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This 5 Minute Hand Exercise You Can Do With Just Your Hands Relieves Health and Emotional Issues

This 5 Minute Hand Exercise You Can Do With Just Your Hands Relieves Health and Emotional Issues

We’ve shared many self-healing techniques. But this ancient Japanese therapy is so easy that you could do it while speaking to a group of people, and no one would know you were trying to relieve anxiety.

Many healing systems have shared beliefs about the body’s energy being important for curing illness. Hindu, Asian, Greek, Native American, Tibetan and Mediterranean healing wisdom all believe in a life energy force that we must balance and harmonize for well-being.

This ancient Japanese technique employs a similar technique we have written about previously; acupressure. This method that we will describe today is easier and shorter. Still, it can be just as effective in only two to five minutes at a time.

An earlier feature article on tapping that shares the self-healing technique of tapping to activate energy points on the body. You may have also read Here’s What Happens When You Touch These Points on Your Hands, which told you about another self-acupressure technique.

This Ancient Japanese Technique Relieves Anxiety and Depression

overcome anger

This ancient Japanese healing technique is helping nurses

Nursing is a high-stress job due to the demands of their employers, doctors that they work with, patients, and demanding family members of patients. Researchers taught this acupressure technique to nurses and measured their stress levels before and after one month of daily practice.

They found that the nurses in the study had ‘significant increases in positive outlook, gratitude, motivation, calmness, and communication effectiveness and significant decreases in anger, resentfulness, depression, stress symptoms, time pressure, and morale issues. Nurses reported less muscle aches, sleeplessness, and headaches.’

The treatment not only helped the nurses’ feelings of stress but helped their ability to care for patients. Researchers found ‘significant increases in nurses’ caring efficacy in areas of serenity in giving care, tuning in to patients, relating to patients, providing culturally congruent care, individualization of patient care, ability to decrease stressful situations, planning for multiple needs, and creativity in care.’

How to perform this ancient Japanese healing technique on yourself

Children often self-soothe by sucking their thumbs or fingers. People sometimes rub or clasp their hands when they are nervous. Both of these self-healing actions use hand and finger pressure, which stimulates the energy meridians that are important in acupressure therapy.

The video link will explain the technique that you will be using. You will be grasping a different finger of either hand depending on what emotions that you are working on improving.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Japanese energy healing technique that you can use anytime you have both hands free. You can also teach this to children to manage their own emotional states.

Guess which finger is associated with anger? That’s right the middle finger. Starting with the thumb, the fingers of each hand represent the following emotions in order:

  • Worry
  • Fear
  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Self-Esteem

Grasp the finger of either hand with firm pressure, using all of the fingers and thumb of your other hand. Wait until you feel a pulse. You will know it is working when you feel the pulse. Most of our fingers do not have a pulse that is strong enough for us to feel, except for the thumb.

The technique should take only 2-5 minutes of firm pressure on the finger before you feel a pulse. If you feel a pulse immediately, hold the finger until the pulse slows down. This ancient technique is a great tool to use the next time you are feeling anxiety or depression.

How this ancient Japanese technique is even helping people with cancer

No matter what stress you are going through in your life now, you can imagine that a cancer diagnosis must be one of the most anxious moments for a person to encounter. Cancer patients have uncertainty, fear, and sadness over being unable to do things they would be doing if they were not going through cancer treatment.

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, tried this ancient Japanese technique as a way of healing the stress, anxiety, and depression of women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer. After ten sessions of acupressure given by a trained practitioner, the women in the study could feel better physically, and emotionally, reported living fuller lives, and were seeking balance in daily living.

Patients were also taught how to do the technique during the treatment sessions. It is important to note that these women were told to practice daily. That’s because the effects of this ancient technique are believed to be cumulative. In other words, the more you use it, the better it works.

One woman said that this Ancient Japanese healing technique ‘helped me heal from surgery and then with the side effects of chemotherapy: fatigue, nausea and sleep disruption. I would go in feeling very low and come out rejuvenated and able to cope with whatever the next week of the illness had to throw at me. At a time when my resources were dwindling, you can’t imagine what a gift this was to have 10 free sessions.’

Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Eat One Avocado A Day

“Avocado offers nearly 20 vitamins and minerals in every serving, including potassium, lutein and folate.” – WebMD

Few foods pack a heavier nutritional punch than avocado. Consider that an average avocado contains nearly 1000 mg of potassium (twice as much as a banana), almost 20 essential vitamins and minerals, and 18 amino acids. That’s quite incredible for food just slightly larger than a pear.

What happens to our body when we eat avocado makes it truly unique. The fruit (yes, it is a fruit) helps control blood pressure, maintain eye health and repair cells. As a dense source of B vitamins, they also strengthen the immune system and fight off disease and infection. Plentiful C and E vitamins give avocado their cancer-fighting properties.

Some people will stay away from avocado due to its high-fat content, but this position isn’t logically sound. Avocado does contain significant amounts of fat, but it’s of the healthy fat variety. Monounsaturated fat is beneficial in helping to reduce bad cholesterol levels, which is important in maintaining heart health. Trans and saturated fats are the types that should be strictly limited.

Here’s what happens to your body when you eat one avocado a day:

Avocado also has satiety-producing effects, meaning that we feel fuller more quickly. Any food that is delicious, healthy, and curbs our hunger (as opposed to reaching for more) is rare, and that’s exactly what avocado does. This effect is attributed to the fruit’s healthy fat content, stabilizing insulin and glucose levels while stimulating our metabolism. The cumulative effect is that avocado can aid in weight loss.

Eye health benefits of avocados are achieved through the minerals lutein and zeaxanthin. These nutrients help to improve vision and protect against eye disease macular degeneration.  All told, avocados are a terrific food for preventing eye disorders.

Avocado is a rare fruit with a good amount of protein. An average-sized avocado contains approximately four grams of protein, among the highest amount of any food in its class. The protein in an avocado is also high-quality and immediately available, which is not the case for many meat-based protein sources. The protein derived from avocado helps us to: maintain and build muscle, keep our skin healthy, and keep our bones, blood and cartilage healthy.

At 10 grams a serving, avocados are very high in fiber, particularly of the dietary, insoluble type. This type of fiber aids digestive health and bowel regularity. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve water (hence “insoluble”), which means it’s more efficient in moving material through the digestive tract than soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber, such as that found in avocados, can help protect colon health and reduce inflammation. Further, avocado fiber helps regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

The benefits mentioned above only begin to scratch the surface of avocado’s benefits to our health. Almost important as what avocado contains is what it does not. The fruit is low in refined carbohydrates (the fat-producing variety), sugar and sodium.

Here are some additional, less-known health benefits of avocados:

–  Helps nutrient absorption.

Due to its rich fat content, avocado helps absorb soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. When eating with other foods, avocado’s absorption properties ensure that our bodies get the maximum amounts of vitamins and minerals and nutrients derived from those foods.

Benefits of avocado

– Helps ease arthritis symptoms

Avocados contain omega 3 fatty acids, carotenoid antioxidants and phytosterols, all of which help reduce inflammation. These properties are particularly helpful to individuals suffering from arthritis and osteoarthritis pain.

– Reduces the risk of certain cancers

Because of its potent mix of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents, avocados can effectively decrease the risk of certain cancer types. The journal Seminars in Cancer Biology published a study in 2007 which discovered that phytochemicals in avocados can inhibit the growth and proliferation of precancerous and cancerous cellular bodies.

– Promotes heart health

The combination of mono- and polyunsaturated fats in avocados helps to reduce the body’s level of cholesterol. In addition, high levels of the B6 vitamin and folic acid regulates homocysteine, which creates a cumulative and interactive effect with an avocado’s healthy fat content. The result is the reduced risk of metabolic syndrome – symptoms that increase the risk of diabetes, stroke and coronary artery disease.

7 Ways To Be Selfless In A Selfish World

Today’s world seems to function with a mixture of self-absorption, self-promotion, and downright selfishness, with a sprinkling of compassion and generosity. Unfortunately, it should be the other way around, but we can all do our part to make important changes. Read on to find out how you can increase your love and kindness for others on this planet while you still can.

