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10 Signs You Have a Thyroid Disorder

The thyroid gland is one that not many people pay particular attention to. The brain, lungs, heart, liver, and other vital organs generally demand more concern. However, this gland is enormously important to our health, until we develop a thyroid disorder

The gland is no longer than 2 inches and is located in the front of the throat, slightly below Adam’s apple. It consists of two sides (lobes) that lie on both sides of the windpipe, connected by a strip of tissue called the isthmus. The thyroid produces two primary hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). When either hormone levels are too high or too low, adverse health conditions can surface.

So, what does the thyroid do exactly? Well, many different things. The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland plays essential roles in breathing, body weight, muscle strength, central and peripheral nervous systems, body temperature, cholesterol levels, heart rate, menstrual cycles, etc.

Since the symptoms of a thyroid disorder can be inconspicuous, it is sometimes necessary to check its hormonal levels through tests available at most health clinics. That said, there are sure signs that can indicate a thyroid disorder.

Ten Signs You Might Have a Thyroid Disorder

thyroid disorder

1. Fatigue

Fatigue is a symptom that generally encompasses feelings of tiredness and exhaustion. Hypothyroidism – low levels of hormones in the blood – may be a potential cause of fatigue. Consistent feelings of tiredness are often diagnosed as symptoms of chronic fatigue, which may also be a symptom of a thyroid disorder. In other cases, fatigue as a symptom may be quite subtle in nature.

2. Weight gain

A sudden, unexplainable gain in weight can be a telltale sign of a thyroid condition. Generally, weight gain is the byproduct of low levels of hormones (hypothyroidism). Conversely, elevated levels of thyroid hormone, called hyperthyroidism, may cause unanticipated periods of weight loss. Of the two disorders, hypothyroidism is far more common.

3. Irregular heart rate

As mentioned, thyroid hormones affect several vital organs. When thyroid hormone levels are too low, this may cause the heart to beat too slow. When hormonal levels are elevated, the heart rate may become uncharacteristically fast. As a result, one’s blood pressure levels often become erratic. Sometimes, alterations in heart rate create noticeable sensations, such as a pounding heart or heart palpitations.

4. Swelling of the neck

Contrary to most signs of a thyroid disorder, neck swelling is often a very noticeable symptom. This is one particular sign that demands immediate attention, as it may be the result of cancer or nodules, small lumps that grow within the thyroid. Of course, other conditions exist that may be responsible for swelling of the neck.

5. Depression

Surprisingly, depression may be one sign of a disorder. The reason is that hypothyroidism can impact levels of the brain’s “feel-good” chemical, serotonin. Also, low levels of thyroid hormone can trigger other areas of the body to decrease activity, which may indirectly impact overall mood.

6. Anxiety or jitteriness

This is one sign that may be due to hyperthyroidism – when this gland produces an excessive hormone level. When this occurs, our metabolism and other parts of the body may become hyperactive, creating feelings of anxiety or general “jitteriness.”

7. Brain fog may reveal thyroid disorder

When functionality diminishes, a cognitive ability often does as well. Hyperthyroidism often makes it difficult to concentrate, while hypothyroidism may create memory lapses and decreased awareness. Notably, some women had attributed such signs to menopause when the root cause was a thyroid condition.

8. Decreased sex drive

This sign can be a standalone or a cumulative symptom. Low libido can directly result from hypothyroidism. But other signs – low energy, body aches, weight gain – caused by hypothyroidism may also be to blame.

9. Dry skin

In addition to neck swelling, dry skin may be another noticeable sign of a disorder. Hypothyroidism often slows metabolism, which can initiate skin texture and appearance changes. Further, an inactive metabolism often reduces sweating, limiting the amount of skin moisture, causing flakiness or dryness. Also, nails may become brittle as well.

10. Irregular digestion

Those with hypothyroidism often complain of constipation, a likely result of decreased digestive activity from lowered hormonal production. On the flip side, hyperthyroidism or an overactive thyroid may result in bouts of diarrhea or more frequent bowel movements.

thyroid disorder

How Can You Prevent Thyroid Disorder?

