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5 Things Our Planet Is Trying To Tell You

We live on an incredibly beautiful planet, abundant with places just waiting to be explored. Earth is characterized by a great deal of diversity, from its people to its landscapes. Our Earth also provides much for survival, including food, water, sunlight, and oxygen. Without these things, we obviously wouldn’t be able to enjoy the little aspects of daily life that we often take for granted. Gaia might appear strong on the surface despite the great deal of damage we have done to her with the strains of modern living. However, she is desperately crying out for help and support. With that said, here are a few things she’s attempting to get across to you, whether you realize it or not.

Here are five things our planet is trying to tell you:


1. Our planet is trying to tell you to connect with her more.

Not surprisingly, going out in nature isn’t only relaxing and rejuvenating to the soul but also provides countless health benefits, as outlined in this article by In our modern world, we get too little sunlight, far too little exercise, and a scant amount of fresh air. All of these deficits have been linked with various mental health disorders and physical diseases, so Earth wants you to spend more time outdoors and put down the technology for a while. Forget work and responsibilities for the time being, and just enjoy what we’ve been blessed with in our own backyards.

The only way to connect more with ourselves is to reconnect with our roots – Mother Nature.

2. Our Planet is trying to tell you to stop abusing it.

If you look around, you can’t possibly miss the constant pollution, litter, and other atrocities that go on during daily life on this planet. We discard our trash on the ground, drive our cars everywhere, even up the street on an errand, eat foods that aren’t grown sustainably, buy clothing that was shipped halfway across the world, and much more. If we continue to support industries that only care about profits and could care less about harming the planet, we will never get anywhere with changing this world. We must work together to show the planet that nurtures our very existence some love and stop participating in destructive practices.

3. Our planet is trying to tell you to slow down and enjoy her beauty.

This life moves pretty quickly, and modern society only speeds up the pace. Mother Earth wants you to take time out of each day to enjoy her, relish in a little sunshine, take in some deep breaths of fresh natural air, and clear your mind. We spend far too much time running nowhere fast, and far too little time sitting still but making progress. We focus so much on productivity and capitalizing on this planet that we miss the experience of simply being.

4. Our planet is trying to tell you to question what you’ve been told.

Mother Earth wants you to stop living according to someone else’s rules. Who said you had to spend eight or nine hours in a stuffy office, ruining your health just for the sake of the almighty dollar? Who said you had to give up your natural rights to fresh air, sunshine, and clean water and food all because society told you that you had to slave away for someone else? We all deserve to get abundant sunshine, clean air, and fresh water and food each and every day. Working inside prohibits us from attaining the very things that keep us healthy. So Gaia wants you to question your lifestyle and ask yourself if it corresponds with a healthy way of living.

5. Our planet is urging you to become a voice for this planet.

No matter how silly you sound to others, the Earth is crying out for us to save her. We cannot keep up this destructive way of living that seems to center around profits and control rather than the greater good for the planet and its inhabitants. We’re destroying our home faster every second, and for what reason? We all must occupy this Earth at this time, so why not make it an enjoyable, peaceful experience for all? It’s time to support one another and our beautiful planet, and take charge of our actions while we can.

You might think you can’t do anything to turn this cycle of destruction around, but the little things matter most. Encourage people to pick up their trash if you see them leaving it on the ground, help to set up recycling in your hometown if it isn’t already available, or go pick up trash yourself. We all have an obligation to make this planet a clean, safe place to live. Of course, we only have one Earth. It’s time to make it beautiful again.

Here’s more on how we can save our Mother Earth.

25 Ways To Lose Weight Easier

More than one-third (34.9% or 78.6 million) of U.S. adults are obese. The estimated medical cost of obesity in the U.S. $147 billion; the medical costs for people who are obese were $1,429 higher than those of normal weight (annually). – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Obesity – a condition characterized by “extreme” amounts of body fat – is now considered an epidemic in the United States. In other words, obesity is far too common among American citizens in proportion to the country’s population. Being obese is also a serious health condition.

