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20 Positive Affirmations of Wisdom and Strength

Your self-talk contributes to your wisdom and strength, helping you grow and learn while feeding your mind with positive words. Taking time each day to repeat positive affirmations can help you find the mindset you need to move forward.

Positive affirmations improve your thought process, relationships, and overall well-being. They can give you the strength and wisdom to stay on track and achieve your goals. These phrases can also help you let go of negative energy and focus on the good.

Using affirmations to focus on positive energy gives you a chance to choose a life path that brings fulfillment. It also helps you stop thinking about how things could have been if you made different choices. These affirmations of wisdom and strength help you find what it takes to move forward and improve your life and well-being.

Twenty Positive Affirmations of Wisdom and Strength

positive affirmation

1 – I focus on my health and well-being.

You can’t grow if you don’t feel good about yourself. Having health issues or maintaining a negative mindset can affect what happens in your life. You might miss opportunities or goals when you’re struggling mentally or physically.

This affirmation can help you prioritize your health and well-being, allowing you to embrace your strength and wisdom. It gives you a focused and clear mindset as you work toward your goals and find fulfillment.

2 – I am always learning.

No one is perfect, and this affirmation reminds you of that. It prevents you from feeling bad when you make a mistake or don’t get something as accurate as you’d hoped. Since you learn from every mistake, trying again until you get things right is beneficial.

Constant learning helps you grow, making you feel stronger and wiser. You constantly improve, and setbacks can help you get closer to success.

3 – I take the lead, even when it’s not easy.

This affirmation helps you stay true to your values. You won’t be afraid to take the lead when something should change. It gives you the courage to stand up and pave the way, even when there’s resistance.

This affirmation embraces wisdom and strength because you know what should occur and go for it. You don’t sit by and let things continue on a stagnant course.

4 – I care for myself, so I know everything will be okay.

You can trust that everything will work out when you make good life choices. Think things through and consider what the best option is each time.

As your life changes, your decisions and priorities may also change. You may have to rethink what it means to take care of yourself when aspects of your life change. Taking care of yourself shows wisdom and strength and allows you to maintain hope without relying on anyone else.

5 – I control my sense of peace.

No matter what anyone else does, you can control your mindset. Finding peace involves looking within and releasing negativity. Choosing positivity allows you to choose which emotional path you want to take.

This affirmation can help you choose the peaceful path more often than the destructive one. You control your peace and don’t have to let anyone else disrupt it.

6 – I focus on being kind and fair.

When you experience adversity, it’s easy to want to be unkind and unfair. You might want to lash out and make others feel bad like you, but it won’t improve the situation. Instead, focus on being kind works in your favor because it makes you feel better and can remedy the experience.

7 – I look for the positives in every situation.

When you see the good in everything, it helps you find strength in hard times. You’ll gain wisdom by watching for the beauty or benefit surrounding an event. Using this affirmation encourages you to remember that good can come from anything.

Finding the positive aspects also helps you find the wisdom to keep moving forward. As you progress, you’ll build strength to grow. It’s a cycle that continues as long as you keep looking for the good around you.

8 – I am breaking unhealthy habits and building stronger ones.

Some of your habits might hold you back on your journey. When you take the time to acknowledge them, you can release them and build better habits instead. Your wisdom in shifting these aspects of your life can help you build strength to continue improving.

Additionally, swapping your unhealthy habits for better ones allows you to live up to your potential. You can do your best when you feel good, helping you reach your goals.

9 – I become a better person with everything that happens.

Whether you experience good or bad outcomes, you become a better person. You might not succeed in what you do the first time, but you get closer to achieving your dreams.

You either learn from what happened or find success in it. Plus, positive affirmations help you develop new skills along the way and form relationships that change your life. No matter what occurs, you’re growing.

10 – I try again when things don’t work in my favor.

Things don’t always go as planned, and it can be discouraging. However, you can find strength and courage in trying again each time you fail.

You can learn from each mistake and make a change in your next attempt. When you continue doing this, you’ll notice that you get close to success each time.

positive affirmations

11 – I am letting go of self-doubt.

When you release your negative feelings and learn to believe in yourself, you’ll experience an improvement in your life. Self-doubt can hold you back from reaching your potential, while this affirmation can help you push forward. Use this affirmation to embrace who you are and trust that you can make things happen.

12 – I learn and grow daily.

You’re sure to build wisdom and strength with continual learning and growth. You’ll realize what you’re capable of, encouraging you to keep moving. This affirmation reminds you to pay attention to the details, allowing you to grow and learn with each action.

13 – I choose happiness, joy, and love.

One of the wisest things you can do is feel positive emotions. You control how you feel and gain strength from choosing positivity. It helps you view the world better and gives a positive outlook on what you can achieve.

14 – I welcome the challenges of each day.

Some days it might seem like the challenges don’t stop coming your way. On other days, you might experience no setbacks, giving you an easy or relaxed day.

However, on the days you can’t avoid challenges, this affirmation can help take them on. Repeat the phrase each morning as you get ready to prepare for anything that happens.

15 – I will focus on positive thinking.

Sometimes you might focus too much on temporary painful thoughts. It can trigger a destructive thinking cycle, where you become consumed by these things. Focusing on a positive thinking cycle helps you build strength and wisdom as you learn the improvements it can make.

A positive thinking cycle involves shifting away from negative thinking and refocusing on the good. You can repeat this affirmation to help you make a habit of positive thinking cycles.