Approximately 1 out of every 20 Americans twelve years of age and older has an underactive thyroid. A smaller number have an overactive thyroid. About 1 in every 100 people have a thyroid condition called hyperthyroid. Women are at a greater risk of this disease. If you have any family history of similar disorders, it also increases your risk.

1. Stop smoking

Smoking puts you at a greater risk for many diseases. So it’s no surprise that nicotine can decrease your iodine levels which affect your thyroid function correctly. Smoking also causes your thyroid hormones to become inactive.

2. Avoid too much alcohol

Heavy alcohol use reduces your hormones T3 and T4. Drinking too much alcohol is associated with risk and is the world’s 3rd most significant risk factor for disease, causing 60 diseases and contributing to at least 200 others.

3. Get screened regularly

Getting regular checks up is vital to prevent glandular disorders. If you have a family history of this disease, be sure to mention this to your doctor. They can do regular blood tests to monitor your hormonal function.

4. Eat fewer soy products

Another preventative measure you can take to avoid thyroid disorders is to eat less soy. Soy contains isoflavone links to disorders such as hypothyroidism and goiter.

5. Protect your thyroid gland during x-rays

When you get an x-ray, ask for a thyroid collar to safeguard your thyroid gland from radiation. This collar fits around your neck to keep exposure to a minimum.

6. Increase your selenium

Selenium plays a vital role in sustaining the health of your organs. It helps your thyroid produce enough hormones. Selenium deficiency affects your thyroid, causing

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Grave’s disease
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Goiter
  • Hashimoto’s disease

You need selenium in your body to synthesize iodine properly into thyroid hormones. Add these selenium-rich foods to your diet to help prevent a thyroid disorder

  • Brazil nuts
  • Fish
  • Ham
  • Oatmeal
  • Leafy greens
  • Milk and yogurt
  • Lentils
  • Cashews
  • Brown rice
  • Bananas

7. Avoid extreme diets to avoid thyroid disorder

Extreme diets may help you drop a few pounds, but they’re hard on your overall wellness. Extreme diets that restrict calories also reduce your T3 levels. T3  is the active thyroid hormone that speeds up your metabolism. Starvation diets cause your body to convert as much as 50% of your hormones into metabolic waste. These diets also cause a spike in cortisol. Diets that have you eating from one food group stress your thyroid. For instance, a ketogenic diet reduces the number of carbohydrates you eat, lowering your thyroid hormone levels.

8. Use iodized salt

The trend to use special salts from the Himalayan mountains seems attractive and healthy, but good old table salt is best for a healthy thyroid. This is because regular table salt contains iodine. Iodine is an essential mineral. Your thyroid gland uses it to produce hormones to help control your growth, support your metabolism, and repair your damaged cells. You can also get iodine from eating fish and dairy products.

9. Reduce your stress

Stress can trigger thyroid disease. If you’re under a lot of pressure, your body releases extra cortisol into your body. Too much cortisol harms it. It overworks your thyroid gland to produce hormones and leads to an imbalance in your thyroid.

10. Avoid processed food

Processed foods contain many bad fats, sugar, and chemicals. These affect your health and can lead to a thyroid disorder over time. These foods also contain a lot of sodium, which isn’t good for your glandular health.

thyroid disorder

What Foods Can Help Avoid Thyroid Disorder?

Certain foods improve this gland’s function and protect it from disease. The foods you should add to your diet include the following:

  • Seaweed-Kelp contains natural iodine. This is beneficial to your thyroid function. You can eat seaweed in sushi or packaged seaweed snacks.
  • Nuts-Eating salted nuts such as hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, or macadamia nuts are all excellent sources of selenium that support your thyroid.
  • Fish-Fish is high in Omega-3 fatty acids and selenium, both of which help your thyroid function well.
  • Dairy-Your body needs iodine to work properly. Dairy foods like yogurt, milk, and ice cream contain iodine.
  • Eggs-Eggs are rich in selenium and iodine, which help your thyroid gland work properly.

5 Words To Avoid Saying In Your Relationship

When you meet the one you want to be with forever, you’ll want to make sure you say and do the things that will make your relationship last. And on the same token, you want to make sure you don’t say and do the things that might make your relationship end.

With an average of 40-50% of relationships ending in divorce, you owe it to your partner to avoid the pitfalls of settling in for the rest of your life.