The potential health consequences of being overweight are perhaps the biggest cause for alarm. These health issues are well-documented and include illnesses such as diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, cancer and hypertension (high blood pressure).  Daily life is also made more difficult in that overweight people are generally more fatigued and prone to depressive symptoms.

For many people, keeping their weight at a healthy level is a challenge. There are a number of different reasons for this: unfavorable genetics, proliferation of processed food, poor exercise habits, and detachment from healthy eating practices among them.

That said, there are ways to help shed some unwanted poundage – some of them quite simple.

Here are 25 ways to make losing weight a bit easier:

1. Eat at home more frequently

No medical degree is necessary to understand that fast food is detrimental to weight loss. Make the decision to eat and home and prepare accordingly.

2. Watch one hour less of TV

Television is a stationary activity; stationary equals inactivity; inactivity breeds weight gain. Omit one hour of TV and go for a walk instead.

3. More water and less soda

Soda and energy drinks are saturated with sugar, which is very counterproductive in losing weight. Drinking water eliminates toxins and speeds metabolism.

4. Plan out and write down meals each week

“Failing to plan is planning to fail” when it comes to losing weight. Impulse eating is never a healthy choice, especially when trying to drop pounds.

5. Evaluate emotions before digging in

Eating when nervous, depressed, frustrated or bored is a real thing. Food provides a temporary comfort that leaves behind only regret…and weight gain.

6. Walk up and down stairs for 10 minutes

10 minutes a day walking up and down stairs can shed as much as 10 pounds a year. Leave the elevators to the lazy ones, Rocky.

7. Resist the urge to eat fast

When the stomach is full, it takes 20 minutes to signal this to the brain. Eating slowly and deliberately makes it easier to recognize when fullness kicks in.

8. Close the kitchen after dinner

Closed, as in no food is available after dinnertime. Late-night snacking is an easy way to rack up calories and gain undesirable weight.

9. Recycle clothes that don’t fit

This is more of a motivational tool. When our “fat clothes” become too tight, make it a priority to give them away.

10. Walk 45 minutes a day

About that one hour of TV that was eliminated? Well, here’s a healthy and fulfilling alternative – 45 minutes of brisk walking each day is conducive to weight loss.

11. Make the traditional “night out” an active one

Instead of heading to a bar or restaurant, recharge by doing something active. Doesn’t mean it can’t be fun – check out tennis, racquetball, hiking, biking or walking the park.

12. Get a pedometer

Pedometers are those neat (and cheap) little gadgets that monitor the number of paces walked. On average, people take 2,000 to 3,000 steps per day. Adding another 2,000 is beneficial for a healthy weight.

13. Set the table conservatively

Unsurprisingly, the more food we place on the table, the more we eat. Serve food mindfully and resist placing too much on each plate.

14. Order the smaller portions

When eating out, opt for the smaller portions. Again, we eat less food when there’s less available.

15. Load the plate up with vegetables

Vegetables are a great source of fiber – an important nutrient for feeling satiated. Split peas, black beans, lima beans, peas and broccoli are among the highest in fiber content.

16. Lay off white foods

While low-carb diets have a tendency to go overboard, one of their basic tenets is true: white flour can cause weight gain. Opt for whole-grain bread and rice instead.

walking for weight loss

17. Eat a healthy cereal for breakfast

Five times a week, make cereal the breakfast food of choice. Different studies have shown that eating cereal at this proportion can help maintain a healthy weight.

18. Substitute loaded coffee for regular

Okay, black coffee may not taste the best…actually its putrid (writer’s opinion). Lay off the fancy (sugar-laded) concoction and add some artificial sweetener and/or milk.

19. Snack on nuts instead of (insert fattening snack here)

Nuts are very healthy, especially when compared to cookies, cakes, etc. Nuts such as almonds contain healthy fats and fiber, which wards off hunger and stokes the metabolism.

20. Downgrade milk type

Many of us love milk (raises hand), but it actually contains a good amount of calories. Actually, dropping down (2% to 1%, for example) can cut calories by as much as 20%.