16 – I release anything that doesn’t feel good.

You are whole as you are, and this affirmation reminds you that you don’t need anything in your life that triggers negative feelings. When specific things make you feel bad, cutting them out can help you find the strength to move forward.

17 – I am powerful and worthy.

Telling yourself that you’re powerful and worthy will help you feel it within. It can give you the strength and wisdom it takes to overcome or achieve anything. You deserve good things and are powerful enough to make them happen.

18 – I am okay right now, and things are only improving.

Life isn’t always easy, but this affirmation can give you a boost of positivity. Despite your issues, you improve each day and learn how to do better. This phrase can give you the courage to keep pushing forward to improve your life.

19 – I celebrate others when they experience success.

Feeling anger, jealousy, or envy toward someone when they achieve a goal doesn’t help you move forward. Instead, it triggers negative feelings that hold you back. It makes you think about someone else’s successes instead of your journey, hindering your sense of wisdom and strength.

20 – I control what I focus on and release the rest.

You can’t control everything, and focusing on things you can’t change won’t help you grow. Instead, release the things you can’t control and use your time and energy to focus on the rest.

positive affirmations

Final Thoughts on Positive Affirmations of Wisdom and Strength

Using affirmations can help you find wisdom and strength in everything you do. You can improve your life situation and embrace everything you experience.

Reminding yourself of how strong and wise you are can help you make the best decisions. You’ll know that you can do anything, giving you the courage to lead your best life.

10 Ways to Release Painful Memories From Your Mind

Memories are a tricky thing. It allows us to look back on beautiful moments in our lives and make positive changes for the future. However, sometimes unwanted memories rise to the surface. Sometimes memories are merely uncomfortable, and we cringe at the thought of them. Other times, memories worsen because we associate them with our negative emotions.

If you have trouble pushing aside painful memories or leaving them in the past, that can seriously impact daily life. Because of this negativity, many people will banish painful memories from their minds and try to force themselves to forget about them. Unfortunately, ignoring past pain only allows the feelings to build up or surface when you least expect it. Letting go might seem harder than forgetting altogether, but there are many ways that you can begin this journey.

Whether these memories affect your mood, self-esteem, or ability to function daily, don’t let your memories control you. Learning to let go of traumatic, unpleasant, and upsetting memories can be freeing and empowering. Read on to discover how you can begin releasing these painful memories from your mind.

10 Ways to Release Painful Memories From Your Mind


1.      Committing To Working Towards Releasing These Memories

If you are reading this article, chances are you already have the desire to release painful memories. However, the desire cannot become a reality unless you commit to putting in hard work and effort to let go. If you are in an otherwise stable place mentally, deciding to research and implement strategies to combat painful memories should be intentional. In addition, your motivation should not be to forget the memories that ever happened but rather to accept them as part of your life that you can begin to move on from. This is related to a technique used by many mental health professionals called acceptance and commitment therapy. This therapeutic technique has been proven to work by researchers, and the purpose of it is to embrace negative life experiences.

2.      Gently Confront The Memories

Although it may seem counter-intuitive, revisiting painful memories gently and compassionately can be the first step to letting them go. Make sure you are in a calm and positive mindset before attempting this. Research shows that bringing the memory to mind and thinking about how you felt in the moment can put the pain you experienced into perspective. In our memories, the hurt and pain of past events can overshadow any other parts of that moment.

Think critically about how you felt in the moment. Were there any positives that came out of that situation or positive emotions you can remember about that day? Was it sunny outside? Were you wearing one of your favorite shirts? Considering these details at first may be challenging, but considering them can take the focus away from the pain.

Of course, there are levels to this. If the memory you want to let go of is traumatic, you might need the help of a therapist or psychologist to work through it. But if it was a less traumatic memory, you might want to do this yourself. Sometimes painful memories eat away at our consciousness because we are afraid to think about them. Facing them can help overcome this fear and reassure you that you are safe where the events in that memory can no longer harm you.

3.      Introduce Positive Habits Into Your Lifestyle

Sometimes painful memories can feel like a curse that plagues our everyday life. Because of this, the weight of the memories can deplete our energy, happiness, and wellness in other aspects of our physical and mental health. The further you spiral into a cycle of reliving these memories, the worse the outcome for your mind and body.

Positive habits can be as simple as including light physical activity, a healthy diet, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, and engaging in social life. Painful memories can make us withdrawn and distant from ourselves and others. A good way to override them is to create habits that will improve your overall wellness. When you feel physically and mentally strong, it will be more difficult for those memories to creep back to the surface.

4.      Foster Healthy And Healing Relationships

One of the best ways to overcome painful emotions is to make sure the new memories you make are positive. Surrounding yourself with people who value you and make you feel safe and secure is essential. Creating a warm and nurturing environment for yourself helps painful and traumatic memories fade into the background.

It is easy to feel like you have to work on change all by yourself, but reaching out to others for a shoulder to lean on is never something to be ashamed of. This is particularly the case if you harbor painful memories that revolve around a toxic or abusive relationship you experienced. Another benefit of fostering healthy relationships is that it creates a safe space for you to be vulnerable with a loved one about those memories if that is something you wish to do.

5.      Come Up With Some Positive Affirmations Or Mantras To Manage Your Emotions

Positive affirmations and mantras are not only valuable for fighting against negative thinking, but these techniques also have the power to help lessen the burden of painful memories. Positive affirmations or mantras are phrases you remind yourself of when you fixate on a painful memory. For example, let’s say your painful memory revolves around when you experienced physical violence.