Excellent relationships take work by both partners to establish trust and cooperation. Communication is often the most likely place for relationship failure. A lack of intimacy is another relationship killer, as you read in 5 Things That Kill the Passion in a Relationship.

Fortunately, healthy communication is also the easiest place to make relationship improvements that affect intimacy as well. Let’s look at 5 words that you should avoid saying in your relationship.

5 Words To Avoid Saying In Your Relationship

In a study of hurtful words and relationships, researchers found that ‘people who judged something an individual said to them as intentionally hurtful felt the comment had more of a distancing effect on their relationship with the individual than did those who perceived the message as unintentionally hurtful. Furthermore, those who viewed the comment as intentionally hurtful tended to be less satisfied with the relationship they had with the person who hurt them and felt less close to the person than did those who saw it as unintentional.’

Hurtful words cause distance between ourselves and those we love. They also cause unhappiness in our relationships. You might have noticed that t+9-he research mentions the difference between the groups was ‘those who perceived the message as unintentionally hurtful’ and those who did not.

Avoiding hurtful words is best, but when your partner says things that hurt, you have another choice as well. Changing your perception of hurtful words could help take the sting out of them. You could just as easily say to yourself ‘My partner is just having a bad day. They didn’t really mean to hurt me.’ Let’s look at five of the most hurtful words that you should avoid saying in your relationship.

1. Busy

The person you are in a relationship with should be your number one priority. As difficult as that may be to accept, you can’t prioritize your job and still have a partner who is happy that you put them second. Similarly, you can’t put your children first, because they need a supportive, healthy adult relationship to be healthy and happy themselves.

You and your partner should never say that you’re too busy to do anything for each other. You can, however, question the importance of what your partner needs from you and negotiate for what you also need. There’s almost always a solution that will prevent hurt feelings.

For example, if your partner asks you to stop at the dry cleaner to pick up their suit, you could respond by saying you’re too busy or, you could find a way to make it a win-win. You could say ‘I’m scheduled with work up until 5:00 today so I can make it there by 6. Will that work?’ or ‘Since you’ll be closer to the dry cleaner, why don’t you get the suit and I’ll pick up dinner on my way home.’

2. Can’t

Again, declining to help your partner is hurtful. If you or your partner responded by saying ‘I can’t,’ it shows an unwillingness to help. The reason that ‘can’t’ hurts so much is that it is usually a lie. The truth is that you are unwilling, not unable, to help.

A study of hurtful words used in a humorous context compared to non-humorous communication found that the use of humor made people feel less hurt. If you can find a humorous way to communicate your message, the effect is more likely to be joyful.

3. Blame

Even if the word ‘blame’ is avoided, you should never blame your partner. Even if they made a mistake in the past, you are choosing to be with them now, so you can’t hold previous wrongs against them.

Sometimes people say ‘You always/never do ___’ which is also a generalization about your partner’s behavior that is untrue and also implies blame. Blame can get very tricky in a relationship because it tends to demonstrate that one partner does not trust the other.

4. Hate

The word ‘hate’ should never be used in a loving relationship unless you’re saying ‘I hate anchovies on my pizza, but you can have them on your half.’ You might dislike your partner’s behavior, but the word ‘hate’ should stay out of your vocabulary if you want to keep a healthy relationship.

5. Divorce/Breakup

A close, loving relationship should be focused on what each person needs to do to be sure that the two partners stay together. Mentioning, without even threatening to, break up with your partner is like holding a threat over their head.

There may be times when your partner’s behavior is unacceptable. If that’s the case, say those words without threats of a breakup. ‘Your behavior is unacceptable. I need you to ___’ is better than ‘If you don’t ___, I’m going to break up with you.’

10 Things Women Wish They Didn’t Have To Worry About

Even though women have come far in gaining equality, they still have a lot to worry about. Stress, finances, and an endless array of lists take a hold of them on a regular basis.

Here are 10 things women wish they didn’t have to worry about:

1. Showing too much cleavage.

Women strap their boobs tightly into a constricted garment as not to insult anyone. Even though our society has advanced in not judging a book by its cover, we still worry about a simple thing as putting on a shirt on a daily basis.

