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5 Habits of Deeply Connected Couples

Now that you’ve found your one true love, you want to ensure that you stay deeply connected and in love with your partner for as long as possible.

The Gottman Relationships Research Institute says that deep, intimate connections between couples are created ‘through hundreds of very ordinary, mundane moments in which they attempt to make emotional connections.’

These mundane moments are usually conversational in which one partner attempts to gain the attention of the other.

This research reinforces other studies by the Gottman Relationships Research Institute. Turning toward your partner when they ask for your attention is one of the fundamental keys to relationship success.

It makes a difference between demonstrating care for your spouse by giving them your attention versus disregarding them. Your partner’s internal emotional state is at stake when it’s your turn to listen.

Seven ThingsThat Deeply Connected Couples Do to Build Love and Trust in Their Relationships:


Building a strong relationship requires effort from both partners in a deeply connected and committed partnership. Here are some ways couples can build love, trust, and commitment in their relationship:

  1. Communication: Good communication is vital to any relationship. It is crucial for couples to openly and honestly communicate their feelings, thoughts, and needs.
  2. Quality time: Spending quality time together, whether it be going on a date, doing a hobby together, or simply just talking, can help strengthen the bond between partners.
  3. Acts of kindness: Small acts of kindness and thoughtfulness can go a long way in making your partner feel loved and appreciated.
  4. Trust-building activities: Engaging in activities that build trust, such as couples therapy, can help both partners feel more secure and connected.
  5. Honesty and transparency: Honesty and transparency are essential building blocks of trust in any relationship. Being truthful and open with your partner can help them trust you more.
  6. Shared goals and values: Having shared goals and values can bring a couple closer together and give them a sense of direction and purpose as a couple.
  7. Emotional support: Offering emotional support and being there for each other in good times and bad is crucial for building a solid and committed relationship.

Couples can create a solid and fulfilling relationship that lasts by putting in the effort to build love, trust, and commitment.

5 Habits of Deeply Connected Couples

Now let’s examine five habits of couples who share a deep connection.

1. Continuously learning about the other person

No matter how long you’ve been together, you can never really know another person. There will always be memories that your partner has that you cannot know. But you can get to know your partner more by asking deep questions.

Here are a few questions to ask your partner to get to know them more deeply:

  • What was your first experience with the death of a pet or loved one?
  • What was the happiest/saddest/most frightening moment of your childhood?
  • Where would you be, and what would you do if you never met me?
  • Why do you believe what you believe?
  • Who has been the most important influence on your life?
  • What are your goals for this year, and how can I help you achieve them?
  • How can I be a better partner to you?

how to make relationship last

2. Sharing intimate knowledge of yourself

Invite your partner to learn about your personal and private aspects of yourself. Intimate knowledge shared with a partner can include ‘shared secrets, interpersonal rituals, bodily information, awareness of personal vulnerability and shared memory of embarrassing situations.’

Deeply connected partners have a shared language of endearment for each other or unique ways of touching each other that convey meaning or give pleasure to the other. Inside jokes, pet names, and playful teasing are ways that couples connect on an intimate level.

3. Positive interactions

Communication is a very important two-way street. In our article 5 Little Things That Will Improve Your Relationship, we mentioned two important parts of daily couple interaction – listening and play. Listening is a gift you give your partner when you are fully available to hear their words and the emotion behind it. Play is a choice that you make to have fun with your partner.

Both listening and play contribute to deeply connected couplehood. Imagine yourself not only being heard and understood on a meaningful level, but also having fun while interacting with your partner. You would feel happy, loved, and supported.

Active listening is a lost art. Rather than giving your partner half of your attention, face them and listen intently to what they are saying.

This is your beloved speaking to you. Please treat them with the compassion that you also deserve.

Deeply connected couples spread joy as often as possible to their partner. In a study of relationship health and longevity by the Gottman Relationships Research Institute, researchers found that using humor or affection during conflict was essential to the relationship’s health.

4. Shared philosophy

In our article 5 Signs You’re in a Spiritually Intimate Relationship, we discussed sharing the same outlook on life. You and your partner share a story about what is important to you.

When you tell others about your relationship, you talk about ideas, values, goals, and how you knew you were right for each other rather than your personality traits.

Deeply connected couples know that each person can change over their lifetimes. What rarely changes about a person are their deeply-held core beliefs.