21. Eat the majority of calories before noon

This really is simple, yet profound. Eating earlier in the day (1) decreases the likelihood of nighttime indulgence and (2) makes it easier to burn off calories during the day.

22. Brush teeth after each meal

Perhaps a tip for the hardcore, brushing after every meal signals to the body that mealtime is over.

23. Embrace the hot sauce

Hot sauce not only covers up that burnt meatloaf taste, it helps to rev the body’s digestive system. Most hot sauces are also low in calories.

24. Eat foods rich in water content

Soups, salads and vegetables such as tomatoes, zucchini and cucumber may help reduce calorie consumption.

25. Don’t go overboard

Take losing weight seriously, but not too seriously. Remember to enjoy life and treat yourself on occasion. On occasion…

lose weight without gym

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Which Love Language Do You Speak?

An unhappy relationship, as per Dr. Gary Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages, comes down to basic roots. We speak different love languages. Dr. Chapman has been a counselor for over 30 years and has identified five love languages.

“Love can be expressed and received in all five languages. However, if you don’t speak a person’s primary love language, that person will not feel loved, even though you may be speaking the other four. Once you are speaking his or her primary love language fluently, then you can sprinkle in the other four and they will be like icing on the cake.”

As you read the following, can you identify yours?

What is your love language?

love language

1. Words of affirmation.

Using loving words is a sure way to get into someone’s heart. Are you easily moved by words of encouragement? There is a big difference between nagging and supportive words. Someone who has this needs to hear encouraging words from their mate. You thrive on words of kindness. On the same token you also use this language to love another and show support. Something as simple, “You are a great husband/wife. I appreciate you so much. Thank you for all that you do.” In today’s techno world a simple text of loving words hits the spot. A post-it note on the car seat will go a long way with your spouse. Words are beautifully used to enhance the emotions of love so a person with this love language gets hurt on negative words. Remember that the tongue has no bones, but it is strong enough to break a heart.

2. Acts of service.

Doing something without asking or expecting can be magical for the person with this love language. Do you find yourself doing things for your spouse for not reason but because it feels good? Do you also expect him/her to show you through action? This language is an expression of love without the use of words or explanation. If you enjoy when your mate takes out the garbage, puts gas in your car, vacuums, fixes things that you cannot fix, gives you time alone to take a long bubble bath while he watches the kids, or cooks dinner when you are running late, this is your language of love.

3. Receiving gifts.

This love language has nothing to do with materialism or possessions. This is about acknowledgment. If you have this love language and your mate forgets to bring you a birthday card, you will be deeply hurt. Receiving gifts is about the gesture behind the action. Gifts are gestures of love and appreciation. Something as simple as bring home your mate’s favorite candy can feel like Christmas morning to them. Small gestures go a long way with this language. You don’t have to purchase anything to touch the heart. It’s about giving from a place of gratitude and appreciation.

You cannot force someone to accept an expression of love. You can only offer it. If it is not accepted, you must respect the other person’s decision.” ~ Gary Chapman

4. Quality time.

Spending quality time means having undivided attention. This love language represents anything from TV watching together in bed, reading next to each other, walking in a park, or sharing a dessert. It’s about creating special memories through togetherness. It can be a lovely as staring at a full moon with a glass of wine. If you love spending time with your loved one more than anything else then this is your love language. We are a busy generation. Do not let the hectic schedules of work, children, or commitments disrupt the time you spend with your loved one.

5. Physical touch.

This type of touching doesn’t mean the act of sexual relations. The language of physical touch is about being caressed and loving without being intimate. If you love when your mate passes by you and rubs your shoulders, or holds your hand in public, then most likely this is your love language. A tight hug in the morning with a peck on the lips brings a feeling of new beginnings to your day. It’s as subtle as a kiss on the cheek. We are physical beings. The person with this love language who has been neglected for a long period of time will be very unhappy in their relationship. Just as children need hugs, so do adults in relationships. Make the time to show your love through a physical gesture on a daily basis.