Here are 7 ways to be selfless in a selfish world:

1. Practice loving-kindness meditation

To become more selfless, psychologists have discovered through many studies that loving-kindness meditation can increase altruism in people. Yep, that’s right; you can train your brain to become more compassionate through a simple meditation sequence. You can develop the skill relatively easily if you have never felt very compassionate.

In the study conducted by Psychological Science, the researchers gave half of the participants a 30-minute audio recording that they listened to once a day for two weeks. The recording adapted the Buddhist practice of loving-kindness meditation, and scientists called it compassion meditation. In the recording, participants were guided to extend compassion to themselves, friends, acquaintances, and anyone they had encountered troubles with.

After the two-week period, the participants played an online game intended to calculate their selflessness. The game consisted of three players, one (the participant) who had $5, another who had $10, and a third who had no money. The computer-generated player with $10 was asked to share some of his money. But he only gave $1 to the impoverished player. Then, the participant could choose any amount of his $5 to give to the poorest player, and whatever amount he chose would be doubled by the richest player. For example, if the participant decided to part with $2, the wealthiest player would have to give up $4.

The results from the game revealed that people who had received the compassion meditation training spent nearly twice as much as others who received a different type of training designed to get participants to think about a stressful situation in a less distressing way.

Also, the participant’s brain activity reflected the increase in altruism. Brain scans revealed that people who underwent the compassion meditation training had heightened activity in neural networks responsible for understanding the suffering of others and regulating emotions.

So, by practicing loving-kindness meditation for thirty minutes a day, you can become more selfless while making your brain healthier. Sounds like a win-win situation!

2. Perform random acts of kindness

Put what you’ve learned in your meditation practice to good use and fill other people’s lives with more compassion. Not only will it make you feel great to extend kindness to other people, but it will also improve their lives. Think about it – what if you smiled at a stranger every day? This would encourage them to smile and might even change their outlook on the world as well. Ripples create waves, so remember when you go out in public and notice other people who look worried or stressed.

All of us can offer some sort of help to other people, whether through our words, actions, or smiles. After doing a nice deed for someone consistently, it will start to become second nature.

3. Listen more

Do you spend time relating to other people and putting yourself in their shoes?

If not, try to really understand your family member or friend who has been going through a rough time, or just needs advice about something. You can relearn compassion by taking the focus off your own struggles for a while, and instead giving your attention to someone else in need. Everyone goes through some sort of trouble in life, but you could be the one to relieve some of the stress by simply opening your ears and heart.

4. Give some of your paychecks to a charity

One of the best ways to become more selfless is to give away some of your hard-earned money to those less fortunate. Sure, it feels great temporarily to buy a new pair of shoes or new clothes when you get paid, but you’ll feel more long-lasting happiness from giving to others who have less than you do. Homeless shelters or other non-profit businesses wouldn’t be able to survive without your contribution, so let that sink in for a minute.

5. Volunteer at a homeless shelter/with children/etc

Don’t have money to give to a charity? Why not just volunteer your time instead? Many places, such as foster homes, homeless, and dog shelters, desperately need volunteers. Although giving money to a charity also helps tremendously, being there in person will allow you to see your contribution put into motion. C

6. Practice patience

If you haven’t noticed, we live in a very impatient world; we can get anything we want with the click of a button or the swipe of our finger. We live in an instant gratification age, furthering the selfishness we see today. We have an entitled mindset, generally believing we should always come first. Next time you have to wait in line somewhere or can’t get what you want/need immediately, remember to practice patience. In some other parts of the world, they might be waiting on food or water they haven’t had in days. Put things into perspective when you have to wait – it will help you become more selfless.

7. Treat others how you’d want to be treated

This variation of the Golden Rule still applies today. One of the best ways to increase selflessness in today’s world is to simply treat others with kindness, just like we would want from others. If we could just do that one thing, we would see a huge transformation in our world.

