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5 Signs Your Partner’s Emotions Are Out of Control

5 Signs Your Partner’s Emotions Are Out of Control

If you are concerned that your partner’s emotions are out of control, you probably feel like you’re losing your mind. Don’t be worried, though, because most likely, your partner has made it all seem that way when the reality is that your partner is mentally ill.

People often use the terms sociopath and psychopath interchangeably. According to the DSM-IV (The 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the coding book for the field of psychology), both psychopaths and sociopaths fall under the heading of antisocial personality disorders.

Currently, the terms ‘psychopath’ and ‘sociopath’ are not recognized by the DSM-IV as separate disorders, but they have one major distinction. Psychopaths are believed to be missing the brain connection that accounts for a sense of ethics and morality. This means that a psychopath does not know right from wrong and they are dangerous to you and others.

People With Personality Disorders Display These Emotions and Behavior:

  • Disregard laws and social mores
  • Unable to get along with others
  • Disregard the rights of others
  • Don’t feel remorse or guilt
  • Display impulsive behavior
  • Act irresponsibly
  • Tend to display violent behavior


You can learn more about what it’s like to be in a sociopathic relationship in our article 7 Warning Signs You’re in a Relationship With a Sociopath.

When someone is emotionally out of control, they may be hurtful to you in your relationship. Your healthiest option is to escape before it gets worse and take whatever bit of mental health you have left.

It is important to protect yourself if you have concerns that your partner could be a psychopath, emotional or otherwise. Contact the National Domestic Violence hotline at 800-799-SAFE (7233) or click the ‘Chat Now’ button on their website for help. You can also text 741741 for the Text Crisis Line, which has received over 13.6 million texts since August 2013.

5 Signs Your Partner’s Emotions Are Out of Control

Your partner could become violent. So take steps to find a safe place where you can reach out to a domestic violence survivor assistance group for help. Although you may not have experienced physical abuse yet, emotional abuse can also wreak havoc on your mental health.

1. Your partner lies better than anyone you know.

There are so many lies that you can’t keep track of them anymore. What you know to be true and the stories and lies that your partner has told you are all confused. If your partner covers up one lie with another one, it’s a sign that they are an emotional psychopath.

Lying is not all that the emotional psychopath is capable of. Psychopaths tend toward criminal behavior because they do not respect rules and authority figures.

In the book, The Clinical and Forensic Assessment of Psychopathy: A Practitioner’s Guide, psychologist Dr. Carl Gacono says that anger is a particularly dangerous trigger for a psychopath and they are likely to be angered by anything that prevents them from getting what they want.

2. An emotional psychopath tears away at your self-esteem.

If your partner is guilty of belittling you with angry, hurtful words, it’s a sign that they are an emotional psychopath. Your partner most likely is reacting, rather than responding to what you say and do.

The emotional psychopath doesn’t show caring with their actions, in fact, they do the opposite. When you feel like your partner is intentionally trying to hurt your self-esteem, it’s because they are. They can maintain control over you by making you feel ‘less than’.

3. Your partner controls everything about you.

When your partner isolates you from your friends and family, they take more power away from you. Again, a weak partner is easier to control than a strong partner.

By controlling who you see, finances, vehicle access, or anything that could allow you freedom, your emotionally psychopathic partner is preventing people from helping you out of the harmful relationship.

4. Your partner blames you for everything.

An emotionally psychopathic partner will want you to take the blame for everything, even their own actions. If ‘You make me act this way’ sounds familiar, get out of this unhealthy relationship quickly. An emotional psychopath has a negative pattern of behavior that keeps repeating.

In a study of psychopaths and criminal behavior, psychopaths were more likely to be repeat offenders of violent criminal acts. The author of the study recommended that the justice system use psychology assessment tools to prevent psychopaths from being allowed to leave prison where they can commit the same crimes again.

emotions5. Your partner only loves themselves or plays with your emotions.

Dr. Gacono says that the lack of a connection between emotions and thought is one of the distinguishing features of a psychopath. Unfortunately for you and your relationship, this means that your partner is likely incapable of true affection and love.