Deeply connected couples share these beliefs, morals, and values, which enhances the depth of their relationship because they connect on a meaningful level.

difference between passion and purpose

5. Reinforced commitment

Trust is one of the most critical factors for deeply connected couples. Connected partners take every opportunity to demonstrate to their spouses that they will protect their feelings. This demonstration of trust deepens their commitment to each other.

Betrayal is not in the language of committed couples. Each partner protects the boundaries of the other person. By keeping their partner’s intimate details secret, they demonstrate trust in their partner.

Deeply connected couples see every interaction with another person as an opportunity to betray or protect their partner and always choose to protect their other half.

Trust is not always about monogamy. Deeply connected couples care for their partner’s heart by refraining from paying extra attention to someone their partner might see as a romantic rival.

12 of the Best Plants for Cleaner Indoor Air

Before we lived in modern houses, we built shelters much more in sync with nature and reaped the benefits of breathing in fresh air each day. In modern times, the pollution in our air, along with the fact that we live away from nature for the most part, severely affects the quality of the air we breathe. Enter the benefits of keeping plants and investing in a whole home humidifier installation rochester ny. These solutions can significantly improve indoor air quality, bringing a touch of nature back into our homes.

Plants absorb air-polluting organic and inorganic chemicals and break them down into compounds that the plant can use for energy. In turn, we get to breathe in the clean air that the plants provide for us – all we have to do is make sure the plants receive enough water and sunlight for survival.

To prove to you the benefits of having indoor plants, a study as far back as 1772 showed that their green leaves can purify stagnant air that had low oxygen counts as a result of burning candles and owning pets. Additionally, plants have been studied for their ability to purify air for use by astronauts in space stations and future moon bases.

In a six month study comparing a room filled with plants and a room devoid of plants, the room without plants had a 50% higher level of airborne microbes and bacteria. Another benefit to having indoor plants is that they naturally provide humidity, which can help with sinus problems, asthma, and even anxiety.

Below, we’ll list some of the best plants you can have in your home to help purify the air.

12 of the Best Plants for Cleaner Indoor Air


Aloe Vera

In addition to its remarkable ability to relieve sunburn pain, aloe vera also purifies the air by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide at night. It can also remove benzene from your home, which is found in paint and chemical cleaners.

Aloe vera doesn’t take much maintenance, needing very little water and sunlight to survive.

Peace Lily

peace lily

This lily’s beautiful tall; white blooms will make you forget that it’s working in your house to improve your health. According to NASA, the plant is excellent for removing three of most common volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. Peace lilies can also help reduce toluene and xylene in the air.

These are relatively easy house plants to care for. They don’t need much sun just the artificial light in your home and indirect sunlight from windows should be plenty.

They also will let you know when to water them by drooping their leaves slightly. These are poisonous, so avoid areas where pets or children can access them.

Bamboo Palm

bamboo palm

The surface area of the leaves of palms extracts more carbon dioxide from the air as you breathe at night and returns oxygen to the room that they are in.

These plants also prefer moist soil with low light, away from a sunny window. The humidity given off by the moist soil of these and other houseplants can reduce mold and bacteria in the air, helping you to breathe easier and sleep better.



While lavender is most widely known for its use as an essential oil, it can also be used for cleaning your air indoors. The aroma naturally calms the nerves and relaxes your brain, helping you to breathe more slowly and easily.

Spider Plant


Pollutants such as formaldehyde are found in homes from the resins and solvents in building materials. Prolonged exposure to formaldehyde can cause irritation of eyes, throat and lungs as well as respiratory disorders and allergies. One study found that spider plants are excellent for reducing the amount of formaldehyde in a living space.

Spider plants usually have variegated light green and white striped long leaves that fall in a fountain shape.

Hang these plants for the best display as they will also develop small baby growths that hang down from the parent plant. These babies can be sprouted in a jar of water and then planted.

Reducing an environmental pollutant that is out-gassed from foam insulation, particleboard, fabrics and various other man-made materials will improve the air quality in your home and your health.

Gerbera Daisy

gerbera daisy

Keeping gerbera daisies will also help clean VOCs from your indoor air. These daisies can remove benzene which can be out-gassed from your natural gas stove. It requires plenty of sunlight so find a south-facing window in your home.


indoor plants

Chrysanthemums, also called mums, are effective at removing benzene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde and ammonia from the air in your home.