2. Others misinterpreting them as rude.

The assertive woman gets the bitchy title. If a man is assertive, we accept it as being a man who knows what he wants. When a woman is forefront in what she wants and how she wants it, she’s considered rude and impossible. Women worry about this at work, on dates, even with their families.

3. Running late to appointments.

Women invented the word “multitasking.” The list of things to do everyday is outrageous. Running errands seems to be something that never ends. Women are constantly looking at their clocks to make sure they have ample amount of time to get from here to there. On some days 24 hours is not enough!

4. “Bleeding through”

Women worry about the bed getting full of blood several times a month. We worry about how to dress for those “special days.” We worry about pads, tampons, and panty liners showing. God forbid a man knows we are on our time of the month. For five days every month, dressing accordingly dictates our lives.

5. What to eat…or not.

Women worry about weight gain day by day. We are constantly comparing ourselves to the magazine model, the woman next door, and anything that will make us feel like we are not competent enough to be the best just as we are. We worry about food, sugar intake, calories, and every single thing that is put into our bodies. The more we worry, the more we overeat.

6. Making sure to have a hairless body.

While this is only true for social environments, many women will shave their arms, pits, and every other surface that may insult another. Come spring time, the razors and waxes come out to control every wardrobe we wear. Every eyebrow and chin hair is being monitored. Hair controls a lot of a woman’s image in this world that we live in.

7. The future.

Women worry about getting married or staying in an unhealthy marriage; having kids or if they are good enough to become mothers; bills getting paid and stories to tell the creditors; promotions or demotions; and every single thing that cannot be controlled at 2AM every morning. The future is a constant source of stress full of uncertainties and unknowns.

8. Being flirtatious.

Women worry that if they are being too nice, they are viewed as flirtatious when they are just being kind. There is a thin line that gets used as a jump rope when men are concerned. We worry that giving a compliment may be taken as sexual innuendo. Women will hold out in giving a kind word to a stranger just in case it gets misunderstood.

9. Saying no (even when they want to).

Women worry that they hurt others by not giving in to their demands. Women spend their lives doing for others while worrying that if they stop their peers, friends, and family members will dislike or fail to accept them. But, we have no problem saying “no” to our needs, dreams, and ourselves.

10. Holding on to the past and regrets.

Women worry about things they can no longer change. We agonize, with full blown anxiety, of not making the same mistakes while second-guessing ourselves on a daily basis. Women let go of the past with one hand, and before the matter is out of sight, they grab on to it again with the other.

Even though these things are ever-present in a woman’s life, she continues to move with tenacity into the world and all that is asked from her. These are just a few of the many things that twirl and twist in her mind.

And above all else, she must never forget the fact that she is truly a Divine Goddess.

Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”~ Corrie ten Boom

5 Ways To Prevent Allergies

As allergy season approaches quickly, you’ll need to start preparing by having the necessary things on hand to prevent them before they start. Many people wait until they actually have an allergy before they seek out treatments and remedies, often going for prescription drugs to offer a quick fix. However, keeping your system healthy and filled with important nutrients can go a long way in helping keep allergies at bay.

According to WebMD, 55% of Americans test positive to one or more allergens, meaning that the majority of us reach for tissues, allergy meds, and a whole lot of orange juice at some point during the year. To keep your immune system healthy enough to literally block allergens from affecting your body, we’ve gathered this list of important things to do to prevent allergies before they start. Let’s look at some of these ideas below.

Here are 5 ways to prevent allergies before they start:

1. Make sure you take enough Vitamin D

Many studies to date, with the inclusion of this one from the Indian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (IJAAI), have found that Vitamin D can help prevent allergies, and Dr. James Sublett, president of the American College of Asthma Allergy and Immunology, agrees. He recommends adding Vitamin D to your diet every day.

“There’s some evidence that vitamin D may play a role in some allergic disorders,” Sublett said. “Other than that, there’s not much evidence that vitamins make a difference [in allergy prevention and treatment].”

The study in the IJAAI discovered that Vitamin D supplements “emerged as a ray of hope” in allergic rhinitis.