Although you can give love to your partner, they will not likely to be able to give you love in return. The only hope for them is a therapy where they learn to identify emotions and corresponding appropriate thoughts or medical interventions to balance brain chemistry. Your emotionally psychopathic partner may need a psychiatrist to be able to love you.

Here’s Why You Need to Stop Using Microwaves

The ability to quickly cook our food is what drew people initially to the convenience of the microwave, but when you read this you may want to stop using microwaves immediately.

Here’s Why You May Want to Stop Using Microwaves Immediately

How microwaves change the taste of food

Researchers looking at the differences in cooking methods found that the sensory analysis of vegetables that had been cooked by microwaving indicated that there were differences in color, flavor, texture, and moistness of the vegetables. You and your family members might have noticed this flavor difference yourselves when you steam broccoli on a stovetop versus how they taste when cooked in a microwave.

Another group of researchers who were looking at nutritional differences in microwaved food said, ‘There are differences in flavor and taste in certain food products prepared in a conventional and a microwave oven.’ The researchers also concluded that ‘nutritional and chemical changes in microwave heated foods are of approximately the same magnitude as those in foods prepared or processed by conventional methods. Microwave radiation is not powerful enough to break chemical bonds to cause the formation of radicals, which might be hazardous to human health.’

The results of these studies are that microwaving as a way of cooking by radiation is relatively safe. Nevertheless, the taste differences and other potential health risks might make it a reason to stop using microwaves immediately.

Radiation and microwaves

The World Health Organization says that ‘Microwaves are high-frequency radio waves (radiofrequency fields) and, like visible radiation (light), are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Microwaves are used primarily for TV broadcasting, radar for air and sea navigational aids, and telecommunications including mobile phones’and in kitchens for cooking food.

Microwaves are reflected, transmitted, or absorbed by materials in their path, in a similar manner to light. Metallic materials reflect microwaves, while non-metallic materials such as glass and some plastics are mostly transparent to microwaves. ”  Materials containing water, for example, foods, fluids or tissues, readily absorb microwave energy, which is then converted into heat.’

The World Health Organization (WHO) says ‘Only dishes and containers specifically designed for microwave cooking should be used. Certain materials, such as plastics not suitable for microwave oven, may melt or burst into flames if overheated.’ Eating melted plastic that gets in contact with your food is definitely not healthy.

The WHO’s website also says ‘In June 2001 the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a specialized agency of WHO on cancer, classified low frequency (frequencies of 50 or 60 hertz) magnetic fields as a possible human carcinogen. The typical microwave oven operates at a frequency of 2450 megahertz (a megahertz is one thousand hertz). Anything over 10 hertz can harm the human body.

Risks from aging microwaves

You may not have checked your microwave door in a long time, but if you still plan to use a microwave, you need to check it immediately. The door seal is an important part of how safe your microwave is.

A microwave’s dirty rubber seal, cracked or missing, or even showing signs of yellowing, is not effective at keeping microwave radiation contained as a clean seal that is in good working condition.

When you use your microwave, stand away from it if possible. Leaking radiation will not be detected by your eyes, but your body will feel the influence of it as damage to your tissues.

Food safety and microwaves

Boiling water in a microwave is different than cooking a squash or potato. Piercing the skin of a dense vegetable is necessary to allow steam to escape from inside the vegetable or the food may explode in the microwave during cooking.

Microwaving food that is uneven in density or in its water content means that food is cooked unevenly. Undercooked food can be hazardous to your health in the case of undercooked eggs or chicken due to the risk of salmonella bacteria.

Burns from superheated water has also happened with microwaves, whereas this is unlikely when water is heated on a stove. This is because water may not bubble as it boils in a microwave, depending on the container used to heat the water. Bubbles may not rise along the walls of the container as the water heats in the microwave, unlike on a stove, so that when a utensil breaks the overheated water surface, the water quickly rises in a superboil.

