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3 Things That Cause Chronic Fear

3 Things That Cause Chronic Fear

Fear naturally occurs as a response to an immediate or perceived environmental threat. When we feel anxious or in danger, our bodies release massive amounts of adrenaline, which triggers the fight-or-flight response. Anxiety, a survival instinct, prompts us to take action during periods of acute stress. However, when it becomes chronic, it puts our bodies and minds into a diseased state.

As humans, we’re meant to experience many emotions, so fear isn’t necessarily a negative thing. Anxiety can help us overcome challenges and take risks when we otherwise would play it safe. But in modern society, our bodies and minds don’t always know the difference between real and perceived threats.

We haven’t yet evolved to deal with the fast pace of life, so our cortisol levels are often high to compensate. Unfortunately, this puts a great deal of strain on our entire system. However, you shouldn’t allow the outer environment to dictate your inner world. Even if it seems hopeless sometimes, you can conquer fear and anxiety by practicing mental equanimity.

3 Reasons for Chronic Fear

Below, we’ll discuss a few common reasons for chronic fear and how to overcome this feeling.


1. Persistent worrying about things outside your control.

When you worry about something, you naturally want to find a solution to the problem. However, accepting that many aspects of life aren’t in your control is essential. As they say, worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair — it keeps your mind occupied but gets you nowhere. Once you realize this, you can direct your energy toward more productive tasks.

It’s understandable why many people experience chronic fear in modern life, though. We have more worries and stressors in today’s world than in the past. We’re not running from wild animals that want to kill us, but we have much higher mental stress. Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety have skyrocketed in recent years due to job burnout, financial stress, and more.

Unfortunately, many people can’t escape their lives and run into the forest somewhere. So, the best solution to our chronic stress epidemic is remembering to slow down and breathe. Being mindful and remaining in the present moment can do wonders to heal our overly civilized minds.

2. Having an anxiety disorder or phobia.

Everyone worries about something every so often — it’s part of what makes us human. However, it becomes a problem when the worries turn into chronic fear or anxiety. For example, people with a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) tend to feel persistent concern about almost anything. They can’t pinpoint the cause of their anxiety or phobia because everything seems to trigger the feeling.

That’s because people suffering from anxiety have more difficulty separating non-threatening stimuli from actual dangers. Their cortisol levels remain heightened because they’re in survival mode constantly. This disorder can be debilitating for many people, getting in the way of jobs, relationships, and other aspects of life.

But, with proper treatment such as therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes, it’s possible to overcome anxiety. No one wants to live in a state of fear all the time, but for many people, it’s an uphill battle to fight this feeling. In a way, their bodies and minds only want to protect them and further their chances of survival. But in our civilized society, it can feel like more of a burden than a blessing.

If you suffer from anxiety or other mental disorders, please remember to go easy on yourself. It takes time to heal and trust your intuition, but you can do it with patience and practice. Try meditating, doing yoga, spending time in nature, and other self-care techniques that relax your nervous system.

Also, as difficult as it may seem, try to observe the fear rather than run from the feeling. Becoming aware of your emotions and watching them rise and fall can do wonders for your anxiety. The premise behind this technique is to become a silent witness to the things you experience rather than the one experiencing them. At first, separating yourself from your emotions may seem hard, but you will start to notice the difference over time.

3. Chronic fear may occur due to unhealed childhood trauma.

Some people dislike talking about childhood trauma because it triggers uncomfortable emotions. They’d rather sweep it under the rug and pretend nothing ever happened. However, ignoring painful events from the past creates a state of mental imbalance and disease. It’s different when you feel unbothered about what happened, and you learn to let it go. But, if you still harbor resentment or pain from your childhood, it will come to the surface eventually.

Many people who have unhealed trauma deal with mental disorders and live in a state of fear. In many cases, they have taken on this trauma and made it part of their identity. As such, they can’t move forward in life because everything reminds them of how they suffered at the hands of others.

If you haven’t made peace with the past, it will always come back to haunt you at some point. But you deserve to live fully and move beyond constant stress or fear. You might benefit from therapy that addresses healing your inner child and learning to forgive those who hurt you.


Final Thoughts on Recognizing These Things That Can Cause Chronic Fear

People feel fear for various reasons, usually due to unhealed trauma from the past or mental disorders. Because emotions get embedded in our tissues and brain networks, it’s hardly a simple task to undo years of trauma. It requires a commitment to yourself to overcome negative feelings and begin the process of healing. Therapy, psychiatric medications, and lifestyle changes can lead to mental wellness.

So, if you feel persistent fear, please remember not to give up on yourself. It’s possible to heal and break free from the chains that tie you down if you first offer yourself love and compassion. More than ever, we need healing and love on this planet, which begins within each of us.