You can have several types of these love languages. There is one that stands out, dominating the others. Once you know your primary love language, and that of your loving partner, you can understand them better. We all communicate in different ways, but having a deep sympathetic reaction of how we love and need love, is a helpful addition to any relationship. After all love, is not just a noun…it’s also a verb.

For love, we will climb mountains, cross seas, traverse desert sands, and endure untold hardships. Without love, mountains become unclimbable, seas uncrossable, deserts unbearable, and hardships our lot in life.” ~ Gary Chapman

11 Quotes To Remember When You Feel Stressed

–Sometimes we need a little help to remember that this moment will pass. A few words, an affirmation, can make a world of difference. Here are a few quotes to remember when you feel stressed and overwhelmed in your life.

11 Quotes To Remember When You Feel Stressed

1. “A negative mind will never give you a positive life.”


Shifting your perception changes your mood. Positive thoughts vibrate at a higher level, thus creating a calm state of alignment. Negative thoughts reinforce negative actions. Think in terms of love, happiness, hope, and grace.

2. “Everything you need will come to you at the perfect time.”


Life is not a long journey of unrelated events. Everything happens in divine order. When you are stressed it’s important to step back and remember that things have an order for lessons, obstacles and outcomes. Trust in your inner guidance.

3. “I am in competition with no one, I run my own race, I have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone, in any way, shape or form. I just aim to improve, to be better than I was before. That’s me and I’m free.”

competition quote

When we are under stress we forget our authentic power of manifesting change. Keeping it real is mind over matter. Stay in the present and realize the potential of your power. You are traveling at your own pace and your own timing.

4. “Today’s a perfect day for a whole new start. Let go of fear and free your mind. It’s time to open your heart.” ~ Chris Butler

today quote

What better way to find joy than to let go and free your mind. Go meditate if you feel stressed. Go take a hike. Sit outside under the sun. Let go of all the chit chat. Today is a whole new day. You woke today to the privilege of great possibilities.

5. “Always believe that something amazing is about to happen.”

always believe

Instead of focusing on the problem, step away and remember that there is magic around you. You get to create the future with your thoughts. Journal your dreams. Write a letter to your self with a list of what you want in your life. Let mysticism be your driven force.

6. “I’ve decided to be happy because it is good for my health.” ~ Voltaire

voltaire quote

Deciding to be happy is a choice. It’s a mood enhancer. Think of a happy place, or a precious memory. Breathe in those mental scenes and smile. Bring joy into your space.

7. “Don’t wait to pray until you need something. Pray and be thankful everyday for your blessings!”

pray quote

Prayer is a connection with the Divine. It brings hope and grace. It calms the mind. To shift the focus of a problem and allow faith to help is re-directing the negative focus. Letting go and letting God take the wheel is a release of the issues at hand.

8. “Don’t allow other people to hold the key to your peace of mind.”


You are the creator of your life. Take full responsibility for your choices, actions and reactions. You know better than anyone what’s best for you. You get to decide what’s needed in your life. Stay brave and focus on creating a life of peace.

9. “Ships don’t sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don’t let what’s happening around you get inside you and weigh you down.”


Never let the negativity or toxic energy around you weigh you in your decision making. What weighs you down will bring about other ailments. You are not Atlas having to carry the world on your shoulders. Take one step at a time and clear all the water in your ship.

10. “A quiet mind is able to hear intuition over fear.”


Silence is golden when you are stressed. Shut down the mind chat through meditation. Listen to your inner guidance. Ask and wait. Fear is an illusion.

Related article: 7 Signs You Need To Chill Out

11. We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are…

stressed quote

When you are stressed out it feels like you are filling an imaginary bucket of fears for what hasn’t happened and might never will. Detach, move, change positions and bring in some good thoughts. Breathe the sweetness of possibilities in the present. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you for it.