You may have read our article about cancer-causing foods to avoid, and if so, you already know that plastic heated in a microwave is terrible news. The plastic trays that microwavable food comes in may still contain BPA. BPA, when heated, can leak into food which it may cause cancer. Even BPA-free plastics may melt in the microwave leading you to eat plastic accidentally.

Hidden safety risks of microwaves

The World Health Organization mentions on its website that ‘Only certain microwave ovens are designed to sterilize items (for example, baby’s milk bottles). The user should follow the manufacturer’s instructions for this type of application.’ Please check your microwave user’s manual before attempting to sterilize plastic or glass baby bottles in it. Also check the infant bottles themselves for any warnings regarding microwave cleaning. ‘

Microwaves can be hazardous to people with electronic medical devices, such as pacemakers, due to the potential for interference that disrupts the device. A 1996 journal article on microwaves and human safety says ‘A general public perception that microwaves are hazardous has been a key obstacle for acceptance of microwave power transmission (MPT). This perception will eventually dissipate, and then attention will focus on a real technical problem, that of interference (RFI). This can range from perceptible through annoying to hazardous.

This ONE Natural Ingredient Prevents the Cold and Flu

This cold and flu season may not be anything to worry about in the future, because this one natural ingredient can help make sure you never get sick. The flu is nothing to sneeze at because it can actually kill you. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 3,697 Americans died from influenza (commonly called the flu) in 2013.

Not only is the flu deadly, it results in a major financial impact. According to a study of the flu in the U.S. in 2003, researchers estimated that ‘annual influenza epidemics resulted in an average of 610,660 life-years lost, 3.1 million hospitalized days, and 31.4 million outpatient visits. Direct medical costs averaged $10.4 billion annually. Projected lost earnings due to illness and loss of life amounted to $16.3 billion annually. The total economic burden of annual influenza epidemics using projected statistical life values amounted to $87.1 billion.’

Those huge numbers don’t even begin to account for the sniffling, stuffy, coughing, nauseous suffering of people who come down with the flu every year, let alone the common cold. There are a number of over the counter remedies that help the symptoms of the cold and flu but prevention of an illness is always better than treatment.

Health-conscious readers are looking for ways to boost their immune systems and prevent themselves from getting sick in the first place. You can get a vaccination that prevents you from getting sick from one strain of the flu, and some over the counter supplements claim to boost immunity to prevent illnesses, but this one natural ingredient prevents you from getting the cold and flu.

This ONE Natural Ingredient Prevents the Cold and Flu

The virus-killing superpower of this one natural ingredient

Preventing the cold and flu is a wonderful benefit but this incredible natural ingredient has healing abilities far beyond that. It has been reported to repair damage from radiation such as X-rays, protect against the HIV virus, herpes virus, is an excellent antioxidant and free-radical eliminator, and also helps protect against cardiovascular disease.

According to ‘The antibacterial, antiviral component derived from olive leaves is called oleuropein. In the late 1960s, researchers at the Upjohn Company discovered an antimicrobial fraction of oleuropein called calcium elenolate. This substance was lethal to every virus the researchers tested it against (using both in vitro and in vivo studies). Studies demonstrated that the components of olive leaf extract are also toxic to a wide range of bacteria, protozoa, yeasts, parasites and fungi.’

A 1975 study found that a monoterpene that was isolated from olive extracts acted as a virucidal agent that killed several viruses. The isolated compound was calcium elenolate, a component of Oleuropein. Researchers said that calcium elenolate killed every type of myxovirus that they had tested.

A myxovirus includes all types types of human influenza as well as animal flue viruses such as bird flu. Myxoviruses also include measles and mumps. Knowing that olive leaf extract is the one ingredient that can prevent cold and flu viruses is a wonderful tool to have in your fight to stay healthy.

Not only does olive leaf extract help fight the viruses that cause the common cold and flu, but this one ingredient can potentially kill the virus that causes HIV and herpes simplex virus. It is yet unknown if olive leaf extract can cure HIV by totally removing the virus from the body but its’ virus killing power is remarkable.

Other healing benefits of this one natural ingredient

You might want to add olive leaf extract to your survivalist gear because it could help you recover from radiation poisoning. One of the other protective health benefits of this one ingredient includes protection against radiation from X-rays.