Woman Creates Beautiful Jewelry That Keeps People Safe

When most people think about protecting themselves from danger, jewelry probably doesn’t come to mind. However, you don’t always need a weapon to protect you from threats. After Rajia Abdelaziz experienced a close call with strangers one evening, she created a safety device to help women. Of course, men can also benefit from the device, but she made the product with women in mind since they’re more often victims of assault.

According to Rajia, she never actually planned to launch a company; the idea only came to her after a harrowing experience. She had attended an awards ceremony one evening and decided to call it a night around 9 PM. The young woman thought about asking her friend to walk her back to her car but decided against it. She didn’t want to bother anyone since her car was only a block away.

Rajia reassured herself that everything would be fine and that she had probably just watched too many crime shows. Little did she know that her gut instinct was trying to warn her of impending danger. She made it halfway to her car and noticed an SUV full of young guys start to slow down.

One of the men rolled down a window and began yelling vulgar comments, but she initially ignored him. However, when he opened the door and started getting out, she sprinted the rest of the way to her car.

She thought about calling 911 but didn’t want to waste time digging through her purse for her phone. Terrified and shaking, she returned to her car, locked the doors, and peeled out of the parking lot. Thankfully, the man never caught up with her or followed her home.

Even though she’d escaped the scary situation unscathed, she could only think about all the other women who weren’t so lucky. At that moment, she vowed to do something to support men and women if they ever felt unsafe.

Woman Creates Stylish Jewelry to Protect People From Assaults


She realized from firsthand experience that a phone isn’t always a dependable safety device. Not everyone keeps their phone handy, so it may take time to dig it out of a purse or bag. In the case of a car accident, a phone may not even work correctly to call for help.

With this in mind, Rajia started researching the market for a more inconspicuous safety device. At first, she could only find the clunky panic buttons that older people use in case of emergencies. However, she wanted to create something the user could wear on their person to make it more accessible.

That’s when she decided to collaborate with Ray Hamilton, her current business partner, to brainstorm ideas. They came up with wearable technology resembling jewelry that is easily disguised and unobtrusive. By double pressing the button on the back of the jewelry, the wearer can call for assistance and notify emergency contacts. At first glance, you wouldn’t even realize it’s a panic button because of the seamless, intelligent design.

After some deliberation, they decided to call the company Invisawear, the first start-up to create safety devices from jewelry. Since launching the business two years ago, it’s now one of the most successful safety alarm brands. Rajia made sure to use her electrical engineering background by working tirelessly to bring her product to market.

Even though she and Ray faced numerous obstacles in the beginning to secure funding, they ultimately persevered. They had set an initial target of $150,000 but far surpassed expectations and raised millions. Typically, female entrepreneurs have a harder time securing investments in a male-dominated business world, but Rajia wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Invisawear Became A Huge Success

Thankfully, her determination paid off, and she’s expanded her brand to include keychains, hair accessories, necklaces, fitness bands, and more. The products come in various colors, such as gold, silver, and black unisex versions. You might think safety devices disguised as jewelry might look unappealing, but Invisawear products blend the two perfectly. They’re stylish, pair well with any outfit, and serve a greater purpose. You can also add a Rolex watch or other stylish watches to complete your look, and ensure their longevity with reliable Rolex servicing at Kalmar Antiques. You may also want to visit the reliable shop at STS if you need watch services and watch battery replacement. If you’re looking for more budget-friendly options, consider exploring high-quality replica watches that offer a similar aesthetic.

They’re highly accessible and include a hidden panic button that users can program to send their location to emergency services. In addition, the devices send out a preprogrammed text to a maximum of five emergency contacts and call 911 through the home alarm company ADT.

Rajia partnered with them since they’re a leading security provider with the quickest call response time. The collaboration with ADT also includes access to video streaming, voice activation, and even self-defense courses. In addition, Invisawear recently partnered with a Canadian security company and plans to expand into the Middle East and Europe soon.

In an ideal world, safety device jewelry shouldn’t have to exist at all. Unfortunately, reports of violence against men and women continue to rise, especially in recent years. A study from Stop Street Harassment, a nonprofit fighting to end sexual harassment in public, revealed startling statistics. The report found that around 65% of women and 25% of men had experienced street harassment at least once.

These sobering statistics explain why Invisawear’s jewelry became so popular shortly after the company launched. Rajia said that many grandmothers buy safety device jewelry for their daughters or granddaughters, and she often receives multiple orders. In three years of business, the company has sold over 70,000 jewelry items in the United States.