These plants also like a good amount of sun and water. That health improvement alone is a great reason to keep them as a house plant. Mums come in a variety of colors and should be readily available at your local garden center.

Mums are annuals, meaning they usually bloom only once per year. Although the plant may continue to live longer than a year, it will not flower again.

Warneckei (Draceana Plant)


This plant doesn’t need much sunlight, making it the perfect indoor plant to have. It can remove harmful toxins in the environment while also providing oxygen to purify stagnant air.

Golden Pothos

golden pothos

Another wonderful plant for removing formaldehyde is a beautiful addition to any indoor setting with the beautifully cascading leaves from the vine. You might want to keep it in your garage, as car exhaust contains a lot of formaldehyde. (Bonus: Golden pothos, also known as devil’s ivy, does not need much sunlight and can do just fine even when kept in the dark.)

English Ivy

english ivy

Pet owners will love this plant, as it efficiently filters formaldehyde aerosols and fecal particles from the indoor air. You can find many varieties of this plant, but beware, it is poisonous.

Plant care: Partial shade to bright light, but no direct sunlight. Robust plant which grows so well and easily that is considered a weed in some countries.

Chinese Evergreen

indoor plants

While this plant doesn’t need much sunlight, it does need regular doses of H2O, as it’s a tropical plant. Make sure to at least mist the ends with water if you notice them turning brown.

Just like the other plants on our list, Chinese Evergreen can remove a variety of toxins from the environment, so adding one or two around the house will help you breathe better in no time.

Elephant Ear

indoor plants

This plant works wonders at removing formaldehyde, especially at higher concentrations. Just keep them out of reach of young children as they are poisonous.


Final Thoughts on Indoor Plants

Each of these options make a great choice for your home. If you’re not so sure about the quality of natural light in a particular room then take note of the following:

South-facing rooms always have high light coming from its windows. The rooms facing north, east or west, on the other hand, offer low light. Place each plant in a room where there’s plenty of natural light and water it frequently so that its leaves will grow abundantly. Also, keep in mind that some also grow better in rooms with higher temperatures and humidity level.

So do you have any of these plants in your home already? Which ones will you consider adding? Share your thoughts and photos, if you have them, with us in the comments.

5 Signs Your Body Needs A Spinal Adjustment

Your spine is critical to your overall health. So a spinal adjustment might be just what you need if you’ve been feeling aches and pains lately. People who take responsibility for their own health and well-being know that spinal care is another important part of their overall health.

When you have a well-adjusted spine and you also are active, your strong muscles help to keep your spine positioned in alignment. But if your spine is already out of alignment, and you are still active with your fitness, you may be doing more damage to your spine, and that can cause you more pain.

The mind-body connection is important for balance, coordination, spatial awareness, and athletic performance. The spine is home to all of your major nerve branches off of the spinal cord. Therefore, it acts as the internet of your body, sending and receiving messages from the body to the brain.

You may have already read our article, Top 10 Acupressure Points for Pain Relief, so you know how to take care of your own pain with subtle pressure. A chiropractor is going to do the same thing for you by helping to relieve pain with subtle movements of your body to produce a state of balance for the spine.

Your body will let you know when something is wrong, diseased, or in pain. With the feedback from your body, you can make better choices for your health. Having a spine that is unadjusted is like having a kink in a garden hose; the water just isn’t getting through.

In a study of chiropractic spinal adjustment and the effects that it has on the body’s functioning, researchers found that an adjustment that stimulated the sympathetic nervous system will ’cause a reduction in the skin blood flow which can be detected by measuring the skin surface temperature.’

This shows that a chiropractic adjustment is able to affect the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. ‘These results illustrate that the blood flow through the fingertips can be affected by specific adjustments to the spine, and, further, that the response varies, depending on the location of the adjustment.’

Dr. J. Anya Harris, founder of Crystalign Chiropractic in Asheville, NC, addresses spinal subluxation correction in a unique and profound way: “It’s important for Doctors to compassionately address body, mind and spirit for healing to occur on all levels and in all ways.”

Here are 5 Signs Your Body Needs a Spinal Adjustment:

1. Your body needs a spinal adjustment if you have chronic aches and pains

You can see a primary care physician, an orthopedic specialist or a chiropractor for your back pain, but one study found that patients who saw chiropractors were more satisfied by the cost and quality of care that they had received than those patients who saw other doctors.