When you visit the dentists office and they cover you with that heavy lead apron and run out of the room, there’s a good reason. X-rays are medically helpful, but can harm the tissues of the body.

One other amazing health benefit of olive leaf extract is that it is a powerful antioxidant. The oleuropein of olive leaf extract scrambles through the body searching out free radicals and disposing of them before they can cause damage to tissues. This antioxidant property is so strong that researchers think that olive leaf extract can be used to cure someone who has been poisoned by a common pesticide.

Still not convinced that you need to add olive leaf extract to your health routine? Researchers also found that oleuropein has protective effects found in studies of cardiovascular disease. Researchers found that antioxidant properties of the main polyphenols present in olive extracts, oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol increase the LDL resistance to oxidation and reduce the plasmatic levels of total, free and esterified cholesterol.

Researchers feel so strongly in the health benefits of the olive leaf extract that they suggest that it should be considered as a health-beneficial food additive. They also recommend that this natural ingredient be added to pesticides to remedy accidental poisonings. Heart health, poison protection, virus protection, and radiation protection are pretty powerful reasons to look into adding olive leaf extract to your regimen of healthy living.

7 Sacred Herbs That Activate And Align Your Chakras

Your 7 chakras are on standby power mode, waiting for you to activate their energies, and you can easily do that with these sacred herbs. It should not surprise you that your body is a wonderland of many systems. However, only some of them, like your digestion for example, are at the forefront of your awareness at any given moment.

But not to worry because even though you don’t give much thought to your chakras, they don’t need much from you to keep you balanced and well. Use this guide to help activate and align your 7 chakras with 7 sacred medicinal herbs.

7 Sacred Herbs That Activate and Align Your Chakras

The chakra is an ancient Hindu concept that you may have already read about in our article 7 Signs You Have Blocked Chakras.

A chakra is a center of power in your body that is visualized during meditation and healing. The chakras have been compared to lotus flowers that are closed like a bud but that can bloom and open to their full potential when we know how to activate them.

Kundalini is another Hindu concept of energy that lies at the base of the spine between the root and the sacral chakras like a coiled snake that is asleep, but which can uncoil and release its energy when needed. The kundalini energy can travel in a spiral up the spine through all of the 7 chakras.

Imbalance in the chakras leads to a feeling of unhappiness. You can try yoga and meditation to open chakras so that they align correctly and activate. Another way to align chakras is to use sacred healing herbs that can be used as teas, aromatherapy, incense, oils and seasonings. Let’s look at 7 sacred herbs that can help your chakras be open and balanced.

1. Activate and align your root chakra with dandelion root.

The root chakra is at the base of your spine near your tailbone. It has a red color associated with it and is the center for grounding you in the physical realm.

A tea made from dandelion root is excellent for helping ground your root chakra. Your root chakra is responsible for activating your focus on the present moment and ensuring that you have all the basics for your survival.

2. Activate and align your sacral chakra with calendula.

Your sacral chakra is responsible for your sexual wellness. It has an orange color and is located below your navel. The sacred herb calendula can be used to help balance the reproductive system and activate this chakra.

3. Activate and align your solar plexus chakra with rosemary.

The solar plexus is where we feel our gut instinct. This energy center activates your and emotional and digestive health and is represented by a yellow color. Use the delicious flavor of rosemary on grilled or roasted vegetables or in a savory baking recipe. The sacred herb rosemary helps with digestion and balances and aligns this chakra.

4. Activate and align your heart chakra with hawthorne berries.

In an experiment looking at the heart chakra and essential oils, researchers found that massage and aromatherapy with oils showed blood pressure improvements and also improved the overall activity of the autonomic nervous system. You can use a hawthorne berry tea to help activate and align the heart chakra and the circulatory system.

Jeanne Rose, author of the Herbal Body Book also says that Neroli oil (orange blossoms) are also helpful for opening both the 4th and 2nd chakras and they have a hypnotic aphrodisiac effect as well.