Final Thoughts on Safety Devices Disguised as Jewelry

She’s beyond thrilled that the product has impacted people’s lives in such a positive way. One of the safety devices saved someone’s life, an incredible testament to the jewelry’s success. After a woman had a car accident, the device called her father, who stayed by her side until an ambulance arrived. In another instance, the jewelry allowed a realtor to call for help when she was almost attacked while showing homes.

Rajia will continue creating safety device jewelry to help men and women feel safer. Above all else, she hopes the devices will prevent sexual assaults and violent crimes from happening in the first place.

3 Personality Types Have the Most Successful Relationships

Throughout history, scientists and psychologists have been fascinated by the different personality types that govern human behavior. As a result, many studies have been done on this topic, which has slotted people into many different categories. But the classification that stood the test of time is the one developed by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers.

These two women created a questionnaire based on Carl Jung’s theory of personality types. By taking this questionnaire, you can be slotted into sixteen different personality types. There is a lot of debate surrounding whether this test is scientifically accurate, but it’s the best available. And it can tell you a lot about why you act the way you do and your potential likes and dislikes.

But, potentially, the most exciting aspect of this test is that it explains how compatible you are with other people. Now, people fall in love without knowing their partner’s personality type. And it would be a little silly to exclude someone just because a test tells you that you shouldn’t be compatible. But, that being said, your personality types can tell you a lot about how successful you usually are in romantic relationships.

Some personality types have a track record of struggling on the dating scene. While others, especially the more extroverted types, seem to be able to create stronger connections with people. And knowing what personality type you are can teach you a lot about yourself, and it can help you understand what you might need to change if you want to have a better dating life.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Reveal Much About the Personality Types

Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers are mother and daughter. They both actively studied psychology. The work that fascinated them the most was Jung’s theory on personality types. This is why they developed their questionnaire during the Second World War to apply Jung’s theory in the real world. The first draft of the test was written in the early 1940s, but they kept perfecting them for the next two decades. The final draft would identify people as having one out of sixteen personalities.


The Myers-Briggs Test

The Myers-Briggs test doesn’t suggest that one personality is better than the other. It’s meant to show people their strengths and weaknesses and allow them to understand themselves better. Nowadays, you can take this personality test online. And in the end, it will tell you what category you fall into and detail what that personality type means. The test consists of four scales, which is why all sixteen types have names made up of four letters.

The First Scale

The first scale is the extraversion (E) – introversion (I). This dichotomy was first established by Jung, who suggested that where you are on the scale determines how you interact with the outside world. The MBTI test defines extraversion as action-oriented people who enjoy social interactions and feel energized after spending time with people. On the other hand, introverts are thought-oriented and social interactions usually drain them. They prefer to spend more time alone. Now, all people exhibit some extroverted and some introverted qualities. The test only determines what percentage of introversion and extraversion traits you have. For example, you could receive a 70% introversion and a 30% extraversion percentage after taking the test.

The Second Scale

The second personality scale is sensing (S) – intuition (N). It shows how people gather information from the external world. As with the last scale, everyone shows a bit of both traits. But they tend to be dominant in one or the other. People who prefer sensing pay a lot of attention to details and the reality around them and enjoy being directly involved in activities. The more intuitive types are attracted to patterns and impressions. They usually think about the future and imagine how their life could develop.

The Third Scale

The third scale analyses how people make decisions. This is the thinking (T) – feeling (F) scale. Whether people gathered their information from their sensing or intuition traits, this scale shows what they do next with that information. Some people prefer to be rational and focus on the objective facts of the issue. These lean towards the thinking side of the scale. The people who focus on feeling are the ones who decide using subjective factors, such as how other people might be affected by their decisions.

The Fourth Scale

The last scale is judging (J) – perceiving (P). This explains how people tend to deal with the outside world. People who score higher on the judging side are the ones who need structure and clear guidelines or decisions. The ones who lean towards perceiving are more open and adaptable. This scale interacts with all the other three and shows is your inner personality shines through when dealing with the outside world. You can be extraverted, but if you lean towards judging, you are less likely to show just how personable you are.

When you mesh the results from all these four scales together, you get one of the sixteen personality types. But how does your personality type interact with the idea of romance? And which of these personality types are more likely to find success in their love life?

3 Personality Types Have the Most Successful Relationships

personality types

1.      INFJ (The Advocate)

If you are looking for a personality type that is a hopeless romantic and loves unconditionally, then you don’t need to look any further than the INFJ. These people are introverted and highly intuitive, making them one of the most empathetic. They are warm and caring and yearn to create a strong connection with someone before committing to anything serious.