2. Make regular exercise a part of your routine

This study out of Thailand found that people who ran for 30 minutes with an elevated heart rate had a 70 percent decrease in allergy symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and throat, and congestion.

Allergy experts suspect that this correlation exists because doing cardio can relax the inflammatory proteins inside nasal passages. If you don’t want to exercise outdoors due to the airborne allergens, you can always do workout videos at home or join a local gym.

3. Clean your space often

Nothing attracts allergens like a dirty household, so make sure to wipe down surfaces often with a natural cleaner, and if you have pets, make sure to clean the furniture as well. Try to clean up as you go rather than allot one day per week or month to cleaning  – this way, the allergens won’t have as much of a chance to build up over time, and your space will be superbly clean each day!

4. Vacuum carpets regularly

This might seem obvious, but allergens love to hide in carpets, so vacuuming regularly can ensure that none of those pesky dust mites or other allergens will make a home in YOUR home. Having wood floors or another hard surface is ideal for keeping allergens away, but if you have carpet, just make sure to vaccuum at least once a week. Clean the baseboard area with an attachment also, as allergens can hide in those hard to reach places.

5. Wash sheets in hot water and use mattress covers

Dust mites love to make a home in your sheets, pillows, and mattresses, so make sure to clean these regularly. Many allergies begin right where you sleep, so wash your sheets and pillows in hot water at least once per week, especially during allergy season. Also, use a mattress cover to avoid direct contact with your mattress in case of dust mites. Even if you have sheets covering your mattress (most of us do, I assume), the dust mites can still find their way through the sheets and onto you. By having an extra layer between you and your mattress, you’ll further prevent contact with the dust mites.

In addition to those tips, also remember to stay hydrated, eat plenty of whole, fresh foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, and keep stress levels low. Inflammation causes most any disease or ailment, including allergies, so by keeping inflammation out of your body, you can ensure that allergies stay away, as well.

11 Things You Need To Know About Loving A Highly Sensitive Person

We have discussed the highly sensitive person many times before, but if this is your first time hearing the term, here is a quick summary for you.

Before the 1990s, heightened sensitivity in humans was not widely talked about, but in 1991, a psychologist named Dr. Elaine Aron began to study this trait more closely. Surprisingly, she discovered that 15-20% of the population carries the trait that classifies them as highly sensitive, which means they respond to external stimuli more noticeably than non-HSP’s. They simply have a different way of processing sensory information due to parts of their brain that regulate emotions being more responsive than the brains of their less sensitive counterparts.

Are you starting a relationship with a highly sensitive person? Is your parent, child, or sibling a highly senstive person? Then, here are some pointers to keep in mind about how to love and care for the empath in your life.


quotes of acceptance for highly sensitive person

1. A highly sensitive person feels everything more deeply.

Highly sensitive people don’t know how to feel in any other way than right down to their soul – they get hurt easily, and wear their hearts on their sleeves. Everything seems intense for the highly sensitive souls among us, so if you get in a relationship with an empath, remember to pay attention to and honor their feelings. If you disregard them, you can be sure that this will make your sweetheart run in the opposite direction of your love.

2. A highly sensitive person needs lots of time to recharge in solitude.

Highly sensitive people are usually introverts, so that means they derive their energy from within themselves, not from external sources. They tend to avoid big crowds of people because it seems overwhelming and nerve-racking to them. HSP’s enjoy doing quiet activities, such as hiking in nature, drawing, writing, painting, or anything that allows them to express their creativity.

They easily pick up on other’s emotions and auras, meaning that their own energy can become drained or frazzled when bombarded with stimuli coming in from all directions. Solitude gives them a chance to align themselves once again and clear their energy of any negativity they may have picked up from others.

3. A highly sensitive person is highly intuitive to your emotions.

A sensitive person can automatically sense how you feel without you having to say a word. Loving a highly sensitive person means that your feelings will always be on display, because they can pick up on energy very easily. You can’t hide anything from an empath, so if you get in a relationship with one, make sure you feel comfortable with keeping your emotions in the spotlight at all times. This is a person with innate kindness, and they don’t take your feelings lightly.

4. A highly sensitive person doesn’t treat sex as just a game.

In order for an HSP to become interested in intimacy with a partner, he or she must feel completely comfortable with the person on a deep spiritual level. They might identify with the term sapiosexual, which means they find human intelligence to be the most attractive feature about a person.