Here’s Why Women Should Stop Wearing High Heels

High heels have been making quite a fashion statement for many decades now, but at what cost? Millions of women put them on each day for work or to go out without even giving it a second thought, because let’s face it, high heels make us feel sexy, attractive, and desirable. They can also add a nice touch to an outfit, accentuate long legs, and even give us added confidence. However, high heels have a dark side to them as well, unfortunately. I mean, who can really say that they have ever owned a comfortable pair of heels? They add a lot of added strain to your feet and legs, put pressure on your joints, and cause blisters. People go to great lengths to get noticed, but here’s why women should stop wearing high heels in their pursuit….

You may not feel like cutting them out of your life completely, but after you read what high heels can do to your health, you might consider wearing them a lot less, at least.

Here’s why women should stop wearing high heels:

high heels

1. High heels can cause arthritis in the knees

Most people only consider the bunions and callouses that can develop as a result of wearing heels, but they can also do considerable damage to your knees. A Harvard study found that wearing two-inch heels puts 23% more pressure on the inner knee than wearing flats does. Due to the added strain from the heels, your knee must automatically push forward when you walk or stand in order to keep you upright.

Did you also know that women have double the chance of developing osteoarthritis in their knees than men?

We can’t totally blame the heels, but they probably have a little something to do with it. As women, society pushes all sorts of products and messages on us in order to make us believe we need something outside ourselves to feel beautiful. Heels might look sexy, but when you develop knee problems because of them, you might want to stop wearing high heels once and for all.

2. High heels can damage your foot and leg muscles

When you wear high heels, the shoe naturally points your heel upward, which makes the Achilles tendon —a group of muscles at the base of the calf – shorter. Since this tendon and other calf muscles become shortened due to the heels, it puts added pressure on your muscles and can cause extreme pain and soreness. According to osteopathic physician Dr. Natalie A. Nevins, the shortening of these muscles can result in plantar fasciitis, or inflammation in a group of muscles located on the bottom of your feet called the plantar fascia.

3. High heels put added strain on your neck

You might think that high heels only put pressure on your lower body, but they actually affect your upper body as well. The strange posture you have to stand in while wearing heels can put added pressure on your back and neck, since you must arch your back and walk with your head in an unnatural forward position. If you do wear heels to work or school, try to change into flats at some point in the day to give your feet – and body – a much-needed rest.

4. High heels can result in sciatica

Not surprisingly, wearing high heels can put a lot of added strain on your lower back as well, since you must shift your weight and entire posture in order to accommodate them. According to Dr. Carrie Bowler, wearing high heels often can cause sciatica—chronic leg pain or numbness that makes any activity involving walking or sitting very painful and sometimes impossible. “As muscles in the groin and hip flexors tighten,” says Bowler, “lower back and gluteal muscles compensate and can go into chronic spasm, creating pressure on the sciatic nerve.”

5. High heels can result in bone damage

You might be thinking about twisting your ankle or falling down a flight of stairs due to wearing heels, but we’re actually talking about damage that can occur just by walking in them regularly. According to a report in the Washington Post, podiatrists explain that walking for an extended period of time in heels can cause stress fractures or cracks in the bones of the feet.

So, to recap, wearing heels can cause back and neck damage, lower back pain, bone fractures, and possibly arthritis. Like we said, heels certainly can add to an outfit and make you feel sexier and confident, but are permanent health problems and constant pain worth the price you pay? Absolutely not, this is why you may want to stop wearing high heels.

If you still haven’t been convinced to give up high heels, watch this video on the subject for more information:

5 Things Our Planet Is Trying To Tell You

We live on an incredibly beautiful planet, abundant with places just waiting to be explored. Earth is characterized by a great deal of diversity, from its people to its landscapes. Our Earth also provides much for survival, including food, water, sunlight, and oxygen. Without these things, we obviously wouldn’t be able to enjoy the little aspects of daily life that we often take for granted. Gaia might appear strong on the surface despite the great deal of damage we have done to her with the strains of modern living. However, she is desperately crying out for help and support. With that said, here are a few things she’s attempting to get across to you, whether you realize it or not.