They are not the types of people to date around, which means that when they do date, they make sure it’s the real deal. Even though they mostly keep to themselves, and it might be hard to get them to open up, they are loyal and loving to a fault. In relationships, they are the kind of partner who will always shower you with gifts and ensure you have all you need. Also, they are great listeners and will help you through your problems. Even if you don’t want a piece of advice and you just need a shoulder to cry on, that’s exactly what they’ll offer you.

Sure, their generally sheltered demeanor can be a little frustrating, especially when they don’t want to tell you what’s bothering them. Just know that they don’t do that because they don’t want to communicate or don’t trust you. They do it because they are afraid of burdening you. As long as an INFJ and their partner can talk through these small issues, they will have a connection that will last a lifetime.

2.      ENTP (The Debater)

While the name might suggest people with this personality type are always up for a fight, that’s not accurate. They can be one of the most loving types of people out there. Sure, they are selective when it comes to the people they date. But that means they are looking for someone with whom they can truly connect, not just a casual fling.

They are funny and energetic people who always keep you on your toes. But they are also suckers for a grand gesture that will sweep their partner off their feet. Because of their extraversion, they will always constantly be surrounded by people. But, when there are in a relationship, they will give you all their love and attention. They will find a way to juggle their social life as long as they get to be with you. They’re pragmatic people who will give their partner the best life possible.

They might not be as obvious about their love as INFJs, but that doesn’t mean they can’t ever be romantic. It’s unlikely they’ll bring you flowers daily, but they are the type of people who plan an elaborate city break in your favorite city. Plus, they’ll always be up to exploring new things with you. So, get ready for some hiking and maybe even some skydiving because a relationship with an ENTP is anything but boring. And you’re not likely to get rid of them any time soon.

3.      INFP (The Mediator)

The mediator is a personality type that will romance you and sweep you off your feet. They are highly intuitive and perceiving, which makes them empaths, much like the INFJs are. But, while the INFJs are more rigid and can sometimes be stuck in their own ways, INFPs are much more flexible and malleable.

This can sometimes mean they can have their head in the clouds, but they are some of the most caring people you will ever meet. In a relationship, they can be a little reserved at first. But they will want to know everything about you. They’ll want to meet your friends and get involved in your life. And their love is profound.

They take a while until they allow themselves to fall in love, but when they do, they make sure it’s for life. No matter how hard they have to fight and what they have to sacrifice, they’ll do it if that means they get to be with the person they love. This is why dating an INFP will almost always lead to a healthy and stable relationship.

personality types

Final Thoughts on Some Personality Types That Have the Most Successful Relationships

All sixteen personality types have unique qualities and are great people in their own right. But, as life has it, some personalities deal better with the stress and responsibilities of a relationship. Of course, that doesn’t mean that only the listed three types of personalities can have successful relationships. It’s just that they have a better track record.

If you want someone caring and trustworthy, look no further than the INFJs, the ENTPs, or the INFPs. These three personality types make for the most reliable partners, and you’ll have a lot of fun with them. But it’s not just going to be a casual relationship. If you date people who fall into any of these categories, you can be sure that you’re in for the long run.

Brain Science Explains How Transcendental Meditation Can Calm Your Mind

Transcendental meditation is a technique that is based on ancient yoga practices. Eastern cultures have always practiced meditation in one form or another. However, it only recently arrived in the West. So, chances are you might not have heard about how to meditate. When people hear the word “transcendental,” they might think of it as simply a buzzword.

It might even seem like a cheap marketing scheme to attract young people to quirky things. But this is a profound technique that can help you calm your mind and enter a state of peacefulness. Unfortunately, because meditation is something done to improve your mental health, it doesn’t always get the best reputation, which might seem weird, given how important it is. But you must remember that mental health issues have been stigmatized throughout history.

It’s been less than 100 years since people have started to understand that mental health issues should be taken seriously. But unfortunately, some people still think that mental health issues are just used as excuses not to do things or that people struggling with such issues are insane. Of course, none of these assumptions is true. But their existence makes people feel the need to suppress their struggles. Plus, life is stressful.

People have to balance jobs, which are becoming increasingly more demanding, friends and hobbies. Not to mention that the world is unstable, and there is a lot of added anxiety regarding the economic and political climate. So, there are a million reasons people could become stressed, and if you can’t seem to calm down, you shouldn’t be ashamed. But you need to find some way to relax. So, it might be worth it to give transcendental meditation a shot.

What Is Transcendental Meditation?

transcendental meditation

Transcendental meditation has been around in its present form only since the 1950s. The current technique has been perfected by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who took inspiration from the Vedas texts of India. These texts are around 4,000 to 5,000 years old, but the knowledge is believed to be much older. The word “Veda” means knowledge.