An affirmation surrounding this could be, “I am healthy and whole,” “I feel safe in my environment; that situation is in the past,” or “I am strong and resilient.” At first, it might feel silly to say these affirmations out loud. However, research shows positive affirmations are a powerful psychological tool to combat negative thinking and traumatic memories. Furthermore, positive affirmations are even more powerful when used with other therapeutic methods.


6.      Try Doing Meditation And Mindfulness Exercises

It is essential to be cautious when delving into working through painful memories. Sometimes even thinking of them can trigger one to enter a bad mental state. One activity that is worth trying is meditation and mindfulness.

Experts reveal that meditation is good for everyone’s mental health and wellness and can help them let go and cope with painful memories. If you have never tried meditation or mindfulness exercises, you can find plenty of beginner options for free online. On the other hand, exploring some trauma-based meditation practices might be helpful if you practice meditation but haven’t seen any difference.

7.      Attend A Support Group And Confront Your Emotions and Past Memories

When navigating painful memories, it is easy to feel isolated and alone. Joining a support group of people going through similar hardships may help you find community. Sometimes it takes someone who has been through similar experiences as us to help us feel genuinely understood.

In addition, developing relationships with strangers with whom you do not have established relationships can expand your support group, provide a no-pressure environment for you to express yourself, and allow you to address the painful memories in a safe environment.

8.      Find Tools And Hobbies That Help You Express Yourself

Sometimes it is difficult to find the right words to express a painful memory. This can lead the emotions and thoughts associated with that memory to build up in our minds. Finding some method for self-expression and expelling those emotions into the outside world is essential.

A great way to do this is to find a tool, hobby, or activity that allows you to express yourself. One example would be to take up some form of art like painting, drawing, or photography. Many studies show how art can be a helpful tool in indirectly processing painful memories and the feelings you experienced in the moment and in retrospect.

9.      Stray Away From Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms Sifting Through Past Memories

If your painful memories impact you daily, there is a chance that you have developed some unhealthy coping mechanisms in an attempt to push the memories aside, forget them, or numb your emotions. These can include using substances, eating unhealthy foods in excess, sleeping too much or not enough, isolating yourself from friends and family, working too many hours, or using romantic relationships to forget the pain.

Although it is normal to turn to these quick fixes, at the end of the day, they almost all do more harm than good. Of course, it is not a big deal if you want to have a drink on the weekend to unwind from work, you feel like dedicating one of your days off to sleeping late into the day, or you are eating an unhealthy meal. It becomes a problem when we rely on these methods to feel better.

10.  Explore Those Painful Memories With The Help Of A Trained Professional

Though it may be intimidating to seek professional help, once you take the first step, there is potential for it to be a rewarding experience. Talking it out with an unbiased third party can help organize your thoughts and feelings on the matter in a judgment-free zone. But another reason you might want to acquire the help of a professional is if you do not want to talk about the memory.

There are numerous treatments that clinical psychologists and counselors use to tackle traumatic memories neurologically. For example, one of these treatments is called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). EMDR therapy uses eye movement exercises to release traumatic memories.


Final Thoughts On Some Ways To Release Painful Memories

Painful memories have the power to haunt us long after they occur. While it is normal to have painful memories as you go through life, there is no reason for those memories to impact your quality of life today. Whether you are looking to try intensive therapeutic methods or start slow with something you can do, like meditation or finding an engaging hobby, there is no right way to begin your journey. However, incorporating some of these strategies is the first step to releasing painful memories and past emotions. Then, you can move to move toward a positive and healing future.

13 Reasons You Feel Emotionally Drained

When working your way through life, it is easy to feel drained if you’re too emotional. Whether you are experiencing stressors due to your job, relationships, health, or other parts of life, these stressors strongly impact your emotional well-being. Unfortunately, people get so caught up in personal fitness, job promotions, or perfect relationships that they neglect their emotions.

It is essential to identify why emotional drainage is happening so we can take the first step to healing and feeling better. Often, recognizing the causes behind negative emotions can allow us to change our habits, lifestyle, and thinking patterns for the better. Being emotionally drained could happen to anyone at any time, as there are triggers that can lead to this happening. Read on to discover the many reasons you have felt emotionally drained.

13 Reasons You Feel Emotionally Drained

emotionally drained

1.      Your Work Life Causes You To Feel Emotionally Drained

Countless studies are showing that certain jobs impact emotions stronger than others. Experts have found that emotionally demanding careers such as teachers, healthcare workers, and activists have a high chance of negatively impacting employees’ emotional well-being.

If your job requires you to tap into your emotions to perform the necessary tasks, that can strain them and make it harder to connect with positive emotions outside your workplace. Consequently, this can affect your home life, close relationships, and satisfaction with your daily routine.

2.      You Are A Member Of An Unhealthy Or Toxic Work Environment

Although the last point mentioned that certain work environments are more emotionally taxing than others, any workplace can become emotionally draining if the atmosphere is stressful and toxic.

In extreme cases, some workplaces even develop abusive relationships between supervisors, employees, and colleagues. Suppose you feel like you are often being devalued at work, being asked to do tasks outside your job description, being asked to stay overtime, or being physically or emotionally abused by those at your workplace. In that case, those are clear reasons for emotional exhaustion.

3.      You Are Experiencing Instability In Employment

If you are not currently employed, that can also affect your emotional well-being. Job insecurity is a stressful part of life, no matter who you are. Studies show that the issue of job insecurity increases significantly due to uncertainty.