5. Activate and align your throat chakra with seaweed.

You engage the throat chakra, represented by the color blue, in communication. Under the skin of the throat is your thyroid gland, which you may have read about in some of our prior articles. To help your thyroid function, you need a good supply of iodine.

Seaweed or kelp has been used by many ancient cultures to help improve iodine intake and the thyroid function. Seaweed also contains many other essential nutrients and minerals that help the body. Your throat chakra will thank you for adding the sacred ocean vegetable seaweed to your diet.

6. Activate and align your third eye chakra with eyebright.

Decision-making and clear vision is what your third eye chakra is responsible for. This chakra is a deep indigo color and can be activated with the sacred herb eyebright. You can add eyebright to a tea or as a seasoning for food.

Frankincense oil, as you may have read in our recent article, is another sacred herb that has healing properties and is also helpful for healing the 6th chakra. Put a few drops in a steaming bowl of water, cover your head and the bowl with a towel. Then, relax–inhale the aroma and steam combined.

7. Activate and align your crown chakra with lavender.

A study of stress and the use of essential oils shows that heart rate decreased with the use of essential oil aromatherapy, which led to patients feeling less stress. Decreasing stress is helpful to activate and align your chakras and using sacred herbs helps open your crown chakra.

Connecting to the divine and your infinite power is the key to the crown chakra. It is symbolized by a violet color and can be activated by the scent of lavender in aromatherapy diffusers or sachets.

5 Things That Happen When You’re A Lightworker

“Lightworker” is a term now used for souls who consciously awaken to what is happening in our planet. It describes the “empath” deeply connected to raising conscious awareness among others. These are the warriors of light who take spirituality to new heights. Five things happen when you accept your place as a lightworker in this world.

5 Things That Happen When You’re A Lightworker


1. You begin to notice that you don’t fit in any type of class or group.

The feeling of being misunderstood is magnified. You don’t feel “of this world,” and you need to “return home.” The things that were once easily tolerated are no longer. Lightworkers have very little interest in the media and what other people buy as “normal.”

Spirituality becomes a way of life, and there is no need to partake in any religion or philosophy.

Release the need to be upset with others. Remember that anytime you’re filled with resentment, you’re turning the controls of your emotional life over to others to manipulate.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

2. You are empathetic and compassionate.

You’re attracted to animals, children, elderly folks, and nature as a lightworker. You begin to relate to those whom society has labeled as having mental illness or disorders. You’d rather sit with a homeless person than in a high social event. You are naturally kind, and no need for anyone to reciprocate. You are content with just helping those who need help. Touch and words carry a soothing vibration that is passed on to others. You recognize that healing comes from the heart.

Be an earth angel, and look for love behind the actions of everyone you meet today. Whenever you look for love, you will always find it.” – Doreen Virtue

 3. You begin to feel things without anyone telling you.

Words no longer hold weight on their own. You feel profound and crave space for prayer, contemplation, and meditation. You’re moved to tears at a drop of a hat. You also find that you cannot be in crowded places because you are well aware of energy and frequencies. You begin to read and feel others without the exchange of communication. Lightworkers need seclusion and alone time to recharge their energies as they take on the vibrations of those around them.

Exploring who you are at a deeper level than your everyday thoughts is the true definition of meditation.” – Deepak Chopra

4. People come and tell you their problems and stories all the time.

Lightworkers have an invisible thread to others. Others feel their open heart; therefore, people share secrets, problems, and personal stories. Usually, when they finish, they will comment on how never shared these things with anyone before. Lightworkers are always exposed to the problems of those around them without judgment. They can listen and guide others through difficult moments while navigating with divine wisdom.

Empaths did not come into this world to be victims; we came to be warriors. Be Brave. Stay Strong. We need all hands on deck.” Anthon St. Maarten

5. Lightworkers are not afraid of death or dying.

Death becomes a transition in the stage of life. Many lightworkers have had near-death experiences, and diseases, and have overcome huge obstacles in their lives. Their journey has allowed them to let go of the illusion that death is final. There is an acceptance that life is transcendent.