So, the Vedas, a collection of hymns, held all the knowledge people knew was necessary at that time. These texts are from a time before modern religion and culture ever existed. Still, these texts have greatly inspired Hinduism, which is why they are most associated with this religion. This explains why the teachings and techniques derived from Vedas, such as meditation and yoga, were popular only in the East until a few decades ago.

Consciousness and Meditation

Maharishi wasn’t the first person to use meditation to calm the mind. But he was the first who combined meditation and consciousness and presented it as transcendental meditation to the world. By studying consciousness, he helped determine that consciousness has four stages, not just three, as previously believed. The fourth stage is the meditative state, which explains why meditation is helpful.

One thing that might throw people off is that Maharishi argued that transcendental meditation is a science. While modern understanding of this technique wouldn’t go as far as to support this theory, transcendental meditation is still tied to science. Specifically, it has been shown that it triggers some changes in the brain.

Transcendental meditation is quite simple in theory. You just need to sit comfortably on the floor with your eyes closed. Then, start silently repeating a mantra for about 10 minutes. It works best if you meditate twice a day. The mantra is a word or a phrase that’s supposed to become the only thing you focus on. Some people even use sounds or vibrations.

For example, in movies, meditation is often depicted using someone staying in the lotus position while humming. That’s almost always an example of transcendental meditation. But, if humming isn’t your thing, there are many generic examples you can choose from. After all, the mantra should be something completely devoid of meaning. There are lists made by teachers and experts that show what Sanskrit word you should use depending on age and gender.

The Link Between Transcendental Meditation and the Brain

In the past decade, EKG studies have shown that transcendental meditation triggers changes in brain activity. Precisely, it activates the default mode network. This network is considered the brain’s natural or ground state. This network is a set of brain regions exhibiting low-frequency oscillations during resting.

These regions are activated when someone focuses on internal mental-state processes. More specifically, these regions activate when one is not focused on the outside world. Such processes include introspection, autobiographical memory retrieval, and imagining the future. Or you can enter a wakeful rest when you daydream, or your mind wanders.

Other regions, such as attention networks, are passive when the default mode network is active. Transcendental meditation may help people enter a state of restful alertness. The change in the brain waves supports this noticed during meditation. It also creates a higher connection between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Plus, it enhances one’s sense of self.

These changes are connected to the default mode network, demonstrating that transcendental meditation has a scientific side. It’s not just a placebo effect but a technique that has empirically been proven to work.

How Does Transcendental Meditation Help Calm Your Mind


1. It Improves Your Physical Health

One of the best things transcendental meditation does is improve your physical health. Maybe that wouldn’t seem connected to the mind, but it is. Something that stresses people more than they think is struggling with how healthy their body is. Maybe you don’t even realize it consciously, but these issues affect you. For example, high blood pressure is tied to high-stress levels.

Not to mention that the symptoms of hypertension are headaches, shortness of breath, and even nosebleeds. But transcendental meditation can reduce and stabilize blood pressure. It could also be as effective as a hypertension medication.

Besides that, transcendental meditation improves sleep. Insufficient sleep is also a leading cause of stress, so getting better sleep will help calm your mind. Plus, it helps with pain management. While meditating, you can distract yourself from any discomfort or pain. You can even help your brain minimize that unpleasant feeling.

2. It Improves Mental and Emotional Health

As discussed previously, transcendental meditation helps reduce high blood pressure, which in turn helps reduce stress. But that’s not the only reason why it helps with anxiety. When you meditate, you transcend into the fourth state of consciousness. In this state, all your worries and struggles fade away. So without stressors, your mind can calm down.

And the best part is, after meditation, when your mind is clear, you can find ways to solve the problems weighing you down. This meditation is also helpful in treating anxiety, depression, and PTSD. This ties into how it helps decrease stress levels. Indeed, you might start reaping the mental health benefits as early as the second week of practicing transcendental meditation.

On the emotional side, a big benefit is that you will have clearer thoughts and feelings. Even though the aim is to clear your head of all thoughts in the minutes you meditate, it will help you create order in your head after you meditate. Plus, it will help increase gratitude and compassion. Allowing you to detach from the present helps put things into perspective. So, it ultimately improves inner peace and calms your mind.

3. It Has Cognitive Benefits

Even though this type of meditation is all about peace and relaxation, it doesn’t only affect the default mode network. When someone practices transcendental meditation regularly, it helps improve certain cognitive functions. For example, it improves productivity, performance, and problem-solving skills.

This is because it helps clear your head of all unimportant thoughts that otherwise impede your cognitive processes. For example, managing everything when your head is clutter-free is much easier. It also helps improve creativity and enhance your intelligence and awareness.