You may have read about natural painkillers in our article 15 Natural Remedies That Can Replace Painkillers. And if you are a frequent user of painkillers, it is definitely time to see a chiropractor for a spinal adjustment.

Check the soles of your shoes to see if you are wearing down the rubber unevenly. You may have one leg that is shorter than the other or you may be walking differently to compensate for a pain or injury to your leg, foot, ankle, hip or spine.

Continuing to move your body when it is out of alignment will only make the problem worse.

2. Your body needs a spinal adjustment if you have a sudden sharp pain

An acute pain can stop you in your tracks during a workout. A shin splint or a sharp pain in your side indicates that something is not right with your body. A spinal adjustment can help balance your body so that tendons, ligaments, and muscles are able to move in their correct positioning.

3. Your body needs a spinal adjustment if you have an active lifestyle

Physically fit people will benefit tremendously from a spinal adjustment. As we have already mentioned, when you have a spine that is correctly aligned and you then work to strengthen the muscles of your back, your spine stays properly where it should.

4. Your body needs a spinal adjustment if you do repetitive motions through the day

Hobbies, work and household chores can all require you to move in the same way, over and over again for long periods of time. The same motions repeated without changing position can have negative affects on your joints and posture.

Sitting all day without multiple stretch breaks is not only uncomfortable, it is bad for your spine. Long periods of sitting can cause muscles in the spine and abdomen to weaken, which makes injuries more likely.

5. Your body needs a spinal adjustment if you have frequent headaches

Headaches can be caused by many problems, including diet, medications and vascular difficulties but having a spine out of adjustment is another possible cause of your headaches. When the muscles of the neck, shoulders and upper back need an adjustment, it can cause tension and migraine headaches.

Dr. Harris commented that the most common physical symptoms from patients include: radiating pain, a need to always “pop” your neck and back, stiff range of motion, muscular weakness or spasms, pinpointed pain in the spine upon movement, loss of grip strength, sluggish digestion, brain fog, leg pain, intense menstrual cramps, numbness and tingling in hands or feet,  pregnancy related pain, sinus trouble, and headaches can all be traced back to a spinal subluxation.

Why Random Thoughts are Actually Important, Backed By Science

According to scientists, some people call them earworms, and some call them mind-pops, but random thoughts that enter your brain for no apparent reason are important. Our brains can surprise us with sudden random memories. It could be a line from a play you were in from sixth grade or a song from a commercial you saw last week.

The complete unpredictability of these thoughts is a fun part of being human; we get to be ever-amazed by our brains. Even when science has explored almost all of our grey matter, they can still learn new things that we are capable of.

Stray or random thoughts are what scientists call involuntary semantic memories. These thoughts are involuntary, meaning they were not something you were trying to think of. Semantic refers to facts or events, but the word itself means meaning. These random thoughts are memories that come back to you when you aren’t expecting them and have no apparent meaning.

The most interesting part of these random thoughts is that they might not be random. Scientists think that these memories are trying to help you solve a problem.

This Is Why Random Thoughts Are Actually Important, Backed By Science

random thoughts

A song can get stuck in your head or randomly pop into your mind. Often, it’s just a portion of a song that we repeatedly hear in our minds, like the chorus. The distinguishing feature of mind-pops is that we have no conscious control over them.

Music that pops into your head at random is called involuntary musical imagery. The more scientific definition of this musical phenomenon is ‘introspective persistence of a musical experience in the absence of direct sensory instigation of that experience.’ In other words, you are hearing things that aren’t there but that you have heard before.

A musical earworm is usually a song with lyrics that you enjoy or a melody that brings up a particular emotion for you. These persistent songs that get stuck in your mind can be annoying. But what if they tried to solve a problem for you rather than annoy you?

Here’s an example:

  • You are postponing doing your taxes because you have an unusual situation and might need help. Time goes by while you worry about this problem.
  • Days later, the name song pops in your head, and you start singing ‘Banana fana fo fana, Hannah.’
  • This makes you think of your friend Hannah whom you knew in college, who is now an accountant and can probably help you with your taxes.

The random earworm song that popped into your mind helped you to remember that you have a friend who can help you solve your problem. Problem solving is one way scientists believe our random mind pops benefit us.