They won’t consent to sex unless they feel a soul connection to another person. Sex is not taken lightly or seen as a game by highly sensitive people.

5. A highly sensitive person’s brain runs on overdrive, making them more prone to insomnia.

Their minds work on overdrive most of the day, so turning the lights out and laying their head down doesn’t do much good for a brain that doesn’t want to sleep. They might lie awake some nights just tossing and turning, contemplating life and all its mysteries.

Highly sensitive people often suffer from insomnia due to their overactive minds, and might sleep at odd hours of the day to make up for it. Most people know them as a night owl, because they seem to come alive at night.

6. A highly sensitive person can easily get overwhelmed in loud, crowded environments.

You will likely meet them in a quiet coffee shop or book store rather than at a bar or mall. They like places where they can hear their own thoughts and process stimuli slowly, which makes busy, loud establishments an infrequent stop for highly sensitive people.

If you date an empath, you’ll have to understand their desire to spend ample time in nature or at least in a quieter setting than most places today provide.

7. A highly sensitive person can’t change their disposition.

Oftentimes, people misunderstand the HSP because others think they just want attention, but high sensitivity is actually an inborn trait. They can’t help the fact that their brains are wired differently than others, but this makes them feel like an outcast much of the time, unfortunately.

If you date a highly sensitive person, don’t try to change them. Just love them for what they are, and try to understand and support them as best you can. They can seem more difficult to be in a relationship with, but their ability to love so deeply makes it totally worth it.

8. A highly sensitive person doesn’t like to get in fights.

Because they feel emotions so deeply, they don’t like to get into heated debates or arguments with people. They’d rather walk away from a confrontation, or at least talk things out rationally. Be patient if you need to talk things out with an empath. That’s because they must first collect their thoughts before they debate with you.

9. A highly sensitive person often feels misunderstood.

These types of people have been mislabeled and judged their whole lives for “being too sensitive.”

So if you do get into a relationship with one, don’t ever make them feel bad for their innate characteristics. Love them as they are, because they bring important gifts to the world, and they really are beautiful souls that should be cherished.

10. Highly sensitive people make the most loyal partners.

A highly sensitive person will never hurt you intentionally; they will give you their all in a relationship, and make you feel more adored and loved than you’ve ever felt before.

quotes of acceptance highly sensitive person

11. A highly sensitive person can offer great conversation.

They might seem quiet at first, but they have so much to say after they feel comfortable with you. They enjoy deep, meaningful conversations, so a relationship with them will never get boring because they always have a unique perspective to offer about the world around them, and the worlds within them, too.

12 Touching Stories That Show the True Soul of Animals

Humans feel a special bond with our pets, and these touching stories prove that animals have souls, just like we do. The only proof you need that animals have souls might be in their soulful eyes as they stare at you for that doggie treat.

12 Touching Stories That Show the True Soul of Animals

Believe it or not, scientists think that animals have souls too. A study by researchers on fruit flies proves that they are able to make decisions that go beyond random movements or patterns of movement. Fruit flies were tethered to a string that was attached to a device measuring their pull effort and direction. The flies were kept in a round room with no visible light source or anything that indicated direction.

Researchers thought that the flies would either show a pattern of movement or would be totally random with their movements, but the flies didn’t do either. Their movements showed that they were choosing to test their environment in specific, measurable, and thoughtful ways.

The glib response to this research is that if flies have consciousness and free will, why are they such jerks? Of course, flies don’t know that humans don’t like being landed on. But this science brings up ethical questions of all sorts, which most vegetarians already have come to terms with. If animals have souls, how can we hurt any of them?

Other researchers list the mounting evidence of animal consciousness as follows; “Scrub jays exhibit all the objective attributes of episodic memory, evidence that monkeys sometimes know what they know, creative tool-making by crows, and recent interpretation of goal-directed behavior of rats as requiring simple non-reflexive consciousness.”

The researchers also cite these examples of other research on animal consciousness; “Apes have demonstrated increased ability to use gestures or keyboard symbols to make requests and answer questions; and parrots have refined their ability to use the imitation of human words to ask for things they want and answer moderately complex questions.”