Being more relaxed means that you have the time to entertain and process new ideas, whether those ideas are creative or practical. For example, if your subconscious is considering the possibility of drawing something, after meditating, that idea can come forward, meaning you will be consciously aware of it. This is why you can be more creative. The same goes for thoughts that can enhance your intelligence.

Another bonus is that transcendental meditation improves energy and focus, which ultimately helps you have a better memory. Besides these cognitive benefits being awesome on their own, they also lead to a bonus. They calm the mind because they help you face stress and adversity.

transcendental meditation

Final Thoughts on Transcendental Meditation and How It Can Calm Your Mind

There are many types of meditation, and they all have merits. But transcendental meditation is arguably the best one. And it’s the one that’s best suited to help you calm your mind. But, of course, some people already practice mindfulness meditation, which many consider the best for reducing stress and relaxation.

But the evidence points towards transcendental meditation being better in all categories. So, if you want to start meditating, your best shot is to give transcendental meditation a go. But you don’t need to compare transcendental meditation to anything else to see just how many benefits it has. And it’s very simple to do. You just need to sit down, close your eyes, and repeat your mantra. It’s such an easy thing to incorporate into your life that you’ll have no issue making it a habit.

And the benefits start showing right away. Transcendental meditation improves your mental and physical health. It also helps you balance your emotions. Not to mention that it strengthens cognitive functions. But the best part is that it activates parts of the brain, specifically the default mode network, responsible for rest and relaxation. So, if you want to be more relaxed and calm your mind, give transcendental meditation a try.

15 Signs That You Met Your Dream Man

Meeting your dream man and settling down is probably one of your life’s goals. Finding the perfect person requires dating and working through all the duds to find Mr. Right. Experiencing a failed relationship or two is challenging, but it all pays off when you find the one that’s your other half.

Fifteen Signs He’s Your Dream Man

How do you know if the man you’re with is a keeper? There may be insane chemistry, and your heart may beat out of your chest when he’s near. You must pay attention to those subtle clues, as they tell you everything you need to know. Here are some signs that this man could be husband material. Please see our accompanying article if you are curious about the signs indicating you have found your dream woman.

dream man

1. Your Values Align With Those of Your Dream Man

When you think about your dream man, you want them to have similar values to yours. Things like raising children, spirituality, and your political affiliations can be deal breakers.

You don’t have to agree on everything, as that’s impossible, but you must have values that line up. When it comes to things you don’t see similarly, they understand and respect your view.

2. You Feel Comfortable Being Vulnerable

There are some folks that you must hold back the tears and emotional displays around them. However, your dream man loves you and welcomes your vulnerability.

Even if you’re freaking out because everything in your world is going wrong, he will be the shoulder to cry on rather than a voice of judgment.

3. The Chemistry With Your Dream Man Is Electrifying

When he touches your hand, you tingle inside. You get butterflies when you know you will see him, and his kiss makes you weak in the knees. The chemistry between you and Mr. Right is undeniable; he makes you feel things you never thought possible.

4. He Likes Your Family and Friends

Getting along with family and friends is among couples’ most significant issues. You’ve found a treasure when you’ve met a man who accepts the people in your life. If he realizes that your circle of influence is vital to you, he will do whatever possible to accept and love them as he does you.

5. He Values Your Opinion

Some men prefer to take leadership roles and dominate the house. However, he knows you have an opinion and is open to hearing what you say. When making decisions for the household, he wants to listen to what you want.

Having a dictatorship is not a marriage; your dream man may be a keeper if he values your thoughts and opinions.

6. Your Dream Man Doesn’t Try to Change You

To love someone is to accept them for who they are, not what they can be. He won’t try to change you, but you will feel yourself changing to be a better person for him. He’s never cruel or puts you down, as he’s your biggest cheerleader. He sees past all your annoying habits and loves you regardless.

7. You Feel Safe in Your Relationship With Him

You love feeling safe and secure when he is by your side. Something is reassuring about looking into his eyes and knowing he will protect you with everything in him. Your dream man would give his life for his lady, and the security he brings makes you feel protected.


8. They Make You Laugh

Life would be boring if you didn’t laugh. There have been numerous studies about laughter being good for the soul, but did you know it’s also good for relationships? The University of North Carolina researched the health of couples who laughed together.

Laura E. Kurtz oversaw this study. The research concluded that shared laughter is a valuable objective for gauging the relationship’s well-being. A couple that laughs and has a good time together is in a better place than one who lacks levity. So, find the person who makes you laugh, and you will find someone you can spend forever with by your side.

9. Too Much Time Apart From Your Dream Man Is Dreadful

It’s a dreadful time when you must spend time apart from one another. You count down the days, minutes, and hours until you can see one another again. You know he has business meetings, trips, and other engagements, but being apart is unbearable for both of you. Carleton University’s Robert Coplan has some strong beliefs about time spent apart.