Here are five things our planet is trying to tell you:


1. Our planet is trying to tell you to connect with her more.

Not surprisingly, going out in nature isn’t only relaxing and rejuvenating to the soul but also provides countless health benefits, as outlined in this article by In our modern world, we get too little sunlight, far too little exercise, and a scant amount of fresh air. All of these deficits have been linked with various mental health disorders and physical diseases, so Earth wants you to spend more time outdoors and put down the technology for a while. Forget work and responsibilities for the time being, and just enjoy what we’ve been blessed with in our own backyards.

The only way to connect more with ourselves is to reconnect with our roots – Mother Nature.

2. Our Planet is trying to tell you to stop abusing it.

If you look around, you can’t possibly miss the constant pollution, litter, and other atrocities that go on during daily life on this planet. We discard our trash on the ground, drive our cars everywhere, even up the street on an errand, eat foods that aren’t grown sustainably, buy clothing that was shipped halfway across the world, and much more. If we continue to support industries that only care about profits and could care less about harming the planet, we will never get anywhere with changing this world. We must work together to show the planet that nurtures our very existence some love and stop participating in destructive practices.

3. Our planet is trying to tell you to slow down and enjoy her beauty.

This life moves pretty quickly, and modern society only speeds up the pace. Mother Earth wants you to take time out of each day to enjoy her, relish in a little sunshine, take in some deep breaths of fresh natural air, and clear your mind. We spend far too much time running nowhere fast, and far too little time sitting still but making progress. We focus so much on productivity and capitalizing on this planet that we miss the experience of simply being.

4. Our planet is trying to tell you to question what you’ve been told.

Mother Earth wants you to stop living according to someone else’s rules. Who said you had to spend eight or nine hours in a stuffy office, ruining your health just for the sake of the almighty dollar? Who said you had to give up your natural rights to fresh air, sunshine, and clean water and food all because society told you that you had to slave away for someone else? We all deserve to get abundant sunshine, clean air, and fresh water and food each and every day. Working inside prohibits us from attaining the very things that keep us healthy. So Gaia wants you to question your lifestyle and ask yourself if it corresponds with a healthy way of living.

5. Our planet is urging you to become a voice for this planet.

No matter how silly you sound to others, the Earth is crying out for us to save her. We cannot keep up this destructive way of living that seems to center around profits and control rather than the greater good for the planet and its inhabitants. We’re destroying our home faster every second, and for what reason? We all must occupy this Earth at this time, so why not make it an enjoyable, peaceful experience for all? It’s time to support one another and our beautiful planet, and take charge of our actions while we can.

You might think you can’t do anything to turn this cycle of destruction around, but the little things matter most. Encourage people to pick up their trash if you see them leaving it on the ground, help to set up recycling in your hometown if it isn’t already available, or go pick up trash yourself. We all have an obligation to make this planet a clean, safe place to live. Of course, we only have one Earth. It’s time to make it beautiful again.

Here’s more on how we can save our Mother Earth.

25 Ways To Lose Weight Easier

More than one-third (34.9% or 78.6 million) of U.S. adults are obese. The estimated medical cost of obesity in the U.S. $147 billion; the medical costs for people who are obese were $1,429 higher than those of normal weight (annually). – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Obesity – a condition characterized by “extreme” amounts of body fat – is now considered an epidemic in the United States. In other words, obesity is far too common among American citizens in proportion to the country’s population. Being obese is also a serious health condition.

The potential health consequences of being overweight are perhaps the biggest cause for alarm. These health issues are well-documented and include illnesses such as diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, cancer and hypertension (high blood pressure).  Daily life is also made more difficult in that overweight people are generally more fatigued and prone to depressive symptoms.

For many people, keeping their weight at a healthy level is a challenge. There are a number of different reasons for this: unfavorable genetics, proliferation of processed food, poor exercise habits, and detachment from healthy eating practices among them.

That said, there are ways to help shed some unwanted poundage – some of them quite simple.

Here are 25 ways to make losing weight a bit easier:

1. Eat at home more frequently

No medical degree is necessary to understand that fast food is detrimental to weight loss. Make the decision to eat and home and prepare accordingly.