Uncertainty is enough to emotionally exhaust anyone, let alone if job insecurity accompanies it. This results in emotional withdrawal from family life. It can also impact your self-worth and mental wellness. Unfortunately, most times, job instability is out of our hands. Because of this, it is essential to learn strategies to deal with emotional exhaustion if you are experiencing job insecurity.

4.      You Are Facing Financial Strain Or Poverty

This is similar to the last point but worth mentioning on its own. Sometimes even our jobs are insufficient to pay the bills and manage other financial obligations. If you are constantly falling into debt or drowning in a sea of bills, that can make you feel helpless, stressed, and emotionally drained. It can be challenging to get out of poverty, and it might feel like an impossible goal. However, there are still things we can do and strategies we can learn to avoid the anguish that comes with being emotionally drained for this reason.

5.      You Experience Health Problems When Emotionally Drained

It is well known that when experiencing health problems, we often feel physically drained. But the neglected part of this conversation is the toll physical and psychiatric health problems can take on our emotional wellness. It is common when experiencing health problems to have difficulty functioning like we normally would. Things like going out and socializing, getting enough sleep, and being there for our loved ones can be challenging and sometimes impossible. This is a very valid reason for feeling emotionally drained.

6.      You Are Going Through Turmoil In Your Interpersonal Relationships

Relationships can be the most beautiful part of life. Unfortunately, they also have the potential to be one of the most stressful parts of life. This is exacerbated if the relationship in question is a romantic one. When disagreements or fundamental differences occur between spouses or partners, that can create a tremendous amount of emotional distress. Sometimes when we are focused on family life, raising children, and completing housework, we forget to work on the emotional side of marriage. This can lead to both parties feeling emotionally drained as that part of them is left unfulfilled.

7.      You Do Not Have Any Time To Yourself

If you live a very demanding life, managing your time in a way that allows you to devote time for yourself can be challenging. Sometimes it might even feel selfish to spend time on yourself, but in reality, alone time improves your life and positively impacts those you interact with. When we have time for ourselves, it gives us the space to do the hobbies we love and to truly relax. However, when this time is taken away, it prevents us from adequately processing and dealing with our emotions.

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8.      You Are Not Getting Enough Sleep, Causing Emotionally Drained Feelings

Any doctor will tell you that sleep is essential for all humans to function at their best. Unfortunately, many of us lose sight of this advice and do not prioritize sleep. This happens a lot for those who work long hours, have young children, or have sleeping disorders such as insomnia. When we are physically exhausted, it impacts the whole of our body. There are many correlations found between physical exhaustion and mental or emotional exhaustion.

9.      You Are Not Eating A Healthy And Nourishing Diet

It seems strange to say that the foods we eat have anything to do with emotions. But studies show that what we’re eating when we’re eating, and our relationship with food can have a significant impact on our emotions. If you frequently grab an affordable, fast food order and eat it in the car on the way home, your relationship with food could make you feel worse overall. Throughout history, humans have loved sharing food with others, preparing it ourselves, and eating healthy foods that will make us feel better. If you feel emotionally drained, try slowing down and enjoying a meal with loved ones. It might surprise you how much of a difference it makes!

10.  You Spend An Unhealthy Amount Of Time On Social Media

While social media has only been around for the last few decades, researchers agree that it can negatively impact emotions and overall well-being if not used in moderation. Social media can affect our self-confidence, social abilities, and general anxieties. In addition, social media is a fascinating place to explore.

For example, if you are scrolling through pictures, news, or videos, you might be exposed to happy stories, sad stories, and information that makes you angry simultaneously. If you are already struggling with feeling emotionally drained, taking a break from screen time might make you feel better.

11.  You Are Going Through A Life-Changing Event

Whether moving to a new city, starting a new job, or breaking up a relationship, these significant life changes can exacerbate stress. When we disrupt our routine and have to wrap our minds around change, we are most susceptible to feeling emotionally drained. This can happen even if you are happy and positive about your change. To try to balance these emotions during high-stress changes in your life, do your best to plan and make sure you have plenty of time to take care of yourself in ways that will ease the transition.

12.  You Are Taking On Too Many Things At Once

It is good to keep a full schedule with various activities in your daily life. But knowing how much is too much for you to take on can be challenging. Committing to too many things at once can create inner conflict and emotional turmoil. For example, let’s assume you are working full-time, doing extra-curricular activities, volunteering in the community, caring for loved ones, and pursuing schooling full-time. If you notice it is hard to relax at the end of the day or feel energized in the morning, it might be helpful to cut back on one of these activities. That does not mean you need to stop doing what you like, but perhaps consider part-time schooling or only volunteering once a week.

13.  Grieving The Loss Of A Loved One Causes You To Feel Emotionally Drained

Tragically, a loss is something we all must work through at some point in our lives. The death of a loved one is a very common trigger and reason for becoming emotionally drained. Losing someone we care deeply for can make us feel empty, devastated, and unsure of how to proceed with daily life. In addition, we might find it challenging to experience essential emotions such as happiness and joy when dealing with grief. However, the negative emotions associated with this life event can be more than draining. This is why it is so important to learn healthy coping mechanisms to work through grief, and in some cases, reaching out to a professional could be very beneficial.

emotionally drained

Final Thoughts On Some Reasons Why You Feel Emotionally Drained

Now that we know the reasons and triggers behind emotional exhaustion, taking the next step to learning how to overcome this feeling is essential. It is vital to take action as soon as possible, as emotionally drained people are typically in a constant state of stress. Stress can wreak havoc on the body and mind, and nobody should go through it daily. If you are currently struggling with feeling emotionally drained, don’t worry about reaching out to a loved one or healthcare professional or do independent research to learn how to overcome this feeling.