While it might seem unbearable to be away from one another, it’s healthy. According to Carleton Newsroom, you need time alone like you need sunlight. However, the key is that you don’t want too much of it, as it can be unhealthy.

10. A Dream Man Communicates Well

You don’t have to sit by the phone waiting for a call or text, as you’re the first person he thinks about. He wakes up and texts you good morning if he’s not by your side. You don’t have to guess about the things going on in his life, as he’s very open and communicates well with you.

11. He’s There Whenever You Need Him

If you call your dream man at two am, he will come running to be there for you. You can count on him whether you’re in danger or just having a bad day. He’s protective of you and wants to ensure he is there for all the essential things in your life.

He wouldn’t dream of you getting an award at work and not being there in the room to clap and cheer for your accomplishments. You’re one of the most precious things to you, and he will be there when you call.

12. He Brags About You and Your Relationship

You know the hurt if you’ve ever been with someone who tried to hide you from his friends and family. However, this guy seems proud of you. He loves having you on his arm and wants the world to see you’re his girlfriend.

You’re not stuck in the friend zone, as he eagerly changed his social media status to “in a relationship.” When anyone asks about his love interest, he can’t stop gushing about how wonderful you are and all your outstanding attributes. Yes, a sign you’ve found your dream man is when he is proud of you and brags about you to his friends.

13. He Tells You Everything

You have no secrets; he wants to share his heart and soul. He wouldn’t dare leave you out on any happenings in his life. Your dream man knows that you’re his present and future, so he wants to keep you filled in on everything about him.

You like his transparency because even when he makes a mistake, he’s quick to own it. A more profound connection comes with someone who lets you in and ensures you know everything.

14. He Makes Sacrifices for You

A man who loves you wholeheartedly will sacrifice to ensure your happiness and safety. If there’s one piece of apple pie left, he will save it for you. He will eliminate social media accounts because he knows they make you uncomfortable.

Additionally, he will make coffee at home instead of grabbing that six-dollar gourmet latte. He knows all that extra money can be saved to get you the home of your dreams or the ring you deserve.

15. You Spend A Lot of Time Together

Spending time together is very important for any relationship. You can be curled up on a couch, watching a movie, eating pizza, or dancing the night away. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you’re together.

He goes out of his way to plan things to put a smile on your face, even if it’s something simple like a picnic. He cares about you and likes spending his time with you.

dream man

Final Thoughts on Your Dream Man

As the old saying goes, you must kiss many toads before you find your prince. The good news is that if your man checks off many things on this list, chances are you’ve found your dream man. Moreover, checking a list can never tell you what you already know in your heart.

Listening to your gut instincts can give you proper direction. When you’ve found Mr. Right, you don’t see the red flags and feel those aching doubts in your stomach like in toxic relationships. The sun shines brighter, and everything seems right in your world.

15 Signs That You Met Your Dream Woman

Everything seems perfect when you’re first starting your relationship. There are no arguments, and you’re already planning your future. Sadly, matters of the heart are tricky, and you may wonder if the lady you’re with is your dream woman or soulmate.

Sure, she spends time with you, returns your phone calls, and makes date night a priority, but does she truly love you? Do you see her as the person you will spend the rest of your life with by your side?

Fifteen Signs That Indicate a Dream Woman

You love spending time together, you’ve met her friends and family members, and she’s declared her undying love to you. Still, if you’re wondering if the lady who stole your heart is the one, you may be with her forever. Sometimes there are clear indications, and other times there are some signs that aren’t obvious. Here are fifteen clues that she’s the one.

Note: We acknowledge that women are also searching for the ideal partner, and we share the signs of a dream man in a companion article. Why two articles? Because the behaviors of males and females–which can sometimes overlap–also display some differences.

dream woman

1. Your Dream Woman Is Vulnerable With You

There’s no one alive who doesn’t have a few skeletons in their closet, as everyone makes mistakes. However, she feels so safe with you and your relationship that she can tell you anything. There are no secrets between you because you’re both free to talk openly without judgment.

Brigham Young University did a special piece on vulnerability in relationships. They demonstrated that many people close themselves off for fear of being hurt or rejected again. However, they further state that you can’t develop the deep, meaningful relationships you desire without it.

2. A Soulmate Wants Your Opinion

It’s nice to be valued and to have someone care what you think about situations. When a lady asks you to give input into her life, it’s likely because she sees you in her future. The decisions she makes affect you too. She may be looking for you to pop the question.