6 Signs You’re Stuck In A Spiritual Prison

Spirituality is a personal facet of many people’s lives. It is a path that we try to move through while being fully present in human form. Being “spiritual” is not about religion. It’s about picking from different belief systems, philosophies, or religions and choosing a personal direction. This direction is often a lonely path for us. It is intimate. Here are six signs of spiritual imprisonment that force us to continue looking beyond what the soul is here to do.

6 signs of spiritual imprisonment:

1. Not forgiving the past.

The lack of forgiveness is one of the biggest imprisonments in spiritual growth. Our memories store everything. You move through days without knowing what is composing or being kept in cellular memories. When you least expect it you step on that thorn of the past and the pain, abuse, belittling, and self-worth issues overwhelm you. You don’t let go. You continue to carry the horrific acts of the pain in every part of your being. Forgiveness is never for the other person. It is for you to move past the bars of solitary confinement. Open the gate of your prison cell by forgiving your part in that story and letting go of whatever the other person did to you.

The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.” ~ Steve Maraboli

2. Remaining in a depression for years without help indicates spiritual imprisonment.

Depression is a form of spiritual imprisonment. We have faith. We ask for God’s guidance but choose not to act on our resources. Spirituality forces us to look at the Shadow side of the self. The dark night of the soul is a symptom of higher conscious evolution. During this period, there is a total eclipse of sadness and confusion. The world as it was is no longer.

There are definitely times when we must suffer God’s absence, when we are called to enter the dark night of the soul in order to pass into some new understanding of God, some deeper communion with him and with all creation. But this is very rare, and for the most part our dark nights of the soul are, in a way this is more pathetic than tragic, wishful thinking. God is not absent. He is everywhere in the world we are too dispirited to love.”~ Christian Wiman

3. Not living through your authentic nature.

We constantly try to experience love with others, waiting for another to value us, but it starts with the self. If you don’t see your worth, no one else will ever see it either. Spirituality often makes it difficult to distinguish how and what we feel. What’s right? We live behind the prison bars of self-doubt because who we are as spiritual beings doesn’t align with what society expects from us. In some cases it’s not about being brave.

It’s about being conscious of your survival. We are spiritual beings having human experiences. This means we must step into the truth of who we are and the purpose of our existence.

4. Being stuck in an unhealthy relationship.

Our spiritual nature requires a passion for life. We are not meant to suffer in eternal hell through another. We learn from these experiences but if we don’t surpass and move on it all becomes spiritual stagnation. It can be difficult to end a relationship, even when divine guidance nudges us to move on. But, to stay is an act of self-sabotage, spiritually and emotionally. It becomes cancer that slowly eats our insides.

As you evolve spiritually, you begin noticing certain relationships’ toxic nature. To read about how spirituality can actually benefit relationships, see our related article here.

5. Obsession with television, porn, and social media.

Spirituality requires quiet time to reflect and meditate. The temptations of overexposing the soul to addictions to computers, television, or technology are constant. It’s difficult to find a common ground to disconnect and breathe. Everything should be done in moderation. We live in a 3-D world, but spirituality is not 3-D. It requires us to move past the chit-chat. It’s bad enough that we are addicted to our thoughts. Addiction is imprisonment to the soul’s yearning for peace, connection, and spirit.

6. Not following your passion and using your spiritual gifts.

A mundane life, full of stress without play, is the kiss of death to the spiritual person. We are meant to live our life’s purpose. Spiritual growth requires that we look at our passion and gifts. We must follow them and have them work for us. If you love writing, do something about it. If you enjoy playing an instrument, find a time and place to share it with others. When we align with joy and our innate abilities, abundance follows. We are meant to live out our dreams and desires.

You have the answers to all your spiritual questions. With you, you carry the spiritual knowledge to change, feed and enhance your life through divine guidance. You are all there is. You must take a long, hard look at what is working and what is not. Then let go of what is no longer working through your spiritual connections.