A seemingly random thought can usually be traced back to a trigger. In this example, the trigger was the problem of needing help with filing taxes.

Why do we have random thoughts?

Scientists believe that random thoughts are likely the result of memory processing and also creative thinking. You may start to notice that you have mind-pops more often when you have a problem to solve.

It’s as if you have told your brain to search for things to help you solve the problem. As a result, your brain responds with random things that are connected.

‘Researchers speculate that mind pops are the result of long-term semantic priming, with an initial exposure to a source of information ‘activating a web of representations in the mind that stay activated until a relevant stimulus in our environment’ triggers the semantic memory. The tenuous relationship between some of these initial activation experiences and the semantic memories that result from them minutes, hours, and even days later hints at a correlation between mind-popping and creative thinking,’ an ability to perceive connections between seemingly unrelated concepts.

People who experience frequent random thoughts tend to rate higher on tests of creative thinking. In a study of the brains of research subjects and their random thoughts, ‘High-frequency mind pops were significantly associated with “larger grey and white matter volume in the prefrontal cortex. This increase in mind pops is also linked to higher creativity and the personality trait of ‘openness.”

random thoughts

How you can maximize random thoughts for your benefit

Being mindful is the best way to use random thoughts to enhance creativity. Here are a few ideas to help you allow your random thoughts solve problems for you:

  • Dwell on the random thought for 90 seconds. Sing along with the song or immerse yourself in the memory that was brought up.
  • Read 7 Things That Keep You From Living in the Now – Our guide to avoiding things that keep you from being mindful will help you make use of random thoughts when they happen.
  • Think briefly about your current problem. What problems do you currently struggle with?
  • Think about how the random thought and the problem connects. Does any connection exist at all?

11 Things You Need To Know About Loving An Aries

Loving an Aries is full of spontaneity and great fun. They are the lovers of right-here-right-now. They are the passionate sign of the Zodiac. If you can stick around long enough to hold their interest, they will love you fiercely.

Here are 11 things you need to know about loving an Aries:

1. An Aries requires trust, respect, loyalty and openness.

To love an Aries is to have your own personal therapist. But, don’t dwell too much on the past. They remain friends with their exes. Be sure to have enough trust and loyalty to understand this. Aries are nurturing and loving to a fault but do not tolerate insecurities and jealousies. An Aries closes chapters quickly.

2. Aries do not quit.

They crave success in life and in love. The Aries subject is a courageous and powerful leader. On the same token they do not make good followers. Aries can be aggressive in reaching their goals. They will support you on yours and will help you overcome anything as long as you allow them to lead. They get focused on a subject and it becomes an obsession. Be sure to let them do their thing without interrupting them or they will resent you.

3. Aries feel they rule all the planets.

They are tenacious and stubborn in finding ways to get what they desire. Often, quick-tempered, they will follow through their endeavors if it kills them. But, they also know when to throw in the towel. Aries have a tendency of giving up when they don’t acquire what they need when they need it. They move on to the next big thing. They are amazing at manifesting their dreams. To love an Aries is to constantly see changes.

4. Aries are confident and enthusiastic.

They are the cheerleaders of the Zodiac. Aries love sports and also love to participate in competitions. They are not good losers. This is a negative aspect of the Aries. They can truly become belligerent when they don’t get what they want. However, they will help you attain your goals through persistence and courage. They also don’t stay angry for very long. They forgive and forget easily. The best way to deal with their anger is to provide a new project or idea.

5. Aries are not patient people.

Do not make an Aries wait. Do not play games with their emotions. They want what they want right now. Patient is a trait that is foreign and the harder they try to acquire it, the less they have. It’s not in their nature. They have an all-or-nothing mentality. Patience serves nothing in their world so don’t tell them to have it. You will get a quick rise!

6. They love the social life.

Aries enjoy a great party and they are usually the life of that party. The Aries loves visit ingwith friends. They need people around them. Aries have amazing abilities to bring people together. They love attention and enjoy entertaining. You will never be bored with an Aries.

7. Aries do not like hanging out with negative people.

They cannot handle complaining or victimization personalities. They flee quickly from these types of environments. If you begin to feel sorry for yourself, an Aries expects you to lick your wounds and keep going. They have little tolerance for the blame game. They believe you hold the power to create and change.

