny is out there, waiting for you, and you feel a tug directing you. Our article 5 Things That Happen when You’re a Lightworker described some other experiences that healers have had. Some of these experiences reveal that there is more beyond this life here on Earth.

4. You have heightened senses if you are a healer

The sense of intuition, as well as your senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell, are all more developed in yourself compared to others. You are the first one to notice the smell of something burning, the cry of a child, or the slight downturn of your friend’s smile when she says she’s doing fine.

Picking up on the small cues helps a healer to use their gift to identify problems or threats. Sensing these things helps a healer to take action quickly to prevent further harm. Read our article 6 Things Sensitive People Do Differently to learn more about how your sensitivity can help others.

5. The universe is sending you repeated signs that you need to move in the direction of healing

Signs often come when we aren’t seeking them. If you are here to be a healer, you can be sure that the universe has been trying to tell you to get busy and develop your gift.

A dream or a vision may have been sent to you to guide you toward the path of being a healer. You may have had a wonderful experience with a healer yourself and yearned to know what they knew so you could teach others.

Signs can be sounds, sights, experiences, memories, or words on a page that bring up positive emotions in you, like the ones that you are reading now. Listening to the world around you as you sit quietly is the best way to receive the message that the universe is sending you about your calling.

6. You feel like you don’t fit in your current role

People are either givers or takers and if you are in a role where there is a lot of talking, but not much giving, you will feel conflicted. As a healer, your sense of injustice goes off when you feel the balance is too heavily weighted with one side than the other.

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