2. Watch one hour less of TV

Television is a stationary activity; stationary equals inactivity; inactivity breeds weight gain. Omit one hour of TV and go for a walk instead.

3. More water and less soda

Soda and energy drinks are saturated with sugar, which is very counterproductive in losing weight. Drinking water eliminates toxins and speeds metabolism.

4. Plan out and write down meals each week

“Failing to plan is planning to fail” when it comes to losing weight. Impulse eating is never a healthy choice, especially when trying to drop pounds.

5. Evaluate emotions before digging in

Eating when nervous, depressed, frustrated or bored is a real thing. Food provides a temporary comfort that leaves behind only regret…and weight gain.

6. Walk up and down stairs for 10 minutes

10 minutes a day walking up and down stairs can shed as much as 10 pounds a year. Leave the elevators to the lazy ones, Rocky.

7. Resist the urge to eat fast

When the stomach is full, it takes 20 minutes to signal this to the brain. Eating slowly and deliberately makes it easier to recognize when fullness kicks in.

8. Close the kitchen after dinner

Closed, as in no food is available after dinnertime. Late-night snacking is an easy way to rack up calories and gain undesirable weight.

9. Recycle clothes that don’t fit

This is more of a motivational tool. When our “fat clothes” become too tight, make it a priority to give them away.

10. Walk 45 minutes a day

About that one hour of TV that was eliminated? Well, here’s a healthy and fulfilling alternative – 45 minutes of brisk walking each day is conducive to weight loss.

11. Make the traditional “night out” an active one

Instead of heading to a bar or restaurant, recharge by doing something active. Doesn’t mean it can’t be fun – check out tennis, racquetball, hiking, biking or walking the park.

12. Get a pedometer

Pedometers are those neat (and cheap) little gadgets that monitor the number of paces walked. On average, people take 2,000 to 3,000 steps per day. Adding another 2,000 is beneficial for a healthy weight.

13. Set the table conservatively

Unsurprisingly, the more food we place on the table, the more we eat. Serve food mindfully and resist placing too much on each plate.

14. Order the smaller portions

When eating out, opt for the smaller portions. Again, we eat less food when there’s less available.

15. Load the plate up with vegetables

Vegetables are a great source of fiber – an important nutrient for feeling satiated. Split peas, black beans, lima beans, peas and broccoli are among the highest in fiber content.

16. Lay off white foods

While low-carb diets have a tendency to go overboard, one of their basic tenets is true: white flour can cause weight gain. Opt for whole-grain bread and rice instead.

walking for weight loss

17. Eat a healthy cereal for breakfast

Five times a week, make cereal the breakfast food of choice. Different studies have shown that eating cereal at this proportion can help maintain a healthy weight.

18. Substitute loaded coffee for regular

Okay, black coffee may not taste the best…actually its putrid (writer’s opinion). Lay off the fancy (sugar-laded) concoction and add some artificial sweetener and/or milk.

19. Snack on nuts instead of (insert fattening snack here)

Nuts are very healthy, especially when compared to cookies, cakes, etc. Nuts such as almonds contain healthy fats and fiber, which wards off hunger and stokes the metabolism.

20. Downgrade milk type

Many of us love milk (raises hand), but it actually contains a good amount of calories. Actually, dropping down (2% to 1%, for example) can cut calories by as much as 20%.

21. Eat the majority of calories before noon

This really is simple, yet profound. Eating earlier in the day (1) decreases the likelihood of nighttime indulgence and (2) makes it easier to burn off calories during the day.

22. Brush teeth after each meal

Perhaps a tip for the hardcore, brushing after every meal signals to the body that mealtime is over.

23. Embrace the hot sauce

Hot sauce not only covers up that burnt meatloaf taste, it helps to rev the body’s digestive system. Most hot sauces are also low in calories.

24. Eat foods rich in water content

Soups, salads and vegetables such as tomatoes, zucchini and cucumber may help reduce calorie consumption.

25. Don’t go overboard

Take losing weight seriously, but not too seriously. Remember to enjoy life and treat yourself on occasion. On occasion…

lose weight without gym

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