8. The Aries woman is a female predator.

Sex is a weapon of choice. If you give her a reason to be jealous she will leave you hanging. Aries men are passionate and will pursue relentlessly until they get what they want. Both men and women need a great amount of foreplay and require sex to be spontaneous. They are truly a fiery sign. Aries is the great passionate sign of the Zodiac.

9. Aries easily move on after ending relationships.

Most Aries will brush off the experience as lack of excitement. They need to be the center of attention in the relationship. If they feel ignored they will call you up on it. Expect confrontations in this regard. If passion and charisma are gone they will also be gone. They had little understanding for lies and dishonest shenanigans.

10. Aries are comedians.

Prepare to laugh at the jokes, sarcasm, and silly behaviors. Aries are quick-witted and dynamic. They are truly clowns and love laughter just as much as sex. If you can’t stand practical jokes, the Aries mate is definitely not for you. They will go out of their way to get a laugh at your expense.

11. Aries are adventurers and explorers.

They need a partner who is willing to get up and go at any time. They won’t tolerate being indoors for too long. Aries need nature to recharge. They love travel and meeting new people. Aries have a tremendous amount of energy. They need constant change and stimulation in order to release some of that incredible endurance. It’s never a dull moment with Aries. You will see new things and experience life through the eyes of a child. They are curious and need a mate and love who will challenge them to explore.

5 Gemstones That Clear Negative Energy

Ancient cultures used crystals and stones for healing a variety of physical and mental ailments. And many cultures today still rely on them in today’s hectic modern world. Even if you’re skeptic about crystal healing, giving it a try will never hurt. Indeed, it’s perfectly safe and incredibly therapeutic. There are a variety of stones and crystals to choose from, but we’ve gathered a small list of those that can clear negative energy from your aura, providing clarity and vitality. Negative energy can easily cling to our auras if we don’t take the proper care to dispel this heavy energy frequently. So crystal and stone healing can help greatly in this process.

Here are 5 gemstones that clear negative energy:


Amethyst is most widely known for helping people fall and stay asleep, But many people use it to clear negative energy. It carries with it a strong ability to purify and protect the wearer, and cleanse any heavy energy in one’s aura. Just looking at this beautiful stone can promote feelings of calm and positivity. So keep one under your pillow at night to ward off negative spirits and help you fall asleep as well. In addition to clearing outer negative influences, amethyst will help to keep negative thoughts at bay. This stone is perfect for the highly sensitive person, or anyone who needs guidance and stability in their life.

Black Tourmaline

Ancient magicians used Black Tourmaline, known as Schorl, to protect them from evil spirits on Earth as they cast spells. Today, people still hold this stone in high regard for its ability to protect the wearer and deflect negative energies and harmful forces. It also helps to ward off radiation and pollution, and can even rectify negative thinking and moods, turning them into positive, helpful energy.

Black Tourmaline can even ground one to the Earth, due to its powerful healing properties. It helps the wearer to break through harmful thinking patterns, adjust to stressful working environments, and even improve self-confidence. This is best used when in a difficult situation or when facing heavy internal conflicts. Purchase your first loose raw tourmaline stones here.

Fire Agate

Just as the name suggests, this fiery stone can make you feel more alive and give you a sense of purpose, which will help to dispel negative energies. It helps ground you to the Earth while also forming a protective shield around your body, keeping harmful energies and spirits at bay. Fire agate will stabilize your energies and align your chakras, Being that fire agate is part of the quartz family, it’s one of the best stones to promote healing and positivity, and infuse your life with purpose, vitality, and direction once again.

Jet Stone

Jet stones have a black color and are very smooth and polished. To the naked eye, you probably couldn’t tell that the jet stone is derived from fossilized wood. But under a microscope, you will spot it quickly.

Jet stone has been used since ancient times to relieve anxiety and depression. That’s because it carries an energy of great strength and protection to those who wear it. It can also prevent psychic attacks and remove negative energies from your aura that have been embedded from exposure to others’ energies. The jet stone can additionally be used to help the wearer deal with grief, which can also cause anxiety.

clear negative energyObsidian

Obsidian is more than just a strikingly beautiful stone. In fact, it’s one of the most powerful stones to protect against psychic attacks and negative entities. The wearer will instantly feel shielded from strong negative forces, and his or her aura will quickly become purified. This is a highly spiritual stone, carrying with it great metaphysical powers. Many people use it for protection from evil, as well as to connect to their higher self.

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