10 Things Men Look for in Women (Besides Looks)

Men like women who check all the boxes on their proverbial checklist, but does such a woman exist? They want someone who isn’t afraid to hop on that roller coaster of life and ride the steep hills and valleys. Regarding relationships, guys aren’t often as eager to commit as women, and they like to take their time.

Perhaps they’re sowing their wild oats or waiting until they find the perfect match. It’s ingrained since birth that people must find “the one.” Some believe there’s one true soul mate, while others think numerous people can fit into this spot.

Consequently, when it comes to matters of the heart, men want someone reliable and ambitious who dedicates time to self-care and doesn’t take things too seriously. He wants a lady who will stand by his side through thick and thin, and she’s someone with whom there’s an attraction that he can’t deny.

NOTE: If you are a guy wondering what traits women desire in a man, we covered them in a companion article.

Ten Things Most Men Find Attractive in Women

Guys like to date all kinds of women, but it doesn’t mean that he will be serious with any of them. The lady he marries or commits to long-term is vastly different than the others. He wants a woman he is eager to take home and show off to his family.

He’s looking for that girl that he can’t live without in his life. Each man has different desires and needs. But generally, most guys want the same things in their relationships. When it comes to love and finding a soul mate, here are some things many guys value in their partners.


1. Men Want Women With Similar Values

There are different types of attraction; you might be drawn to someone physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Each person has been raised according to the values and morals that their parents taught them since birth. Whether good or bad, the things you’re taught as a child are ingrained in your brain.

It’s often challenging to deprogram those theories if they no longer align with your principles. Your core values can have a significant impact on compatibility in relationships. For instance, holidays can be a sore spot for many people.

Some individuals don’t celebrate Christmas or birthdays, but others believe these days are to be cherished and a big part of the yearly festivities. Being with someone whose views don’t align can be most troublesome. While you can still love and support them, it’s hard when you don’t have similarities and things you can share.

Guys prefer a woman with comparable values as it makes things much easier in their relationship. The attraction can fizzle when you both live separate lives.

2. Kindhearted

All men want a kindhearted woman with a big heart. She’s a person who is caring towards others and is always thoughtful. Women who will do little things for their men to make them happy are the ones they won’t let go.

She makes sure he has coffee in the morning, or she goes across town to get his favorite donuts. It’s all those extras she does that make her so special. She radiates love and warmth, and he wants to be close to her.

When a guy finds this kind soul, he’s eager to commit. The world is full of mean people who don’t have time to help those less fortunate, so when someone is kindhearted, it’s like a breath of fresh air.

3. Men Prefer Women With a Sense of Humor

What fun is life unless there’s a little laughter? There are so many mundane tasks that can make the everyday grind boring. When you add a little humor into the day, it makes things so much better.

Most guys work very hard to provide a good living, so they want a lady that makes their hearts explode with love and puts a smile on their face. Ladies look for the same thing in their partner, as they want someone who makes life’s challenging moments a little more bearable.

Have you ever been around someone who takes everything so seriously? These people often wear their emotions on their sleeves and are easily offended by minor things. It makes life quite uncomfortable when you must walk on eggshells around your partner.

It’s much better to have someone who can laugh and joke with you, as it brings light and joy into the home.

4. Being Family Oriented

Family-oriented women are very different in relationships. They’re usually the ladies close to their parents, strive to get along with their partner’s family, and she’s wanted children since she was a kid. Guys like a woman who is close with her siblings and extended family.

It’s tough bringing two families together when you’re in a relationship, but he wants to ensure that she puts family life as a top priority. Unless he is devoted to his career and doesn’t want children, he will look for the person to be the mother of his kids.

5. Men Like Women to Be Empathetic and Understanding

Having empathy is something fundamental in a relationship. Guys need someone who will understand what they’re going through and listen to them. According to an article published by Lesley University, a person with empathy toward others is usually eager to lend a helping hand.

Guys can’t help but fall in love with a girl who donates her time to charity, provides a shoulder for friends to cry on, and is always there when he needs her to be. She will donate food to a family in her community, and she’s adored by many.


6. Affectionate and Loving

Men like affection, as it’s one of the essential parts of being a couple. They long to be close to the woman who makes their heart skip a beat. They want her to hug, kiss, and hold him.

Guys don’t always do well with women who constantly push them away and need space, as part of their attraction comes from the fireworks they feel during physical touch. Relationships are like complicated math problems where everything must balance. You need affection, love, and many other things to make it work.

7. Communicates Well

Communication is vital in any relationship. Guys usually don’t fall in love through intimate acts alone, as he needs more substance to give their hearts away. He wants to share his deepest desires and be free to be vulnerable. Though it’s often thought that women are the ones who value good communication, guys love when they can talk through any issue and not be judged.

8. Men Like Ambitious Women

Relationships with ambitious women are never dull. Guys want women who challenge their thoughts and stir emotions in them they didn’t know possible. Most men want to take on the world, but it’s easier to have a partner that joins in their endeavors and works beside them.