There is no consciousness structural organ in our human bodies or brains, so humans aren’t necessarily the only free thinkers with a conscience, consciousness and soul. Beyond science, let’s look at 12 touching and inspiring stories that prove animals have souls.

bull terrier1. Koko the Gorilla

Koko is a female gorilla who has been taught American Sign Language and who can use hand gestures to talk with her trainers. Koko loves the movie Tea With Mussolini but when the boy in the movie has to say farewell to his relatives, Koko turns away from the screen.

Koko makes the hand gestures for the words “frown, sad, cry, bad, trouble, mother” and “Koko love.” Does Koko have a soul? We certainly believe that she does.

2. Two guide dogs who helped their humans on 9/11

The PDSA (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals) in Britain awarded a Dickin Medal to guide dogs Salty and Roselle who successfully helped their humans to reach safety down 70 floors of stairs during the September 11th, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center in New York City.

3. Christian the lion who remembered his human friends

Christian was a lion who was raised from a cub until he was a year old by an Australian family living in London with two brothers who were close in age. When the cub was too big for them to keep, he was turned over to an animal sanctuary in Africa.

The brothers returned to visit Christian a year later. The full grown lion, now the sole survivor of his pack, recognized the boys and greeted them with an outpouring of affection that has been viewed over 18 million times on YouTube.

4. Alex the African Grey parrot

Parrots speak, but few could know to have the perfect parting words before they die. Alex, the African Grey told his owner, Irene, “You be good. I love you” before he passed away.

5. Mila the Beluga whale

Yang Yun was diving without an oxygen tank in Mila the Beluga whale’s pool when her legs cramped and she was unable to surface. Yan Yun said “I began to choke and sank even lower and I thought that was it for me – I was dead. Until I felt this incredible force under me driving me to the surface.” Mila must have sensed what was happening and she helped the diver to reach the surface.

6. Oscar, the deathwatch cat

Over 100 deaths were attended by the adopted cat, Oscar, who roams the dementia care wing at a nursing home in Rhode Island. Oscar is able to sense that people are nearing the end of their lives and he goes to their room.

One patient’s family member remarked “Oscar brought a special serenity to the room. What’s more peaceful than a purring cat? What sound more beautiful to fill one’s ears when leaving this life?”

7. Kwibi the gorilla

Damian Aspinall raised the gorilla named Kwibi to the age of five years. At that time, he returned him to West Africa to be free. When Damian returned to Africa to find Kwibi, he was warned that the gorilla was hostile to people.

Damian called to Kwibi and not long after, Kwibi came to him, held him and gazed into his eyes with intensity. Damian says that Kwibi wouldn’t let him go and that “It was one of the greatest experiences of my life.”

8. Grieving chimpanzees

When Dorothy, the chimpanzee died due to heart failure, her companion chimpanzees gathered on the other side of the fence to hold each other. They watched as Dorothy was buried by her caregivers and appeared to give each other comfort through touch.

9. Leo, the seeing-eye dog who helps a blind dog friend

Leo, the aging German shepherd, acts as a protective guide dog for the blind Spaniel, Ellie that her owner adopted. The dogs’ owner and shelter manager Jean Spencer says “I take them for walks in the park and Leo guides Ellie around. He is so protective and herds the more boisterous dogs away from her.”

10. Oi the Staffordshire bull terrier who saved her owner

Oi lept to protect her owner Patricia Adshead when men with machetes broke into her home and attacked her. Oi bit the attacker’s hand as he raised the knife over Patricia’s head to kill her.

11. Jenny and Shirley, reunited Asian elephants

After 25 years of separation after they were rescued from abuse at a circus, Jenny and Shirley the Asian elephants were brought back together. They were so overjoyed at seeing each other that Jenny bent the bars of her stall trying to get to Shirley. When the animals were able to touch each other in an open area they stayed together roaring and leaning on each other.

dwarf bunny12. Killian the dog who helped stop child abuse

Killian the dog was usually friendly, but when she started becoming hostile toward the family’s female babysitter, they secretly recorded her abusing their 7-month old child. Thanks to Killian, the woman was arrested for child abuse.

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