3. She Laughs at Your Jokes

If you’re a jokester, you probably have a few people who give you strange looks when you tell a joke. You know that feeling that the whole world is staring at you, and no one is laughing? However, your dream woman laughs with you and gets you on a level no one else does.

4. A Dream Woman Says “We” Instead of “I”

When your lady starts thinking that you’re her future, she will use the word “we” rather than “I.” Though she might not say she wants you forever, she can use verbiage indicating her thoughts.

Using the term “we” indicates she wants a long-term commitment. She sees you as a team and can’t imagine her tomorrow without you.

5. Your Soulmate Sees Her Money as Yours

She’s becoming so comfortable with the idea that you’re connected that she sees your money as joined. She’s a dream woman when she shares her finances with you and sneaks in little hits about future savings.

6. You Like to Do Things Together

The old saying that opposites attract is true to a certain point. How can you enjoy spending time together if you don’t like to do the same things? If she’s your dream woman, she will watch football with you, and you’ll watch reality TV with her. You learn about give and take because you want to be together. You enjoy each other’s company no matter what you’re doing.

7. A Dream Woman Pampers You

It doesn’t matter your age; everyone loves to be pampered. She goes out of her way to do the little things that make you feel special. She’s the girl that will make your favorite meal because you had a bad day.

She won’t hesitate to show up at your job to hug you when the world seems to be spinning out of control. She goes above and beyond the call of duty, and you love her for it.

8. A Soulmate Can Handle Your Mood Swings

Some people might be frightened off by their partners when they see them at their worst. However, you know she’s your dream woman when she doesn’t run the other way when you have some challenging moments. Everyone has good and bad days, and it’s learning about those bad days and how to deal with each other’s breakdowns that count.

A relationship where you know everything about the other person, the good, bad, and the ugly, has a real chance of being something that lasts.

dream woman

9. A Soulmate Calls You Pet Names

Pet names mean that there’s comfort with one another, and she feels things with you are on another level. When you use terms of endearment like honey, sweetie, or babe, you’re telling this person they have a special place in your heart, and using their birth name won’t do.

10. Your Dream Woman Trusts You

Your dream woman isn’t looking over your shoulder whenever a call or text comes to your phone. She knows that you only have eyes for her. She doesn’t call to check up on you, and she doesn’t play detective with your every move.

Living with a jealous person who has no faith or trust in you is horrible, and it will ruin your relationship as quickly as infidelity. Elisabetta Franzoso is a life coach and counselor who often sees people in her office with trust issues. She speaks about how she suffered abuse and neglect as a child, leading to significant issues.

A true soulmate calls trust the bedrock of your relationship and states that when it’s broken, it comes with baggage. You must learn to unpack your luggage and address the underlying issues to fix this problem. When you put the work into it, change and growth happen.

11. She’s Eager to Call You Her Boyfriend

Guys have a big issue with getting stuck in the friend zone. It’s not a very exciting place to be, as it leaves you in limbo. Thankfully, she was eager to call you her boyfriend from the start, and she has no problems putting the appropriate labels on your association.

12. A Soulmate Changes Her Spending Habits

Some women change their spending habits when they start thinking of their future. If she’s having visions of walking down the aisle as a bride and buying the house with the white picket fence, chances are that she will save money. If you notice that she’s skipping that expensive latte or avoiding the mall, it indicates that she’s got something bigger she’s investing in.

13. She Loves Your Family

Bringing home a partner to meet your parents is a big step. You want everyone to like her and for her to enjoy them in return. You have no worries because your partner consciously tries to get along with your family.

She comes to your parents’ get-togethers and loves to talk and laugh with the whole family. When you’ve found someone who loves your family as you do, you’ve found a treasure you should hold onto. A dream woman might get upset with your family, but she respects you, which makes her hold her tongue.

14. A Dream Woman Believes in You

You want someone who gets all your visions and encourages you when looking for your soul mate. A lady who loves you wants what’s best for you, and she wants to help you accomplish your goals. She will be the biggest cheerleader to push you on to victory, and she’s the first to want to celebrate all the little milestones, no matter how small they may be.

15. Her Friends Are All Married or in Successful Relationships

When considering if you’ve met your soulmate, looking at her friends is always good. If all her friends are married and settling down, there’s a good chance she wants the same thing. Remember that birds of a feather tend to flock together, so she might be old school and want a relationship that lasts for the long haul.


Final Thoughts on Finding Your Dream Woman

Finding the right person to spend your life with takes work. Perhaps you want love, marriage, and a couple of kids running around your home. It takes finding a dream woman to make all these beautiful things happen.

Even if you don’t want all those things, you can find the person and situation best for you. So, does the woman you’re dating fit into the category of a dream woman, or is it time to go fishing to find another fish that better suits your future?

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