A man needs a lady who pushes them forward. Have you ever been to a football game? The cheerleaders are there because they boost the team’s morale. Guys need relationships where a woman is like those cheerleaders as they offer tremendous support in the most critical moments.

9. Respectful

One of the fundamental aspects of any relationship is having respect for one another. How can there be an attraction if there’s no respect? Men want you to appreciate their boundaries and listen to them. They don’t want you to embarrass them in public or let them down in life.

Though guys often come across as having a rough and tough exterior, inside, most are softies who quickly get their feelings hurt. They are crushed when they feel criticized, as they have a lot of pride. An article published by Campbell University states that part of having a healthy relationship is accepting your partner without trying to change them.

10. Men Desire Self-Aware Women

Attraction isn’t always cut and dry, as a pretty face doesn’t always mean she’s the right woman. Guys like someone who is self-aware and knows she has a lot of work to do. There’s an authenticity that comes with self-awareness, and it brings him a sense of security that he doesn’t need to put on a façade for her.


Final Thoughts on Desirable Traits in Women

Everyman has a “checklist” for the woman they desire. However, dreams and reality don’t often mesh. Attractions come from more aspects than physical ones, and things like compatibility, knowing your value, and having good esteem are all things to consider.

Men like to play the field and see what’s out there, but they know when they find the person that’s their other half. Ironically, sometimes the things you desire in a partner are far from what you get, but finding happiness and contentment is imperative.

12 Signs of Depression in Men to Never Ignore

Men and women sometimes show different signs of depression. Men tend to mask their emotions, while women express them more freely. It leads to men going undiagnosed but knowing what to watch for can help you recognize someone who is depressed.

Men sometimes develop unhealthy coping methods when experiencing depression. These coping techniques are often the most telling signs that they feel depressed.

There can be irreparable consequences if depression goes undiagnosed. Learning the signs to look for in men can help ensure they receive the help they need.

NOTE: Men aren’t the only ones who show signs, and you can read about depression in women in a separate article. However, this article discusses depression in men, helping you identify the differing indications.

Twelve Signs of Depression in Men

Not all men will exhibit these signs, and they might only show a few. Everyone is different, but this list is a beneficial place to start considering whether someone might be depressed.


1 – Trouble Sleeping

Having trouble sleeping is one of the most obvious signs of depression. Studies show a strong correlation between the two, with nearly 75% of depressed subjects experiencing insomnia.

2 – Frequent Headaches

Being depressed can trigger frequent headaches or migraines. Experts confirm this, with studies showing the correlation.

3 – Back Pain

Depression increases the risk of lower back pain, making it a sign you shouldn’t ignore. It’s not always associated with aches and pains, but studies show the correlation.

This sign often gets dismissed because it can indicate other issues. However, it’s an essential aspect to consider.

4 – Low Self-esteem

A depressed man might feel like he isn’t essential or valuable. Sometimes he’ll even think his loved ones would be better off without him. Constantly feeling this way about who he is can indicate that he’s experiencing mental health issues.

5 – Alcohol or Drug Use

Men are more likely than women to turn to alcohol or drugs to cope with depression. They might feel like they must use substances to get through their day. However, these substances often worsen the negative symptoms instead of helping.

6 – Spending Less Time with Friends and Family

A man who used to love spending time with his friends and family might stop seeing them. His visits and communications will decrease, showing that something is bothering him. Depression often leads to isolation, and you shouldn’t ignore this sign.

7 – Decreased Performance at Work

When a man doesn’t do as well at work as he used to, it’s a red flag. Continued issues indicate that he might be depressed and could use some support.

The man might experience decreased functioning, more absences, or lower productivity. He might also struggle with holding a job and seems to jump around looking for the best fit.

8 – Indecisiveness

It can be hard to make decisions when someone is experiencing mental health problems. They might struggle to decide on major aspects of their life, like their career or where they’ll live. It can also show in minor details, including being unable to choose where to eat or what to wear.

9 – Changed Appetite

Someone with depression might experience an appetite change. The person might eat more or less than usual. Either way, it hints at underlying problems.

10 – Forgetting Things

Being depressed can make a man forget things or experience brain fog. Studies show that they often exhibit poor memory and impaired recollection of events. Other research shows that depression can raise cortisol levels, shrinking or weakening parts of the brain associated with memory.

11 – Decreased Sexual Desire or Performance

When a man loses interest in sex or experiences decreased performance, it could indicate depression. Studies show they might not want to engage in sexual acts as often as before.

12 – Irritability or Anger

A sign of depression in men is unexplained or unwarranted irritability or anger. They might become aggressive or lash out at those around them. Women sometimes do this, too, but it’s more common in men.

Understanding Depression in Men

As a mood disorder, depression can affect someone’s thoughts, feelings, behavior, and body. While it is more common in women, men also experience it. Men are more likely than women to die by suicide, making it essential to recognize the signs.

Depression in men often goes undiagnosed because they don’t discuss it as often or seek treatment from professionals. However, the American Psychological Association shows that at least nine percent of men in the United States experience symptoms daily. More than 30% of men experience it at least once in their lifetime.

While not discussing their feelings is one reason men don’t receive a diagnosis, they’re also more likely to be misdiagnosed. Since they don’t always communicate their feelings, their doctor might only have the physical symptoms to go by. It can lead to miscommunication and an inaccurate diagnosis.

Sometimes mental health conditions aren’t diagnosed because people look for sadness or emotional behavior. However, those signs aren’t always the main symptoms, causing people to overlook the other indicators.