There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”Nelson Mandela

7 Ways to Move Forward When You Feel Emotionally Paralyzed

Have you ever felt like you couldn’t keep going due to being drained emotionally? It happens to the best of us, and often when we least expect it. Being emotionally paralyzed means that we’ve been through so much turmoil that our minds and spirits have a hard time processing it all, so we begin to shut down mentally. When we go through trauma, taking time for ourselves is perfectly understandable and normal. However, when we start to fall into a habitual state of emotional fear and stress, this is where it can become a problem. Here are some ways to move on when you feel you can’t any longer.

7 Ways To Move Forward When You Feel Emotionally Paralyzed

1. Breathe

Deep and purposeful breathing is our best tool against anxiety, frustration and overall negative feelings. When you start to feel tension in your neck or butterflies in your stomach, take a minute and breathe deeply.

Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Breathe in deeply through your nose and visualize your entire body filling up with your breath. Then slowly exhale through your mouth and watch the breath leave.

Do this five times and feel the incredibly relaxing effects it has on your body and mind.

2. Declutter

Clutter can rob you of the vital energy you need to live your best life. Spending just a few minutes decluttering the spaces you live and work in can have a huge impact on enhancing your life.

Make a conscious choice to declutter. This will free you up to appreciate what you have and focus your attention on the things that matter most. Start small with a shelf or a drawer. You will be surprised how far you can get with just ten minutes of decluttering.

3. Do what scares you

Ride a motorcycle, go zip-lining, parachute, climb a mountain, go surfing, or go skiing. Overcoming your fears is one way to live life on the edge. Get in front of an audience in Open-Mic night at any local cafe or bar. Join a meet-up group and explore an area near where you live. Take a cruise alone. Go to a homeless shelter and help for a day. Take flowers to a stranger in a hospital. Leave a sweet note on a neighbor’s door. To get over fears, you must tackle them head on…you cannot go around them.

4. Give up the “all or nothing” mentality

Even the most positive, self-confident people in the world have spells of insecurity and negative thinking sometimes, but it can become debilitating if you actually believe these thoughts. For example, let’s say you want to get a higher paying job. You might tell yourself “If I don’t land this job, then I will never find anything else and that means I just don’t deserve anything better.” See how damaging this type of thinking can be? By telling ourselves we won’t find happiness and fulfillment unless a certain event occurs, then we have vested all our faith and energy in an outcome. This means that if something different happens, our rigid way of thinking will prevent us from seeing the bigger picture, and realizing the universe simply had different plans for us.

Rather than thinking in absolute terms and conjuring up the worst case scenario in your mind, start thinking more realistically. Self-defeating thoughts can really prevent you from living up to your full potential, and trick you into thinking you can never change your life due to one event or situation.

5. Stop comparing yourself to others.

Comparison does nothing for you, except make you doubt yourself and feel inferior to others. It can make you feel worthless if you expect your life to look exactly like someone else’s, and will most certainly only pave the road to disappointment. Or, you could use it in the opposite way, in order to feel better about yourself and where you’re at in life. It helps to remember that everyone here is on their own journey, and no one is inherently better than anyone else. We all have our own roads to take, our own destinies to fulfill. Your path will look differently than your neighbor’s, your sister’s, and your friend’s, and this doesn’t mean you have chosen the wrong route.

It means you have certain lessons you need to learn here that might differ from others, so stop comparing your journey to everyone else’s. Focus on how you can become a better person, and everything will start to fall into place.

6. Replace the “I Can’ts” with “I Can’s”

Another form of degrading thoughts, the “I can’t” mentality can stop you in your tracks before you’ve even taken a step forward. If you don’t think you’re good enough or deserving of something, then of course, it won’t show up in your life because you’ve created a blockage. You have put up walls to keep out potentially amazing things from manifesting in your reality, and told yourself you can’t achieve what you want before you even try. The universe works with the Law of Attraction, so whatever you think will show up in your life, regardless of if you want it or not.

If you don’t like what you see in your life, the primary culprit here is your mind. Change your thoughts, change your life!

7. Spend 10 minutes a day in gratitude.

Focusing on the things that we are grateful for every day brings the good in our life into focus. What better way to move on in life than to realize you already have everything you need to begin with?

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