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.”  – Isaac Asimov

As a lightworker, your job is to have an open heart and a deep awareness to help others transition through these ever-changing times. It’s not your job to change anyone but to accept their choices and bring forth the Divine light. Your presence as a warrior of light is a significant shift in consciousness and spiritual evolution. You are not alone!

This Is What Happens to Your Body When You’re Always On Your Phone

You would be hard-pressed to go anywhere without seeing at least one person glued to their cell phone today. Almost every person on the planet owns a cell phone of some sort, and according to the Morningside Recovery Rehabilitation Center, there are approximately six billion cell phone subscriptions worldwide. Most people don’t just use cell phones for texts and calls anymore, either; phones constantly ding and ring with notifications from emails, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

Also, with the advent of apps for games, parents often give their children a cell phone in public places to keep them entertained and avoid acting up. Of course, cell phones can help us stay in touch with one another. However, they also have a dark side to them that we should all be aware of. Cell phones emit radiation, as they are radiofrequency transmitters. Although they operate at low frequencies, excessive exposure to cell phones can cause long-term health problems. Some predict that overuse can seriously inhibit your quality of life.

Here’s what happens to your body when you stare at your cell phone too much:

phone meme

Negatively affects emotions and can cause antisocial behaviors.

According to a study performed at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom, participants felt negative feelings toward the person they were having a conversation with when a cell phone was visible. Researchers asked 34 different pairs of strangers to discuss both minor topics and important personal events that occurred in their lives. Half of the participants had a mobile device present while the others had a notebook out on the table.

The results showed that the people who discussed serious events in their lives with a notebook visible felt trusting and close to the stranger, unlike those who had a cell phone present.

This directly proves that cell phones can interfere with relationships, especially if people are having a heart-to-heart conversation. Not to mention, using cell phones excessively can promote antisocial behavior and cause people to lose valuable social skills.

It elevates stress levels in the body.

The incessant ringing and dinging of cell phones and our impulses to check these notifications can cause detrimental levels of stress within the body. A study performed at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden found that women who used their phones excessively were prone to sleep disturbances and stress, while high mobile use in men was linked to depression and sleep interruptions.

Constantly checking our phones has taken us out of the present moment and made us anxious about the future with thoughts of who will call or text us next, or if our boss might send us an important email soon. We have become slaves to our phones. But one way to reverse this behavior is to have set times each day to check your cell phone. Don’t deviate from the schedule, and you will soon see that your stress is more manageable. In addition, you will have a lot more free time to do other things you enjoy.

Weakens the immune system.

Did you know that cell phones can contain more germs and bacteria than those found on a toilet seat? According to a study performed at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Queen Mary, University of London, scientists took samples from 390 different cell phones and hands to measure bacteria levels. They found that 92 percent of phones had bacteria on them, as well as 82 percent of hands swabbed. 16 percent of cell phones and hands had E. Coli. However, you can lessen the number of bacteria on your cell phone by simply using it less/ Besides that, engage in washing your hands more often.

Increases your risk of chronic pain.

According to studies done by researchers from Sweden, excessive texting in particular can cause long-term neck, back, and hand pain. Doing anything repetitively can irritate the tissues in the body, therefore causing inflammation, which in turn results in pain. Texting usually requires the thumbs. Thus, inflammation of the basal joint at the base of the thumb can result in arthritis due to the wearing down of joints. Back and neck pain result from texting in a hunched-over position, which leads to poor posture. Many people have their phones at a 60-degree angle. But this position equals approximately 60 pounds of pressure on your neck and spine.

To correct this, try holding your cell phone out straight in front of you. Plus, you should make sure to stretch your neck and back muscles frequently.

Heightens your chances of experiencing vision problems.

While this one might not be as surprising, it is quite shocking that many people know about the correlation between vision problems and excessive use of phones and computers, yet do little to nothing about it. According to The Vision Council, upwards of 70 percent of Americans either don’t know or deny that they can experience vision problems from staring at screens for long periods of time.

Make sure to take frequent breaks from your cell phone, and try not to squint or strain your eyes when reading messages.

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