What to do if You’re Depressed

You can’t ignore it if you suspect you or someone you know is depressed. Some of the things you can do include the following:

Reach Out to a Trusted Loved One

Talking about your feelings isn’t always easy, but it can help you. Your loved ones want what’s best for you, and they’ll be there if you want to talk or need company. You might have to push yourself to reach out, but you’ll be glad you did.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a type of psychotherapy that helps you modify your thought patterns. As you change your thoughts, you’ll experience improved mood and behavior, helping ease your symptoms. The therapist will offer direction and guidance to help you overcome negative thoughts and symptoms.

Exercise Regularly

Physical activity releases endorphins that can boost your mood. Exercise can also help take your mind off depression, allowing you to see the positive aspects of your life.

Develop and Stick to a Daily Routine

Having a routine can make each day a little easier to handle. You’ll know what to expect, easing some of the symptoms. It can also help you cope with unexpected changes, create healthy habits, and improve relationships.

Break Tasks Down

When you’re depressed, your tasks might seem daunting. Sometimes you won’t want to start them because you feel like you’ll never finish them.

Breaking your tasks down into more manageable experiences can help you make progress. Once you see your progress, it’ll encourage you to keep going and make you feel better.

Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation can change how you think, helping you release negative thoughts and replace them with positivity. You don’t push away negative thoughts during meditation. Instead, you recognize and acknowledge them without judging or criticizing yourself.

The negative thoughts will cross your awareness, but meditation teaches you to let them go. It helps you realize that bad things don’t always happen because there are other possibilities.

Meditation can also help you learn to stay present rather than becoming lost in your thoughts. You’ll recognize depressive symptoms before they consume your mind, allowing you to find a beneficial way.

Do Yoga

Studies show that yoga can help ease depressive symptoms. You don’t have to be an expert or spend hours doing the exercise to experience the benefits.

More research is needed as the results can vary, although most patients showed improvement. Some potential factors that affect the results include the following:

  • different yoga styles
  • duration of the yoga session
  • the environment you do it in

Try Deep Breathing

Deep breathing can help reduce depressive symptoms. The best breathing exercises for the condition are rhythm-based and can help you reach a restful, meditative state. The rhythm often involves slow, calm breaths that you alternate with fast, stimulating ones.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is essential to managing your mental health. When you don’t get enough rest, you’re more likely to experience depressive symptoms. For those who already have symptoms, lack of sleep can worsen them.

Make an Appointment with a Professional

Your doctor or a mental health professional can diagnose depression and give you resources to help. They’ll have suggestions and healthy coping methods can help you get through.

Reach Out to Emergency Services

Depression can lead to suicidal thoughts or actions. It’s essential to get immediate help if this situation occurs. You can call 911 or contact a suicide hotline. You can also use a free Lifeline Chat to speak with someone if you don’t want to talk on the phone.


Final Thoughts on Signs of Depression in Men to Never Ignore

Depression can be hard to recognize, especially if someone doesn’t show their emotions well. The signs differ for men and women, further confusing the situation. Knowing the signs to watch for can help you or someone you know seeks help.

Increased awareness can make a difference and empower men to seek a diagnosis and treatment options. Treating depression is essential, or the condition could worsen. A man’s overall well-being can improve with treatment, helping him live a happy, fulfilling life.

10 Reasons Someone Is Overthinking Too Much

Overthinking too much is a struggle for many people, and it can cause unnecessary stress and overwhelm. Overthinkers can experience anxiety and worry when they let their mind race too often. However, they often feel like they can’t stop the thought process.

You might spend time worrying about something you said in the past, even if it wasn’t recent. Sometimes you’ll overthink something that may or may not happen. Overthinking too much can happen over anything, but there’s typically an underlying reason.

Understanding the reasons overthinkers do this can help you learn to adjust. You can make changes to help you or help someone you care about if they tend to overthink.

What is Overthinking?

Overthinkers usually repeatedly go over the same thoughts. It leads to overanalyzing simple interactions or situations, making them into something more than they were.

Overthinking too much can negatively impact your life and lead to stress and anxiety. It can prevent you from doing daily activities because it triggers indecision. The thoughts are often negative and unrealistic and can interfere with your relationships with yourself and others.

overthinking too much

Signs of Overthinking

There are a few signs you can look for to see if you’re overthinking too much. You might notice the following:

  • constant worrying and anxiety
  • second-guessing yourself
  • constantly reminding yourself of your mistakes or embarrassing moments
  • indecision
  • mental exhaustion
  • an inability to relax
  • struggling to fall asleep because you fixate on your thoughts
  • frequent negative thoughts
  • having a worst-case scenario thought process
  • thinking about things you may have said wrong in past conversations
  • not being able to think about anything else
  • feeling like everyone has an ulterior motive
  • repeating situations in your mind
  • focusing on things you can’t control
  • struggling to stay present because you dwell on the past

Ten Reasons For Overthinking Too Much

While overthinking too much disrupts your life, there are underlying reasons for it. Overthinkers do this for differing reasons, and it’s often a behavior pattern based on your life experiences.

Specific experiences may also trigger worrying and anxious thoughts. Some of the reasons you might overthink too much include the following:

1 – Having Low Self-Esteem or Doubting Yourself

Low self-esteem and self-doubt lead to spending too much time worrying. It makes you feel unworthy of good things, and you spend too much time telling yourself you can’t improve your life.

You might worry about things from the past, blaming yourself and having regret. Sometimes it involves worrying about things in the present that you can’t control or potential future events.

2 – You Use It as an Excuse

Finding benefits in overthinking can lead to you doing it more often. You might not realize you’re viewing it as a benefit but subconsciously get something out of it.

One example of using it as an excuse is saying you can’t make decisions because you haven’t thought enough about it. When you don’t decide, you might feel like you can’t be at fault if things go wrong.

3 – Increased Stress and Anxiety

When you experience increased overthinking, it might happen because of stress and anxiety. Anxiety is a fear response that can lead to overthinking things that might never happen. Your thoughts will become all consumed as you think of worst-case scenarios about the future.

Increased stress can make it hard for you to understand what’s happening around you. When this happens, you might overthink and struggle with making decisions.

4 – You Fear Conflict

Conflict isn’t a good time, but it is necessary sometimes. Being scared can lead to overthinking too much because you try to find ways to avoid it. It makes you lose faith in your ability to handle it and triggers a negative thought loop that makes you think you’re in danger.

Overthinking might help you avoid conflict but also leads to more worry. You’ll begin to overthink and worry about your excuse for avoiding the conflict. It can also trigger internal conflict because you didn’t resolve the external issue.

5 – Childhood Conditioning

You might become conditioned to overthinking during your childhood. When you use overthinking as a coping method, it can follow you through your life.

6 – Wanting a Solution, Even if There Isn’t One

Overthinking might make you believe you can solve a problem despite evidence against it. Turning to denial and telling yourself that you can find an answer is a defense mechanism.

There might not be a solution, or you’ll come up with one you can’t guarantee. However, you deny these potential outlooks and keep striving to find an answer.

7 – Looking for an Escape

Life doesn’t always work out the way you hoped, and it can leave you feeling like you need an escape. When your daily life becomes too stressful, overthinking can take over.

You’ll turn to your thoughts to escape daily problems and avoid the outside world. Overthinking too much can be a coping method to avoid dealing with situations you don’t want to handle.

8 – It Makes you Feel Like You’re in Control

Feeling helpless is hard, especially when you want to help those you love. Overthinkers might think they can do more to help, giving them a sense of being in control. It allows someone to feel better as they remain convinced they can do more than is realistic.

9 – Experiencing Life Issues

Many times, overthinking occurs because of daily issues in your life. It might involve your finances, career, health, relationships, or anything else.

When something bothers you, it might trigger overthinking as you replay bad things that happen. It can also lead to overthinking as you constantly think about how to fix your problem. However, many times, overthinking is unproductive and doesn’t help.

10 – Perfectionist Tendencies

Striving for perfection can lead to overthinking too much because you’ll always feel like you’re not living up to your potential. Since no one is perfect, you’ll often replay experiences in your mind, considering what you could have done differently.

Perfectionist tendencies involve setting unreachable standards for yourself, resulting in negative feelings when you don’t measure up. It can make it hard to move forward because you constantly think about what you can do better or things you messed up.


Four Problems That Come From Overthinking Too Much

While overthinking might seem harmless, it can lead to issues in your life. Some of the problems with overthinking too much include the following:

1 – Overthinking Too Much Can Cause Health Issues

Overthinking can lead to focusing on negative events, often causing you to blame yourself. Studies show that this thought process is one of the biggest causes of mental health issues. Another study shows that it can also affect your physical health.

2 – You Might Struggle to Make Basic Decisions

When you overthink, it can leave you torn between multiple choices. It can lead to not deciding, letting the issue continue, or missing an opportunity.

3 – It Interferes with Seeing the Good in Your Life

Constant negative thoughts can make it hard to see the good in your life. When you don’t recognize the positives, it can make it hard to complete tasks or engage with loved ones.

4 – Overthinking Too Much Can Make You React Slowly in an Emergency

When someone gets hurt or there’s another emergency, you might react slowly if you overthink. Getting help is essential in an emergency, and an overthinker might prolong the action. It might make you fixate on what happened rather than on what you should do immediately.

How to Ease Overthinking too Much

Understanding why you overthink and how it affects your life can help you make positive changes. You can overcome overthinking and learn to develop a healthy thought process. It won’t happen overnight, but the following ideas can help you progress toward stopping overthinking:

Understand the Triggers for Overthinkers

Learning about the things that trigger overthinking can help you stop. You can avoid your triggers or find ways to heal from trauma. Think about when you overthink most often and start looking for your triggers in those situations.

Recognize the detrimental aspects of overthinking too much

Consider the negativity involved in overthinking. Remind yourself that repeating thoughts in your mind won’t help you feel better and can cause further issues.

Write it Down and Perform a Brain Dump

You can stop overthinking by writing about the things on your mind. It helps clear your mind and reset your thoughts. You can write in detail or list the thoughts running through your mind.

Overthinkers Should Perform Physical Activity

Consider doing something active when you can’t seem to stop overthinkers from engaging in this habit. Using your body for physical activity can help you focus on something other than your thoughts.

Spend time Outside

Getting outside can help you clear your thoughts and focus on positivity. The beauty of nature can help you appreciate the world rather than fixate on a negative thought loop.

overthinking too much

Final Thoughts on Overthinking Too Much

Overthinking happens to everyone, but frequent occurrences can negatively affect your life. It can disrupt your health and well-being, causing you to forget the good things you have.

Understanding why you experience overthinking too much can help you make beneficial changes. Once you work on overcoming the issue, you’ll feel better about your overall life.

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